Category Archives: d-democratic

English bulletin March 1, 2020


Nuclear disarmament. New York City is becoming the most recent city to plan for divestment of their funds from the nuclear weapons industry. Public hearings in the city on January 28 heard from a wide range of speakers in favor of this action. Speakers included the global campaign, Move the Nuclear Weapons Money, Mayors for Peace, young peope from Peace Boat and a representrative from the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), which won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017. Participants at the hearing expressed their love of the city and strong unwillingness to see New York, or any other place on the Earth, to be exposed to the threat of irreversible destruction that nuclear weapons poses.

Hundreds of cities have joined the cities appeal of ICAN calling for the total abolition of nuclear weapons. The appeal states: “Our city/town is deeply concerned about the grave threat that nuclear weapons pose to communities throughout the world. We firmly believe that our residents have the right to live in a world free from this Threat. Any use of nuclear weapons, whether deliberate or accidental, would have catastrophic, far-reaching and long-lasting consequences for people and the environment. Therefore, we warmly welcome the adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons by the United Nations in 2017, and we call on our national government to join it.”

The Appeal is also supported by Mayors for Peace with its network of 7675 cities in 163 countries around the world. The most recent city to support the appeal, on January 27, was Oxford in the UK.

Sustainable development. UN Habitat recently sponsored the Tenth World Urban Forum to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agreed by world leaders in 2015. At the meeting, which took place in Abu Dhabi from 8-13 February, the 13,000 participants  recognized that “an increasingly urbanized world is a ‘transformative force’ that can be harnessed and steered to boost sustainable development.” Among the organizations of cities taking part in the Forum was ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability), a network of cities in over 100 countries, with global experts in 22 offices.

At the World Urban Forum, the Global Parliament of Mayors presented a project called the Virtual Parliament, an online tool to connect with Mayors around the world, to debate and vote on political issues and to exchange experiences. For example, it has supported an action of the US congress of Mayors against gun violence.

Reducing international tensions. The organization of International Cities of Peace reports that the first City of Peace on the Korean peninsula was established February 5 near the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in Pocheon. A major celebration was held at City Hall where Mayor Park signed a Proclamation as a crowd of media, dignitaries, and over 100 citizens packed the hall. Pocheon has the potential to help make the dream of Reunification of South and North Korea come true in order to benefit citizens of both countries.

Urban violence. A new initiative, the Strong Cities Network (SCN), is working with a broad coalition to reduce urban violence. According to the SCN, “Today, 83% of deadly violence occurs outside of conflict zones, with the majority of this violence concentrated in cities.” Their report highlights successful initiatives in Glasgow (Scotland), Oakland (California), and cities in Ecuador.

Tackling urban violence is also the priority of the World Forum on Cities and Territories of Peace, which is a project of the United Cities and Local Governments. Previous forums were held in Madrid in 2017 and 2018. The next one will take place this coming October in Mexico City to construct “solutions that promote urban environments capable of eliminating expressions of violence.”

According to the Strong Cities Network,”Nation states have dominated the global political arena for centuries, but with more than half of the world’s population today residing in cities, it may be time to rethink who should be at the table when it comes to decisions on how we can reduce violence.” The same could be said with regard to nuclear disarmament, sustainable development and the reduction of international tensions.



Strong Cities Network: Reducing violence is not impossible, and cities are proving this


Peace promotion in the Sahel: The best award-winning radio productions


Amnesty International: New generation of young activists lead fight against worsening repression in Asia


New York City hearings pave the way for nuclear weapons divestment


For Bob Marley’s 75th Birthday, Ziggy Marley Reflects On His Father’s Legacy


The Wet’suwet’en Fight Against New Pipeline Spreads Across Canada with Blockades & Occupations


Switzerland: Lutheran World Federation marks World Interfaith Harmony Week


Devoted to discovery: seven women scientists who have shaped our world

How can parliamentarians promote a culture of peace?

Here is a good example of how parliamenarians promote a culture of peace, taken from the CPNN article “Inter-Parliamentary Union: 139 parliaments demand immediate action on climate change”.

For many years, the IPU has been calling for legislative action on climate change and risk reduction. Since 2009, it has organized parliamentary meetings at each Global Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (COPs) to increase the parliamentary contribution to global negotiations. With the adoption of this emergency resolution, the IPU will mobilize its member parliaments at the COP24 taking place in Krakow, Poland, later this year.

