Category Archives: d-education

Where are police being trained in culture of peace?

This discussion question applies to the following articles:

France: For an Emergency Plan to Overcome the Crisis

USA: The Failure of Police Use of Force Policies to Meet Fundamental International Human Rights Law and Standards

Film From USA: Camden’s Turn: A Story of Police Reform in Progress

Mexico: First International Congress on Social Prevention of Violence and Culture of Peace

Côte d’Ivoire: National Police: 639 staff trained in culture of peace

Côte d’Ivoire: Police nationale: 639 agents formés à la culture de la paix

Spain: The Second Latin American Congress makes Vila-real the international capital of police mediation

España: El II Congreso Iberoamericano sitúa a Vila-real como capital internacional de la mediación policial

Curitiba, Brazil: Military police discuss culture of peace

Curitiba, Brasil: Policiais militares discutem cultura de paz

In India, special trainings and all-women peacekeeper units tackle sexual violence

UNESCO partners with Tunisian Ministry of the Interior to improve safety of journalists

L’UNESCO et le Ministère de l’intérieur de la Tunisie coopèrent pour améliorer la sécurité des journalistes

Do the arts create a basis for a culture of peace?

A classic response to this question comes from Karroum, an artist working at Azueï on the border between Dominican Republic and Haiti to unite people through art.

When asked about the complexity that uniting citizens of both nations can entail, due to the cultural differences of each one, Karroum highlights artistry and trust.

“The keys to how to generate trust do not lie in the discourse, but in how to work in the arts; to find, first, a common language to be able to build whatever. For that, you have to identify the other as someone with whom I can share, I can work, and this is built through practice and the dynamics of creation… ”, he says.

The following CPNN articles refer to this discussion question:

Colombia: The first meeting is held in Cali to weave a network of peace initiatives in the territories

Art for peace in Mexico City

Declaration of Cuban Culture institutions in support of artists from Argentina in the face of Javier Milei’s measures

Colombia: Artists who were victims of the conflict unite their voices for peace in their regions

The artists Mira Awad and Noa: voices for peace in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict

United States: The Black Choreographers Dancing Toward Justice

Artists in Turkey: Let us be a voice for peace

Burkina Faso: Peace and social cohesion at the heart of the book “The problem tree and other news” by Lacina Téguéra

Azueï: the union of Dominicans and Haitians through art

Havana Book Fair urges a culture of peace for the development of peoples

Peace Pals International Art Exhibition and Awards

Mexico: Invitation to register for an online diploma in the Culture of Peace through the Arts

Ecuador: Hip-hop and urban art are reaffirmed as a ‘culture of peace’ at a festival in Garza Roja

Brazil: The culture of peace and non-violence is the theme of the III Graffiti Festival

Colombia: ‘5th with 5th Crew’, rhymes and colors for peace in Norte de Santander

United Nations from the field: Desert artisans in Mali foster dialogue and tolerance

Childrens Message for Peace

Germany: Collateral Crucifixion – Pressuring for Julian Assange’s Release!

Drawing on Earth: The Global Creative Challenge 2021

Colombia: Cultural spaces for the construction of peace

Call For Registration: Action For Peace Forum In Ethiopia

International Folklore Festival of Brazil – Virtual – 22 and 23 August

Alfred Fried Photography Award’: world-best picture on the theme of peace

Iraqi group spreads tolerance and peace through art

France: Culture for Peace Award to The Artists in Exile Workshop

India: Cultures from around world converge at folk dance fest

AUNOHR University unveils the “Knotted Gun” Sculpture in Beirut

Dominican Republic: Integrating art subjects in centers helps create a culture of peace

South Korea: Artists, activists to promote peace in Cheongju

Mexico: Tlalnepantla initiates program of Youth for a Culture of Peace

Theme of 2017 SIGNIS World Congress: Media for a Culture of Peace: Promoting Stories of Hope.

Morocco: The International Festival of Amazigh Culture from 14 to 16 July in Fez

Maroc: Le festival international de la culture Amazighe du 14 au 16 juillet à Fès

Africa: In a World of Turbulence, Writers Reaffirm Their Role for Enlightenment and Information

Afrique: Dans une Monde de Turbulences, des Écrivains Réaffirment leur Rôle d’Éveil et d’Information”

Peru: Art in the streets to promote the culture of peace

Peru: Con arte en las calles buscan promover la cultura de paz

Third Annual Africa Arts4Peace Forum to be held January 25-29

Philippines: Fostering a culture of peace through art

AAPI Convenes 2nd Arts4Peace Forum in Addis Ababa

US: The First Mural Museum in the World is a Culture of Peace Museum

Morocco: Children from around the world come together for peace; The 8th edition of the International Festival of Children's Folklore

Maroc: Les enfants du monde se rassemblent pour la paix; 8ème édition du Festival international du folklore de l’enfant

Frédéric Back, Director of “The Man Who Planted Trees”

Peace Mechanisms at Santorini Biennale 2014

Painting for peace: project Kids Gernica

Pintando por la paz: proyecto Kids Gernika

Marionnettes for Peace: An initiative for the International Day of Peace

L'initiative des marionnettes de la paix pour la journée internationale de la paix

2013 Peace and Cooperation School Award

Creation of a prize for peace photography (Ecuador)

Se crea premio de fotografía por la paz (Ecuador)

Marionettes for Peace

Les Marionnettes de la Paix

Oceanside woman promotes peace through murals (US)

Project for an International Festival of Marionettes

Projet de festival international de marionnettes

SNC 2012 – spectacle d'ouverture: Que la paix soit sur le monde

Art for Peace – Multimedia Edition / 2008

UNA-USA San Diego 2006 Eleonor Roosevelt Human Rights Award

BAM in a Box

Peace through Art

Seeing Peace: Artists Collaborate with the United Nations

The Art Miles Mural Project

Activist Art

New York Poets for Peace Ready to Take Their Show on the Road

For discussion in 2003-2005, click here

Can peace be guaranteed through nonviolent means?

If we are to achieve a culture of peace, it will have to come about by nonviolent means.

Fortunately there are many initiatives for nonviolence, as we have found in the reviews of CPNN, for example, the CPNN bulletin of May 2016..

What does nonviolence look like. Here is the description by Martin Luther King, speaking of Mahatma Gandhi: “nonviolent resistance is not a method for cowards; it does resist. If one uses this method because he is afraid or merely because he lacks the instruments of violence, he is not truly nonviolent. This is why Gandhi often said that if cowardice is the only alternative to violence, it is better to fight… nonviolent resistance … is not a method of stagnant passivity… For while the nonviolent resister is passive in the sense that he is not physically aggressive toward his opponent, his mind and his emotions are always active, constantly seeking to persuade his opponent that he is wrong. The method is passive physically but strongly active spiritually. It is not passive non-resistance to evil, it is active nonviolent resistance to evil.”

Readers are encouraged to comment below on this theme which refers to the following CPNN articles since 2015.

For previous discussion and list of CPNN articles before then, click here.

