Category Archives: North America

An excerpt from remarks by President Trump at the World Economic Forum


Excerpt from a press release of The Whitehouse

(Editor’s note. The following excerpt from remarks by President Trump at the World Economic Forum illustrates the impression one gets from the new President that it is impossible to know if his words can be taken seriously. Or are they just part of a game he is playing with the world, much like Charlie Chaplin’s portrayal of Hitler playing with a toy balloon of the world. Let us hope they can be taken seriously in this case.)

How do you see the relationship between the U.S. and China in the next four years under your leadership?

THE PRESIDENT:  He called me.  But I see it very good.  I think that we’re going to have a very good relationship.  All we want is fairness.  We just want a level playing field.  We don’t want to take advantage.  We’ve been having massive deficits with China.  Biden allowed it to get out of hand.  He’s — $1.1 trillion deficit.  It’s ridiculous, and it’s just an unfair relationship. 

And we have to make it just fair.  We don’t have to make it phenomenal.  We have to make it a fair relationship.  Right now, it’s not a fair relationship.  The deficit is massive, as it is with other countries — a lot of Asian countries, actually.  But we have deficits that are very big, and we can’t keep doing that, so we’re not going to keep doing that. 

But I like President Xi very much.  I’ve always liked him.  We always had a very good relationship.  It was very strained with COVID coming out of Wuhan.  Obviously, that strained it.  I’m sure it strained it with a lot of people, but that strained our relationship.  But we always had a great relationship, I would say, and we look forward to doing very well with China and getting along with China. 

 Hopefully, China can help us stop the war with, in particular, Russia-Ukraine.  And they have a great deal of power over that situation, and we’ll work with them. 

And I mentioned that with — during our phone conversation with President Xi, and hopefully we could work together and get that stopped. 

We’d like to see denuclearization.  In fact, with President Putin, prior to a — an election result, which was, frankly, ridiculous, we were talking about denuclearization of our two countries, and China would have come along.  China has a — a much smaller, right now, nuclear armament than us or field than us, but they’re — they’re going to be catching it at some point over the next four or five years. 

And I will tell you that President Putin really liked the idea of — of cutting way back on nuclear.  And I think the rest of the world, we would have gotten them to follow.  And China would have come along too.  China also liked it. 

Tremendous amounts of money are being spent on nuclear, and the destructive capability is something that we don’t even want to talk about today, because you don’t want to hear it.  It’s too depressing. 

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Question related to this article:
Can we abolish all nuclear weapons?

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So, we want to see if we can denuclearize, and I think that’s very possible.  And I can tell you that President Putin wanted to do it.  He and I wanted to do it.  We had a good conversation with China.  They would have been involved, and that would have been an unbelievable thing for the planet.

And I hope —

MR. BRENDE:  Mr. President, when you’re —

THE PRESIDENT:  — it can be started up again.

MR. BRENDE:  — back here in Davos next year, will — will there be then a peace agreement with — with Ukraine and Russia by then?

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, you’re going to have to ask Russia.  Ukraine is ready to — to make a deal. 

Just so you understand, this is a war that should have never started.  If I were president, it would never have started.  This is a war that should have never, ever been started.  And — and it wasn’t started during my — there was never even talk about it.  I knew that it was the apple of President Putin’s eye, but I also knew that there was no way he was going in, and he wasn’t going to go in. 

And then, when I was out, bad things happened, bad things were said, a lot of stupidity all around, and you end up with what you have.  Now you have all these bombed-out cities — they look like demolition sites — with many people killed. 

I think the — the thing that you’ll see about Ukraine is that far — far more people have died than is being reported. 
And I’ve seen that.  But far, far more people have died.

When you look at a city that’s become a demolition site, where big buildings have been collapsed by missiles hitting them and everything else, and they say, “One person was slightly injured.”  No, no, many people were killed.  Those are big buildings.  I was surprised at how — that was my business.  These are buildings that go two and three blocks long.  They’re 20 stories high.  They’re big, powerful buildings.  Then they were knocked down, and there were a lot of people in those buildings.  They had announced that two people were injured.  That’s not true.  So, I think you’re going to find that there were many more people killed in Ukraine and the Ukraine war than anybody has any idea. 

But if you look now, so many of the — the people being killed are soldiers just facing each other with guns, rifles, and drones — the new form of warfare — drones.  And it’s a very sad thing to see.

And when you see pictures of the fields that I see, nobody wants to see it.  You’ll never be the same.

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Michael Moore: From the Rubble Rises 22 Powerful Voices


An article by Michael Moore

Last week, I, as an Executive Producer of FROM GROUND ZERO: STORIES FROM GAZA, was quoted across the country as stating the following: “No filmmaker, writer or artist should ever have to tell the story of their own extermination.”

And yet…

As I write this, in a scattered group of cinemas across the country, movie-goers are watching this anthology of stories captured on camera by Palestinian filmmakers in Gaza amidst Netanyahu’s reign of terror over the past year. This collection of 22 short films of his shameless extermination attempt — the unending barrage of bombs and bullets, the forced starvation — is what the people of Gaza are facing every single day.

And during this hour and fifty-two minutes on the screen, you will feel the pulse of the Palestinian people. Their resilience. And you are right there with them. 

They are not Hamas. They are not rapists. They are not lying in wait to murder Israelis. They are not a threat to any human or to Democracy as certain propagandists are hoping you’ll be brainwashed into believing.

They are taxi drivers and mothers, toddlers and teachers, comedians and artists — finding ways to survive. To feed their families. To bathe their children. To retain a sense of self and normality. To bring joy to their community. To keep warm at night. To keep hope alive. 

The review from Variety  said it best: 

“Their stories, and their essence, live within these pixels the way the Holocaust was captured on celluloid. The images of the latter that are the most familiar to the public were snapped either by perpetrators or liberators. “From Ground Zero” exists more in the tradition of photographers Henryk Ross and Mendel Grossman, inhabitants of Poland’s Jewish ghettos who not only documented daily life with their cameras, but imbued it with a familiar, beating humanity. In that vein, it’s hard to ignore just how much “From Ground Zero” feels like history unfolding, and tragedy being memorialized, right before our eyes.”
Every American needs to see this film. 

This genocide, though executed by the Israeli government, is Made in the USA. Manufactured in places like San Diego and South Bend, Fort Worth and Fairfax and bankrolled with our tax dollars. Yours and mine. It’s disgusting. It’s shameful. But it also means we hold immense power in our hands at a time when we still have the power to change the outcome. 

We have been in this position before as a nation. And we failed. We turned away ships carrying thousands of Jewish refugees who fled Germany as the Holocaust was unfolding. We let fear and bigotry overtake our humanity — “We have no idea who these Jews are!” — and turned our backs, refusing to let them dock, and sealing their fate. Let’s not accept the fate of the Palestinian people as decreed by Netanyahu and his racist Likud party hacks (“Between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty!”) any more than we will accept the fate of the 13 million immigrants who have come to this country to work, raise their children and pay taxes — human beings that Trump and his racist MAGA sycophants have decreed will be rounded up and dragged back across the border beginning nine days from now.

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Question related to this article:

How can war crimes be documented, stopped, punished and prevented?

Presenting the Palestinian side of the Middle East, Is it important for a culture of peace?

Do the arts create a basis for a culture of peace?

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Art has always been a powerful weapon of the oppressed — Philosopher Viktor Frankl honed his theory that our primary motivation for living as humans is to find meaning while imprisoned in Dachau and other concentration camps for being Jewish. Oscar Wilde wrote “De Profundis” while imprisoned in England for the crime of loving a man. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote his famous “Letter from Birmingham Jail” while imprisoned for protesting against racist segregation. There is no better means of cultivating understanding and empathy than through art. And for me, there’s no better outlet to convey truth and inspire resistance than the art of the moving image.

I believe that one great movie can change the world. 

This is that movie. 

You are that audience. 

Don’t look away. Find a way to watch this work of art by these 22 artists imprisoned in Gaza and see the Palestinian people for who they are. 

Right now FROM GROUND ZERO: STORIES FROM GAZA is playing in theaters across the United States from San Fransisco and San Diego to Louisiana and Tennessee, from Chicago to New York City. It is not playing everywhere, as you can imagine just how hard it is to convince theaters to play a movie like this. Even though it is currently the best-reviewed film in the U.S. — 98% on Rotten Tomatoes! Motion Picture Academy voters two weeks ago declared it to be one of the 15 best international feature films in the world for this year’s Oscars. It has already been placed on the shortlist for nomination consideration for the Academy Awards. At New York City’s Quad Cinema last week, it was the third highest grossing film in the last 12 months. And yet…

And yet… In the land of free speech and freedom of expression you will be hard-pressed this weekend in certain parts of the country to find the much-acclaimed FROM GROUND ZERO: STORIES FROM GAZA.

