All posts by CPNN Coordinator

About CPNN Coordinator

Dr David Adams is the coordinator of the Culture of Peace News Network. He retired in 2001 from UNESCO where he was the Director of the Unit for the International Year for the Culture of Peace, proclaimed for the Year 2000 by the United Nations General Assembly.

English bulletin January 1, 2021


Six years ago we carried in CPNN an article about Mexico by the great peace researcher Johan Galtung. He said, among other things, “At the national level an overarching program to prevent violence has been designed and enacted . . . grounded in a legitimate peace philosophy –one in which peace is constructed through the satisfaction of basic human needs- and is well equipped in scope and with enough budget and personnel to achieve transcending results by construction of peace infrastructures (i.e. mediation centers, academic degrees in peace for civil servants, etc.)  and the buildup of a mediation-dialogue-conciliation culture. . . ”

Recent articles in CPNN show that the peace programs described by Galtung are continuing to develop.

Many initiatives are underway in the educational systems of Mexico.

At a national level, the Ministry of Education is training teachers, students and parents in violence prevention and school mediation. Recently the Council for School Coexistence (Convive) convened a virtual seminar with teachers to discuss Gender Equality, Human Rights, School Coexistence and Peaceful Conflict Management

In Baja California, more than 1,500 preschool, primary and secondary school teachers participated via zoom in the seminar called: “Socio-emotional education, child and adolescent participation and the culture of peace in Mexican schools”, convened by the Ministry of Public Education,

In San Luis Potosi, Training workshops and conferences for the elimination of violence against women., both face-to-face and digital, were carried out for 16 consecutive days for all personnel in the educational system.

At the Maguen David Hebrew School in Mexico City, high school students took part in a workshop on the natural relationship between the concept of Peace and Education and the importance of their own commitment to take actions in order to build peace. They collaborated in small groups to analyze thoughts and phrases of Martin Buber, Hanna Arendt, Paulo Freire and María Montessori,

At the level of higher education, the Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca and the Honorable Congress of the State, have ratified a framework collaboration agreement to strengthen the Culture of Peace. And the University Family Development Center of the University of Colima, through the University Program for Culture for Peace, held the virtual forum “University Students Fostering a Culture of Peace”.

Other recent initiatives in Mexico include a General Directorate of Culture of Peace and Human Rights, an international congress on culture of peace by women, a festival of culture of peace, activation of networks of women peace builders, an initiative called “100 actions for peace” and the use of the principles of the culture of peace to prevent violence and care for its victims.

The Government of Veracruz has established the General Directorate of Culture of Peace and Human Rights in order to contribute to institutional strengthening through the design, implementation, conduct, strengthening and consolidation of public policies on culture and education for peace.

In Sinaloa, the III International Congress “Culture of peace by women: various worldviews; women and men for positive masculinities” involved prominent specialists in these issues.

A fifth edition of its Culture of Peace festival was announced to take place on December 20 in Valle Dorado, to support neighborhood youth, “as it is one of the neighborhoods with a high rate of violence” in Mexico City. Culture of Peace workshop were planned, focused on children, and the festival was to conclude with a concert of the Imperio de la Cumbia musical group.

217 members of the Networks of Women Peace Builders took part in a meeting convened by the Secretariat for Security and Citizen Protection in order to inform them about the progress in the fight against discrimination and gender violence.

The project “100 actions for peace” has been initiatied on a national level by the National Council of Civil Organizations for the Culture of Peace, in coordination with the International Committee of the Banner of Peace and the Center for Studies for Peace, Security and Development. The campaign aims for individuals to promise to carry out for each of 100 days, a conscious action that promotes the construction of Peace, with your partner, your family, or in favor of your community and country.

The principles of a culture of peace are being used to assist victims of violence and prevent its recurrence in Mexico. To help communities of people who live on the streets and who consume psychoactive substances, students and researchers from the National School of Anthropology and History and the Metropolitan Autonomous University have formed the “Colectivo Psicocalle.” The mental health of journalists, human rights defenders and / or their relatives who have been victims of violence is being addressed by the Mechanism for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists in Mexico City. And in the context of the National Strategy for the Prevention of Addictions, the National Commission against Addictions and the Chair for Peace at the Guerrero Autonomous University have held more than ten workshops and free online conferences.

The culture of peace, as a way to counteract violence and addictions, confirms Galtung’s analysis quoted at the beginning. As he himself explained: “massive structural violence can only be addressed with massive peace policies.”


