Tag Archives: Africa

African Women Mayors Join Forces to Fight for Clean Energy


An article by A. D. McKenzie, Inter Press Service (reprinted by permission)

When some 40,000 delegates, including dozens of heads of state, descend on Paris for the United Nations Climate Change Conference later this year, a group of African women mayors plan to be there and make their voices heard on a range of issues, including electrification.

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo with African women mayors who are calling for greater attention to communities without electricity, given the inextricable link between climate change and energy. Credit: A.D. McKenzie

The mayors, representing both small and big towns on the continent, are calling for greater attention to communities without electricity, given the inextricable link between climate change and energy.

“In my commune, only one-fifth of the people have access to electricity, and this of course hampers development,” Marie Pascale Mbock Mioumnde, mayor of Nguibassal in Cameroon, told a recent meeting of women mayors in Paris.

Mbock Mioumnde was one of 18 women mayors at last month’s meeting, hosted by Paris mayor Anne Hildalgo and France’s former environment minister Jean-Louis Borloo, who now heads the Fondation Énergies pour l’Afrique (Energy for Africa Foundation).

Organisers said the meeting was called to highlight Africa’s energy challenges in the run-up to COP 21 (the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), which will take place from Nov. 30 to Dec. 11 and which has the French political class scrambling to show its environmental credentials.

Mbock Mioumnde told IPS in an interview that clean, renewable energy was a priority for Africa, and that political leaders were looking at various means of electrification including hydropower and photovoltaic energy and, but not necessarily, wind power – a feature in many parts of France.

“We plan to maintain this contact and this network of women mayors to see what we can accomplish,” said Mbock Mioumnde. “As mayors we’re closer to the population, and when we work together, there’s hope.”

Hidalgo, the first woman to hold the office of Paris mayor, said she wanted to support the African representatives’ appeal for “sustainable electrification”, considering that two-thirds of Africa’s population, “particularly the most vulnerable, don’t have access to electricity.”

Currently president of the International Association of Francophone Mayors (AIMF), Hidalgo said it was essential to find ways to speed up electrification in Africa, using clean technology that respects the environment and the health of citizens.

The mayors meeting in Paris in April also called for the creation of an “African agency devoted to this issue” that would be in charge of implementing the complete electrification of the continent by 2025.

Present at the conference were several representatives of France’s big energy companies such as GDF Suez – an indication that France sees a continued business angle for itself – but the gathering also attracted NGOs which have been working independently to set up solar-power installations in various African countries.

“I’m happy that women are organising on this issue. We need solidarity,” said Hidalgo, who has been urging Paris residents to become involved in climate action, in a city that has come late to environmental awareness, especially compared with many German and Swiss towns.

(Article continued on right side of this page)

(Click here for an article in French about this event.)

Latest Discussion

How can culture of peace be developed at the municipal level?

(Article continued from left side of this page)

“The Climate Change Conference is a decisive summit for the planet’s leaders and decision-makers to reach an agreement,” Hidalgo stressed.

Climate change issues have an undeniable gender component because women are especially affected by lack of access to clean sources of energy.

Ethiopian-born, Kenya-based scientist Dr Segenet Kelemu, who was a winner of the 2014 L’Oréal-UNESCO Awards for Women in Science, spoke for example of growing up in a rural village in Ethiopia with no electricity, no running water and no indoor plumbing.

“I went out to collect firewood, to fetch water and to take farm produce to market. Somehow, all the back-breaking tasks in Africa are reserved for women and children,” she told a reporter.

This gender component was also raised at a meeting May 7-8 in Addis Ababa, where leaders of a dozen African countries agreed on 12 recommendations to improve the regional response to climate change.

The recommendations included increasing local technological research and development; reinforcing infrastructure for renewable energy, transportation and water; and “mainstreaming gender-responsive climate change actions”.

The meeting was part of a series of ‘Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF)’ workshops being convened though June 2015 in Asia, Latin America, the Pacific and the Middle East.

The CVF was established to offer a South-South cooperation platform for vulnerable countries to deal with issues of climate change.

In Paris, Hidalgo’s approach includes gathering as many stakeholders as possible together to reach consensus before the U.N. summit. With Ignazio Marino, the mayor of Rome, Italy, she also invited mayors of the “capitals and big towns” of the 28 member states of the European Union to a gathering in March.

