All posts by CPNN Coordinator

About CPNN Coordinator

Dr David Adams is the coordinator of the Culture of Peace News Network. He retired in 2001 from UNESCO where he was the Director of the Unit for the International Year for the Culture of Peace, proclaimed for the Year 2000 by the United Nations General Assembly.

English bulletin January 1, 2022


For almost a decade now, CPNN has been following the Biennale of Luanda as it strives to make Africa the first continent to adopt everywhere a culture of peace.

The process began in 2013 with the Pan-African Forum “Sources and Resources for a Culture of Peace ” held in Luanda, Angola. It was extended in by the 2nd international conference on the culture of peace in Africa , December 2016 in Luanda.

The process was formalized to occur every two years as the Biennale of Luanda, and the first Biennale was held in September 2019.

Last month, the process culminated in the Second Biennale of Luanda held from November 27 to December 2 as a hybrid programme of in-person and on-line events.

The representative of UNESCO who led this process from the beginning, Enzo Fazzino, was honored in a videoconference, as he retired after this year’s event. The account on the UNESCO website is entitled, Une étoile s’ajoute parmi les grands sages de l’UNESCO (A star is added to list of the great wise men of UNESCO).

This year’s Biennale gathered high-level participants from governments, international institutions, the private sector, the artistic and scientific communities, and many more. It was organized as an intergenerational dialogue involving young people from all the countries of the African Union, as well the diaspora.

In the end, 118 young people were selected from 49 African countries and 14 countries of the Diaspora to take part in the Biennale, of whom 10 came in person to Luanda and the others participated virtually. The youth made a number of commitments, including to “Strengthen the capacity of Pan-African youth to promote the culture of peace, identify and support youth initiatives and best practices that work towards the sustainable implementation, individually and collectively, of the concepts of the culture of peace.”

The event included a rich selection of films and shows for culture of peace in Africa. Links to videos of 20 are provided on CPNN, coming from Cape Verde, Congo, Ghana, Morocco, Namibia, Rwanda, Senegal and Zimbabwe, as well as the Diaspora in Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Germany, Haiti, Portugal and Sweden.

The Biennale was opened by the President of Angola, João Lourenço, He recognized the involvement of the African Diaspora, “Many of Africa’s children have been leaving the continent in inhumane conditions and at the risk of their own lives in fleeing conflict zones or looking for a job and better living conditions. Regardless of their age, academic or professional background, they are all important and needed for the development of our continent. We always have the expectation that one day they will voluntarily return with the desire to contribute towards leveraging progress and development in all sectors of African national life.

Speaking as the President of the African Union, Félix Tshisekedi, assured their continued support and paid tribute to the role of youth, ““Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, in the words of the illustrious Agostinho Neto Kilamba, President and Poet, champion of the liberation of man and human brotherhood, ‘poet of sacred hopes’, we should ‘look at Africa with the eyes of the future’,”

And in her speech, UNESCO Directrice-General Audrey Azoulay said “UNESCO will continue to give its full support to this pan-African initiative, so that it is sustainable, in cooperation with the African Union and the Government of Angola. The culture of peace and non-violence is a long relay race ; it takes s a united team, generation after generation, to be victorious.”

The Biennale will be re-convened in two years, again organized by the African Union, Angola and UNESCO. In the meantime, it is up to the youth to keep the flame going.



Highlights of the Biennale of Luanda 2021 : Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace



Youth at the Luanda Biennale – Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace



Phyllis Kotite has passed away



Mercociudades: A Latin American Network to Fight for More Inclusive, Egalitarian, Diverse and Supportive Cities



Indian farmers call off lengthy protest after govt assurances



Bangladesh: Dhaka Peace Declaration Adopted



The Elders: Israel’s designation of Palestinian NGOs as “terrorist” undermines core democratic principles



Mexico: Toys and Games as Instruments of the Culture of Peace

The Elders mourn the loss of Archbishop Desmond Tutu


A press release from The Elders

The Elders are deeply saddened at the passing of their dear friend and colleague Archbishop Desmond Tutu. His death follows a long and brave battle against ill health, which never dimmed his determination to fight against injustice in all its forms.

Video by the Elders

“Arch”, as he liked to be called, was the first Chair of The Elders from 2007-2013. He played a vital role in shaping the organisation, its values and its work. Like The Elders’ founder, Nelson Mandela, Arch was an implacable and tenacious opponent of apartheid. His years of struggle in South Africa made him a fierce defender of equality and human rights worldwide.

Questions related to this article:

Where in the world can we find good leadership today?

How can we carry forward the work of the great peace and justice activists who went before us?

A devout and compassionate Christian, his faith in, and espousal of, the fundamental goodness of people helped his country cope with the often difficult transition to a multi-racial democracy.

Mary Robinson, Chair of The Elders, said:  
“We are all devastated at the loss of Archbishop Desmond Tutu. The Elders would not be who they are today without his passion, commitment and keen moral compass. He inspired me to be a ‘prisoner of hope’, in his inimitable phrase. Arch was respected around the world for his dedication to justice, equality and freedom. Today we mourn his death but affirm our determination to keep his beliefs alive.”  
All of the Elders, their Advisory Council and staff members send their heartfelt condolences to Arch’s family: his wife Leah, their children and grandchildren. They have lost a devoted husband, father and grandfather.

The Elders have lost a dear friend, whose infectious laugh and mischievous sense of humour delighted and charmed them all. The world has lost an inspiration – but one whose achievements will never be forgotten, and whose commitment to peace, love and the fundamental equality of all human beings will endure to inspire future generations.

Peace Dividend Signatories: Over 50 Nobel laureates and presidents of learned societies


Text and illustration from the website of Peace Dividend

World military spending has doubled since 2000. It is approaching 2 trillion US dollars per year, and is increasing in all regions of the world.

