All posts by CPNN Coordinator

About CPNN Coordinator

Dr David Adams is the coordinator of the Culture of Peace News Network. He retired in 2001 from UNESCO where he was the Director of the Unit for the International Year for the Culture of Peace, proclaimed for the Year 2000 by the United Nations General Assembly.

Rutilio Escandón holds meeting with Rigoberta Menchú, Nobel Peace Prize winner


An article from Excelsior

Chiapas Governor Rutilio Escandón Cadenas held a meeting with Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Nobel Peace Prize winner, in which he recognized her tireless struggle in favor of the dignity, defense, respect and unrestricted compliance with the human rights of indigenous and vulnerable peoples.

video of the meeting

(This article is continued in the column on the right.)

(Click here for the original article in Spanish.)

Question related to this article:

Solidarity across national borders, What are some good examples?

(This article is continued from the column on the left.)

During this meeting held at the Government Palace, the president expressed that Menchú’s example of work for those who need it most, coincides with the vision and will of his administration, to promote actions and projects that provide peoples and communities better opportunities for growth, progress and, above all, a better future for present and future generations.

In turn, Rigoberta Menchú described the work she does through the Menchú Tum Association towards a Culture of Peace and the Rigoberta Menchú Foundation. She expressed that her visit contributes to the relationship between Chiapas and Guatemala, since they not only share a border and a great cultural and natural wealth, but also concerns for well-being and development of their peoples.

The Guatemalan activist hoped that the actions promoted by the Government of Chiapas will continue to reflect a greater well-being of the population. She also expressed her thanks for the openness and availability of this type of friendly meetings.

International Day of Living Together in Peace – Joint Declaration by Mouvement de la Paix and MRAP


A declaration of Friendship between peoples

May 16 has been declared by the United Nations as the International Day of Living Together in Peace in order to “regularly mobilize the efforts of the international community in favor of peace, tolerance, inclusion, understanding and solidarity, and the opportunity for all to express the deep desire to live and act together, united in difference and in diversity, with a view to building a viable world based on peace, solidarity and harmony “.

National situations are marked by acts of racism, intolerance, the development of violent and fascistic extremisms including terrorist acts, while the international situation sees the persistence of conflicts, the worrying rise of fascistic far-right movements, the growth world military spending which reached the amount never reached in the history of humanity of 2 trillion dollars in 2020. We are encouraged to give a more important place to this international day which is based on the fundamental principles of the United Nations Charter and the United Nations resolution on the Culture of Peace [see below], and more simply on the promotion of friendship between peoples.

Living together in peace means individually accepting differences, listening, showing esteem, respect and recognition towards others. However, these individual or collective attitudes and behaviors can only be fully effective if, at national and international level, economic, social, cultural and humanitarian policies are implemented to fully realize human rights (economic, social, cultural, etc.). environmental) for all without distinction of origin, sex, language or religion. At the same time, these policies must tackle all forms of discrimination affecting individuals or groups, development inequalities that exist within societies or between societies; and substitute for security based on power (in particular military) a collective security based on the realization of human rights.

It is on these foundations that the MRAP and the Peace Movement intend to strengthen their cooperation to participate in the construction of human security in its physical, economic, social, health and environmental dimensions which will promote living together in peace in allowing unification in action around humanist objectives while removing the specter of ideologies of hatred which feed on inequalities, discrimination and the absence or non-realization of human rights.

In Paris, Sunday May 16, 2021

(Click here for the original French version of this article.)

Question(s) related to this article:

What is the United Nations doing for a culture of peace?

Article 3 of resolution 53/243 of the UN General Assembly on the Declaration and Program of Action on a Culture of Peace states that “The fuller development of a culture of peace is integrally linked to:

Promoting peaceful settlement of conflicts, mutual respect and understanding and international cooperation;

Complying with international obligations under the Charter of the United Nations and international law;

Promoting democracy, development and universal respect for and observance of all human rights and fundamental freedoms;

Enabling people at all levels to develop skills of dialogue, negotiation, consensus-building and peaceful resolution of differences;

Strengthening democratic institutions and ensuring full participation in the development process;

Eradicating poverty and illiteracy and reducing inequalities within and among nations;

Promoting sustainable economic and social development;

Eliminating all forms of discrimination against women through their empowerment and equal representation at all levels of decision-making;

Ensuring respect for and promotion and protection of the rights of children;

Ensuring free flow of information at all levels and enhancing access thereto;

Increasing transparency and accountability in governance;

Eliminating all forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance;

Advancing understanding, tolerance and solidarity among all civilizations, peoples and cultures, including towards ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities;

Realizing fully the right of all peoples, including those living under colonial or other forms of alien domination or foreign occupation, to self-determination enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and embodied in the International Covenants on Human Rights,2 as well as in the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples contained in General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960.

Thousands of Jews and Arabs Rally in Tel-Aviv for Peace and Coexistence


Information from Israeli media, Haaretz, Jerusalem Post and Times of Israel

A mass march and rally for peace and coexistence, organized by the movements “Standing Together” and “Breaking the Silence” took place on Saturday (May 22) in Tel Aviv.

Photo from Twitter account of Haaretz

The marchers welcomed the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, and demanded the government to end its occupation of the West Bank and to make peace with the Palestinians. Their chants included “This is all of our homes,” “We stand together without hatred and without fear,” and “The answer to the Right is Israel and Palestine,”

(article continued in right column)

Question related to this article:

How can a culture of peace be established in the Middle East?

(article continued from left column)

The rally was addressed by Israeli novelist David Grossman, author ʻAwdah Bishārāt, Joint List leader Ayman Odeh and Knesset member Tamar Zandberg (Meretz), as well as two of the organizers of the demonstration, Itamar Avnery and Sally Abed.

Ayman Odeh said, “People are speaking about the darkness that is descending on this country,” he said. “ I see light. I see a strong light. Jews and Arabs together will dispel the darkness. You are the light.”

The article in the Times of Israel quoted participants at the rallies who came to “hear different voices from what is in the media” and to see others who want peace and coexistence.

A similar rally with about 200 people took place on Saturday in Jaffa.

Also on Saturday, hundreds protested outside the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Residence in Jerusalem, blaming him for the escalation in Gaza and calling for his resignation.

Ceasefire can’t hide scale of destruction in Gaza, UN warns, as rights experts call for ICC probe


An article from the United Nations

The humanitarian community has welcomed the ceasefire agreed in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel but warned that the destruction in Gaza will take years, if not decades, to fix.

Speaking from Gaza, Matthias Schmale from the UN relief agency for Palestinians UNRWA, said that there was no “going back to normal” in the enclave, after more than 10 days of rocket fire and airstrike exchanges between the warring parties that have killed more than 250 people and injured thousands.

© UNRWA/Mohamed Hinnawi A tower block lies in ruins in Gaza city following an Israeli air strike.

“Going back to normal life means having to watch very carefully where we are going; unexploded devices, we know that at least one school, one of our 278 schools, where we have established two deeply buried bombs, and we have alerted the Israeli authorities”, he said. “Obviously we cannot just rush back into our buildings and schools, we have to make sure they’re safe.”

The senior UNRWA official also noted that the Kerem Shalom crossing was due to open for several hours on Friday but that for the duration of the clashes, it had not been possible to get people out for medical treatment, or aid reinforcements in.