This is one of the reasons that I have stepped in as an Executive Producer, to see that as many Americans as possible get the chance to watch this brilliant movie.

Please know that I and others are doing our best to jump every hurdle placed in front of us to guarantee your right to go to the movies and experience the truth.

Please ask your local independent theater to book FROM GROUND ZERO. For Theatrical, Non-Theatrical & Festival Booking/Screening inquiries:

And go here for the most up-to-date locations and showtimes for you to see it:

If you live in the vicinity of a showing, or have the means to get to one, please go and support these courageous storytellers. Help their voices be heard. We will do our best to make sure that the forces which would prefer you not see this movie are defeated. In a true Democracy, it’s as easy as that.

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Activists Occupy Canadian Parliament Building to Protest Gaza War & Arming of Israel


An article from Democracy Now (licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License)

“Canada needs to stop arming Israel and implement an immediate arms embargo.” In Ottawa, over 100 Jewish activists began a sit-in inside a Canadian parliamentary building Tuesday to demand Canada stop arming Israel.

Rachel Small, a member of the Jews Say No to Genocide Coalition and a member of the sit-in, says that the Canadian government’s claims that it is halting arms shipments to Israel are obfuscating the fact that Canadian weapons are still being transported via the United States. “We’re here to make sure that they … actually cut off the flow,” says Small. Such protest “is what we should be seeing more of,” adds Israeli journalist and former conscientious objector Haggai Matar.

Transcript of video

AMY GOODMAN: Haggai, you asked if people are doing enough. I want to break into this conversation with this breaking news. In Canada, about 150 Jewish activists and allies have just launched a protest inside the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa to demand Canada stop arming Israel.

We’re joined now by Rachel Small, a member of the group Jews Say No to Genocide Coalition.

Rachel, can you describe where you are and what you’re doing and what you’re calling for?

RACHEL SMALL: Thank you. We are in a Parliament Hill building. Right now we have completely taken over the lobby of this building, that has hundreds of parliamentarians’ office in here.

Our demand is clear: Canada needs to stop arming Israel and implement an immediate arms embargo. We know that every F-35 fighter jet, every Boeing Apache helicopter dropping bombs on Lebanon and Gaza right now is full of hundreds of Canadian components. We’re here as Jews to say this violence cannot continue in our name. And we’re here as people of conscience to say that the absolute bare minimum Canada needs to be doing right now is stop arming a genocide.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: Haggai Matar, your response to these kinds of actions occurring abroad? Does this have an impact on the Israeli public?

HAGGAI MATAR: Well, first of all, I want to commend the activists on the ground now in Ottawa. It’s incredible. This is the exact kind of protest that people should be taking on in Canada, definitely in the U.S., which is the biggest supplier of weapons and funding and diplomatic support to Israel. So, yes, this is what we should be seeing more of.

I’m afraid that in Israel, again, these protests are usually seen as antisemitic or, in the case of Jews protesting, of self-hating Jews or people that are unhinged. That’s the way it’s being perceived. It’s our job as Jewish Israelis on the ground, talking in Hebrew, talking to people in our communities, to try and help them understand that it’s not the world that has gone mad, it’s us.

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Question related to this article:

How can war crimes be documented, stopped, punished and prevented?

How can a culture of peace be established in the Middle East?

(continued from left column)

AMY GOODMAN: Interesting that the prime minister, Justin Trudeau, just met with President-elect Trump in Mar-a-Lago in Florida. Rachel Small, we’re looking at the group of people. One of them, I think, says “Jews for a Free Palestine.” What has been Trudeau’s position? And what’s going to happen to you this morning?

RACHEL SMALL: We have seen an unprecedented wave of resistance across Canada over the past 13 months, many, many thousands of people across the country not only petitioning their MPs, not only protesting, not only meeting with them, but actually holding blockades at weapons factories, doing just really everything we can to get Canada to stop arming Israel.

And that pressure has resulted in the Canadian government taking a stance that we would have not thought possible a year or two ago. They have committed to stop arming Israel. They have, in fact — the foreign affairs minister recently, in fact, said that Canadian weapons are not going to be going and used in Gaza.

Unfortunately, it’s not true. Unfortunately, we know that they have not tackled all the permits, and they have continued to conveniently send weapons to the U.S. without even requiring a permit. Those are going into every F-35 Israel is using. That is going into Israel’s primary weapons of war.

So we have backed the Canadian government into a corner where they know what the right stance is. They know they need to stop arming Israel. And we’re here to make sure they do it. The broad Arms Embargo Now coalition has come together across the country and has, in fact, gotten 45 parliamentarians to formally endorse the call for an arms embargo. We just need the government to step up and take that action to actually cut off the flow of all weapons to and from Israel. It’s the bare minimum they need to be doing.

AMY GOODMAN: That’s Rachel Small, member of Jews Say No to Genocide Coalition. If you’re having a little trouble understanding her, she’s inside the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa. There are scores of people behind her, lead Canadian organizer with World — with the group World Beyond War. And in the studio with us in New York, though usually in Tel Aviv, is Haggai Matar, Israeli journalist, activist, executive director of +972 Magazine, a conscientious objector himself. Juan?

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: Yeah, Haggai, we only have about a minute left, but I wanted to ask you about President-elect Trump’s decision to select former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee as the next U.S. ambassador to Israel. Huckabee is not only a leading U.S. Christian Zionist who’s openly advocated for Israel’s annexation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, he declared in 2008 that there’s really no such thing as a Palestinian. What do you expect from this kind of ambassador from the new Trump administration?

HAGGAI MATAR: So, obviously, Trump appointments and Trump policies are terrifying to us and should be, too, to anyone who cares about the rights of Palestinians. I do want to also point out, however, Trump policies have an inherent contradiction. As an isolationist, Trump does not want to get involved in too many wars. As someone who wants to break deals with Saudi Arabia and Arab Gulf states, he may want to ensure that they don’t drift into the Iran-China field of influence. And those two policies, being pro-annexation and pro-settlements and pro-Israel and being pro-war and wanting to sign deals, they collide. And I think it’s our role on the left to kind of put a wedge in there and try and make sure that it becomes more and more apparent how those policies conflict with each other.

AMY GOODMAN: Haggai Matar, I want to thank you so much for being with us, Israeli journalist, activist, executive director of +972 Magazine, former conscientious objector, refused to serve in the Israeli army.

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Ontario youth advance a culture of peace


An article from Bahai

What does it mean to be a “practitioner of peace” in today’s world? For over 700 young people who gathered at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo this question sparked profound conversations about how to nurture communities that can embody the fundamental principles of peace through practical action.

The two-day conference drew participants from 92 localities across Ontario—from those within walking distance of the venue to a group who undertook a 15-hour journey from Thunder Bay.

Several participants spoke with the News Service, reflecting on their community-building experiences and shared insights from their discussions at the conference.

Fostering a culture of peace

Attendees described how everyday efforts to create spiritual and social conditions for unity are gradually fostering a culture of peace in their neighborhoods. In these places, people are striving to give expression to the principle of the equality of women and men and are developing a heightened awareness of the essential need for justice and fairness in all aspects of community life—from how decisions are made to how knowledge is shared and applied.

Through Bahá’í community-building initiatives that promote genuine love and durable bonds among individuals, people from diverse groups that once had limited interaction are discovering their inherent oneness and learning to work together for the common good.

“There’s a lot of destruction, hurt, and pain in the world,” said Naya, who is 17 years old. “This is the time for us to come together as a community,” she continued, “to uplift… and take care of each other, because we are one.”

Shidan, 15, from a locality where families of diverse ethnic backgrounds reside, elaborated: “In the past, people in my community were separated by caste, religion, and economic status.

“But through the spiritual education of the younger generation, we’ve found ways to bring our families, who are from different groups, together to have a common conversation about the future of our community.”

He added: “When I think about working toward peace, I see it already in the vibrant community celebrations we hold at our neighborhood center, in the dance group that started and recently had its first anniversary, and in the devotional gatherings that draw all of us from seemingly different backgrounds to see our inherent oneness.”

Removing barriers to unity through consultation

In communities where Bahá’í educational endeavors are taking root, consultation has emerged as a powerful tool for fostering a culture of peace through collective decision-making. Participants are discovering how to transcend social barriers and build agreement.

Participants of the conference highlighted how spaces for consultation have the power to reveal our shared humanity. Perma, 20, said, “In these moments, barriers are broken down. People come together, discover common ground, and realize that they are all striving toward the same aspirations.”

Speaking about the unique nature of these consultative spaces, Jenny, 18, said, “Not many places provide opportunities to discuss life’s most important issues.

