Category Archives: d-disarmament

English bulletin December 1, 2022


As the war in Ukraine threatens to unleash a new world war, the peace movement is rising to the occasion to provide an alternative.

In this month’s CPNN, we carry articles from the peace movements in the United States, Italy, France, England and Germany, as well as information about the remnants of peace movements in Ukraine and Russia.

In the United States and Canada antiwar actions were held in more than 70 areas at the end of October.  The actions took place in answer to a call from the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC), and were joined by a coalition of antiwar groups from Canada and also by some European countries. The actions filled a void during the pre-election campaigns in the United States because the Ukraine War was not debated by the candidates of either political party. The UNAC demands are “Stop Washington’s war moves toward Russia and China; Stop endless wars: Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Palestine, everywhere.”

In Rome, Italy, 30,000 people took part in a demonstration demanding negotiations for peace in the Ukraine. It was organized by the trade unions CGIL, CISL and UIL, ARCI, ACLI, ANP, together with the community of Sant’Egidio, the association Libera, Emergency, Sbilanciamoci and the Aoi. Reduce military spending in favor of investments for poverty, ecological transition and decent work, guarantee shared security, which “does not come from weapons that only cause suffering to the populations”: these were some of the demands raised by the stage.

150 activists from 62 of the 101 departments in France were delegates to the congress of Mouvement de la Paix that met in November in the City Hall of Tours. The Congress was also attended by activists from 14 other countries and representatives of national organizations such as Arac, CGT, Free Thought, ACCA, Teachers for Peace, Pugwash, Initiative for Nuclear Disarmament (IDN), Afcdrp, International Feminist Initiative, Europ Ecology The Greens (EELV), Pcf, Pax Christi, Ccfd, Solidarity peoples, Acat, France Kurdistan, Christian migrants, peace educators, international handicap, family planning. An appeal from the Congress calls for national days of action on December 13-14, for a Christmas ceasefire in the Ukraine, and for a world mobilization against all wars on 24 February 2023.

In Germany, after a two-year break, the nationwide Peace Council 2022 will take place as a face-to-face event on December 10th and 11th. This meeting comes at a time when: the Ukraine war is escalating into an open proxy war between NATO and Russia; humanity is threatened by nuclear self-destruction; the EU economic war is leading to massive social protests; open debate is restricted on these topics; and there is a great need for discussion within the peace movement.

In England, the first ever trade union conference of the Stop the War movement will take place on 21 January. The call says “It’s vital that we connect the struggles of the anti-war and labour movements and make the call to ‘cut warfare not welfare’ at this crucial time. We stand alongside our teachers, nurses, firefighters, lecturers and all those who refuse to see their living standards eroded to pay for the misery of war.”

In the Ukraine, the small, but persistent, peace movement, from which we published an anti-war manifesto earlier this year, continues to send its message of peace to Western activists, including an eloquent letter that was read to the meeting of Mouvement de la Paix mentioned above.

As for a peace movement in Russia, the thousands, even millions, of voices that we published earlier this year in CPNN, have mostly been silenced by Russian authorities. However, some Russian anti-war activists have fled to other countries and continue to publish. A good example is Meduza which recently published an article describing the reactions of Russian mothers against the war in Ukraine. They were excluded from the meeting that Putin held with mothers of Russian soldiers.

Looking into the future, let’s support the call of Mouvement de la Paix for a Christmas ceasefire and world mobilization on February 2023. In the Ukraine, all sides of the war are suffering and need a ceasefire. And in the rest of the world where over 100 armed conflicts are continuing, the people long for peace.



France: Echoes of the national congress
of Mouvement de la Paix



Abu Dhabi opens the ninth edition
of the Peace Forum



In COP27 Speech, Lula Vows to Make Amazon
Destruction ‘A Thing of the Past’



Mayors for Peace: The Hiroshima Appeal




How the Islamic Revolution Gave Rise
to a Massive Women’s Movement in Iran



Peace Pals International Art Exhibition
and Awards



The Western Sanctions That Are ‘Choking’
Syria May Be Crimes Against Humanity



Because ‘Publishing Is Not a Crime,’
Major Newspapers Push US to Drop Assange Charges

English bulletin September 1, 2022


Speaking at the United Nations at the opening of the Tenth Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (10th NPT Review), Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned that humanity is “just one misunderstanding, one miscalculation away from nuclear annihilation.” “The risks of proliferation are growing and guardrails to prevent escalation are weakening.   And crises — with nuclear undertones — are festering, From the Middle East and the Korean Peninsula to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, and to many other factors around the world.” 

