At CPNN, we are beginning to receive notices of free virtual events concerning the culture of peace. In order to inform our readership of these events, we will try an experiment: a “rolling article” about these events. We will try to update the listing every day or two, removing the events that are past (listed here) and adding new events as they are received at our contact email address. To be included here, an event must be free and must provide a registration link. Unless otherwise indicated the events are in English.
We will also include here the application deadlines for initiatives promoting the culture of peace.

Zoom is one of many new technologies available for virtual conferences.
Saturday October 2, 10am – 12 noon Eastern Time USA, 4-6pm Central Europe Time
Nonviolence in the 21st Century / La non-violence au 21ème siècle
Methods and examples of nonviolent actions to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. An event to commemorate the International Day for Non-violence and the 152nd anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi. Simultaneous translation in English and French.
— Les méthodes et exemples d’actions de la non-violence pour répondre aux défis d’aujourd’hui et de demain. Un évènement en ligne pour célébrer la journée internationale de la non-violence et le 152ème anniversaire de la naissance de Mahatma Gandhi. Traduction simultanée en anglais et en français.
— Register here
Wednesday, October 06, 2021 • 8:00 AM • Eastern Daylight Time (US & Canada)
Peace Boat to Receive Award as Lifetime Organizational War Abolisher of 2021
An online presentation and acceptance event, with remarks from representatives of Peace Boat.
Click here for details
— Zoom link with the passcode 4D.Ev^
Oct 9, 2021 10:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Mapping Peace Education: Virtual Launch Event
Please join us for the virtual launch of “Mapping Peace Education,” a global research tool and initiative documenting and analyzing peace education efforts around the world.
— This interactive event will be hosted by Micaela Segal de la Garza, Mapping Peace Education Coordinator, and will feature a dialogue between Tony Jenkins, Coordinator of the Global Campaign for Peace Education, and Cecilia Barbieri, Chief of the UNESCO Section of Global Citizenship and Peace Education. Tony and Cecilia will also be joined by a panel of contributing researchers from around the world.
— To learn more about the project and the event, please visit:
— Register here