“Sometimes, you want to talk about significant topics but don’t know when or where to do it. …Bahá’í spiritual education activities provide that space, allowing us to explore critical issues and think about practical solutions.”

Strengthening a sense of purpose through service

Participants of the conference observed that a striking feature of Bahá’í community-building activities is how they nurture in young people the capacity to rise above prejudice and channel their energies toward constructive change. Attendees spoke about how serving others, particularly those younger than themselves, has reshaped their understanding of what youth can achieve.

Many of these participants serve as teachers of Bahá’í moral classes for children or facilitators of groups for adolescents. “You see them progress,” shared Preeti, who is 16. “They’re becoming more open and more social. …They have more ideas. They’re raising their hands more. …It’s such a big thing.”

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Question related to this article:
Youth initiatives for a culture of peace, How can we ensure they get the attention and funding they deserve?

(continued from left column)

David, 15, described how his involvement in Bahá’í educational programs awakened his sense of purpose—echoing a central theme of the gathering:

“You can take action now. You don’t have to wait until you’re older,” said David.

“Realizing I could contribute to my community was truly empowering and has inspired me to assist in the development of those younger than me.”

Through the experience of service, participants described how a shared vision of social progress has enabled them to face challenges with greater resilience. As they support one another in addressing difficulties, their unity of purpose strengthens their collective capacity to persevere through daily challenges.

United by this spirit of mutual support, participants are discovering how their combined efforts, guided by spiritual principles, can transform their neighborhoods in ways that would be impossible to achieve alone.

David explained that witnessing the difficulties young people encounter motivated him to engage them in service to their neighbors. “We began by observing the needs of our neighborhood and determining how we could address them,” he said.

One particular experience left a lasting impression on him. “We assisted a neighbor who was living alone and had accumulated a significant amount of garbage that she couldn’t move while she was pregnant. As we worked together, clearing the yard and planting roses, I noticed the children’s smiles,” he recalled. “They even began asking questions about why we were doing this and how we could expand these efforts.”

David reflected on the broader impact of these actions. “It brought me great happiness to see how, by shifting their focus to service, the negative environment they had been exposed to was gradually being transformed.”

Living a coherent life

The conference explored how achieving lasting social change requires a profound transformation in how young people view their lives and purpose.

Participants discussed how certain patterns of thought often separate academic achievement, personal development, and service to society into distinct domains. However, through their engagement with Bahá’í moral and spiritual education programs, these youth are discovering a more integrated approach to life.

Reflecting on how this integrated understanding challenges prevailing notions of value and success, Ken, 19, said: “Other young people come and ask us why we do this, why we help the community, why we help them and what value we get out of it. What I tell them is that the value you’re thinking of is monetary value… You’re thinking about how ‘I can help myself,’ … ‘If I get anything out of it.’”

Ken added that the real reward comes from seeing positive change in their communities and contributing to others’ well-being—a fulfillment that transcends material considerations.

This understanding is reshaping how youth are approaching their career choices. Perma described her journey: “When I started my career, I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I chose healthcare to help people but was confused about my role.

“Now, I see a new direction in policymaking because many issues in the healthcare system need addressing. It’s easy to complain about what’s wrong, but realizing I can make a difference is powerful. I want to shift my career so I’m not waiting for change but actively initiating it and contributing to my community.”

Looking ahead, the youth made plans for activities in the coming months that could engage over 20,000 of their peers in a growing movement dedicated to community transformation through systematic, collective action.

As these youth return to their communities to implement their plans, their enthusiasm points to the far-reaching impact of their collective efforts. As Livia, a 19-year-old from Stratford, expressed, “I can’t wait to see what this conference is going to bring for the future.”

The Bahá’í World News Service has released a short documentary about the conference and the efforts of youth in Ontario toward the common good, which can be viewed here.

(Thank you to Peter Newton for having sent this article to CPNN.)

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Friends Committee on National Legislation Awarded 2024 US Peace Prize


Excerpts from the website of the US Peace Prize

The 2024 US Peace Prize has been awarded to the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) “For Efforts Over 81 Years to Educate, Build Coalitions and Influence Congress to Stop Funding War and Nuclear Weapons.”

The US Peace Prize was presented on November 16, 2024, at the FCNL Annual Meeting by Michael Knox, Chair and Founder of the US Peace Memorial Foundation. In his remarks, Dr. Knox said, “We greatly appreciate the crucial work that FCNL is doing to end war, militarism, and nuclear weapons by educating the public, building coalitions, and lobbying Congress and the administration. For over eight decades, the Friends Committee has developed an impressive portfolio of antiwar actions. Most recently, demanding that the U.S. call for a ceasefire in Palestine and Israel, de-escalation, and humanitarian access to Gaza. The US Peace Prize is a commendation that will help call attention to and reinforce your important work for peace.”

The award was accepted by Bridget Moix, General Secretary, who responded, “On behalf of our board and staff, thousands of advocates around the country persisting for peace with us, and all those who have been part of FCNL’s work over the years, we are honored and grateful to receive this 2024 US Peace Prize. For over 80 years, FCNL has sought to be a clear and consistent voice for peace and justice on Capitol Hill. Receiving this prize is especially significant as we face escalating war in the Middle East, growing global violence and authoritarianism, and enormous threats to our own democracy here at home. A world of justice and peace for all people may seem a distant dream, but our Quaker faith and the powerful communities with whom we work every day sustain us in this ongoing struggle for the world we seek.”

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Question related to this article:

How can the peace movement become stronger and more effective?

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Friends Committee on National Legislation is a nonpartisan Quaker organization that lobbies Congress and the administration to advance their priorities of peace, justice, environmental stewardship, and a world free of war and the threat of war. FCNL played a pivotal role in helping to create the Peace Corps and promoting the slogan “War is Not the Answer” through signs and bumper stickers. The organization also advocates for peacebuilding and against nuclear weapons and U.S. Militarism. FCNL works with a grassroots advocacy network of tens of thousands of people across the country and leads a coalition of organizations pushing for U.S. support for a ceasefire in Israel/Palestine.
The other US Peace Prize final nominees this year were Community Peacemaker Teams, Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal, Louis H. Pumphrey, and Ellen Thomas. You can read about all nominees’ antiwar/peace work in the US Peace Registry.

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The US Peace Memorial Foundation  awards the US Peace Prize to recognize and honor the most outstanding and prominent American antiwar leaders. These courageous people and organizations have publicly championed peaceful solutions to international conflicts involving the U.S. and/or opposed U.S. war(s), militarism, and interventions including invasion, occupation, production and distribution of weapons of mass destruction, use of weapons, threats of war, or other hostile actions that endanger peace. We celebrate these extraordinary role models to inspire other Americans to speak out against war and work for peace. Recipients have been designated as Founding Members of the US Peace Memorial Foundation. Read details about the inspiring antiwar/peace activities of the recipients and all nominees in the US Peace Registry

Previous US Peace Prize recipients are National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth, Costs of War, World BEYOND War, Christine Ahn, Ajamu Baraka, David Swanson, Ann Wright, Veterans For Peace, Kathy Kelly, CODEPINK Women for Peace, Chelsea Manning, Medea Benjamin, Noam Chomsky, Dennis Kucinich, and Cindy Sheehan.

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Fostering a Culture of Peace. Member Spotlight: Dr. Stephanie Myers


An article by Sarah Stenovec from Mediators Beyond Borders

Dr. Stephanie Myers, a distinguished leader and passionate advocate for change, has dedicated her life to community activism, nonviolence, and providing opportunities for young people. Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, Dr. Myers earned her undergraduate degree in psychology from California State University, Dominguez Hills and went on to earn her graduate degree through the Coro Foundation in collaboration with Occidental College. In a nutshell, Dr. Myers held a presidential appointment for twelve years across the Department of Health and Human Services and the Office of Commercial Space Transportation.

She went on to become the national chair of Black Women for Positive Change (which was initially Black Women for Obama in its founding year, 2008). She served as Co-Chair of Black Women for the Biden/Harris campaign in 2020, and is currently producing Non Partisan memes to encourage GenZs to vote in the critical 2024 election. And, of course Dr. Myers is personally supporting our historic Vice President Kamala Harris, for President of the USA.

Along the way, Dr. Myers and her husband co-founded a publishing company, R.J. Myers Publishing & Consulting Co. Passionate about history and recognizing underrepresented voices of the past, Dr. Myers wrote and published her very own book in 2017, Invisible Queen: Mixed Race Ancestry Revealed, on the history of Queen Charlotte and her neglected story (available for purchase at In 2006, Dr. Myers felt drawn to return to school and earned her doctorate degree in Applied Management and Decision Sciences from Walden University. Today, Dr. Myers’s primary work rests in her commitment to Black Women for Positive Change, where she remains unremittingly dedicated to nonviolence initiatives both in her local community and abroad.

