Information from the programme published by UNESCO
The 2021 Biennale of Luanda is underway. Here is a brief resumé of the programme which can be found entirely at the preceding link.
Organized in partnership between UNESCO, the Government of Angola and the African Union, the Biennale of Luanda – “Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace” aims to promote the prevention of violence and the resolution of conflicts, by encouraging cultural exchanges in Africa, dialogue between generations and the promotion of gender equality. As a space for reflection and dissemination of artistic works, ideas and best practices related to the culture of peace, it brings together representatives of governments, civil society, the artistic and scientific community, and international organizations.

This 6-day hybrid programme combines in-person and on-line events.
• National Pavilions where countries offer cultural digital activities for
the promotion of the culture of peace, as part of the Festival of Cultures
• Partner Stands, where institutions and companies, foundations and NGOs will share best practices and future initiatives
The Luanda Biennale: What is its contribution to a culture of peace in Africa?
(Continued from left column)
On-line events – a live stream of the Biennale available in three languages (English, French, Portuguese). Register here for online or replay.
• November 27. The Official Opening organized in Luanda with high-level participants – Heads of State, Ministers, International organisations representatives and renowned personalities to support the Biennale.
• November 27. The Intergenerational Dialogue to enable young people to interact with Heads of State and Ministers and make their voices heard.
• November 27-30. The 4-day Festival of Cultures with virtual and live cultural events offering a unique space for exchange between the cultural identities of Africa and its Diasporas.
• Novemberr 29-30. The 4 virtual Thematic Forums to share best practices based on impactful initiatives already implemented for peace and sustainable development in Africa and elaborate flagship initiatives.
I. The contribution of arts, culture and heritage to sustainable peace
II. Engaging young people as actors of social transformations for conflict prevention and sustainable development
III. Africa and its diasporas in the face of conflicts, crises and inequality
IV. Harnessing the potential of the oceans for sustainable development and peace
• November 30. The Closing Ceremony to officially launch the Alliance of Partners for a Culture of Peace and adopt the Biennale Joint Communiqué and Roadmap.
• December 1-2. The 4 virtual Partnership Sessions to identify projects and initiatives, and mobilize resources to turn them into action within the Alliance of Partners for a Culture of Peace.