The mayors, representing some 60 million inhabitants, stressed that the “fight against climate change is a priority for our towns and the well-being of our citizens.”

Hidalgo’s office is now working on a project to have 1,000 mayors from around the world present at COP 21, a spokesperson told IPS. The stakes are high because the French government wants the summit to be a success, with a new global agreement on combating climate change.

Borloo, who was environment minister in the administration of former president Nicolas Sarkozy, used to advocate for France’s “climate justice” proposal, aimed at giving financial aid to poor countries to combat climate change.

Calling for a “climate justice plan” to allow poor countries to “adapt, achieve growth, get out of poverty and have access to energy,” Borloo was a key French player at COP 15 in Copenhagen in 2009, but that conference ended in disarray. The question now is: will a greater involvement of women leaders and mayors make COP 21 a success?

(Thank you to Janet Hudgins, the CPNN reporter for this article.)

African First Ladies elects Koroma as Patience Jonathan’s successor


an article from PM News of Nigeria

The African First Ladies Peace Mission (AFLPM), on Friday in Abuja, elected Mrs Sia Nyama Koroma, the First Lady of the Republic of Sierra Leone as its new President. The election was held at the emergency 8th summit of the organisation.

Sia Nyama Koroma

Mrs Koroma, who was represented by Prof. Khadija Hamdi, the First Lady of the Saharawi Democratic Republic, pledged to ensure improved living conditions for the women and children of Africa.

The outgoing President of the Mission, Nigeria’s First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan, while handing over to the new president, said she would continue to render her support to the organisation.

She then handed over the Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) of the land belonging to the organisation located in Abuja and the two bank accounts operated by Mission.

Mrs Jonathan commended the Mission for being in the vanguard of protecting the rights of women and children on the continent.

She explained that under her leadership, the organisation was guided by its objectives, including building the culture of peace and development in Africa.

She said that the Mission had offered support and services to victims of conflict and had used appropriate mechanisms and institutions to protect women and children in armed conflict countries.

According to her, the countries include Mali, Kenya, Guinea Bissau and the Saharawi Democratic Republic.

In his goodwill message, Prof. Nicholas Ada, the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs I, lauded the achievements of the Mission under Nigeria’s First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan.

Recalling the euphoria that heralded the establishment of the organisation in 1995, Ada said it had justified its existence.

He said that the organisation had rendered assistance to people, especially women and children in conflict areas.

The minister urged the new AFLPM president to improve on the achievements of her predecessor and thanked the other first ladies for their contributions and support to Mrs Jonathan.

NAN reports that the AFLPM is an umbrella body of wives of African heads of state and governments .

It has the mandate to play a support role to the AU, regional organisations and national governments in fostering peace and mitigating conflicts on the continent.

Question for this article:

Can the women of Africa lead the continent to peace?

This question pertains to the following articles:

South Sudanese women take the lead in local peace building
Women take ownership of Great Lakes peace efforts
Les Femmes de Mali S'engagent pour la Paix
The Women of Mali Engage for Peace
Meet the Tanzanian Woman Who Said No to a Forced Marriage
International Women´s Day: Interview With Leymah Gbowee (Liberia)
Announcing: Women of Congo Speak Out!
Samba-Panza’s election represents a bright future for African women in politics
Nobel Women wrap up delegation to eastern Congo
Towards the creation of a network of women for a culture of peace in Africa
Meet Carine Novi Safari, Democratic Republic of Congo
Esther Abimiku Ibanga, Founder and president of The Women Without Walls Initiative to receive the Niwano Peace Prize
African Women's Journal: African Women in Power/Politics

Mozambique: Maputo Declaration of African Civil Society on Climate Justice


An article by Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service

Climate justice advocates, community peoples and mass movements’ representatives met in Maputo, Mozambique from 21-23 April 2015 to consider the roots, manifestations and impacts of climate change on Africa and to consider needed responses to the crises.

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Photo by Radio Mundo Real

At the end of the deliberations it was agreed that Africa is disproportionately impacted by the climate crisis although she has not significantly contributed to the problem. The conference also noted that the climate crisis is systemic in nature and is a result of defective economic and political systems that require urgent overhaul. In particular, the meeting considered that Africa has been massively plundered over the centuries and continues to suffer severe impacts from resource exploitation and related conflicts.