Campaign Nonviolence Action Days 2024 – Calls-To-Action

United Nations: Non-Violence Day offers prospect for ‘new era of peace, trust and tolerance’

These six global struggles show the power of nonviolence in action

October 2nd a Nonviolence Day in the White West

The Peace Brigades International, Guernica Peace Prize

Lebanon: Interview with Ogarit Younan (prize for conflict prevention and peace)

Book review: What if the government abolished the military?

Chile: declaration of “World without Wars and Violence”

Extinction Rebellion, not political? “We occupied the center of Paris for five days!“

Done with violence?

Pax Christi leaders believe nonviolence education can change world

Mexico: authorities sign agreement for peace in Tecomán

USA: Season for Nonviolence begins 5th Season

Nonviolence Charter: Progress Report 13 (October 2018)

Why unarmed civilian protection is the best path to sustainable peace

Nonviolence Charter: Progress Report 12 (April 2018)

Search for Common Ground: Vision for 2018

International Day of Non-Violence celebrations held in Nairobi, Kenya

Conference of the Asia-Pacific Peace Research Association

Peace Brigades International is recruiting field volunteers for Kenya

Nonviolence Charter: Progress Report 10 (Apr 2017)

Nonviolence Highlights in 2016

Bernard LaFayette Jr. Wins Gandhi Award

Tucson students learn ‘non-violence’ way of life amidst anti-Trump protests

From pacifism to nonviolence in Berlin

Nonviolence Charter: Progress Report #8 (April 2016)

Mennonite Central Committee: Peace education in photos

Zanzibar Peace, Truth & Transparency Association

Nonviolent Peaceforce: A paradigm shift?

Nonviolent Peace Force Nominated for 2016 Nobel Peace Prize

Nonviolent Peaceforce Strategy: 2015-2020

USA: Campaign Nonviolence Week of Action II, September 20-27, 2015

US: Response to the Massacre in Charleston; Grieve, But then Teach and Organize Nonviolence

Nonviolent Peaceforce in Ukraine

Nonviolent Peaceforce:  Women’s Peacekeeping Teams incorporated into South Sudan communities

What place does music have in the peace movement?

To achieve peace in the world, we need to understand that we are all one human family. As Martin Luther King said, ” We must all learn to live together as brothers – or we will all perish together as fools. This is the great issue facing us today. No individual can live alone; no nation can live alone. We are tied together.”

He was echoing the words of another great preacher who lived in another era: John Donne: “No man is an island, entire of itself. Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. . . Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.”

As one family, we need to speak the same language, and one way that is possible is through music, since music can be considered as the universal language.

Here are the articles in CPNN since 2015 that illustrate how music functions to unite us across all language barriers. For discussion and articles prior to 2015, click here.

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If you wish to make a comment on this discussion, you may write to with the title “Comment on (name of discussion)” and we will put your comment on line. Because of the flood of spam, we have discontinued the direct application of comments.


April 29, 2024: Live Peace – worldwide concerts and live entertainment for peace

April 12, 2024: World Youth Orchestra debuts in Vietnam with “Sound of Brotherhood” project

March 23, 2024: FIJCA 2024: JAZZ as an instrument of social cohesion in Ivory Coast

December 12, 2023: Romania: 1982 Concert for Peace on Earth

October 3, 2023: How to promote the culture of peace in the DRC?

May 6, 2023: A song for peace

May 6, 2021: Mexico: Quintana Roo celebrated a unique virtual hip hop festival in Maya language

October 12, 2020: Les Héritiers du Zouglou release a maxi single to raise awareness among Ivorians

March 28, 2020: Venezuela pays tribute to the genius who made music an instrument for liberation, José Antonio Abreu

January 9, 2020: For Bob Marley’s 75th Birthday, Ziggy Marley Reflects On His Father’s Legacy

October 14, 2019: Inconsapevole Records releases “Punk Rock Against War”

October 28, 2018: Song for Peace: For the Children

September 18, 2018: Jackson Browne honored

December 9, 2017: Mexico: Hip-hop: coexistence for peace

September 29, 2017: Mauritania: Festival Nouakchott Jazz Plus: 18th to 23rd of September 2017

May 5, 2017: Brazil: Compaz and Londrina Pazeando promote music festival

February 15, 2017: The Festival of Amani strengthens our ability to live together

October 25, 2016: Bob Dylan: “Masters of War”

September 28, 2016: One million strong choir on International Day of Peace

June 26, 2016: USA: Refugee Orchestra Project Showcases Refugees” Impact

April 29, 2016: Paris: A standing orchestra !!!

February 20, 2016: Goma, Nord Kivu, Congo: Third edition of the Amani Music Festival

September 19, 2015: Music Builds Peace One Day at a Time

September 5, 2015: Letter of appreciation to the Palestinian Youth Orchestra

August 20, 2015: Colombia: Rock in the Park 2015 – Music for the 21st Century

April 20, 2015: Ivory Coast: Music Festival from 21 to 26 April in Abidjan for “peaceful elections” in Africa

February 18, 2015: The second edition of the Amani Festival fixed for mid-February in Goma


April 29, 2024: Live Peace – concerts et spectacle vivant mondiaux pour la paix

April 12, 2024: L’Orchestre mondial des jeunes fait ses débuts au Vietnam avec le projet « Sound of Brotherhood »

March 23, 2024: FIJCA 2024 : Le JAZZ, comme instrument de cohésion sociale en Côte d’ivoire
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October 3, 2023: Comment promouvoir la culture de la paix en RDC ?

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May 6, 2021: México : Quintana Roo anuncia festival virtual de hip hop en maya

October 12, 2020: Les Héritiers du Zouglou sortent un maxi single pour sensibiliser les Ivoiriens

March 28, 2020: Pueblo venezolano rinde homenaje al genio que hizo de la música un instrumento para la liberación, José Antonio Abreu

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December 9, 2017: México: El encuentro Hip hop: convivencia para la paz

September 29, 2017: Mauritanie: Festival Nouakchott Jazz Plus: du 18 au 23 septembre 2017

May 5, 2017: Brasil: Compaz e Londrina Pazeando promovem festival musical

February 15, 2017: Le Festival Amani réussit à «renforcer le vivre ensemble

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April 29, 2016: Paris: Un orchestre debout !!!

February 20, 2016: Goma, Nord Kivu, Congo: clôture de la 3è édition du Festival Amani

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August 20, 2015: Colombie: Rock al Parque 2015 – Una Tendencia del Siglo XXI

April 20, 2015: Côte d’Ivoire: Festival de musique du 21 au 26 avril à Abidjan pour des “élections apaisées” en Afrique

February 18, 2015: La 2è édition du Festival Amani fixée en mi-février à Goma

Restorative justice: What does it look like in practice?

As described in a CPNN article, restorative justice is spreading around the world. It began in the ancient pre-colonial traditions of Africa. In recent times, it inspired the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa led by Archbishop Desmond, which played such an important role in the transition from apartheid to democracy under the government headed by Nelson Mandela. And more recently it has been adopted in Brazil thanks in great part to the work of Judge Leoberto Brancher. Now restorative justice is being taken up in the United States. CPNN reported on initiatives in Oakland, Los Angeles and Sonoma County, California, Boulder Colorado and Burlington Vermont.