Individual governments are under pressure to increase military spending because others do so. The feedback mechanism sustains a spiralling arms race – a colossal waste of resources that could be used far more wisely. Past arms races have often had the same outcome: deadly and destructive conflicts.

We have a simple proposal for humankind: the governments of all UN member-states should negotiate a joint reduction of their military expenditure by 2% every year for five years.

BROTHERHOOD II, courtesy of

The rationale for the proposal is simple:

Adversary nations reduce military spending, so the security of each country is increased, while deterrence and balance are preserved.

The agreement contributes to reducing animosity, thereby decreasing the risk of war.

Vast resources – a ‘peace dividend’ of as much as 1 trillion USD by 2030 

We propose that half of the resources freed up by this agreement are allocated to a global fund, under UN supervision, to address humanity’s grave common problems: pandemics, climate change, and extreme poverty.

The other half remains at the disposal of individual governments. All countries will therefore have significant new resources. Some of these can be used to redirect the strong research capacities of military industries towards urgently needed peaceful applications.

History shows that agreements to limit the proliferation of weapons are achievable: thanks to the SALT and START treaties, the United States and the Soviet Union have reduced their nuclear arsenals by 90% since the nineteen eighties. Such negotiations can succeed because they are rational: each actor benefits from its adversaries’ armaments reduction, and so does humanity as a whole.

Humankind faces risks that can only be averted through cooperation.

Let us cooperate, instead of fighting among ourselves.

Question for this article:

How can we ensure that science contributes to peace and sustainable development?

The signatories: over 50 Nobel laureates and presidents of learned societies:

Hiroshi Amano (Nobel Physics)
Peter Agre (Nobel Chemistry)
David Baltimore (Nobel Physiology or Medicine)
Barry C. Barish (Nobel Physics)
Martin L. Chalfie (Nobel Chemistry)
Steven Chu (Nobel Physics)
Robert F. Curl Jr. (Nobel Chemistry)
Johann Deisenhofer (Nobel Chemistry)
Jacques Dubochet (Nobel Chemistry)
Gerhard Ertl (Nobel Chemistry)
Joachim Frank (Nobel Chemistry)
Sir Andre K. Geim (Nobel Physics)
Sheldon L. Glashow (Nobel Physics)
Carol Greider (Nobel Physiology or Medicine)
Harald zur Hausen (Nobel Physiology or Medicine)
Dudley R. Herschbach (Nobel Chemistry)
Avram Hershko (Nobel Chemistry)
Roald Hoffmann (Nobel Chemistry)
Robert Huber (Nobel Chemistry)
Louis J. Ignarro (Nobel Physiology or Medicine)
Brian Josephson (Nobel Physics)
Takaaki Kajita (Nobel Physics)
Tawakkol Karman (Nobel Peace)
Brian K. Kobilka (Nobel Chemistry)
Roger D. Kornberg (Nobel Chemistry)
Yuan T. Lee (Nobel Chemistry)
Jean-Marie Lehn (Nobel Chemistry)
John C. Mather (Nobel Physics)
Eric S. Maskin (Nobel Economics)
May-Britt Moser (Nobel Physiology or Medicine)
Edvard I. Moser (Nobel Physiology or Medicine)Erwin Neher (Nobel Physiology or Medicine)
Sir Paul Nurse (Nobel Physiology or Medicine and Past President, Royal Society)
Giorgio Parisi (Nobel Physics)
Jim Peebles (Nobel Physics)
Sir Roger Penrose (Nobel Physics)
Edmund S. Phelps (Nobel Economics)
John C. Polanyi (Nobel Chemistry)
H. David Politzer (Nobel Physics)
Sir Venki Ramakrishnan (Nobel Chemistry and Past President, Royal Society)
Sir Peter Ratcliffe (Nobel Physiology or Medicine)
Sir Richard J. Roberts (Nobel Physiology or Medicine)
Michael Rosbash (Nobel Physiology or Medicine)
Carlo Rubbia (Nobel Physics)
Randy W. Schekman (Nobel Physiology or Medicine)
Gregg Semenza (Nobel Physiology or Medicine)
Robert J. Shiller (Nobel Economics)
Stephen Smale (Fields Medal)
Sir Fraser Stoddart (Nobel Chemistry)
Horst L. Störmer (Nobel Physics)
Thomas C. Südhof (Nobel Physiology or Medicine)
Jack W. Szostak (Nobel Physiology or Medicine)
Olga Tokarczuk (Nobel Literature)
Srinivasa S. R. Varadhan (Abel Prize)
Sir John E. Walker (Nobel Chemistry)
Torsten Wiesel (Nobel Medicine)
Mohamed H. A. Hassan (President, World Academy of Sciences)
Annibale Mottana (President, Italian National Academy of the Sciences)
Roberto Antonelli (President, Italian Lincean Academy)
Patrick Flandrin (President, French Academy of Sciences)
Anton Zeilinger (President, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
Carlo Rovelli and Matteo Smerlak (Organizers)

Spain: More than 140 people participate in the first Congress ‘Aragon, culture of peace’


An article in El Periodico de Aragon (translation by CPNN)

More than 140 people are participating in the first Congress ‘Aragon, culture of peace’ to address the phenomenon of migration. The event, which began this Wednesday, is scheduled by the General Directorate for Development Cooperation and Immigration, in the Department of Citizenship and Social Rights of the Government of Aragon.

This initiative takes place on the occasion of the International Day of Migrants, which is commemorated on December 18. During two days, this Wednesday and Thursday, numerous experts will reflect on the phenomenon of migration and its enriching value for society.

