A survey by CPNN
Here are 148 events for the International Day of Peace located in all the United States as well as 11 events in Canada in five provinces. In order to save space, one event is given in detail for each state and province and internet links are provided for the others.
The events were listed in Google during the week of September 21-28 under the key words “International Day of Peace,” “peaceday” or “Journée Internationale de la Paix” or were listed on the following websites:
– Campaign Nonviolence
– International Cities of Peace Facebook
In addition to the above events, there were several hundred singing events listed on the websites of One Day One Choir and Montessori schools singing for peace, but it was not possible to distinguish events of 2020 from events in previous years.

Here are excerpts from the articles.
* * * CANADA * * *
CALGARY : Although the COVID-19 pandemic prevented her from coming here to accept the award in person, Stephanie Nolen remains grateful for being named the recipient of the Calgary Peace Prize for 2020. Awarded by the John de Chastelain Peace Studies Initiative at Mount Royal University, the Calgary Peace Prize recognizes outstanding individuals from the global community who work towards making the world a more just, safer and less violent place. As the world marks the International Day of Peace on Sept. 21, the recipients of the prize remain important examples of working towards that elusive goal. . . “Stephanie Nolen’s reporting has shone a light on some of the most important peace and justice issues of our time,” said acting Peace Prize co-ordinator and MRU policy studies professor Kari Roberts, PhD. “Her leadership through journalism has informed and engaged Canadians, giving them the information they need to promote change. Her work covering wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the AIDS epidemic, gender inequality and other humanitarian crises in Africa, Asia and South America has given voice to victims and explained these events to Canadians.
TSAWWASSEN : Each year on the United Nations International Day of Peace, Sept. 21, the Rotary Club of Tsawwassen gathers with community leaders to celebrate peace in our families, our workplace, our schools, and our community. . . Rotary will also be recognizing an individual, group or organization living in, working with or serving the Tsawwassen community to create a culture of peace by combating racism, violence, discrimination, bullying, corruption or any other issue that creates conflict or disharmony.
WINNIPEG : As in the past, Days of Peace brought together a number of committed Participating Places who are doing their utmost to raise awareness and commit to act all in the name of promoting positive peace.
TORONTO: McLaughlin College of York University held a zoom webinar for the World Day of Peace
Statement by Canadian Prime Minister
MONTREAL : As every year, the September 21 Collective co-organizes an event for the International Day of Peace with the Days of Peace. The main activity, which is called Bearer of Words, consists of questioning the world on issues facing our society in relation to current events and a desire for peace. This year 2020 marked by the pandemic raised the following question: COVID and me … what lessons can be learned for peace? We will be on September 21, 2020, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., Place de Lahaie in Montreal to ask this question and post the answers.
* * * UNITED STATES * * * *
KETCHIKAN : Students and community members wrote messages of peace on paper flags and tie-dyed cloth face masks Saturday. It’s part of this year’s celebration of “Kings for Peace Week.” (Eric Stone/KRBD). Students and community members rallied in Ketchikan Saturday as part of an annual event known as “Kings for Peace Week.” It’s a commemoration of both peace on the international stage and community togetherness. . . The celebration this year looks radically different than it did in years past. There’s usually a Peace Day assembly, a Peace Day dance — this year, there’s a Peace Day dance challenge on Instagram. And, of course, never before have students tie-dyed face masks.
SCOTTSBORO : Organization: Contemplative Interbeing. We will be practicing centering prayer, loving kindness meditation, and tonglen each day of CNV action week.
LITTLE ROCK : Arkansas Peace Week is a program of activities with a mission to educate and promote peacemaking in our society and raise awareness of organizations working to build a lasting peace in Arkansas.
MENLO PARK : Organization: Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice: Let us move from fear to friendship! Hosted by American Muslim Voice and Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice, we will begin with spiritual music and sharing a virtual picnic, followed by a program with prayers from Muslim, Jewish, Baha’i, Quaker and Christian traditions, poems composed and read by children, and three featured speakers. We will close with a ceremony “Light the Night for Peace & Justice” from our homes.
ORANGE Sisters of St Joseph
ORANGE League of Women Voters
SAN DIEGO Peace Resource Center
SAN DIEGO Franciscans
DENVER : Organization: Capitol Heights Presbyterian Church. Service in Prayer for Peace: A Zoom service devoted to prayer for peace.
MYSTIC : The United Nations International Day of Peace provides an opportunity for all individuals to come together in spirit and action to forward the ideals of and conditions for peace. This global day of peace is observed in cities, towns and villages worldwide. The Peace Sanctuary is a fitting place to celebrate our local history of peace with a short guided walk, yoga and meditation. Meets at the bottom of driveway at the Peace Sanctuary, 233 River Road in Mystic. This program is suited for adults and older, interested children. Preregistration is required, this program is limited to 15 people and masks are required.
