All posts by CPNN Coordinator

About CPNN Coordinator

Dr David Adams is the coordinator of the Culture of Peace News Network. He retired in 2001 from UNESCO where he was the Director of the Unit for the International Year for the Culture of Peace, proclaimed for the Year 2000 by the United Nations General Assembly.

United States and Canada: International Day of Peace


A survey by CPNN

Here are 148 events for the International Day of Peace located in all the United States as well as 11 events in Canada in five provinces. In order to save space, one event is given in detail for each state and province and internet links are provided for the others.
The events were listed in Google during the week of September 21-28 under the key words “International Day of Peace,” “peaceday” or “Journée Internationale de la Paix” or were listed on the following websites:
Campaign Nonviolence
International Cities of Peace Facebook
In addition to the above events, there were several hundred singing events listed on the websites of One Day One Choir and Montessori schools singing for peace, but it was not possible to distinguish events of 2020 from events in previous years.

Here are excerpts from the articles.

* * * CANADA * * *


CALGARY : Although the COVID-19 pandemic prevented her from coming here to accept the award in person, Stephanie Nolen remains grateful for being named the recipient of the Calgary Peace Prize for 2020. Awarded by the John de Chastelain Peace Studies Initiative at Mount Royal University, the Calgary Peace Prize recognizes outstanding individuals from the global community who work towards making the world a more just, safer and less violent place. As the world marks the International Day of Peace on Sept. 21, the recipients of the prize remain important examples of working towards that elusive goal. . . “Stephanie Nolen’s reporting has shone a light on some of the most important peace and justice issues of our time,” said acting Peace Prize co-ordinator and MRU policy studies professor Kari Roberts, PhD. “Her leadership through journalism has informed and engaged Canadians, giving them the information they need to promote change. Her work covering wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the AIDS epidemic, gender inequality and other humanitarian crises in Africa, Asia and South America has given voice to victims and explained these events to Canadians.


TSAWWASSEN : Each year on the United Nations International Day of Peace, Sept. 21, the Rotary Club of Tsawwassen gathers with community leaders to celebrate peace in our families, our workplace, our schools, and our community. . . Rotary will also be recognizing an individual, group or organization living in, working with or serving the Tsawwassen community to create a culture of peace by combating racism, violence, discrimination, bullying, corruption or any other issue that creates conflict or disharmony.


WINNIPEG : As in the past, Days of Peace brought together a number of  committed Participating Places who are doing their utmost to raise awareness and commit to act all in the name of promoting positive peace.


TORONTO: McLaughlin College of York University held a zoom webinar for the World Day of Peace

Statement by Canadian Prime Minister


MONTREAL : As every year, the September 21 Collective  co-organizes an event for the International Day of Peace with the  Days of Peace.  The main activity, which is called Bearer of Words, consists of questioning the world on issues facing our society in relation to current events and a desire for peace. This year 2020 marked by the pandemic raised the following question: COVID and me … what lessons can be learned for peace?  We will be on September 21, 2020, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., Place de Lahaie in Montreal to ask this question and post the answers.

* * * UNITED STATES * * * *


KETCHIKAN : Students and community members wrote messages of peace on paper flags and tie-dyed cloth face masks Saturday. It’s part of this year’s celebration of “Kings for Peace Week.” (Eric Stone/KRBD). Students and community members rallied in Ketchikan Saturday as part of an annual event known as “Kings for Peace Week.” It’s a commemoration of both peace on the international stage and community togetherness. . . The celebration this year looks radically different than it did in years past. There’s usually a Peace Day assembly, a Peace Day dance — this year, there’s a Peace Day dance challenge on Instagram. And, of course, never before have students tie-dyed face masks.



SCOTTSBORO : Organization: Contemplative Interbeing. We will be practicing centering prayer, loving kindness meditation, and tonglen each day of CNV action week.


LITTLE ROCK : Arkansas Peace Week is a program of activities with a mission to educate and promote peacemaking in our society and raise awareness of organizations working to build a lasting peace in Arkansas.




MENLO PARK : Organization: Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice: Let us move from fear to friendship! Hosted by American Muslim Voice and Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice, we will begin with spiritual music and sharing a virtual picnic, followed by a program with prayers from Muslim, Jewish, Baha’i, Quaker and Christian traditions, poems composed and read by children, and three featured speakers. We will close with a ceremony “Light the Night for Peace & Justice” from our homes.

ORANGE Sisters of St Joseph
ORANGE League of Women Voters
SAN DIEGO Peace Resource Center
SAN DIEGO Franciscans


DENVER : Organization: Capitol Heights Presbyterian Church. Service in Prayer for Peace: A Zoom service devoted to prayer for peace.


MYSTIC : The United Nations International Day of Peace provides an opportunity for all individuals to come together in spirit and action to forward the ideals of and conditions for peace. This global day of peace is observed in cities, towns and villages worldwide. The Peace Sanctuary is a fitting place to celebrate our local history of peace with a short guided walk, yoga and meditation. Meets at the bottom of driveway at the Peace Sanctuary, 233 River Road in Mystic. This program is suited for adults and older, interested children. Preregistration is required, this program is limited to 15 people and masks are required.



WILMINGTON : Peace Week Delaware: We continue to profess our mission to promote nonviolence by building a community whose members value equity and justice while demonstrating compassion. Our challenge has become more immediate as our community suffers the pain and trauma of the health and economic uncertainties of the pandemic. Peace Week Delaware event organizers are already planning events that will heal us and propel us forward. With sensitivity, creativity, and courage, they will summon us all to action by educating, inspiring and, where need be, deconstructing.


WASHINGTON : Organization – InterFaith Council of Metropolitan Washington. Unity Walk. Now in it’s 16th year, the Unity Walk is a public demonstration of solidarity and unity for all faith groups in the DC metro area. Drawing over 1,000 people of all ages and backgrounds, participants visit 11 different houses of worship in upper Northwest DC, engage in mini facilitated dialogues with each other and with members of the clergy, sample traditional foods, and partake in service projects.

WASHINGTON – Death Penalty Action
WASHINGTON – Training in Early Warning


HOLMES BEACH : Pandemic won’t stop AME Peace Day, The show must go on. Technology and a resilient spirit among students and staff at Anna Maria Elementary School means Peace Day will be celebrated this year. Virtually. AME guidance counselor Susan Tabicman said beginning Sept. 9 components of Peace Day will be recorded and then spliced to create a video. The video will be shown Sept. 21 in classrooms at the Holmes Beach school. “It’s different, but the whole year is different,” said Tabicman. “They’re adapting. Our kids are really pretty resilient.” Peace Day will open with fifth-grade students performing a socially distanced flag ceremony. Also, Anna Maria Island Rotary Club representative Judy Rup will give a keynote address. As they do every year, students will create art projects and write essays and poems in line with the event theme, which for 2020 is “Shaping Peace Together: Celebrate the Day by Spreading Compassion, Kindness, and Hope in the Face of the Pandemic” . . . Inspiring the younger generation to celebrate peace, Tableman said, is the point of the event.



  DAWSON COUNTY : On Monday, Sept. 21, the Rotary Club of Dawson County held an International Day of Peace ceremony honoring the first responders of Dawson County. The ceremony, which took place at Veterans Memorial Park, featured speeches from Rotary Club President Sharon Hall, Commission Chairman Billy Thurmond, Representative Kevin Tanner, Rotary District Governor Elect Mike Berg and a letter read on behalf of U.S. Rep. Doug Collins. Each speech honored the first responders of Dawson County, from the Dawson County Sheriff’s Office, Dawson County Emergency Services and Dawson County Public Works. “We have a lot of opportunities throughout the year to honor our veterans and those who have served in the military, but sometimes it’s easy for us to forget those folks who get up every day and work every night protecting us here at home,” Tanner said. “Thank you for all you do, those that are out in front and those who are behind the scenes like our 911 workers, our jail personnel, our court staff and others who we don’t get to see all that often but are just as important.”


HAWAII : Buddhist bishop invites Catholics to join in peace day bell ringing. Bishop Eric Matsumoto of the Buddhist Temples of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii in a Sept. 7 letter asked Bishop Larry Silva to invite Catholic parishes to ring their bells for Peace Day 2020, Sept. 21. The bell tolling is the main feature of the “Ring Your Bell for Peace Day” Zoom event sponsored by Honpa Hongwanji. “Because it is such a challenging time with so much happening in our nation and around the world, I thought we need to reach out even more to each other,” the Buddhist bishop told Bishop Silva. “More than ever, it is essential that we let mutual understanding, respect and appreciation guide us. Thus, I would like to ask for your blessing.” To participate from one’s temple, church, school, home or favorite place, all you need is a bell to ring, and a cellphone, computer or another device to connect online via Zoom. Register in advance at Peace Day in Hawaii, Sept. 21, was established by state law in 2007 as a day “to promote peace programs, improve international relations, and increase educational awareness of peace.” Hawaii was the first state to join more than 200 countries in celebrating the United Nations International Day of Peace and Non-Violence, which was established in 1981.



IOW CITYA : International Day of Peace is being recognized in Iowa City Monday evening, with a caravan of peace. According to PEACE Iowa, the caravan will begin at City Park at 5:45 p.m. The procession will travel around the city, decorated with short messages of peace. Participants are expected to return to the park at about 6:45 p.m.

CLINTON-virtual walk
CLINTON -Franciscan Peace Center


BOISE : Organization: Idaho Campaign Nonviolence. Using social media to spread peace and justice.


CHICAGO, IL : Organization: Chicago Peace Day. September 21, 2020, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm. Peace Day in Chicago: 42nd Anniversary “Shaping Peace Together”. An Online Live Streaming Event. There has never been a more important time for each of us to take positive action for peace. Chicago comes together on Peace Day to create the energy of peace, celebrate peace and share peace-building skills with the goal of helping everyone be a peacemaker in daily life. This intercultural event promotes unity, respect and getting involved in healing our city and our planet. This year’s new online format allows us to connect with peacemakers from around the world. Chicago will be featured in a positive light on the world stage through the global broadcast of Peace Weekend 2020.

