An article from Asi Sucede
In order to create a virtual space for the exchange of thought, research and successful experiences around peacebuilding, so that teachers can acquire harmonious intervention skills in the classroom and at school, the Secretary of Education, Gerardo Monroy Serrano, inaugurated the Virtual Seminar, Construction of Peace in the School Environment.

The Secretary of Education, Gerardo Monroy Serrano, supports the State Government in initiatives that promote the Culture of Coexistence and Social Peace in schools. (Photo: special).
The Secretary welcomed the participants convened by the Council for School Coexistence (Convive), to discuss topics such as Gender Equality, Human Rights, School Coexistence and Peaceful Conflict Management. He extended the greeting of Governor Alfredo Del Mazo Maza and his willingness to support initiatives that consolidate a Culture of Coexistence and Social Peace in schools from an early age and at all levels.
In this sense, he said that this year the Ministry of Education has trained teachers, students and parents in violence prevention and school mediation. In this way, knowledge was provided to eradicate discriminatory behavior and abuse in the schools and at the same time strengthen the culture of peace.
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Likewise, he assured that the specialists will address topics with content that reinforce the activities in this health contingency, since the isolation of the school community can emotionally affect its environment. What is sought is to provide information that encourages tolerance, solidarity and respect within families and schools.
For this reason, he pointed out that continuous training on pedagogical, socio-affective, communication and culture of peace aspects is also offered to teachers, highlighting the preparation on School Mediation for the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts, where teachers provide students the possibility of having a third party sit down with them to discuss their problem.
The first participation in the Seminar was by María Isabel Sánchez Holguín, head of the Secretariat for Women, who gave the conference “Mechanisms for the incorporation of the gender perspective in study programs in basic education.”
She mentioned that, to generate educational programs with a gender perspective, it is necessary to respect the rights of girls, adolescents and women and to ensure public obligations for their security and full development at all educational levels.
Similarly, she expressed that for the fulfillment of the right to quality education, new attitudes and capacities are necessary on the part of all those who make decisions and are in charge of public policies, so that there is a comprehensive attention to gender issues.
For her part, Elizabeth Ozuna Rivero, General Director of Convive, pointed out that this Virtual Seminar, which will last for four days, will allow teachers to broaden their knowledge in order to bring learning that consolidates peaceful environments to their communities.
When making the inaugural statement of the seminar, Gerardo Monroy Serrano urged all participants to endorse the commitment that students should have a full, prosperous and safe life, in healthy environments, while receiving an inclusive, equitable and excellent education.