As an initial response to this question, here is the list of national and local sponsoring organizations retrieved July 9, 2016 from the Global Campaign for Peace Education (see CPNN article about the campaign):
* Act 1 Presentations (USA)
* ActionAid Ghana
* All Pakistan Friendship and Peace Council (All Pakistan Youth Wing)
* Amnesty Nepal, Group-81
* Aotearoa-New Zealand Foundation for Peace Studies
* ASEPaix, Association Suisse des Educateurs à la Paix (Switzerland)
* ASHTA NO KAI (India)
* Asociacion Respuesta (Argentina)
* Association of Young Azerbaijani Friends of Europe
* Assumption College (Philippines)
* Awareness One (Nigeria)
* Azerbaijan Women and Development Centre
* Big Brothers Big Sisters- Kerryville (USA)
* Buddha’s Light Universal Welfare Society (BLUWS) (Bangladesh)
* Canadian Alliance for Youth and Children’s Rights (CAYCR)
* Canadian Centres for Teaching Peace
* Canadian International Institute of Applied Negotiations
* CEAL- Ciudardes Educadoras America Latina (Argentina)
* CEDEM-Centre d’Education et de Developpement pour les Enfants Mauriciens (Mauritius)
* Center For Globalization Studies, University BK (Serbia, FR Yugoslavia)
* Center for Human Rights and Peace Studies (CRPS) (Philippines)
* Center for Peace Education, Miriam College (Philippines)
* Center for Peace, Justice and Integrity of Creation (Philippines)
* Centre for the Study of Forgiveness and Reconciliation (United Kingdom)
* Centre for the Study of Peace (Ireland)
* CETAL- Network Culture of Peace (Sweden)
* CEYPA-Civic Education Youth Programme in Albania
* Child and Women Rights Society (Bangladesh)
* Children and Peace Philippines JMD Chapter
* City Montessori School (CMS, India)
* Concord Video and Film Council (UK)
* Concerned Youth for Peace (CONYOPA, Sierra Leone)
* Canossian Schools in the Philippines
* Cosananig Organisation (Nigeria)
* Creative Response to Conflict (USA)
* Culture for Peace Foundation (Spain)
* CRAGI, Conflict Resolution and Global Interdependence (USA)
* D@dalos Sarajevo – Association for Peace Education
* Développement Rural par la Protection de l’Environnement et Artisanat (Cameroon)
* Don Bosco Educational Association of the Philippines DBEAP
* Education for Peace Institute of the Balkans (Bosnia- Herzegovina)
* Education for Peace Project (Landegg International University, Switzerland)
* Educadores para a Paz (Brazil)
* Electoral Institute of South. Africa
* Elimu Yetu Coalition-Kenya
* ESR National Center Resolving Conflict Creatively Program (USA)
* Foundation for Peace and Development (Ghana)
* Fundacio per la Pau (Spain)
* Fundación Casa De La Juventud (Paraguay)
* Fundacion Gamma Idear (Colombia)
* Global Harmony Foundation (Switzerland)
* Helplife Foundation (Ghana)
* Grupa “Hajde Da…” (Belgrade Youth Centre for Tolerance and Peace Development)
* GUU Foundation Community Based Rehabilitation (Uganda)
* Halley Movement (Mauritius)
* Hessisches Landesinstitut für Pädagogik (Germany)
* Human Rights Committee (Serbia)
* Human Rights Education Academy of Nepal
* Human Rights Education Programme (Pakistan)
* Human Rights Eye & Education Center (HREEC, Cameroon)
* Iligan Center for Peace Education and Research (Philippines)
* Indian Institute for Peace, Disarmament and Environmental Protection
* Institute for Planetary Synthesis (Spain)
* International Holistic Tourism Education Centre-IHTEC (Canada)
* International Mission for Peace (Sierra Leone)
* International Peace Research Association (Japan)
* International Youth Link Foundation (Ghana)
* International Youth Parliament/Oxfam Australia
* International Society For Human Values (Switzerland)
* Institute For Peace and Justice (USA)
* Institute of Education and Peace (Greece)
* Jane Addams’ Peace Association Inc (USA)
* Jigyansu Tribal Research Centre (India)
* Khmer Youth Association (Phnom Penh)
* Kids Meeting Kids (USA)
* Landegg International University (Switzerland)
* League In Friendship Endeavour (India)
* Learning and Development (Kenya)
* Lebanese American University Center for Peace and Justice Education
* Mandate the Future (Sri Lanka)
* Multiethnic Children and Youth Peace Centers (MCYPC) (Kosovo, FR Yugoslavia)
* National Federation of UNESCO Associations of Nepal
* Narvik Peace Foundation (Norway)
* NDH-Cameroon and African Network of Grassroot Democracy
* Nepal Institute for United Nations and UNESCO
* Nepal National UNESCO Academy