The meeting noted that the Africa Rising narrative is based on the faulty premises of neoliberalism using tools like discredited measures of GDP and is presented as a bait to draw the continent deeper into extractivism and to promote consumerism.

The meeting further noted human and environmental rights abuses on the continent, as well as the ecological, economic, financial crises, all adversely affect her peoples and impair their capacity to adapt to, mitigate impacts and build collective resilience to climate change.

The meeting frowned at the widening gap between our governments and the grassroots and the increasing corporate capture of African governments and public institutions. These constitute obstacles to the securing climate justice for our peoples.

The long walk to climate justice requires mass education of our populace, as well as our policy makers, on the underpinnings of the climate crisis, the vigorous assertion of our rights and the forging ahead with real alternatives including those of social and political structures and systems. It also demands collective and popular struggles to resist neo-colonialism, new forms of oppression and new manifestations of violence including criminalisation of activists and social movements, and xenophobia. We recognise that as climate change worsens, it will increase the resource crunch and migrations and will lead to more conflicts between people. We also recognise that the exploitation of migrant labour by corporations often leads to conflicts between neighbouring countries.

With justice and equality as the irreducible minimum, the conference further noted and declared as follows:

All nations must act together to ensure that global average temperature rise does not go beyond 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels as anything beyond that will mean a burning of Africa.

In Paris COP21, we demand that African governments defend positions that benefit Africans not the World Bank or corporations.

We reject carbon markets, financialisation of land and natural resources, consumerism and commodification of nature, and all forms of carbon slavery.

We reject all false solutions to climate change including, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD), industrial tree plantations, genetic engineering, agrofuels and geoengineering, noting, for example, that clean coal does not exist.

We reject the false notion of “green economy” that is nothing but a ploy to commodify and hasten the destruction of nature.

Renewable energy that is socially controlled must be promoted across the continent.

We call for the creation of financial systems that promote and facilitate clean energy options including by supporting subsidies, facilitated loans, research and development.

We demand an end to financial systems built on extensive subsidies, externalisation of costs, over-optimistic projections, and corruption.

We resolve to work towards reclaiming energy as a public good that is not for profit and reject corporations-driven energy systems.

We say no to mining as we lived better without extreme extractive activities.

Our land is our present and our future livelihood and we reject land grabbing in all its forms including particularly for so-called “investment” projects that are setting the path beyond land grabbing to a full continent grab.

(Continued on right side of page)

Question for this article:

What is the relation between the environment and peace?

(Article continued from left side of page)

There must be full, transparent and prior informed consent of communities before the use of their lands for any sort of projects.

In all cases the welfare of local communities and our environment must come be prioritised over the profits of investment companies.

In line with the above and through other considerations, the conference demands as follows:

Governments must ensure that the energy needs and priorities of local households, local producers and women – including with regard to social services, transport, health, education and childcare – should be privileged over those of corporations and the rich.

We demand that no new oil exploration permits or coal mines should be granted in order to preserve our environment and to keep in line with demands by science that fossil fuels be left in the ground if we are to avoid catastrophic climate change.

We call for and support public and social control of the transition to renewable energy, including by community-based cooperatives, civil society collectives and the provision of local level infrastructure.

Governments must dismantle the barriers of privilege and power including those created and reinforced by financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.

We demand urgent technology transfer for clean energy production, the abolishment of intellectual property and increased research and development funds to tackle climate change.

We demand full recognition of local community knowledge of forests, food production, medicinal and cultural uses of land and forests; funding of research in this area and use as part of the public education system.

We demand an urgent transition from dirty energy forms to clean energy systems while ensuring that workers are properly equipped and provided with new healthy jobs created by this shift.

Governments must support agro-ecological food production in the hands of small scale producers, prioritise food production over cash crops in order to promote food security in the context of food sovereignty.

Governments to ensure the protection and recognition of farmers’ rights to save, sell and exchange their seeds while rejecting genetic engineering and synthetic biology, including of those seeds manipulated and presented as being climate smart.

Ensure access, security, control, and right to use land for women. We recognise land as a common good.

