All posts by CPNN Coordinator

About CPNN Coordinator

Dr David Adams is the coordinator of the Culture of Peace News Network. He retired in 2001 from UNESCO where he was the Director of the Unit for the International Year for the Culture of Peace, proclaimed for the Year 2000 by the United Nations General Assembly.

In Malawi, Chief Theresa Kachindamoto Fights against Child Marriage


An article from Afrique Femme

Since being appointed traditional leader of a central region of Malawi, Theresa Kachindamoto has been fighting against child marriage. Thanks to her, hundreds of marriages have been annulled and as many girls returned to school, while her action at the national level has helped initiate laws that now prohibit child marriage.

Theresa Kachindamoto is an Inkosi, a traditional chieftain in Malawi, in Dedza district, near Lake Malawi, in the center of the country. The youngest of twelve children in a family descended from a line of traditional chiefs, she was secretary for 27 years in a school in the Zomba district, in the south of the country. Married and mother of five boys, she was chosen 16 years ago “for her kindness to people” to take on the role of chief in her native region. As such, it exercises informal authority over more than 900,000 people.

Child marriage: a stronghold of tradition

The actors of change in Africa all know it, and Theresa Kachindamoto also says it: “In the field of gender equality, the strongest bastion of change most difficult to shake remains the cultural and traditional practices”. It is sometimes even the guarantors of beliefs and cultural norms, in other words the heads of communities, who block measures against child marriage, female genital mutilation and other measures aimed at improving the condition of women. Theresa Kachindamoto believes that culture is not static, and it is on the lever that she can act, by using her authority as a traditional chief, to promote the education of girls, but also of boys, and fight against child marriages.

The first thing that struck her when she took office, she recalls, was the number of girls under 15 already married with two children: “I said no, that’s too much! do something !” In June 2015, already, she told the Maravi Post, “I had 330 marriages annulled: in 175 of them the girl was only a child, and in 155 of these marriages the father of the family was just a young boy. I wanted to send them back to school, and I succeeded.” To the Nyasa Times, she assured: “I don’t want the children to marry. They have to go to school. In my area, we have now made our own laws to ban child marriages, and we do not allow any exception … A child should never stay locked up at home, nor work the land, nor do household chores during school time. Never should a village, community or religious head seal a marriage without having examined the dates of births of the couples”.

Educate a girl and you educate a whole region … You educate the world.

Together with parents, teachers, the village committee, religious leaders and NGOs, Theresa Kachindamoto has banned child marriages in her community and annulled more than 3,500 child marriages made prior to her arrival. The children were sent back to school. “Educate a girl and you educate a whole region… You educate the world,” she says.

Change the laws

Getting parents to change their minds, especially the poorest, who had received a dowry, is not easy, but she convinced the fifty or so chiefs who are subordinate to her in her district to abolish child marriage and to cancel existing unions. Only four of them did not fully comply with the new rules – they were removed from their posts, before being reinstated in their position as soon as the chief was certain that all marriages had been annulled.

(Article continued in right column)

(Click here for the original French version)

Questions for this article

Protecting women and girls against violence, Is progress being made?

Can the women of Africa lead the continent to peace?

(Article continued from left column)

It was door-to-door work, above all, she says, that enabled her to convince the population of the need to cancel early unions. Theresa Kachindamoto knows that it takes a lot of strength and courage to change habits and customs, especially where human rights clash with cultural beliefs. “It is not easy to change people’s views and thought patterns. Whether you are a woman or a man, it takes a lot of strength.”

Her action helped initiate laws at the national level: “I was at the forefront of rallies for Malawi to set the minimum age for marriage at 18. I participated in all actions aimed at convincing the government to adopt the law, she explains to the online media AfricaPortal. In her functions, she takes advantage of the ceremonies to sensitize the communities, “so that the changes are well understood.” Mission accomplished: in 2015, the law on marriage, divorce and family relations set 18 as the minimum age of marriage for girls and boys in Malawi, and then, in 2017, a constitutional amendment banned child marriage altogether, prohibiting any exceptions.

When I was appointed chief, no other woman held this position in my region.

Before campaigning against early marriages, chef Theresa Kachindamoto upset decades of cultural norms by assuming a traditional position of authority. Since then, she has used her influence to instill more gender equality in this environment: “When I was appointed chief, no other woman held this position in my region,” she explains to AfricaPortal. I succeeded in convincing the royal families to choose women and 55 women were nominated to occupy positions of subordinate chiefs. I am proud to have succeeded in rebalancing the genders among the chiefs. Even the male chiefs see me as a example in this regard. And all play a role in the application of customs that hamper advances in child marriage. ”

Despite laws prohibiting child marriage in Malawi, around 46% of young girls are married before the age of 18, and 9% before age 15, one of the highest rates of early marriage in the world, according to the estimates of UNICEF.

In this country where more than 20% of the population lives below the extreme poverty line, with less than $ 1.90 per day, where the poverty rate has risen from 50.7% in 2010 to 51.5% in 2016, where the HIV infection rate is at 10% and where containment measures against the Covid-19 pandemic severely affected the informal and rural economy, child marriage is still seen as an issue for families in great difficulty.

To fill the void left by the ban on early marriage, which plays a functional role in society, Theresa Kachindamoto wants to focus on the education of children. “Parents come to me asking me to help their children financially, since I am at the origin of the dissolution of a marriage intended to spare them poverty.” So the chief has launched an awareness campaign showing the importance of schooling for girls and boys, as well as the health dangers of early marriage, starting with complications during childbirth.

Empower Women

To fight against early marriage, Theresa Kachindamoto also wants to help young women to set up their small businesses. For this work of economic empowerment, she is inspired by the Ugandan model and its initiatives for female entrepreneurship. “I am taking the example of the network of African Queens and Cultural Chiefs (Aqwcln) to change the lives of women, girls and children in Africa. The Aqwcln provides essential support to women by enabling them to develop their businesses. In my opinion, the best way to advance gender equality is to educate women civically and financially, so that they can fully take their place in society. ”

With her practical solutions to poverty, her political and awareness-raising action in a perspective of gender equality, the chef Theresa Kachindamoto has won the hearts of the populations she oversees. “We take the time to talk about all these beliefs that risk destroying our beautiful society and those who will build our nation,” she told AfricaPortal. We agree to abolish toxic customs and promote constructive customs, and to put in place rules that must be respected and ratified by all actors in society. No one, not even the chief, can force a minor to marry. ” 

(Thank you to Kiki Adams, the CPNN reporter for this article.)

