Category Archives: d-united nations

English bulletin September 1, 2024


The culture of peace has been headlined in several recent news reports.

The first was in June when the United Nations announced that the theme of this year’s International Day of Peace is “cultivating a culture of peace.” The announcement began “This year marks the 25th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace.” The Declaration and Programme of Action, adopted in 1999, not only defines the culture of peace in terms of eight principal characteristics, but also provides programmatic proposals for their achievement.

The second came on August 2 when the UN General Assembly held its annual High-Level Forum on the Culture of Peace. Here, too, there were many references to the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace, for which this is the 25th anniversary.

A high-point of the forum was the presentation by the European Union, which said that it “expresses its full support for the Culture of Peace agenda. . . The Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace with its eight pillars remains as valid today as it was in 1999. . . the European Union fully agrees that we must cultivate and nurture a Culture of Peace for present and future generations. . . . To conclude, Mr President, you can count on the EU’s full commitment to contribute to the effective implementation of the UN Culture of Peace agenda.”

The third came on August 11, when the President of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach said the following in his speech addressing the athletes at the Closing Ceremony:

“During all this time, you lived peacefully together under one roof in the Olympic Village. You embraced each other. You respected each other, even if your countries are divided by war and conflict. You created a culture of peace. . . . We know that the Olympic Games cannot create peace. But the Olympic Games can create a culture of peace that inspires the world. This is why I call on everyone who shares this Olympic spirit: let us live this culture of peace every single day.”

The culture of peace will continue to be in the news throughout the month of September as the International Day of Peace is celebrated around the world. An example comes from San Francisco, where a major, day-long celebration is planned by Pathways to Peace to be held in the central plaza and broadcast internationally.

The culture of peace is not mentioned specifically, but in fact the recent statements of the great expert on conflict resolution, John Paul Lederach, indicate that the only way to avoid a civil war in the United States, with its momentous consequences, is to carry out the following actions which are essential to a culture of peace:

“1. We need to reach beyond our isolated bubbles and open conversations with the perceived enemies in our communities.

2. We have to rehumanize our adversaries; We must have the courage to confront dehumanizing language and behavior, especialy when it comes from within our closest circles.

3. We need to stick with it. We can’t just pull away when difficult issues emerge.”

The explicit high-level references to the culture of peace, as well the urgency for culture of peace actions at this moment of history, make it seem more likely that the answer is positive for the question posed at the end of last month’s bulletin:

“Twenty four years ago there was a powerful pressure for peace in the 75 million people who signed the Manifesto 2000 during the International Year for the Culture of Peace. Has the time come when we need a new manifesto, like the Manifesto 2025 proposed in our most recent blog?”


The Olympic Games and the Culture of Peace


Rev. Al Sharpton: Jesse Jackson Helped Reshape Democratic Party & Paved Way for Kamala Harris


Major Power Milestone’: US Green Groups Cheer Wind, Solar Overtaking Coal


UN Women: Interview with Hawa Yokie on youth-led innovation in Sierra Leone



Youth Summit on Peace and Sustainable Future Wraps Up Successful Week in Montpellier, France


Uruguay: The book Culture of Peace


Hiroshima Peace Declaration 2024


Statement by the European Union to the United Nations High-Level Forum on the Culture of Peace

English bulletin March 1, 2024


The United Nations Summit for the Future, planned for September 2024, calls for a vision for the future. In their proposals submitted to the Summit some have proposed that it should re-commit the UN to the culture of peace.

In her proposal, Anne Creter says that “Culture of Peace is a comprehensive, UN established “blueprint” or “roadmap” of actions necessary at all levels of existence to manifest sustainable peace.” She sites in particular the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace A/RES/53/243 adopted by the General Assembly (GA) in 1999, saying that it “must be integrated into A Pact for the Future.”

In her proposal, Myrian Castello calls for “future characterized by sustainability, inclusivity, and a culture of peace.” She promotes specifically the Declaration for the transition to a culture of peace in the XXI Century.

In their proposal, the International Alliance of Women “recalls the banner in front of the NGO peace tent in Huairou during the 4th UN World Conference on Women 1995 reading “Change the Culture of War to a Culture of Peace”.