Tree plantations must not be misrepresented as forests and trees must not be seen simply as carbon stocks, sinks or banks.

Community forest management systems should be adopted across the continent as communities have a genuine stake in preserving the health of forests.

The right to clean water should be enshrined in the constitutions of all African countries.

Governments must halt the privatisation of water and restore public control in already privatised ones.

Governments should halt the building of big dams, other mega structures and unnecessary infrastructure.

Governments should be responsible for holding corporations accountable for all environments degraded by ongoing or historical extractive and other polluting activities. Corporations who have created this contamination must pay to clean it up, but their payment does not constitute ownership of these environments.

Governments to ensure the cost of social and health ills by using energy derived from fossil fuels are not externalised to the people and the environment.

Governments must take up the responsibility of providing hospitals, schools and other social services and not leave these for corporations to provide as corporate social responsibility or other green washing acts.

Conference participants resolved to work with other movements in Africa and globally for the overturning of the capitalist patriarchal system promoted and protected by the global financial institutions, corporations and the global elite to secure the survival of humans and the rights of Mother Earth to maintain her natural cycles.

Signed by: All the civil society organisations, representatives of social movements and communities from Mozambique and southern Africa, and students present at the meeting.

Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire: Opening of ISESCO Regional Centre for Culture of Peace


an article by Abidjan.net

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Gnamien Konan presided Thursday [16 avril] at the official opening in Yamoussoukro of the regional center for education for a culture of peace (CRECP) in the presence of Mr Najib Rhiati representative of the Islamic Organization for Education, Science and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), initiator of the creation of CRECP in Côte d’Ivoire.


Click on the photo to enlarge

CREP is housed within the Félix Houphouët-Boigny peace foundation. It is intended to promote dialogue, human rights, justice and peace for a better world. It was conceived in 2008, and formalized by the signature of an agreement between the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire and ISESCO in October 2013.

(click here for the original French version of this article)

(Question for this article:)

How can we develop the institutional framework for a culture of peace?

The Houghouët-Boigny Foundation of Yamoussoukro: what is its contribution to the culture of peace?

“Its mission is to promote, in the French-speaking African states members of ISESCO, education for a culture of peace in educational systems and programs, to enhance the capabilities of their culture of peace trainers, and to facilitate the integration of education for a culture of peace in school and university curricula,” said Dr. Dieneba Doumbia, director of research for peace of FHB Foundation.

The current three-year plan of CREP provides an ongoing program of education in human values, according to the representative of the Director General of ISESCO Najib Rhiati.”This program aims to make the school a space of equality and human brotherhood, a space that will pave the way for the establishment of a common life based on the values ​​of peace and solidarity and established by children who will form a youth able to build the future, ” he said.

Gnamien Konan, for his part, explained that conflicts and tensions are born of lack of civic responsibility and lack of democratic participation. “The resulting violence destabilizes our economies, harms our education systems and destroys the legendary solidarity of African countries,” he lamented.

Also, he has hired CRECP facilitators to continuously conduct discussions in order to devise innovative and effective mechanisms and new attitudes that will educate people to the culture of peace, guaranteeing a harmonious development of our country.

Ivory Coast: Music Festival from 21 to 26 April in Abidjan for “peaceful elections” in Africa


an article by Africatime

The Femua, a music festival bringing together ten renowned African artists will be held from April 21 to 26 in Abidjan in favor of “peaceful elections” on the continent, where several elections will be held this year, said the organization.

click on photo to enlarge

“We can not sit idly by when there are very controversial elections in both Congo (DRC and Congo -Brazzaville), Burkina Faso and Togo,” according to Salif Traoré (stagnate: A’Salfo) the leader of the Ivorian group Magic System.

“Music unites our vibrations, lowers our blood pressure and get across a message for peaceful elections”, said A’Salfo, who has been an Ambassador of Unesco for “Literacy and Culture of Peace” since 2012.

The festival of urban music in Anoumabo (Femua), created in 2008, brings together for the 8th edition ten renowned artists including Fally Ipupa (DRC), Freshlyground (South Africa), Joel Sebunjo (Uganda), Bracket (Nigeria), Philip Monteiro (Cape Verde), Habib Koité (Mali) and Smarty (Burkina Faso).