Mr. Schmale noted that UNRWA staff who are mainly residents of the region said that the violence had been “worse in intensity and terror than 2014”, before echoing the UN Secretary-General’s call  for a meaningful political process to resolve the grievances of both Palestinians and Israelis.

War still looms

“Normality here also means 50 per cent employed and rising…I’m convinced after being here two and a half years that we will be back in war unless underlying causes are not addressed; and from a Gaza perspective that means giving people and especially young people a dignified perspective of a dignified life”, he said.

“If you have your own money and take home your own money to buy food instead of depending on handouts from the UN”, the top UN official added, “you’re less likely to run into groupings like Hamas”.

The UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mark Lowcock, allocated $4.5 million towards the cost of meeting rising needs across Gaza on Friday. The money comes from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), which is in addition to $14.1 million allocated on Thursday. It is expected that an inter-agency Flash Appeal for the occupied Palestinian territory will be issued next week. 

(continued in right column)

(click here for the article in Spanish.).)

Question related to this article:

Israel/Palestine, is the situation like South Africa?

How can war crimes be documented, stopped, punished and prevented?

(continued from left column)

UNICEF delivers aid containers

The UN Children’s Fund, UNICEF, delivered 18 containers of aid on Friday following the resumption of relative calm in the Gaza Strip, through the Kerem Shalom crossing, to support children and families in need.

Among the items delivered were first-aid kits, blood supply bags and solution, fire extinguishers, antibiotics and other infection-control kits, together with 10,000 doses of the Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine.

“We are extremely thankful that a ceasefire agreement in the Gaza strip came into effect at 2am this morning, because the human toll there has been huge”, said Lucia Elmi, UNICEF Special Representative in Palestine. “This will allow families to have much-needed respite and allow for the delivery of much-needed humanitarian assistance and personnel to the Gaza Strip”, she added.

UN rights experts call for ICC probe

UN independent human rights experts on Friday called on all parties  to the conflict in Gaza and Israel to respect the ceasefire, and urged an investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC) into the attacks on civilian populations and other “gross violations of human rights”, according to a statement released through the UN rights office (OHCHR).

The experts pointed to the forced evictions of Palestinian families living in Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan, in Occupied East Jerusalem, as the spark that set off a full-blown war.

They said that at least 222 people, including 63 children, were killed in Gaza and 12 people died in Israel as a result of the fighting.

More than 450 buildings in the Gaza Strip were completely destroyed or damaged by missiles, the statement continued. Among them were six hospitals, nine healthcare centres and a water desalination plant, supplying around 250,000 Palestinians with clean drinking water, as well as a tower which housed media outlets including the Al Jazeera network, and Associated Press (AP). 

‘Asymmetry of power’

“Owing to the vast asymmetry of power, the victims of this conflict are disproportionately Palestinians in Gaza, of whom over 74,000 have been forcibly displaced and made homeless, mostly women and children”, the experts said. 

“The conflict has led to a new wave of unprecedented mass destruction of civilian homes and infrastructure, including electrical grids in Gaza, and indiscriminate or deliberate missile attacks on civilians and residential areas in Israel and Gaza, that violate not only international human rights standards, but amount as well to crimes under international law for which there is individual and State responsibility”, the experts continued.

The experts said that all “indiscriminate or deliberate bombardment of civilians and towers housing civilians, media organizations and refugee camps in Gaza and Israel are war crimes that are, prima facie, not justified by the requirements of proportionality and necessity under international law. All parties who engage in such attacks must bear individual and State responsibility as appropriate.”

Independent Special Rapporteurs, are appointed by the UN Human Rights Council to monitor specific countries or thematic issues.  They serve in their individual capacity and are not UN staff, nor are they paid by the Organization. 

Global Calendar of Resistance to Defend Palestine!


An article from the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all Palestinian, Arab and international supporters of Palestine to escalate their organizing and struggle to confront massacres and ethnic cleansing and support Palestinian resistance! There are currently over 200 martyrs throughout Palestine and on the borders with Lebanon, and the entire land of Palestine is rising, from the river to the sea, from Haifa to al-Lydd, from Gaza to Rafah, from Ramallah to Nablus, Umm al-Fahm, Yafa, and, of course, Palestine’s capital, Jerusalem, confronting the most brutal violence of the colonizer with steadfastness, struggle, and a revolutionary promise of a liberated future.

Everywhere, Palestinians in exile and diaspora are also rising, taking the streets, and organizing, to build the struggle for liberation, and people of conscience around the world stand with them, filling the streets of the globe with thousands and millions to confront Zionism and imperialism, and stand firmly and clearly with the Palestinian people, their resistance, return and liberation, from the river to the sea.

In this moment, it is particularly important to highlight our unconditional support for the Palestinian people and their right to resist. It is now and has always been the resistance of the Palestinian people, through all forms of struggle, that defends Palestine from colonization. Our solidarity must affirm Palestinian resistance, Palestinian return, and Palestinian liberation, throughout the entire land of occupied Palestine.

(The List below will be constantly updated – our Global Calendar – please share the link with your friends and comrades!) Your action to support the Palestinian people and the Palestinian resistance, for return to Palestine and liberation from the river to the sea is more important than ever — to honor the martyrs, to stop ethnic cleansing, and to stand with Palestine in 73 years of struggle.

READ THE FULL CALL TO ACTION in English — Arabic — German —French — Swedish

See Emergency Actions below and read our calls to action:
>>  From Gaza to Jerusalem: Confront massacres and ethnic cleansing, support Palestinian resistance!
>> Take Action! #SaveSheikhJarrah and Defend Jerusalem: Boycott Israel, Support Palestinian Resistance

TO ADD YOUR EVENT TO THE CALENDAR: Email us at, message us on WhatsApp at +32466904397 or tag us on social media! We know that these events are mainly international and that the Arab people are marching everywhere for Palestine — we will be honored to add Arab events!

PLEASE NOTE: Times and details may change. Wherever we have it, we have linked to the original organizers’ accounts, posters and pages. Please follow these for the latest info – and don’t hesitate to send us updates!

Saturday, 22 May

Adelaide: Protest for Palestine : keep up the struggle – Saturday, 22 May, 11 am, Parliament House Steps, North Terrace, Adelaide, SA, Australia. Facebook:
Brisbane (Meanjin): Save Sheikh Jarrah – Stop the War on Gaza – Free Palestine – Saturday, 22 May, 10 am, Reddacliff Place, Brisbane, Australia. Facebook:
Cairns – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, Esplanade, outside RSL. Info
Hobart – Saturday, 22 May, 11 am, Elizabeth St. Mall, Hobart.
Melbourne: Nakba rally (Naarm): 73 years of Israeli colonisation must end – Saturday, 22 May 1:00 pm State Library Victoria 328 Swanston Street Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Facebook:
Sydney: Rally for Palestine – Saturday, 22 May, 1 pm, Archibald Fountain, Sydney. Facebook:
Wollongong: Free Palestine Protest – Saturday, 22 May, 1 pm, Crown St Mall, Wollongong, NSW, Australia. Facebook:

Sylhet: Free Palestine Protest – Saturday, 22 May, 2:30 pm, Shahid Minar Sylhet. Facebook:

Aalst – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Werfplein, Aalst. Facebook:
Brussels – Saturday, 22 May, 11 am, Mont des Arts, Brussels, Belgium. Facebook:
Ghent – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, Koning Albertpark, Ghent, Belgium. Facebook:
Vilvoorde – Saturday, 22 May, 6:30 pm, Europabrug, Vilvoorde, Belgium. Facebook:
Zelzate – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Grote Markt, Zelzate. Facebook:

Bosnia – Herzegovina
Sarajevo – Saturday, 22 May, 11 am, Plato Prekoputa Vijecnice, Sarajevo. Info:

Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island – Saturday, 22 May, 2:15 pm, Victoria Park, Prince Edward Battery, Charlottetown, PEI. Facebook:
Montreal – Saturday, 22 May, 1 pm, Israeli Consulate, 1 Westmount Square, Westmount, Quebec/ Montreal. Info:
Saint John, NB – Saturday, 22 May, 1 pm, King Square S (City Hall), Saint John. Info:
Toronto: Rally for Palestine – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, Yonge-Dundas Square – March to Israeli Consulate, Toronto. More info:
Vancouver: Vigil and Rally for Palestine – Saturday, 22 May, 6 pm, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, BC. Facebook:
Surrey, BC: Free Palestine Protest – Saturday, 22 May, 1:30 pm, 128th and 64th Avenue, Surrey, BC
Vernon, BC – Saturday, 22 May, Office of MP Mel Arnold, 3105 – 29th St, Vernon, BC. Facebook:
Winnipeg – Saturday, 22 May, 1 pm, Manitoba Legislative Building, Winnipeg. Info:

Canary Islands
San Fernando – Saturday 22 May, 2:30 pm, Mas Palomas Plaza de los Camellos

Bogota, Colombia – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Embassy of Israel, Bogota, Colombia. Facebook:

Costa Rica
San José: Saturday, 22 May, 10:30 am, Parque Central de San José, Costa Rica. Red de Solidaridad con Palestina Costa Rica

Naestved – Saturday, 22 May, 2:30 pm, Dania 15-4700 Naestved

Tallinn – Saturday, 22 May, 1 pm, Tammsaare Park, Tallinn, Estonia. Facebook:

Pori: Free Palestine – Saturday, 22 May, 1 pm, Porin Tori, Yronjkatu, Pori, Finland. Facebook:

Agen – manifestation le samedi 22 mai à 15h place du Pin
Angers – Saturday, 22 May, 5 pm, Place du Ralliement, Angers. Facebook:
Bordeaux – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, place de la Victoire. Info:
Caen – Saturday, 22 May, 4 pm, Boulevard Marechal Lecler (Monoprix)
Clermont-Ferrand – Saturday, 22 May, 11 am, Place de Jaude. Info:
Dunkerque – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, Place Jean Bart
Gap – rassemblement le samedi 22 mai à 14h30 devant la Préfecture
Le Mans – Saturday, 22 May, 5 pm, Place de la Republique, Le Mans. Facebook:
Lille – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, Grand Place, Lille, France.
Lyon – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, place Bellecour, Lyon. Info:
Manosque – rassemblement porte Saunerie le samedi 22 mai à 17h
Marseille – Saturday, 22 May, 11 am, Marseille Prefecture
Metz – Saturday, 22 May, 2:30 pm, Parvis des Droits de l’Homme
Montpellier – Saturday, 22 May, 3:30 pm, Place de la Comedie, Montpellier. Facebook:
Mulhouse – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Place de la Bourse, Info:
Nancy: Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Place Majinot
Nantes: Saturday, 22 May, 2:30 pm, 50 Otage/Rue de la Barillerie, Nantes. Facebook:
Nice – Saturday, 22 May, 5 pm, Place Garibaldi
Niort – Saturday, 22 May, 11 am, place Auzanneau au Clou Bouchet, Niort, France. Facebook:
Paris – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, Place de la Republique, Paris. Facebook:
Reims – Saturday, 22 May, 4 pm, Esplanade de la porte mars, Square Colbert, Reims.
Saint-Etienne – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, Place Chavanelle, march at 4 pm. Facebook:
Saint-Pierre des Corps – Saturday, 22 May, 10:30 am, Mairie.
Strasbourg – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, Place de la Universite. Facebook:
Toulouse: Protest to Support the Palestinian People – Saturday, 22 May, 10:30 am, 22 Mai 2021 10H30 Métro François Verdier – Toulouse Facebook :
Valence – rassemblement Place Porte Neuve samedi 22 mai de 10h à 12h

Berlin – Saturday, 22 May, 4 pm, Oranienplatz, Berlin. Info:
Berlin – Saturday, 22 May, 6 pm, Alexanderstrasse, Berlin (near Park Inn Hotel)
Bonn: Protest for Palestine – Against Apartheid – Saturday, 22 May 2 pm Remigiusplatz Bonn, Germany Facebook:
Düsseldorf – Saturday, 22 May, 5 pm, DGB Haus, Düsseldorf. Info:
Siegen – Saturday, 22 May, 4 pm, Bismarckstrasse, Siegen, Germany. Facebook:

Athens – Saturday, 22 May, 5 pm, Megaro Mousikis Station, Athina. Info:

Belfast – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, Custom House Square, Belfast, Ireland. Facebook:
Derry – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, Free Derry Corner, Derry, Ireland. Facebook:
Kilkenny/Drogheda – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, The Tholsel, Drogheda. Facebook:
Dublin – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Spire of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. Facebook:
Dún Pádraig – Stand up for Palestine: Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Market Street, Dun Padraig (Downpatrick), occupied Ireland. Facebook:
Carlow Town – Saturday, 22 May, 10 am, Town Park
Carrick-on-Suir – Saturday, 22 May, 1:30 pm, Junction Bar
Celbridge – Saturday, 22 May, 11:30 am, Castletown Gates. Info:
Ennis/Clare County – Saturday, 22 May — Vigils throughout County Clare. To join a vigil, you must register in advance in order to ensure all actions are Covid restriction compliant. Follow directions on Facebook:
Clones – Saturday, 22 May, 4 pm, The Diamond (Vigil)
Cork – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Cork City Library, Grand Parade
Dungarvan – Saturday, 22 May, 2:30 pm, The Square
Galway (vigil) – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, The Prom, Salthill
Letterkenny  – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, Market Square. Info:
Limerick – Saturday, 22 May, 12:30 pm, Bedford Row
Maynooth – Saturday, 22 May, 1:30 pm, The Square
Navan – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Kennedy Plaza
Newbridge – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Langton Cross, Newbridge, Ireland. Facebook:
New Ross – Saturday, 22 May, 1:45 pm, O’Hanrahan Bridge, New Ross
Portlaoise – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, March from St Peter and Paul’s Church
Tralee – Saturday, 22 May, 1:30 pm, The Square, County Kerry
Waterford – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, John Roberts Square, Waterford, Ireland. Facebook:
Wexford – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Wexford Bridge.