A few days later Guterres went to Hiroshima where he spoke at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony, marking the anniversary of the atomic bombing, the most horrendous terrorist act in human history. At his press conference, he stated that the world is in danger of forgetting the lessons forged in this city 77 years ago.  He added that it is unacceptable for states in possession of nuclear weapons to admit the possibility of nuclear war.  He stressed that we must use every avenue of dialogue, diplomacy and negotiation to ease tensions and eliminate the nuclear threat.

Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui, speaking at the ceremony, said, “I call on the leaders of the nuclear-weapon states to visit the atomic-bombed cities where they can personally encounter the consequences of using nuclear weapons and strengthen their will to take these steps. I want them to understand that the only sure way to protect the lives and property of their people is to eliminate nuclear weapons.”

Speaking 3 days later at the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, Tomihisa Taue, the mayor of that city said: “In January this year, the leaders of the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France and China released a joint statement affirming that ‘a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.’ However, the very next month Russia invaded Ukraine. Threats of using nuclear weapons have been made, sending shivers throughout the globe. . . . Instead of waging war, mankind should foster “a ‘culture of peace’ that spreads trust, respects others and seeks resolutions through dialogue.”

Mayor Tomihisa Taue then traveled to the United Nations where he addressed the meetings of the 10th NPT Review, recalling “the hibakusha’s long-standing call for the abolition of nuclear weapons—which has resonated throughout the world, raising awareness of their inhumanity. Nevertheless, decades of such effort can be undone if just one nuclear-weapon state decides to use all of its power to tyrannize other states.” He urged the attendees to fulfill the nuclear disarmament obligations as stipulated in Article VI of the NPT, as well as to propose concrete strategies to ensure progress in nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation measures. He also expressed the determination of Mayors for Peace, to continue striving for a world without nuclear weapons. He closed his statement by imparting a message: May Nagasaki be the last wartime atomic bombing site.

The messages from Hiroshima and Nagasaki were echoed around the world. In Winchester, United Kingdom, the mayor presided over an event to commemorate the bombings, saying, “I share the spirit of my fellow Mayor of Nagasaki, who stated, ‘I hereby declare to do the utmost to realise the abolition of nuclear weapons and everlasting world peace’.” And in Nagpur, India, more than 5000 people visited the event No More Hiroshima: No More Nagasaki.

The 10th NPT Review ended at the United Nations in New York without even reaching a joint statement, let alone taking any concrete steps towards nuclear disarmament. However, in reporting the results, the peace organization Unfold Zero, stated that some of the issues mentioned at the conference, such as nuclear risk reduction, non-use of nuclear weapons in armed conflict, the adoption of no-first-use policies and negative security assurances, will be raised in other forums. “We encourage you to stay tuned and engaged in this.”

More than ever, we need a global movement for nuclear disarmament!



Humanity’s just one misunderstanding away from ‘nuclear annihilation’ warns UN chief



Solidarity with the Palestinians and the forces of peace operating in Israel



Mexico: Curricular Strategy on Gender Equality to be implemented in public schools



United Nations Secretary-General in Japan, 5–8 August



Nigeria: Reps Push For ‘Silence The Guns’ Implementation



Colombia: Peacebuilding in Viotá, a model that seeks to be replicated throughout the country



Honduras: A massive march cries out for peace in Olancho



Mexico: International Diploma in Development and Culture of Peace at the UAZ

English bulletin July 1, 2022


Two sets of events this month promise progress towards a culture of peace.

In Colombia, the newly-elected President Gustavo Petro promises to re-invigorate the peace process, while at the same time the Colombian Truth Commission has published its long-awaited report.

The election of Petro is the first time in the history of Colombia that a left-wing candidate has been elected President. Petro based his candidature on the promise to complete the peace process by making peace with the ELN guerillas, and to ensure the safety of community leaders and former FARC guerillas. This will not be easy since during the administration of the outgoing President Duque 4,930 leaders were assassinated.