From 21 to 26 April, the Femua mainly take place in Anoumabo, a poor neighborhood of Abidjan with muddy streets, and both precarious dwellings and modern homes.

“We will launch a message from the ghetto, where the disputes arise that inflame the country,” insisted the singer, A’Salfo.

The ghetto of Anoumabo saw the birth of Magic System, star group of Ivorian music, which since its first success “Premier Gaou” , has been shown often on the screens of Africa and Europe.

Nigeria, the richest country in Africa has just experienced a democratic change applauded by the people and the international community, but the conduct and outcome of other African elections seem more uncertain.

The UN expressed its alarm Wednesday “about the directions being taken” by Burundi before its parliamentary and presidential planned in May and June. This is also an election year in Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Togo and Guinea.

(click here for the original French version of this article)

Latest Discussion

How should elections be organized in a true democracy?

What place does music have in the peace movement?

Latest reader comment:

CPNN receives more and more articles from Africa about initiatives that contest the European model of “winner-takes-all” elections, and demand that elections should only be part of a broader democratic process that seeks consensus and compromise.

This fits with the pre-colonial systems of justice in Africa, when there was no monotheism and no single supreme god, no single supreme law, no single “truth” provided by divine intervention, but rather a compromise among many different “gods,” perspectives and “truths” arrived at through a process of mediation, for example, the “palabra.”

Nonviolent Peaceforce: Women’s Peacekeeping Teams incorporated into South Sudan communities


an article by Nonviolent Peaceforce

The formation of Women’s Peacekeeping Teams (WPTs) is an important part of the programming of the Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP) in South Sudan. In various communities where NP is based, NP supports the development of teams of roughly 10 women who work to support each other and their community on protection issues that target women. Specifically, issues that women are in a unique position to improve. NP helps to create the space for the women to begin their work, builds capacity and confidence – but the inspiring and life-changing work is done by the women on the teams. This was demonstrated once again during the recent visit of Country Director Tiffany Easthom to the WPTs that NP supports in Northern Bahr el Ghazal. Read about her visit:

Click on photo to enlarge

Arriving into the small village of Malual Baa in Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, the primary thought we were all having was simply getting out of the land cruiser. After nearly two hours of bouncing along dirt tracks, through clouds of dust we were more than eager to get our feet onto solid ground. As the vehicle came to a stop, all thoughts of discomfort disappeared immediately when the 37 women who were waiting for us under the shade of a giant acacia tree leapt to their feet singing a song they had composed just for our arrival. They sang about their identity as a Women’s Peacekeeping Team (WPT), about how NP had brought them together and how they were now working for peace and security everyday in their communities. As we jumped down, we were wrapped up in the big hugs and the vigorous handshakes so famous in this country.

This warmth and excitement would be the tone for the next two days we spent with this Women’s Peacekeeping Team (WPT), learning about how they were progressing with their work and facilitating a training on Risk Analysis and Security Planning. We began our visit by hearing the members of the WPT share the cases they have been working on. The cases ranged from domestic violence, to sexual assault, reconciliation to inter-family disputes. The women stood up one by one, reporting back on the cases they had worked on and how they were now being approached by members of the their own community to provide advice, as well as, support. Mary, an exuberant member of the WPT with deep dimples shared that “since being part of the WPT, the men here treat me with respect. They now see me as a serious person”.

Angelina, more serious and suffering from a tooth ache, spoke slowly and intentionally. “The Chiefs’ court now refers cases to us, the WPT. They tell people that the WPT are good at solving problems and making reconciliation.” I was completely moved by this statement, the fact that the local judiciary process is now recognizing the WPT as a legitimate and effective option for conflict resolution is ground breaking. Angelina went on to say “As the WPT, we women are working together for peace. Usually we do not do this, sometimes we don’t even live peacefully with each other but now we are a team and it is our right and our responsibility to make peace”.

Question for this article:

Can peace be guaranteed through nonviolent means?

We have the advantage of an independent evaluation of the Nonviolent Peaceforce initiative in the Philippines conducted by Swisspeace. The evaluation is very favorable, although in the end, as one reads through it, gets the impression that such initiatives can help but cannot bring peace by themselves.