Red Cross: Nuclear Weapons Are Finally Outlawed, Next Step Is Disarmament


An statement by Robert Mardini, Director-General of the Red Cross

The vile suffering that poison gas inflicted on the soldiers of WWI so horrified the world that chemical weapons were banned only seven years after the Great War ended.

But during the next global conflict, an even more indiscriminate and inhumane weapon was unleashed. Nuclear blasts decimated two Japanese cities as if they had been “swept away by a supernatural power”, Dr Marcel Junod, a doctor for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), wrote after visiting Hiroshima.

António Guterres said that the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) The doctor quickly concluded that like poison gas after WWI, nuclear weapons too must be banned outright. “Only a unified world policy can save the world from destruction,” he wrote. By 1950, an estimated 340,000 people had died from the effects of those two bombs.

For more than 75 years, almost half of the ICRC’s 158 years of existence, we have been advocating for the elimination of nuclear weapons for one simple reason: We do not believe they can be used without inflicting significant death and suffering among civilians.

That is why January 22, 2021, is such a momentous day for us. It is the day the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) comes into force.

This day is nothing short of a victory for humanity. Seventy-five years after nuclear bombs wrought war’s worst horror on the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the world’s newest multilateral treaty outlaws nuclear weapons. It prohibits the use, threat of use, development, production, testing and stockpiling of nuclear weapons, formalising into law a strongly held taboo against the use of nuclear weapons and providing a further disincentive for their proliferation.

(Continued in right column)

(Click here for the French version of this statement or here for the Spanish version.)

Question related to this article:
Can we abolish all nuclear weapons?

(Continued from left column)

The TPNW is also the first instrument of international law to mitigate the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons by requiring states that suffered a nuclear explosion to provide medical care for victims on their territory.

What the treaty does not do, quite obviously, is magically eliminate the world’s current nuclear arsenal. Indeed, it would be naive to expect the TPNW to deliver a world without nuclear weapons tomorrow. The new treaty should instead be viewed as the moral and legal starting point for a long-term effort to achieve nuclear disarmament. We must now work to ensure the broadest possible adherence to the treaty’s prohibitions.

The world’s nine nuclear-armed states have more than 13,000 nuclear bombs, with command-and-control networks vulnerable to human error and cyberattacks. The power of many of those warheads is far greater than those dropped in 1945, bombs that killed more than 100,000 people, including 1,924 of Hiroshima’s 2,080 doctors and nurses. This is the reality we are up against.

Even if the horror of nuclear detonation may feel like distant history, the risk today is too high. Treaties to reduce arsenals are being abandoned, new types of nuclear weapons are being produced, and serious threats are being made. That is an arms race, and it is frightening.

By setting out pathways for their elimination, the treaty is a concrete step towards fulfilling longstanding nuclear disarmament obligations, notably those under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which desperately needs to see real progress on its nuclear disarmament obligations if it is to maintain its credibility.

We are urging states that possess nuclear weapons to urgently take them off high alert status and reduce their role in their military doctrines, pending their total elimination. And we hope every country finds itself, sooner or later, in a position to sign and ratify the treaty.

The passage of time may have numbed us to the devastation of a nuclear detonation. But every human on earth should be horrified at even the possibility that such a weapon could be used again.

Today we celebrate the entry into force of the TPNW. But it is only the beginning of the world’s journey to eliminate nuclear weapons. The end comes when those 13,000 nuclear weapons no longer exist.

Past Virtual Events in January


Here are events and application deadlines in January that were previously listed on the CPNN page for upcoming virtual events. Unless otherwise noted the events are in English.

Tuesday January 12 8 p.m. (EST-USA)

Introduction to the History & Dynamics of U.S. Asia-Pacific Policies
— The United States has been an imperial power across Asia and the Pacific since Admiral Perry’s Black Ships “opened” Japan, and the U.S. conquered the Philippines, Guam and Samoa and annexed Hawaii during the “Spanish-American War.” President-elect Joe Biden and Antony Blinken are repeating their commitments to reinforce U.S. Asia-Pacific alliances and to the military buildup to contain China that was begun with the Obama “pivot” to Asia and the Pacific and deepened by Trump’s ratcheting up tensions with China.
— Speakers include Corozon Fabros of Asia-Europe Peoples Forum, the ASEAN Civil Society Conference- ASEAN Peoples Forum., Tobita Chow of Justice is Global and Mark Seldon editor of The Asia-Pacific Journal
Register here in advance for this webinar

January 13, 2021 at 7:30pm – 7:30pm MST

The Nuclear Weapons Stand-off: State of Play
Organised by: Ploughshares Calgary
— Our speaker, Earl Turcotte, will provide a clear, interesting and informed update on the new Treaty that prohibits nuclear weapons. Earl is the current Chairperson of the Canadian Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, served over 40 years as an aid worker, Canadian diplomat and UN official. For 15 years prior to his retirement in 2015, he focused on arms control and disarmament, including being lead negotiator for Canada of the Convention on Cluster Munitions. Since retiring in 2015 he has focused his efforts on nuclear disarmament.
— Virtual event | link:
Meeting ID: 858 1028 5613
Passcode: 166927

Thursday, 14 January 2021, 14:00 – 15:00 CET

PeaceTech: Digital Platforms for Inclusive Peace
This webinar will explore how digital platforms can support peacebuilding, with a special focus on the new PeaceFem mobile app which illustrates women’s inclusion in peace processes around the world.
— Featuring Dr Sanja Badanjak, Dr Devanjan Bhattacharya, and Fiona Knäussel from the PeaceTech team of PSRP (Political Settlements Research Programme), with special guest Dr Benjamin Bach, Lecturer in Design Informatics and Visualization at the University of Edinburgh, as event chair.
— This event is free and will be held on Zoom. Joining instructions will be sent to registered participants.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 15:00 CET