The Colombian Truth Commission has been working since 2018 to clarify the violations that occurred during the armed conflict and to contribute to uniting Colombian society so it can advance towards the construction of a future of peace for all. As expressed by newly-elected President Petro, “The truth cannot be a space for revenge.”

Also in June, two important international meetings took place in the struggle to abolish nuclear weapons.

On 9-10 June scholars and experts met in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, to discuss the importance, challenge and prospects for Nuclear-weapon-free zones (NWFZ). The participants congratulated Mongolia on the 30th year of its unprecedented initiative to establish a single-State NWFZ.

More than half of the world is now covered by Nuclear-weapon-free zones, as shown in the world map published with the article from Mongolia.

Then on 21-23 June, the historic first Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons met in Vienna and adopted a political declaration and practical action plan that set the course for the implementation of the Treaty and progress towards its goal of the total elimination of nuclear weapons.

CPNN readers may recall that the Treaty was was adopted by a majority of States (122) at the UN on July 7, 2017 (See CPNN bulletin for August 2017) and it entered into force on January 22, 2021 (see CPNN bulletin for February 2021).

The urgency of these initiatives was underlined in the most recent report from SIPRI, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Of the total inventory of an estimated 12 705 nuclear warheads at the start of 2022, about 9440 were in military stockpiles for potential use. Of those, an estimated 3732 warheads were deployed with missiles and aircraft, and around 2000—nearly all of which belonged to Russia or the USA—were kept in a state of high operational alert. SIPRI adds that nuclear arsenals are expected to grow over the coming decade.

The war in Ukraine runs the risk of escalating into a nuclear war. Speaking at the meeting in Vienna, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, “The once unthinkable prospect of nuclear conflict is now back within the realm of possibility.

Cities have no use for nuclear weapons. Hence the United States Conference of Mayors has called on the U.S. and the other nuclear-armed states to commit to a process leading to the adoption no later than 2030 of a timebound plan for the global elimination of nuclear weapons by 2045. The European Chapter of Mayors for Peace expressed their solidarity with Ukrainian cities and called for a long-term vision of international security that overcomes nuclear deterrence. They attended and supported the Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapon in Vienna that is mentioned above. Activists in a number of European cities mounted actions to support that meeting.

We conclude with homage to the great peace activist Bruce Kent who passed away at the age of 93 last month in England. One of his last acts was to join a small CND delegation delivering a letter to the Russian Embassy in London, which said: “For the sake of Ukrainian children taking shelter from Russian missiles; for the sake of all those who will die if the situation escalates and for the sake of the millions of us who will perish if the heightened risk of nuclear war turns into a nuclear conflict, we urge your government to halt the attacks, withdraw the troops and withdraw the nuclear threats.”



Ulaanbaatar Statement on Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones



Gabon: Training to Prepare Project of Youth as Weavers of Peace



One year driving action for gender equality. One year of Generation Equality



Colombia: What is Gustavo Petro’s campaign proposal for ‘total peace’?



La Via Campesina calls on States to exit the WTO and to create a new framework based on food sovereignty



Algeria: 19th edition of the Mediterranean Games



Colombia: Final report of the Truth Commission: an oral and written legacy for the country



Mexico: First issue of the electronic magazine “Culture of Peace” published by the State Human Rights Commission

Can the peace movement help stop the war in the Ukraine?

There is a very extensive movement to stop the war in the Ukraine, but as of two months into the war, in April, 2022, it is not clear if the war can be stopped.

One recalls the movements against the US war in Vietnam and later against the US war in Iraq. The movements were very strong, but the wars continued for many years with millions of casualties.

Will it be different this time?

If it is possible to reach an armistice in the war, the peace movements will have played an important role.

Unfortunately, it seems that the goal of the American empire is not to achieve an armistice, but to continue to arm Ukraine with the goal of a complete military defeat of Russia.

Perhaps the war will drag on for many years until Ukraine is reduced to a state of devastation similar to that of Vietnam, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, victims of other recent wars.

Or perhaps it will escalate into World War III . . .

For an analysis written in June 2023 with conclusions similar to the above, but with extensive detail and documentation, see the following by Professor John J. Mearsheimer: The Darkness Ahead: Where The Ukraine War Is Headed

Note added July 2023. In little over a year, we have published almost 60 articles on this subject, and the ranks of peacemakers continue to swell and reach a higher level, as indicated by our latest CPNN bulletin.