The 139th IPU Assembly brought together over 1500 delegates including 56 Speakers of Parliament, 52 Deputy Speakers, and over 750 MPs. Women MPs accounted for 33% of the total number of MPs in attendance, one of the highest percentages at an IPU Assembly. Young MPs under 45 made up 19% of the parliamentarians, the first time that the IPU is tracking this statistic.

Here are the CPNN articles on this subject:

How can sports promote peace?

This discussion question applies to the following articles:

The Olympic Games and the Culture of Peace

About the Soccer World Championship and Education for Cultures of Peace

World Cup 2022: The beautiful image of Mbappe and Hakimi at the end of the match

Algeria: 19th edition of the Mediterranean Games

UN chief calls for Olympic Truce to build ‘culture of peace’ through sport

US: WNBA players wearing T-shirts opposing Dream owner

Honduras: Culture of peace promoted in 200 young people from “hot” areas

Rio Olympics: Why the opening ceremony’s spotlight on climate change matters

Iranian Women Won More than a Medal at the Olympics

WNBA’s Minnesota Lynx acknowledge shooting victims with t-shirts

The soccer team you won’t see at the World Cup (Uganda)

International Day of Sport for Development and Peace

Legião da Boa Vontade propaga Cultura de Paz no Campeonato Amazonense

Legião da Boa Vontade Promotes the Culture of Peace at the Amazonian Championships

A Sport for Peace World Database

Peace and Sport has Reached New Heights

Sports for Peace in São Paulo

Colombian Network Football for Peace and Development

Exchange between Colombia and Peru: Football for Peace

Running for Peace

Is a U.S. Department of Peace a realistic political goal?

Anne Creter, the author of the article listed below about the Toronto Conference, responds as follows:

“We need a whole new system of governance devoted to the culture of peace.

One logical way would be to enhance the existing global movement calling for governmental Departments and Infrastructure for Peace (I4P) worldwide.

“The current U.S. bill in Congress (H.R.1111) to establish a Department of Peacebuilding is a great example of your points. See and .

“The UN Development Programme has much evidence of governmental I4P effectiveness in certain countries where they are operational and have been shown to reduce violence. (Journal of Peacebuilding & Development Special I4P Issue, volume 7, Number 3, 2012 ISSN: 1542-3166).

“So let us develop a viable institutional framework for peace. Let us advocate our legislators for governmental Departments & I4P NOW.”

Here are the CPNN articles on this subject:

Participatory budgeting, How does it work?

Reading CPNN, we can see that we are advancing towards a culture of peace in little steps throughout the world. A good example is the progress in Participatory Budgeting (PB) which is, in effect, democratic participation. News about PB may be found in local media, but not on the front pages of the international commercial media which does not consider it to be important. A number of these local stories (see below) were covered by the CPNN bulletin a few years ago.

Here are CPNN articles about participatory budgeting:

Two examples of Participatory Budgeting in Brazil

Mexico City reinforces the dissemination of participatory budgeting

Progress in Participatory Budgeting

New York City: Participatory Budgeting: Catch the Fever!

Paraná, Argentina: vecinos votaron las propuestas para Presupuesto Participativo

Paraná, Argentina: residents will vote on proposals to implement through the Participatory Budgeting Process

The municipality of Alcoutim, Portugal, launches Participatory Budgeting

Alcoutim lança Orçamento Participativo Municipal [Portugal”>

Participatory Budget 2014: Sunday will be the vote [Trenque, Argentina”>

Presupuesto Participativo 2014: el domingo será la votación [Trenque, Argentina”>

No reason to fear the people: Participatory budgeting in Brazil

Sem medo de povo: Orçamento Participativo no Brasil

Computerized voting system for Participatory Budgeting in Ubatuba, Brazil

Sistema informatizado de votação  para Orçamento Participativo é destaque em Ubatuba, Brasil

Participatory Budgeting for Youth in Rosario, Argentina

Presupuesto Participativo Joven – Rosario, Argentina

3.500 personas participaron en etapa de diagnóstico del Programa Presupuesto Participativo [La Serena, Chile”>

3,500 people take part in the diagnosis stage of participatory budgeting in La Serena, Chile.