Here is the executive summary:

Nonviolent Peaceforce in the Philippines can look back at more than two years of unique, relevant contributions and constructive engagement in one of the most difficult, political and volatile, contexts to work in: Being the only international non-governmental organization working with and living in close proximity to the most conflict-affected population in Mindanao, NP in the Philippines was able to support and enhance local structures of cease-fire monitoring, early warning, cross-community dialogues, human rights protection, to offer civilian protection and help to reduce the high levels of community violence.

The accepted offer to NP in the Philippines in late 2009 by the conflict parties GRP and the MILF to join the International Monitoring Team1 (IMT) and its Civilian Protection Component is a direct expression and result of its successful contributions to non-violence and violence reduction of the last two years.

To keep up the important work of NP’s project in the Philippines in the years to come, it is essential to ensure that the activities and objectives of NPP are based on a strategically and conceptually sound footing. This seems even more important given that NPP is going through a remarkable consolidation and expansion phase at the time of report-writing.

The re-focus on its key mandate, strengths and strategic advantages in Mindanao gives NP the opportunity to further enhance its unique work in the area of nonviolence, peacekeeping and peace building.

African Women’s Journal: African Women in Power/Politics


an article by Nebila Abdulmelick, Head of Communications, FEMNET communications (abridged)

In this issue of the African Women’s Journal, dubbed African Women in Power/Politics, we seek to explore both the individual and collective experiences of past, aspiring or current women in power/politics. . .

new journalClick on photo to enlarge

Amina Mohammed shares her personally journey, from growing up in North-East Nigeria to her current position as special Advisor to Ban Ki Moon on Post-2015. She challenges us that it is not enough to simply have a seat at the table, but we must speak truth to the establishment and make that seat count for the countless who are not at the table. She reminds us that each of us must play our part, using our positions of power, small as they may be, to create a just and prosperous world where all people realize their rights and live with dignity and hope.

Annie Devenish takes a closer look at an eco- feminist and ultimately political movement; the Green Belt Movement, as well as the trailblazing woman at its forefront; Wangari Maathai. This case study provides an alternative model of leadership and participation; with women tapping into power through taking control of natural resources and articulating their struggles and concerns.

Bertha Rinjeu introduces us to a number of resilient women who find innovative ways around the threats, public shame and humiliation they face while on their political journeys. She touches on culture, patriarchy and strategies women employ to overcome obstacles placed in their paths to power.

Gavaza Maluleke looks at women fighting both a racist and sexist apartheid in South Africa – in particular focusing on the role of rural women, and the multiple ways in which women can participate and tap into power – both as individuals, and perhaps most importantly, as a collective.

Louisa Khabure delves into patriarchy, political global violence and the increasingly monetized nature of campaigns. She presents the nature and extent of challenges women face when seeking political leadership and examines this within the context of a broader political culture in Kenya. She also proposes actions to remedy the ills of the political landscape.

Aminatta L. R. Ngum presents the case of Pauline Nyiramasuhuko, who ironically held the position of Minister of Family Welfare and the Advancement of Women’s Affairs in Rwanda and who was the first and only woman tried and convicted for the crime of genocide as well as rape as an act of genocide by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.

Nimmo Elmi takes a look at the case of women in Somalia relegated to the private sphere despite their active engagement prior to the civil war.
Through Serah Kahiu and Sara Longwe’s reflections of their own political journeys in Kenya and Zambia respectively, we come to understand that the personal is truly political.

Whether we engage at local, national, regional or global levels, we continue to wrestle with power, make our voices heard and bring about lasting change which can be felt by the coming generations. We’ve heard a few of the stories and journeys here in this issue, but of course there are countless others whose stories have neither been told nor heard.

A lutta continua.

Question for this article:

Can the women of Africa lead the continent to peace?