Bassano del Grappa – Saturday, 22 May, 3:30 pm, Piazza Liberta
Brescia – Saturday, 22 May, 4:30 pm, Piazza Vittoria
Campobasso – Saturday, 22 May, 4:30 pm, Piazza Prefettura
Cesena – Saturday, 22 May, 5:30 pm, Piazetta Amendola
Genzano di Roma – Saturday, 22 May, 10 am, Piazza Tommaso Franconi, Genzano di Roma, Italy. Facebook:
Lecco – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, Piazza Era
Mantova – Saturday, 22 May, 5 pm, Piazza Martiri di Belfiore
Milano – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, Arco della Pace, Milan, Italy.
Monza – Saturday 22 May, 3 pm, Largo Mazzini
Napoli – Saturday, 22 May, 6 pm, Piazza S. Croce
Padova – Saturday, 22 May, 11 am, Piazza Cavour, Padova (Padua). Facebook:
Palermo – Saturday, 22 May, 5:30 pm, Piazza Verdi
Poggibonsi – Saturday, 22 May, 3:30 pm, Piazza del Comune
Prato – Saturday 22 May, 3 pm, Piazza delle Carceri
Ravenna – Saturday, 22 May, 5 pm, Piazza Kennedy, Ravenna, Italy. Facebook:
Saronno – Saturday, 22 May, 5 pm, Piazza Volontari del Sangue
Tavagnacco – Saturday, 22 May, 10 am, Udine Piazza Primo Maggio, Tavagnacco. Facebook:
Teramo – Saturday, 22 May, 6 pm, Piazza Martiri della Liberta
Torino – Saturday, 22 May, 11 am, Piazza Castello
Trieste – Saturday, 22 May, 4:30, Piazza Unita
Varese – Saturday, 22 May, 3:30 pm, Piazza San Giuseppe, Varese, Italy. Facebook:
Verona – Saturday, 22 May, 4 pm, Via Giardino Giusti 2

Vilnius – Saturday 22 May, 2 pm, Kudirkos aikste, Vilnius. Info:

Almere – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, Esplanade, Almere. Info:
Amsterdam – Saturday, 22 May, 3:30 pm, Dam, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Facebook:
Heerhugowaard – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, Stadsplein
Leeuwarden – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Zaailand, Leeuwarden, Netherlands. Facebook:

New Zealand
Auckland – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Aotea Square, Queen Stret, Auckland, NZ. Updates for all NZ events here:
Auckland (Vigil by Jews against Occupation) – Saturday, 22 May, 5 pm, Freyberg Square, Auckland. Facebook:
Christchurch – Saturday, 22 May, 12 pm, Bridge of Remembrance, Cashel Street, Christchurch, NZ
Dunedin – Saturday, 22 May, 1 pm, Otago Museum Reserve, Great King Street North Dunedin. March from there to the Octagon
Hamilton – Saturday, 22 May, 1:30 pm, Wairere Drive and Naylor Street, Hillcrest, Hamilton
Napier – Saturday, 22 May, 11 am, Marine Parade, end of Tennyson Street, Napier
Nelson – Saturday, 22 May, 10:15 am, 1903 Square – Trafalgar and Selwyn Place. Details:
Palmerston North – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Te Marae o Hine, Papaioea the Square, Palmerston North, New Zealand. Facebook:
Rawene – Saturday 22 May, 11 am, No 1 Parnell, Rawene, NZ. Facebook:
Wellington – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Midland Park, 157 Lambton Quay
Whanganui – Saturday, 22 May, 10 am, Tram Shed, Taupo Quay, Whanganui, New Zealand. Facebook:
Whangarei – Saturday, 22 May, 8-10 am, Water Street, near Growers Market, Whangarei. Contact: <>

Lahore: Free Palestine – Solidarity with Palestinian Resistance – Saturday, 22 May, 4:30 pm, Lahore Press Club, Lahore, Pakistan. Facebook:

South Africa
Durban – Motorcade for Palestine, Saturday 22 May, 1:30 pm, Meet at Addington Hospital. Info:
Spanish State/Spain
Granada, Saturday, 22 May, 7 pm, Fuente de las Batallas, Granada. Info:
Malaga – Saturday, 22 May, 7 pm, Pza. Merced, Malaga
Mataro, Saturday, 22 May, 6:30 pm, Parc de Cerdanyola
Murcia, Saturday, 22 May, 6:30 pm, Gran Via Alfonso X el Sabio, Murcia. Info:
Rivas, Saturday, 22 May, 12 pm, P. de la Constitucion, Rivas. Info:

Borlänge – Saturday, 22 May, 12 pm, Sveatorget, Borlänge. Info:
Helsingborg, Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Gustaf Adolfs Torg, Helsingborg. Facebook:
Malmo, Saturday, 22 May, 4 pm, Möllevångstorget Malmö, Malmo, Sweden. Info:

Geneva, Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Palais Wilson, Geneva, Switzerland. Info:

(continued in the right column)

Question for this article

Presenting the Palestinian side of the Middle East, Is it important for a culture of peace?

(continued from the left column)

United Kingdom
Bangor, Gwynedd – Saturday, 22 May, 11 am, Pontio by memorials, Bangor, Gwynedd, Wales. Facebook:
Birmingham – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Victoria Square, Birmingham. Info:
Bournemouth: Palestine Solidarity Demo – Saturday, 22 May, 12 pm ,Exeter Road march to Bournemouth Square. Facebook:
Bristol – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, March from Shah Jalal Mosque to College Green, Bristol, UK. Facebook:
Cardiff – Saturday, 22 May, 12 pm, BBC Cymru building, Cardiff, Wales. Info:
Derby – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, The Spot, Derby city Centre, Derby, UK. Facebook:
Dundee – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Dundee, City Square. Info:
Glasgow – Saturday, 22 May, 1 pm, Sauciehall St (M&S Picket), Glasgow, Scotland. Info:
Glasgow – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Car Caravan, 30 Finnieston St, Glasgow, Scotland. Info:
Huddersfield – Saturday 22 May, 3 pm, St George’s Square, Huddersfield
Hull – Saturday, 22 May, 12 pm, Victoria Square. Info:
Inverness – Saturday, 22 May, 12 pm, Town House. Info:
Leamington Spa  – Saturday, 22 May, 11 am, Leamington Spa, UK. Facebook:
Leeds – Saturday, 22 May, 1 pm, Leeds Town Hall, Leeds. Info:
Leeds – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, BBC Headquarters. Info:
Liverpool – Saturday, 22 May, 1 pm, Church St, Liverpool. Info:
London: National Demo for Palestine – Saturday, 22 May, 12 pm, Speakers Corner (Marble Arch Tube), London, UK.
Lowestoft – Saturday, 22 May, 1 pm, Outside Britten enter, Lowestoft, UK. Facebook:
Manchester: Speak Out for Palestinian Resistance – Saturday, 22 May, 12 PM, Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester. Facebook:
Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Protest for Palestine! – Saturday, 22 May, 12 pm, Marks and Spencer, 77-87 Northumberland Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Facebook:
Northampton: March 4 Palestine – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, BBC Radio Northampton, Abington St. Facebook:
Peterborough: Protest 4 Palestine – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Peterborough Town Center, Peterborough. Facebook:
Plymouth: Stop Bombing Gaza – Saturday, 22 May, 11 am, New George St, Plymouth. Facebook:
Pontypridd – Saturday 22 May, 11 am, Mill Street near the bridge, Pontypridd, Wales. Facebook:
Sheffield – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Sheffield City Hall, Sheffield. Info:
Swindon – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Morrisons, Regents Circus, Swindon. Facebook:
Waterdale: Vigil for Palestine – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Sir Nigel Gresley Square, Waterdale, UK. Facebook:
Wrexham: Support Palestine – Saturday, 22 May, 11:30 am, Queen Square, Wrexham, Wales. Facebook:

United States
Anaheim, CA: Saturday, 22 May, 12 pm, Brookhurst and Bail, Anaheim, CA. Facebook:
Anaheim, CA – Saturday, 22 May, 1 pm, Car Caravan from Little Arabia to Santa Ana. Info:
Anchorage, AK: Stand with Palestine – Saturday, 22 May, 4 pm, Seward Highway and Northern Lights, Anchorage. Facebook:
Ann Arbor, MI: March for Palestine – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Ann Arbor City Hall, 301 E Huron Street, Ann Arbor, MI. Facebook:
Annandale-on-Hudson, NY/Bard College – Saturday, 22 May, 8 pm, Fisher Center, Bard College. Info:
Athens, GA – Saturday, 22 May, 12 pm, UGA Arch, University of Georgia, Athens.Info:
Baltimore – Saturday, 22 May, 5 pm, City Hall, 100 Holiday St, Baltimore, MD. Info:
Bar Harbor, ME – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, Village Green, Bar Harbor, Maine
Binghamton, NY – Saturday, 22 May, 12 pm, Binghamton University Academic A Building, Binghamton. Facebook:
Boston – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Copley Square. Info:
Buffalo: Defend Palestine – Support Palestinians Resisting in Sheikh Jarrah – Saturday, 22 May 4 pm Buffalo City Hall 65 Niagara Square Buffalo, NY More info:
Charlotte, NC – Saturday, 22 May, 5 pm, First Ward Park, 301 E 7th St, Charlotte. Info:
Chicago Hyde Park Vigil – Saturday, 22 May, 11 am, Nichols Park. Facebook:
Coldwater, MI – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Four Corners, Coldwater, Michigan. Facebook:
Denver, CO – Saturday, 22 May, 4 pm, Colorado State Capitol (West Steps), Denver. Info:
Fargo, ND – Saturday, 22 May, 4 pm, Island Park, Fargo, North Dakota. Facebook:
Fayetteville, NC – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Cross Creek Linear Park Fountain, Fayetteville, NC. facebook:
Flagstaff, AZ – Saturday, 22 May, 4 pm, Heritage Square, Flagstaff, Arizona. Facebook:
Flint, MI – Saturday, 22 May, 6:30 pm, 303 E Kearsley Street, Flint, Michigan. Facebook:
Fort Myers, FL – Saturday, 22 May, 5 pm, meet outside Fort Myers Public Library and march from there. Info:
Grand Rapids, MI – Saturday, 22 May, 1 pm, 101 Fulton St East, Grand Rapids. Michigan.
Green Bay: Rally for Palestine – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Leicht Memorial Park, Dousman St, Green Bay, WI. Facebook:
Harrisonburg, VA – Saturday, 22 May, 12 pm, Court Square, Harrisonburg, Virginia. Info:
Honolulu: Saturday, 22 May, 4 pm, Atkinson and Ala Moana, Honolulu, Hawaii. Details:
Houston, TX – Saturday, 22 May, 12 – 3 pm, Galleria/Post Oak and Westheimer, Houston, Texas. Info:
Irvine, CA: Rally for Palestine – Saturday, 22 May, 1 pm, 1 Civic Center, Irvine CA. Contact for details.
Kansas City, MO – Saturday, 22 May, 5 pm, JC Nichols Memorial Fountain, 50 W 47th St, Kansas City, Missouri. Facebook:
Kirkland, Washington – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, Central Way, Kirkland, WA, USA
Lancaster, PA – Solidarity with Palestine – Saturday, 22 May, 5:30 pm, Penn Square, Lancaster, PA. Facebook:
Las Vegas – Saturday, 22 May, 5 pm, 3355 S Las Vegas Blvd, Venetian, Las Vegas, Nevada. Info:
Little Rock, AR – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Clinton Presidential Center, Little Rock, Arkansas. Info:
Los Angeles – Black and Brown Solidarity with Palestine – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, MacArthur Park, Los Angeles, CA. Facebook:
Minneapolis, MN – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, Bryant Square Park, Minneapolis. Facebook:
Missoula, MT – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, Missoula County Courthouse, Missoula, Montana. Facebook:
Modesto, CA – March for Palestine! Saturday, 22 May, 10 am, Vintage Faire Mall, Modesto. Facebook:
Modesto, CA – Free Palestine Peaceful Protest – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, 2020 W Briggsmore Ave, Modesto, CA.
Morgantown, WV – Saturday, 22 May, 11 am, Monongalia County Courthouse, Morgantown, West Virginia. Facebook:
New Brunswick, NJ – Saturday, 22 May, 4:30 pm, 126 College Ave, New Brunswick, NJ. Facebook:
New Haven, CT: Solidarity with Palestine and Colombia – Saturday, 22 May, 12 pm, New Haven Green, New Haven, CT, USA. More info:
NYC/Queens: Sunnyside Rally to Defend Palestine – Saturday, 22 May, 1 pm, Queens Blvd and 46th St, Queens, New York. Facebook:
Norfolk, VA – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, St Pauls Blvd and City Hall Ave, Norfolk, VA. Facebook:
Northfield, MN – Saturday, 22 May, 11 am, Bridge Square Fountain, Northfield, Minnesota. Facebook:
Oakland, CA – Saturday 22 May, 4 pm, Madison Park, Oakland. Info:
Oklahoma City, OK – Saturday, 22 May, 12 pm, 401 E California Ave, Oklahoma City. Info:
Orlando, FL – Saturday, 22 May, 4 pm, City Commons, 400 S Orange Ave, Orlando, Florida. Facebook:
Pensacola, FL – Saturday, 22 May, 4 pm, Plaza Ferdinand VII, Pensacola, FL. Facebook:
Philadelphia, PA – Saturday, 22 May, 12 pm, Rittenhouse Square Park (18th and Walnut, Philadelphia. Facebook:
Pittsburgh, PA: Palestine Rally – Saturday, 22 May, 12 pm, Flagstaff Hill, Schenley Park, Pittsburgh. Facebook:
Portland, ME – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, City Hall, Portland, Maine. Facebook:
Portland, OR – Saturday, 22 May, 3 pm, City Hall, 1200 SW 5th Ave, Portland. Info:
Raleigh, NC – Saturday, 22 May, 2 pm, NC State Capitol, Raleigh, NC. Facebook:
Rochester, MN – Saturday, 22 May, 4:30 pm, Car Caravan, 1738 E Center St, Rochester, MN. Facebook:
Salt Lake City: Solidarity with Palestine and Colombia, Saturday, 22 May, 12:30 pm, Wallace Bennett Federal Building, Salt Lake City, UT. Facebook:
San Antonio, TX – Saturday, 22 May, 6 pm 300 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX. Facebook:
San Francisco, CA – Saturday, 22 May, 11 am Gather at 16th & Mission, 1 pm rally at Civic Center, San Francisco. Info:
Santa Clarita, CA – Saturday, 22 May, 1 pm, Valencia and McBean, Santa Clarita. Facebook:
Santa Rosa, CA – Saturday, 22 May, 12 pm, Santa Rosa Courthouse. Info:
Silverdale, WA – Saturday, 22 May, 12 pm, Old Mill Park, Silverdale, WA. Facebook:
Spokane: Free Palestine – Saturday, 22 May, 1 pm, BA Clark Park, 50 W Garland Ave, Spokane. Facebook:
Tallahassee, FL – Saturtday, 22 May, 6 pm, Old Capital Bldg Steps, Tallahassee, FL. Info:
Tampa, FL – Saturday, 22 May, 5 pm, Curtis Hixon Park, 600 N Ashley Drive, Tampa. Info:
Tucson, AZ – Saturday, 22 May, 5:30 pm, Armory Park. Info:
Tulsa, OK – Saturday, 22 May, 4 pm, 71st and Memorial, Tulsa. Facebook:
Walnut Creek, CA – Saturday, 22 May, 12:30 pm, Civic Park, Walnut Creek.