On January 19, the Basel Peace Office, Basel-Stadt Kanton, UNFOLD ZERO and Youth Fusion will hold Intergenerational dialogue on peace, the climate, nuclear disarmament and the pandemic, a forum of youth, experts and policy makers discussing actions and effective policies for peace, disarmament, the climate and public health especially in times of pandemic.
— Speakers include Marzhan Nurzahn (Kazakhstan/Switzerland), Convenor of Youth Fusion, the Abolition 2000 Youth Network for a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World; Davina Maloum (Cameroon), Founder of Children for Peace. International Children’s Peace Prize Co-winner 2019 (with Greta Thunberg), Prof. Dr Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker (Germany), Past Chairman of the German Bundestag Environment Committee, Honorary President of the Club of Rome: Maria Espinosa (Ecuador), Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, President of the UN General Assembly (2018-2019), Chair of the World Future Council Commission on the Rights of Children and Youth, and more…
— The event will also include the finalists and award ceremony for the Basel PACEY Plus youth award.
Click here to register.

21 January, 2021 @ 2:00 – 3:10 pm GMT

Entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and the Role of Health Professionals
— Share your contact information below to receive updates on the Global Health Webinar, co-sponsored by the International Council of Nurses, International Committee of the Red Cross, International Federation of Medical Students’ Association, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, World Federation of Public Health Association, and World Medical Association.
Confirmed speakers:
-Moderator; Tilman Ruff, co-President, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW)
-Mahmood Al-Hamody, Liaison Officer for Human Rights and Peace Issues, -International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations
-David Barbe, President, World Medical Association
-Bettina Borisch, Executive Director, World Federation of Public Health Associations
-Erica Burton, Senior Advisor on Nursing and Health Policy, International Council of Nurses
-Véronique Christory, Senior Arms Control Advisor, The International Committee of the Red Cross
-Carlos Umaña, Regional Vice-President, IPPNW
Register here

Friday – Jan 22, 2021, 1:00-3:00 pm CET

Celebration of the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
— On January 22nd, the world will celebrate the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), supported by over 120 states at the UN in July 2017.
— On this historic day, we call on members of the IPB family, our friends and all peace lovers to celebrate this historical step, and deliver this great news with noise and fun in your countries all across the globe, as the road to a world free of nuclear weapons is now wide open!
— We invite you to join us for a virtual IPB Zoom party where we will celebrate this milestone toward nuclear disarmament together!
— Register to join the event here:

Saturday, January 23 09:30 AM (EST)

Reducing the Threat of Nuclear War: Invest in Minds not Missiles” A National Conference
— CPDCS has been privileged to work with Jonathan King of MIT and many others in organizing this important national disarmament conference together.
— Though the Coronavirus has devastated the economy, it has not had any braking effect on the Presidential and Congressional push for spending more of our tax dollars on military and nuclear weapons development programs. Thus, we will have to find ways to continue to collaborate and cooperate in the development of a social movement strong enough to reverse the new nuclear arms race. This Conference is focused on that task.
— Speakers include Alan Robock, Sen. Ed Markey, Rep. Ayana Pressley, Rev. Liz Theoharis, Elaine Scarry, Subrata Goshroy, Lindsay Koshgarian, and many others.
— Breakout sessions – including the Asia-Pacific session led by CPDCS – A. Ban Treaty & Arms Control Treaties: B. The Costs of 21st Century Wars and the Politics of Defense Spending: C. Back from the Brink Campaign: D. No Resumption of Testing: E. No First Use Campaign: F. Demilitarizing Police: G. Climate and War/Green New Deal: H. Divesting from Weapons Manufacture: I. Bringing Peace into Electoral Contests: J. No New Cold War: The U.S., China, and the Asia Pacific: K. Moral Budget for Massachusetts: L. Vaccines Not Submarines: M. Campus Organizing
Register here for free

23 de enero – 31 de enero

— Hola, Te has inscrito al FSM Virtual 2021 y has expresado tu interés en el espacio temático COMUNICACIÓN, EDUCACIÓN Y CULTURA.
En este enlace puedes seguir las actividades que se están registrando en relación con este Espacio Temático.
— El correo electrónico está disponible para preguntas sobre este Espacio Temático.
— Para registrar organizaciones, actividades o iniciativas para Agora, inicie sesión en join y acceda al formulario correspondiente.
— En caso de necesitar más información sobre su actividad, una persona del Grupo Facilitador se pondrá en contacto contigo.

January 23 – January 31

— Hi, You’ve signed up to the WSF Virtual 2021 and indicated interest in the COMMUNICATION, EDUCATION AND CULTURE.
In this link you can follow the activities being registered in connection with this Thematic Space.
— The email is available for questions about this Theme Space.
— To register organizations, activities or Initiatives for Agora, log in to join and access the appropriate form.
— In case you need more information about your activity, a person from the Facilitator Group will contact you.

23 janvier – 31 janvier

— Bonjour, Vous vous êtes inscrit(e) au FSM 2021 virtuel et avez manifesté votre intérêt pour l’espace thématique COMMUNICATION, ÉDUCATION ET CULTURE.
Sur ce lien, vous pouvez suivre les activités en cours d’enregistrement en lien avec cet espace thématique.
— L’e-mail est disponible pour toutes questions concernant cet espace thématique.
— Pour enregistrer des organisations, des activités ou des initiatives en vue de l’Agora, connectez-vous à join et accédez au formulaire approprié.
— Au cas où vous auriez besoin de plus d’informations sur votre activité, une personne du groupe de facilitateurs vous contactera.