Mexico: Virtual seminar on peace building in schools


Mexico: 100 Actions for Peace; Wilfrido Lázaro


Broken societies put people and planet on collision course, says UNDP


Costa Rica: Peace brings together parliamentarians from the world in our country



U.N. rights boss urges withdrawal of article in French draft security law


Female victims and ex-combatants graduated as peace activists in Antioquia, Colombia


United Nations Alliance of Civilizations : Applications now open for the Youth Solidarity Fund


Global arms industry: Sales by the top 25 companies up 8.5 per cent; Big players active in Global South

English bulletin January 1, 2022


For almost a decade now, CPNN has been following the Biennale of Luanda as it strives to make Africa the first continent to adopt everywhere a culture of peace.

The process began in 2013 with the Pan-African Forum “Sources and Resources for a Culture of Peace ” held in Luanda, Angola. It was extended in by the 2nd international conference on the culture of peace in Africa , December 2016 in Luanda.

The process was formalized to occur every two years as the Biennale of Luanda, and the first Biennale was held in September 2019.

Last month, the process culminated in the Second Biennale of Luanda held from November 27 to December 2 as a hybrid programme of in-person and on-line events.

The representative of UNESCO who led this process from the beginning, Enzo Fazzino, was honored in a videoconference, as he retired after this year’s event. The account on the UNESCO website is entitled, Une étoile s’ajoute parmi les grands sages de l’UNESCO (A star is added to list of the great wise men of UNESCO).

This year’s Biennale gathered high-level participants from governments, international institutions, the private sector, the artistic and scientific communities, and many more. It was organized as an intergenerational dialogue involving young people from all the countries of the African Union, as well the diaspora.

In the end, 118 young people were selected from 49 African countries and 14 countries of the Diaspora to take part in the Biennale, of whom 10 came in person to Luanda and the others participated virtually. The youth made a number of commitments, including to “Strengthen the capacity of Pan-African youth to promote the culture of peace, identify and support youth initiatives and best practices that work towards the sustainable implementation, individually and collectively, of the concepts of the culture of peace.”

The event included a rich selection of films and shows for culture of peace in Africa. Links to videos of 20 are provided on CPNN, coming from Cape Verde, Congo, Ghana, Morocco, Namibia, Rwanda, Senegal and Zimbabwe, as well as the Diaspora in Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Germany, Haiti, Portugal and Sweden.

The Biennale was opened by the President of Angola, João Lourenço, He recognized the involvement of the African Diaspora, “Many of Africa’s children have been leaving the continent in inhumane conditions and at the risk of their own lives in fleeing conflict zones or looking for a job and better living conditions. Regardless of their age, academic or professional background, they are all important and needed for the development of our continent. We always have the expectation that one day they will voluntarily return with the desire to contribute towards leveraging progress and development in all sectors of African national life.

Speaking as the President of the African Union, Félix Tshisekedi, assured their continued support and paid tribute to the role of youth, ““Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, in the words of the illustrious Agostinho Neto Kilamba, President and Poet, champion of the liberation of man and human brotherhood, ‘poet of sacred hopes’, we should ‘look at Africa with the eyes of the future’,”

And in her speech, UNESCO Directrice-General Audrey Azoulay said “UNESCO will continue to give its full support to this pan-African initiative, so that it is sustainable, in cooperation with the African Union and the Government of Angola. The culture of peace and non-violence is a long relay race ; it takes s a united team, generation after generation, to be victorious.”

The Biennale will be re-convened in two years, again organized by the African Union, Angola and UNESCO. In the meantime, it is up to the youth to keep the flame going.



Highlights of the Biennale of Luanda 2021 : Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace



Youth at the Luanda Biennale – Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace



Phyllis Kotite has passed away



Mercociudades: A Latin American Network to Fight for More Inclusive, Egalitarian, Diverse and Supportive Cities



Indian farmers call off lengthy protest after govt assurances



Bangladesh: Dhaka Peace Declaration Adopted



The Elders: Israel’s designation of Palestinian NGOs as “terrorist” undermines core democratic principles



Mexico: Toys and Games as Instruments of the Culture of Peace

Veracruz, Mexico : General Directorate for Culture of Peace and Human Rights


Sources :

The facebook page of the Dirección General de Cultura de Paz y Derechos Humanos

The official gazette of the Gobierno de Veracruz

An article in El Sol de Cordoba

The latest campaign of the General Directorate for the Culture of Peace and Human Rights of Veracruz is called the Blue Heart Mexico campaign, as announced on its Facebook page:

What is the Blue Heart Mexico campaign: #AQUIESTOY against human trafficking?