Sunday, 23 May

Canberra – Sunday, 23 May, 3:30 pm, Parliament House
Darwin – Sunday, 23 May, 9:30 am, Nightcliffe Markets
Perth: Stand with Palestine – Stop Bombing Gaza! Save Sheikh Jarrah! Sunday, 23 May, 11 am, Forrest Place, Perth, WA, Australia. Facebook:

Antwerp – Sunday 23 May, 4 pm, Park Soor Noord
Asse – Sunday, 23 May, 5 pm, Zellik, Asse, Belgium. Facebook:
Halle – Sunday, 23 May, 2 pm, Koning Albert 1 Park, Halle, Belgium. Facebook:
Lommel – Sunday, 23 May, 4 pm, Huis van de Stad, Lommel. Facebook:
Sint-Truiden – Sunday, 23 May, 11 am, Grote Mart, Sint-Truiden, Belgium. Facebook:

Calgary – Sunday, 23 May, 3 pm, Olympic Plaza, Calgary, Alberta. Info:
Edmonton – Sunday, 23 May, 6 pm, Hawrelak Park, 9330 Groat Road, NW, Edmonton, Alberta. Info:
Kelowna, BC – Sunday, 23 May, 2 pm, Stuart Park, Kelowna. Facebook:
Ottawa – Sundaay, 23 May, 1 pm, Parliament Hill, Ottawa. Info:

Marseille – Sunday, 23 May, 2 pm, Vieux Port
Ivry – Sunday, 23 May, 1:45 pm, Mairie d’Ivry
Paris – Sunday, 23 May, 3 pm,Place de la Republique, Paris. Facebook:

Guatemala City – Sunday, 23 May, 11 am, Obelisco Zona 10, Guatemala City. Facebook:

Bergamo – Sunday, 23 May, 5:30 pm, Piazza Matteotti
Biella – Sunday, 23 May, 3 pm, Piazza Martiri
Ferrara – Sunday, 23 May, 4 pm, Piazza Castello

Rabat – Sunday, 23 May, 10 am

Breda – Sunday, 23 May, 2 pm, Chasseveld
Den Haag – Sunday, 23 May, 2:30 pm, The Hague, the Netherlands. Facebook:
Maastricht – Sunday, 23 May, 5 pm, Vrijthof, Maastricht, the Netherlands. Facebook:
Terneuzen – Sunday, 23 May, 1:30 pm, Vliegende Vaart
Utrecht – Sunday, 23 May, 2 pm, Jaarbeursplein, Netherlands. Info:

Karachi – Sunday, 23 May, 4 pm, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi, Pakistan. Facebook:
Multan – Sunday, 23 May, 4:30 pm, Northern Bypass Chowk

Beja – Sunday, 23 May, 5 pm, Praca de Republica, Beja, Portugal. Facebook:

South Africa
Cape Town – Sunday, 23 May, 7:15 am, Ladies Cycling Squad Ride for Palestine, Green Point Lighthouse, Cape Town. Facebook:
Cape Town – Sunday, 23 May, 2 pm, Three Anchor Bay, Beach Road. Info:
Durban – Sunday, 23 May, 10 am, Durban Beachfront. Info:
East London – Saturday, 23 May, 11 am, Buffalo City College, 8 Lukin Rd, Selborne, East London, Eastern Cape. Info:
Johannesburg – Sunday, 23 May, 10 am, SA Zionist Federation, 2 Elray St, Raedene Estate, Johannesburg. Info:

Spanish State/Spain
Almeria – Sunday, 23 May, 12 pm, El Ejido (Salida en Cruce Boulevard con C/Manolo Esccobar), Almeria
Barcelona – Sunday, 23 May, 6 pm, Pl. Catal, Barcelona, Catalonia. Info:

United Kingdom
Aberdeen – Sunday, 23 May, 4 pm, Nelson St/Marischal Square, Aberdeen, Scotland.  Facebook:
Edinburgh – Sunday, 23 May, 2 pm, Foot of the Mound, Edinburgh, Scotland. Facebook:
Falmouth – Sunday, 23 May, 3 pm, The Moor, Falmouth, Cornwall, England. Facebook:
Hitchin  – Sunday, 23 May, 11 am, Windmill Hill, Hitchin. Facebook:
Lichfield – Sunday 23 May, 11 am, Speakers’ Corner, Lichfield
Scunthorpe – Sunday, 23 May, 12 pm, Britannia Corner, Scunthorpe. Info:

United States
Austin TX – Sunday, 23 May, 12 pm, Texas State Capitol, Austin, Texas. Info:
Boston, MA – Sunday, 23 May, 12:30 pm, Puma Store, Sylvester Baxter Riverfront Park, Assembly Sq, Somerville. Info:
Bronx/NYC, New York – Sunday, 23 May, 2 pm, Van Cortlandt Park, Bronx, NY. Facebook:
Dallas, TX: Action for Palestine – Sunday, 23 May, 2 pm, Belo Garden, 1014 Main St, Dallas TX. FB:
Detroit, MI – Sunday, 23 May, 1 pm, Granite City Detroit. 100 Renaissance Center. Info:
Fremont, CA – Sunday, 23 May, 4 pm, Paseo Padre Parkway and Stevenson Blvd, Fremont. Facebook:
Janesville, WI – Sunday, 23 May, 2 pm, Milton Ave Post Office, Janesville, Wisconsin. Facebook:
Los Angeles, CA – Sunday, 23 May, 6:45 pm, 3rd St and Alexandria, Los Angeles. Info:
Louisville, KY – Sunday, 23 May, 4 pm, Waterfront Park – Flock of Finns, March Starts 4:30 pm, Louisville, Kentucky. Facebook:
Manchester, NH – Sunday, 23 May, 1 pm, Veterans Park, 725 Elm St, Manchester, New Hampshire – march down Elm Street
New Orleans, LA – Sunday, 23 May, 5 pm, NOLA Public Library, 219 Loyola Ave, New Orleans, Louisiana. Facebook:
Norfolk, VA – Sunday, 23 May, 3 pm, St Pauls Blvd and City Hall Ave, Norfolk, Virginia. Facebook:
Petaluma, CA – Sunday, 23 May, 12 pm, Penry Park, Petaluma, CA. Facebook:
Peoria, IL – Sunday, 23 May, 2 pm, Main and University, Peoria. Facebook:
Richland, WA: Day of Action for Palestine – Sunday, 23 May, 11 am, , John Dam Plaza, 815 George Washington Way, Richland, WA. Facebook:
San Diego – Sunday, 23 May, 3 pm, County Admin, 1600 Pacific Hwy, San Diego. Info:
Tysons Corner, VA – Sunday, 23 May, 4 pm, Bloomingdales, Tysons Corner VA. Info:
Urbana-Champaign, IL – Sunday, 23 May, 2 pm, Independent Media Center, march to Main Quad/Foellinger Auditorium. Info:
Vienna, VA – Sunday, 23 May, 4 pm, 8300 Boone Blvd, Vienna, VA. Info:
Westlake Village (Los Angeles) – Sunday, 23 May, 12 pm, Thousand Oaks Boulevard and Westlake Boulevard. Info:
Worcester, MA: Sunday, 23 May, 12 pm, Worcester City Hall, 455 Main Street, Worcester, CA. Facebook:

General strike in Palestine


Facebook entry by Elias D’eis,
Today [May 18] will go down in history as one of the most powerful days of Palestinian non-violence resistance against the Israeli aggressions. Palestinians across the occupied West Bank, Gaza, and inside Israel took part in “GENERAL STRIKE” to protest against the Israeli occupation, aggressions in Jerusalem, and the bombardment in Gaza!!