Sunday, January 24, 2021 • 13:30 EST, 18:30 GMT

Webinar: Divest-Reinvest: Towards a Local Peace Economy
Grassroots-led divestment campaigns are springing up all over the world. There’s a reason why divestment is trending, and that’s because it’s a winning organizing tactic. Divestment gives direct agency to individuals and communities to cut ties to destructive industries. Change can be affected on a grassroots level, by individuals (switching banks and divesting retirement funds), by institutions (divesting universities, workplaces, & religious organizations, among others) and by communities (divesting municipal & state public pension funds).
— In this panel, three leading organizers will present case studies of successful & diverse divestment models, including fossil fuel and weapons divestment. Beyond divestment, we will explore how divestment must be paired with reinvestment strategies that advance a just transition from a war economy to a local peace economy.
— Moderator: Greta Zarro, Organizing Director, World BEYOND War; West Edmeston, NY, USA
Panelists: David Swanson (Co-Founder & Executive Director, World BEYOND War;
Susi Snyder (Coordinator for Don’t Bank on the Bomb;
Kelly Curry (CODEPINK Local Peace Economy Organizer;
Join Zoom Meeting via this link
Here is a recording of the webiner.

Sunday, January 24, 1-3 PM, EST

World Social Forum Peace Day. CPDCS/IPB workshop “For Peace, Justice & Democracy: U.S. Movement Perspectives”.
— President Biden assumes office in the midst of a host of national crises that impact the world: a white supremacist fascist insurrection and threats of continuing domestic terrorist attacks, the Covid-19 pandemic which has claimed nearly 400,000 U.S. lives and devastated the national economy, emerging and deepening cold wars with China and Russia, and a national budget that prioritizes preparations for war over human needs.
— This webinar will present leading voices from the U.S. justice and peace movements, summarizing the challenges the U.S. people face and the priorities of the U.S. justice, peace and democracy movements.
— Speakers include:
Rev. Karleen Griffiths Sekou – Director for International Relationships and Organizing for the Black Lives Matter Global Network
Michael Klare – Military Affairs Editor of The Nation Magazine, Co-Founder Committee for a Sane U.S.-China Policy.
Lindsay Koshgarian – Director, National Priorities Project
— Initiated by the International Peace Bureau and the Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security.
— For more information contact:
Zoom link:

Monday, 25 January, beginning at 11:00 PST, 14:00 EST 19:00 GMT 22:00 Yemen

Global online rally sponsored by the Stop the War Coalition
— Over 230 organisations from 17 countries have signed up for a call to action against the war on Yemen so far, making this the biggest international anti-war co-ordination since the campaign against the Iraq war.
— The shockingly under-reported war in Yemen has led to the death of 250,000 people and created the worst humanitarian crisis anywhere in the world according to the UN. They estimate that more than 24 million people in the country, which was already one of the poorest on the planet prior to the war, will need humanitarian assistance in 2021.
— The war is led by Saudi Arabia, with the involvement of the UAE, but it is backed by some key Western powers – the US, the UK, France, Spain, Italy and Canada. In particular, the US and the UK have maintained unquestioning support for Saudi Arabia since the war began and are both participants in the war.
— This protest is timed to take place just days after the inauguration of Joe Biden, who has promised to end US support for the war. This is our one central aim – to hold him to his word and force fellow governments to follow suit.
— Among the participants:
Ahmed Al-Babati (British-Yemeni Soldier)
Jeremy Corbyn MP
Danny Glover (Actor)
Tawakkol Karman (Yemeni Nobel Peace Laureate)
Daniele Obono (French National Assembly Member)
Yanis Varoufakis (MeRA25 Secretary-General)
Click here to register

Monday January 25. 11:00-12:30 Eastern USA time/17:00-18:30 Central Europe time

The United Nations and Nuclear Abolition
Cosponsors: Basel Peace Office, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament, Right Livelihood Foundation, UNFOLD ZERO, World Future Council and Youth Fusion.
— Last January the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists set the Doomdsay Clock to 100 Seconds to Midnight, indicating how close humanity was to a nuclear disaster by accident, miscalculation or conflict escalation. Amidst the gloom of the pandemic, 2021 dawns with some new rays of light for nuclear disarmament.
— On January 20, a new US administration more amenable to nuclear disarmament was inaugurated. Tow days later (Jan 22) the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons entered into force.
— Join us for an international event on Monday January 25 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of UN Resolution 1 (1) – the very first resolution of the United Nations – which established the global goal for the elimination of nuclear weapons.
— The event will include discussion by experts and activists on the political openings for global nuclear disarmament and the vital roles being played by the United Nations and civil society. It will also include presentations of some global civil society appeals for nuclear abolition. Click here to register (if you have not already done so).
January 25 event speakers.
Click here to register.

January 26th, 7:00 – 8:30 pm EST
Dialogue as a Tool for Healing

Sponsored by Pathways to Peace
Sharing our thoughts and feelings by speaking our own truth and listening to the truth of others, is a simple action we can take to heal ourselves and to contribute to the healing of others. Dialogue builds community and through community we do our work to advance Peace.
Please Join Us!
— Tezikiah Gabriel and Kim Weichel will facilitate the upcoming dialogues. In the January 26th dialogue, we will be exploring the questions:
— What is on your heart at this time in this country?
— As committed peacebuilders, what kind of positive action can we take to begin to heal ourselves and talk with others?
— How can we transform our anger, sadness, or concern into positive action?
— We look forward to seeing you there! In the meantime, we wish you Peace!
— Zoom Room Access:
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,6091308836# US (New York)
+16699006833,,6091308836# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 609 130 8836

Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 16:00 CET
Parliamentarians, peace and disarmament in cyber-space.

UNFOLD ZERO has been actively promoting Securing our Common Future, the Disarmament Agenda released by the UN Secretary-General in 2018. This includes cooperation with Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament to engage parliamentarians in support action at national, regional and international levels. On November 5, 2020 the parliamentary handbook Assuring our Common Future was launched. It includes over 80 examples of effective policies and parliamentary actions in all disarmament areas.
— On January 27, 2021 the first of a series of follow-up webinars going into more depth on specific areas covered in the handbook. The webinars are open to legislators, governments, experts and civil society representatives working with legislators to advance disarmament.
— Speakers for the first webinar, The role of parliamentarians to advance disarmament in cyber-space, include Saber Chowdhury MP, Honorary President of the InterParliamentary Union, Co-President of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament; Tilman Rodenhauser, Legal Adviser, International Committee of the Red Cross; Anne-Marie Buzatu, Chief Operations Officer, ICT4Peace Foundation and Arthur Duforest, Research Assistant, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament.
Click here for more information.
Click here to register.