Founding Black Women for Positive Change (BWFPC) & The Nonviolence Initiative

Black Women for Positive Change initially began as Black Women for Obama, a loyal group supporting President Obama’s campaign in 2008. After Obama’s reelection in 2012, the group decided to stay together and rebranded to become their current organization. Originally focused on creating pathways for young individuals in the Washington DC area, the organization shifted its focus to nonviolence initiatives following the tragic killing of Trayvon Martin. Dr. Myers and her team felt struck with an unimaginable reality––nobody should have to fear death in their daily lives, on a trip to the convenience store. Recognizing the urgency of this issue, the BWFPC team launched a non-violence initiative that has continued to evolve and strengthen over the past thirteen years, growing from a single day of awareness to an entire month of advocacy in 2021.

Today, their initiative includes participants from six African nations, as well as the United Kingdom, South Korea, and various organizations across the United States. Such growth has been met with both challenges and achievements, and Dr. Myers recognizes MBBI as being a key strategic partner in collaborating with these overseas participants and supporting their continually expanding global network. Dr. Myers was originally introduced to MBBI through the National Association for Community Mediation, whose members work within local courts in their communities as legal mediators, and with whom MBBI partners regularly.

BWFPC is not only focused on supporting black women; it is also multi-cultural, interfaith, intergenerational, and includes men who are active members, known as “Good Brothers.” BWFPC is working to demonstrate how being inclusive to all can lead towards positive change. Dr. Myers herself is a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, balancing family life with her leadership role in BWFPC as well as her publishing company. Despite her busy schedule, she remains steadfast in bringing people together. She believes deeply in the importance of inclusivity and collaboration:

“Inclusivity and working together, those are the themes that we simply have to get across to people. It’s just so sad, that even today in 2024, we have people who don’t understand the interconnectedness we all share. And we’ve got to emphasize that… We have to get past this silo mentality that everyone has, and we have to come together,” she emphasizes.

Changing Our Culture of Violence

A key idea in Dr. Myers’s philosophy and motivation is “changing our culture of violence” in America. Rooted in Dr. Myers’s complex understanding of American history, this driving force in her advocacy work recognizes centuries of violent frameworks engrained in our nation’s culture. “America was born into violence, we know that through the genocide of Native Americans, through the slavery of Black Americans, and through the white indentured servants… who, despite being freed from servitude, still had to struggle. So, they were subject to violence as well. Thus, we have had a culture of violence.” This history, Dr. Myers argues, exists systemically and has permeated the modern boundaries of social and racial activity and dynamics in society.
“Change has to happen. The hatred, the racism, the anger, the confrontation, our American system is built on laws, which are very important, but intrinsic to our legal system is confrontation. ‘You’re right, I’m wrong’. A lot of the violence starts right at the kitchen table at home.”

Much of her work focuses on returning to the underlying causes of youth violence, which are often associated with frustrations within the home. Dr. Myers aims to help students work through these frustrations and address them with peaceful strategies of mediation and de-escalation, while simultaneously providing an emotional outlet that allows individuals to comfortably express their feelings.

Multimedia and Film as a Tool for Change

BWFPC embraces a multimedia approach to their work as a tool for change. Dr. Myers recently produced two short films, both of which are available on the BWFPC website. One of the films, “On Second Thought”, is based on a true story of confrontation and reimagines the scenario with a focus on examining the impact of escalation versus peaceful resolution. Dr. Myers recognizes the power of using media to disseminate the messages of violence prevention and to promote alternatives to violence, while also emphasizing the urgency with which these topics should be handled.

The Role of Mediation in Community Work

Though Dr. Myers doesn’t necessarily think of herself as a mediator, she manages the coordinating of BWFPC’s activities and programs with a strategic approach. Recently, Dr. Myers shared, BWFPC organized an impactful event where sixteen high school students visited the White House’s Executive Office Building to have a discussion with Greg Jackson, the Deputy Director of the Office of Gun Violence Prevention. The students shared personal stories of violence that they had witnessed or experienced, guided by two skilled peace circle facilitators who encouraged and supported the students to express themselves emotionally in what Dr. Myers calls a “restorative justice peace circle.”

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Question for this article:

Mediation as a tool for nonviolence and culture of peace

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“Now it may not have been that they were the direct victim, but it was stories like seeing their fathers robbed or like seeing their mother under attack at a store, having a cousin beaten up. The fact that our young people have to go through this is just very distressing. So that’s what mediation means to me. To be able to try to expose the reality to people who are policy makers and help them realize we must find ways to change this kind of behavior.”

The prevalence of violent experiences among young people was a deeply distressing realization for Dr. Myers and her team, reinforcing the glaring importance of implementing peaceful pathways for young individuals. Her work aims not only to bring awareness to the harsh realities of youth violence but also to implement changes that will combat systemic injustice and build foundations for sustainable development.

Goals for Future: Peace Circles and Opportunities as Alternatives

One of Dr. Myers’s main advocacies is the implementation of facilitated peace circles inside of schools, which BWFPC is seeking funding to launch. “It would be so wonderful for mediators and other professionals like facilitators to be paid to go into the school and to be able to work with the kids,” she explains. “The young people often don’t get a chance to express their grievances until their anger escalates and they get into a fight and get suspended, and one thing leads to another.”

One very important revelation for Dr. Myers was that these children are not gaining exposure to potential future opportunities, both professional and personal, that recognize their potential and allow them to recognize their own capabilities to succeed. She envisions introducing young individuals to professional opportunities that showcase their potential, an idea she has termed “Opportunities as Alternatives.” This initiative could include, eventually, a Positive Change Academy that would expose students to fields like AI, cybersecurity, and other industries they may not otherwise consider.

“I’d like to see the field of mediation expanded because most people don’t even know that it exists. And most people are not aware of the impact that this profession has. I got my undergraduate degree in psychology, but I had no idea that mediation was a dimension of behavioral science. It needs to have more emphasis. Through peace circles and through more exposure, I think mediation needs to advertise itself more as a career so that people can learn about the opportunities and also to demonstrate how it works.”

Path to Becoming a Presidential Appointee

In reflecting on her path to becoming a presidential appointee, Dr. Stephanie Myers illustrates the power of seizing moments and building connections based on her own personal experiences. As a graduate student, she would escort students to Sacramento, California to interview various legislators––one happened to be Governor Ronald Reagan. She later attended a meeting where Reagan shared a story about his first broadcasting job, explaining how he was hired on the spot for confidently improvising when the red light went on. In a moment of inspiration, Dr. Myers chimed in, “The moral of this story is to know what to do when the red light comes on!” The comment struck a chord with Reagan, sparking a connection that would grow over the years. Dr. Myers continued to engage him, writing letters to advocate for Black communities and challenging his policies—correspondence he acknowledged by responding thoughtfully. Dr. Myers’s father, Robert W. Lee Sr., encouraged her throughout this process, reminding her that, “Access is power. If you are close to someone who’s a decision maker, you can make a difference.”

Years later, when Reagan became president, he recognized her commitment and insight, leading to his office reaching out to her with an invitation to come work in Washington and recognizing her honorable work within the Black community. Accepting this role, she headed the Minority Business Development transition team, where she courageously defended the program from cuts, successfully advocating to expand it—a legacy that endures today. She also helped create the Office of Minority Health  at the US Department of Health and Human Services, and was the top official in charge of the “Just Say No” campaign against drugs.

For Dr. Myers, young people have a unique power to influence change by connecting with experienced leaders. She encourages letter writing as a meaningful and often overlooked way to build intergenerational relationships, bridging perspectives and fostering solutions. “Being involved, having the determination, writing letters to people, however you can reach them, especially when you’re young. Older people don’t really get a chance to interact with young people that much. It provides an opportunity… as an alternative to violence, and allows people to see that there’s another world out there.” Dr. Myers’s unwavering commitment to fostering community, encouraging inclusivity, and promoting opportunities as alternatives to violence embodies her lifelong mission of positive change.

Advice for New Mediators

When asked to share advice or recommendations for new mediators starting out in the field, Dr. Myers emphasizes the importance of self-reflection, compassion, and fostering unity and peace. She would advise a new mediator to “look at their own life first, and make a list of maybe the ten primary relationships they have… look and see how those relationships are working. It would start with self-examination. As they go through the mediation process, they should not be a hypocrite who tells others how to fix their lives when, in fact, their own lives are still out of kilter.”

Dr. Myers speaks to the current political climate in America and the broader need for mediation in society: “Right now, we have a nation that is really struggling with values and attitudes. There’s a lot of anger out there… so we’re all seeing now that there’s a lot of division, and we have to find a way to heal that and bring people together.”