* Network Culture of Peace (CETAL) (Sweden)
* Nova, Centro para la Innovacón (Spain)
* Office of Peace in Horn of Africa OPIHA (U.A.E./Somalia)
* Pan-African Reconciliation Council (Nigeria)
* Parbatya Bouddha Mission (Bangladesh)
* Partnerships and Exchanges Programme for Development (Togo)
* Pax Christi Flanders (Belgium)
* Pax Educare- The Connecticut Center for Peace Education
* Paz y Cooperación (Spain)
* Peace 2000 Institute (Iceland)
* Peace Advocates Zamboanga (Philippines)
* Peace Education Academy of Nepal
* Peace Education Center (United States)
* Peace Education Institute (Finland)
* Peace Pledge Union (UK)
* Peace Project Africa (South Africa)
* Peace Research Centre (Cameroon)
* Peace Research Institute-Dundas (Canada)
* Peaceful Solution Society of Ghana
* People’s Parliament (Leskovac, Yugoslavia)
* Philippine Action Network on Small Arms PHILANSA
* Plowshare Center (USA)
* Proyecto 3er. Milenio (Argentina)
* Quaker Peace and Service (UK)
* Research Academica for Humanism and Jaiprithvi (RAFHAJ, Nepal)
* Rights Works (USA)
* Robert Muller School (USA)
* Sakha Ukuthula (South Africa)
* Samaritan Public School (India)
* Save the World (Nepal)
* Seminario Galego de Educacion para a Paz (Spain)
* Service Civil International-International Voluntary Service (SCI-IVS USA)
* Significant Music (Canada)
* Society For Democratic Reforms (Azerbaijan)
* Society for Human Development (Bangladesh)
* Support Center for Associations and Foundations (Belarus)
* Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society
* Teaching for Peace Workshop (Denmark)
* Triratna Welfare Society (Bangaladesh)
* Vientos del Sur (Argentina)
* United Nations Association of New Zealand
* United Nations of Youth Foundation (The Netherlands)
* Unesco Etxea (Spain)
* Winpeace (Women’s Initiative for Peace, Turkey)
* World Commission for Peace & Human Rights Council (Pakistan)
* World Voices (UK)
* Youth Approach for Development & Cooperation (Bangladesh)
* Young Christian Students of Nigeria
* Youth Forum For Peace and Justice (YFPJ-Zambia
This question applies to the following CPNN articles since the summer of 2016:
Experts explore effective approaches for sustainability in peace, education (Rwanda)
Education for Peace dialogues hosted by National Ministry of Education in Cartagena, Colombia
Philippines: Davao peace summit underscores role of academe
El Salvador : MUPI promotes workshops on Culture of Peace
CEPEJ Takes Peace, Environmental Advocacy To Schools Across Nigeria
Brazil: Culture of Peace in schools will be the subject of a webinar on February 18th
Spain: 259 educational centers in Almería take part in network “School as a Space for Peace”
UABJO launches Institutional Program for the Culture of Peace in Oaxaca, Mexico
Mexico: Virtual seminar on peace building in schools
La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico: Training of basic education teachers on the culture of peace
Colima, Mexico: Virtual Forum “University Fostering a Culture of Peace”
Quintana Roo, Mexico: Judicial Power for Culture of Peace
Mexico: Courses and training to build a culture of peace
Spain: Movimiento por la Paz launches an online course with «five paths for peace»
Mexico: Universities of ANUIES to share best practices on culture of peace
Mexico: Culture of peace in higher education
Global Campaign for Peace Education: Year-end review
Philippines: Teach Peace Build Peace Movement
Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot educators and activists speak about building peace
Venezuela: the culture of nonviolence is replicated in Petare
Mexico: USEBEQ and UAQ train teachers in culture of peace
Michoacán Mexico: Training for culture of peace and non-violence
Guatemala: SEPAZ Graduates 82 ‘Multipliers of Peace’
Cyprus: Teachers from both sides attend seminars on peace education
Testimonies from the First Advanced AVP Workshop in Apanteos Prison, El Salvador
National Campaign for Peace Education launched in Cameroon
Dominican Republic: Reflections on the search for a culture of peace in schools
Mexico: Culture of Peace Diploma initiated by CEDHJ, UdeG and the Institute of Alternative Justice
Mexico: Government of AMLO will include new subjects in schools
USA: Appalachian Peace Education Center
West Africa: Stakeholders call for support of the ECOWAS Conflict Prevention Framework
Lesotho: Is 2019 a year of peace in our schools as peaceful school model takes shape?