CHICAGO -Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation
CHICAGO -Chicago Theological Union


INDIANAPOLIS : Organization: Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters. Entering the Narrow Gate, School of Spiritual Formation. Explore the classic elements of monastic, spiritual & contemplative life to discover how this ancient wisdom, learning and spiritual practice might be understood and lived in new settings & life today.


KANSAS CITY: Organization: PeaceWorks Kansas City Sat. & Sun. Sept. 26-27, 11am-5pm online PeaceWorks Art Fair for local artists at This helps beginning artists, local and ethnically diverse artists bring their artwork to an online audience in 2020 due to the pandemic. The art fair will promote Pace e Bene’s Campaign Nonviolence. This is PeaceWorks KC’s main fundraiser.



LOUISVILLE : Organization: Drepung Gomang Center for Engaging Compassion
Morning Practice of Nonviolence, Led by Peacemakers. Start your day with intention-setting: be refreshed and set-a-path that supports the inner work of nonviolence. Each daily presenter will use their own combination of reflection, readings, prayers, meditation, or music for this 30-minute session. Morning Practice for Nonviolence is a free offering on DGCEC’s Zoom platform. Register here or call 502-614-5616 to receive the Zoom link which enables connecting in on one or all of the sessions.


SLIDELL : Organization: Pastor, United Methodist Church. Prayers, bible study, and sermon for peace.


CASCO : Organization: Unity Center for Spiritual Growth. Silent Saturday. This is an opportunity to enter into silence, meditate in our beautiful gardens and open yourself to the Divine Presence. In this supportive atmosphere you will be able to put aside the preoccupations of daily living and listen to the inner movement of Spirit. During the day you will be alone to engage in whatever form of meditation suits you. We will also partner with the local rotary for a Peace Vigil.


COLLEGE PARK” Organization: DC Peace Team/ Online Training: In this session, the participants will get familiar with the use of the method known as early warning early response (EWER). This approach aims at improving Unarmed Civilian Protection (UCP) strategies against different threats that can surge in the current US context. The idea is to increase the preparation of Peace Team members by fostering a collective reflection on how we communicate with each other, how we analyze and understand a threat and how we prepare ourselves to respond to it.


(Survey continued in right column)

Question related to this article:

What has happened this year (2020) for the International Day of Peace?

(Survey continued from left column)


BOSTON, MA : We have planned and organized the Boston area celebration of the United Nations International Day of Peace each year since 2010. This year’s theme is Shaping Peace Together during this time with pandemics of Racial Injustice, Violence, and COVID-19. The Reverend Rodney Dailey (New Bethel AME Church, Lowell MA) will once again serve as emcee. The planned program is below, followed by information about the people who will be speaking or performing, links to programs and videos of our previous events, and then a list of our sponsors. We hope you will join us and enjoy the program.



ALPENA : Local Girl Scouts gathered at St. Paul Lutheran church to show off their main project promoting peace commemorating international peace day.  Each year the Girl Scouts decide on a project they want to complete and this year they decided on a peace book.  This project won them a silver award issued by the state of Michigan. The book was put together for the Alpena Peace Coalition and includes input from the community about what peace means to them.  The girls are hoping that the tips provided in the book will inspire change in the community.



ST PAUL : Organization: Twin Cities Nonviolent, Harry Bury. By participating in this 10 Days Free From Violence in the Twin Cities, in whatever way you or your organization take action against violence of any form, you can join with us to spread the word about action in which you are involved in the Twin Cities and surrounding areas.



JACKSON : Organization: Pre School Program. Reading and peace lesson with pre-school students. Peace Cranes Lesson.


KANSAS CITY : Organization: PeaceWorks Kansas City. PeaceWorks Kansas City will hold its annual UNplaza Art Fair Sept. 26 and 27 at Southmoreland Park, located between 45th and 47th Street (Emmanuel Cleaver Blvd) and Warwick Blvd. and Oak St. In Kansas City, Missouri. There is no cost to attend the Fair. The Art Fair features local artists of all ages, ethnicities, races, LGBTQI, and abilities, and many are beginning artists. Unlike the nearby corporate-backed Plaza Art Fair, we also offer affordable art. Non-profits that work for peace and the common good are also invited to set up informational booths. This year we are inviting musicians, spoken word artists, poets to perform and activists to give speeches on Peace issues.


HELENA : Organization: Oregon City UMC. Campaign Nonviolence Peace Event!



LINCOLN : Organization: Nebraskans for Peace. 9/26 9:30am – 3pm. This year’s peace conference marks the 50th anniversary of “Nebraskans for Peace,” the oldest Peace & Justice organization in the country. Workshops will explore “Examining the Concept of ‘White Fragility’ through an Anti-racist and Race Equity Lens” and “Making the Green New Deal a Reality.” Keynotes will address “The Future of Food” and “U.S. Global Dominance and StratCom’s Role.” For complete schedule, go to NFP Facebook page or Watch any or all of the day’s presentations on Facebook or at–I52s5II_BH_qEwg/



CONCORD : Action Details: Personal prayer and meditation for peace on the International Day of Peace, September 21st.


WYCKOFF : Organization: Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace. Confronting Climate Change, Ourselves and Our Future with Faith – Led by Jeff Renner. Online Sunday, September 20 – 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Pacific Time


TAOS, NM : Organization: Nonviolence News. Nonviolence News Happy Hour, Friday, Sept 25, from 4-5pm ET: Every two weeks, we gather to discuss what’s been happening in Nonviolence News. It’s a time to learn new tactics, weigh strategies, discover new applications of nonviolence in our world. Come! It’s fun. Cosponsored by MK Gandhi Institute and Nonviolence International. This event is free, but registration is required. Learn more and sign up.

ALBUQUERQUE- Holy Cross Albuquerque :


LAS VEGAS : Organization: Las Vegas Catholic Worker. Fri., Sept. 25, 2020 from 10 – 11 a.m. in front of Lloyd George Federal Courthouse, 333 Las Vegas Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89101 (E. Clark Ave. & Bonneville), signs provided, free parking on 7th between Clark Ave. & Bonneville, Questions- (702) 647-0728 or



Mark International Day of Peace by joining fellow Cornell students for an online interfaith vigil. This brief service will invite you to pause, pray & meditate, hear from students about what peace means to them, and learn about opportunities to practice peace on and off campus. Vigil will be followed by a 90-minute workshop that will invite students to think about action toward peace through the lenses of spirituality and social justice. All current Cornell students are invited to attend.

NEW YORK – UNITED NATIONS : Speaking in front of the Japanese Peace Bell on the grounds of the UN Secretariat, Mr. Guterres outlined how the coronavirus is putting peace at risk, prompting him in March to appeal for a global ceasefire shortly after the pandemic was declared.  “Beyond war zones, the pandemic is highlighting and exploiting inequalities of all kinds, setting communities and countries against each other,” he stated.  Prior to ringing the bell, the Secretary-General called for a minute of silence for victims of war and conflict around the world.  . . The Secretary-General described the Peace Bell as a symbol of unity, cast from coins and medals donated by people all over the world.  It was gifted to the UN by Japan in 1954. Mr. Guterres noted that Japanese culture has a deep appreciation for natural imperfections and flaws, as reflected in an art form known as kintsugi, which takes broken pieces of pottery and fuses them together using golden lacquer.   “The result is a piece that is not ‘good as new’, but ‘better than new’. As we mark the International Day of Peace, let’s apply this principle to our fractured world,” he said. “Let’s address the fragilities and inequalities that work against peace, so that we emerge from the crisis stronger than before.   Let’s push for peace wherever conflict is raging and wherever there are diplomatic opportunities to silence the guns.  Let’s prioritize peace and build a safer future for all.”   The Peace Bell ceremony was beamed globally via live feed, with the UN chief and the new UN General Assembly President, Volkan Bozkir of Turkey, standing at appropriately distanced podiums, in line with COVID-19 measures. 


SYLVA : Monday, Sept. 21, 2020, marked the 39th International Day of Peace. Some people in Sylva celebrated the day with an interfaith vigil, calling for peace and racial justice.“It is not enough to see, you need to do,” one of the speakers said. Reconcile Sylva and the local NAACP chapter organized the event. It was a part of Campaign Nonviolence. “What more could you want in life then to live in peace,” said Dana Patterson, chair for the community coordination committee for the NAACP. Patterson said the vigil was important for many reasons.“For a community like that to bring us together to talk about what it means to actually achieve peace that is huge, that’s huge for such a small community,” said Patterson adding that she hopes continued discussions like this bring about a better world for children.



FARGO, ND : Organization: Nativity Church. Becoming a peace maker at school and at home lessons taught at Nativity School. Grades K – 5.


BRUNSWICK : St. Ambrose School in Brunswick is among the schools that participated in the 2020 Pinwheels for Peace initiative on Sept. 21 a part of the International Day of Peace. Students created pinwheels during their art classes and each class had a short prayer service for peace as they placed their pinwheels on the school grounds at 923 Pearl Road, Brunswick. Art teacher Julia Kinley also had her students reflect on the day through chalk drawings on the school sidewalks. Students who are learning virtually had the opportunity to participate in this project, as well, and were invited to come and “plant” their pinwheels outside the school.



MOORE : Organization: Norman Peace and Justice Center. “Resilience as a Community” A Miller Lecture event with Leymah Gbowee.


HILLSBORO : Organization: Ultraviolet Women’s Resistance. Westside Ultraviolet, the city of Beaverton and Rotary International will install a new Peace Pole this September, proclaiming “May Peace Prevail on Earth”. The Peace Pole will be installed at Denney Gardens, a Habitat for Humanity community, on September 20, as part of Beaverton Welcoming Week. Please join us at a virtual, Facebook live-stream event on September 21 at 7 pm, featuring the Peace Pole dedication and peace activities honoring the International Day of Peace. The theme for the International Day of Peace is “Shaping Peace Together.” Celebrate the day by spreading compassion, kindness and hope in the face of the pandemic and joining us on Facebook live!