Below are articles in CPNN about this question:

Kremlin, NATO at odds over pope’s call for Ukraine to show ‘white flag’ and start talks

Ukrainian Pacifists Decide to Participate in Implementation of the Ukrainian Peace Formula

Exclusive: Putin’s suggestion of Ukraine ceasefire rejected by United States, sources say

American Attitudes about the Conflict in Ukraine

Russian Attitudes about the Conflict with Ukraine

Wives of Russian soldiers descend on Putin campaign office to demand demobilisation

Week of Global Mobilization for Peace in Ukraine

Demonstration for Peace in Ukraine Held in Budapest

The International Peace Bureau (IPB) Has Announced its Intention to Nominate Three Remarkable Organizations with a Focus on the Right to Conscientious Objection for the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize

Russia-Africa Summit Held Amid Worsening Global Security Situation

Ukraine: Saudi Arabia, UN, 40 Other Countries Hold Peace Talk In Jeddah

Russian War Opponents: The Diaspora

Lula meets the Pope, talks world peace

Putin tells Africans: Russia doesn’t reject negotiations with Ukraine

International civil society from Vienna: “We need negotiations that can strengthen the logic of Peace instead of the illogic of war.”

Austrian Censorship of Peace Conference Is An Outrage

Can Pope Francis bring peace to Ukraine?

Uk: A Win for Peace: UCU Opposes the War in Ukraine

Peace by Peaceful Means: International Summit for Peace in Ukraine

Mouvement de la Paix: Chinese Peace Plan

Chinese proposal of principles for a peace settlement of the Ukraine War and reactions around the world

Big Peace Rally in Germany: Despair and Joy

Yurii Sheliazhenko: Peace in Ukraine: Humanity Is at Stake

National March on Washington March 18 : Peace in Ukraine

Vatican: Women raise their voices for peace

France: Mouvement de la Paix for peace in Ukraine 24-25 February

UK National Demonstration: Peace Talks Now – Stop the War in Ukraine

What Do Ukrainians Want? Not an Uncompromising Battle That Puts Them in Grave Danger

Make peace, not war The Kremlin’s internal polling shows that more than half of Russians now favor negotiations with Ukraine

USA: Statement from Faith Organizations and Leaders Calling for a Christmas Truce in Ukraine

Ukraine: Message from Yurii Sheliazhenko to Mouvement de la Paix November 19

Russian mothers oppose the war

Say NO to U.S. wars! Actions took place in more than 70 areas across the US and Canada

Marching for peace in Ukraine: thousands in Rome ask for the peaceful resolution of the war

Statement of Moscow Helsinki Group

Peace Agenda for Ukraine and the World

Several Hundred Detained as Russians Protest Mobilization

Russia: Pop Diva Alla Pugacheva Comes Out Against the War

Proposal for a nuclear weapon trade-off to end the Russia/Ukraine war

Moscow TV protester plays ‘Russian roulette’ with risky comeback

Position of World’s Governments on Ukraine Considered Insane Pacifism in U.S.

The Second Level Geopolitical War in Ukraine Takes Over

A Nordic Initiative for Peace in Ukraine and Lasting World Peace

Facing severe repression, Russians are turning to antiwar graffiti

Appeal of the Clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church Calling for Reconciliation and an End to the War

More examples available of Russian opposition to the war against Ukraine

March 17: The struggle for free flow of information about the Russian war against Ukraine

Can Putin control Russian information?

Abolition 2000 Member organizations oppose Russian invasion of Ukraine

China: Academic dissent emerges on war in Ukraine but is censored

Russians are against the war on Ukraine

Ukraine: UNESCO statement following the adoption of the UN General Assembly resolution

Germany: Bodensee Peace Region: No rearmament! Practice nonviolence

How the U.S. Started a Cold War with Russia and Left Ukraine to Fight It

Russian anti-war movement takes shape on the streets – and on screens

Thousands of IT workers in Russia sign public anti-war petition

Russian teachers against the war

Lukoil, Russia’s largest private company, comes out against the war

Ukraine war: families of unhappy Russian conscripts could undermine Kremlin’s war effort