What does it look like in practice? Here’s a description from the Oakland program for young offenders: “It brings the young person and the victim – the offended – together; to talk about the offense, to develop a plan to restore the victim, and to engage the young person in a plan to address the factors that led them to commit the offense in the first place.””

And here is a description from the courtroom of Judge Brancher in Brazil: [I surprise people by] “bringing a facilitator in, and giving a new direction to the lives of the people involved in that conflict. In my Court we have such a door, which our facilitators call, affectionately, “the door of hope”. A service which allows, in real time, an interaction among the Judge, the other judiciary professionals in the proceedings, the stakeholders, the witnesses and the services professionals can also become a kind of powerhouse to spread Restorative Justice into other application contexts. . . ”

Below are CPNN articles since 2015. Links to articles from years before are available here.

Readers are encouraged to add their comments below.


December 2, 2023: Brazil: Ministry of Education advances the debate on restorative justice

October 14, 2022: In Bolívar, Ecuador, the month of the culture of peace was commemorated with the event “justice, peace and art”

August 22, 2022: Colombia: Peacebuilding in Viotá, a model that seeks to be replicated throughout the country

July 12, 2022: Honduras: “Mesas de seguridad ciudadana” in 298 municipalities

January 18, 2022: United States : Marquette Law School Establishes Center for Restorative Justice

January 17, 2022: Council of Europe : Ministerial Conference on restorative justice concludes with the signature of the Declaration of Venice

January 8, 2022: Brazil: Practices that promote a culture of peace at Funase had good results in 2021

November 26, 2021: Jamaica: Increase In Use Of Restorative Justice Centres

November 18, 2021: Petrópolis, Brazil : III International Restorative Justice Week will open next Monday

May 23, 2021: The 3rd Latin American Congress of Restorative Justice closed with more than 4,400 registered participants

February 18, 2021: Oaxaca, Mexico: Judicial Power privileges culture of peace with alternative justice

July 6, 2020: Colombia: The 2nd Latin American Congress of Restorative Justice

November 19, 2019: Alternative justice strengthens the culture of peace in Chiapas

June 28, 2019: Restorative Justice in Brazil: Culture of Peace instead of Punishment

October 26, 2017: Mexico: The government of Zacatecas installs a fifth room for peace and juvenile restorative justice in Cobaez

August 30, 2017: Brazil: Restorative Justice: AJURIS and its Judiciary School sign agreement with Terre des Hommes and MPRS

August 22, 2017: Mexico: With alternative justice, hope advances in Chiapas

April 5, 2017: Paraná, Brazil: Draft Law for Culture of Peace as public policy

October 14, 2016: Brazil: Restorative justice expanded in Rio Grande do Sul

July 24, 2016: Brazil: Public schools of São Vicente transform education through the culture of peace

July 5, 2016: Londrina, Brazil: Fifth Municipal Conference on Culture of Peace

April 14, 2016: Wilmington, Delaware, USA: Movement for a Culture of Peace hosts restorative practices forum

February 24, 2016: USA: New Haven Peaces Out. A Bit

November 8, 2015: USA: Restorative Practices in Schools

March 27, 2015: USA: Discipline Reformers Get A “Restorative” Lesson


December 2, 2023: Brasil: Ministério da Educação avança no debate acerca da justiça restaurativa

October 14, 2022: Ecuador: En bolívar se conmemoró el mes de la cultura de paz con el evento “justicia, paz y arte”

August 22, 2022: Colombia: El modelo de construcción de paz en Viotá que busca ser replicado en todo el país

July 12, 2022: Honduras: Integrarán mesas de seguridad ciudadana en los 298 municipios
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January 8, 2022: Brasil: Práticas que promovem cultura de paz na Funase tiveram bons resultados em 2021

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November 18, 2021: Petrópolis, Brazil : III Semana Internacional de Justiça Restaurativa será aberta na próxima segunda-feira

May 23, 2021: Cerró el 3° Congreso Latinoamericano de Justicia Restaurativa con la participación de más de 4.400 inscriptos

February 18, 2021: Oaxaca, México: Privilegia Poder Judicial cultura de paz con justicia alternativa

July 6, 2020: Colombia: Finalizó el 2° Congreso Latinoamericano de Justicia Restaurativa

November 19, 2019: Justicia alternativa fortalece la cultura de paz en Chiapas

June 28, 2019: Justiça Restaurativa em Brasil: Cultura da paz em vez da punição

October 26, 2017: México: Instaura Godezac la quinta Sala de Paz y Justicia Restaurativa Juvenil en el Cobaez de Sain Alto

August 30, 2017: Brasil: Justiça Restaurativa: AJURIS e Escola da Magistratura assinam convênio com Terre des Hommes e MPRS

August 22, 2017: México: Una esperanza se consolida en Chiapas

April 5, 2017 Paraná, Brasil: Projeto de Lei quer Cultura da Paz como política pública

October 14, 2016 Brasil: Justiça Restaurativa será ampliada no Rio Grande do Sul

July 24, 2016 Brasil: Escolas públicas da cidade de São Vicente transformam educação por meio da cultura de paz

July 5, 2016 Londrina, Brasil: 5ª conferência Municipal da Cultura de Paz

English bulletin August 1, 2016


History is not always reflected in the headlines of the mass media. Sometimes it is the “slow news” – events that are not considered newsworthy – that accumulate and change the course of history. A good example is slow but steady progress in peace education, which we salute in this month’s bulletin.

The website of the Global Campaign for Peace Education gives us a good overall view of the extent of peace education in the world today. One can begin simply with the list of their national and local endorsing organizations, who come from over 50 countries and all six continents.

This month we feature recent articles reprinted by the Global Campaign for Peace Education from around the world: from Myanmar, Bosnia, United Kingdom, Rwanda, Georgia, United States and the Seychelles.

In Myanmar, the Ministry of Education and UNESCO are jointly implementing the “Education for Peace and Development in Northern Rakhine State” project. Teachers, principals and education officers have been trained in life skills for peace and conflict transformation

In Bosnia, the United World Colleges of Mostar are celebrating their 10th anniversary. UWC Mostar was the first school having students from across the country being taught by the same teachers and in the same classroom, unlike the segregational educational system still prevailing in the rest of the country.

In the U.K., Quakers will host a ground-breaking national conference for teachers to learn how to equip pupils to handle conflict in a constructive way and to develop critical thinking skills. Educationalists from more than 80 schools across Britain will attend Learning Through Peace at Friends House in London.

The Rwanda Peace Education Program is coming to a close after three years of building sustainable peace in communities across the country. The conclusion will be marked by a Peace Week that includes various activities to share the success of the program and encourage all Rwandans to be champions of peace in their own villages and families.