PHILADELPHIA : Peace Day Philly 2020 September 2020 marks 10 years for Peace Day Philly, the local initiative for the United Nations International Day of Peace, September 21. Peace Day Philly 2020 will include eleven programs over seven days – all on-line and all free – related to personal, local and global peace and justice. What do all of PDP’s 2020 programs have in common? Breaking down barriers (inward and outward) and making positive change toward a more peaceful, healthy and just world! Check out PDP’s calendar of free, on-line programs happening Sept. 15-21: http:// #peaceday

PITTSBURGH – Duquesne University


WESTERLY : The 3rd Annual International Peace Day and Candlelight Vigil celebration, sponsored by the Westerly Area Peace and Justice Group, was celebrated on Monday evening, September 21, 2020, on the steps and lawn of Christ Episcopal Church. At the “Peace Table” in prayer are, from left, local folk musician Geoff Kaufman, Westerly Area and Justice Group member Madeline Labriola, author and educator David Madden, and local musician Frank Pendola.



CHARLESTON, SC: Organization: Men Against Domestic Violence USA. This conference and peace actions will bring together domestic violence and law enforcement personel, prosecutors, victim advocates, judges, parole and probation officers, rape crisis workers, researchers, educators and more.


SIOUX FALLS, SD : Organization: Sioux Falls Seminary. Nonviolence, Peace, and Social Justice Study Group.


MEMPHIS : Organization: Campaign Nonviolence Memphis
Sept. 19th: I AM US (USA) Interfaith & International Gathering Uniting for World Peace and Unity.
Sept. 19th: Battu, an Odissi Indian Dance.
Sept. 19th: Bahá’í Fireside
Sept. 20th: 108 Sun Salutations
Sept. 21st, 22nd & 23rd: Peace and Harmony Days Zoom Event
Sept. 21st: Between WWII & the Death of JFK, National Civil Rights Museum
Sept. 22nd: From white supremacist to human rights advocate: An evening with TM Garret.
Sept. 23nd: Second Concert for a Nonviolent Memphis
Sept. 24th: We all Want a Peace of the Pie, Meet the MICAH Youth Council
Sept. 25th: Meditation for Non-Harming
Sept. 26th: Preparing for Good Trouble


DALLAS : Dallas College: Students, employees and the community are invited to celebrate the United Nations’ 2020 peace day, with the theme: Shaping Peace Together. Activities will include:
Introduction to UN holiday
Poetry readings by Dallas College employees
Prerecorded video of acts of kindness
Moment of Peace at noon
30-day challenge kickoff for students



SALT LAKE CITY : Organization: Achorus Amorphous. Achorus Amorphous sends volunteers to picket for peace and against nuclear weaponeering of Northrop Grumman. At their Utah headquarters (in Salt Lake City) they manage operations at the nearby Hill Air Force Base where they broke ground 13 months ago in order to build a place to refurbish intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). The Achorus Amorphous activities include singing and picketing and attempting to communicate with employees of Northrop.

SALT LAKE CITY – Gandhi Alliance for Peace


BURLINGTON : Organization: Peace and Justice Center
September 16 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Unpacking Whiteness. Online.
This space is held for white people to specifically process how white supremacy culture is harmful to them.
September 18 @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm. Seeing & Disrupting Racism: A Focus on White Fragility. Online
September 19 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Fair Trade 101: Global Trade & Racism. Online.
September 23 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. Seeing & Disrupting Racism: A Focus on White Fragility. Online


RICHMOND : The Steward School is proud to partner with SCAN this year for “Whirled” Peace Day on September 18th. . . we will livestream a virtual Whirled Peace Day celebration featuring special choral and musical performances, a guest speaker, and the traditional pinwheel planting.

RICHMOND-JusRe Creative Services


OLYMPIA : Organization: Parallax Perspectives. Two series of 6 online workshops on “Nonviolent Grassroots Organizing” every week starting Sun. Sept. 20 and Mon. Sept. 21. Participants may choose either Sunday afternoons or Monday evenings (Pacific Daylight Time).


CHIPPEWAW VALLEY : September 21 is the International Day of Peace, a day observed around the world devoted to strengthening peace and non-violence between nations. To commemorate the day, a new event was held at the Highground Veterans Memorial Park and Museum on Monday afternoon. Organizers with the Highground Veteran’s Museum said as they were preparing 1,000 paper cranes for an upcoming World War II exhibit, they learned of the International Day of Peace, and with 300 paper cranes already made, they decided to put the physical symbols of peace to good use. Those cranes were hanging Monday afternoon as a reminder of peaceful intentions as attendees joined together with poems, songs, prayers and reflection during these difficult times. “I think it is such a perfect time for us to gather in a non-political matter to extend our hearts toward that promotion of peace; it’s very important,” said Theresa Hebert, the veteran’s museum and education program coordinator.
they hope to continue the event in the future.

MILWAUKEE – Marquette University
MILWAUKEE – Peace Action Wisconsin


SPENCER : Organization: Catholic Committee of Appalachia. You Want to See in the World: Celebrating CCA’s Jubilee, 50TH ANNUAL GATHERING (Online)


JACKSON : Organization: Lotus Vibes. Weekly peaceful, meditation class.

Latin America and the Caribbean: International Day of Peace


A survey by CPNN

The following 29 events in 12 Latin American countries include those listed in Google during the week of September 21-28 under the key words “International day of peace”, “Dia Internacional da Paz” and “Día Internacional de la Paz” The events also includes some listed on the facebook page of the International Cities of Peace.

About 50 events are listed in One Day One Choir and Montessori schools singing for peace, but there is no indication which events took place this year and which took place only in previous years.

Photo from Colombia Mobilizes for Peace


The Núñez Center today commemorates the Day of Peace and promotes the slogan “Forging peace together.” The Núñez Center also invites the judicial community to participate in the activities organized for this week by the “Open Chair Right to Peace and Coexistence in Diversity” of the Provincial University of Córdoba (UPC). The main objective of the proposals is to raise awareness and reflect on the need for the constant and multidimensional construction of peace. The activities agenda can be accessed at the following link: -community/


Karina Medina is a teacher at Juan José Paso de Colón School No. 1, which was declared an Ambassador for Peace. “With the students we work on different projects according to the needs of each group,” she told Elonce TV. “At this moment, within the virtualida, we joined a project of Thousand Milleniums of Peace, called Por la Paz Soy Capaz de and the boys completed with their own reflections.”


The mayor of Puerto Madryn, together with the “Fundación Coincidir” as Ambassador of Peace in Patagonia, raised the National Pavilion and the flag of Peace in the central building of the Municipality. Regarding the commemoration, the Mayor said that “it is to continue adapting to the circumstances that we live in this world today, it is about being present as a State and accompanying foundations or people who are involved in working for the common good. And this institution is a clear example of that, that is why it is essential that we continue to provide support because they are the ones that end up contributing to improving the quality of life in our community ”.


CEIM Aquarela celebrates International Day of Peace.
The projects “Peace is the people that make”, “Living the Peace” and “For More Peace in the World”, carried out various activities according to the age of each child and with the objective of encouraging attitudes of care and love for others to grow with an awareness of values ​​that promote peace . . . The project started with a proposal from the school to the family to celebrate the date with very cool activities for the whole family to participate. Each family was asked to hang a white ribbon or ribbon or whatever they had at home on the car or motorcycle. Also make a poster representing peace and put it on your house window.


Brahma Kumaris MeditaBK app is relaunched with concert in honor of International Day of Peace. The Peace Concert takes place on September 20, Sunday, from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm as a free online activity. With musical performances, testimonials and messages from meditation practitioners, the concert aims to provide a rescue of that peace that already exists within each one, but which is overshadowed by the influences of external events, which we have no control over.


The 21st of September was declared by the UN as the International Day of Peace. To mark the date, the Secretariat for Prison and Socio-Educational Administration (SAP), through the Central of Penalties and Alternative Measures (CPMA) promotes, between the 21st and September 25th, the V Meeting of Hands Holding for Peace, with free online lectures that can be followed by Instagram @sapscoficial or by SAP’s YouTube at The event has the support of the Court of Justice and the Public Ministry of Santa Catarina.


To celebrate the International Day of Peace, the “Caravan of Peace” initiative takes place, an event with various activities related to topics such as mental health. This Friday (18th), the program Oito em Ponto counted on the participation of the psychologist and co-creator of the movement Rethinking Madness, and also coordinator of the Caravana da Paz Brasil, Ligia Esplendore.


Annually, on September 21, the International Day of Peace is celebrated, instituted by the United Nations (UN) in 1981. More than thinking about peace, the initiative aims to motivate peace actions. And, engaged in this universal movement, every year, Colégio Santa Inês proposes a reflection and an action to mobilize the school community around the theme. In 2018, a thousand books were collected; in 2019, 1,000 food kits; and, this year, the goal is to share the record of a thousand solidarity and peace actions with the hashtag # OAmorÉOLaçoQueNosUneCSI.


This September 21, on the International Day for Peace and Non-Violence, representatives of various religious doctrines, gathered at ADIR Chile, raised a prayer of faith with the hope of looking at the world with less fear and more confidence, expressing their intention to work together for a more just and dignified society for all people. The meeting took place via Zoom of at least 15 representatives of various religious expressions. Muhammad Rumié , president of the Chilean Association for Interreligious Dialogue for Human Development, thanked the attendees for their presence and expressed the need to achieve peace as a path to understanding.


Protests in Bogotá during the International Day of Peace. Within the framework of this commemoration, the Bogotá Mayor’s Office allowed 20 different marches and sit-ins to take place . According to Luis Ernesto Gómez, Secretary of the Government, the marches this Monday were cited by different social organizations in nine points of the city, and will last until four in the afternoon by different routes.
Tens of thousands of people took part in the protests that were organized by student organizations, labor unions and indigenous organizations in all of the country’s capital cities. The protests that were mainly anti-war and against police violence.


In commemoration of the World Day of Peace .. Women and organizations of the braidedomosmas collective are starting to weave from the different territories of Colombia. We braid for a life without VIOLENCE, for social disarmament because we continue to embrace peace.


Conversation: Latin American experiences of peace: good practices and lessons learned for the local construction of peace
Speeches interspersed with video messages for peace.