WILMINGTON : Peace Week Delaware: We continue to profess our mission to promote nonviolence by building a community whose members value equity and justice while demonstrating compassion. Our challenge has become more immediate as our community suffers the pain and trauma of the health and economic uncertainties of the pandemic. Peace Week Delaware event organizers are already planning events that will heal us and propel us forward. With sensitivity, creativity, and courage, they will summon us all to action by educating, inspiring and, where need be, deconstructing.
WASHINGTON : Organization – InterFaith Council of Metropolitan Washington. Unity Walk. Now in it’s 16th year, the Unity Walk is a public demonstration of solidarity and unity for all faith groups in the DC metro area. Drawing over 1,000 people of all ages and backgrounds, participants visit 11 different houses of worship in upper Northwest DC, engage in mini facilitated dialogues with each other and with members of the clergy, sample traditional foods, and partake in service projects.
WASHINGTON – Death Penalty Action
WASHINGTON – Training in Early Warning
HOLMES BEACH : Pandemic won’t stop AME Peace Day, The show must go on. Technology and a resilient spirit among students and staff at Anna Maria Elementary School means Peace Day will be celebrated this year. Virtually. AME guidance counselor Susan Tabicman said beginning Sept. 9 components of Peace Day will be recorded and then spliced to create a video. The video will be shown Sept. 21 in classrooms at the Holmes Beach school. “It’s different, but the whole year is different,” said Tabicman. “They’re adapting. Our kids are really pretty resilient.” Peace Day will open with fifth-grade students performing a socially distanced flag ceremony. Also, Anna Maria Island Rotary Club representative Judy Rup will give a keynote address. As they do every year, students will create art projects and write essays and poems in line with the event theme, which for 2020 is “Shaping Peace Together: Celebrate the Day by Spreading Compassion, Kindness, and Hope in the Face of the Pandemic” . . . Inspiring the younger generation to celebrate peace, Tableman said, is the point of the event.
DAWSON COUNTY : On Monday, Sept. 21, the Rotary Club of Dawson County held an International Day of Peace ceremony honoring the first responders of Dawson County. The ceremony, which took place at Veterans Memorial Park, featured speeches from Rotary Club President Sharon Hall, Commission Chairman Billy Thurmond, Representative Kevin Tanner, Rotary District Governor Elect Mike Berg and a letter read on behalf of U.S. Rep. Doug Collins. Each speech honored the first responders of Dawson County, from the Dawson County Sheriff’s Office, Dawson County Emergency Services and Dawson County Public Works. “We have a lot of opportunities throughout the year to honor our veterans and those who have served in the military, but sometimes it’s easy for us to forget those folks who get up every day and work every night protecting us here at home,” Tanner said. “Thank you for all you do, those that are out in front and those who are behind the scenes like our 911 workers, our jail personnel, our court staff and others who we don’t get to see all that often but are just as important.”
HAWAII : Buddhist bishop invites Catholics to join in peace day bell ringing. Bishop Eric Matsumoto of the Buddhist Temples of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii in a Sept. 7 letter asked Bishop Larry Silva to invite Catholic parishes to ring their bells for Peace Day 2020, Sept. 21. The bell tolling is the main feature of the “Ring Your Bell for Peace Day” Zoom event sponsored by Honpa Hongwanji. “Because it is such a challenging time with so much happening in our nation and around the world, I thought we need to reach out even more to each other,” the Buddhist bishop told Bishop Silva. “More than ever, it is essential that we let mutual understanding, respect and appreciation guide us. Thus, I would like to ask for your blessing.” To participate from one’s temple, church, school, home or favorite place, all you need is a bell to ring, and a cellphone, computer or another device to connect online via Zoom. Register in advance at Peace Day in Hawaii, Sept. 21, was established by state law in 2007 as a day “to promote peace programs, improve international relations, and increase educational awareness of peace.” Hawaii was the first state to join more than 200 countries in celebrating the United Nations International Day of Peace and Non-Violence, which was established in 1981.
IOW CITYA : International Day of Peace is being recognized in Iowa City Monday evening, with a caravan of peace. According to PEACE Iowa, the caravan will begin at City Park at 5:45 p.m. The procession will travel around the city, decorated with short messages of peace. Participants are expected to return to the park at about 6:45 p.m.