And in his proposal, Paul Malliet asks for a UN Council of Peace that could eventually make up for the impotence of the Security Council. He calls attention to the UN A/RES/52 -243. “Declaration and Programme for a culture of peace”; as an existing initiative that requires structure to be effective.

A vision of a transition to a global culture of peace through radical reform of the United Nations is provided in the utopian novella, I have seen the promised land.

The countries of the Global South plan to play a major role in the UN Summit. Concluding from their Summit that took place in January in Kampala they says that the more than 100 countries involved “hope to play an influential role in shifting the balance of the geopolitical landscape from conflict, confrontation and mistrust to diplomacy, dialogue, peace and understanding.”

Although the outcome document of the Summit of the Global South is devoted primarily to economic reform, it does make explicit reference to the culture of peace: “We reaffirm that there can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without sustainable development. We stress the importance of building a culture of peace by strengthening multilateralism based on international law. . . ”

News of the Summit of the Global South was reported in English in at least 33 countries of the Global South, and probably many others in local languages. However, despite the participation of high-level representatives of more than 100 countries, the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the President of the UN General Assembly, the Summit received ABSOLUTELY NO mention by the major English-language news agencies of Europe and North America! As published in French in the journal L’Humanité , it was “un événement totalement passé sous silence dans les pays occidentaux.”

Among other visions, youth participants in the Luanda Biennale Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace say that “The spirit of the Biennale of Luanda inspires a new generation of young Africans that paved the way towards a peaceful and prosperous Africa.”

The culture of peace as a vision for the future is promoted in the recent book published in Norwegian by Ingeborg Breines: The Culture of Peace – Utopia or Alternative Security Policy? The author brings to the forefront a series of guiding documents, inspiring projects and publications such as the International Year for a Culture of Peace, the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-violence for the Children of the World, the Manifesto 2000 on a Culture of Peace, the Seville Declaration on Violence, the Statement on Women’s Contribution to a Culture of peace, the Declaration on the Right to Peace and not least the Constitution of UNESCO.

Vince Two Eagles writes from the Sioux Indian Reservation of South Dakota that “In 1999, the General-Assembly adopted, by resolution 53/243, the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace, which serves as the universal mandate for the international community, particularly the United Nations system, to promote a culture of peace and non-violence that benefits all of humanity, including future generations.”

Readers are invited to sign declarations and manifestos for peace.

The most recent is the Manifesto for Peace Media in the XXI Century which includes among its demands to “Carry out a preventive, slow and contextualized journalistic work that contributes to the de-escalation of conflicts and prioritizes the prospects for peace, before, during, and after the outbreak of violence.” The Manifesto is open for signatures here.

A Declaration of Peace, conceived and promoted by the organization World Beyond War, has now been signed by people in 196 countries. It says “I understand that wars and militarism make us less safe rather than protect us, that they kill, injure and traumatize adults, children and infants, severely damage the natural environment, erode civil liberties, and drain our economies, siphoning resources from life-affirming activities. I commit to engage in and support nonviolent efforts to end all war and preparations for war and to create a sustainable and just peace.” The Declaration is open for signatures here.

And specific for a culture of peace, the Declaration for the Transition to a Culture Of Peace in the XXII Century describes strategies in two simultaneous routes: local and global. The local route is fundamentally pedagogical and is carried out mainly by organized civil society with the support of local governments. The global route involves the expansion of the UN General Assembly, along with the formation of an international security council of mayors that would issue regular press releases demonstrating that the culture of peace could be achieved if the United Nations were governed by “we the peoples.” The Declaration is open for signatures here.

As discussed in a blog this month, during times of radical change, a collective vision for a new social order, such as that for a culture of peace, could give shape to the future.


The UN Summit of the Future: a fight at the end of the tunnel?