Colombians from all over the country will march today in the context of the International Day of Peace to demand that the government comply with the Havana Agreement and put an end to violence in the country. It is hoped that it will be a great day of mobilization for unionists, politicians, students, peasants, ex-guerrillas and representatives of the most diverse sectors of society in this nation to join. Senator for Human Colombia Gustavo Petro invited for a calm demonstration and guaranteed that the more people who left for the march, the more non-violence will be guaranteed. This political movement agreed to take to the streets this September 21 for life and peace and appealed to its activists to unite peacefully across the country. Meanwhile, the Political and Social Coordinator of the Patriotic March asked the authorities to allow the people to express themselves at this demonstration and demanded guarantees to prevent events against the population, such as mistreatment, harassment, abuse and rape of women, among other requests . “For the right to life and against impunity, popular resistance and social mobilization”, insisted the organization. He called for uniformed personnel not to carry weapons during the mobilization and pointed out that all personnel assigned to the Colombian National Police present during the day of the mobilization must be fully identified. The end of the massacres, which total about 60 in the year, the end of the murders of social leaders, ex-guerrillas in the process of reintegration, indigenous people, women and LGBT people, and against police brutality, will be other requirements of Colombians. The organizers of the initiative invited people to light the streets and have five minutes of silence in peace, keeping their distance, using a mask and antibacterial gel to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus.


September 21, 2020, World Day for Peace. El Sol Foundation for the 6 th consecutive year sponsors the traditional artistic and cultural march for peace in Medellin City. Antioquia. Colombia. This year the Foundation with its ambassadors World Leaders for La Paz develops programs in different cities of the world.

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Question related to this article:

What has happened this year (2020 for the International Day of Peace?

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The Mi Sangre Foundation, which for 14 years has been working on different projects and initiatives for peace, respect for life, reconciliation and forgiveness, is linked on the International Day of Peace with various activities throughout the country. For the Foundation, one of the great challenges in 2020 is the pandemic, which they say, “evidenced the inequalities, the huge gaps and the challenges that they do not give wait as humanity ”. For this day, the Foundation bet on the global mobilization #Whatif (in Spanish # YSí) led by the Weaving Lab, and which reaches the country through organizations such as Fundación Mi Sangre, Fundación TAAP, Fundación Gratitud, Fundación OpePA, Colombia Take care of Colombia, Ashoka, among others. With the hashtag #Ysi, this day initiatives focused on education will be promoted. “A sector in which millions of boys, girls and young people, their families and educators currently live the anxiety of studying, completing tasks and evaluations, responsibilities and goals, amid an uncertainty that grows and affects their mental health.


“The commemoration of the International Day of Peace is a great opportunity to forge peace together”, with these words, Carlos Ruiz Massieu, Special Representative of the Secretary General and Head of the United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia, takes a look to the path and construction of the peace that we are trying to strengthen in our country. . . The views and ties created with international organizations are of vital importance for any peace process. For Massieu, the commitments are well defined, since “we have a collective responsibility to continue with the implementation of the Peace Agreement signed in 2016. Peace cannot be a victim of the pandemic and on the International Day of Peace we remember that implementation of the agreements is not exempt from difficulties or challenges and Colombia, with the commitment of the parties and society, is advancing on the path towards the consolidation of a better country ”.


With a symbolic reforestation carried out on the hill El Redentor, the Ministry of Environment of Villavicencio joined the commemoration of the International Day of Peace.
In the act that was presided over with a Eucharist, the departmental Human Rights Secretariat, the Ombudsman’s Office and all the social and environmental actors that have surrounded the recovery activities of the hill participated.


San José, September 21, 2020. Far from being an impediment, the national emergency as a result of Covid-19 gave special motivation to the celebration of the International Day of Peace, which served as a framework for 35 young people from all over the The country will raise their voices during the seventh edition of the “Song for Peace 2020” contest, whose motto for this year was “Distanced but united”. This year, due to the national emergency facing the country due to COVID19, the “Song for Peace” contest was held virtually


Within the framework of the Conference “We have Memory, Solidarity against the Blockade and Terrorism”, the provincial delegation of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples in the province of Holguín, celebrates several activities in greeting to the International Day of Peace.


Through the Directorate of Social Action, Inclusion and Participation DASIP, the Prefecture of Esmeraldas joined the commemorative events for the International Day of Peace. One of the most outstanding actions was the symbolic delivery of white doves to the people who passed through the exterior of the Esmeraldas Prefecture building, as well as inclusive talks held in coordination with the Equality Board. “We are spreading messages of kindness and hope in the face of the pandemic. We are working for a culture of peace”, said Samuel Célleri.


Last Monday, September 21 took place in the courtyard of Aline Hanson school at Sandy-Ground, in the presence of Patrice Puchal, acting director of the school, teachers and of course the 320 students of the 21 classes from CP to CM2, a ceremony organized by the educational team to celebrate the International Day of Peace. The 320 students, all dressed in white, gathered in the playground before all together forming the life-size word PEACE. The pupils hung on the branches of the olive tree, a tree symbol of peace planted by the Soroptimist Club in 2009, various small symbolic messages.
Portraits of great personalities who have worked for world peace have been displayed in the establishment, such as Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Malcolm X and many more. Video projections were also screened in class throughout the day.


“Let’s shape peace together” is the theme around which the United Nations system in Haiti celebrated the International Day of Peace, this Monday, September 21, 2020. This event was held online via the Zoom platform with a panel composed of representatives of the UN, government and civil society.


The International Day of Peace will be celebrated on Monday, September 21 under the theme ‘’Shaping Peace Together’ and will be marked with virtual activities organised by the Violence Prevention Alliance. . . . Turning to virtual activities plan for the day, Professor Ward said that the VPA will be hosting a Facebook Live session on ‘Music in the Homes’ in collaboration with the Child Protection and Family Services Agency. The session will showcase drumming pieces by wards of the state who have benefitted from the Drum Therapy Project, which was recently implemented in six children’s homes. It is scheduled to commence at 6:00 p.m. on the VPA’ Facebook page at are encourage to log on.


The International Day of Peace was celebrated in the facilities of the Municipal DIF (Desarrollo Integral de la Familia). . . The municipal president, Saúl Monreal, during his message, recognized his wife, Lupita Pérez, for the social work she does on behalf of the people of Fresnillo, since, through the Municipal DIF, they started programs such as the delivery of pantries, breakfasts, among others, to help vulnerable families in El Mineral, especially during the health contingency. . . At the event, they recognized the Children’s Village as well as the local Children’s Choir and Francisco Vanegas for their commendable work in promoting values through music. Subsequently, Saúl Monreal, mayor, and Lupita Pérez, honorary president of the DIF, symbolically released the dove of peace.


The College of Scientific and Technological Studies of the State of Michoacán (CECyTEM), commemorated the International Day of Peace on September 21. On the 25th anniversary of the creation of the CECyTE Michoacán, in October 2016, the educational subsystem was ratified with the Mega Flag and the flagging of its 93 schools. With this ceremony, the more than 22 thousand students of the School were incorporated into the “Together We Build Peace” Program. . . .the Flag of Peace is an important element and a badge that our young students proudly carry and that is always present in our institutional life,” said the state official.


Within the framework of the International Day of Peace and as an exercise to make visible the importance of the participation of women in the creation of safe spaces, the Secretariat of Substantive Equality (SIS) held the discussion “Women in construction of peace ”, with the participation of the teacher Tania Sabugal Torres and the doctor Gloria Abarca Obregón.
In the virtual meeting, the two specialists defined peace in the current context and its construction from the gender perspective, mentioning that the participation of women is essential for the creation of exercise proposals that add up to both social and personal spheres.


In order to sensitize and raise awareness among Toluca people about the importance of generating a healthy coexistence and promoting the Culture of Peace as a way of life, the municipal government of Toluca , chaired by Mayor Juan Rodolfo Sánchez Gómez , joined with various activities to commemorate the International Day of Peace. . . in a virtual way the Municipal Plan for the Prevention of the Environment of Peace and Development carried out the program “24 actions X peace “, in which from 9:00 to 18:00 hundreds of homes enjoyed a circuit to children, physical activation, musical interventions, art and many surprises in terms of reforestation, animal welfare and public and tourist spaces in Toluca.


On the occasion of commemorating the International Day of Peace, the DIF Zapopan, through the Ludoteca network, shared a video explaining why this date was established by the United Nations (UN). The presentation is available in the toy library account.DIFZapopan on Instragram, on the YouTube website; as well as on the DIF Zapopan page on the Facebook social network. This material details the objective of strengthening the ideals of peace, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The importance of living together in harmony, of collaborating for a better environment, with greater equality and respect, is pointed out.


Our Peace Day Celebration will begin with a virtual tour of Ixtapa Zihuatanejo and our Peace Monuments. Then, we will celebrate with videos of:
Yoga for Peace
Indigenous dancers
Music performances
Peace Pals Children’s Art Exhibition< Peace Education in our schools Tourism and Peace Fashion show with traditional Afromexican dresses Peace messages from the Scouts and youth of Club Rotary Flags of the Nations Ceremony Virtual Peace Hugs! It will be a fun, 1-hour show to enjoy with your whole family! We are going to rock!

Asia and Pacific: International day of Peace


A survey by CPNN

We have found 33 events in 13 Asian and Pacific countries. They were listed in Google during the week of September 21-28 under the key words “International day of peace”, “Dia Internacional da Paz” and 国际和平日 (Chinese). Two come from the facebook page of International Cities of Peace and two came from the website of Campaign Nonviolence. No doubt there were many events listed on the Internet in languages other than those for which we searched.

In addition to these, there are about 125 events listed on the maps of One Day One Choir and Montessori schools singing for peace, but there is no indication which took place this year and which took place only in previous years.

Korea Peace Appeal


Peace is Possible is commemorating the UN International Day of Peace 2020 and joining with Pace e Bene Campaign Nonviolence to provide access to the recorded online conference held on 8/8/20. A peace picnic will be held at Birubi Beach on Sunday 9/20/2020 from 4-6pm


Video of event at the United Nations Association of Australia


On the International Day of Peace, the United Nations Office in Canberra in partnership with the Rotary Club of Canberra Burley Griffin organized an event at the Canberra Rotary Peace Bell, Nara Peace Park on the shores of Lake Burley Griffin. The event commenced with the performance from the Chorus of Women, Canberra’s renowned Women’s Peace Chorus. The keynote speaker Tim Weeks spoke passionately about the importance of taking collective action to bring about peace and to support those fleeing conflict.


