Bahrain Women Association conducted a workshop on peace for Sitra Alahleya Society – Women club


Bahrain Women Association

As part of the activities of ‘Women embracing peace’ project to promote culture of peace in the community, BWA organized a training workshop on the culture of peace entitled ‘Sustainable peace .. from inside out’ at ‘Sitra Alahleya Society’ – Women Club on Wednesday, September 17th. The workshop aimed to introduce the concept of culture of peace and inner peace, and to discuss how to practice peace and finally to present ways and mechanisms to promote peace.


The workshop explained the concept of peace in family and ways and means of applying it, and peace in community which explained that the relations between human beings are based on ground of peace and that the difference between people should lead to integration and development not to conflict and disharmony. The workshop emphasized on the importance of inner peace to achieve any other peace on the external level, be it the family or community.

At the end of the workshop, participants expressed their desire to participate in more events organized by BWA in the field of peace and tolerance, to enhance their role and their ability in promoting positive change in their communities.

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