An important element of social interaction Dr. Myers highlights is the tolerance for, respect of, and acceptance of differing perspectives: “We have to find ways to let people know that I will respect your right to disagree with me, that’s okay, but you need to disagree in some way other than turning towards violence.” Again, Dr. Myers emphasizes changing our nation’s culture of violence. Mediation embodies the potential for a culture of peace, according to Dr. Myers, and we can forge this path by recognizing our responsibilities as active citizens.

“All of us are responsible to change the culture of violence. If there’s any message, it’s that we must change that culture through mediation, through love, through faith, through relationships, and we each must find out how best to do this.” Furthermore, this sense of responsibility goes beyond the individual to become a shared responsibility across all sectors of society. “We want our law enforcement officers, our faith leaders, our corporate leaders, and our political leaders to come together and realize we have to find ways to disagree that are peaceful and positive.”

For Dr. Stephanie Myers, mediation is not merely just a profession, but rather a calling to promote understanding and respect in communities to recognize the destruction of violence and to weave the fabric of a culture of peace.

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Approaching election day in the United States


An email received from Search for Common Ground

As we approach Election Day in the United States, we are reminded of All We Share as fellow humans.

Across the country, 99.994% of Americans, regardless of identity, do not choose acts of political violence, and 87% are tired of political division. In partnership with One Million Truths, we are focused on amplifying the voices of peacebuilders in the US, the visionary leaders and everyday folks who are bridging divides in their communities and choosing respect over division.

We want to shine a light on productive individual actions that are building a better future for everyone. But we need your help in creating a movement that amplifies the stories and experiences we all want to see.

Share your stories with us:

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Question related to this article:
How Can a Civil War Be Avoided in the United States?

(Continued from left column)

Have you worked together with someone you disagree with? Share your story by tagging  @allweshare and @searchforcommonground on Instagram and inspire others to do the same.

Across the nation, people are finding ways to unite and solve problems, regardless of political views. Join this movement by hosting a Love Anyway Feast.

We know we’re better together. It’s time we listen to one another and create unity in our communities. Because together, we can find real solutions, not by avoiding differences, but by embracing them and working through them collaboratively. We’re more than just opposing sides, so let’s focus on All We Share.

Public Agenda reports that 79% of people believe that creating opportunities for open dialogue can reduce divisiveness, and 86% believe it’s possible for people to disagree in a healthy way. How can you cultivate that mutual respect and create positive change within your circle today?

Learn more about All We Share

With peace,
Search for Common Ground

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United States and Canada: International Day of Peace


A survey by CPNN

Here are 151 actions for the International Day of Peace located in 44 of the 50 United States, as well as 15 events in Canada in 6 provinces. In order to save space, only one event is given in detail for each state of the USA while internet links are provided for the others.

The events were listed in Google during the weeks of September 17-28 this year under the key words “International Day of Peace,” “peaceday” or “Journée Internationale de la Paix” or were listed on the website of Campaign Nonviolence.

Unlike last year when 107 new events were registered for Montessori schools singing for peace, this year the Montessori website no longer provides a list.


Here are excerpts from the articles.

* * * CANADA * * *

STATEMENT BY THE PRIME MINISTER: The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the International Day of Peace: “Today, on the International Day of Peace, we reflect on the progress made and move forward on the work yet to be done to achieve a more inclusive, peaceful, and secure world for everyone. As geopolitical crises become increasingly complex, the principles outlined in the United Nations (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Sustainable Development Goals are more relevant than ever – and Canada is stepping up to strengthen them.

“Through our Feminist International Assistance Policy, we are actively supporting inclusive peacekeeping efforts around the world. This includes ongoing efforts to advance gender equality in peace and security through the Women and Peace and Security Agenda and support the meaningful participation of women in UN peacekeeping operations through the Elsie Initiative. We are also strengthening the protection of civilians through the Vancouver Principles, which prevent the recruitment and use of child soldiers by armed forces and armed groups.

“This week, as the UN General Assembly begins in New York City, let’s recommit ourselves to working together to build a better, safer, and more peaceful world.”


RED DEER: Join the Central Alberta Multifaith Network for Compassion and Peace and Red Deer Polytechnic on Saturday, September 21st to recognize the UN International Day of Peace. Our Keynote Speaker is Lewis Cardinal whose topic is “The Role of Religions, Faiths, and Spiritual Traditions in Global Reconciliation”. Lewis will be followed by a panel discussion with panelists from different religions/perspectives (including Baha’i, Buddhist, Humanist and more) about how peace shows up in scripture and practice in various religions/beliefs.


DAWSON CREEK: The City of Dawson Creek council proclaimed Saturday, September 21st, as the International Day of Peace. The proclamation was made during council’s September 9th meeting. 

THREE RIVERS: Thompson Rivers University. Connect with the Multi-Faith Chaplaincy on Thursday, Sept. 19, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for International Day of Peace. Various chaplains will be at the Campus Courts outside of Old Main for reflection, connection and conversation.


DECLARATION OF PROVINCE OF MANITOBA: Peace Days from 10 to 21 September 2024. Click link above to see full declaration.


HALIFAX: In a powerful demonstration of unity and commitment to global peace, a diverse group
of 20 peace advocates will walk 200 kilometers. The Walking Together for Peace walk left Pagweak/Pugwash on September 8, and walking to Kjipuktuk/Halifax, Nova Scotia and arriving on the International Day of Peace, September 21, 2024. The walk draws inspiration from the Pugwash Conference of 1957, where scientists agreed on dismantling nuclear weapons at the height of the Cold War.


BANCROFT: Bancroft council has declared Sept. 21 as Peace Day in the Town of Bancroft. The CN Tower and Niagara Falls have both agreed to our request to illuminate on Peace Day. The CN Tower will be lit in rainbow colors to symbolize peace. The lighting will begin at sunset, becoming fully visible approximately 30 minutes later as the sky darkens. A standard light show will run for five minutes at the top of every hour, followed by another light show on the half hour. At 10:30 p.m. on the same evening, Niagara Falls will be illuminated in the Canadian Peace Museum’s colours of pink, white, and purple. This vibrant display is a visual representation of peace and the museum’s mission to promote non-violence and understanding across communities. The Canadian Peace Museum has launched the Stories of Peace award for 2024. We have invited people to submit short videos and pictures of their visual art answering the question “What does peace mean to you?”

GEORGETOWN AND OTTAWA: Georgetown is one of many CFUW (Canadian Federation of University Women) chapters across the country whose members have been working throughout the summer creating panels of colourful materials for an assembly on Parliament Hill on September 21. “It is not practical for our members to be in Ottawa on Peace Day, but our panels will join the hundreds of other panels flying to Ottawa from all provinces,” says CFUW-Georgetown President Margaret Teasdale.

SARNIA: A gathering is planned at the Rotary Peace Garden in Sarnia’s Centennial Park on Saturday. The Rotary Club of Sarnia Bluewaterland will be dedicating its Peace Pole on International Peace Day.
The monument, which declares the message “May Peace Prevail on Earth” in the language of the country where it is erected, was created in 1955 by Masahisa Goi.

SUDBURY: Ahead of the International Day of Peace on Saturday a flag-raising ceremony and public event was held at Sudbury’s Tom Davies square. (with video)

TORONTO PEACE SCHOOL: To celebrate the International Day of Peace, the Peace School in Toronto hosts the Festival of Iranian Stories in collaboration with various cultural organizations. This event is designed for children aged 4 to 10 and features nearly 30 facilitators who have prepared engaging activities for children and their families. The festival will showcase some of the most beautiful Iranian stories through storytelling, story reading, performances, games, and music.

TORONTO PEACE FESTIVAL: Join us for the International Peace Festival, where we will honour the UN’s International Day of Peace with eight days of art, culture, and community. The festival will include an extensive programming of film premieres and screenings, musical performances, art exhibitions, educational panels, and high-level networking opportunities. Special appearances by some of the most well-known figures in film, music, painting, sculpture, and photography will celebrate art’s transforming impact in peace.

WATERLOO: Celebrating an impactful decade of peacebuilding,The Kindred Credit Union Centre of Peace Advancement turns 10 years old on September 21, 2024, the International Day of Peace. Since its launch in 2014, the Centre has been committed to promoting peace locally and globally. To celebrate a decade of innovative peacebuilding, the Centre’s team will be hosting a celebration at Conrad Grebel University College from 3-6 PM for participants, partners, stakeholders, and supporters past and present.  . . . This anniversary is an opportunity to reconnect and reminisce with old colleagues, hear from influential speakers, enjoy refreshments and engage in meaningful conversations.


MONTREAL: Celebrate the International Day of Peace by highlighting the importance of a world without violence and discovering inspiring stories from Laurentian citizens.  The event is organized by the  Saint-Laurent Social Organizations Committee (COSSL) and will take place Monday September 23 at 11:30 AM at Beaudet Park.