(click on image to enlarge)

Thousands and thousands of brothers and sisters from all walks of life gathered together for collective actions and to demand our rights of living a life that is filled with dignity, equality, and respect. We all share the trauma and fear of living under constant threat, never knowing which moment the occupiers will seize more of our lands, kill more of our children and take our homes away from us.

(continued in the right column)

Question for this article

Presenting the Palestinian side of the Middle East, Is it important for a culture of peace?

(continued from the left column)

Holy Land Trust stands committed to this fight and believes that Palestinians today will the forebearers of peace tomorrow! We stand united from the Mediterranean to the Jordan river, from the north to the south in our struggle to finally achieve a reality where everyone lives in peace and harmony in the Holy Land.

But we also want to remind you, our beloved followers, that our struggle cannot be won in isolation. We need the entire world to come together and call upon the Israeli government to end their aggression and occupation of Palestinians. We call upon you again to reach out to your leaders and governments in whatever way you can and urge them to publicly take a stand for Palestinians. We call for an end to all violence because we firmly believe that if we do not break the cycle of violence and adopt the path of peace, lasting harmony cannot be achieved in the Holy Land!

Please dont forget to spread the message as much as you can! We are forever grateful for the support.

#FreePalestine #Gaza_Under_Attack #saveseikhjarrah #endisraeliaggression #Palestine

Amnesty International: Pattern of Israeli attacks on residential homes in Gaza must be investigated as war crimes


An article from Amnesty International

Israeli forces have displayed a shocking disregard for the lives of Palestinian civilians by carrying out a number of airstrikes targeting residential buildings in some cases killing entire families – including children – and causing wanton destruction to civilian property, in attacks that may amount to war crimes or crimes against humanity, said Amnesty International today [May 17].

Lamya al-Atar and her three children were killed in an Israeli air strike on their home in Gaza on 14 May 2021©Private

The organization has documented four deadly attacks by Israel launched on residential homes without prior warning and is calling for the International Criminal Court (ICC) to urgently investigate these attacks. The death toll in Gaza continues to climb with at least 198 Palestinians killed including 58 children and more than 1,220 injured. Ten people in Israel, including two children, have been killed and at least 27 injured by Palestinian attacks.

“There is a horrific pattern emerging of Israel launching air strikes in Gaza targeting residential buildings and family homes – in some cases entire families were buried beneath the rubble when the buildings they lived in collapsed.  In the cases documented below, no prior warning was given to the civilian residents to allow them to escape. Under international humanitarian law, all parties must distinguish between military targets and civilian objects and direct their attacks only at military objectives. When carrying out attacks, parties must take all feasible precautions to minimize harm to civilians,” said Saleh Higazi, Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa.

“Although the Israeli military has given no explanation of what military objectives it was targeting in these attacks, it is hard to imagine how bombing residential buildings full of civilian families without warning could be considered proportionate under international humanitarian law. It is not possible to use large explosive weapons, like aircraft bombs that have a blast radius of many hundreds of meters, in populated areas without anticipating major civilian casualties.

“By carrying out these brazen deadly attacks on family homes without warning Israel has demonstrated a callous disregard for lives of Palestinian civilians who are already suffering the collective punishment of Israel’s illegal blockade on Gaza since 2007.”

The Israeli army claims that it only attacks military targets and has justified airstrikes on residential buildings on that basis. However, residents told Amnesty International that there were no fighters or military objectives in the vicinity at the time of the attacks documented.

“Deliberate attacks on civilians and civilian property and infrastructure are war crimes, as are disproportionate attacks. The International Criminal Court has an active investigation into the situation in Palestine and should urgently investigate these attacks as war crimes. States should also consider exercising universal jurisdiction over those who commit war crimes. Impunity only works to fuel the pattern of unlawful attacks and civilian bloodshed, which have we have repeatedly documented in previous Israeli military offensives on Gaza,” said Saleh Higazi.

At least 152 residential properties in Gaza have been destroyed since 11 May, according to the Gaza-based human rights organization, Al Mezan Center for Human Rights. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Public Works and Housing in Gaza, Israeli strikes have destroyed 94 buildings, comprising 461 housing and commercial units while 285 housing units have been severely damaged and rendered uninhabitable.

(continued in right column)

(click here for the article in French or click here for the article in Spanish.).)

Question related to this article:

Israel/Palestine, is the situation like South Africa?

(continued from left column)

According to United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) more than 2,500 people have been made homeless due to the destruction of their homes and more than 38,000 people have been internally displaced and have sought shelter in 48 UNRWA schools across Gaza.

Indiscriminate rocket-fire by Palestinian armed groups towards civilian areas of Israel has also killed and injured civilians and damaged homes and other civilian properties. The rockets fired from Gaza into Israel are imprecise and their use violates international humanitarian law which prohibits the use of weapons that are by nature indiscriminate. These attacks should also be investigated by the ICC as war crimes.

Amnesty International has previously published evidence that the Israeli military had a deliberate policy of targeting family homes  during the 2014 conflict.

Devastating attacks on family homes

In one of the heaviest episodes of bombardment since the latest fighting began, between 1am and 2am on 16 May Israel carried out airstrikes against residential buildings and streets in Gaza City. The attacks completely destroyed two residential buildings belonging to the Abu al-Ouf and al-Kolaq families – killing 30 people – 11 of them children. 

Gaza’s Ministry of Labour building was also destroyed in the attacks. The attack blocked al-Wehda Street, one of the main roads leading to the main hospital in Gaza, al-Shifa.

The families residing in the four-storey al-Ouf building, which included residential apartments and shops, received no prior warning – they were buried beneath the rubble in the attack. 

Yousef Yassin, a medic from al-Shifa Hospital, was one of the first to arrive on the scene of al-Ouf Building after the attack and helped pull survivors from the wreckage with the Red Crescent. He described the scene to Amnesty International as one of “great destruction”.

“I helped get out four dead [bodies], but there were many more. It was very hard. There was no warning, so people were inside their home sitting together, and this is a lively, bustling area,” he said. 

Shortly before midnight on 14 May Israeli air strikes hit the three-storey building of the al-Atar family in Beit Lahia killing 28-year-old Lamya Hassan Mohammed Al-Atar her three children Islam, seven, Amira, six, and Mohammed an eight-month-old baby. 

Lamya’s father, Hassan Al-Atar, a civil defence officer told Amnesty International he headed to the scene of the attack with an ambulance and rescue team after a relative called him with news of the attack.  “He told me that our home had been bombed and [he was] stuck under the rubble [with his] wife and children,” he said.