CLINTON-virtual walk
CLINTON -Franciscan Peace Center
BOISE : Organization: Idaho Campaign Nonviolence. Using social media to spread peace and justice.
CHICAGO, IL : Organization: Chicago Peace Day. September 21, 2020, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm. Peace Day in Chicago: 42nd Anniversary “Shaping Peace Together”. An Online Live Streaming Event. There has never been a more important time for each of us to take positive action for peace. Chicago comes together on Peace Day to create the energy of peace, celebrate peace and share peace-building skills with the goal of helping everyone be a peacemaker in daily life. This intercultural event promotes unity, respect and getting involved in healing our city and our planet. This year’s new online format allows us to connect with peacemakers from around the world. Chicago will be featured in a positive light on the world stage through the global broadcast of Peace Weekend 2020.
CHICAGO -Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation
CHICAGO -Chicago Theological Union
INDIANAPOLIS : Organization: Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters. Entering the Narrow Gate, School of Spiritual Formation. Explore the classic elements of monastic, spiritual & contemplative life to discover how this ancient wisdom, learning and spiritual practice might be understood and lived in new settings & life today.
KANSAS CITY: Organization: PeaceWorks Kansas City Sat. & Sun. Sept. 26-27, 11am-5pm online PeaceWorks Art Fair for local artists at This helps beginning artists, local and ethnically diverse artists bring their artwork to an online audience in 2020 due to the pandemic. The art fair will promote Pace e Bene’s Campaign Nonviolence. This is PeaceWorks KC’s main fundraiser.
LOUISVILLE : Organization: Drepung Gomang Center for Engaging Compassion
Morning Practice of Nonviolence, Led by Peacemakers. Start your day with intention-setting: be refreshed and set-a-path that supports the inner work of nonviolence. Each daily presenter will use their own combination of reflection, readings, prayers, meditation, or music for this 30-minute session. Morning Practice for Nonviolence is a free offering on DGCEC’s Zoom platform. Register here or call 502-614-5616 to receive the Zoom link which enables connecting in on one or all of the sessions.
SLIDELL : Organization: Pastor, United Methodist Church. Prayers, bible study, and sermon for peace.
CASCO : Organization: Unity Center for Spiritual Growth. Silent Saturday. This is an opportunity to enter into silence, meditate in our beautiful gardens and open yourself to the Divine Presence. In this supportive atmosphere you will be able to put aside the preoccupations of daily living and listen to the inner movement of Spirit. During the day you will be alone to engage in whatever form of meditation suits you. We will also partner with the local rotary for a Peace Vigil.
COLLEGE PARK” Organization: DC Peace Team/ Online Training: In this session, the participants will get familiar with the use of the method known as early warning early response (EWER). This approach aims at improving Unarmed Civilian Protection (UCP) strategies against different threats that can surge in the current US context. The idea is to increase the preparation of Peace Team members by fostering a collective reflection on how we communicate with each other, how we analyze and understand a threat and how we prepare ourselves to respond to it.
(Survey continued in right column)
Question related to this article:
What has happened this year (2020) for the International Day of Peace?
(Survey continued from left column)
BOSTON, MA : We have planned and organized the Boston area celebration of the United Nations International Day of Peace each year since 2010. This year’s theme is Shaping Peace Together during this time with pandemics of Racial Injustice, Violence, and COVID-19. The Reverend Rodney Dailey (New Bethel AME Church, Lowell MA) will once again serve as emcee. The planned program is below, followed by information about the people who will be speaking or performing, links to programs and videos of our previous events, and then a list of our sponsors. We hope you will join us and enjoy the program.
ALPENA : Local Girl Scouts gathered at St. Paul Lutheran church to show off their main project promoting peace commemorating international peace day. Each year the Girl Scouts decide on a project they want to complete and this year they decided on a peace book. This project won them a silver award issued by the state of Michigan. The book was put together for the Alpena Peace Coalition and includes input from the community about what peace means to them. The girls are hoping that the tips provided in the book will inspire change in the community.
ST PAUL : Organization: Twin Cities Nonviolent, Harry Bury. By participating in this 10 Days Free From Violence in the Twin Cities, in whatever way you or your organization take action against violence of any form, you can join with us to spread the word about action in which you are involved in the Twin Cities and surrounding areas.
JACKSON : Organization: Pre School Program. Reading and peace lesson with pre-school students. Peace Cranes Lesson.
