Announcement from the Stop the War Coalition
Now more than ever we need a huge response to the refugee crisis to counter the racist rhetoric across Europe trying to demonise and disenfranchise victims of war, oppression and poverty. Some of the largest mass movements in Britain have joined together with major trade unions to show solidarity.

The Convoy to Calais will leave Central London for Calais on Saturday June 1 at 10 am. Organised by: Stop the War Coalition, Stand up to Racism, People’s Assembly Against Austerity, War on Want, Unite the Union, Communications Workers Union, Momentum and the Muslim Association of Britain
If you can give aid of any sort, material or financial, for our Convoy to Calais please do. Better still come on the Convoy yourself. Any vehicle will do: lorry, bus, coach, van, minibus, car, taxi, motorbike or scooter!
This is practical aid but it is also a huge moving protest at the way governments across the continent are failing refugees. This is the time to come together and say: stop the scapegoating, solidarity with the refugees.
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(Thank you to Janet Hudgins, the CPNN reporter for this article)