How should elections be organized in a true democracy?

A blog by the CPNN coordinator in September 2017, asks if we are seeing the end of democracy: “. . . Leaders [in Latin America] who might have shown some sympathy with a culture of peace are gone, Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, Lula in Brazil and Fidel in Cuba, and their countries are moving to the right. This trend is not limited to Latin America. We have Trump, Putin, Duterte, Erdogan, rise of right-wing, even fascist parties in Europe, loss of the leadership of Mandela and Mbeki in South Africa, fading hopes that were raised by the Arab spring, and lack of any movement in Asia towards a culture of peace. Some might say it is the end of democracy, although I see it more limited as the loss of bourgeois democracy. After all, national elections are now almost solely determined by big money, and big money corrupts. To find progress towards true democracy it is necessary to look at a more local level.”

It seems from our CPNN coverage (list in right column) that the leadership on this question is being taken in Africa Here is a contribution to this question from Africa published in Transcend by David Tiomajou, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and International Relations  at Protestant University of Central Africa:

“In recent years, the call for political systems based on power-sharing and liberal democracy of executive power has been in full swing in countries where shortage of change and coalition of power has resulted in large scale poor governance and chronic citizens’ frustration. Cameroon, with a unique exoglossic and colonial heritage is one of such countries. Against the background of half a century French-English constitutional Bilingualism with a vibrant heterogynous linguistic landscape, it provides an ideal setting for political debate nationwide in general and in its dual cultural heritage in particular.

Prof. Celestin Tagou in his 2017 book entitled Democratic Rotation in Office: Political Transcendency and Transformation of Ethno-regional Identities within the 21st Century Nation State, in 167 pages covering 4 chapters explores the concept of power sharing as shaped by the anthropological and socio-cultural realities of the African continent.

Beginning with the theoretical concepts of the family, the clan, the tribe, the ethnicity, the people, the race and the state and the nation, (Chapter 1). Prof. Tagou provides a sharp critical analysis of  the “copy and paste” western approach to liberal democracy and its devastating shortcomings within the African context (Chapter 2) before elaborating the main purpose of his book which is “Democratic Rotation in Office” nicely captured in French as “Démocratie Rotative”(Chapter 3) with two significant case studies from Central and West Africa namely Cameroon and Ivory Coast.(Chapter 4).

In a nutshell, Prof. Tagou argues that power sharing and political participation require positive peace which is a necessary condition for sustainable development and this can only be effective through a model of democracy which is in fine tune with African history, its customs as well as its ancestral knowledge. He reckons that the importation, the implementation and even more so the “Copy and paste” of Westminster and Jacobin constitutional democracy in African young states have been “a political and societal mistakes”. Democracy per se could have universal principles and values, but there is not a model of democracy, that is universal. The is a French, a German, a British, an American…. model which is adapted to the various history and cultural background of each country.

Above all, Prof. Tagou brings to the democratic debate table bold, interesting and eye-opening proposals: Africa should proudly and positively mold its own model of democracy rooted in its socio-cultural and ethnic pluralistic context. He proposes a model based on Johan Galtung’s concepts of transcendence and transformation of conflicts: Rotative Democracy as mechanism for the election of the President of the Republic.

This book has inter alia two major strengths: first the originality of the argument within the African context marred with chronic heated political tensions around the executive power second, the timing and relevance of the publication with regard to Cameroon, currently in a deadlock political crisis known as “Anglophone Problem”. Prof. Tagou details his proposals with real, reliable and clear facts.

Never the less, although beautifully written in a fascinating and movingly style; Prof. Tagou’s “Democratic Rotation of Office” may leave its reader with a bitter taste in the mouth: how sound and fare can the relationship between the strategic group and the conflicting ones be? Is the rotating period among the 7+1 groups not too long for frustrating citizens to wait? And, as clearly stated by Prof. Alain Didier Olinga in the preface: To which group do the mixed-raced, half-breed and half-cast Cameroonians belong?

Whatever the case, Prof. Tagou has taken an insightful stand into the political debate on power sharing and liberal democracy in Africa with a major step in the contribution towards the search for solutions to office rotation and power coalition in Cameroon and readers and specialists of political sciences within the African continent and beyond will find this book of special interest.”