World Court to Review 57-Year Israeli Occupation


Greenpeace: Here are the REAL culprits of the agricultural crisis in France


The Biennale of Luanda 2023 – Through eyes of its young participants



Proposal to the UN Summit of the Future from the International Alliance of Women


Johan Galtung: In Memoriam


Powerful Protest Against Racism Sweeps Germany


Manifesto for Peace Media in the 21St Century

English bulletin May 1, 2023


There has not been very much publicity, but the United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed this year as the International Year of Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace.

The proposal came from Turkmenistan with 68 co-sponsors including all of the countries of Central Asia, reflecting the fact that these countries are menaced by the nearby war in the Ukraine. The resolution was adopted by consensus although reservations were expressed by the United States, United Kingdom and Ukraine.

In his opening remarks at the launch ceremony in January, Vepa Hajiyev, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, said, “Currently, these principles and goals are particularly relevant against the background of the existing systemic problems of international relations. In this context, we see a common task in turning the International Year of Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace into a powerful constructive process designed to provide an incentive for dialogue, cooperation, and mutual understanding”. Other speakers at the launch ceremony considered the year as implementation of the 1999 International Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace.

Concerning the war in Ukraine, a new proposal from China insists that “Dialogue and negotiation are the only viable solution to the Ukraine crisis. All efforts conducive to the peaceful settlement of the crisis must be encouraged and supported. The international community should stay committed to the right approach of promoting talks for peace, help parties to the conflict open the door to a political settlement as soon as possible, and create conditions and platforms for the resumption of negotiation. China will continue to play a constructive role in this regard.” 

According to the analysis of the French Mouvement de la Paix, the Chinese proposal was supported by many commentators in the Global South, while it was dismissed by the United States and its European allies. Some Asian countries, however, remarked that China should live up to these principles with regard to Taiwan.

Dialogues for peace are ongoing through the auspices of the International Parliamentary Union, including between opposing sides of the conflicts in Ukraine, Palestine and Cyprus.

Another important voice for peace through dialogue is that of Pope Francis. In a video distributed worldwide on February 6, the Pope states that, “The time has come to live in a spirit of fraternity and build a culture of peace.” In recent years the Pope has stressed dialog for peace with other religions, such as in his meeting with the grand imam of Al-Azhar in Egypt in 2019 and his voyage this year to Africa with the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.

In Africa, a continent torn by many armed conflicts, there are important voices for peace through dialogue.

Speaking at a Global Security Forum, General Djibril Bassolé, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Burkina Faso, caused a sensation by saying “We must dialogue with armed terrorist groups . . . In any case, dialogue is one of the typically African means of settling conflicts and easing tensions. I think that as Africans we must find our own ways to resolve the crises that have undermined our societies.”

With regard to African traditions for settling conflicts, a recent homage to the great poet of Madagascar, Jean Joseph Rabearivelo, underlines that “Through cultural diversity, which should be nurtured by a permanent dialogue without ulterior motives, we are rich in our differences!”

A broad approach of dialogue is being supported in Burkina Faso by the NGO Search for Common Ground. More than 500 participants, including local authorities, religious and customary leaders, and representatives of eight communities took part in an event in March. The strong participation of women, with 300 present, underscored their crucial role. The neighbouring country of Niger has made dialogue with violent extremist groups an important part of its strategy. By including dialogue in its counter-terrorism efforts, Niger is experimenting with an approach similar to those in Algeria  and Mauritania , which underpin their decade-long protection against jihadist violence.

In Latin America, where dialogue made possible the peace accords in Colombia, another step forward was taken this month when the dissident rebel group, Estado Mayor Central (EMC), finally agreed to begin peace talks with the government.   And in Mexico, also torn by violence, a national peace conference was convened in March by 175 organizations and groups. “We want to talk to each other, listen to each other, understand each other, support each other. We want to imagine and build all possible safeguards to face violence and find all the paths to peace.”

In Europe, where Greece and Turkey have long been in conflict, a new commitment to dialogue was made by the defense ministers of those countries following a joint visit to the areas of Turkey devastated by the earthquake in February.