* * * UNITED STATES * * *


TROY: TROY students will gather at Hawkins-Adams-Long Hall of Honor on the Troy Campus at 6:30 p.m. and, beginning at 7 p.m., will march, bearing international flags, to the Peace Dove statue, created by the artist Nall, on the Daniel Foundation of Alabama Plaza, located behind the International Arts Center. The march will be followed by a program, featuring student speakers and music.



GILBERT: Every year the Montessori World joins together to celebrate International Day of Peace on September 21st. This year, that date falls on a Saturday. Therefore, Creo School will be celebrating International Peace Day with the global Montessori Community on Friday, September 20th. We ask that all students, staff, and parents wear their WHITE PEACE DAY T- SHIRT that day. During the school day, we will have an internal celebration and our students (all levels) and staff will assemble to sing songs together and view special presentations from our Elementary community.



In observance of International Peace Day, established in 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly, artist Helen Kwiatkowski shares a series of paintings and origami cranes that will provide the backdrop to a Sept. 21 Peace Day concert in Sequoyah Hall with proceeds benefiting local children.



SAN FRANCISCO: In a city renowned as the birthplace of the United Nations, San Francisco marked the UN International Day of Peace with a gathering at Civic Center Plaza on Saturday, emphasizing the crucial themes of conflict resolution and global cooperation. Local leaders heralded the celebration as a beacon of hope. Amikaeyla Gaston, a cultural arts ambassador and the event’s emcee, highlighted the urgent necessity for a message of peace in today’s world. . . David Wick, president of Pathways to Peace, the UN-affiliated NGO that hosted the event, emphasized his belief that peace starts within. “You are a pathway to peace. Everyone is a pathway to peace. And peace begins right here. All peace begins right here,” he said, while pointing to his heart. . . From music performances to dance performances, the gathering, which streamed alongside other celebrations around the world, marked a day of hope. (with video)



ENGLEWOOD: Today is the International Day of Peace! As is tradition, 6th graders in Todd Schayes’ history class at the Kent Denver School made pinwheels yesterday in celebration of the United Nations-sanctioned holiday. The students wrote messages of hope and peace on their pinwheels before planting them in front of the Middle School.



MYSTIC Join us for a reflective walk and meditation at the Peace Sanctuary as we observe the International Day of Peace. Please note this walk is of moderate difficulty over uneven terrain. Meet at the bottom of the driveway at the Peace Sanctuary, located at 233 River Road, Mystic.



US INSTITUTE OF PEACE Celebrate the International Day of Peace with a visit to the headquarters of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP), located at the northwest corner of the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Learn about U.S. global peacebuilding and the USIP headquarters, and meet USIP staff and experts who work on peacebuilding around the world. This year, Peace Day Open House activities include:
– Building tours (led and self-guided options)
– Storytelling on the National Mall
– Resources to explore peace themes on the National Mall and in Foggy Bottom
– Interactive stations for adults and children that explore peacebuilding skills and tools
-Opportunities to take action for peace and connect with a global network of peacebuilders



SEAFORD: Art Crawl in downtown Seaford with displays of visionary peace youth art and poetry by community members of all ages in storefronts along the main street and along the Nanticoke Riverfront. Between now and then we are holding several workshops to create the art and poems for which I have several posters. We will also feature songs of peace and justice by different musicians and choral groups throughout the day.


KEY WEST: In 1981, by a unanimous vote by the United Nations, the International Day of Peace was created and is celebrated every year, worldwide, on Sept. 21. In honor of the event, Principals Amy O’Connor and Sandra McCoy, teachers, parents and 160 students from the Montessori Children’s School on Varela Street and the May Sands Montessori Charter School on United Street joined together to create a peace sign at Bayview Park on Friday morning. The event, which includes songs of peace and poetry, has been held in Key West since 2005. (see photo above)



STATESBORO: This year on the date of the annual observance of the International Day of Peace, Statesboro’s Downtown Rotary Club will host a community observance at the site of the Peace Pole behind the Mainstreet Farmer’s Market at Visit Statesboro.  There will be a brief program to celebrate Peace Day, and Georgia Southern international students and area youth organizations including Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Our Girls Rock Too, have been invited to participate. The ceremony will begin at 10am. Expected to be in attendance are Shana Brinson, Assistant Governor, Rotary District 6920, Area 4; Mayor Jonathan McCollar; Senator Billy Hickman; Representative Lehman Franklin; and Dr. Ron Jones from Georgia Southern.



WAILUKU: Imua Family Services has announced its 3rd annual Butterfly Festival set to take place at Imua Discovery Garden in Wailuku on World Peace Day — Saturday, Sept. 21 — from 1 to 4 p.m. Now in its third installment, Imua’s Butterfly Festival has become a beloved community event that brings together families, friends and nature enthusiasts to enjoy a day filled with activities, play and fun. Attendees can look forward to butterfly releases, sculpture viewing, live music, garden walks and opportunities to play together.
“This year’s festival is especially meaningful as we celebrate World Peace Day alongside our love for butterflies,” said Dean Wong, executive director of Imua Family Services. “Butterflies symbolize transformation and hope – a perfect pairing with the message of peace and unity we aim to promote on World Peace Day.”



CHICAGO: Peace Day Chicago 46th Anniversary Celebration
Monday, September 23, 2024. 11:30 am – 1:00 pm. Daley Plaza 50 W. Washington – Free event! Peace Day Chicago celebrates unity and diversity in our city and world. Mark your calendar now to experience an uplifting and energizing celebration in conjunction with the worldwide observance of the United Nations International Day of Peace.
– World Peace Flag Ceremony and Interactive Call to Peace
– Live world music and cultural performances
– One Minute of Silence for World Peace
– Remarks on peace by local leaders
– Peacebuilding, cultural and community organizations on hand for networking opportunities



AVILLA: Oak Farm Montessori students and faculty came together to sing a song of unity in celebration of International day of peace. The lyrics beseech that, “Our wish for world peace, will one day come true.” Maria Montessori believed that “Peace is what every human being is craving for, and it can only be brought about by humanity through the child.” These world changers are well on their way! (with video)



DUBUQUE: Dubuque Day of Peace: Dubuque Branch NAACP 35th Anniversary Reception. Friday, September 20 @ 4–6 PM. Multicultural Family Center. Dubuque’s Festival celebrating the UN International Day of Peace began in 2010 with a single event. Since then, it has grown to include events and participation from many community groups. Dubuque’s 2024 theme is “Environmental Justice: Ways To Navigate This Changing World.” Free. 1157 Central Ave.


Question for this article

What has happened this year (2024) for the International Day of Peace?

Peace Day Philly at One Art Community Center

(Survey continued from left column)


LAWRENCE: The Lawrence community is invited to the International Day of Peace celebration at Ecumenical Campus Ministries, where a local individual and an organization will be recognized for their contributions to promoting peace and justice. The evening’s featured speaker will be Rabbi Moti Rieber, executive director of Kansas Interfaith Action.


LOUISVILLE: Chalk It Up For Peace – Celebrating International Day of Peace. Saturday, Sept 21, 10:00 – 11:30am at All Peoples Unitarian Universalist Church. How can we cultivate a culture of peace? We invite kids of all ages (adults too!) to engage with artistic expression of what peace looks like, learn peacebuilding stories, and watch others building peace.


TAMMANY PARISH: Join us for a peaceful retreat to celebrate International Day of Peace with meditation, yoga, and mindfulness activities. Saturday, September 21 · 11:11am – 4:44pm, Bayou Paquet Road St Tammany Parish.


UNITY: Peace Action Maine. Common Ground Fair in Unity, Maine hosts Peace Education music and speaker event on Saturday September 21st. Join us!
1:30-2:30pm Pihcintu Multinational Girls Chorus (ampitheater)
3:00-4:00pm Americans Who Tell the Truth – Rob Shetterly & Veterans for Peace Maine – Doug Rawlings (Social & Political Action speakers tent)
4:00-4:30pm Campaign Nonviolence – Rivera Sun (social action tent)
4:30-5:00pm Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine – Josh Kauppila (social action tent)
5:00-5:30pm World BEYOND War – Martha Morrison (social action tent)


FREDERICK: Frederick Friends Meeting. We will hold a rally and peace walk Sept. 21, Saturday, at 2pm with the theme “Celebrating Peacemakers in our Community”.


BOSTON: The UN International Day of Peace will be held in the sanctuary of The Cathedral Church of Saint Paul, 138 Tremont Street, Boston. This year’s theme is “Building a Culture of Peace”. The free program will feature peace education, music and more. Musical performers will include cellist Miranda Henne, Toussaint Liberator, and Lena Marcela Sarmiento Tellez, a Columbian singer and graduate of the Longy School of Music. Members of the FMC community (Friends Meeting of Cambridge) are involved in the organizing of the event and will be part of the program. This year’s program is dedicated to the memory of Ian Harrington and his countless years dedication to the cause of peace. After the program in the sanctuary at around 3:30pm, you are invited to walk to the nearby Garden of Peace for the closing.