This question pertains to the following articles

USA: Libertarians nominate anti-war candidate for Presidential ballot

First message to the nation from President Bassirou Diomaye Faye – on the eve of Senegal’s independence day

PAYNCOP Gabon Trained Youth and Women in Political Leadership in the City of Oyem

Zimbabwe: NPRC to enforce peace pledge ahead of by-elections

What I Saw on Election Day in Nicaragua

Toumodi, Ivory Coast: Community leaders trained in the culture of peace

58 Years After Historic Rally, Thousands March on Washington for Voting Rights, DC Statehood

Ghana Election Petition Judgment: ‘Let’s Maintain Our Peace’

For a peaceful presidential election in Guinea: NGO CRGN launches awareness campaign for the Guinean population

Côte d’Ivoire : The traditional chiefs of Gagnoa call for peaceful elections

Nigeria: Akeredolu, Jegede, Ajayi Sign Peace Accord

Côte d’Ivoire: traditional chiefs gather in Yamoussoukro

Burkina: The Movement for the Culture of Peace and Love of the Fatherland

Culture of Peace in Guinea: Journalists Equipped with a ‘Common Ground Approach’ for Managing Rumors During Election Periods

Côte d’Ivoire: For peaceful elections in 2020, three Ivorian artists will walk from Abidjan to Korhogo

Peru: Electoral peace promoted in 4 native languages

Ivory Coast: National Symposium of Religious Leaders, Kings and Traditional Chiefs for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence

Guber poll: When Ijaw elders converged on Yenagoa [Nigeria]

Benin: The Youth Movement for the Preservation of Peace and Democracy raises awareness of Atacora youth on non-violence

Nigeria: National Council for Arts & Culture moves for peaceful elections

The 815th meeting of the African Union Peace and Security Council: Report of the Commission on Elections in Africa

Lesotho: Local Government and the culture of peace

Democracy Spring: Thousands Descend on US Capitol, Over 400 Arrested

Côte d’Ivoire: REPSFECO-CI promotes a peaceful electoral process

Côte d’Ivoire: Le REPSFECO-CI invite les acteurs à un processus électoral apaisé

Uganda: Government to Set Up Election Conflict Resolution Body

Nigeria: Why we facilitated Abuja peace accord —Ben Obi

Rethinking Post-Election Peacebuilding in Africa

Zimbabwe: Christian denominations launch peace initiative

Hong Kong’s Occupy Central pushes for ‘genuine democracy’

Provincial Youth Conference on Peace, Harmony and role of Youth at Karachi

Varsities vouch for peace ahead of general elections (Kenya)

Women’s World in Nationwide Sensitization [Sierra Leone]

Ghana Youth Coalition wants politicians to commit to peace in 2012

Towards an Inclusive Democracy in Bangladesh

Can festivals help create peace at the community level?

Below are articles in CPNN about this question:

Niger: First edition of the Peace Festival in the agro-pastoral zone in Gadabedji

Brazil: Culture of Peace Fair seeks to combat various types of violence in Juiz de Fora

Colombia: Nights of Peace planned for December in the neighborhoods of Cúcuta

Honduras: This Sunday there will be a festival that seeks to contribute to a culture of peace

Mexico: Culture of Peace Day in Atlixco for first time

Fresno, California: Community commemorates Sudarshan Kapoor during 33rd annual Gandhi celebration

Mexico: UAEM and PJEM will coordinate activities in the “Week of Access to the Culture of Peace”

Niger: Mega concert for peace and social cohesion organized by the public and private press of Dosso

Ecuador: Festival for peace and human rights to be held in Guayaquil

“Week for Peace 2021” Initiative for the consolidation of peace in Colombia

Mali: Festi Petit – a 3rd Edition Full of Surprise

Mexico: Celebration of the IMA 5th Festival Culture of Peace

Mali: consolidating peace between communities through cultural heritage

Nagaland, India: Festival on ‘cultures of peace’ underway in Kohima

Brazil: Rio Branco City Hall starts Culture of Peace Festival this Friday

Bolivia: Authorities present Carnival 2019 focused on promoting the culture of peace in Sucre

7th Fair of Nonviolent Initiatives in Quito, Ecuador

Brazil: Cotia organizes the 1st Walk for the Culture of Peace

7th edition of the Thionck-Essyl International Dance and Music Festival: Culture for Peace in Casamance