Victoria University International Peace Day forum live online with thought leaders and special guests on 21 September from 4pm to 5.30pm to explore notions of peace, marking the UN . The panelists are Mr Craig Foster, Amnesty International, Ms Mazita Marzuki, Consul General of Malaysia, Mr Charles Allen APM, Institute of Economics for Peace, Ms Rohini Kattadath, Immigration Museum, and Tom Clark, Victoria University


The piazza at Mindeerup will be lit up for several nights from Monday in recognition of the United Nations International Day of Peace.


The City of Rockingham has planted a gingko biloba tree at City Park to recognise International Peace Day 2020 and to commemorate 75 years since the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. This is part of the Mayors for Peace program, which is an international organisation of cities from around the world dedicated to the promotion of peace.


Bangladeshi youth organizer  Sumon Rahman (Ruhit Sumon) received India’s International Day of Peace Award.. Ruhit Sumon, president of the Mayurpankhi and Mayurpankhi Family Social Welfare Organization for Children and Adolescents, received this international honor in recognition of his work in protecting world peace, health and human rights through social services at home and abroad. This prestigious award is given by the Mission Global Peace Association of India. Ruhit Sumon is conducting various activities in the epidemic corona situation through its established organization “Mayurpankhi”. Corona preventive and corrective training and workshops during the outbreak, coordination of volunteers, provision of masks, disinfectants, soap for the destitute, destitute and torn roots, distribution of awareness leaflets, distribution of food and iftar items, sewing machines for self-sufficiency and employment. In addition, food, financial assistance and protection materials were provided to flood victims.


On September 21, 2020, the Russian Embassy in Cambodia held a ceremonial assembly on the occasion of International Day of Peace. Head of the diplomatic mission, its personnel, as well as teachers and pupils of the Embassy School attended the event. Ambassador H.E. Mr. Anatoly Borovik delivered address, stressing the importance of peace in the world and need of joint efforts in its attainment and preservation.


To celebrate the International Day of Peace and to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, the China World Peace Foundation, the Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, and Beijing co-organized the seventh “Heyuan Peace Festival” in Beijing with the theme “Promoting Peaceful Dialogue, Civilized Health, and Youth Space”. The guests at the conference agreed that mankind is a community of shared destiny, sharing weal and woe. All countries should form a more inclusive global governance system, more effective multilateral mechanisms, and more active regional cooperation through peaceful public welfare, international exchanges, technological innovation, and cultural interaction.


On September 21, UNESCO, the National Commission for UNESCO, the Information Office of the People’s Government of Jiangsu Province, and the People’s Government of Nanjing jointly hosted the “Youth in Action” 2020 International Peace Day event in Nanjing . . .  As one of the activities of the 2020 International Peace Day, the “Art for Peace Youth Sharing Session” used a cross-border performance of music, poetry and dance to express the concept of peace, promote dialogue and exchanges, and stage a peaceful confession. Subsequently, young people from all over the world recite poems on the spot, and express their watch for peace in the form of poetry sessions. At the same time, the live “TV Art Installation” shows through videos the peaceful memories of artists and young people around the world, discussing a wide range of topics such as peace and aesthetics, technology, politics, and economy, reflecting on war in a peaceful way, and paying tribute to peace in an artistic way. 


On September 21st, Tumshuk Airport launched a publicity campaign on the theme of “International Day of Peace”.  During the event, the airport staff introduced the knowledge of the “International Day of Peace” to the passengers. The International Day of Peace is the Global Day of Ceasefire and Non-Violence, calling on all countries and people to cooperate with the United Nations to achieve a global ceasefire on this day, and use electronic LED Celebrate the International Day of Peace with education and publicity methods such as screens, TV broadcasts, and handbooks.


On the International Day of Peace, Wenzhou Xiangyu Junior High School Teachers and Students Learn Sign Language Together. After introducing the emblem of the United Nations, Assistant President Liu Yuee introduced the Xiangyu Education Group logo to everyone. Under her initiative, students and teachers follow the voice guidance, learn the sign language “I love peace” together, express their love for peace, desire for peace, oppose hegemonism, and oppose war of aggression.


Hefei Xinhua College “World View · Watching Youth” International Peace Day Interdisciplinary Works Exhibition. The students used Chinese characters and artistic visual elements to paint the repudiation of war and the beautiful imagination of peace. . . Today’s young people should understand that mutual respect and equality are the right way in the world, and peaceful development is the future of the world.


Today is the “International Day of Peace”. Students from Huandong Junior High School and Taozhu Street Central School in Zhuji City took up paintbrushes, applied colors and thoughtfully conceived, using vivid and lively paintings to express the blessings of peace and hope for good.


Intternational Day of Peace was observed by youngsters of the city. The day began with Plantation for Peace on a property in Neelbad, Bhopal. This land is being managed by the youth initiative ANANT Mandi for the Community Supported Agriculture experiment, it is an alternative socioeconomic model of agriculture and food distribution that allows the producer and the consumer to share the risks of agriculture. Before the plantation, everyone sang the song of Jai Jagat. With the goal of contributing to our country’s Green Drive, traversing global warming and thus reducing its impact on climate change, and ultimately presenting a better environment for the next generation, the team planted more than 20 trees.


World Peace Day was celebrated on behalf of the students of St. Soldier Divine Public School Una Road. An online program was organized under the leadership of Director Urmil Sood. During this, the students gave the message of world peace by making different posters and writing slogans. In the message to the students, Director Sood said that the main objective of celebrating this day is to spread peace and peace around the world, leaving aside the policy of violence and war.


Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace. International Peace Day celebrated during the online sessions by primary students of Kids’ Pride School.

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Question for this article

What has happened this year (2020) for the International Day of Peace?

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The NSS unit of Gobindgarh Public College, Aloud, Khanna, observed International Peace Day. An online declamation contest was organised on the theme “Importance of peaceful living”. Programme officers Mandeep Singh and Professor B Rupinder Kaur highlighted the importance of the day. Principal Neena Seth Pajnii appreciated the NSS unit for organising such a programme. In the declamation contest, Nancy Gupta got first position. Jasmeet Kaur and Tanya got second and third positions, respectively.


The Meghalaya Bharat Scouts and Guides celebrated the International Day of Peace on Monday. The programme included a Prayer for Peace by the Jt. State Secretary of the Meghalaya Bharat Scouts and Guides, W. Lyngdoh followed by a Special Message on Peace by the State Secretary, Meghalaya Bharat Scouts and Guides, A. Swer and flying of Pace Lanterns in the evening.  Online competitions on peace videos and peace slogans were also organised. Tree plantations were also held at the State Training Centre, Umtyngar on  September 10 (Pachmarhi Day) to mark the inauguration of the International Day of Peace 2020. 


Run/Ride for International Peace Day. Run for 5 km, 10 km . . . 100 km. Goldengate Awards. “Peace is the way to bring the world together”


In observance of the International Day of Peace celebrated this week, Silk Road International School has a pleasure to invite you for our “Hopes and Dreams” event held on: Friday, 25th September 2020, from 14:30 to 15:30. On this occasion, we will create SRIS Wish Tree decorated with cards, including our wishes and hopes. The school will also prepare additional art activities for children and their parents and refreshments.
We look forward to seeing you this Friday! Silk Road Primary Team


International Peace Day: Civil society organizations call for end of Korean War. More than 350 South Korean and international civil society organizations, including the Korea office of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, have launched a campaign calling for an end of the Korean War.
Although the conflicting parties signed an Armistice Agreement in 1953, there have been a number of political and military conflicts between two Koreas. The Korea Peace Appeal is an international petition set to run from 2020, the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War, until 2023, the 70th anniversary of the armistice.  The Korea Peace Appeal emphasizes four demands: 1. End the Korean War and establish a peace agreement.  2. Create a Korean Peninsula, and a world, free from nuclear weapons and nuclear threat.  3. Resolve the conflict with dialogue and cooperation instead of sanctions and pressure.  4. Break from the vicious cycle of the arms race and invest in human security and environmental sustainability. 

The Pan Pacific and Southeast Asia Women’s Association (PPSEAWA) celebrated the International Day of Peace here on Monday at a leading hotel with the theme “Shaping Peace Together”. PPSEAWA Vice President Datin Dr Jayanthi Krishnan said this year, it has been clearer than ever that the common enemy is a tireless coronavirus known Covid-19 which threatens Malaysian’s health, security and way of life.


We the promoter of Global Cultural Peace Walk, Nepal (GCPW/N) is organizing the local peace walk event since 2017 at the eve of International Day of Peace awaking global harmony. The nurturing activity is continued in 2020, remodeling with social value, an educational tips to Covid-19 pandemic. This year celebration are limited to the location near by the members’ residence. A cultural ghee/oil lightening were perform with creative activity at Charumati Stupa, Sankhapark in UN Park, Swayambhu, Panauti and Namo Buddha managed by Palden Lama, Surya Rana, Deva Sainju, Rajaram Karmacharya and Subarna Shrestha at each places respectively in collaboration with Namo Buddha International Cities of Peace,


Lotus Mindfulness and Relaxation Services (LMRS) in Kathmandu organized a peacemaking event through meditation on the occasion of the UN International Peace Day on Monday. The organizer hosted an online event inviting international peacemakers from different corners of the world to share their experiences and encourage people to make meditation ‘The New Normal’ during these turbulent times. A total of 70 participants, mainly youths, from different countries including the US, Germany, Thailand, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Nepal participated in the virtual event.


VIDEO: Hear the Unheard: Stories of Nepal is being organized jointly by Peace for People and MasterPeace Nepal on the occasion of World Peace Day on September 21, 2020.


The National Commission for Justice and Peace of the Archdiocese of Karachi yesterday held a rally for Peace and a seminar dedicated to this year’s International Day of Peace. Various humanitarian groups, students, lawyers and religious congregations took an active part in the events . . . Participants in the peace seminar pledged to play a role in promoting peace and tolerance in society. A peace candle was lit, a dove was released, and trees were planted as gestures of peace and special prayers were offered for peace in the world.