“I arrived at the house, which is made up of three stories – 20 people live there – I tried to find people, but I could not. Then the rescue team arrived to help and we eventually found my daughter, a mother of three, with her children, one of whom was a baby, under one of the cement pillars of the house; all of them were dead. The other residents seem to have managed to escape from an opening after the bombing and got to the hospital. I was shocked,” he said.
Nader Mahmoud Mohammed Al-Thom, from al-Salatin neighbourhood in Beit Lahia, described how his home where he lives with eight others was attacked without any warning shortly after midnight on 15 May.

“There was no warning missile, no warning call, the house was bombed, and we were inside. Thank God that the civil defence and by sheer chance was close by and saved us from under the rubble, thank God no one died. We had injuries but not serious, when we got out I saw a fire at the gate of the house, then the ambulance took us to the hospital. I think this is when I lost consciousness. Thank God no one was badly hurt but we lost our house. We are now in the street; we do not know where to go what to do.” 

His family sought shelter at an UNRWA school but the school they arrived at was closed when they arrived and they had to sleep outside in the school yard. His entire home was destroyed including his clothes, money and paperwork and all their belongings.

In addition to residential homes, Israeli attacks have damaged water and electricity infrastructure as well as medical facilities and halted the operations of the North Gaza Seawater Desalination plant, which supplies water to more than 250,000 people.  

South and Southeast Asia: Digital Games for Peace: Creativity, Innovation & Resilience


.An announcement from the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development

The #DigitalGamesForPeace challenge calls upon youth (aged 18-35) from South and Southeast Asia who are game designers, game developers, or researchers in the fields of peacebuilding, prevention of violent extremism, or intercultural dialogue – to submit their applications for a chance to develop innovative ideas on the use of games for peacebuilding.

What is the Challenge about?

The #DigitalGamesForPeace Challenge aims to harness the creative energies of youth from South and Southeast Asia and the promise of game-based innovations in cultivating pertinent competencies for prevention of violent extremism. The Challenge is being organised by the United Nations Office of Counterterrorism (UNOCT), United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), and United Nations, Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) through the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP).

Who is it for?

Youth who wish to apply must: – Be between (and including) 18 and 35 years old. – Be nationals from or have a domicile in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Pakistan, or Sri Lanka. – Have experience with 1 or more of the following areas of expertise: social and emotional learning (SEL), the prevention of violent extremism (PVE) or (video)gaming. – Have good research and writing skills – Apply before June 7, 2021, 11:59 PM IST

What’s in it for me?

If selected, you will have the opportunity to spearhead a UN project. Further, your capacities on intercultural dialogue, social and emotional learning, game-based methodologies will be significantly improved such that post the project, you will have additional skills to wage sustainable peace in your respective community. You will meet and work with a formidable group of young gamechangers from South and Southeast Asia. Additionally, you will be part of a select group of individuals who will have the opportunity to meet and interact with experts from the fields of social emotional learning, game-design, and prevention of violent extremism.

Questions for this article:

Where can one find games for peacebuilding?

How do I participate?

To be considered for selection, submit the call for application on the link that helps us understand your motivations and past experiences to be a gamechanger. We are also seeking some specific information related to digital games and how you think they have the potential to promote ideas of peace, social and emotional learning and prevention of violent extremism.

Apply to be a Gamechanger


Phase 1 (June – September 2021)

Release of Call for applications to shortlist 51 gamechangers between the ages 18-35 years. The shortlisted youth will embark upon improving their capacities on game-based methodologies for peace. This includes exclusively curated training, bootcamps, and mentorship opportunities by thought and industry leaders in the disciplines of game design/development, social-emotional learning, and prevention of violent extremism. The shortlisted youth would then review and test existing games that contribute to building intercultural dialogue and SEL competencies for PVE.

Phase 2 (October – December 2021)

21 selected youth will move into the next phase based on their activity reports and participation in Phase 1. The cohort of gamechangers will ideate, design, and develop innovative projects on the use of games for peacebuilding.

Expected Products

The final products would range from creating a repository of reviewed video games, designing alternate endings to existing games, defining ideal governance practices that define the future of gaming and PVE, designing game storyboards of SEL and PVE, adapting games for SEL and PVE curricula and other possible projects that expand the scope of games for peacebuilding. A team of experts and partners will continue to mentor the gamechangers towards the fruition of their selected project.

Expected Outcomes

1. Youth-led, innovative, game-based methodologies are harnessed to enhance social emotional learning and intercultural dialogue competencies for PVE amongst young people in South and Southeast Asia.

2. Young people in South and Southeast Asia have improved skills capacities for intercultural dialogue and social emotional learning to prevent violent extremism, using the practical guidance developed.

Expected Impact

It is expected that at the conclusion of the initiative, the long term impact will be the use of digital games by young peacebuilders, education professionals and students – to cultivate social and emotional competencies in youth for intercultural dialogue in the South and Southeast Asia Region.

Be a Game Changer! Apply Now!

Interested to learn more? Contact Dani at or

Mali: Festi Petit – a 3rd Edition Full of Surprise


An article by  Mohamed Kanouté in Mali 24 (translation by CPNN)

It was in a festive atmosphere that the 3rd Edition of the festival called Festi Petit, an initiative of Alagria Event and its partners, opened this Friday, May 14, 2021 at the Salamatou Maiga Sports Palace.

Objective: To instill in children the culture of peace, acceptance of the other and unity in its diversity because children are the future of this country. Also to arouse curiosity in children while developing their intelligence through attractive games.

The Festival was attended by communal authorities, local administrative authorities of commune IV of the district of Bamako and cultural actors.

(article continued in right column)

(Click here for the French version of this article)

Question related to this article:


Can festivals help create peace at the community level?

(article continued from left column)

A place of meeting, exchange and entertainment of all kinds between children, this third edition, which will last three days, has kept all its promises in terms of mobilization.

In a festive atmosphere tinged with cries of joy, children test their knowledge and intellectual capacity in attractive games to the delight of the parents who accompany them.

According to the director of the Festival Ms. Adam Samaké, Alagria Event launched the festival in 2018 as part of the development of their activities in favor of children.

“It is a festival dedicated to children without distinction with a blend of gastronomic entertainment and culture. The culture of peace, acceptance of others and unity in its diversity is our goal, because the future of the country depends on children,” she explained.

According to her, “Mali is currently going through a crisis which is shaking the very foundations of the country, and children today face the harmful consequences of this crisis, hence the idea for us to organize this festival to allow people you to recreate themselves and forget certain difficulties at least for a while ”

She also expressed the wish to perpetuate this initiative and especially to extend to children who are in the regions.

Are the people of Haiti making progress towards a culture of peace?

Haiti: CNDDR workshop finalizes its national disarmament strategyr

The Rotary Club of Pétion-Ville : promoting the culture of peace in Haiti

UNIFA, the University of the Aristide Foundation in Haiti

Pour une ‘culture de paix’ dans la presse du Cap-Haïtien

For a ‘culture of peace’ in the press of Cap-Haitien

16 Days of Activism: Meet Marjorie Lafontant, Haiti

MPP’s Much Ado About Women

Haïti – Social : Vers la Paix sociale à Cité Soleil

Haiti – Social : Towards Social Peace in Cité Soleil