In Asia, it seems that dialogue for peace can be dangerous. As explained by Al Jazeera, “under South Korean law, citizens are prohibited from contact with North Korean people or organisations unless they receive government permission.” Despite this, South Korea’s two biggest trade unions, the KCTU and the FKTU, signed a joint statement last fall with their sibling trade union in North Korea, opposing US war exercises. The South Korean government responded with a crackdown. In January the national intelligence service raided KCTU offices. Multiple organizers and union leaders were charged under the anti-communist National Security Law, accused of being spies for North Korea.

In a world where there is increasing danger of a nuclear war that could destroy all human civilization, the need for peace through dialogue is greater than ever. Let us hope that all world leaders will engage in this dialogue.


United Nations International Year of Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace, 2023 


Pope’s Video: “Let Us Develop A Culture Of Peace”


BRICS: A New Leader’s Big Banking Opportunity to Improve Global Development


Mouvement de la Paix: Chinese Peace Plan



Women peace-makers call for a holistic and sustainable peace


Brazil: Lula creates working group to combat violence in schools


The State of the World’s Human Rights: Amnesty International’s Annual Report 2022/23


Search for Common Ground – Burkina Faso Promotes Community Resilience through Dialogue and Peace Initiatives in Ouahigouya

English bulletin January 1, 2022


For almost a decade now, CPNN has been following the Biennale of Luanda as it strives to make Africa the first continent to adopt everywhere a culture of peace.

The process began in 2013 with the Pan-African Forum “Sources and Resources for a Culture of Peace ” held in Luanda, Angola. It was extended in by the 2nd international conference on the culture of peace in Africa , December 2016 in Luanda.

The process was formalized to occur every two years as the Biennale of Luanda, and the first Biennale was held in September 2019.

Last month, the process culminated in the Second Biennale of Luanda held from November 27 to December 2 as a hybrid programme of in-person and on-line events.

The representative of UNESCO who led this process from the beginning, Enzo Fazzino, was honored in a videoconference, as he retired after this year’s event. The account on the UNESCO website is entitled, Une étoile s’ajoute parmi les grands sages de l’UNESCO (A star is added to list of the great wise men of UNESCO).

This year’s Biennale gathered high-level participants from governments, international institutions, the private sector, the artistic and scientific communities, and many more. It was organized as an intergenerational dialogue involving young people from all the countries of the African Union, as well the diaspora.

In the end, 118 young people were selected from 49 African countries and 14 countries of the Diaspora to take part in the Biennale, of whom 10 came in person to Luanda and the others participated virtually. The youth made a number of commitments, including to “Strengthen the capacity of Pan-African youth to promote the culture of peace, identify and support youth initiatives and best practices that work towards the sustainable implementation, individually and collectively, of the concepts of the culture of peace.”

The event included a rich selection of films and shows for culture of peace in Africa. Links to videos of 20 are provided on CPNN, coming from Cape Verde, Congo, Ghana, Morocco, Namibia, Rwanda, Senegal and Zimbabwe, as well as the Diaspora in Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Germany, Haiti, Portugal and Sweden.

The Biennale was opened by the President of Angola, João Lourenço, He recognized the involvement of the African Diaspora, “Many of Africa’s children have been leaving the continent in inhumane conditions and at the risk of their own lives in fleeing conflict zones or looking for a job and better living conditions. Regardless of their age, academic or professional background, they are all important and needed for the development of our continent. We always have the expectation that one day they will voluntarily return with the desire to contribute towards leveraging progress and development in all sectors of African national life.

Speaking as the President of the African Union, Félix Tshisekedi, assured their continued support and paid tribute to the role of youth, ““Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, in the words of the illustrious Agostinho Neto Kilamba, President and Poet, champion of the liberation of man and human brotherhood, ‘poet of sacred hopes’, we should ‘look at Africa with the eyes of the future’,”

And in her speech, UNESCO Directrice-General Audrey Azoulay said “UNESCO will continue to give its full support to this pan-African initiative, so that it is sustainable, in cooperation with the African Union and the Government of Angola. The culture of peace and non-violence is a long relay race ; it takes s a united team, generation after generation, to be victorious.”

The Biennale will be re-convened in two years, again organized by the African Union, Angola and UNESCO. In the meantime, it is up to the youth to keep the flame going.