In Georgia, The European Intercultural Forum has just finalised the narrative report of their 1st training course in the frame of the Training Programme “Education for Peace – Developing Competences for Peace Education in the Youth Field”. The project aims to strengthen the competences of youth workers and youth educators and empower young people to become pro-active agents of peaceful change via local community initiatives addressing societal conflicts.

In the U.S., the Ashland (Oregon) Peace Commission works with the city’s schools and their MindUp Curriculum which offers peace education tools that encourage listening and compassion and promote an environment of understanding, as well as with the Medford-based Resolve Center for Dispute Resolution and Restorative Justice.

The University of Seychelles has announced that it is planning to set up an international centre for peace studies and diplomacy with the expert guidance and experience of Seychelles’ founding President Sir James Mancham. The proposed professor of peace studies will provide both academic leadership and proven negotiating skills. The centre will be a hub of information and also a meeting place for practitioners and scholars alike. Conferences will be a feature of the centre’s activities. Under the auspices of the UniSey, it will offer a Master’s Degree in peace studies for local as well as international students, together with opportunities for doctoral and post-doctoral research.

Just to complete our tour of the world, we mention four other recent CPNN articles about progress in peace education in Colombia, Brazil, Japan and Ivory Coast.

The Colombia Minister of Education, Gina Parody, speaking at the meeting of secretaries of education from across the country, invited them to teach a new generation of peace, preparing children and young people to consolidate peace. Among her remarks was the following: “For the first time, the government has allocated a larger budget for education of our children and young people, that the budget for war. We are convinced that it is in the classrooms that the new generation will begin to rewrite the history of Colombia as a country in peace.”

In São Vicente, Brazil, a team of educators is carrying out a program of Training for Peace Education of 60 hours for professionals from all the public education units in partnership with the Secretary of Education.

In Hiroshima, the Mayors for Peace Network organizes in partnership with the Hiroshima Peace and Culture Foundation and the Hiroshima University, a summer program that provides students with a general understanding of the nature and attributes of war and peace by illuminating various aspects of wartime experiences, including the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, and, at the same time, by exploring contemporary issues related to world peace in the era of globalization

In Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast, the Deputy Director for Africa of UNESCO, Edouard Firmin Matoko announced the creation of a school for the Culture of Peace. Called the “Pan-African center for research and advanced training in the culture of peace”, its objective will be ” capacity building of decision-makers in the values ​​of peace and citizenship”.

Finally, there are two major events coming up where peace educators and others interested in peace are invited to come and advance their international links. The Congress of the International Peace Bureau, the oldest global peace network, founded in 1891/92, will take place at the end of September this year in Berlin, while the 9th international conference of the International Network of Museums for Peace will be held in Belfast in April 2017.


The Global Campaign for Peace Education


Tunisia moves closer to achieving gender equality in politics


Culture of Peace: Artistic Creations by African Youth


Malaysia: Tenaganita Still Fighting for Women Workers’ Rights, 25 Years On


Petition: Another Route to Peace


Africa: Sustainable development: The future of the land is in green energy


Florianópolis, Brazil: World Peace Forum: a space to build a better world


Londrina, Brazil: Fifth Municipal Conference on Culture of Peace

Where is peace education taking place?

As an initial response to this question, here is the list of national and local sponsoring organizations retrieved July 9, 2016 from the Global Campaign for Peace Education (see CPNN article about the campaign):

* Act 1 Presentations (USA)
* ActionAid Ghana
* All Pakistan Friendship and Peace Council (All Pakistan Youth Wing)
* Amnesty Nepal, Group-81
* Aotearoa-New Zealand Foundation for Peace Studies
* ASEPaix, Association Suisse des Educateurs à la Paix (Switzerland)
* ASHTA NO KAI (India)
* Asociacion Respuesta (Argentina)
* Association of Young Azerbaijani Friends of Europe
* Assumption College (Philippines)
* Awareness One (Nigeria)
* Azerbaijan Women and Development Centre
* Big Brothers Big Sisters- Kerryville (USA)
* Buddha’s Light Universal Welfare Society (BLUWS) (Bangladesh)
* Canadian Alliance for Youth and Children’s Rights (CAYCR)
* Canadian Centres for Teaching Peace
* Canadian International Institute of Applied Negotiations
* CEAL- Ciudardes Educadoras America Latina (Argentina)
* CEDEM-Centre d’Education et de Developpement pour les Enfants Mauriciens (Mauritius)
* Center For Globalization Studies, University BK (Serbia, FR Yugoslavia)
* Center for Human Rights and Peace Studies (CRPS) (Philippines)
* Center for Peace Education, Miriam College (Philippines)
* Center for Peace, Justice and Integrity of Creation (Philippines)
* Centre for the Study of Forgiveness and Reconciliation (United Kingdom)
* Centre for the Study of Peace (Ireland)
* CETAL- Network Culture of Peace (Sweden)
* CEYPA-Civic Education Youth Programme in Albania
* Child and Women Rights Society (Bangladesh)
* Children and Peace Philippines JMD Chapter
* City Montessori School (CMS, India)
* Concord Video and Film Council (UK)
* Concerned Youth for Peace (CONYOPA, Sierra Leone)
* Canossian Schools in the Philippines
* Cosananig Organisation (Nigeria)
* Creative Response to Conflict (USA)
* Culture for Peace Foundation (Spain)
* CRAGI, Conflict Resolution and Global Interdependence (USA)
* D@dalos Sarajevo – Association for Peace Education
* Développement Rural par la Protection de l’Environnement et Artisanat (Cameroon)
* Don Bosco Educational Association of the Philippines DBEAP
* Education for Peace Institute of the Balkans (Bosnia- Herzegovina)
* Education for Peace Project (Landegg International University, Switzerland)
* Educadores para a Paz (Brazil)
* Electoral Institute of South. Africa
* Elimu Yetu Coalition-Kenya
* ESR National Center Resolving Conflict Creatively Program (USA)
* Foundation for Peace and Development (Ghana)
* Fundacio per la Pau (Spain)
* Fundación Casa De La Juventud (Paraguay)
* Fundacion Gamma Idear (Colombia)
* Global Harmony Foundation (Switzerland)
* Helplife Foundation (Ghana)
* Grupa “Hajde Da…” (Belgrade Youth Centre for Tolerance and Peace Development)
* GUU Foundation Community Based Rehabilitation (Uganda)
* Halley Movement (Mauritius)
* Hessisches Landesinstitut für Pädagogik (Germany)
* Human Rights Committee (Serbia)
* Human Rights Education Academy of Nepal
* Human Rights Education Programme (Pakistan)
* Human Rights Eye & Education Center (HREEC, Cameroon)
* Iligan Center for Peace Education and Research (Philippines)
* Indian Institute for Peace, Disarmament and Environmental Protection
* Institute for Planetary Synthesis (Spain)
* International Holistic Tourism Education Centre-IHTEC (Canada)
* International Mission for Peace (Sierra Leone)
* International Peace Research Association (Japan)
* International Youth Link Foundation (Ghana)
* International Youth Parliament/Oxfam Australia
* International Society For Human Values (Switzerland)
* Institute For Peace and Justice (USA)
* Institute of Education and Peace (Greece)
* Jane Addams’ Peace Association Inc (USA)
* Jigyansu Tribal Research Centre (India)
* Khmer Youth Association (Phnom Penh)
* Kids Meeting Kids (USA)
* Landegg International University (Switzerland)
* League In Friendship Endeavour (India)
* Learning and Development (Kenya)
* Lebanese American University Center for Peace and Justice Education
* Mandate the Future (Sri Lanka)
* Multiethnic Children and Youth Peace Centers (MCYPC) (Kosovo, FR Yugoslavia)
* National Federation of UNESCO Associations of Nepal
* Narvik Peace Foundation (Norway)
* NDH-Cameroon and African Network of Grassroot Democracy
* Nepal Institute for United Nations and UNESCO
* Nepal National UNESCO Academy
* Network Culture of Peace (CETAL) (Sweden)
* Nova, Centro para la Innovacón (Spain)
* Office of Peace in Horn of Africa OPIHA (U.A.E./Somalia)
* Pan-African Reconciliation Council (Nigeria)
* Parbatya Bouddha Mission (Bangladesh)
* Partnerships and Exchanges Programme for Development (Togo)
* Pax Christi Flanders (Belgium)
* Pax Educare- The Connecticut Center for Peace Education
* Paz y Cooperación (Spain)
* Peace 2000 Institute (Iceland)
* Peace Advocates Zamboanga (Philippines)
* Peace Education Academy of Nepal
* Peace Education Center (United States)
* Peace Education Institute (Finland)
* Peace Pledge Union (UK)
* Peace Project Africa (South Africa)
* Peace Research Centre (Cameroon)
* Peace Research Institute-Dundas (Canada)
* Peaceful Solution Society of Ghana
* People’s Parliament (Leskovac, Yugoslavia)
* Philippine Action Network on Small Arms PHILANSA
* Plowshare Center (USA)
* Proyecto 3er. Milenio (Argentina)
* Quaker Peace and Service (UK)
* Research Academica for Humanism and Jaiprithvi (RAFHAJ, Nepal)
* Rights Works (USA)
* Robert Muller School (USA)
* Sakha Ukuthula (South Africa)
* Samaritan Public School (India)
* Save the World (Nepal)
* Seminario Galego de Educacion para a Paz (Spain)
* Service Civil International-International Voluntary Service (SCI-IVS USA)
* Significant Music (Canada)
* Society For Democratic Reforms (Azerbaijan)
* Society for Human Development (Bangladesh)
* Support Center for Associations and Foundations (Belarus)
* Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society
* Teaching for Peace Workshop (Denmark)
* Triratna Welfare Society (Bangaladesh)
* Vientos del Sur (Argentina)
* United Nations Association of New Zealand
* United Nations of Youth Foundation (The Netherlands)
* Unesco Etxea (Spain)
* Winpeace (Women’s Initiative for Peace, Turkey)
* World Commission for Peace & Human Rights Council (Pakistan)
* World Voices (UK)
* Youth Approach for Development & Cooperation (Bangladesh)
* Young Christian Students of Nigeria
* Youth Forum For Peace and Justice (YFPJ-Zambia

This question applies to the following CPNN articles since the summer of 2016:

Service Civil International: Call for participants: “From Conflict to Collaboration: Building a Culture of Peace in Diverse Communities”

The Role of Universities in Supporting Young People to Become Effective Peace Builders: The Experience of Hawassa University in Ethiopia

Experts explore effective approaches for sustainability in peace, education (Rwanda)

Education for Peace dialogues hosted by National Ministry of Education in Cartagena, Colombia

Philippines: Davao peace summit underscores role of academe

Dominican Republic : CDP and Sinarec sign agreement to promote a culture of peace and reduce violence

El Salvador : MUPI promotes workshops on Culture of Peace

CEPEJ Takes Peace, Environmental Advocacy To Schools Across Nigeria

Mali: Partnership between UCAO-UUBa and EMP: promoting research and training for the culture of peace in Africa

Brazil: Culture of Peace in schools will be the subject of a webinar on February 18th

Spain: 259 educational centers in Almería take part in network “School as a Space for Peace”

Spain: Movimiento por la Paz produces educational material for secondary schools on the culture of peace

Spain: Sierra Blanca achieves second place in the Annual Awards for the Promotion of the Culture of Peace and School Coexistence

UABJO launches Institutional Program for the Culture of Peace in Oaxaca, Mexico

Mexico: Virtual seminar on peace building in schools

La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico: Training of basic education teachers on the culture of peace

Colima, Mexico: Virtual Forum “University Fostering a Culture of Peace”

Quintana Roo, Mexico: Judicial Power for Culture of Peace

Mexico: Courses and training to build a culture of peace

Spain: Movimiento por la Paz launches an online course with «five paths for peace»

Mexico: Universities of ANUIES to share best practices on culture of peace

Mexico: Culture of peace in higher education

Global Campaign for Peace Education: Year-end review

Philippines: Teach Peace Build Peace Movement

Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot educators and activists speak about building peace

Venezuela: the culture of nonviolence is replicated in Petare

Mexico: USEBEQ and UAQ train teachers in culture of peace

Michoacán Mexico: Training for culture of peace and non-violence

Guatemala: SEPAZ Graduates 82 ‘Multipliers of Peace’

Cyprus: Teachers from both sides attend seminars on peace education

Testimonies from the First Advanced AVP Workshop in Apanteos Prison, El Salvador

Dominican Republic: Ministry of Education to promotes a culture of peace and guarantes security in schools

National Campaign for Peace Education launched in Cameroon

Dominican Republic: Reflections on the search for a culture of peace in schools

Mexico: Culture of Peace Diploma initiated by CEDHJ, UdeG and the Institute of Alternative Justice

Mexico: Government of AMLO will include new subjects in schools

USA: Appalachian Peace Education Center

West Africa: Stakeholders call for support of the ECOWAS Conflict Prevention Framework

Lesotho: Is 2019 a year of peace in our schools as peaceful school model takes shape?

Promotion of peace and peace education through schooling: Perspectives and experiences of girls and boys in Mauritius

Mexico: Teachers from more than 800 schools trained in culture of peace

Togo: Young people in West Africa trained in Lomé for conflict prevention

Cyprus: International Institute on Peace Education 2019

Philippines: Peace Education among top priorities in the new Bangsamoro Government

Mexico: Promoting the subject “Culture of Peace” at all academic levels

Honduras: Program in 130 schools reduces violence and promotes culture

Navarra, Spain: The “Schools for Peace and Coexistence” Program will be extended to 61 centers and more than 10,800 participants

USA: Marquette University Center for Peacemaking celebrates 10 years

Mexico: International Congress of Education for Peace Organized in Edomex

Brazil: Culture of Peace will be the theme of a free lecture in Guarujá

6,000 teachers deployed to promote peace in Mindanao (Philippines)

Philippines: New Bangsamoro Organic Law Includes Provision for Peace Education

The UNESCO Chair and the UTPL promote the training of peace managers for Peru, Colombia and Ecuador

Peru: Law to promote the culture of peace and non-violence in basic education

“Building peace from the inside out“ – course start in Jordanian refugee camps

Human Rights Council of Sierra Leone Establishes Human Rights Clubs In Schools

Finalization of activities of ‘Imagine’ Project for school year 2017-2018 (Cyprus)

Mexico: Invitation to study the Master of Science for Peace

Côte d’Ivoire: A seminar on the culture of peace organized at the FHB Foundation of Yamoussoukro

Activity Report: The Turkey-UK “Peace Education in Teacher Training” Workshop

The culture of non-violence will take place in the heart of Lebanese school curricula

Brazil: Experts Support Teacher Training for Culture of Peace

Pontifical Council, WCC develop joint text on education for peace

India: Peace Channel promotes peace education in schools of Kohima

Philippines: MPI 2018 Annual Peacebuilding Training: Creating a Culture of Peace

Peace is not just a two-period a week subject – Prajnya Teachers for Peace Training (India)

Venezuela: Educational sector plans to train teachers in culture of peace

El Salvador to prioritize culture of peace in its schools

Colombia: Unesco recognizes schools in Norte de Santander for their work towards peace

Romania: IPDTC Training programs for peacebuilding and violence prevention

Peace Heroes: Bushra Qadeem Hyder on Fighting Extremism with Education in Pakistan

Rwanda: Building Resilience to Genocide through Peace Education: Concepts, Methods, Tools and Impact

Nigeria: Plateau To Tackle Boko Haram With Peace Education

Dominican Republic: Education Ministry launches student forum for a culture of peace

Innsbruck, Austria: 2017 International Institute for Peace Education (IIPE)

Northern Ireland school receives Evens Prize for Peace Education 2017

Ecuador: Students from schools commit to fostering a culture of peace

Ecuador: Estudiantes de escuelas con compromiso de fomentar cultura de paz

Nuevo León, Mexico: The State Commission on Human Rights seeks to foster peace in schools through workshops

Nuevo León, México: Busca CEDH fomentar paz en las escuelas a través de talleres

Education for Culture of Peace in Cyprus: Sharing Best Practices

Rwanda: Peace Education Added to National Curriculum

Benin to introduce education for culture of peace

Brazil: The Dream Factory creating new paths for Culture of Peace and Non-violence

Le Bénin veut introduire l’éducation à la culture de la paix dans le système éducatif

El Salvador: Discussions to include culture of peace in national educational curriculum

Colombia, Minister of Education: The education sector is crucial for the consolidation of peace

Colombia, MinEducación: El sector de la educación debe ser decisivo para consolidar la paz y mejorar su calidad

USA: Ashland Culture of Peace Commission explores peace education

Bosnia and Herzogovina: Celebrating 10 years of global education for peace at UWC Mostar

Teachers lead the way towards Peace in their Classrooms and Communities in Rakhine State, Myanmar

UK: Quakers hold conference on peace education for schools

Seychelles set to become hub for peace studies

Rwanda: 3-year peace education program concludes with Peace Week and youth conference

Young people from all over the world come together at Hiroshima to learn about peace and nuclear disarmament

The Global Campaign for Peace Education

Three Decades of Peace Education in the Philippines

Solomon Islands: Malaita and Guadalcanal support peace education

India: 250 schools in Tamil Nadu to get Human Rights Clubs

Romania: Systemic Peacebuilding, Conflict Transformation & Post-War Recovery and Reconciliation

English bulletin May 1, 2016


Nonviolence is in our news these days. Let us begin by recalling the words of the great tactician of nonviolence, Martin Luther King, speaking of Mahatma Gandhi: “nonviolent resistance is not a method for cowards; it does resist. If one uses this method because he is afraid or merely because he lacks the instruments of violence, he is not truly nonviolent. This is why Gandhi often said that if cowardice is the only alternative to violence, it is better to fight… nonviolent resistance … is not a method of stagnant passivity… For while the nonviolent resister is passive in the sense that he is not physically aggressive toward his opponent, his mind and his emotions are always active, constantly seeking to persuade his opponent that he is wrong. The method is passive physically but strongly active spiritually. It is not passive non-resistance to evil, it is active nonviolent resistance to evil.”

Perhaps the most active practitioner of this approach today is the Nonviolent Peaceforce. They have recently been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of their teams “on the ground” in the various “hotspots” around the globe. In addition, they are actively trying to convince the United Nations and various governments to adopt nonviolence as a paradigm shift: “One of the most dramatic shifts will have taken place when everyone realizes that, the assumption that an armed actor will not yield to anything except a weapon has been proven to be untrue.”

All of this is part of the long-term strategy announced recently by Nonviolent Peaceforce: “We protect civilians in violent conflicts through unarmed strategies. We build peace side by side with local communities. We advocate for the wider adoption of these approaches to safeguard human lives and dignity.”

Another major practitioner of nonviolence is the Mennonite Central Committee, which recently publicized initiatives in seven countries on four continents.

Meanwhile, Pax Christi and other activists recently convened a meeting at the Vatican to enlist the Catholic Church in the approach of nonviolence, requesting that the church reverse its support for “just wars.”

We should also mention the Nonviolence Charter which has now been signed by 104 organisations from 33 countries, as well as the new initiative that we mentioned last month for nonviolent cities.

In celebrating Earth Day this month, the Campaign Nonviolence reminds us that to protect our planet we need to live “nonviolently” with such practices as sustainability, renewable energy, lowering meat consumption, and supporting local food.

One of the major tactics of nonviolence is mediation. Recently, we have featured articles on the training of police for mediation, as well as specific initiatives in Mexico and Bolivia.

These initiatives may not be featured in the headlines of the commercial media, where violence is considered more newsworthy, but in the long run the initiatives for nonviolence are making history, while violence is only impeding it.




Nonviolent Peaceforce: A paradigm shift?


Bahrain Women Association conducted a workshop on peace



Disarm! World Congress 2016 of International Peace Bureau


USA: Prisoners in Multiple States Call for Strikes to Protest Forced Labor


Landmark Vatican conference rejects just war theory, asks for encyclical on nonviolence


On Earth Day, Commit To The Great Turning


2016 World Press Freedom Index ­– leaders paranoid about journalists


Democracy Spring: Thousands Descend on US Capitol, Over 400 Arrested

Mediation as a tool for nonviolence and culture of peace

This question pertains to the following CPNN articles.

Argentina: International Meeting of Participatory Conflict Resolution Methods

Brazil Federal District: Management of Culture of Peace and Mediation completes one year this Wednesday

Mexico: UAEMéx and the Judiciary promote a culture of peace

Bolivia: XVIII World Mediation Congress

Argentina : Federal Network of Centers for Community Mediation and Training in School Mediation with an Example from Province of Buenos Aires

Granada, Spain : The Mediation Group shows members how to put the transformative model into practice

Panama : Management results in 2021 of the Coordination Office of the Community Mediation Program

Centers for Mediation, Conciliation and Restorative Justice in the State of Mexico

Indian Ministry of Law and Justice : The Mediation Bill, 2021

Dominican Republic: 11 Thousand People Train in Conflict Resolution and Culture of Peace in 2021

Mexico: Municipal Mediation Unit of the City of Merida to promote a Culture of Peace

The 3rd Latin American Congress of Restorative Justice closed with more than 4,400 registered participants

Oaxaca, Mexico: Judicial Power privileges culture of peace with alternative justice

Argentina: Conflicts: Positive Balance of Community Mediations

Spain: Professor Marta Gonzalo Quiroga recognized for her impetus to the culture of peace

Querétaro, Mexico: Mediation has benefited almost 8 thousand people in the capital

Argentina: The T20 Summit and the 14th World Congress of Mediation and a Culture of Peace: Integrating approaches

PAYNCoP Gabon organizes a conference on the challenges of building peace in Africa

Bangui opens training workshop on mediation and conflict resolution

Mexico: Culture of Peace Congress – Necessity of the XXI Century

Argentina: XIV World Congress of Mediation and Culture of Peace

Petropolis-Peace celebrates one year and 400 mediations

Tandil, Argentina: Municipal Mediation Center participates in the Provincial Meeting of Mediators

Peru: Launch of the national extrajudicial conciliation campaign

Mexico: Marcos Aguilar Inaugurates Forum “Towards a Culture of Peace”

Argentina: Participants and Themes Announced for the IV Meeting of the International Peace Observatory

Mexico: UAT teaches university students “Mediation for a Culture of Peace”

México: Imparte UAT a universitarios “La mediación para una cultura de paz”

Mexico: Sixteenth National Congress of Mediation inaugurated in Tlalnepantla

México: Inauguran en Tlalnepantla el XVI congreso nacional de mediación

Spain: The Second Latin American Congress makes Vila-real the international capital of police mediation

España: El II Congreso Iberoamericano sitúa a Vila-real como capital internacional de la mediación policial

Mediterranean meeting on mediation to be held in Tangier, Morocco

Guatemala: Se Da A Conocer El III Congreso Internacional De Mediación

The Third International Conference on Mediation to take place in Guatemala

México: Promueve la SEGOB la mediación como alternativa para solución de conflictos

Mexico: The government promotes mediation as an alternative for the resolution of conflicts

Colombia: Siga en vivo el XII Congreso Mundial de Mediación y Cultura de Paz

Colombia: Follow live the 12th World Congress of Mediation and Culture of Peace

Honduras: OEA recibirá a facilitadores judiciales en el diálogo de hoy

Honduras: OAS to receive report about judicial facilitators

Bolivia: Los conciliadores se forman a contrarreloj en cultura de paz

Bolivia: Mediators are formed in culture of peace

Johan Galtung, recognized as a leading peace educator, has this to say with regard to mediation, addressed in particular to the question of mediation by police:

[There are] different levels of “crime” mainly for the lower classes; “scandal”, “tragedy” for those higher up. . . .The special police for economic crimes are not present at board meetings where super-crimes are concocted. Yet, the local police “on the beat” are often there when lower class crimes are in the making.

How can they mediate? By talking with them, identifying what they want, telling very clearly that crime is illegitimate, and then suggesting other ways of meeting legitimate needs with a new reality.

Case 1: Economic crimes, or with economic roots. A dirt poor family not knowing where the meal next day may come from. The son brings in some money through petty thefts, the daughter by selling her body. Sooner or later they are captured, brought to court, or to “foster homes” to become law-abiding–and the family sinks into more poverty.

New reality: lifting the economic bottom up, meeting the basic needs for food and water, clothes and a roof, health services and education–for dignity, and for participation in the economy as consumers and producers. The police can help organize basic need cooperatives for the poorest in the poorest local communities–with potential and real law-breakers like the boy and the girl mentioned– with sales points directly to neighbors with some money. In a couple of years dignity is restored, the credit is paid back, the whole economy has improved.

Case 2: Crimes for a risky, less boring life. They want to beat the police, playing games at the limit or beyond of legality: fame for a day. Others want to use their bodies in a society designed for the minds of the educated (who can study how to profit from lower class countries and peoples in the Departments of Economics e.g. as “comparative advantages” and “laws of the market”). Alternatives are badly needed.

New reality: Sports, team sports like football for cooperation, using the body, taking risks at the limits of the lines, winning and losing, with a second chance next Sunday. Instant fame. Great.

Another way is Politics, Democracy, organizations, meetings, resolutions, demonstrations, all nonviolent, not using wars, winning and losing, with a second chance in four years or so. Great.

Dear Police Officers, please go ahead– with this, and more. And tell Military Officers about mediation to remove wars and build peace.

Peace as a concept; education for peace and the social construction of knowledge


An interview by Professor Alicia Cabezudo with Fundación Convivencia (reprinted with permission)

The following interview concerning peace as a concept; education for peace and the social construction of knowledge related to the field of non-violence is meant as a contribution to the peace process that is taking place in Colombia.

1. What is peace?

Peace has been viewed traditionally as the absence of war or direct violence between two or more parties. This concept has now been replaced by a much broader concept – called positive peace – that takes into account other parameters with a goal of eliminating all forms of violence, including cultural and structural violence – such as discrimination, exclusion, xenophobia, unemployment, child abuse, malnutrition, low wages or the super-exploitation of rural and urban workers in almost feudal economic systems. In order to eliminate structural violence and social injustice, positive peace means and requires the presence of values ​​and practices that ensure, among other things, sustainable social justice and pluralistic democracy for all.

 2. What is peace education?

Peace education proposes and promotes a theoretical framework and teaching practices to ensure a democratic educational system with opportunities to learn and practice skills related to peaceful conflict resolution, intercultural dialogue, the exercise of individual and collective rights , and freedom of conscience and thought in a plural and egalitarian society.

Peace education rejects the violent resolutions of conflicts in all conflicts, including intrapersonal such as the family and community, as well as issues arising in the middle urban, regional, national and international level.

On the other hand, violence, and especially the “culture of violence” needs to be analyzed and studied in the content of education for peace because the concealment of violence in the educational system serves to legitimize violence and makes it more difficult to study and understand its causes and search for its roots. The analysis of violence, including the actors and the specific context is needed if we are to identify and select potential solutions to this violence.

The situation in Colombia today is one which everyone in the world, not just in Latin America, is contemplates with solidarity, interest and above all respect and support. It is absolutely necessary that the process of the Agreements of Havana that is being developed at the moment is accompanied by a Pedagogy for Peace.

Never before has a peace process after an armed conflict been accompanied simultaneously by a pedagogy of building a culture of peace as it is being discussed today in Colombia. It’s an opportunity that must not be wasted. All possible instances for that pedagogy should be designed and implemented through a participatory and democratic process in which all stakeholders are actively involved in the planning.

Educating for Peace means to recognize the other in all their dignity, their potential and their rights just as the other should recognize me and my circumstances. When I say that we must recognize the human rights of the other, this immediately creates a relationship of peace and harmony between “us” which is exactly what is needed today in Colombian society.