MIDLAND: This Saturday marks the International Day of Peace and the advocacy group Nonviolent Peaceforce is kicking off a series of family-friendly events in Midland.

The focus of the day is to encourage nations and individuals to resolve conflicts without violence. Nonviolent Peaceforce aims to inspire the Midland community through stage performances, the dedication of a “peace pole” and giveaways of a special book on fostering peace. 

Judy Timmons, treasurer and historian of Nonviolent Peaceforce Midland, underscored the commitment to resolving conflicts through dialogue rather than violence, especially in light of the many conflicts playing out on the world stage.

”We have to listen to one another before we can bring about peace.”



MINNEAPOLIS: Please join Twin Cities Nonviolent, our partners, and the global community as we celebrate Twelve Days Free from Violence. This year, our schedule holds three categories of experiences for all to take part in including live, in-person and online events and suggestions for actions to promote peace.
– Saturday, Sept. 21, 4:00 – 5:00PM: Film Premier of “Hoodnomics” 
– Saturday, Sept. 21, 11AM – 5PM: Open Streets West Broadway sponsored by and Seeds.
– Sunday, Sept. 22, 10:00AM – Noon: No School in Gaza, sponsored by Families Against Military Madness (FAMM). Family-friendly activities for children & educators w/ suggestions on student actions for a free Palestine. 
– Sunday, Sept. 22, 11:00AM – Noon: A Peace Message with Father Harry Bury and Pastor Mike Williams at On Fire Ministry
– Sunday, Sept. 22, 3:30 – 5:00PM:  Peace Concert with Jim ten Bensel and the Capri Big Band at On Fire Ministry


COLUMBUS: Catholic School hosts annual “Pinwheels for Peace” in Columbus, September 19, 2024. 187 students colored and shaped the pinwheels. They also wrote their thoughts or pictures about war and peace, tolerance, love, and living in harmony with others.


INDEPENDENCE: On 21 September, Community of Christ will celebrate the International Day of Peace. The observance connects many aspects of peace that are part of discipleship: the dedication of the Temple in Independence, Missouri, the Daily Prayer for Peace; the Enduring Principle of Pursuit of Peace; and World Conference Resolution 1177, which encourages us to participate “with other organizations constructively promoting peaceful existence of humanity.”


LINCOLN: St. Mark’s United Methodist Church. September 25, 6:30 p.m. for an evening of prayer in observance of the International Day of Peace.


LAS VEGAS: In honor of September’s Classical Music Month and the International Day of Peace and World Gratitude (Sept. 21), JFSA Las Vegas will host an intimate concert featuring Violins of Hope at The Industrial, 2330 South Industrial Road, in Las Vegas, on September 21 at 7 p.m.


DOVER: Dover Public Library, Saturday, September 21 · 10 – 11:30am. Come join a different kind of conversation – one that welcomes every perspective in a search for the underlying truths that unite us all – as we discuss the spiritual perspectives offered by the Bahá’í Teachings on what will be required to achieve true and lasting peace. Join us for a lively discussion as we explore the role each of us can play in bringing about humanity’s peace.


MANCHESTER: Township’s Regional Day School students took time Friday to celebrate International Peace Day with a Pinwheels for Peace project, district officials said.



LAS CRUCES: Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace. Tune in to KTAL-LP throughout this Saturday to hear songs of peace from the KTAL-LP Music Library.


UNITED NATIONS: On 21 September, United Nations Peacekeeping will commemorate the International Day of Peace with a series of live art installations, hosted at the UN Headquarters in New York and in peacekeeping missions around the world. The theme “Our Common Future is Peace,” taps into the power of street art to amplify voices from across the globe, promoting unity and collective action for peace. The campaign offers a platform for individuals to express their visions for a peaceful future, connecting with the themes of the upcoming Summit of the Future, which focuses on shaping a new global framework for peace. . . In New York, renowned American street artist Thomas Evans, better known as Detour, will lead Peace Day’s main artistic activation. Detour will create a large-scale mural on the theme “Building a Peaceful Future Together.” Spectators will have the chance to watch the mural unfold and contribute their own messages of peace on a second, collaborative canvas.



RALEIGH: William Peace University will take part in celebrating the International Day of Peace Sept. 21, 2024. WPU’s celebration includes a series of events starting Sept. 17 with the men’s soccer game versus Roanoke College at WakeMed Soccer Park. The game will be part of the One Day One Goal event. On Peace Day, One Day One Goal uses games to rise above their differences to resolve conflict or strengthen a fragile peace. One Day One Goal teams are typically made up of mixed players from different backgrounds who usually don’t get a chance to interact often. WPU will then host a community gathering on Sept. 23 beginning at 3 p.m. The event includes a presentation of artwork, a band, dancing, guest speakers, and multiple tabling stations, including one where students will plant a seed. The seed planting is part of the cultivating theme. There will also be a dinner afterward.



GRANVILLE: Granville Girl Scout Brownie Troop 7627 is celebrating International Peace Day on Sept. 21-22 in the village’s Opera House Park. The Girl Scouts are making pinwheels as part of Pinwheels for Peace. The Brownies’ pinwheels will be on display in Opera House Park on Sept. 21-22.



MIDWEST CITY: Oklahoma City Brahma Kumaris. September 16 · 7:45pm – September 20 · 8:45pm CDT -Learn to Meditate – a 5 days Free course – in person or online


SALEM:International Day of Peace
Celebrating in Song, Dance and Readings, Saturday, September 21, 2024 3:00 PM, Salem Peace Plaza next to Library, sponsored by Bahais of Salem.



PHILADELOPHIA: First initiated in 1984, World Peace Day is in its 40th year of celebration. This year’s theme was ‘Cultivate a Culture of Peace.’ Founded in 2012, Peace Day Philly continues this tradition by curating demonstrations of peace around the city of Philadelphia in the lead-up to International Peace Day, observed annually on September 21st. Each year the program has expanded, and 2024 was no exception. Among many of the events to choose from was a Back-to-School mental health fair hosted by WeLovePhilly and a literacy fair, produced in collaboration with House of Umoja’s Peace LIT! . . . Overall, the event emphasized community wholeness. What struck me were the diverse reasons people gathered that day. For many, Peace Day Philly as an official event was unknown, but experiencing it was a unifying experience. House of Umoja and WeLovePhilly showed us peace is mightier than the sword. Regardless of our motivations for attending, a culture of peace was cultivated and the sense of community was undeniably magical. (see photo above)



WESTERLY: Westerly Area Peace and Justice will host their 7th Annual International Day of Peace interfaith prayer service on Saturday, September 21, 2024 on the Esplanade in Wilcox Park starting at 6 pm.


GREENVILLE:International Day of Peace. Greenville, SC Baha’i Community. Come and join us for a fun-filled evening!



OAK RIDGE: Saturday, September 21, 2024. Oak Ridge girl scouts will have a program consisting of songs and peace readings to observe the UN international day of peace.



SAN ANTONIO: University of the Incarnate Word. Join us in Our Lady’s Chapel as we commemorate the 25th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace. This year’s theme is “Cultivating a Culture of Peace.” 



CEDAR CITY: You are invited to attend a concert honoring the life of Helen Foster Snow, Utah’s most famous humanitarian, industrial organizer, and journalist. Born in Cedar City in 1907, Helen was nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize for initiating the Gung Ho Movement in Asia, a program which provided financial aid for refugees to establish industrial cooperatives in the 1930’s. . . In celebration of the International Day of Peace, a concert featuring local students and musicians will be held Saturday, Septmeber 21, 2024 at 4:00 pm at the Thorley Recital Hall on SUU Campus. Donations are welcome! All proceeds go towards Camp Gung Ho. The event is supported by the Family Support Center of Southwestern Utah, Fiddlers Canyon Elementary School, Southern Utah University and local musicians. Helen’s 6,000 photographs and 64 books and manuscripts are currently housed at the Harold B. Lee Library at BYU, as well as the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.


BURLINGTON: Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, International Day of Peace represents a globally shared day for all humanity to commit to building a culture of peace in communities around the world. The Vermont Council on World Affairs is excited to once again celebrate International Day of Peace with programming focused on this important topic. This year’s event, Peace in Progress: Understanding Today, Shaping Tomorrow, will focus on the future of peace and will explore our current global peace landscape and envision future pathways to a more unified world.  During this event, we will unite advocates, visionaries, and policymakers who are committed to the shared commitment of building a more peaceful and secure world.