Highlights of the Biennale of Luanda 2021 : Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace



Youth at the Luanda Biennale – Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace



Phyllis Kotite has passed away



Mercociudades: A Latin American Network to Fight for More Inclusive, Egalitarian, Diverse and Supportive Cities



Indian farmers call off lengthy protest after govt assurances



Bangladesh: Dhaka Peace Declaration Adopted



The Elders: Israel’s designation of Palestinian NGOs as “terrorist” undermines core democratic principles



Mexico: Toys and Games as Instruments of the Culture of Peace

English bulletin August 1, 2020


There is a lot of bad news this month as people suffer from the spread of the pandemic, unemployment, famine, and even the threat of civil war. However, we can also find some good news.

In the U.S:

The U.S. Conference of Mayors has announced its 2020 Vision for America: a call to action. Among the 12 priorities are protecting and promoting human and civil rights and “fixing our immigration system” as well as “tackling climate change by accelerating the use of clean energy”.

The Progressive Caucus of the United States Congress announced its opposition to the Pentagon’s “wasteful and bloated” budget proposal. They have proposed an amendment that would reduce the proposed Pentagon budget by 10% and redirect savings toward health care, housing and education in poor communities.

In France :

The recent results of local elections in France are celebrated as an “Incredible Green Wave” and a “mandate to act for climate and social justice.” According to one observer, “Much of the important work done by the Greens is at the municipal level. This is where they demonstrate that they can rule. And this in turn shapes the national landscape. ”

Subsequent to the their electoral victory, mayors and ecologists on the French Left met in the city of Tours to develop a national network for sharing ideas and building common projects. Ecology was widely discussed during this meeting, with the issues of 5G, clean transport, the development of bicycle networks, ecological transition and waste treatment. Beyond the environmental issue, elected officials also worked on the city’s policies in terms of youth and precarious employment, integration of working-class communities, reception of refugees, housing and a social and solidarity economy.

In Latin America :

The city government of Guadalajara, Mexico has established an online diploma in Culture of Peace, to address to build peace in the neighborhoods and within the civil society.”

Colombia hosted the 2nd Latin American Congress of Restorative Justice. According to one of the speakers, “The culture of peace presupposes profound changes in two spheres , in the sphere of justice where it is necessary to guarantee rights, and in the political sphere where it is also necessary to transform the pattern of power domination.”

The International Folklore Festival will take place virtually, hosted by the association Abrasoffa in Brazil, on 22 and 23 August under the slogan “Folklore unites us and the world – dance for peace.”

HipHop Week’ was celebrted virtually in Cali, Colombia. The theme is “to make Hip Hop visible as a culture of peace, a culture with a political stance and in turn that can unite us as hiphoppers and as elements of culture, because we converge djs, graffiti artists, rappers and others.”

At the United Nations :

UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed addressed “Women Rise for All,” a virtual gathering of influential women from across different regions, sectors and generations, to examine how their leadership is shaping pandemic response and recovery that benefits all people. “Even in the midst of this devastating crisis, there is an opportunity to build a better world that works for all. That will only be possible when we recognize the value of women front and centre, together leading the way and rising for all.”

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres delivered a major address for Nelson Mandela International Day, calling for a New Social Contract for a New Era. “We stand together, or we fall apart.  Today, in demonstrations for racial equality… in campaigns against hate speech… in the struggles of people claiming their rights and standing up for future generations… we see the beginnings of a new movement.  This movement rejects inequality and division, and unites young people, civil society, the private sector, cities, regions and others behind policies for peace, our planet, justice and human rights for all. It is already making a difference. . . . We are at breaking point. But we know which side of history we are on.”


UN Secretary-General: Tackling Inequality: A New Social Contract for a New Era


Third edition of the Paris Peace Forum


Russia: Ambassadors of Specially Protected Natural Territories


Mayors and Ecologists on the Left in France: A “tour de force”



More than 29 thousand people registered in the Second International Montessori Congress, a free virtual event


United Nations: ‘Women Rise for All’ to shape leadership in pandemic response and recovery


Adolescents in Cuba delve into the culture of peace


US: Progressive Caucus Announces Opposition to ‘Wasteful, Bloated’ $740 Billion Pentagon Budget Proposal

What is the United Nations doing for a culture of peace?