Open letter of Russian mathematicians against the war in Ukraine

Peace appeal from leading chess players of Russia to the President of the Russian Federation

Thousands of Russian cultural figures sign open letter against the war

An open letter from Russian scientists and science journalists against the war with Ukraine

USA: A Labor Statement on the Crisis in Ukraine

German petition against war in the Ukraine

Statement of Ukrainian Pacifist Movement

Statement of Peace Supporters against the Party of War in the Russian leadership

International Peace Bureau : Common Security Approaches to Resolve the Ukraine and European Crises

USA: United National AntiWar Coalition : US and NATO aggression towards Russia – danger at the Ukrainian Border

UK: Stop the War statement on the crisis over Ukraine

France : War is never the solution. Yes to a negotiated political solution.

English bulletin March 1, 2021


The African Union (AU) increasingly promotes a culture of peace on the continent.

As described in a new book by Kathryn Nash, the African Union has developed, since its beginning at the turn of the century, a conflict management policy that was not available to its predecessor, the Organization of African Unity. Currently, the AU deploys monitors, authorizes peace support operations, and actively engages to resolve internal conflicts.

The 34th Session of the African Union Summit ended on 7 February 2021 with the new Chair, President Felix Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), outlining an ambitious agenda, including combating climate change, expediting regional integration, investing in human capital, promoting Africa’s culture, empowering women and youth, and accelerating the operationalization of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

One of the priorites mentioned by President Tshisekedi is the “Silencing the Guns” campaign, which has been extended to 2030, and now consists of a roadmap and practical steps to achieve its objectives. There will be a two-year periodic review of implementation.

As part of Youth Silencing the Guns Campaign, the Office of the Youth Envoy (OYE) in collaboration with partners has recently provided grants to four youth projects:
– Silencing the Climate Crisis Award to project Ibn El Bitar (Algeria)
– Silencing Gender-Based Violence Award to #ShutItAllDown movement (Namibia)
– Silencing Corruption Award
to Citizens Gavel Foundation for Social Justice (Nigeria)
– Silencing Youth Unemployment Award
to Garden of Hope Foundation (Kenya)

Another recent initiative of the AU Office of the Youth Envoy has been the virtual meetings of women activists in the five regions of Africa, which resulted in a Africa Young Women’s Manifesto. The Manifesto is a comprehensive document addressing all aspects of the culture of peace.

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), mentioned as a priority for the AU, began operation on January 1, 2021. This may become an important contribution to the culture of peace on the continent as it may transform conflicts across the continent by reducing the incentives for participating in conflicts, via the creation of jobs. AfCFTA has the potential to promote women’s equality in Africa as stated in remarks to the AU Summit by outgoing President Cyril Ramaphosa. He stated that state parties would report annually on progress made in strengthening women’s participation in continental trade matters. “This includes tailor made financial products for women with reliable means to save, access, transfer and borrow money.” He called for a “women-led Peace Forum to be attended by Heads of State and Government and to implement decisions of the Peace and Security Council to institutionalise the office of the special envoy on women, peace and security.”

In his remarks to the AU summit, incoming President Felix Tshisekedi also confirmed the AU participation in the 2nd Biennale of Luanda on the Culture of Peace to be held in Angola in September, 2021 (see the many articles on this in CPNN). The strategic objective of the Biennale is to promote a peaceful and prosperous Africa through the defense and encouragement of actions that prevent conflicts in the management of national and cross-border natural resources on the African continent, as well as to educate a generation of young Africans as agents of peace, stability and development. The theme of the event this year will be: “Art, Culture and Heritage: Levers to build the Africa we want”.

In her analysis of the African Union, Kathryn Nash Nash argues that the devlopment of its conflict management policy largely happened within the African context, and international pressure was not a determinant factor in its evolution. If the AU continues its independent development, it has a chance to escape from the culture of war that was imposed by the old colonial powers and that is maintained by the economic exploitation of Africa by the empires of Europe, United States and China. The development of the new continental free trade zone can help protect this independence and enable an Africa in peace.


Book review: African peace: Regional norms from the Organization of African Unity to the African Union


Central Africa: Ambassador Sita José Analyzes Luanda Biennial With ECCAS Commissioner


New UNEP synthesis provides blueprint to urgently solve planetary emergencies and secure humanity’s future


Colombia: Cultural spaces for the construction of peace

In addition to articles, we list virtual events for the culture of peace: Click here for upcoming events. Last month we registered 23 virtual events.