People from different walks of life held a rally in Hattiyaan Bala town of Azad Jammu & Kashmir on Monday to mark the International Day for Peace under the aegis of Pasban-e-Hurriyat Jammu Kashmir and International Forum for Justice and Human Rights titled “Justice, Independence, Peace Rally”. Speakers on the occasion said that the world was celebrating World Peace Day while around 1 million Indian armed forces have illegally Occupied the internationally-acknowledged disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir. They demanded United Nations and other peace building organisations to take notice of existence of immense armed forces in disputed territory. They also demanded that UN must fulfill its obligation on Kashmir issue as the resistance movement in IOK was legitimate according to UN resolutions.


Bacha Khan Trust Educational Foundation : Spreading the message of justice for minorities in Pakistan on Social Media.


With the help of ZABIDA , a local partner of Manos Unidas in the Philippines, we want to get closer to the people of Mindanao on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Peace 2020. . . This year we want to look at the young people of Mindanao who have been directly affected by the consequences of a conflict that, with greater or lesser intensity, is still being felt despite the undeniable progress in the peace process. The conflict that has lasted for more than four decades and which confronts the Philippine government with Islamist armed groups that demand the independence of the region, has its roots in economic and political factors and branches out into very different types of violence, from attacks and armed confrontations to episodes. of bulling in schools and tensions between neighbors due to the origin or personal and family history of each person.


In celebration of National Peace Consciousness Month as well as the International Day of Peace, Lasallian students and Partners took part in numerous activities including the 2020 Institutional Peace Concert on September 21, 2020. The concert was live-streamed via De La Salle Lipa’s official YouTube channel and Facebook page. . . The Institutional Peace Concert was not the only way that members of the De La Salle Lipa community commemorated the Month of Peace. Other activities have also been lined up and participated by Lasallians all throughout the month. Grade school students participated in an activity focused on making paper planes. The meaning behind the paper plane must not be overlooked. It serves as a symbol of hope and optimism during a time when we need those things most. The efforts placed into crafting a paper plane will enable it to fly. The same goes for the ongoing struggle for peace as the efforts made, no matter how small, can make a difference and cause great causes to take flight. Also featured during the event were the Junior High School students joining together as they formed a virtual sign of peace. The meaningful gesture represents how even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing, we can still remain united as we pursue the same goals. Senior High School (SHS) students, on the other hand, commemorated the International Day of Peace in their own unique way. Some students took to Instagram to get involved in a Story Chain. The students struck a pose while wearing their white tops and also tagged their friends to take part in the Story Chain.


International Day of Peace Celebrated at Dover Court. The children were able to articulate that peace may mean giving people the space to think and relax, or that it means not arguing with one another and respecting difference in viewpoints. Where right now it may seem the world is pulling people apart from one another, we as a community are seeking ways to build connection through shared discussion and collaborative projects. In the Library we acknowledged International Peace Day by thinking about children around the world who may not live in a peaceful country. We thought about how lucky we are to live in the safety of Singapore.  We came up with some ideas of how we could acknowledge world peace day in our everyday lives by being kind to our siblings, showing love to our family etc.  We then looked at books about children around the world and some of us coloured doves of peace and wrote poems about peace.


Launched this week on world peace day, Vietnam based independent restaurant chain Pizza 4Ps has partnered with Ki Saigon to bring to life their mission to make the world smile for peace, one pizza at a time. The agency thought of bringing together ingredients of nations in conflict to create ‘Peace Pizzas’. By combining tastes of these countries in harmony to attempt to prove that if ingredients can be together on a pizza, so can we on the planet. Over many months, their chefs Mr. Shotaro Hirukawa & Ms. Natsumi Kobayashi worked with the Ki Saigon team to create three individual ‘Peace Pizzas’: India & Pakistan; China & USA; Israel & Palestine. To celebrate the unity of flavors the agency transformed the 4PS pizza boxes to a garden of peace. The pizza boxes were re-engineered to open to an intricate, handcrafted three dimensional flower. Each flower is made by combining the colors of the two flags: Israel + Palestine, China + USA & India + Pakistan. 27 unique handmade flowers blossom with each pizza to celebrate peace and tranquility. A total of 250 of these boxes were also displayed as an art piece titled ‘garden of peace’ at one of their marque venues, which is holding a one week event to celebrate ‘peace week’ where the pizzas will be sold. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of the peace pizzas will go to the UN Peace Building Fund.

Arab and Middle Eastern States: International Day of Peace


A survey by CPNN

The following 19 events in 10 Arab and Middle Eastern countries were listed in Google during the week of September 21-28 under the key words “International day of peace” “peace day”, “journee internationale de la paix” and اليوم الدولي للسلام , and including one on the facebook page for the International Cities of Peace.

About 20 events are listed on the maps of One Day One Choir and Montessori schools singing for peace, but there is no indication which took place this year and which took place only in previous years

A young volunteer paints a mural to mark the International Day of Peace in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan


Photo report from Xinhua News Service: A young volunteer paints a mural to mark the International Day of Peace in Mazar-i-Sharif, capital of Balkh province, Afghanistan.


The participants in the national conference on solidarity and constant support towards the Palestinian and Sahrawi peoples, stressed Monday in Algiers on the imperative to apply UN resolutions and decolonize Palestine and Western Sahara, emphasizing warns against the dangers of delay in ensuring both peoples their right to self-determination. Organized by the Algerian National Committee for Solidarity with the Saharawi People (CNASPS), in coordination with a network of Algerian journalists, the Mechaal E-chahid Association and the SADR embassy, ​​this national conference, celebrated on the occasion of The International Day of Peace, September 21 of each year, was an opportunity for speakers to advocate for the need to compel Moroccan and Israeli colonizers to conform to international legitimacy.


The League of Arab States called on all nations and peoples, especially the Arab countries that are experiencing armed conflicts, to immediately cease fire and abide by the cessation of hostilities and resort to a political solution as it is the only way to settle conflicts and disputes. In a statement today on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Peace, which falls on the 21st of this month, the Arab League affirmed its full support for the efforts undertaken by the United Nations to promote sustainable peace, including its commitments to preserving and building peace and its keenness to establish a strategic partnership with the international organization to prevent the outbreak of Conflicts and resolution. The Arab League also called on all peoples to work on building and spreading a culture of peace by establishing a set of values and behavioral patterns based on respecting human rights, rejecting violence in all its forms and forms, strengthening the rule of law, adhering to the principles of democracy, freedom and justice, spreading the values of tolerance, acceptance of others, multiculturalism, and promoting dialogue.


Dr. Nabil Helmy, Secretary-General of the Heliopolis Association, said that the association participates in the celebration of the International Day of Peace, which falls on September 21 of each year, under the slogan “Forming Peace Together”, by launching it today, Monday, and through the page and website of Heliopolis Library, a photo gallery Hypothetically for the Interfaith Complex in Ancient Egypt, that part of the land where the three monotheistic religions come together to send a message of peace and love to the world.


Egyptian swimmers will try to beat Turkey’s obscure world record on International Peace Day: A cohort of 550 swimmers will try to break the Guinness World Record for the largest peace emblem during International Peace Day on 21 September, Ahram Gate reports. The current record was set by Turkey, which previously used 460 swimmers to form the symbol.


The Municipal Council in Tehran honors the International Peace Day tomorrow, Monday in the Hall of Iran, and at this ceremony, in addition to exchanging views on peace, the book “Women and Defending Peace in the Post-Corona Period” will be unveiled.


The Municipality of Amman lights the Abdoun Bridge in orange on the International Day of Peace – photos


On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, the International Center for Human Sciences, UNESCO Byblos, in partnership with the German Hans Seidel Foundation, on Monday, September 21 and 22, held training workshops on the importance of dialogue and peace building with the aim of refining and developing personality and social responsibility towards others with the participation of academic and cultural figures and lecturers from various universities in Lebanon And lecturers from France. 

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Question related to this article:

What has happened this year (2020) for the International Day of Peace?

(Survey continued from left column)


UNIFIL today marked the International Day of Peace during a ceremony at its headquarters in Naqoura, south Lebanon. Present at the ceremony were UNIFIL Head of Mission Force Commander Major General Stefano Del Col, Colonel George Toufik Toufik representing the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) Commander, local authorities, representatives of the Lebanese security agencies and fellow peacekeepers.


Department of the Joint Mission of the United Nations and the African Union (UNAMID) and the Center for Peace and Development Studies at the University of El Fasher on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, which falls today, signed a pledge to work together achieving the requirements of peace and democratic transition in Darfur. Professor Adam Saleh Muhammadin, Director of the University of El Fasher, addressed the opening session of the forum.


The Sudanese Council of Churches and the Council of Religious Coexistence organized today at the Council’s headquarters in Khartoum a solidarity stand on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, which falls on the twenty first of September of each year under the slogan (Blessed are the peacemakers because they are the children of God called) under the auspices of the Minister of Religious Affairs and Endowments Nasreddin Mufreh


On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, celebrated on Monday, September 21, which coincides with the second anniversary of the Revitalized Agreement on Conflict Resolution in South Sudan (RARCSS), representatives of various faiths in Sudan of the South, in a collective statement, noted “with great concern” the slow pace of the implementation of RARCSS and expressed the need to “accelerate the implementation of the provisions of the agreement..


On the occasion of the celebration on September 21 of the International Day of Peace, the theme of which 2020 is “Shaping peace together”, the National Heritage Institute (INP) and the agency for the enhancement of heritage and cultural promotion (AMVPPC) organize in collaboration with the friendly staff of the INP a series of activities and events in five museums in Tunisia.


Video report: “Living in peace is our legitimate right” .. A peaceful pause in the city of Atarib in the countryside of Aleppo on the International Day of Peace


The “Southerners for Peace” group commemorates the International Dy of Peace and finds this ocasion an opportunity to renew its demands for peace in Yemen.