In total, 144 people have enrolled from very different fields of knowledge, from nurses to social workers, doctoral students, civil servants and Administration personnel, and 85.7 percent have requested the issuance of an assistance diploma .

At the same time, this Congress will serve as a prelude to the Plenary of the Immigration Forum, a body that brings together the different actors working on immigration in Aragon, which meets again – the last time was in June – to update its work.

In 2019, there were 75,012 men and 73,212 women of foreign origin in Aragon. The Minister of Citizenship and Social Rights, María Victoria Broto, in charge of opening the congress, has pointed out that “Aragon is a host country, it is a territory of solidarity and it is necessary to address, at this time and in the current circumstances, what is the situation in the world, what needs are there and how they can be addressed from the point of view of the Administrations, institutions and entities “.

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(Click here for the original Spanish version of this article)

Question for this article

The refugee crisis, Who is responsible?

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“We are very happy to host this Congress in which we will listen to voices that will analyze the reality of migration also from the point of view of those who arrive and need to be understood and helped. After what they have experienced this year in which the covid has paralyzed everything, it is mandatory to stop and think and not forget that the needs are still out there and that, far from disappearing, they have increased, “he said.

For her part, the Director General for Development Cooperation and Immigration, Natalia Salvo, highlighted that, through this Congress, the intention is to continue with the commitment to research “as a source of rigor and seriousness” in order to implement public policies on migration.

“We have created a space for dialogue about migration, the management of cultural diversity and other phenomena such as international protection, all of this framed on an especially important date for us, the International Day of Migrants.”

The first presentation of the day this Thursday, which begins at 10:00 am, is led by Alberto Sabio, Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Zaragoza and will address ‘Ideas about peace in contemporary times: a reflection from History’ .

Afterwards, there will be the presentation ‘Democracy and polarization: on how democratic systems can promote the culture of understanding and stop polarization’, by Luis Miller, the sociologist and head scientist of the Institute of Policies and Public Goods of the CSIC. At 12.30 pm, after the break, the president of the Spanish Association for Peace Research (AIPAZ), Ana Barreiro, takes up again with ‘Informative and discursive approach to migration’.


In the afternoon, it will be the turn for the presentation ‘Educating for social justice: social representations and construction of shared responsibilities’, by the coordinator of the research area of ​​the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice, Liliana Jacott. Afterwards, the political scientist and member of ECODES, Cristina Monge, will speak about ‘Globalization and eco-social challenges for development and peace’.

On Thursday 17, the executive director of UNRWA Spain, Raquel Martí, will start with ‘A peaceful solution for Palestine’, which will be followed by the director of Migration Policies and Diversity in Instrategies and associate researcher at GRITIM-UPF, Gemma Pinyol-Jiménez , with ‘Migration, coexistence and culture of peace’.

The last presentation will be given by Carmen Magallón, the director of the Peace Research Seminary Foundation (SIP) and Honorary President of WILPF Spain, who will address the topic ‘Women, peace and security. 20th Anniversary of Security Council Resolution 1325, a milestone that defends the incorporation of women in peace processes’.

European Union launches new programme to support peace, stability and conflict prevention


An article from the European Union

The EU is stepping up its capacity to advance peace and security in conflict-affected areas.

With a budget of almost €900 million, the Global Europe thematic programme on Peace, Stability and Conflict Prevention will support actions with a global or trans-regional impact during the period of 2021-2027, by providing assistance to build capacities for conflict prevention, peacebuilding and crisis preparedness and addressing global, trans-regional and emerging threats. Through this programme, the EU will contribute to the achievement of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell said: “The EU needs to be able to address instability and conflict globally. With this programme, we step up our capacity to act and support our partners in conflict prevention, peacebuilding and crisis preparedness globally, and to address emerging threats. It will ensure that we match our ambitions with tangible support.”

Building on the work done under the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace, it will be complemented by other tools, such as the European Peace Facility and Common Security and Defence Policy missions and operations.

The support under this programme will focus on two main priorities:

Peace, Stability and Conflict Prevention

As main innovations, the programme will advance the EU’s assistance for promoting a culture of peace and non-violence, better integrate the environmental degradation/climate impact on conflicts and enhance the focus on children, youth and women as actors for peace. It pays particular attention to contributing to the resolution of ongoing conflicts, and to conflict prevention, and will continue the support to mediation processes. In this context, through the early warning approach the EU will be able to respond to the risks of conflict before they materialise and take early action.

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Question for this article:

Can peace be guaranteed through nonviolent means?

(continued from left column)

Global, trans-regional and emerging threats

At the same time, the programme will address global threats and challenges. Terrorism continues to pose one of the most serious threats to global peace and security. There is an increasing need to address the root causes of terrorism and violent extremism as well as terrorism financing. This programme will strengthen the EU’s role as a global leader and standard setter, reinforcing actions on counter-terrorism and preventing violent extremism, in full respect of human rights.

Annual Action Programme for 2021

In 2021, the actions funded under this programme will focus on innovative approaches to address disinformation on peace building processes and conflict sensitive, community-based technological solutions to climate change, as well as to addressing the root causes of terrorism, violent extremism and terrorism financing. In parallel, it will continue to ensure crucial support civil society organisations and multilateralism as well as to enhance early warning and conflict analysis tools.

For more information

MEMO: Global Europe Peace, Stability and Conflict Prevention – thematic programme 2021-2027

Global Europe: Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument-Global Europe

Global Europe – thematic programme on Peace, Stability and Conflict Prevention

Service for Foreign Policy Instruments – Conflict prevention, peace and stability

EEAS Security, Defence & Crisis Response

Open Letter from Mayors for Peace to States Parties of NPT (Nuclear Proliferation Treaty)


An open letter from Mayors for Peace

On behalf of Mayors for Peace, a global non-governmental organization with 8,059 member cities, we are writing to express our views prior to the NPT Review Conference that will open next January in New York.