New ICC ruling ‘opens the door’ for justice in occupied Palestine – Independent UN expert


‘Women and girls belong in science’ declares UN chief  


G5 Sahel: Heads of State announce Prize for the promotion of the culture of peace


Brazil: Culture of Peace in schools will be the subject of a webinar on February 18th

US war against Venezuela: How can it be prevented?


US invasion of Panama in 1989: Is Trump trying to repeat this for Venezuela?
(click on image to see video)

The following email was sent by CPNN to its mailing lists on April 2, 2020:

I have never used this mailing list for anything except the CPNN bulletin.

However, the threat of Trump to make war against Venezuela demands a special and unique response from all of us.

Here are the sources:
Associated Press
Russian Television Website

For the moment, it seems that this news is being ignored by other commercial media.

If you are in the USA, I suggest you contact your senator with a message similar to the following:

Please use your influence in the Senate to prevent Trump from starting a war with Venezuela which could lead to World War III because of the support to Venezuela from Russia and China. Trump is trying to divert attention from the medical and economic crisis but he is producing a crisis that is even more dangerous.

If you are in a country that is in NATO or the UN Security Council, I suggest you contact your government with a message similar to the following:

Please use your influence in the [UN Security Council] [direction of NATO] to prevent Trump from starting a war with Venezuela which could lead to World War III because of the support to Venezuela from Russia and China. Trump is trying to divert attention from the medical and economic crisis but he is producing a crisis that is even more dangerous.

If you are not in one of the above countries, you can still urge your government to call a special session of the UN General Assembly to deal with the crisis.

Peace through struggle, and patience,

David Adams
CPNN coordinator

Here are the CPNN articles on this subject:

English bulletin March 1, 2020


Nuclear disarmament. New York City is becoming the most recent city to plan for divestment of their funds from the nuclear weapons industry. Public hearings in the city on January 28 heard from a wide range of speakers in favor of this action. Speakers included the global campaign, Move the Nuclear Weapons Money, Mayors for Peace, young peope from Peace Boat and a representrative from the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), which won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017. Participants at the hearing expressed their love of the city and strong unwillingness to see New York, or any other place on the Earth, to be exposed to the threat of irreversible destruction that nuclear weapons poses.

Hundreds of cities have joined the cities appeal of ICAN calling for the total abolition of nuclear weapons. The appeal states: “Our city/town is deeply concerned about the grave threat that nuclear weapons pose to communities throughout the world. We firmly believe that our residents have the right to live in a world free from this Threat. Any use of nuclear weapons, whether deliberate or accidental, would have catastrophic, far-reaching and long-lasting consequences for people and the environment. Therefore, we warmly welcome the adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons by the United Nations in 2017, and we call on our national government to join it.”

The Appeal is also supported by Mayors for Peace with its network of 7675 cities in 163 countries around the world. The most recent city to support the appeal, on January 27, was Oxford in the UK.

Sustainable development. UN Habitat recently sponsored the Tenth World Urban Forum to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agreed by world leaders in 2015. At the meeting, which took place in Abu Dhabi from 8-13 February, the 13,000 participants  recognized that “an increasingly urbanized world is a ‘transformative force’ that can be harnessed and steered to boost sustainable development.” Among the organizations of cities taking part in the Forum was ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability), a network of cities in over 100 countries, with global experts in 22 offices.

At the World Urban Forum, the Global Parliament of Mayors presented a project called the Virtual Parliament, an online tool to connect with Mayors around the world, to debate and vote on political issues and to exchange experiences. For example, it has supported an action of the US congress of Mayors against gun violence.

Reducing international tensions. The organization of International Cities of Peace reports that the first City of Peace on the Korean peninsula was established February 5 near the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in Pocheon. A major celebration was held at City Hall where Mayor Park signed a Proclamation as a crowd of media, dignitaries, and over 100 citizens packed the hall. Pocheon has the potential to help make the dream of Reunification of South and North Korea come true in order to benefit citizens of both countries.