Under the title “On This Land What Deserves Life”, the mural exhibition coinciding with the International Day of Peace was executed by a number of plastic artists on the wall of the Martyrs’ Stadium, located in the Jahmiliya neighborhood, which is the largest neighborhood that was destroyed.    Those in charge of the mural said that its aim is to deliver a message to the international community that Taiz is tired of the war and siege that it has been living for years, and that it seeks peace and coexistence.    Over the past two days, the organization has launched several activities in the governorates of Ma’rib and Hadramawt on strengthening the capacities of youth initiatives in peacebuilding, to celebrate the International Day of Peace, with the participation of 28 young men and women representing 14 youth initiatives in the two governorates.


We celebrate the international day of Peace and as participation in our community we always take care people whom has special case and the current situation in Yemen increased their suffering. Hence we performed our activity with autism children at the Charter for Compassion Yemen Autism Center in Sana’a and the team of United Religions Initiative. This is the first time that children with autism in Yemen celebrate this occasion.


On this international day of peace, let us shape peace together, recognizing and supporting the important role of local women mediators in community based conflict resolution efforts. In Yemen, women peacebuilders have used their conflict resolution skills to prevent local conflicts, promote social cohesion and women’s participation in community and social initiatives. PartnersGlobal and its affiliate, Partners Yemen, collaborated in a community-based conflict mitigation program to create sustainable mechanisms for local conflict resolution in Yemen’s tribal areas. The program supported local women peacebuilders in: coaching on mediation approaches to proactively address and reduce violent conflict, creating the space and opportunities for women to engage in conflict resolution, and building women’s knowledge and capacity in conflict management, mediation, arbitration, negotiation, and communication.


On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, a youth campaign calling for a ceasefire throughout Yemen has been launched. Under the hashtag #EnoughWar, the campaign uses social media to call for a cease-fire in Yemen. In line with the theme of this year’s International Peace Day, “building peace together”, the campaign is mobilizing young people to play a role in the peace process and amplifying the voices and opinions of young women and men calling for peace. The campaign kicked off with a vox pop video in which young people share their messages on peace:

Africa: International Day of Peace

A survey by CPNN

The following 35 events in 23 African countries include those listed in Google during the week of September 21-28 under the key words “International day of peace” and “Journée internationale de la paix.” The events also include some listed on the facebook page for the International Cities of Peace.

About 50 events are listed on the maps of One Day One Choir and Montessori schools singing for peace, but there is no indication which took place this year and which took place only in previous years.

For events in North Africa see the page of events in the Arab States .

Celebration in Congo, Brazzaville

Here are excerpts from the articles.


As part of the International Day of Peace, the National Fund for the Development of Youth Activities, Sports and Leisure (Fndajsl) in collaboration with the Beninese National Olympic and Sports Committee (Cnos-Ben) organized a series of ‘activities concluded with two communications on the theme “The celebration of sport for development and peace”. This meeting brought together from September 25 to 26, 2020, at the Conference Hall of the Cotonou Sports Palace, the Beninese sports movement, journalists and civil society.


The United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA, commemorated the International Day of Peace with AfriYAN and Youth Networks for Sustainable Peace in Africa. The promoter of the event Fayçal Traoré, member of the structure promoting the dialogue framework, wants the discourse to change at the level of young people through this celebration. “The discourse is no longer that young people are a challenge, or even problems to be solved, but that young people are an opportunity for peace, and are essential players in matters of peace,” he comments.


An Audio report by Issaka Souleymane DIALLO (Journaliste/ RTB).


A video report by the Minister of National Solidarity of Social Affairs, Human Rights and Gender Imelde Sabushimike with a related statement. The theme for this year is “shaping peace together.”


Paul Biya – President of the Republic, endorsed the theme of this year’s commemoration, “Shaping peace together” and took the opportunity to promote and strengthen social cohesion and living together. Qualities on which Mounouna Foutsou – Minister of Youth and Civic Education returned this Monday, during the official ceremony organized in the political capital of Cameroon.


SHAPING PEACE TOGETHER, The Association for Community Awareness (ASCOA) joined the rest of the world to commemorate 2020 world peace day. A one day workshop with youths in the city of Buea, Cameroon.


To celebrate the International Day of Peace, the Department of Arts and Culture, the National Youth Council in partnership with the MINUSCA organized competitions for the benefit of young people allowing them to express themselves. The main objective of these competitions is to contribute to the consolidation of peace and the popularization of the APPR-RCA in this period of pandemic with covid19. The competitions which have for theme “Shaping your peace”, is open to young people from 10 to 25 years old who wish to express themselves through different production channels. Shape your peace through poetry, drawing, dance, art, storytelling, music, photography and comedy.


The coordinator of the peace and sustainable security program of the United Nations association of Chad made a statement on Monday on the occasion of the International Day of Peace which is celebrated around the world. According to Brahim Ramadan Mahamat, “It is more evident than ever that we are not enemies of each other. On the contrary, our common enemy is a tireless virus that threatens our health, our safety, and even our way of life. this is the Covid-19 virus. This is why the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has reminded to silence the guns and to focus on the fight against this pandemic” , adds the coordinator of the peace and sustainable security program of the association.


On September 21, World Day of Peace, the leaders of NGOs Unfpa and Afriyan-Comoros organized a conference based on peace in itself, peace and justice, and peace and Islam. According to the goals of the SDGs, peace occupies sixteenth place. “For sustainable development, peace occupies sixteenth place among the seventeen programs mentioned. That’s why we’re celebrating this international day of world peace, ”National Assembly Administrator David Palmer said.


The national coordinator of Associations and Civil Society Organizations for Peace (CONAP), Marlon Alouki Obouémbé affirmed on September 21 in Brazzaville that the forces of the nation should not only appropriate the notion of peace and make it a philosophy of life, but cultivate it because it constitutes the common thread of better living together. “We want to raise awareness among populations against violence for the simple reason that experience shows that in the Congo, each time electoral deadlines approach, the socio-political climate changes.” indicated Marlon Alouki Obouémbé, at the opening of a symposium held as part of the celebration of the 19th International Day of Peace.


In his capacity as representative of the Prime Minister, Adama Diawara, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, chaired on September 21, at the Félix Houphouët-Boigny Foundation in Yamoussoukro, the official celebration of the International Day of Peace .
To the young people, Adama Diawara explained that in “this pre-electoral period where certain speeches call to impose themselves by force, to destroy the gains”, they will have to reject violence in all its forms and especially avoid destroying the symbols of State.

On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, the Young Patriots consolidators of peace reflect Monday September 21, 2020 in Beni (North Kivu) on the contribution of youth in the maintenance and consolidation of peace in Beni. The challenges and the related solutions.


On the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Peace, celebrated on September 21 of each year, seventy-five women’s civil society organizations unanimously formulated a joint declaration on the establishment of peace in the DRC.
“If men cannot come to an understanding to make peace, as women we can” is the sentence that sums up the joint declaration signed by these women’s organizations.


The International Day of Peace is celebrated every year on September 21 around the world. In the city of Goma, in North Kivu, citizen movements of committed artists Raiya Nasimama, decided to march in the street to protest against the insecurity characterized by massacres of civilians in the east of the country, particularly in the region. from Beni. According to Black Man Bausi, a committed artist from the city of Goma, this day is dedicated to peace and particularly in the province of North Kivu and its surroundings, which are facing a situation of growing insecurity. “We are in the street today because we organized a peace concert.”


On the sidelines of the international day of peace, in Kananga several related activities were organized, including the provincial youth council endowed diplomas of merit to five youth including an activist from the Lucha section of Kananga. During an interview granted to him by the editorial staff of, Albert Ngalamulume reassures that he has worked within the citizen movement fighting for change during the period of the Kamwina Nsapu atrocities “Since we joined the citizen movement, fighting for change during or after the kamwina nsapu atrocities, we have never stopped sending out the message of peace, carrying out awareness campaigns, participating in various radio broadcasts. to call the people who had their weapons in their hands to lay them down and make peace, we did this work three years ago ”declared Albert Ngalamulume at the microphone of the interview this late Sunday


The International Day of Peace is celebrated on September 21 of each year. In Kinshasa, Radio Okapi, through the magazine “Okapi Service”, produced a general public program on Saturday, September 19 in the promotion room of the Catholic University in Congo (UCC). Several personalities took part in this great meeting.  The UNESCO country representative, Jean-Pierre Ilbido, argued that the principles of peace are based on notions of tolerance and the absence of violence between citizens. Several students invited the competent authorities to work for the promotion of peace.  

(Survey continued in right column)

Question related to this article:

What has happened this year (2020) for the International Day of Peace?

(Survey continued from left column)


World Peace Foundation Celebrates the Interational Day of Peace. Here is a photo of our celebration of the International Day of Peace, along with excerpts from the ten-year report for our Foundation for 2010-2020.


The International Day of Peace. Taking advantage of this date of capital importance, the Synergy of peace journalists in the Great Lakes region, appealed to all communities in the DRC and the east to be able to live together peacefully to encourage the development of their communities. respective entities.”We are taking advantage of this important day to ask all communities to live in peaceful coexistence because nothing is possible without living together as children of the same father and the same mother. We have been going through difficult times for a long time, for lack of love and affection, “said Paulin Munyagala, coordinator of this Synergy of Peace Journalists who is part of the CongoForum editorial staff. This organization of around ten journalists involved in peacebuilding wants eastern DRC to become an oasis of peace where people live together in peace for the development of their region. Paulin himself has been involved for the past three years in building peace in his region.


The African Union celebrated the International Day of Peace 2020 with a video conference, Youth as agents for Silencing the Guns and Shaping Peace


As part of the commemoration of the International Day of Peace, celebrated this year under the theme “Shaping peace together”. . . a video conference was dedicated to peace issues and security. During this high-level meeting, the Sub-Regional Representative of UNESCO, PAYNCOP Gabon invited the various organizations to strengthen the capacities of local actors in awareness raising, preventive diplomacy, mediation and peaceful resolution of crises and conflicts.


Statement from Taran Diallo, Minister of National Unity and Citizenship: The International Day of Peace is celebrated in Guinea in the context of the preparations for the presidential election of October 18, 2020: it is an important moment in the consolidation of our democratic process. In doing so, our words, behaviors and attitudes must contribute to the establishment of a peaceful climate in order to allow everyone to participate in this historic choice.