* Contribute to preventing crime among those sectors identified as most vulnerable.

* Give voice to victims of human trafficking and make visible the situations in which they find themselves.

* Raise awareness among the population so that people understand how they contribute to human trafficking, even without knowing it.

* Provide specific information on crimes and what society can do for their prevention, detection and combat.

The General Directorate of Culture of Peace and Human Rights was established in the government of Veracruz in 2019 in order to contribute to institutional strengthening through the design, implementation, management, strengthening and consolidation of public policies on culture and education for peace.

As described in their program for 2019-2024, the General Directorate responds to the emergency of addressing human rights violations and the deterioration of the social fabric in a context of high rates of violence. It establishes guidelines to deal with everything related to violence prevention through culture and education programs for peace and nonviolence, and existing programs related to prevention.

The program contributes to the public policy regarding the disappearance of persons, trafficking of people, torture, attention to human rights defenders and journalists, violence against women, girls, and adolescents, with special attention to the two Declarations: the Alert on Gender Violence against Women (one for femicidal violence; and the second for Comparative Tort). It is also concerned with care for victims of human rights violations.

It is also concerned with care for all who are in vulnerable situations, such as the LGBTTTI population, the elderly, people with disabilities, indigenous peoples, persons deprived of liberty, as well as monitoring of the care and protection measures for the migrant population.

(Article continued in right column)

(Click here for the original Spanish version of this article.)

Question related to this article:

How can we develop the institutional framework for a culture of peace?

Is there progress towards a culture of peace in Mexico?

(Article continued from left column)

The objective on human rights includes six strategies, which refer to the following topics:

1. Coordinate search actions regarding the disappearance of persons;

2. Coordinate comprehensive care for victims of crimes and human rights violations;

3. Evaluate compliance with international recommendations, as well as those issued by the national and state human rights commissions;

4. Coordinate in Veracruz the State Zero Tolerance Strategy for Violence against Women and Girls;

5. Follow up for the fulfillment of the actions of the Work Program
of the Declarations of Alert on Gender Violence against Women

6. Implement comprehensive care in the area of ​​human rights to the population historically violated from the differential approach.

The objective on culture of peace comprises four strategies;

1. Construct a short-term community and situational intervention model, with the participation of local actors, civil society, academia and instances of the 3 levels of government in contexts of crisis of violence, to rebuild the social fabric, focused on a specific population or territory.

2. Construct with local actors education programs for peace and non-violence based on popular education and a psychosocial approach, for vulnerable groups or populations (especially in regions with indigenous populations), to enable reconciliation and / or healing, and based on empowerment of actors who contribute to the reconstruction of the community social fabric.

3. Construct programs for peace and nonviolence in educational institutions, based on a differential approach that allows a considerable reduction of different types of violence.

4. Strengthen mechanisms for security, social prevention and combating criminal acts, in order to reduce risk factors that generate violence and crime in the areas with the highest incidence of crime.

The lines of action planned for each of the strategies can be synthesized as follows: collaboration, promotion, dissemination, prevention, training, development of diagnostics, database generation, statistical analysis, design and implementation of protocols, models and mechanisms for care, monitoring and evaluation.

To sum up, this program sets an important precedent. For the first time, in the state of Veracruz an extremely complex problem is recognized and addressed: the violations of human rights in a context of structural violence that has damaged the social fabric. To face this crisis, the program proposes the construction of an original public policy, through the culture of peace and respect for human rights, based on solidly supported objectives, strategies and actions, and oriented towards a radical transformation of the guidelines of social coexistence. Likewise, and as far as we realize, this program represents a national benchmark at a time when the State’s greatest obligation for the population is precisely in matters of human rights and citizen security.

Culture of Peace against violence in Mexico


Special to CPNN from Roberto Mercadillo

The principles of the culture of peace are being used to care for the victims and to prevent further occurences of the daily violence in Mexico caused by drug addiction, homelessness and attacks on journalists, human rights defenders and their families. .

Video of “Ciclo de Diálogos en Línea: Salud y Paz 2020”

(Click here for Spanish original of this article)

Question for this article

Is there a renewed movement of solidarity by the new generation?

Is there progress towards a culture of peace in Mexico?