Wednesday, January 27, 4 p.m. EST
Webinar “Biden and China: Challenges & Opportunities?”

The Committee for a Sane U.S.-China Policy will be formally launched on January 27 with the release of its signature statement, “Averting a New Cold War Between the United States and China,” and a webinar on the challenges and opportunities in U.S.-China relations facing the incoming Biden administration.
— This webinar will explore the current tensions between the U.S. and China, likely Biden Administration responses, and steps that can be taken for the mutual benefit of both nations.
— Speakers Michael Klare, Rachel Odell and Zhiquin Zhu.
— Register at:

Wednesday, January 27th at 2:30 pm EST
Search for Common Ground

Join us for a discussion with Shamil Idriss and Cynthia Miller-Idriss, two world-renowned experts who will discuss the origins of this wave of extremist violence, how peacebuilding can heal the United States, and suggest practical steps for each of us to take in building a country where we can live in community—separated by our differences but grounded in justice, equality, and respect. . .. As the Biden-Harris Administration starts to work, we have an opportunity to take action to reduce violence and repair America’s social fabric. Join the conversation about a path forward for America on Wednesday,

Thursday, Jan. 28th from 2:30pm to 5pm EST
The Critical Role of Communication in Building Cultures of Peace

sponsored by the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-NY
— Welcome: Margo LaZaro, President & Chair of the NGOCSD-NY & Co-Founder/CSO of the SDGIAs
— Keynote Reflections:
Narinder Kakar, Permanent Observer of the University for Peace to the United Nations;
Satya S. Tripathi, UN Assistant Secretary-General and Head of the UN Environment, NYO;
Alyn Ware, Global Coordinator of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation;
Yasmeen Ally, Communications Specialist with Religions for Peace;
Mandy Sanghera, International Human Right Activist & Award Winning Philanthropist
— Cultures of Peace – Plans of Action:
Monique Cuillerier, Coordinator, of the Women, Peace and Security Network – Canada;
Neil Ghosh, President and CEO of SOS Children’s Villages USA;
Mary Muia, Soroptimist International UN Rep, UNEA in Nairobi, Kenya;
Dennis Wong, Co-Founder of the Rotary Action Group for Peace;
Steven Aiello, Founder and Director of Debate for Peace, Israel;
Jeffery Huffines, Senior Advisor of the Coalition for the UN We Need and Together First
— Interactive Exchange
Webinar Registration

Saturday January 30, 14:00-17:00 GMT
Virtual World Assembly of Inhabitants

(Intérpretes: En/Es/Fr/Pt/It)
— Balance de la movilización global Cero Desalojos para Coronavirus
— Acuerdos: construir la alternativa basada en los derechos humanos y ambientales y la redistribución equitativa de los recursos
— Definir la Agenda Solidaria de lxs Habitantxs 2021, la convergencia de las re-existencias en tiempos de pandemia
— Coordinación política: Cesare Ottolini, coordinador global AIH, Italia
— Aportaciones
Medha Patkar, Fundadora Narmada Bachao Andolan y National Alliance of People’s Movements, India (por confirmar)
Richard Wolff, Economista Marxista y Profesor emérito Universidad de Massachusetts Amherst, EEUU
Raquel Rolnik, Profesora USP, ex Relatora ONU sobre el derecho a la vivienda, Brasil
Faeza Meyer, Activista Justicia por el Agua, African Water Commons Collective, Sudáfrica
Balakrishnan Rajagopal, Relator ONU sobre el derecho a la vivienda, EE.UU. (por confirmar)
Click here to register
— Info y contacto:

Jan 30, 2021 16:30 in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
No War on Iran

Youth Against Empire will sponsor this webinar called, “No War on Iran.” US has been trying in instigate a War with Iran. Within the past year, the US has been seen to be behind the assassinations of leading scientific and military officials of Iran. The US has Iran surrounded with military bases and Navy ships and has imposed harsh sanction on Iran including sanctioning that deny Iran medical resources during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Register here

Sunday, Jan. 31, 2:00 – 4:00 PM EST (Toronto Time)
Global Town Hall

Peace Magazine and Project Save the World Invite You to Our Next Monthly Global Town Hall
— On the last Sunday of every month, we hold an open meeting on Zoom for activists worldwide who are addressing issues of militarism (especially nuclear weapons), global warming, famine, pandemics, radioactive contamination, and cyber risks. We talk for two hours with our video cameras on (not just audio, please), edit the recording, and put it on YouTube, Facebook, and our website: and then we publicize it widely.
Zoom Link
Facebook Event Page
Visit Our Website
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31 January 2021
Closing date for applications for the Youth Solidarity Fund of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations.

The Youth Solidarity Fund (YSF) supports youth-led organizations that foster peaceful and inclusive societies. Seed funding is given to projects, for and by young people, that demonstrate innovative and effective approaches to intercultural or interfaith dialogue. UNAOC additionally offers capacity-building support to help youth-led organizations strengthen the implementation of their projects.
— Application guidelines can be found here. Please read the guidelines carefully before applying.
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Committee for a SANE U.S.-China Policy


Excerpts from the website of the Sane U.S.-China Policy

The Committee for a SANE U.S.-China Policy will be formally launched on January 27 with the release of its signature statement, co-authored by Joseph Gerson and Michael Klare, “Averting a New Cold War Between the United States and China,” and a webinar on the challenges and opportunities in U.S.-China relations facing the incoming Biden administration.

The webinar, which is open to the public, will feature presentations by Committee co-founder Prof. Michael Klare, Rachel Esplin Odell of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, and Prof. of Bucknell University, and Prof. Zhiqun Zhu of Bucknell University. 