Following the Second High Level Forum of the United Nations on the Culture of Peace, Anwarul Chowdhury, a former Under-Secretary General of the UN, had this to say about what the UN is doing for a culture of peace. His remarks were published by the Independent European Daily Express.

Civil society worldwide has been in the forefront of the global movement for the culture of peace, working diligently and patiently at the grassroots level, he said.

“I find it is the governments and power structures which are the most persistent foot-draggers with regard to advancing the culture of peace through policy steps and action,” said Chowdhury, a former U.N. under-secretary-general and currently representing civil society and the Global Movement for the Culture of Peace. . .

The United Nations, he pointed out, has shown great vision by adopting its historic, norm-setting Declaration and Programme of Action on the Culture of Peace in 1999, but has not been organised enough in making the document a system-wide flagship effort of the world body.

“I am a believer that the world, particularly the governments, will come to realise its true value and usefulness sooner than later,” Chowdhury said.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

This question applies to the following CPNN articles:

Statement by the European Union to the United Nations High-Level Forum on the Culture of Peace

2024 United Nations High Level Forum on the Culture of Peace

2024 Theme for the International Day of Peace: Cultivating a Culture of Peace

Proposal to the UN Summit of the Future from the International Alliance of Women

The UN Summit of the Future: a fight at the end of the tunnel?

Proposal to the UN Summit of the Future for a UN Council of Peace

Proposal to UN Summit of the Future from Fabrica dos Sonhos, Brazil

“Culture of Peace” Recommendation for UN summit “Pact for the Future”

UN General Assembly Adopts Resolution Demanding Immediate Humanitarian Ceasefire in Gaza, Parties’ Compliance with International Law, Release of All Hostages

2023 United Nations High-Level Forum on The Culture of Peace

United Nations Resolution on the Culture of Peace

United Nations: Values of Compassion, Respect, Human Fraternity ‘Best Antidote to Poison of Discord, Division’, Secretary-General Tells Security Council

At Fez forum, UN chief calls for global ‘alliance of peace’ recognizing inclusion and richness of diversity

Global Peace Education Day: Virtual Conference

United Nations High Level Forum: The Culture of Peace Bolsters the Potential for Sustainable Peacebuilding

Vietnam shares importance of promoting culture of peace at UN forum

United Nations Secretary-General in Japan, 5–8 August

UN rights chief concludes China trip with promise of improved relations

United Nations General Assembly Adopts Annual Culture of Peace Resolution

United Nations: Non-Violence Day offers prospect for ‘new era of peace, trust and tolerance’

UN Urged to Declare a Global Peace Education Day

United Nations High-Level Forum on The Culture of Peace: Chair’s Summary

International Day of Living Together in Peace – Joint Declaration by Mouvement de la Paix and MRAP

Opening event to launch the International Year of Peace and Trust was held in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

United Nations General Assembly adopts annual culture of peace resolution

Bolivia: Choquehuanca meets with the UN to “strengthen the culture of peace”

United Nations-African Union Joint Task Force on Peace and Security Holds its Nineteenth Consultative Meeting on 16 October 2020

UN committee adopts youth resolution on disarmament and non-proliferation

United Nations General Assembly Adopts Three Resolutions on Culture of Peace

UN General Assembly celebrates 20 years of promoting a culture of peace

A Global Appeal to Save International Law

The Non-aligned Movement must continue to defend respect for sovereignty and the right to self-determination

UNAMID Holds Open Day and Hakamat (Praise Singers) Workshop in Central Darfur

8th Annual UN High Level Forum on the Culture of Peace

United Nations: More Unified, Early Action Key for Preventing Conflict, Reducing Human Suffering, Speakers Tell Security Council

Bolivia to Foster a Culture of Peace at UN

UN event: Women’s Equality and Empowerment Advances the Culture of Peace

United Nations: Young People Discuss Change at CSW62 Youth Dialogue

United Nations: ‘Global clarion call’ for youth to shape efforts to forge peace in the most dangerous combat zones