Students and researchers from the National School of Anthropology and History and the Metropolitan Autonomous University formed “Psicocalle Colectivo”, an initiative that follows the premises of Manifesto 2000 for a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence to approach communities of people who live in the streets and who use psychoactive substances, to create social and government interventions based on inclusion and respect for autonomy and mutual understanding.

The Seminar Interdisciplinary Looks of Violence of the National Institute of Anthropology and History opened a new area in Culture of Peace to train Postgraduate students in Physical Anthropology.

In Mexico City, the Mechanism for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists together with the Neuroscience Dream Center investigated the mental health of journalists, human rights defenders and / or their families who have been victims of violence in Mexico and they proposed forms of intervention based on a culture of peace and dialogue to address their mental health.

The National Strategy for the Prevention of Addictions, the National Commission against Addictions and the Chair for Peace of the Guerrero Autonomous University, have carried out the “Cycle of Online Dialogues: Health and Peace 2020” with more than ten workshops and free conferences on-line.

Past Virtual Events December 20-31


Here are events and application deadlines after December 19 that were previously listed on the CPNN page for upcoming virtual events. Unless otherwise noted the events are in English.

Sunday 20 December, 23:00 UTC+01

The Venezuelan Election, a blow to US Imperialism.
Organised by the United National Antiwar Coalition et Bahman Azad
— The United Socialist Party of Venezuela, the party of Nicolas Maduro won a stunning victory in the recent election for the National Assembly. However, the US has sought to undercut this victory and to deny the will of the Venezuelan people. This webinar will give us the chance to hear voices of people who were there as election observers and independent journalists and saw a different picture than the one projected by the US government. Their talks will be followed by questions and answers. Please join us and share the information about this webinar.
— Speakers:
— Margaret Flower, Popular Resistance
— Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research
— Bahman Azad, U.S. Peace Council
— Zoe PC, Peoples Dispatch
Register here
Click here to watch replay on youtube

24 December 2020, 4:00PM Eastern Daylight Time (New York)

Deadline to submit application for Online Youth Consultation on Preventing Violent Extremism through Sport
— Invitation from the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) within the framework of the UN Global Programme on Security of Major Sporting Events, and Promotion of Sport and its Values as a Tool to Prevent Violent Extremism, implemented by the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) in partnership with UNAOC, United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) and the International Centre for Sport and Security (ICSS).
— The consultation aims to gather the input and guidance of young people in developing various outputs such as an awareness campaign to be launched concurrently with global sporting events next year and with the involvement of professional athletes; a policy guide; a handbook; and an app. These products will aim to advance the power of sport and its social values as a tool to prevent violent extremism, and to strengthen the engagement and cooperation of youth and Member States in using sport to promote sustainable peace and development.
— Participants must be :
* between 15 and 19 years old
* Wish to contribute to the advancement of sport in promoting social inclusion, ensuring sustainable peace and preventing radicalization and violent extremism
* Have experience with policy guides, innovative programmes, knowledge sharing tools and/or awareness raising/communication campaigns
— Further details and instructions on how to apply are available at:

Sunday, December 27. 2:00-4:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (US/Canada)

Global Town Hall
On the last Sunday of every month, Project Save the World hosts a one-hour conversation via Zoom videoconference about our various projects working to prevent one or more of these threats: war and weapons / global warming / famine / pandemics / radioactive contamination / cyberattacks.
— Video conference URL:

December 29

Deadline for nominations for the Peace and Climate action European Youth (PACEY) Plus Award 2021.
— Please make your nomination in one of the two categories:
1. European youth project: A project based in Europe or run by youth from Europe;
2. Beyond Europe youth project: A project based outside Europe or a Global youth project.
— Self-nominations are permitted.
— The Award is organised jointly by the Basel Peace Office and the Präsidialdepartement des Kantons Basel-Stadt, Kantons- und Stadtentwicklung (Office of Cantonal and Urban Development, Department of Presidential Affairs, Canton of Basel-Stadt, Switzerland).
— Questions to
— For more information please visit
Nomination form

Nuclear deterrence gives ‘false sense of security,’ Vatican official says


An article from Catholic Philly

The goal of a nuclear-free world can only be achieved through a renewed sense of unity and solidarity among nations that breaks the dynamic of mistrust, said Archbishop Paul Gallagher, Vatican foreign minister.

Addressing a webinar Dec. 16 on nuclear disarmament, Archbishop Gallagher highlighted the Vatican’s support of political dialogue that goes “beyond the theory of fear” and of the need to “emphasize how nuclear deterrence represents a false sense of security and of stability.”

