Are we seeing the dawn of a global youth movement?

Here are excerpts from the CPNN Bulletin of April, 2019.

Millions of students went on strike from school on March 15 to pressure their governments to address seriously the problem of global warming. Photos from that day on CPNN show their demonstrations around the world: in the UK, Australia, Philippines, Sweden, Italy, Uganda, Belgium, USA, Canada, Portugal, Ukraine, Spain, Chile, Nigeria, France and Bangladesh.

The movement has been inspired by the actions of a girl in Sweden, Greta Thunberg, who sat last year by herself outside the Swedish parliament to demand that they take action. Since then Greta has spoken out in many venus, including the meeting of the world’s richest bankers and executives in Davos, Switzerland. Her words at Davos struck a chord, especially among young people around the world: “Act As If Our House Is on Fire. Because It Is.” She has even been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. If Thunberg won, the 16-year-old would be the youngest winner ever and the second after 2007 co-winners former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to be honored for work on climate change.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Gutteres has praised the youth movement, saying that ““These schoolchildren have grasped something that seems to elude many of their elders”, he said, adding that “we are in a race for our lives, and we are losing. The window of opportunity is closing; we no longer have the luxury of time, and climate delay is almost as dangerous as climate denial.” The Secretary-General acknowledged that his older generation “has failed to respond properly to the dramatic challenge of climate change. This is deeply felt by young people. No wonder they are angry.”

Representing CPNN, I had the chance to go to the march and demonstration of school students in New York against climate change on Friday, March 15. There were a series of demonstrations ending up with a big enthusisastic crowd at the Museum of Natural History. The average age was under 20. I’d have to back to the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s to remember big demonstrations with majority youth. Are we seeing the dawn of a global youth movement?

Here are the CPNN articles on the question
Are we seeing the dawn of a global youth movement?

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France: “You are, we are, Earth Uprisings”

Youth Statement from the Hiroshima G7 Youth Summit

NAM Baku Summit unique opportunity to find solutions to solve real world issues – Pakistani expert

The Boric effect on Chilean youth

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Australia: On our “frightening” future: how this election shows young people are taking back their voice

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Fridays for Future: Who we are

COP26: Thousands of young people take over Glasgow streets demanding climate action

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India: Activist Disha Ravi, 22, Arrested Over Toolkit, Faces Conspiracy Charge

Montreal: Demonstration for “climate justice”

First Person: Turning ‘apathetic people into climate activists’; a young person’s view

At Major March in Madrid, Indigenous & Youth Activists Slam Global Leaders for Climate Inaction

The best images from school strikes around the world

Photo essay: Climate Change Protests Sweep Europe

Russia: Ecofest, festival for green universities and eco-friendly lifestyle

The kids got it right: Climate Change, pollution and the system

Fridays for the Future: 25000 demonstrate in Berlin with Greta Thunberg

Greta Thunberg—Swedish Teen who Inspired School Climate Strikes—Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

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Mission Statement of American Youth Climate Strike