This question pertains to the following articles:

South Sudanese women take the lead in local peace building
Women take ownership of Great Lakes peace efforts
Les Femmes de Mali S'engagent pour la Paix
The Women of Mali Engage for Peace
Meet the Tanzanian Woman Who Said No to a Forced Marriage
International Women´s Day: Interview With Leymah Gbowee (Liberia)
Announcing: Women of Congo Speak Out!
Samba-Panza’s election represents a bright future for African women in politics
Nobel Women wrap up delegation to eastern Congo
Towards the creation of a network of women for a culture of peace in Africa
Meet Carine Novi Safari, Democratic Republic of Congo
Esther Abimiku Ibanga, Founder and president of The Women Without Walls Initiative to receive the Niwano Peace Prize
African Women's Journal: African Women in Power/Politics

World Peace Foundation, DR Congo: Vision, Mission, Activities and Projects in 2015


an article by John Mukhuta Muhiana, World Peace Foundation, DR Congo (abridged)


The vision for the creation of the World Peace Foundation was born in 1999 by MrJohn MUKHUTA MUHIANA out of concern following the murderers events in Democratic Republic of Congo’s, his country of origin as well as on Africa continent and the planet Earth ; not only physically but also spiritually. . .

Mukhata John


The World Peace Foundation is a nonprofit organization created and operating in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Its activities concern all people of the world in general and the DR Congo in particular. Its major objective is the restoration of the culture of peace through the teaching and seminars it organizes and to transmit messages of peace. To achieve this mission, the Foundation proposes to bring back the people to individual and collective consciousness in order to change and improve the their lives and to find their place in this world. . .


The activities of the mothers

Since mothers are the educators of all strata of the population, they have a place in the activities organized by the foundation of world peace because peace and the welfare of humanity involves everyone and affects everyone. For to educate a woman you educate a nation. Our project “Empowerment of women” provides self-management skills to support their families. The pilot project was initiated on the basis of 60 women divided into 4 groups with 15 members each, and it may be extended depending upon demand.


Short term: Construction of a peace village on a plot of more than five hectares owned by the World Peace Foundation to include a school of peace, and orphanage for boys and girls, a library, housing for the coordinators, housing fo visitors, a clinic, a stadium, etc. The Project is being developed and continues to seek funding from people of good will or donors for its materialization.

Long term: We have acquired a new plot of over 10 hectares in Kasaji through our branch in Kasaji. This land will house the construction of the University of Peace. At the same time we want to establish branches of the World Peace Foundation everywhere in DR Congo and why not outside the country as well . . .

(Click here for a French version of this article)

Question for this article:

African Media Initiative and URI–Africa Join Forces to Fight Hate Speech


an article by the United Religions Initiative

The African Media Initiative (AMI) and United Religions Initiative – Africa (URI) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to counter violent extremism, radicalization and terrorism in Africa and to combat hatred, prejudice, intolerance and stereotyping on the basis of religion and culture. The agreement [signed in Nairobi, Kenya, February 13] will strengthen the media sector in Africa to ensure and enhance the working partnership on the continent between media, religious leaders and faith-based organizations to promote a culture of peace, inter-religious and intercultural constructive dialogue and harmony.

Click on the photo to enlarge
Ambassador Hailu Mussie Continental Director for URI-Africa with AMI CEO Eric Chinje

The partnership calls for:

The establishment of Departments of Peace in each African country

The establishment of the African Editors-in-Chief Forum to promote a culture of peace

Promotion of peace education in Africa as part of the school curriculum

Promotion of the African Union Interfaith Dialogue Forum

Promotion of the teaching of the Golden Rule “Treat others the way you want to be treated”

To campaign against hate speech in Africa

To engage leaders, journalists, bloggers, writers, poets, cartoonists and citizens in Africa and across the globe, with the aim of bringing the media and the public’s attention to the devastating effects of hate speech

“It is indeed a great pleasure for URI – Africa to join hands with AMI to promote ethical, tolerant and inclusive journalism, good media governance and responsible communications free from hate speech,” says Ambassador Mussie Hailu, Continental Director of URI Africa and Representative at the UN in Nairobi, ECA, UNEP and African Union. “The working partnership established will help combat hatred, prejudice, intolerance and stereotyping on the basis of religion, ethnicity or culture which represents a significant challenge to peaceful co-existence in Africa. We need to promote the teaching of the Golden Rule: “treat others the way you want to be treated” more than ever as it is a practical action and a road map to prevent hate speech and promote human dignity and a culture of peaceful co-existence among people of different religions, cultures and ethnicities,” he adds.

On the occasion of the signing ceremony, Amb. Hailu also appealed to journalists not to cover hateful speech coming from politicians or community and religious leaders and called for media leaders and operators in Africa to lend their full support to efforts to turn the tide against the rise of hate speech on the continent.