We urge all participants to recall the solemn historical circumstances facing this conference. The use of nuclear weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki had catastrophic humanitarian consequences. World leaders recognized then that a new global institution was needed to replace the League of Nations, which failed to prevent World War II. They created the UN to maintain international peace and security and the General Assembly’s first resolution set the goal of nuclear disarmament, which became a legal obligation of NPT Parties in 1970.

We wish to convey our deep concern over recent developments that seriously jeopardize prospects for achieving the great disarmament goals of this treaty, especially those found in Article VI:

• With new nuclear arms races underway, and tensions between nuclear-armed States rising to levels not seen for decades, the danger of nuclear war, by accident, miscalculation or design, is real and growing. These tensions are at their highest since the Cold War.

• We are dismayed that over the 51 years since the treaty entered into force, the nuclear-weapon States have not even begun to outline how they will jointly negotiate to eliminate their nuclear weapons, despite the treaty’s requirement for such negotiations in good faith.

• In the face of a tragic pandemic and the global economic disruption it has caused, we are deeply disappointed that vast military expenditures are continuing to grow, while basic human needs and the special needs of cities remain unaddressed.

Given these concerns, we must go back to the very basics, and reaffirm our collective duty to pursue the human ideal of a peaceful world without nuclear weapons. Now is the time to do so and here what is most needed:

• We strongly encourage States Parties to address directly the real face of nuclear weapons— their catastrophic humanitarian impact—and to make this defining aspect of these weapons a subject for discussion at the Review Conference and an urgent priority to promote through public education.

• We call on the States Parties to reaffirm all disarmament commitments made in the NPT (Article VI and preamble) and the consensus final outcome documents of the 1995 review and extension conference and the 2000 and 2010 Review Conferences. We further urge the States Parties to undertake a collective pledge to take concrete measures to implement these commitments within a designated time frame.

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(Click here for a French version of this article.)

Question related to this article:
Can we abolish all nuclear weapons?

(Continued from left column)

• We urge the States Parties to examine the implications of the dangerous and immoral doctrine of nuclear deterrence for the future of the treaty, especially Articles I and VI. We also believe that technological innovation has made nuclear weapons and deterrence an even greater threat to humanity and that it is long overdue for an NPT Review Conference to undertake a comprehensive discussion of such weapons and their associated doctrine.

• We believe that nuclear risk reduction measures are legitimate only when they are tied to concrete progress in disarmament. We call on the nuclear-weapon States to implement initiatives to make substantial and concrete progress aimed at reducing the risk of nuclear weapons use, as referred to in the “P5 Conference Paris, 2-3 December, 2021 Final Joint communiqué.”

• We urge the States Parties to recognize that the prohibition norm of the TPNW is indispensable in fully implementing Article VI and that the two treaties are fully compatible and mutually reinforcing.

Mayors for Peace hopes and expects that the States Parties will be able to achieve a consensus on the Final Document at this particular Review Conference. We remain a firm supporter of the NPT and extend our best wishes for a successful Review Conference in overcoming old obstacles and inspiring a brighter future for all.

December 13, 2021, Mayors for Peace

President Mayor of Hiroshima, Japan

Vice president Mayor of Nagasaki, Japan
Vice president Mayor of Hannover, Germany
Vice president Mayor of Volgograd, Russia
Vice president Mayor of Malakoff, France
Vice president Mayor of Muntinlupa, Philippines
Vice president Lord Mayor of Manchester, U.K.
Vice president Mayor of Ypres, Belgium
Vice president Mayor of Biograd na Moru, Croatia
Vice president Mayor of Granollers, Spain
Vice president Mayor of Halabja, Iraq
Vice president Mayor of Mexico City, Mexico
Vice president Mayor of Des Moines, U.S.

Executive Governor of Bangkok, Thailand
Executive Mayor of Fremantle, Australia
Executive Mayor of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Executive Mayor of Semey, Kazakhstan
Executive Mayor of Cochin, India
Executive Mayor of Montreal, Canada
Executive Mayor of Wellington, New Zealand
Executive Mayor of Santos, Brazil
Executive Mayor of Cartago, Costa Rica
Executive Mayor of Tehran, Iran
Executive Mayor of Grigny, France
Executive Mayor of Cervia, Italy

Mayors for Peace Secretariat C/O Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation,
1-5 Nakajima-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima 730-0811 Japan
Phone: +81-82-242-7821
Fax: +81-82-242-7452

Youth at the Luanda Biennale – Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace


Excerpts from the Action Programme 2021-2023 : Young People Committed to the Pan-African Movement for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence

As described previously in CPNN, the 2021 Biennale of Luanda was organized in a new and unique format with an Intergenerational Dialogue by which youth from Africa and the Diaspora debate with Ministers of Youth and Culture on the importance of cultural and heritage diversity of Africa and its Diasporas to promote the culture of peace in the continent. 

We now have a more detailed description of how that was accomplished and its potential for the future of the culture of peace in Africa.

The preparations were initiated with the creation, on 7 June 2021, of an ad hoc Youth Committee.

The said committee had the mission to contribute, in general, to the preparations of the second edition of the Luanda Biennial, and in particular, by participating in the organisation of the Intergenerational Dialogue and precisely (i) by having organised and implemented the selection of the 118 young people and their online participation not only in the Dialogue, but also to the different thematic and good practice forums on the agenda of the Biennial, to the partnership sessions and (ii) by contributing, with the support of their respective organisations and networks in their countries, to the mobilisation and online participation of other young people as well.