Urban violence. A new initiative, the Strong Cities Network (SCN), is working with a broad coalition to reduce urban violence. According to the SCN, “Today, 83% of deadly violence occurs outside of conflict zones, with the majority of this violence concentrated in cities.” Their report highlights successful initiatives in Glasgow (Scotland), Oakland (California), and cities in Ecuador.

Tackling urban violence is also the priority of the World Forum on Cities and Territories of Peace, which is a project of the United Cities and Local Governments. Previous forums were held in Madrid in 2017 and 2018. The next one will take place this coming October in Mexico City to construct “solutions that promote urban environments capable of eliminating expressions of violence.”

According to the Strong Cities Network,”Nation states have dominated the global political arena for centuries, but with more than half of the world’s population today residing in cities, it may be time to rethink who should be at the table when it comes to decisions on how we can reduce violence.” The same could be said with regard to nuclear disarmament, sustainable development and the reduction of international tensions.



Strong Cities Network: Reducing violence is not impossible, and cities are proving this


Peace promotion in the Sahel: The best award-winning radio productions


Amnesty International: New generation of young activists lead fight against worsening repression in Asia


New York City hearings pave the way for nuclear weapons divestment


For Bob Marley’s 75th Birthday, Ziggy Marley Reflects On His Father’s Legacy


The Wet’suwet’en Fight Against New Pipeline Spreads Across Canada with Blockades & Occupations


Switzerland: Lutheran World Federation marks World Interfaith Harmony Week


Devoted to discovery: seven women scientists who have shaped our world

Drones (unmanned bombers), Should they be outlawed?

Here’s what Kathy Kelly said as she went to prison for protesting the use of drones by the United States:

It’s a good time to be very uncompromising with regard to the United States’ wars. These wars are murderous. The wars are killing civilians, as has been happening in the United States’ wars since World War II. Now 90 percent of the people killed in wars are civilians. And this is true certainly with the drone strikes. The Reprieve organization has said that for every one person who is selected as a target for assassination, 28 civilians are killed. And even just three nights ago, there was another targeted assassination in which they hit two homes in the Logar province, and six people were wounded, four people were killed, all of them civilians.

Here are the CPNN articles on this subject:

US: Why Daniel Hale Deserves Gratitude, Not Prison

The growing use of weaponised drones risks destabilising global peace and security

Peace Activist Kathy Kelly Heads to Prison for Protesting U.S. Drone War

Germany: 5000 people protest in Ramstein – drone war is murder. We will be back!

USA: We come to the gates of Hancock Drone Base today to install a memorial of Jerry Berrigan.

USA Exclusive: Air Force Whistleblowers Risk Prosecution to Warn Drone War Kills Civilians, Fuels Terror

United States: Ad for drone pilots to refuse runs in Air Force Times

Ban ‘Killer Robots’ Before It’s Too Late

UN Counter-Terrorism Expert to launch inquiry into the civilian impact of drones and other forms of targeted killing

Protesters march on RAF base calling for UK’s killer drones to be banned

Medea Benjamin to Receive 2014 Gandhi Peace Award (United States)

A culture of peace in Iraq, Is it possible?

Awaiting comment

Here are the CPNN articles on this subject:

Can Cyprus be reunited in peace?

Since 2003 CPNN has carried at least ten articles about initiatives to promote peace and reconciliation on the island of Cyprus that has been divided since 1983 between two sides with allegiance to the ancient enemies Greece and Turkey.

The Presidents of the two sides of the island have called for reconciliation on several occasions mentioned in these articles, but the most consistent action has been carried out at the grassroots by organizations of teachers from the two sides.

CPNN has been describing the education project since it began in 2016.

In 2018-2019, the educational programme “Imagine” which addresses primary, lower and upper secondary and vocational schools managed to bring together 3665 students and 397 teachers from more than a 100 Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot schools from across Cyprus.

At the the ‘Imagine’ Head Teachers Conference in December 2019, Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades met with Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci. Anastasiades said “there is no other choice or alternative but to bring peace to our land”. In his address, the Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci referred to the importance of cultivating a culture of peace in Cyprus and highlighted the value of education.

Akinci added that the decision with President Anastasiades to form the bicommunal technical Committee back in 2015 was “the most important decision we took with my friend Nicos.” That committee thas supported the educational programme “Imagine.”

Here are the CPNN articles on this subject: