Mexico: Tlalnepantla initiates program of Youth for a Culture of Peace


An article by Huellas de Mexico (translated by CPNN)

Mayor Denisse Ugalde Alegría has launched the program “Youth for a Culture of Peace”, which provides for the painting of murals with different messages in more than 120 public spaces to raise public awareness of the importance of promoting a healthy coexistence through positive actions.

A mural in Tlalnepantla

Speaking to more than 100 young people who gathered in the municipal esplanade, Denise Ugalde stressed that their participation is fundamental for the development of this municipality, as they represent 30 percent of the population.

She announced that starting on September 29 the city will implement the program “Drive for life, Drive for peace”, aimed at reducing the number of car accidents due to alcohol.

She said that according to statistics of the Pan American Health Organization, Mexico ranks seventh in the world in deaths from road accidents involving young people between 15 and 29 years of age, hence the challenge of the 2016-2018 administration is to raise public awareness about this problem.

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(Click here for the original Spanish version of this article.)

Question for this article:

Do the arts create a basis for a culture of peace?, What is, or should be, their role in our movement?

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Alejandra Rangel Díaz, director of the Municipal Institute for Youth, explained that the program “Youth for a Culture of Peace” was born from a project of several areas of the administration that seek to spread healthy coexistence between people through different activities.

She explained that on the instructions of the municipal president, the murals should carry short messages and images that promote a culture of peace, such as respect for people, animals and care for the environment.

She added that with the support of the Social Communication Coordination, to date 60 murals have been painted throughout the municipal territory, in which young people can freely express themselves, thus contributing to crime prevention.

She stressed that private initiatives have also joined in this project, providing their respective fences so that the people of Tlalnepantlenses can express themselves and thereby prevent them from falling into misconduct.

The municipal official said that this program is in addition to the nearly 100 events that were held on the occasion of the Youth Month, including a speech contest, a forum on human rights, sexual diversity talks, gender equity and participation youth policy.

In this event, attended by Eunice Santos, coordinator of Social Communication; Rubén Omar Herosa, representative of the Regional Red Cross; and Alejandra Rizo, president of Santa Monica Scouts; the artist, Antonio García Mendoza “AKO”, indicated that all the murals contain elements that besides promoting peace, convey a sense of identity and belonging.

It should be noted that as part of the program,”Youth for a Culture of Peace”, it is contemplated to give a new image to outdoor theaters, among them, the Algarabía, which soon will have a mural that will be selected through a contest.