How to promote the culture of peace in the DRC?


An article from Radio Okapi

The Democratic Republic of Congo is still facing numerous challenges, particularly the risks of security instability and conflicts, during this electoral period. For experts, it is essential to promote the culture of peace and non-violence in the minds of men and women. It is in this context that Gospel artists decided to come together to promote peace through songs during the Festival called “100 voices for peace, Gospel Mass Choir for Peace” scheduled for next October in Goma (North-Kivu).

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(Click here for the French original of this article)


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Nearly 20,000 festival-goers are expected at this great celebration of peace. How are the preparations for this event going? How to promote the culture of peace through the Gospel?

Jody Nkashama talks about it with Ludovic Kalengay, coordinator of the Multisectoral Popularization and Awareness Program (PMVS), Marlon Mateta, Deputy Manager of the Festival “100 voices for peace » and with Mrs. Annifa Vahavi, President of Divine Gracia and member of the organizing team of the 100 Voices for Peace Festival