The ad hoc youth committee was composed of 14 young people from 12 African countries and was supported by another 04 young people who, based on their proven experience and membership of well-established youth organisations and networks, have contributed and are contributing to the mobilisation and engagement of their peers before, during and after the second edition of the Biennale.

The 118 young people who were selected are nationals of 49 African countries and 14 countries of the Diaspora. Of these selected young people, 10 have been selected to participate in the Biennale’s activities in person and, as such, to be the spokespersons for all the others. . . .

The work of the young people, following the Intergenerational Dialogue, the Thematic Forums and the partnership sessions, led to the adoption of positioning statements that will provide the framework for designing, implementing and contributing to joint projects. . . .

1. We commit to support and encourage the promotion and preservation of African arts and cultural heritage in participating countries, through the use of social media and all other possible avenues.

2. Inspired by the legacy of Kofi Annan that “Without progress there is no peace and without peace there is no progress”, we commit to using education and youth empowerment as vehicles to promote a culture of peace and non-violence and to ensure the sustainable development of Africa in order to build a bridge in conflict prevention through transformative socio-economic practices.

3. We commit to advocate, in our countries, for the inclusion of vulnerable young people living with disabilities and marginalized, the harmonization of the lifestyle of new generations with the principles of endogenous values of living together, the promotion and vulgarization of all relevant international normative instruments relating to women’s rights.

(continued in right column)

(Click here for a French version of this article)

Question related to this article:
Youth initiatives for a culture of peace, How can we ensure they get the attention and funding they deserve?

The Luanda Biennale: What is its contribution to a culture of peace in Africa?

(continued from left column)

4. We commit to contribute to the strengthening of governance, protection and sustainable management of the oceans in developing and underdeveloped countries, as well as in small islands, in order to ensure an equitable distribution and sharing of ocean resources, based on popular awareness and education programmes, state-of-the-art scientific research policies. . . .

. . . To contribute to the overall objective of the Luanda Biennale to strengthen the Pan-African Movement for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence . . .

I. (We) commit and call on youth-led and youth-focused organisations, networks and initiatives to work together to:

– Form youth-led, multi-level pan-African movements for a culture of peace, from the local to the international level, by encouraging networking, complementary and joint collaboration and knowledge sharing between organisations.

– Promote the creation and expansion of existing environments and spaces where Pan-African youth can live and embrace their diverse cultural heritages, thereby contributing to building and strengthening a transformative Pan-African outlook.

– Facilitate and enhance knowledge sharing, interaction and cooperation between institutions (especially universities/higher education institutions), governments and youth-led organisations based in Africa and elsewhere towards the realisation of regional and global agendas for peace, non-violence and sustainability in the 6 regions of Africa.

II. Engage potential partners and stakeholders to work together to

– Advocate for the accountability, continued commitment and involvement of civil society, governments and the private sector in maintaining and supporting good practice in the 5 main regions of the continent and its diaspora.

– Establish a permanent youth platform that strengthens intercultural and inter-religious dialogue between young people from the six African regions and contributes to the entrenchment of peaceful co-existence and common citizenship.

– Strengthen the capacity of Pan-African youth to promote the culture of peace, identify and support youth initiatives and best practices that work towards the sustainable implementation, individually and collectively, of the concepts of the culture of peace, raise awareness on the importance of promoting a culture of peace and mutual respect in the six African regions.

2) Continue to develop concrete projects and initiatives at local, national and international level to implement the 2021-2023 roadmap.

As part of their contribution to the Roadmap 2021-2023, young people also commit themselves to implementing, through concrete projects and activities, the “African Youth Pledge for the Culture of Peace”, adopted at the end of the Youth Forum, organised at the 1st edition of the Luanda Biennale (2019), under the general theme “Youth and Culture of Peace”.

This commitment, which lists twelve (12) commitments whose implementation (in the short, medium and long term) has been placed under the coordination of the Pan-African Youth Network for the Culture of Peace (PAYNCOP), with the support of UNESCO and the AU.

In addition, the youth would like the following projects to be included in the Roadmap

1) The holding of an “International Conference on the role of youth in culture, as a lever for living together and a factor of economic empowerment of young people”;

2) the creation of a “Pan-African Platform for Intergenerational and Interfaith Cultural Dialogue for the Mutual Knowledge of Peoples and Cultures”.

Culture at the Luanda Biennale – Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace


Excerpts from the Festival of Cultures on the website of UNESCO for the Luanda Biennale

The Biennale brought together a rich selection of films and shows. Here is a listing of those on the themes of the culture of peace in Africa and the diaspora where links are available to the full production.


BRAZIL “The Slave Route – The Soul of Resistance” | UNESCO

In this film, the history of the trade in human beings is told through the voices of slaves, but also of slave masters and slave traders. Each one tells his or her experience: from the deportation of men and women to the plantations to the daily work and the abolition movements. Watch here

CAPE VERDE Documentary “The Tabanca” | Instituto Patrimonio Cultural

The tabanca is a sociocultural organisation, of a mutualistic nature and a ritualised, syncretic manifestation, subordinated to a patron saint, manifested essentially on the islands of Maio and Santiago in Cape Verde. Watch here

GERMANY Watch a series of videos made in the context of a partnership bewwen ethnological museums of Luanda and Berlin

Tampas Proverbiasis – Watch here; Kissanje – Watch here; Estela Funeraria – Watch here; Trono – Watch here.