With information and advocacy, the Committee for a SANE U.S. China Policy works to prevent U.S.-Chinese military conflict, reduce the militarization of U.S.-Chinese tensions, and encourage mutually beneficial diplomacy. We intend to show how forces in both China and the United States are contributing to a dynamic of ever-increasing mutual suspicion and hostility; likewise, we will emphasize the need for cooperative efforts by both countries to overcome outstanding differences, such as over Taiwan and the South China Sea. We further aim to show that U.S.-China cooperation is essential to overcome such global challenges as climate change and lethal pandemics.

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Question for this article:

The peace movement in the United States, What are its strengths and weaknesses?

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Our initial goal is to circulate our Statement widely and solicit additional signatures to it, from as broad a cross-section of the population as possible. With funds collected from those who sign, we plan to place the Statement in major journals and newspapers. 

We also seek to inform debate and discussion on divisive issues in U.S.-China relations by commissioning position papers on mutually beneficial, non-military solutions to outstanding problems such as Taiwan, technology, arms control, and the South China Sea, and publicize these as widely as possible – including via webinars, public lectures and panels. In addition, we will urge members of Congress to hold public hearings on these issues and encourage them to include participation by those who advocate constructive, peaceful solutions. Wherever possible, we hope to join with organizations in pursuing these activities.

We will also encourage transnational dialogue on problem issues in U.S.-China relations involving non-governmental experts from China, the United States, and other nations in the Indo-Pacific region. In time, such “Track-2” diplomacy could be supplemented by “Track 1.5” diplomacy, involving retired government officials and others with links to those in power.

(Click here to add your name to the signatures on the Statement).

France: Gatherings in Front of the National Assembly and the Embassies of the Nuclearized Countries


An article from Mouvement de la Paix

Celebration of the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty, let’s go!

With the initiative of the National Collective “En Marche pour la Paix”, on January 21, 2021, demonstrators gathered near the French National Assembly and in front of the embassies of the 4 other nuclear-weapon States and permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (Russia, USA, Great Britain, China – a group of States often referred to as the “P5”). An official letter was delivered to each of the embassies requesting an appointment.

Photo from Roland Nivet

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(Click here for the French version of this article.)

Question related to this article:
Can we abolish all nuclear weapons?

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Messages of solidarity came from organizations all over the world: support from India, Mexico, the US, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Algeria, Tunisia, Croatia, Portugal, Belgium, Russia, Peru, Canada, Germany… Thank you to our friends, activists from all continents!

Message from ICAN International, Nobel Peace Prize 2017, message from Paul Quilès, President of Initiatives pour le Désarmement Nucléaire (IDN).

Among those present were Jean-Paul Lecoq, MP and author of the information report of the National Assembly on the Theme “Nuclear Weapons in the World” (Democratic and Republican Left Group), support of Europe Ecologie Les Verts (EELV). Also present was Gérard Levy, animator of the EELV’s “Peace and Development” commission.

Representatives and activists came from numerous organizations: Le Mouvement de la Paix, Initiatives pour le Désarmement Nucléaire (IDN), AFCDRP, Appel international des scientifiques pour le désarmement nucléaire, MRAP, Femmes solidaires, Appel des cent de Bagnolet , PCF dont 3 représentants du département Relations internationales, Enseignants pour la Paix, Artistes pour la paix, Cgt, Génération verte, Bureau international de la Paix (BIP), Juristes démocrates, réseau international « Jeunes Visages de Paix ».

The appeal of 21 organizations was published on January 20, 2021 in the newspaper La Croix.

All together, to rid the world of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction!

All together, united for PEACE!

United Nations: Guterres hails entry into force of treaty banning nuclear weapons


A press release from the United Nations

The first multilateral nuclear disarmament treaty in more than two decades, came into force just after midnight on Friday [January 22], hailed by the UN Secretary-General as “an important step towards a world free of nuclear weapons”.

Video of Guterres remarks

António Guterres said that the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) also represents a “strong demonstration of support for multilateral approaches to nuclear disarmament” overall.

‘Tragic testimonies’ of survivors

In a video message and statement, the UN chief commended the States that have ratified the Treaty and welcomed the “instrumental role of civil society in advancing the TPNW’s negotiation and entry into force”.

“The survivors of nuclear explosions and nuclear tests offered tragic testimonies and were a moral force behind the Treaty. Entry into force is a tribute to their enduring advocacy”, he said.

Mr. Guterres said he was looking forward to guiding the UN’s response according the Treaty, including preparations for the first official Meeting of States Parties.

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(Click here for the French version of this statement or here for the Spanish version.)

Question related to this article:
Can we abolish all nuclear weapons?

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Growing dangers

“Nuclear weapons pose growing dangers and the world needs urgent action to ensure their elimination and prevent the catastrophic human and environmental consequences any use would cause”, said the UN chief.

“The elimination of nuclear weapons remains the highest disarmament priority of the United Nations. The Secretary-General calls on all States to work together to realize this ambition to advance common security and collective safety.”

The TPNW secured the 50 ratifications it needed to then enter into force, at the end of last October. The campaigners who had steered momentum towards Friday’s milestone moment, described it then as “a new chapter for nuclear disarmament”.

The accord was approved initially by 122 nations at the UN General Assembly in 2017, but it was civil society groups led by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) which had put in the “decades of activism” to secure the number of countries required to make it a reality.

Nuclear powers silent

So far however, the main nuclear powers of the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, China and France, have not signed the accord.

It declares that countries ratifying it must “never under any circumstances develop, test, produce, manufacture or otherwise acquire, possess or stockpile nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.”

In a statement released last October by the civil society and campaign umbrella group ICAN – which won the Nobel Peace Prize for its work in 2017 – it said that once the treaty comes into force, all States’ parties will need to follow through on their promises, and abide by its prohibitions.

(Thank you to Phyllis Kotite, the CPNN reporter for this article.)

World Social Forum 2021


A press release from the World Social Forum

From January 23 to 31, the World Social Forum will celebrate its 20th anniversary online: already nearly 5,000 people and 700 organizations have registered and thousands more are expected.