UN General Assembly adopts Bangladesh’s resolution on a culture of peace

Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations: “# Commit2Dialogue: Partnerships for Prevention and Sustaining Peace”

Federico Mayor: The Culture of Peace: a credible pathway to sustaining peace

Synopsis of the UN High Level Forum on the Culture of Peace

Historic leap in Tunisia: Women make up 47 per cent of local government

United Nations: High-level Forum on the Culture of Peace, September 2018

‘Back to Learning’ education campaign to benefit half a million children in South Sudan

Youth Solidarity Fund 2017 Edition: Project Outcomes and Capacity Building Workshop

Government of Italy and UNICEF join efforts to promote positive peace for Libyan youth

UNAMID supports demobilization of former combatants in North Darfur

UN General Assembly adopts annual resolution on culture of peace

African Union and UN sign Memorandum of Understanding for Peacebuilding

At High-Level Forum, UN stresses importance of education in building ‘culture of peace’

At UN Forum Member States call for implementation of the 1999 Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace

IPI Forum at United Nations: Advancing the Culture of Peace

United Nations High-level Forum on the Culture of Peace – 2017

Mexico: UNICEF carries out Culture of Peace Pilot Program

Senegal: A regional seminar on “The role of journalists and the media in preventing violence”

Senegal: Un séminaire régional sur « Le rôle des journalistes et des médias dans la prévention de la violence

UN: Consultation in Panama brings together youth from Latin Americans to discuss peace and security

ONU: Consulta no Panamá reúne jovens latino-americanos para discutir paz e segurança

UN Security Council underlines need to halt proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

Le Conseil de sécurité mobilise les États Membres pour empêcher les acteurs non étatiques d’acquérir des armes de destruction massive

Chinese diplomat calls for new security concept at UN debate

Making history in the United Nations: the General Assembly adopts a Declaration on the Right to peace promoted by civil society organizations

‘Cyprus can be symbol of hope’ the world badly needs, says UN chief Guterres as conference opens

Over 100 countries sponsor annual resolution on the culture of peace at the UN General Assembly

ONU: La reunificación de Chipre puede ser para el mundo un símbolo de esperanza

Chypre peut être le symbole d’espoir dont le monde a besoin, selon le chef de l’ONU

UN Adopts Cuban Resolutions on Peace and Rejection of Mercenaries

Cuba defiende en ONU derecho de la humanidad a vivir en paz

United Nations: World needs ‘Culture of Peace’

United Nations High Level Thematic Debate on Peace and Security: Closing remarks

Intergovernmental Negotiations on Security Council Reform

UN chief candidates pressed on how to tackle global challenges

Annual Report of The Elders

It’s Campaign Season for UN Secretary General…And It Is Pretty Radical

UN adopts Bangladesh-sponsored resolution on “culture of peace”

UN: High Level Forum on a Culture of Peace-2015

UN High Level Forum on the Culture of Peace-2014

Two Modes of UN Peacebuilding

At high-level forum, top UN officials stress importance of individual in ‘culture of peace’

Lors d’un forum de haut niveau, des responsables de l’ONU soulignent la primauté de l’individu dans une «culture de paix»

The Second United Nations High Level Forum on the Culture of Peace

Briefing at UN: Determined to Save Succeeding Generations from the Scourge of War

Department of Political Affairs revamps UN Peacemaker

Member States Support Culture of Peace at the UN

Secretary-General’s Remarks at UN Culture of Peace Debate

Education crucial to engender a ‘culture of peace,’ UN officials stress at General Assembly

Assemblée générale de l’ONU: l’éducation, vecteur de paix, selon le Secrétaire général

United Nations High Level Forum on the Culture of Peace

“Noteworthy” 2011 International Peace Day at the UN

They had to listen! Lobbying for a culture of peace at the UN

United Nations 60th Birthday: Two Simple Ideas for Reform

Annual Meeting of NGOs at United Nations: Development But Not Peace

Culture of Peace and the Evolution of Consciousness

UN Adopts New Resolution on Culture of Peace

For discussion about this question prior to 2015, click here.