Mexico: Teachers from more than 800 schools trained in culture of peace
Togo: Young people in West Africa trained in Lomé for conflict prevention
Cyprus: International Institute on Peace Education 2019
Philippines: Peace Education among top priorities in the new Bangsamoro Government
Mexico: Promoting the subject “Culture of Peace” at all academic levels
Honduras: Program in 130 schools reduces violence and promotes culture
USA: Marquette University Center for Peacemaking celebrates 10 years
Mexico: International Congress of Education for Peace Organized in Edomex
Brazil: Culture of Peace will be the theme of a free lecture in Guarujá
6,000 teachers deployed to promote peace in Mindanao (Philippines)
Philippines: New Bangsamoro Organic Law Includes Provision for Peace Education
The UNESCO Chair and the UTPL promote the training of peace managers for Peru, Colombia and Ecuador
Peru: Law to promote the culture of peace and non-violence in basic education
“Building peace from the inside out“ – course start in Jordanian refugee camps
Human Rights Council of Sierra Leone Establishes Human Rights Clubs In Schools
Finalization of activities of ‘Imagine’ Project for school year 2017-2018 (Cyprus)
Mexico: Invitation to study the Master of Science for Peace
Côte d’Ivoire: A seminar on the culture of peace organized at the FHB Foundation of Yamoussoukro
Activity Report: The Turkey-UK “Peace Education in Teacher Training” Workshop
The culture of non-violence will take place in the heart of Lebanese school curricula
Brazil: Experts Support Teacher Training for Culture of Peace
Pontifical Council, WCC develop joint text on education for peace
India: Peace Channel promotes peace education in schools of Kohima
Philippines: MPI 2018 Annual Peacebuilding Training: Creating a Culture of Peace
Peace is not just a two-period a week subject – Prajnya Teachers for Peace Training (India)
Venezuela: Educational sector plans to train teachers in culture of peace
El Salvador to prioritize culture of peace in its schools
Colombia: Unesco recognizes schools in Norte de Santander for their work towards peace
Romania: IPDTC Training programs for peacebuilding and violence prevention
Peace Heroes: Bushra Qadeem Hyder on Fighting Extremism with Education in Pakistan
Rwanda: Building Resilience to Genocide through Peace Education: Concepts, Methods, Tools and Impact
Nigeria: Plateau To Tackle Boko Haram With Peace Education
Dominican Republic: Education Ministry launches student forum for a culture of peace
Innsbruck, Austria: 2017 International Institute for Peace Education (IIPE)
Northern Ireland school receives Evens Prize for Peace Education 2017
Ecuador: Students from schools commit to fostering a culture of peace
Ecuador: Estudiantes de escuelas con compromiso de fomentar cultura de paz
Nuevo León, México: Busca CEDH fomentar paz en las escuelas a través de talleres
Education for Culture of Peace in Cyprus: Sharing Best Practices
Rwanda: Peace Education Added to National Curriculum
Benin to introduce education for culture of peace
Brazil: The Dream Factory creating new paths for Culture of Peace and Non-violence
Le Bénin veut introduire l’éducation à la culture de la paix dans le système éducatif
El Salvador: Discussions to include culture of peace in national educational curriculum
Colombia, Minister of Education: The education sector is crucial for the consolidation of peace
USA: Ashland Culture of Peace Commission explores peace education
Bosnia and Herzogovina: Celebrating 10 years of global education for peace at UWC Mostar
Teachers lead the way towards Peace in their Classrooms and Communities in Rakhine State, Myanmar
UK: Quakers hold conference on peace education for schools
Seychelles set to become hub for peace studies
Rwanda: 3-year peace education program concludes with Peace Week and youth conference
The Global Campaign for Peace Education
Three Decades of Peace Education in the Philippines
Solomon Islands: Malaita and Guadalcanal support peace education
India: 250 schools in Tamil Nadu to get Human Rights Clubs
Romania: Systemic Peacebuilding, Conflict Transformation & Post-War Recovery and Reconciliation
Please add to your list of Local organizations the name of NGO “Women for Development” Armenia.
In 2002 WFD NGO started implementing the project “Peace and Peaceful Conflict Resolution Education in Schools of Armenia”. The main strategy of the Peace Education includes: organizing peace education sessions in schools; trainings for in- and pre-service teachers and increasing the participation of the parents in the process.
One of our achievements in the field of the peace education is the successful development of educational manuals – handbooks and posters. More than 6 000 teachers from Armenia’s 850 schools were trained and about 70 000 school children were educated in conflict resolution and peace practices using the materials and trainings we provided. The basic positive impact registered by the peace education for the last 15 years is the decrease of conflicts with violent outcome at schools by 70%.
The sustainability of the project is an achievement, possible due to the institutionalization of our peace education program with the support of the National Institute of Education (NIE) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia.
Hope you will consider the areas of Palestine & Israel in your efforts
CARE( ) will be more than pleased to start cooperation in the field of Peace education on uni-national & Bi-national levels .
Looking to hear from you
Yours in Peace ,
Dr.Ghassan Abdallah,Director of CARE