A Russian Yars RS-24 intercontinental ballistic missile system drives during the Victory Day parade marking the 71st anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany in World War II, at Red Square in Moscow May 9, 2016. (CNS photo/Grigory Dukor, Reuters)

“The Holy See reaffirms its unwavering commitment in this direction as demonstrated by its ratification of all the main nuclear treaties and its continuous efforts to promote a concrete culture of peace based on the dignity of the human person and on the primacy of law, fostering responsible honest and consistent cooperation with all members of the family of nations,” he said.

The webinar, titled “A world free from nuclear weapons,” was co-sponsored by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Georgetown University, Notre Dame University and the Catholic Peacebuilding Network.

(Continued in right column)

Question related to this article:
Can we abolish all nuclear weapons?

(Continued from left column)

The event coincided with the launch of a new book that features Pope Francis’ address in November 2017 in which he spoke out against nuclear weapons, as well as “testimony from Nobel Peace Prize laureates, religious leaders, diplomats, and civil society activists,” according to Georgetown University Press.

In a Dec. 14 statement, the dicastery said the goal of the event was to stress the link between peace, disarmament and health security during a time of pandemic.

In his talk, Archbishop Gallagher cited the pope’s video message to the U.N. General Assembly in late September. In his message, the pope said the current pandemic can lead to two paths: one that shifts toward a “renewed sense of global co-responsibility” or one of “self-sufficiency, nationalism, protectionism, individualism and isolation” that “excludes the poor, the vulnerable and those dwelling on the peripheries of life.”

The Vatican foreign minister said the pope’s perspective also applies to the issue of nuclear weapons as a means of deterrence.

He also expressed concern that “nuclear powers often seem to continue turning inward away from multilateralism,” such as the uncertainty regarding the renewal of the New START treaty, a bilateral agreement between the United States and the Russian Federation that seeks to reduce and limit the use of nuclear warheads, ballistic missiles and other strategic offensive arms.

However, he also cited the U.N. Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which bans the possession and use of nuclear weapons, as a step toward a “nuclear weapons-free world.”

To achieve a lasting peace, Archbishop Gallagher said the international community must look beyond nuclear deterrence.

“International peace and security cannot be founded on the threat of mutual destruction or total annihilation or maintaining a balance of power or regulating relations by substituting the rights of the power to power of right,” the archbishop said.

“Peace and security must be built on justice, integral human development, respect for fundamental human rights, the protection of creation, the building of trust among peoples, the promotion of educational and health structures, dialogue and solidarity,” he said.

Female victims and ex-combatants graduated as peace activists in Antioquia, Colombia


An article from Infobae (translation by CPNN)

More and more women are joining peacebuilding initiatives showing that their testimonies, stories and courage are the best tools for change.

As reported by El Espectador, 91 students graduated from “Peace education activities”, a workshop coordinated by the Medellín Mayor’s Office to create spaces that promote peace building in everyday life. This workshop was made up of nine groups of less than 15 participants, including women ex-combatants of the FARC, women victims of the conflict and community leaders.

In total, 91 women participated in the workshops. Image from Facebook / UN Verification Mission in Colombia.

The participants come from ten communes in the city and were linked to this workshop through the work of government organizations such as the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization (ARN), the Truth Commission, the Convivamos Corporation, the organization Mujeres Caminando por la Verdad, among others.

(Click here for the original article in Spanish.)

Questions related to this article:

What is happening in Colombia, Is peace possible?

Do women have a special role to play in the peace movement?

According to information from El Espectador, the meetings were held between September and November, once a week, in groups made up of ex-combatants or women victims of the conflict, where they deepened their knowledge about the Peace Agreement, the Truth Commission , the generation of daily peace actions and the resolution of daily conflicts.

Juliana Martínez Londoño, secretary of the Women of Medellín, explained that these workshops were developed “to promote spaces that allow the construction of a culture of peace with a gender perspective. They considered the work that women have done in favor of the peace and, in that way, the women were considered as protagonists and promoters of reconciliation strategies and construction of the social fabric ”.

Teresa de Jesús Orozco, leader of the Association of Displaced Elders of Antioquia (ASOADEAN), stated that “these spaces have been very beautiful because they taught us to exchange anger for love and for understanding and we as leaders can work in many ways, until we reach our people,.”

Delegates from the UN Verification Mission in Colombia, the ARN and the United Nations Development Program were present at the graduation. In addition to the certification, the women will receive a kit including, among other things, a blog and a USB memory with the memories of the workshops.