Peace Education should be used as a tool, a way to facilitate the return to peace at the territorial level; the democratization of the political, social and economic system, and the effective practice of social solidarity and equitable justice.

All these practices should be put in play in the times ahead of us, what may be called the period of post-agreement or post-conflict.

3. How should a curriculum for peace be constructed?

One of the characteristics of education for the Culture of Peace is the social construction of knowledge, following the educational precepts of the famous Brazilian educator Paulo Freire. He advocated an educational system that teaches how to think freely and critically – promoting independence and diversity as a way to enrich the learning process. In his system the curricula should correspond to the social, economic and cultural reality of the students, the state and governments should commit to compulsory public education for all, and educators should receive comprehensive training in terms of content and methodology. Schools should teach how to think and reflect on the various events of the world and everyday reality with objectivity and amplitude. Educators should have the freedom to plan meetings of study and work to select what content and how to teach. Not only teachers, but also student representatives, parents associations and relevant members of the education community should be involved in establishment of the curriculum and how it is taught. In other words, all actors should be involved in the educational process, not only Ministries, Department Secretaries or pseudo-scholars who are often detached from the concrete reality of the educational process.

In this model teachers and students should discuss and select issues such as, for example, a human rights issue and investigate it together. What do we know about this that is important to us? – What do we need to know to understand it better? How can we deepen our understanding and where we will find the data? Who can help us learn more about this subject. What working method should we use? How and by what means can we share what we have discovered and learned? Who should we invite to participate in this research who can contribute to it? Where should we work? Should we also work outside the classroom and academia? Etc.etc.

By following this line of work we arrive at a social construction of knowledge with full participation of many actors; a wide selection of methods and strategies of study and research. In this way learning becomes successful and meaningful, as our learning should be in all of our lives at any age, place and circumstance.

In this regard, it is important also to introduce the methodology of project learning. Even if at school we talk about peace; talk about war; talk about different types of violence, talk about the end of the conflict and try to generalize the idea that after the agreements and the surrender of weapons, there will be peace, tranquility and harmony, this is not realistic.

Simply because this will not be true.

We must learn to build peace in all possible areas and for this reason the methodological and curricular proposal of Education for Peace should occupy a central role in the reconstruction periods after serious and long armed conflict.

We need teacher training and operational strategies for dynamic and effective coordination of small projects at various levels of education to promote transformation and resolution of conflicts by peaceful means and social harmony. In a word, it is necessary to promote a pedagogy that develops in a balanced way the theoretical content and the practical proposals – praxis, in the words of Paulo Freire – and put this to work as an urgent task for educators at all levels, in all formal, non-formal and informal systems.


Education for Peace is now an ethical, political and social imperative in Colombia, where peace has been on the lips of the people for more than 60 years of innumerable ups and downs, successes and setbacks.

I think we are now living in a moment of great opportunity. Now is the time – therefore to work for peace without delay!

4. In the process of educating for peace how should victims of the war be involved?

In the current situation in Colombia we can not distinguish victims and perpetrators because somehow or other all Colombians have suffered directly or indirectly and all have been perpetrators, those who killed with their own hands, or those who killed by their indifference, by closing their eyes to obvious realities. There are other ways to be a perpetrator, for example as in the question, “After all, has anything happened to our family?”

Therefore, this Manichaeism, the dualism using sterile labels of victim and offender must be overcome by a joint construction characterized by solidarity and a vision of a common future by the government, civil society, non-governmental organizations, associations, churches and the general public. The work of social construction should first clarify the true roots, situations, actors and causes of violence for decades and generated from multiple locations in Colombia. The discourse of victim/perpetrator does not automatically the needed processes of reconciliation and dialogue – as has clearly demonstrated in the history of South Africa and several countries in the continent – rather such discourse exacerbates enmities and hatreds and obstructs the possibilities of resolution and transformation.

Education for Peace proposes new methods of negotiation, dialogue and conflict mediation in in which the traditional dualism is reversed and transformed in group discussions, reflection and discussion about what happened. Educators should be involved in the development of techniques in this regard.

5.  How you can align the peace process with schoolwork?

I think the school should discuss the peace process as a learning project, and not just learning the figures and results of conflict. Teachers and students should analyze and display the causes of the long conflict; the interests linked to it; the stakeholders – innocent or not – and especially how Colombian society in general is involved in discussions, agreements and disagreements in order to finalize and transform conflict into an instance of unarmed peace.

The general population, not just children and young Colombians, should come to know the different positions that are put forward at this time to end the armed conflict. They should become aware of opposing views and possible solutions and the proposals, ideas and alternatives that have been discussed and are currently being discussed by the actors seated at the negotiating table.

The school should show, teach, discuss, talk about all this – at the same time that it is reflected in the mass media, on the street and in the discussions of families in both rural and urban neighborhoods.

To be honest, I have visited Colombia on a regular basis for many years – several times in the academic year because of my work commitments here, and I’m very concerned about what I hear on the street, in the market, in stores, in the halls of schools and universities – because people say that the peace agreement is a capitulation to the FARC.

I don’t know whether or not it is a capitulation to the FARC. What I think is that civil society should not allow it to be a capitulation to the FARC. What I mean is that this agreement should not be only an agreement between the government and the guerrillas or the paramilitaries –

It is and should be an agreement of everyone.

It is and should be an agreement in which the civil society participates actively.

For that reason, it is an educational theme par excellence.

If the civil society, the general public and particularly the rural population was the main actor and participant in a cruel and merciless war for over 60 years, how can it not be an actor in the process of peace and the transformation to a new reality in Colombia?

It would be absurd and foolish to deny that it should be addressed in schools today in Colombia.

Therefore, this issue of who gains from the agreements needs a wake-up call because the government is not the only one who should discuss and currently sit at the negotiating table. Moreover, the civil society should not delude itself into thinking that it is not responsible in discussions, agreements and definitive solutions proposed for all the people of Colombia just because it has not been invited by the government.

I think this is a time for peace consciousness – for everyone together or for no one at all.

This is the peace that should be taught in schools.

It is not certain that when the final agreements are signed, peace will immediately emerge as a healing balm. The Colombian political system probably wants to convince the people of this, but it is a utopian, unrealistic and fallacious notion. Peace does not happen magically with the ceasefire and the surrender of weapons, neither in this terrible struggle of the Colombian armed conflict or any struggle in history over the centuries.

Peace must be constructed and labored daily with social justice, participatory democracy, with honest and accountable governments, with equity and balance, with equal opportunities for all the people, with respect for their rights and human dignity, in compliance with the duties and commitments from the government and civil society. Peace is given with the freedom to decide. . . .without guns.

Yes, we can talk about peace. And this is what should be learned in schools when speaking of peace: no illusions but a profound belief in the collective construction of a wonderful country destroyed by those who were not able or not wanting to care or respect its inhabitants.

But the Colombian people will talk about it . . . and they must commit to it.

Finally, I say with enthusiasm: Onward, Colombia. Your Latin American brothers and sisters and all the world sympathize with your great country. We are with you!