“I couldn’t think of a better partner than the inter-religious organization represented by URI-Africa to address the radicalization, violent extremism, and conflict issues we currently face on this continent,” says AMI CEO Eric Chinje. “We want to deepen the reporters’ understanding of hate speech and of the issues of peace and conflict, religious violence and the fight that’s occurring in places like Nigeria and Cameroun, with Boko Haram, or Kenya with Al Shabbab.”

The two organizations have begun work already by partnering to organize the World Interfaith Harmony Week celebration held at the Desmond Tutu Centre in Nairobi last weekend under the theme “Beyond Our Differences.” The event gathered a host of youth as well as religious leaders and practitioners from a number of religious organizations and spiritual traditions to discuss the challenges of religious intolerance, ethnic conflict and terrorism in Africa and how media covers those topics.

Question related to this article:

African journalism and the culture of peace, A model for the rest of the world?

This discussion question applies to the following articles:

Second High Level Media Workshop on the African Peace and Security
Pour une ‘culture de paix’ dans la presse du Cap-Haïtien
Culture de la paix : les journalistes à l’école de l’Idem
Culture of Peace: IDEM workshop for journalists in Mali
Somalia: Somali radio on peace mission
Mali: L’émission «Anka Ben ! – Faisons la paix !» sur Radio Kledu
Mali: The Radio Kledu broadcasts, “Anka Ben ! – Let's make peace !”
Gao, Mali : Les jeunes à l’école de la culture de la paix
Gao, Mali : Youth at school for a culture of peace
Africa: Faire des médias des voies pour la promotion de la culture de la paix
Africa: Creating media channels to promote the culture of peace
African Media Initiative and URI–Africa Join Forces to Fight Hate Speech

Nigeria: Why we facilitated Abuja peace accord —Ben Obi


an article by Nigerian Tribune

The Special Adviser to the President on Inter Party Affairs, Senator Ben Obi, has stressed the need for political stakeholders at all levels to buy into the key ingredients of the peace accord, which was recently signed in Abuja, by presidential candidates and chairmen of registered political parties, including President Goodluck Jonathan of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and General Muhammadu Buhari of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

2041 Nigeria

Presidential candidates Muhammadu Buhari (left) and Goodluck Jonathan (right)

Speaking with newsmen in Abuja, Senator Obi whose office and that of National Security Adviser (NSA) created the platform and facilitated the epochal event, stressed that the Abuja ceremony was not meant to be an event in itself but the beginning of a wider nationwide process involving all political stakeholders, security institutions, civil society bodies and youth group across the country.

He stated that in developing the programme of the Peace Accord,they had in mind the implementation of a broad range of strategic objectives that would be co-owned by the major campaign organs of the leading political parties at the national, zonal, state, local government and ward levels.

The presidential adviser reiterated that key components of the peace accord included public sensitisation, youth education, peace building projects and community-wide awareness campaigns involving not just all the tiers of political campaigns but also traditional rulers, community and religious leaders.

He said some of the processes would involve workshops, seminars and town hall meetings on a continuous basis until the culture of peace and non-violent conducts during and after elections were inculcated into the Nigeria people, especially the youth.

He further charged that even though his office and that of the NSA took the lead in facilitating the Peace Accord, the responsibility now lies with the leaders and the people to own the agenda and drive it forward to its logical conclusion.


Latest Discussion

How should elections be organized in a true democracy?

Latest reader comment:

CPNN receives more and more articles from Africa about initiatives that contest the European model of “winner-takes-all” elections, and demand that elections should only be part of a broader democratic process that seeks consensus and compromise.

This fits with the pre-colonial systems of justice in Africa, when there was no monotheism and no single supreme god, no single supreme law, no single “truth” provided by divine intervention, but rather a compromise among many different “gods,” perspectives and “truths” arrived at through a process of mediation, for example, the “palabra.”

Here are some of the articles:

Ghana Youth Coalition wants politicians to commit to peace in 2012

Women’s World in Nationwide Sensitization [Sierra Leone]

Varsities vouch for peace ahead of general elections (Kenya)

Zimbabwe: Christian denominations launch peace initiative

Rethinking Post-Election Peacebuilding in Africa

Nigeria: Why we facilitated Abuja peace accord —Ben Obi