GHANA Animated Series / Begho, a Market Town in 16the Century West Africa / France in Ghana

A discovery of the Begho market, in West Africa in the 16th centruy, through the eyes of a little girl named Kasi . . .Watch here

HAITI Discovering Haiti (Short Film) | The most beautiful places in Haiti

The perfect collaboration among some influential public figures to make a touristic video that showcases the most beautiful places in Haiti and to encourage tourists to visit and travel to Haiti. “This is Haiti”…They all have a common purpose which is to promote the hidden beauty of Haiti; the side that most medias don’t emphasize on. Watch here

NAMIBIA NBC Documentary | Namibian Heritage Week

The documentary was filmed by the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) for Namibian Heritage Week 2020 and discusses the importance of heritage and culture in relation to tourism, sustainability, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the sector. Watch here

PORTUGAL “Pele escura” / “Dark Skin” / Graça Castanheira

Six black friends from different places on the outskirts of Lisbon – Poreto Brandão and Cacém – decide to travel to Centro Cultural de Belém to watch a show. . . A reflection on the centre and the periphery, blacks and whites, racism and inclusion. Watch here

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Question related to this article:

The Luanda Biennale: What is its contribution to a culture of peace in Africa?

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SENEGAL 7 Senegalese World Heritage Sites seen by Layepro

The seven World Heritage sites in Senegal as seen through the eyes of talented Senegalese filmmaker, Layepro. Watch here

SWEDEN Martha & Niki | Street Dance

In 2010 Martha Nabwire and Niki Tsappos took part in the biggest international Street Dance Competition, Juste Debout in Paris. It was the first time ever two women became World Champions in Hip Hop. This film depicts their love of dance, each other and about friendship put to the test. About desires, yearning and finding the right path in life. Watch here

ZIMBABWE Documentary

Gender based violence experiences of women and girls with disabilities in Zimbabwe. Watch here


ARGENTINA Graciano 4 Quartet / Mandinga

“Tango has its ‘mother’ in the Milonga, music with African roots which arrived in Rio de La Platza along with slaves shipped to the port of Buenos Aires” (Julian Graciano). Watch here

“Sou Assim” / This is who I am – Afro Woman” / Kulily Afrofeminist Women’s Artistic Collective

To commemorate the International Day for Women of African Descent (25 July 2021), the Ministry of Culture of Argentina created Así soy, mujer afro: a video-dance to disseminate and recognize the struggles of Afro women and reflect on the construction of a more inclusive society . . . Watch here


Special Concert: Les Bantous de la Capitale given during International Jazz Day 2021. Watch part 1Watch part 2Watch part 3.


Presentation”Dahomeño” of the Conjunto Folclórico Nacional. Choreography by Manolo Micler. Watch here

Yoruba Andabo – a remarkable Cuban musical group formed in 1961 that enjoys great prestige inside and outside Cuba. A true example of the authentiity and versatility needed to take on folk and popular traditions, always representing the great diversity of the Cuban essence. Watch here


Fez Festival of Sufi Culture. Watch here

PORTUGAL Dissonância – Concert designed by JAS and Ango-Jazz

Show performed on October 5, 2021, as part of the launch of the Biennale of Luanda . . . a repertoire that combines Jazz with Portuguese intervention music and Angolan popular music. Watch here


Shared Stories deals with experiences on the topics of war, genocide, diaspora and home ij relation to the conflicts in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Rwanda in the 1990’s. Watch here

Speeches by the Sponsors of the Luanda Biennale : Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace


Excerpts from speeches listed on the UNESCO website for th Biennale of Luanda 2021

The Biennale of Luanda 2021 was organized jointly by UNESCO, the African Union and the Government of Angola. At the meeting UNESCO was represented by its Director-General Audrey Azoulay. The African Union was represented by its President Félix Tshisekedi. And Angola was represented by its President João G. Lourenço. Here are excerpts from their speeches.

From the speech of the President of Angola João Lourenço, to open the Biennale (translated from the Portuguese by CPNN):

“It is with deep joy that I take the floor in the presence of distinguished Heads of State and High Representatives of the African Union and UNESCO, who grant us the honor of participating in the inauguration of the second edition of the Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace – Luanda Biennial 2021. Allow me to welcome you to Angola, in whose capital, Luanda, we will have in the coming days, the opportunity to reflect on topics that can help us to build the paths of Peace and Harmony between Peoples and Nations. . . .

“It is important to try to understand the real causes of the still prevailing climate of conflict in Africa, after a journey of just over six decades of construction of independence and sovereignty. Let us find formulas to will lead us out of the situation of uncertainty and instability that we face. We must recognize the immediate need for a general effort to stem the recurrent outbreak of conflicts of different nature, which contribute to instability and which impede our continent’s progress and development.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Republic of Angola is an example of a country plagued by an armed conflict that has lasted for decades. However, we have managed to find the paths to lasting peace and project, in conditions of stability and the construction of a democratic society with forgiveness, reconciliation, tolerance, and solidarity with the peoples of our continent, who still face armed conflicts and their consequences. We have defined an internal line of conduct for the culture of peace and tolerance at all levels of Angolan society, so that we can avoid the specter of war. It is in this spirit, resulting from political achievements in favor of national unity, that we want to continue to consolidate peace and national reconciliation and advance towards economic and social progress.

“African youth must be at the center of all strategies aimed at peace. It must be the starting and ending point of all the pedagogy that is carried out in order to calm those spirits most prone to conflict and violence.

“Let us promote initiatives that involve families, schools, political organizations, religious institutions and society in general, in the effort to raise awareness among young Africans for the culture of peace, respect for the Law and the Constitution and respect for democratically elected institutions.

“Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

“This second edition of the Luanda Biennial brings us closer to achieving the a reference platform that brings together governments, civil society, artistic and scientific community, the private sector and international organizations, in the attaining and maintenance of peace, and in the prevention of conflicts and violence.

“The Biennale of Luanda is an alliance of partners, that include governments, United Nations agencies, the African Union, the European Union, the members of the organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States, universities and non-governmental organizations, associated in a common effort to promote peace. Culture is the main support for the achievement of the goals that we have outlined, as it is helps to build bridges between peoples and nations, as a universal language of understanding. . . .

“Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

“It is important to know how to objectively identify the real causes of our difficulties, the paths to follow and partners genuinely interested in supporting development of Africa.

“In all this effort, we must continue to work on the electrification and industrialization of the our continent, improve infrastructure in general, increase the supply of goods and services for our populations, increase the supply of jobs for young people, meet education and training needs, so that we can prosper sustainable as countries and as a continent.

“It is my conviction that, with perseverance, we can achieve this level of satisfaction of our needs and move to a stage where the Africa we want, without precariousness and with greater predictability, provides us with a life at peace that favors dialogue over conflict, so that each individual naturally becomes an agent of peace.

“Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

“Many of Africa’s children have been leaving the continent in inhumane conditions and at the risk of their own lives in fleeing conflict zones or looking for a job and better living conditions.

“Regardless of their age, academic or professional background, they are all important and needed for the development of our continent.

“We always have the expectation that one day they will voluntarily return with the desire to contribute towards leveraging progress and development in all sectors of African national life.

“This step would mark the re-encounter with their lands, their people, in a fraternal embrace to the homeland where they were born, so that they could become protagonists of progress and development of their respective countries.

“Between us and the diaspora there is an immense ocean that separates us, but which can also serve as a vector of economic progress and social transformation of coastal communities and the country in general. The ocean offers us the potential of highly valuable resources for African economies . . .

“Members of the diaspora who have expertise in this area could help their respective countries – and in this way the continent in general-, to define and implement strategies for the preservation and sustainable use of marine resources and protection of the coast, often affected by climate change. . . .

“Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

“Angola has been learning to deal better with differences, in the context of a democracy in constant evolution. It is in this atmosphere that I want to wish you a good and productive stay in Luanda, so that this Biennale may be a success worthy of record, with a beneficial and lasting impact on our continent and all humanity.

“Thus, I declare open the second edition of the Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace – Bienniale of Luanda 2021.”

Question related to this article:

The Luanda Biennale: What is its contribution to a culture of peace in Africa?

(Continued from left column)

From the speech at the opening ceremony by African Union President Félix Tshisekedi, also President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (translated from the French by CPNN):

” . . . The African Union, by my voice, salutes this great moment. Our continental organization has always placed culture and peace at the top of its priorities. Thus, the seven Fundamental Aspirations of its Agenda 2063, ‘The Africa that we want’, includes two that are largely devoted to this, in particular the promotion of ‘culture, arts and heritage as levers for the building of Africa that we want’ and ‘silencing the guns by 2020 extended ten years, until 2030.’

“The 24th Session of the Conference of Heads of State and Government invinstituting this biennial in 2015, instructed the African Union Commission to work for the organization of this pan-African forum for the culture of peace, in consultation with Unesco and the Government of the Republic of Angola. Their visions and their aspirations intersected and complemented each other.

“This is an opportunity for me to thank not only our Commission for the African Union but above all to salute the determination of the Government of Our Sister Republic of Angola. It is their dynamism, despite the serious difficulties generated by the Covid-19 pandemic, which made this event possible . . .

“I also extend my congratulations to UNESCO. From its inception in 1946 until this year marking its 75th anniversary, this great organization has never ceased, through its activities in education, science and culture, to support the first steps of our young States on the paths of development and peace. Allow me, Madam Director General Audrey Azoulay, here represented, to take this opportunity to offer you my warm congratulations your re-election, during the work of the 41st of the recently concluded session of the UNESCO General Conference.

“The noble objective of strengthening the Pan-African movement for a culture of peace is both existential and a priority, as we witness the macabre spectacle of the deadly effects of terrorism, inter-community violence and latent wars that are part of the daily life of our states. The most effective way to deal with this in a sustainable way is without doubt the approach adopted by our forum.

“The long history of our organization, since the birth of Pan-Africanism, has shown us that cultural fraternity is the foundation of the solidarity that our continent aspires to achieve, particularly economically and politically. Culture is not only our common foundation but it also continues to offer us the “palaver tree” around which is tied and untied all forms of dialogue and reciprocal listening, including the voices of those who are the most disadvantaged.

“I wish to emphasize how highly I appreciate that our Biennale can host a multiplicity of forums, in particular on intergenerational dialogue, on the engagement of women and young people as actors in the prevention of conflicts, on taking into account the potential of the oceans and the effects of climate change. Fortunately, even the contribution of the diaspora in social transformations has not been overlooked.

“Indeed, the fight for the Renaissance and African dignity cannot stop at the borders of our countries or even our continent. We must also promote interchangeability and open cultural osmosis throughout the world, especially between Africans here and elsewhere. This is promoted by the opening in the near future in Kinshasa of the Maison de la Culture African and Afro-descendant, as well as the launch of the Pan-African Festival of Kinshasa (FESPAKIN), and the Pan-Qfrican Literature Grand Prix.

“Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, in the words of the illustrious Agostinho Neto Kilamba, President and Poet, champion of the liberation of man and human brotherhood, ‘poet of sacred hopes’, we should ‘look at Africa with the eyes of the future’,

“We are gathered here in Luanda, the land of Njinga, Ndongo and Matamba, the land of Kimpa Mvita, so that the light of the African Renaissance shines through in the values ​​of peace, fraternity and solidarity to nourish the Zone of African Continental Free Trade.

“The Democratic Republic of Congo and all of its people are at your side to continue this long fight for the future of our states, our continent and the entire world.

“It is with this determination that I wish every success to this second edition of the Luanda Biennale.”