Dandora Kenya International cities of Peace will share peace together with orphans and widows on 21 September 2020, international peace day. The day will start with a simple peace match within Dandora with peace messages then settle in a spacious hall for a meal. @$10 a widow or an orphan can have a meal. Your peace message or a meal support shall proudly be shared.


A cache of crude weapons recovered in the volatile Narok South Sub-County were set ablaze Monday as part of celebrations to mark the International Peace Day. The assortment of weapons which included about 6,000 quivers, arrows, bows and spears had been confiscated by the Narok County Security Committee following the ethnic altercations between members of two communities living in the area. The event was graced by legislators from the Senate and National Assembly committee as well as members of the National Cohesion and Equal Opportunity as well as the National Cohesion and Integration Committee (NCIC) who took the chance to root for peace amongst members of the warring communities.


This Monday, September 21 marks the International Day of Peace. The theme chosen for this 2020 Day is Shaping Peace Together. Fatoumata Maiga, president of the Association of Women for Peace Initiatives answers Assa Sakiliba’s microphone


NGOs in the Rose-Belle region are mobilizing for the country. Shaping peace together. This is the theme chosen this year for the International Day of Peace. A theme that could not have come at a better time with all the unfortunate events that the country has experienced in recent weeks. Artist and social worker Alain Auriant added his personal touch.  “There is a great need for peace in Mauritius and in the whole world. We are organizing activities for this day to show that we are united among NGOs. ” Alain Auriant advances.


Yesterday (21.09.20), the MASC Foundation, through its Civic Incubator initiative, organized in Pemba a round table to discuss the contribution of local actors in the process of building sustainable peace and social cohesion in the context of armed attacks and religious radicalism in Cabo Delgado. Religious, academic, and youth leaders were present. The date is celebrated at a time when Mozambique is being plagued by successive armed attacks in the center and north of the country. The general understanding resulting from the roundtable is that peace and social cohesion are still a challenge because the process of building the Mozambican state has always been marked by violence and, to end this violence, we must create conditions of dialogue for the construction of a culture of peace based on socialization institutions. The celebration / reflection also featured the performance of the band Ikwazuni, which recently released the album Mocambique Yethu- Stop extremist violence!


The Association of Journalists for Security and Migrants (AJSEM Niger) organized, this Monday, September 21, 2020 in the Conference Room of the Maison de la Presse in Niamey, an information meeting and discussions on defense and security issues.
Around the theme “What type of collaboration between FDS and media actors in a context of multifaceted security crisis”, this meeting is organized as part of the celebration of the International Day of Peace. In opening this meeting, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Maison de la Presse, Mr. Ibrahim Harouna, first remarked that “our country and the African sub-region have been confronted for several years to multiple security challenges ”, stressing that“ several hotbeds of tension are active in particular in the North with the Libyan hearth, in the North-West the situation in Mali, in the East the Boko Haram group ”.


Poster for International Cities of Peace: Ilorin, Nigeria. Shaping Peace Together. Written by Dr. Biola Adimula, Centre for Peace and Strategic Studies, University of Ilorin.


SEARCH FOR COMMON GROUP, a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) in conjunction with LEKEH DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION host the International Peace Day at the Ultramodern Town Hall, Kaani community. A wonderful event organized to preach, educate and orientate the leaders of Bua Kaani community on the importance of peace. HRH Mene G. B. Apere, the Community Development Committee (CDC) Chairman, the Elite president , Youth president, the Kaani Students Union president, Clergymen and women leader attends the programme to discus everlasting peace.


The Beau Vallon secondary school celebrated the International Peace Day on Monday September 21 with a ‘Peace Road Race’. The head teacher of the school, Phillip Morel, noted that on Monday morning they had a short, simple assembly with messages of peace from teachers. To complete the event, some of the talented drummers from the school along with Marie Chantal composed and performed a moutya song on peace.


To mark Peace Day yesterday, the International Day for Peace Committee organised a tree-planting activity in collaboration with six renowned local peace poets and the ‘Zanfan Losean EZ’ Association. They planted 21 coconut trees in the vicinity of the waterfront café and they all wore a white shirt/top. The theme for the event was ‘My Sustainable Tree’ and it was inaugurated by the Mayor of Victoria, David Andre.


RE:21 SEPT INTERNATIONAL WORLD PEACE DAY 2020 KARIAKOO UHURU PARK ZANZIBAR. Dear all friends in peace. We greet you all in True Peace & Solidarity. My name is Ali Mussa Mwadini and I am the Founder of our Organization, and currently voluntarily working as Executive Secretary & Peace Activist and Founder of Zanzibar City of Peace Clubs Project. Our Organization Zanzibar Peace, Truth & Transparency Association (ZPTTA NGO), is committed to the promotion of True Culture of Peace (Positive Peace) & peace related issues, via increased negotiation, reconciliation and dialogue. Find attached photos of world peace day 2020


The Committee for Reflection and Action for the Promotion of Human Rights (CRAPH) intends to commemorate the International Day of Peace on September 21 through a discussion and discussion. The meeting, which is being held at the organization’s headquarters in Lomé, will bring together the board of directors of this human rights association and its members around the theme “Shaping peace together”.


Three women’s organizations (REPSFECO, ROAJLEF and GTFJPS-AOS) are delighted with the efforts made by States to maintain peace in the sub-region. On the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Peace, they invite the governments of the community space to redouble their vigilance for the maintenance and consolidation of peace. They also salute all the actors involved in an effective commitment to peace. Read the full statement below.


Video for International Day of Peace from the Uganda Muslim Youth Development Forum

English bulletin October 1, 2020


In our survey of the Internet this year we found actions for the International Day of Peace in 717 communities located throughout the world. This total is similar to what we found last year, although the geographical distribution was a bit different.

This year the greatest number of actions took place in Europe.

In Western Euope we found reference to actions in 274 communities. The greatest number was recorded in Belgium where 159 towns and municipalities participated in a campaign to fly the peace flag on official buildings, calling for a Belgium without nuclear weapons in a world without nuclear weapons. An article from the Italian island of Sardegna lists actions in 37 communities. In France, the Collective for 21 September coordinated and described actions in 43 communities, including marches and demonstrations, often linked to the struggle to preserve the planet from global warming.

The Collective for 21 September is composed of 35 French organizations, led by Mouvement de la Paix. Their statement declares “More than ever it is necessary to cry out loud and clear: Stop wars, Stop violence, Stop misery, Stop injustices. Together, let us act to shape peace and the development of a culture of peace through the construction of a united world, free from all weapons of mass destruction.”

In the former Soviet countries of Eastern Europe, Russia, Ukraine and Belorus, we found actions in 168 communities, most of them involving the children in schools. Often the children made paper doves and wrote their wishes for peace, sometimes attaching them to balloons to fly into the sky and travel across the earth.

As was the case last year, many of the actions took place in communities across the two sides of the armed coflict in the Ukraine. One of them, in Svyatogorsk, was hosted by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church with the purpose of ending the armed conflict in the Donbass region. The Metropolitan of Svyatogorsk recalled that “Blessed are the peacemakers, says the Lord. We dare to take upon ourselves the title of peacemaking, so as not to renounce the great title of the sons of God.”

In North America we found actions in 159 communities, of which 110 were coordinated and listed on the website of the Campaign Nonviolence, “working for a new culture of nonviolence free from war war, poverty, racism and environmental destruction.” All 50 states of the United States were represented, along with the Canadian provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec.

For example, in Philadelphia, Peace Day Philly 2020 included eleven programs over seven days – all on-line and all free – related to personal, local and global peace and justice.

Ongoing wars and recent peace accords were addressed by the day’s celebrations in the rest of the world.

In Africa, we found celebrations in 35 communities in 23 countries, many of them torn by violent conflict. In Cabo Delgado, Mozambique, a round table discussed the contribution of local actors in the process of building sustainable peace and social cohesion in a region plagued by successive armed attacks and religious radicalism. In the city of Goma, in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo, citizen movements and artists marched in the street to protest against massacres of civilians in the east of the country. Meanwhile in the DRC, seventy-five women’s civil society organizations unanimously formulated a joint declaration on the establishment of peace. And the African Union held a video conference: “Youth as agents for Silencing the Guns and Shaping Peace.”

In the Middle East and North Africa, we found actions in 19 communities in 10 countries and regions. In South Sudan on Peace Day September 21, which coincides with the second anniversary of the Revitalized Agreement on Conflict Resolution representatives of various faiths in Sudan of the South issued a collective statement calling for implementation of the peace agreement. In Yemen, still at war, a youth campaign calling for a ceasefire was launched with a vox pop video in which young people share their messages on peace. And from Aleppo in Syria, there is a video for the International Day of Peace in Arabic : “Living in peace is our legitimate right”!

In Latin America we found actions in 29 communities. Celebrations in Colombia were linked to commemoration of the fourth year since the signing of the peace agreement. For example, in the article from Prensa Latina, “Colombians from all over the country will march today in the context of the International Day of Peace to demand that the government comply with the Havana Agreement and put an end to violence in the country.” The largest number of community celebrations came from Mexico, another country that experiences a high level of violence.

In Asia and the Pacific we found actions in 33 communities in 13 countries. In Korea, a campaign called for an ending to the Korean War, signed by more than 350 South Korean and international civil society organizations. In the Philippines, solidarity was proclaimed with the young people of Mindanao who have been directly affected by the consequences of a conflict that is still being felt despite progress in the peace process. And in Pakistan, there were calls for the United Nations to intervene in Jammu and Kashmir where there is armed conflict with India.

A new feature of the celebrations this year was the increased importance of virtual meetings and conferences, such as that mentioned above by the African Union. A good example was the initiative Peace Weekend 2020 with the convergence of multiple online summits and music festivals including the UP Convergence, Peace One Day Live Digital Experience as well as the Shift Festival and Music Festival.



What has happened this year: International Day of Peace


United States and Canada: International Day of Peace


Europe: International Day of Peace


Asia and Pacific: International Day of Peace


Ex-Soviet countries: International Day of Peace


Arab and Middle Eastern States: International Day of Peace


Latin America: International Day of Peace


Africa: International Day of Peace