India: Peace fiesta underway at Wokha

Senegal: 4th Global Peace Festival: “Live Peace – Meeting of World Cultures”

7 billion reasons for peace at Delhi Festival

Third annual youth festival celebrating life in a culture of peace (Guatemala)

Tercera edición del festival Jóvenes celebrando la vida en una cultura de paz (Guatemala)

Folklore Festivals Promote Culture of Peace (Brazil)

Festivais de Folclore Promovem a Cultura de Paz

2nd Guwahati International Music Fest to establish city in global music circuit

Kalinga [Philippines”> lines up Week for Peace activities

World Peace Festival hosts 600 attractions at Ibirapuera in Sao Paulo

Festival Mundial da Paz leva 600 atrações ao Ibirapuera em São Paulo

Sustainability-related ‘Peace Corner’ added to Earthfest event

Festival: “Homecoming of the Diaspora to Ouidah and other regions of Benin”

Festival: “Retrouvailles des Communautés de Ouidah et des autres région du Bénin avec la diaspora”

Sesi and GRPCom sponsor Peace Fairs in 10 cities of Paraná, Brazil

Sesi e GRPCom realizam Feira da Paz em 10 cidades do Paraná

Gabon: Libreville dances to the rhythm of the Festival of Cultures

Gabon : Libreville a vibré au rythme de la Fête des Cultures

Festirois 2011

The Festival of the Route of  Queens and Kings

House of Erasmus of Rotterdam at the Nelson Mandela Festival

“Let’s build the Bridge of Peace.”

The culture of peace at a regional level, Does it have advantages compared to a city level?

CPNN has often carried articles about establishing a culture of peace at the level of the city, but there are also some advantages to promoting a culture of peace at a somewhat broader regional level.

In particular, the culture of peace needs to be based on a sustainable economy, which, in the long run, should depend on local agricultural production more than imported food. This requires that the unit for the culture of peace include not only the city, but also the agricultural region surrounding it.

Below are articles in CPNN about this question:

The Catalan Forum for Peace is born, a participatory process to create Catalan public peace policy

Oaxaca, Mexico: State Government Promotes Culture of Peace as a Public Policy

Lula’s address to CELAC “Nothing should separate us, since everything brings us together”

Jalisco, Mexico: V Global Forum on the Culture of Peace

Yucatan: State Government and 10 Municipalities join efforts to prevent violence and crime

Mediation Forum of the Vice-Government of Ceará promotes discussion for a culture of peace

SADC delegates to discuss women, youths’ role in strengthening peace and security in the region

UN agriculture agency chief calls on world’s mayors to make ‘global commitments local realities’

Castilla-La Mancha, Spain: The Strategic Agreement for Peace and Coexistence seeks a consensus of civil society

Brazil: State Government of Acre establishes union with institutions for the culture of peace

Nigeria: Kaduna Conflicts: El-Rufai Inaugurates Peace Commission

Michoacán, Mexico: Law Approved for Culture of Peace and Prevention of Violence

Michoacán, México: Aprueban Ley para la Cultura de Paz y Prevención de la Violencia

Peace Commissioner in Peru: “Many do not know what is a culture of peace”

Comisionada por la paz en Peru: “Muchos aún no saben que es cultura de paz”

Cleanz approves Law on Culture and Peace (Venezuela)

Cleanz aprobó Ley de Cultura y Paz (Venezuela)

The Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, joins with UNESCO to defend the culture of peace

Provincia y Unesco unidos para difundir “la cultura de la paz” [Buenos Aires, Argentina]

Launch of the 30th edition of the Intercity (Côte d’Ivoire)

Lancement de la 30e édition des intervilles (Côte d’Ivoire)

Peace Commissioner Announces a Dialogue to Stop Conflicts  [Peru]

Comisionado para la Paz anuncia diálogo para frenar conflictos [Peru]

Cajamarca declara de interés regional promoción de cultura de paz

Governors in Peru Get Training in Conflict Alert System

Capacitan a gobernadores de Puno en aplicación de sistema de alerta de conflictos [Peru]

The Government of Chiapas Stresses Values in Shaping Its Agenda

Destaca gobierno chiapaneco valores en conformación de agenda

Eighth Anniversary of the Law for Culture of Peace in Bahia [Brazil]

Sessão na AL-BA marca os oito anos da Lei da Cultura da Paz [Bahia, Brazil]

Cajamarca declares the need to promote a regional culture of peace

Proposals for Reform of the United Nations: Are they sufficiently radical?