The world civil society will meet at the World Social Forum (WSF) from January 23 to 31 2021, hoping to provide answers to the urgent challenges imposed by the current global situation. It will thus celebrate its 20th anniversary with a virtual edition against the backdrop of the pandemic.

Since its creation in January 2001 in Porto Alegre, Brazil, by passing through India, Pakistan, Senegal, Kenya, Tunisia, Canada and many others, the World Social Forum has been the largest convergence process of global civil society organizations, mobilizing hundreds of thousands of people throughout its history. For this edition, nearly 5,000 people and 700 organizations from all horizons have already registered and will take part in the hundreds of activities proposed by the participants themselves. It is expected that thousands more people will join the activities that will take place during the 9 days of the WSF, to reaffirm that another world is possible, necessary and urgent.

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Question for this article:

World Social Forums, Advancing the Global Movement for a Culture of Peace?

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A rich program planned for the virtual stage of the WSF:

On January 23rd, there will be a great virtual march for democracy, human dignity and for our future on the planet! Broadcasting of videos from organizations, testimonies of activists from all over the world and a Global Opening Panel with important social and political activists from the five continents, including : Aminata Dramane Traoré, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Leila Khaled, Ashish Kothari, Miriam Miranda and Yanis Varoufakis.

From January 24 to 29, major conferences will be held in each of the nine thematic areas of the virtual WSF: Peace and War, Economic Justice, Education, Communication and Culture, Society and Diversity, Indigenous and Ancestral Peoples, Social Justice and Democracy, Climate, Ecology and Environment. Look at the different activities here.

On January 30th, the Convergence Assemblies will prepare the Agora of the Futures held on January 31st, a pivotal moment where social movements and organizations from around the world will be able to share their initiatives and build a calendar of actions to be implemented until the next edition of the WSF (click here to see the general program of the WSF

Through the email below, the WSF Facilitating Group remains at the disposal of the media around the world for any questions or clarifications.


Information (Whatsapp messages): Carminda Mac Lorin (+1 514 381 7090) and Carlos Tiburcio (+55 11 97 666 0176)

(Thank you to Azril Bacal for sending this to CPNN)

Geneva has become an incubation hub for citizen initiatives


An article from Swiss Info

Innovative individual initiatives are sprouting up in Geneva to tackle the new challenges the city – and the world – are facing. SWI looks at three of these and the people behind them.  

B8 of Hope Presentation 2017 
from B8 of Hope  on Vimeo.

Rocio Restrepo fled Colombia and arrived in Switzerland in 1999 with two university degrees and years of professional experience in her pocket. She was told her  qualifications were not  valid  and was unable to integrate into the labour market in Geneva. 

Rather than blame society, she decided to raise awareness among government agencies and companies on immigrant women who have a vast professional expertise and how they can be integrated professionally.

“I decided to go out to meet women with similar experiences (80 women in the beginning) to learn from them and then created the association Découvrir  (meaning discovery) to fight the waste of professional expertise,” Restrepo said in an interview.

The first years of the association were difficult. Découvrir did not receive any recognition from the authorities and Restrepo had to prove its relevance. The number of its members did not exceed forty in the first year.

Efforts have paid off. Today the association provides support to more than 700 women per year in several Swiss cantons.  Restrepo  says that some companies are reconsidering the conditions they set for employment, such as having the right to permanent residency (C residence permit) or Swiss nationality, which are difficult to obtain for immigrants.

The world of tomorrow, according to Restrepo, “must give all the opportunity to invest their expertise and experiences in a fair way, free from any discrimination on the grounds of gender, language, or geographical affiliation.” 

Restrepo is just one people highlighted in the latest book by Swiss writer and blogger Zahi Haddad called  ”126 Hearts Beating for International Geneva”. 

In an interview,  Haddad praised the vitality and effectiveness of civil institutions  like  Découvrir  because of their flexibility and ability to intervene quickly and leave a direct impact  on different fields.  

These initiatives not only aim to change the situations on the ground, but also seek to change mindsets and give humanity a new vision that enables it to live in harmony in the world, he said. “The importance of these approaches is increasing, especially during this exceptional moment that we are going through due to the current health crisis as a result of the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic.”

“This world that we dream of will not be achieved by changing a law here or there, but, rather  through  a fundamental change in our  perception  of things,” he added.

The  initiatives mentioned in the book  are  aimed at promoting more equitable and humane societies.

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Question for this article

Is there a renewed movement of solidarity by the new generation?

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A ‘House  of hope’ for peace 

Married couple Mehra and David Rimer founded the B8 of Hope association after a trip to Israel and Palestine in 2015. During their trip to the conflict zone, this Jewish/Muslim couple met with activists engaged in a dialogue of peace.

“We quickly discovered the presence of dozens of groups in Israel and Palestine that are struggling to spread a culture of peace, and today we support 16 NGOs on both sides,” Mehra recalled.

Some of these organisations either represent families of victims who lost their children in the conflict,or Palestinian fighters and Israeli soldiers who have laid down their arms and adopted the slogan of “joint resistance to live in peace.” 

B8 of Hope aims to “mobilise support for peace advocates from the Israelis and Palestinians who have the courage to express their convictions”, Mehra said.

“These preachers of peace believe that what has happened has happened, and if we cannot change the past, then we must live in the present with a common optimistic outlook towards the future,” she added.

From a refugee to an investor in the environment

The third project highlighted is that of  Nhat  Vuong, who came to Geneva as a refugee with his family in 1980 while he was still a baby. His family fled the war between South and North Vietnam.  Vuong  grew up in Geneva. He graduated as engineer from  the  Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Lausanne. 

Speaking to SWI,  Vuong recalled an important moment in his life that changed his view of reality in a radical way: “After obtaining the Swiss passport in 1995, I went with my family to visit our country of origin, and for the first time I found myself faced with the tragedies of poverty, deprivation and violation of children’s rights to education and decent living. This made me realise  that we, in Switzerland, live in a bubble, and we forget during our daily life the hardships faced by other peoples.”

