An article from La Prensa Grafica (translated by CPNN)
The Culture of Peace forum, held by the Ministry of Education (MINED), brought together teachers and representatives from various organizations.

Photo: Cortesía.
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For MINED, Carlos Canjura, considers that it is the task of teachers to evaluate “how we are building citizens”. Likewise, he affirmed that “citizenship and productive capacities are indispensable for the construction of a culture of peace”.
Carlos Rodríguez, of the National Center for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (CENICSH) of the Central American University José Simeón Cañas (UCA), said that the forum has proposed six working groups such as society and violence, curriculum, teacher training, and school environments, among others.
The working groups of this forum will work in 2017 and are related to moral, urban and civic matters.
“For us it is fundamental to put good practices on the agenda for building a culture of peace,” he said.
(Click here for the original version of this article in Spanish)