In the blog “Proposal for a Radical Reform of the United Nations”, it is asserted that “As it is structured now, the United Nations is controlled by national governments, with their military institutions and military budgets. Over the course of history, national governments have come to monopolize war. As a result, if we are to make the transition from a culture of war to a culture of peace, we need a radical reform of the United Nations. Instead of being controlled by the Member States, it should be controlled by “We the Peoples,” the words that begin its Charter.”

* * * * * * * * * * * *

This question applies to the following CPNN articles:

European Parliament Calls for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly and a UN Reform Summit in 2020

Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly now endorsed by over 1,500 current and former lawmakers from 120 countries

Roundtable on Increasing Democratic Representation at the United Nations in The Hague

Chief justices call on world leaders “to work for the establishment of a world parliament”

Pan-African Parliament calls on African Union to support the creation of a UN Parliamentary Assembly

Calls for UN Security council reform at Istanbul summit

A Joint Declaration on the Environment, Social Inequality and Elimination of Nuclear Threat, with a Proposal for UN reform

Intergovernmental Negotiations on Security Council Reform/a>

How important is community development for a culture of peace?

Here are CPNN articles related to this theme:

Character Strengths That Support Peacebuilding

Search for Common Ground – Burkina Faso Promotes Community Resilience through Dialogue and Peace Initiatives in Ouahigouya

Mexico: In San Juan del Río, Rotary promotes a positive culture of peace

Ibarra, Ecuador: Culture of peace, the way towards a good coexistence

Colombia: Cultural spaces for the construction of peace

Call to strengthen the culture of peace and non-violence in Chiapas

2019 Tomorrow’s Peacebuilders Award winners announced

Côte d’Ivoire: Béoumi: Traditional leaders launch a caravan for peace

South Africa: Global Youth Peacemaker Network initiative offers ‘real hope for Cape Flats’

El Salvador: Associations present project to promote a Culture of Peace

Stories from Rotarian Action Group for Peace provide inspiration for peace

Honduras: New health clinic in gang-ridden suburb of San Pedro Sula rebuilds community

Spain: Junta of Andalucía highlights commitment of the community to dialogue and solidarity in the ‘School Day of Peace’

Nigeria: Federal government rallies support of stakeholders to promote peace, security

USA: NCDD Launches Dialogue & Deliberation Training Partnership with American Library Association

Mexico: Presentation of the project “Oaxaca Intercultural”

México: Presentan proyecto “Oaxaca Intercultural”

Students march for peace and justice in Siquinalá, Escuintla (Guatemala)

Estudiantes caminan por la paz y la justicia en Siquinalá, Escuintla (Guatemala)

'Building a Culture of Peace for my Community' (Dominican Republic)

Realizan jornada “Construyendo una Cultura de Paz para mi Comunidad” (República Dominicana)

Land Reform for a Culture of Peace (Brazil)

Reforma Agrária por uma Cultura de Paz (Brasil)

Peru: Intiwawa Children of the Sun

Peace Promotion Can Work (Chicago)

Assault on Peaceful Co-existence (Nagaland, India)

Obreros y sindicatos reviven la Promesa [Puerto Rico]

Project launched to prevent young people from falling into crime [Honduras]

Lanzan proyecto para evitar que jóvenes caigan en delincuencia [Honduras]

The Centre for the Integral Development of Youth in Soacha, Colombia

Estragia de Centros de Desarrollo Integral Juvenil – Soacha, Colombia

Extreme Poverty is Violence – Breaking the Silence – Searching for Peace

Waking Souls for Social Change

Despertando almas para el cambio social

Fondation Idolè and the Culture of Peace

Fondation Idolè et la culture de la paix

Hope in a Shanty Town: Story of a Woman in Bangkok

Activities of the Santa Barbara Association for UNESCO

La Paloma Sabanera Coffee House and Bookstore

A Hartford Community Project Promotes Culture of Peace

Reforming the “Hooker”

UCONN Celebrates Kwanzaa

Ivy Walls: Local Lawyer's Fight to Help His Community

For prior discussion on this question, click here.