“With this work we show that peace is an issue that is present in the daily newspaper and to the extent an education for peace is necessary, (…) these women are publicly recognized as social actors and as important voices”, the secretary Juliana Londoño told El Espectador.

Mexico: The Academic of Education participates in the Conference for Peace of the Maguen David Hebrew School


An article from Anáhuac (translation by CPNN)

A workshop “Peace transcends and summons us” was held for high school students from the Maguen David Hebrew School as part of their Conference for Peace. The workshop was taught by Prof. Susana Memun Zaga, coordinator of the Area of ​​the Degree in Organizational and Educational Pedagogy of our Faculty of Education .

During the month of November, and for the seventh consecutive year, the Maguen David Hebrew School organizes the Days for Peace to honor the memory of the Prime Minister of Israel and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994, Yitzhak Rabin. The objective is to promote the concept of Peace in the young people through various speakers, including community leaders, rabbis, leaders of non-governmental organizations, universities, foundations and teachers,

(Click here for the original Spanish version).

Question for this article:

Is there progress towards a culture of peace in Mexico?

What is the relation between peace and education?

The young people reflected during the workshop on the natural relationship between the concept of Peace and Education, on the importance of Education for a culture of Peace and the importance of their own commitment to take actions in order to build peace.

In addition to the above, they collaborated in small groups to analyze thoughts and phrases of Martin Buber, Hanna Arendt, Paulo Freire and María Montessori, where they discussed their relationship with education from their own context as young students. Finally they presented their conclusions and interacted about their ideas and their own experiences, sharing their commitments and becaming aware of the decisions they have in their hands to build a better world.

As a Faculty of Education, it is of great importance to us to collaborate with other educational institutions in strengthening and building a culture of peace.

Costa Rica: Peace brings together parliamentarians from the world in our country


An article from Diario Extra (translation by CPNN)

Congressmen from Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador, Honduras and El Salvador are visiting the country to promote the value of tolerance and the culture of peace, fight against discrimination, religious sectarianism and ethnocentrism and to develop the norms of international law and human rights, to strengthen the principles of tolerance and achieve peace. The meeting of the Latin American and Caribbean Group of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace, takes place in our country from Wednesday the 16th to Friday the 18th,.

The representatives of the parliaments gathered in front of the National Monument, in the National Park to deliver a flower arrangement. (Photo David Barrantes).

The meeting has the participation of the president of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, Ahmed Bin Mohmed Aljarwan (United Arab Emirates) and the president of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Duarte Pacheco (Portugal).

Also, the Argentine Walberto Allende, President of the International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace.

On the part of the Legislative Assembly of our country, the hosts are the deputies David Gourzong and Jorge Fonseca of the PLN and Rodolfo Peña of the PUSC.

(continued in right column)

(Click here for a version in Spanish.>

Questions for this article:

How can parliamentarians promote a culture of peace?

(continued from left column)

On Thursday morning they delivered a wreath in front of the National Monument, in the National Park to celebrate the opening ceremony of the meeting.

“We are proud to work with them on issues of peace, on issues of consensus in the world such as the health crisis, and on economic problems in the countries where we have to restore normalcy and to have access to vaccines,” said Gourzong.

This is the first official meeting of Duarte Pacheco, the new President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), who was very excited about the opportunity to build an agenda for peace and tolerance in the world.

“Costa Rica is a small country, but a good example for the world with its culture of peace and building bridges between peoples. I am sure that important agreements will emerge from here to address the global challenges we now face,” said Duarte Pacheco.

For Rodolfo Peña Flores, who is also a member of the board of the fourth Permanent Commission on United Nations Affairs of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the visit of Duarte Pacheco will serve to consolidate major international agreements to promote the comprehensive recovery of the countries.

“This will be a very important and enriching space for Costa Rica, where, through a vision of solidarity and humanity, we can strengthen and establish efficient instruments for the integral recovery of the countries. I am convinced that, through effective cooperation, we can consolidate good agreements to face global challenges and tostrengthen productive ties between different nations,” said the Christian Socialist.

“The election of Costa Rica has to do with its rich history with peace, more in the current moments that we are also living as a result of the pandemic that brought about a crisis in the governments of Latin America and in the world. That is why the decision to be here. We will leave happy and enriched with the recent history of Costa Rica for the benefit of the peace of the continent,” commented the Argentine Allende.