From the speech of UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay at the closing ceremony (translated from the French by CPNN):

“. . . The success of this second edition of the Luanda Biennale is due to the quality of the cooperation between UNESCO, the African Union and the Republic of Angola; which has grown steadily since the holding, in 2013, here in Luanda, the Pan-African Forum “Sources and Resources for a culture of peace.” I was then that the decision was taken to create a Biennial for the Culture of Peace.

“I would like, on this occasion, to reaffirm our commitment to continue this cooperation with the Commission of the African Union and to congratulate its President Mr. Moussa Faki Mahamat for his personal support to our joint initiatives in Africa. . . .

“The 41st session of the General Conference of UNESCO which has just ended has again designated Africa as one of the global priorities of our Organization with the adoption of a new operational strategy for the programme Priority Africa for the period 2022-2029. The Conference also adopted a decision engating all Member States, UNESCO and its partners to support the organizations of the next editions of the Luanda Biennale.

“This commitment intends to make the concept of a culture of peace a real tool available to citizens and peoples. It echoes the preamble to the Constitution of UNESCO which states that “a peace based exclusively upon the political and economic arrangements of governments would not be a peace which could secure the unanimous, lasting and sincere support of the peoples of the world.”

“UNESCO will continue to give its full support to this pan-African initiative, so that it is sustainable, in cooperation with the African Union and the Government of Angola.

“The culture of peace and non-violence is a long relay race ; it takes s a united team, generation after generation, to be victorious.”

Highlights of the Biennale of Luanda 2021 : Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace


Excerpts from the UNESCO website for the Biennale of Luanda and the Biennale Final Communiqué

The 2nd edition of the Biennale of Luanda was held in an innovative hybrid format, combining face-to-face and virtual events. Over 4 days, the event gathered high-level participants from governments, international institutions, the private sector, the artistic and scientific communities, and many more.

The Presidents of Angola, Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sao Tome and Principe and Portugal, the Vice-Presidents of Namibia and Costa Rica took part in the Opening Ceremony along with UNESCO DDG, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General to the African Union and AU Commissioner for Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment.

There were 180 participants in the opening ceremony acting as speakers, moderators, session chairs including senior officials from the African Union, UNESCO, ICESCO, the Regional Economic Commissions (RECs), technical and financial partners as well as representatives of the United Nations system from over 60 countries. 120 Young Leaders participated from all African countries and representatives of the Diaspora, of which 9 were present in Luanda and the others virtually.

Other participants included 65 partners from institutions, civil society, the private sector, academic institutions and international organisations in Africa and its Diaspora, and other regions of the world and 20 personalities and artists committed to the Culture of Peace, from different continents.

The Biennale featured a Festival of Cultures with 44 countries represented in Virtual Pavilions showcasing rich content on cultural diversity and examples of national initiatives, as well as partners and associated personalities.

The Biennale received exceptional media coverage worldwide, both in traditional media and social media.

As a result of the Biennale, some key texts were adopted by the participants, putting into concrete action some of the recommendations and conclusions from the discussions which took place.

These included four Flagship Initiatives :

1.The Contribution of Arts, Culture and Heritage to Peace

2. Youth Empowerment and Participation in Peace and Sustainable Development

3. Africa and its Diasporas in the Face of Conflicts, Crises and Inequality

4. Harnessing the Potential of the Oceans for Sustainable Development and Peace

Question related to this article:

The Luanda Biennale: What is its contribution to a culture of peace in Africa?

(Continued from left column)

Other texts included :

– The Final Communiqué of the Biennale of Luanda 2021

– The Declaration of Regional Economic Communities of Africa

– The MoU signed between CEEAC, Angola and UNESCO

– Programme : Youth committed to the Pan-African Movement for a Culture of Peace

In the Final Communiqué, Biennal participants :

1. Encourage the organisers, for the holding of future editions of the Biennale, to consider the benefits of this innovative hybrid format in terms of the opportunity for a more widescale participation and thus appropriation of this event, the objective of which is to strengthen the Pan-African Movement for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the peace and sustainable development of Africa;

2. Welcome the official launch, during this 2021 edition, of the Alliance of Partners for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence in Africa, as a necessary instrument for the strengthening of the Pan-African Movement for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence, as well as for ensuring the sustainability and transformative impact of the Biennale of Luanda Initiative;

3. Encourage academic institutions and professional associations, youth and women’s organisations and associations, international organisations, the private sector, civil society, philanthropists and influential personalities within the continent and the Diaspora to join the Alliance of Partners for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence in Africa;

4. Welcome the strengthening of cooperation between the Government of Angola, the African Union Commission and UNESCO and call upon them to take the necessary steps, including within the framework of the Steering Committee of the Biennale, for the establishment of a permanent Secretariat to ensure the follow-up of the implementation of the Roadmap of this second edition of the Biennale;

5. Welcome the full participation and involvement of the Regional Economic Communities throughout the four days of the conference, as reflected in the Joint Declaration of the High Representatives of the Regional Economic Communities on the Culture of Peace and Non-Violence (Annex 1); declaration by which the RECs acknowledge their role, responsibility and commitment in the process of perpetuating the culture of peace and non-violence in Africa, which also includes the signing of the Agreement between the Government of Angola, ECCAS and UNESCO (Annex 2);

6. Request the support of the governments of African Member States and countries of the African Diaspora to contribute, from one edition to the next, to the sustainability of the Biennale of Luanda initiative, including by taking appropriate measures and implementing activities and projects for the culture of peace and non-violence at national and local levels to be progressively included in the roadmap;

7. Express their gratitude to their Excellencies, the Presidents, Vice-Presidents and Ministers who took part in the Opening Ceremony of the Biennale in Luanda;

8. Welcome the major role played by His Excellency, Mr. João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço, President of the Republic of Angola, who once again hosted the event and mobilised the Heads of State and Government.