“This hurt me and prompted me to think about doing something to help others.” 

By chance, he came across an advertisement related to a new technology invented by a Spanish engineer that purified humid air and transformed it into drinking water.

Vuong said: “I immediately thought about helping refugees, especially as this coincided with the escalation of the conflict in Syria, and the displacement of many  Syrians to Lebanon. I was sure this machine should not remain parked in  a  garage.”

In anticipation of future water shortages worldwide, Vuong i nitiated the establishment of “Water Inception” in the form of a non-governmental organisation, and began collecting donations through participatory financing mechanisms, which enabled him to raise about CHF30,000 ($34,000). He bought the first device and installed it in a Syrian refugee camp in Tripoli, northern Lebanon. Some 500 litres of drinking water will soon be produced every day from  fresh  air. The whole process took him two years. 

Vuong is also the founder of a startup  launched in 2019 to finance his charitable projects. With a Vietnamese partner he manufactures environmentally-friendly products in Vietnam and exports them to the rest of the world.

His first product was drinking straws made from potatoes and magnesium, which could be consumed or recycled after use. Vuong also launched reusable anti-bacterial sanitary masks approved in Switzerland and now on sale in post offices. 

He believes new European Union regulations from January next year, that will prohibit the sale of all materials made of plastic and are designed for single use, will increase demand for his products.

Argentina: Conflicts: Positive Balance of Community Mediations


An article from Jujuy al dia (translation by CPNN)

The Provincial Director of Mediation and RAC, Gilda Romero of the Ministry of Justice, took stock of the tasks carried out during 2020, stating that in the face of the health situation, due to COVID-19, community activities were developed, through digital tools, in order to achieve the peaceful resolution of conflicts and controversies that arose during the past year.

Romero highlighted that the pandemic complicated the coexistence between neighbors and relatives and sometimes led to conflicts or disputes; “Faced with this situation, the Directorate intervened by opening spaces for dialogue between those affected, in order to reach peaceful resolutions,” she said.

She mentioned that the most recurrent conflicts were caused by actions such as annoying noises, parties or celebrations, excessive volume of music, misunderstandings, incorrect waste management, abuse of the use of common spaces, such as the occupation of another’s parking spaces, being among the most common.

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(click here for a version in Spanish).

Question for this article:

Mediation as a tool for nonviolence and culture of peace

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In addition, she recalled that they also carried out the “Virtual Conversation on Community Mediation” for the mediation centers of Libertador Gral. San Martín, La Mendieta, Perico, Monterrico, Humahuaca, El Carmen and Dr. Manuel Belgrano, providing virtual monitoring and advice in various cases that arose during the pandemic.

“Mediation as a body promotes good relations and cooperation between public and private institutions. They worked together with the Directorate for Children and Adolescents of the Municipality of San Salvador de Jujuy, through training “Protocol of Access to Justice for children, girls and adolescent victims of crime.” Also with the Provincial Council for Women and Gender Equality through the training “Law on Gender Violence and Gender Diversity.” Both trainings were aimed at community mediators.

Another task was the “Workshop Community Operators” which included four virtual meetings for students who are about to complete their studies at the Instituto Superior Populorum Progressio “In.Te.La.” of Libertador Gral. San Martin.

“As a member of the Federal Network of Mediation Centers of the country, I participated in the videoconference “20 years working for the culture of peace.” This was sponsored by the Undersecretary of Access to Justice, National Directorate of Mediation and Participatory Methods of Conflict Resolution Also later, the “Meeting of Mediators 2020″ held in the province of Córdoba,” she said.

In addition, the official mentioned that she participated in the virtual campaign with the slogan “Mediation as a lifestyle” and “Mediation in times of Pandemic”. This promoted through social networks, the importance of the essential values ​​of relationships social: dialogue, tolerance, respect, empathy and solidarity, as primary tools for peaceful and harmonious coexistence between neighbors and families.

“Community Mediation is the fundamental tool that works in the construction of a culture of peace, generating spaces for dialogue, peaceful agreements, consensus, reflections and experiences. It is the conflict management process that, through dialogue and consensus, manages to settle controversies from the simplest to the most complex, avoiding that the conflict goes into the judicial system”, concluded the Provincial Director of Mediation, Gilda Romero.

Israel to ban human rights groups from school visits


An article from the Middle East Monitor

Israel’s education minister is banning groups that call the country an “apartheid state” from making schools visits to present information to students, CBS News has reported. Yoav Galant tweeted yesterday that he had instructed the ministry’s director general to “prevent the entry of organisations calling Israel ‘an apartheid state’ or demeaning Israeli soldiers from lecturing at schools.”

The move follows publication of a report last week  by the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem. The organisation branded Israel an “apartheid” state that “promotes and perpetuates Jewish supremacy between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River.”

Echoing the UN’s 2017  report which concluded that Israel was practising apartheid, B’Tselem dismissed the popular misconception that it is a democracy within the Green (1949 Armistice) Line. It argued that after more than half a century of occupation, the state should be treated as a single entity guided by the core racist organising principle of “advancing and perpetuating the supremacy of one group – Jews – over another – Palestinians.”

(Article continued in the column on the right)

Question related to this article:
Free flow of information, How is it important for a culture of peace?

Presenting the Palestinian side of the Middle East, Is it important for a culture of peace?

Israel/Palestine, is the situation like South Africa?

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B’Tselem said that it will not be deterred by the minister’s announcement. Director-General Hagai El-Ad spoke at a school in Haifa earlier today.

“For many years we’ve exposed our students to a broad variety of opinions from across Israel’s political spectrum,” said the Hebrew Reali School. “We respect the students’ right to express their opinion and are proud of their involvement in issues at the heart of Israeli society. We hold respectful dialogues and intend to continue this tradition.”

Established in 1989 during the first intifada, B’Tselem  documents human rights abuses in the occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza Strip. “B’Tselem is determined to keep with its mission of documenting reality, analysing it, and making our findings known to the Israeli public and worldwide,” it insisted.