Gao, Mali : Youth at school for a culture of peace
an article by Mali Actu (abridged)
Contribute to the promotion of professional
journalism, conflict-sensitivity and peace - this
was the fundamental objective of the training
workshop held from 6 to 9 May 2014 for
facilitators and young journalists from Gao by the
Association of Journalists for Peace and
Nonviolence - Violence (AJPV) in partnership with
UNESCO. The workshop took place at the premises
of the Gao Regional Directorate of Youth with
twenty young people around the central theme
"issues of peace, human rights, cultural diversity
and conflict prevention and resolution."
click on photo to enlarge
As Mali tries to recover from an armed conflict
which was a difficult experience for its people,
the issues of security, peace and reconciliation
are important current topics. In the process of
crisis resolution and national reconciliation
initiated by the country's authorities, young
people have a vital role to play. Aware of this
reality, the partners of Mali, have decided to
support the Malian youth . It is in this context
that the Bulgarian government, through UNESCO, is
financing activities to "empower young people in
post-conflict Mali for reconciliation, peace and
development through improved access and the use of
new technologies of information and communication
technologies (ICT)" and through associations and
groups operating on the national territory (see
website :
www.paix-jeunesse.org ).
The Association of Journalists for Peace and Non-
Violence (AJPV), part of the project, initiated a
series of activities to train, educate and
especially to establish direct and indirect
discussions on peace, non-violent management of
conflict, human rights, cultural diversity and
universal values. The debates on these occasions
are relayed live on some local radio stations and
reported by the press, and then end up on the web-site
created for this purpose.
Last week, the AJPV was in Gao to train and
educate young people on these issues. The workshop
involved twenty young radio hosts who trained for
four days to become familiar with the tools of
conflict analysis. They obtained a thorough
knowledge of the code of ethics and professional
conduct governing the profession of journalism and
learned to distinguish a medium of peace from a
medium of hatred. They learned how to determine
the role of the media in the protection of human
rights, especially in times of crisis. During the
discussions, the facilitators and radio
journalists , have become aware of their role for
the peaceful environment in the current process of
crisis. It remains for them to adopt not only a
non-violent communication, but also to initiate
awareness programs on peace and national
reconciliation.. .
(Click here for a French version of this article)
Question(s) related to this article:
African journalism and the culture of peace, A model for the rest of the world?
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Latest reader comment:
CPNN continues to find that African journalists give priority to culture of peace news, unlike media in much of the world that give priority to violence. Here are some of the articles published previously:
Journalists from Northern Cameroon Reinforce Communication for Peace
Culture of Peace Featured in Most Recent Issue of Afrique Démocratie
Launch of the network of journalists for peace and security in Africa (Netpeace)