Despite the fact that the climate accord negotiated by the Member States of the UN in Paris does not promise to solve the problem of global warming, the growing progress in renewable energy may ultimately solve much of the problem.
Below are articles since 2015 in CPNN on this question:
The heat is on: We must rise to the challenge of rising temperatures, urges UN chief
Earth Day founder Denis Hayes says young climate activists carry the spirit of his generation
Greta Thunberg, 40+ Other Climate Activists Block Entrance to Swedish Parliament
Greenpeace: Here are the REAL culprits of the agricultural crisis in France
‘End Fossil Fuels’ Protests Kick Off Worldwide Ahead of UN Climate Ambition Summit
France: “You are, we are, Earth Uprisings”
UN General Assembly declares access to clean and healthy environment a universal human right
Berta Cáceres has been declared a national heroine by the National Congress of Honduras
Amid rain and wind, Catholics join 100,000 demonstrators at COP26 climate march
COP26: Thousands of young people take over Glasgow streets demanding climate action
Our future, our decisions: young activists call for seat at climate table
Netherlands: Court orders Shell to cut carbon emissions 45% by 2030
France: March for the Climate: Thousands Demonstrate in Paris
13 Years Is Too Long for Victims of Shell’s Oil Spills in Nigeria to Wait for Justice
France: The Affair of the Century and the March of the Century: Historic Victory for the Climate!
Broken societies put people and planet on collision course, says UNDP
Montreal: Demonstration for “climate justice”
Work: Democratize, Decommodify, Remediate
Could COVID-19 give rise to a greener global future?
Greta Thunberg Addresses Global Elite at Davos: Our House Is Still on Fire
International Peace Bureau: the ‘carbon boot-print’
At Major March in Madrid, Indigenous & Youth Activists Slam Global Leaders for Climate Inaction
The U.S. is trying to get out of paying climate damages to poor countries
Nepal urges concrete plans to tackle climate emergency
December Climate Strikes: Getting Started
A Worldwide Revolution Is Underway
International Day of Peace: PAYNCoP Gabon helps protect the environment
Global climate strike: When, where and how you can join and take action
Youth for climate: 130 scientists support the youth climate strike
Students are striking around the world to protest against the lack of action to stop global warming
Greta Thunberg: My Message to Davos Elites: Act As If Our House Is on Fire. Because It Is.
Inter-Parliamentary Union: 139 parliaments demand immediate action on climate change
France: Marches for the climate, we repeat !
Peoples Climate Movement Launches Rise for Climate, Jobs, and Justice September 8th
Greentrees Sequesters Another 1 Million+ Tons of Carbon via Reforestation; Wins Award
What’s the G7’s ‘Charlevoix Blueprint’ all about?
Earth Day 2018 Events Popping Up Worldwide
Snapshots of March for Science Signs Across the Globe
Washington activists launch ‘Climate Countdown’ to push lawmakers for urgent action
Greenpeace: Great news for the Arctic AND the Antarctic!
World’s Largest Tropical Reforestation to Plant 73 Million Trees in Brazilian Amazon
The Climate Movement Charges On, Even without the USA
Peoples Climate March Draws ‘One Hell of A Lot of People’ [in USA]
Laureates and scientists call on Nobel Prize Foundation to divest fossil fuels
Countries Adopt Kigali Amendment to Phase Down HFCs
Tens of Thousands Take Part in Global Actions Targeting World’s Most Dangerous Fossil Fuel Projects
James Hansen, father of climate change awareness, calls Paris talks ‘a fraud’
Kumi Naidoo: let the youth be our climate leaders!
Naomi Klein: We are going backwards, COP21 is the opposite of progress
COP21 vue par Naomi Klein : « Le changement climatique génère des conflits »
For articles prior to 2015 on this question, click here.