CHATHAM: Chatham Hall will celebrate the International Day of Peace with a special service in the Peace Garden. Led by Chaplain Barksdale, the event will feature a procession of flags from around the world, carried by community members representing their home countries, and an invocation by the President of the International Student Association. Together, we will gather in reflection, song, and prayer, offering a moment of unity and peace. Highlights include readings by students from the Model UN Club, planting flower bulbs to symbolize peace, and a communal prayer for nonviolence.


TACOMA: Tacoma Sister Cities presents the International Day of Peace.
The event will take place on Saturday, September 21st, 2024 from 11am to 1pm.
Cultivating a culture of peace is the focus of the event. There will be music, peaceful actions, inspirational speakers, and a moment of silence for global peace. The event will be held at Thea’s Park, located at 405 Dock Street in Tacoma, Washington.



BUCKHANNON: Students at Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School soon will be celebrating the International Day of Peace by displaying pinwheels symbolizing what peace means to them. This is part of a larger “Whirled Peace Day” initiative happening across the world. Art students will spend the coming days learning about several artists, as well as art techniques they can utilize when creating their own pinwheel, said Sherri Butler, a 7th grade art teacher.


MILWAUKEE: 9/21 – Milwaukee’s Peace Day activities will involve Indigenous-led ceremonies in the morning, a Peace Walk along Lake Michigan, a Palestinian lunch and more.
More details can be found at these links:
Facebook Event


Peace Day in San Francisco, A milestone in Cultivating a Culture of Peace


Special to CPNN from David Wick*

“As you think, so you become”, is an ancient and timeless message for humanity. A similar wake-up call is expressed in the preamble of UNESCO (UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization). “Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.” Both the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace, and the UN International Day of Peace are dedicated to assisting humanity in consciously living this reality.

The United Nations in a series of resolutions and programs for the 21st Century, called for a transition from the culture of war to a culture of peace. In 1999 the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace (A/RES/53/243). During the International Year for the Culture of Peace in the Year 2000, one percent of the world’s population (75 million people) took part in the signature campaign on the Manifesto 2000.

Pathways To Peace (PTP) is an international Peacebuilding, educational, and consulting organization. For over four decades, PTP has been actively making Peace a lived reality. PTP is a UN-designated Peace Messenger Organization and has Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). PTP works locally and globally, inter-generationally and multi-culturally, to support Peacebuilding, Peacebuilders, and to collaborate with other organizations in initiatives that advance the Culture of Peace.

Since its inception in 1981, Pathways To Peace has worked with the UN to expand awareness of and engage in the International Day of Peace (Peace Day), which is held annually on September 21. Peace Day has grown from a single event of a few hundred people in San Francisco on September 18, 1984, into a global movement that reaches hundreds of millions to billions of people. Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace. For Pathways To Peace, the overarching mission is cultivating a Culture of Peace for all of humanity with the International Day of Peace serving as a day for all nations and people to honor a cessation of hostilities, and to commemorate Peace Day through all means of education and communication.
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Question(s) related to this article:

What is happening this year (2024) for the International Day of Peace?

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The sound of silence reverberated at high noon in every time zone across the globe on September 18, 1984, as it rode a PeaceWave launched from San Francisco.

On that day, Pathways To Peace (PTP) coordinated a Peace Day in San Francisco (the birthplace of the UN) to celebrate the first large-scale, civil society organized, International Day of Peace. As the PeaceWave circled the globe that first year, citizens from 52 countries responded to the invitation from San Francisco to participate in the celebration of the International Day of Peace.

Those numbers have grown exponentially over the past 40 years. This year, organizers are expecting upwards of three billion people to observe the noon minute of silence and to participate in peace building events held in over 200 countries. Major international cities such as Geneva, Hiroshima, and New York will join San Francisco in livestreaming their Peace Day events to a global audience, with more cities to be announced in the weeks to come.

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first United Nations International Day of Peace gathering and the launch of the PeaceWave from The City by the Bay, Pathways To Peace is hosting the Peace Day gathering at the Civic Center Plaza in San Francisco this September 21, 10:30 am – 4:00 pm PDT. Tezikiah Gabriel, Executive Director of PTP, said, “As it was 40 years ago, the purpose of the Peace Day initiative is to foster cooperation at all levels of our local-global communities and to demonstrate the difference each individual, group, organization, or nation makes when acting in concert with one another… enough of a difference to change the course of history!”

Additional information can be found on Pathways to Peace . If you cannot attend in person please register to join us online for the Live Global Broadcast at and join in virtually.

Our shared goal of cultivating a Culture of Peace is doable and right before us. As international futurist and past President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences Willis Harman said, “Perhaps the only limits to the human mind are those we believe in.”

* David Wick is the President of Pathways To Peace and Executive Director of the Ashland Culture of Peace Commission.

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‘Major Power Milestone’: US Green Groups Cheer Wind, Solar Overtaking Coal


An article by Jessica Corbett from Common Dreams licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)

U.S. climate advocates this week are celebrating new federal data  that show wind and solar have generated more power than coal during the first seven months of 2024 and are on track to do so for the entire calendar year.

A wind farm is show in front of mountains at sunset. (Photo: Mickey Strider/Loop Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

“This is the kind of news we like to see!” Food & Water Watch said  of the data on social media Tuesday. “Ensuring a livable climate for all depends on us making a swift and just transition to clean energy like wind and solar.”

The group shared reporting from E&E News, which noted that “the milestone had been long expected due to a steady stream of coal plant retirements and the rapid growth of wind and solar. Last year, wind and solar outpaced coal through May  before the fossil fuel eventually overtook the pair when power demand surged in the summer.”

“Renewables’ growth has been driven by a surge in solar production over the last year,” the news outlet continued. “The 118 terawatt-hours generated by utility-scale solar facilities through the end of July represented a 36% increase from the same time period last year, according to preliminary U.S. Energy Information Administration figures. Wind production was 275 TWh, up 8% over 2023 levels. Renewables’ combined production of 393 TWh outpaced coal generation of 388 TWh.”

Sierra Club  executive director Ben Jealous said  in a statement Wednesday that “wind and solar energy has long been the most cost-effective choice for utilities, but now it has also outpaced coal generation as the top source of energy, further demonstrating that clean energy is critical to a reliable and affordable grid.”

“This historic milestone marks a significant win for clean energy advocates, for ratepayers, and for people and communities across the country that simply want to breathe clean air, drink safe water, and worry less about climate disasters like floods and wildfires,” Jealous continued.

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Question for this article:

Are we making progress in renewable energy?

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“For decades, the Sierra Club has fought to move America Beyond Coal  and onto a clean, reliable, and affordable grid,” he added. “To date, the Beyond Coal campaign has secured the retirement of 385 coal plants and counting, and on August 16th, we celebrate the two-year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act, which made historic investments in clean energy and clean energy jobs. Together, families across the country are saving money, enjoying good paying jobs, breathing clean air, and drinking safe water.”

Along with celebrating the federal legislation signed in 2022 by President Joe Biden, Sierra Club highlighted a state law signed the previous year by Democratic Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker.

“Illinoisans should be proud of the work we’ve done to close our largest coal plants and leverage the power of clean energy to drive economic growth while reducing pollution that’s harmful to public health and our planet,” said Jack Darin, director of the Sierra Club’s state chapter. “Thanks to the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act of 2021, Illinois workers are now building the clean energy that is replacing old, dirty fossil fuels and bringing a brighter future to communities across our state.”

Celebrations over the “major power milestone” come as Americans prepare for a November presidential election in which Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz—who are endorsed by a range of climate groups—are set to face former Big Oil-backed former Republican President Donald Trump and U.S. Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio).

During an April event in Florida, Trump told fossil fuel executives that if they invested just $1 billion into his campaign, he would gut the Biden-Harris administration’s climate regulations. The Washington Post reported  Tuesday that billionaire Continental Resources founder then “called other oil executives and encouraged them to attend fundraisers and open their wallets.”

While Hamm is reportedly sharing Big Oil’s priorities with the Trump-Vance team, their approach can be summed up by a phrase they’ve said on the campaign trail: “drill, baby, drill.”

Although the Republican candidates have tried to distance themselves by the Heritage Foundation-led Project 2025, the right-wing policy agenda—crafted by many Trump allies—has also alarmed climate campaigners.

Noting the new energy data, Antonia Juhasz, a senior researcher on fossil fuels at Human Rights Watch, said  Tuesday: “This transformation is due in large part to federal government policy which has specifically incentivized renewable energy development and deployment and increased regulation on the harms of fossil fuels. All of which are specifically targeted for removal in Project 2025.”

As Common Dreams reported  earlier Wednesday, an analysis from the think tank Energy Innovation shows that a GOP administration implementing the Project 2025 plan would increase U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 2.7 billion metric tons by 2030 compared to the current trajectory.