Received by email from Stop the War
We are urging all trade unionists who support Stop the War to register for our first ever trade union conference on 21 January and join the discussions on shaping a more peaceful and prosperous world for us all.

It’s vital that we connect the struggles of the anti-war and labour movements and make the call to ‘cut warfare not welfare’ at this crucial time. We stand alongside our teachers, nurses, firefighters, lecturers and all those who refuse to see their living standards eroded to pay for the misery of war.
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How can the peace movement become stronger and more effective?
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On the day we’re going to be joined by a brilliant range of speakers including ASLEF Gen Sec Mick Whelan, Jeremy Corbyn MP, workers from the docks in Genoa who refused to load munitions onto ships earlier this year and a speaker from the Australian Maritime Union to talk about the AUKUS pact.
We will also be hearing from Kevin Courtney (PC), Alex Gordon (RMT President), Fran Heathcoate (PCS President), Salma Yaqoob, Andrew Murray and many more.
The conference is open to all trade unionists. We urge you to register and circulate the resolution in your branches and trades councils. If you want leaflets for the conference or any other information don’t hesitate to get in touch at: office@stopwar.org.uk