KANSAS CITY : Organization: PeaceWorks Kansas City. PeaceWorks Kansas City will hold its annual UNplaza Art Fair Sept. 26 and 27 at Southmoreland Park, located between 45th and 47th Street (Emmanuel Cleaver Blvd) and Warwick Blvd. and Oak St. In Kansas City, Missouri. There is no cost to attend the Fair. The Art Fair features local artists of all ages, ethnicities, races, LGBTQI, and abilities, and many are beginning artists. Unlike the nearby corporate-backed Plaza Art Fair, we also offer affordable art. Non-profits that work for peace and the common good are also invited to set up informational booths. This year we are inviting musicians, spoken word artists, poets to perform and activists to give speeches on Peace issues.
HELENA : Organization: Oregon City UMC. Campaign Nonviolence Peace Event!
LINCOLN : Organization: Nebraskans for Peace. 9/26 9:30am – 3pm. This year’s peace conference marks the 50th anniversary of “Nebraskans for Peace,” the oldest Peace & Justice organization in the country. Workshops will explore “Examining the Concept of ‘White Fragility’ through an Anti-racist and Race Equity Lens” and “Making the Green New Deal a Reality.” Keynotes will address “The Future of Food” and “U.S. Global Dominance and StratCom’s Role.” For complete schedule, go to NFP Facebook page or Watch any or all of the day’s presentations on Facebook or at–I52s5II_BH_qEwg/
CONCORD : Action Details: Personal prayer and meditation for peace on the International Day of Peace, September 21st.
WYCKOFF : Organization: Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace. Confronting Climate Change, Ourselves and Our Future with Faith – Led by Jeff Renner. Online Sunday, September 20 – 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Pacific Time
TAOS, NM : Organization: Nonviolence News. Nonviolence News Happy Hour, Friday, Sept 25, from 4-5pm ET: Every two weeks, we gather to discuss what’s been happening in Nonviolence News. It’s a time to learn new tactics, weigh strategies, discover new applications of nonviolence in our world. Come! It’s fun. Cosponsored by MK Gandhi Institute and Nonviolence International. This event is free, but registration is required. Learn more and sign up.
ALBUQUERQUE- Holy Cross Albuquerque :
LAS VEGAS : Organization: Las Vegas Catholic Worker. Fri., Sept. 25, 2020 from 10 – 11 a.m. in front of Lloyd George Federal Courthouse, 333 Las Vegas Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89101 (E. Clark Ave. & Bonneville), signs provided, free parking on 7th between Clark Ave. & Bonneville, Questions- (702) 647-0728 or
Mark International Day of Peace by joining fellow Cornell students for an online interfaith vigil. This brief service will invite you to pause, pray & meditate, hear from students about what peace means to them, and learn about opportunities to practice peace on and off campus. Vigil will be followed by a 90-minute workshop that will invite students to think about action toward peace through the lenses of spirituality and social justice. All current Cornell students are invited to attend.
NEW YORK – UNITED NATIONS : Speaking in front of the Japanese Peace Bell on the grounds of the UN Secretariat, Mr. Guterres outlined how the coronavirus is putting peace at risk, prompting him in March to appeal for a global ceasefire shortly after the pandemic was declared. “Beyond war zones, the pandemic is highlighting and exploiting inequalities of all kinds, setting communities and countries against each other,” he stated. Prior to ringing the bell, the Secretary-General called for a minute of silence for victims of war and conflict around the world. . . The Secretary-General described the Peace Bell as a symbol of unity, cast from coins and medals donated by people all over the world. It was gifted to the UN by Japan in 1954. Mr. Guterres noted that Japanese culture has a deep appreciation for natural imperfections and flaws, as reflected in an art form known as kintsugi, which takes broken pieces of pottery and fuses them together using golden lacquer. “The result is a piece that is not ‘good as new’, but ‘better than new’. As we mark the International Day of Peace, let’s apply this principle to our fractured world,” he said. “Let’s address the fragilities and inequalities that work against peace, so that we emerge from the crisis stronger than before. Let’s push for peace wherever conflict is raging and wherever there are diplomatic opportunities to silence the guns. Let’s prioritize peace and build a safer future for all.” The Peace Bell ceremony was beamed globally via live feed, with the UN chief and the new UN General Assembly President, Volkan Bozkir of Turkey, standing at appropriately distanced podiums, in line with COVID-19 measures.
SYLVA : Monday, Sept. 21, 2020, marked the 39th International Day of Peace. Some people in Sylva celebrated the day with an interfaith vigil, calling for peace and racial justice.“It is not enough to see, you need to do,” one of the speakers said. Reconcile Sylva and the local NAACP chapter organized the event. It was a part of Campaign Nonviolence. “What more could you want in life then to live in peace,” said Dana Patterson, chair for the community coordination committee for the NAACP. Patterson said the vigil was important for many reasons.“For a community like that to bring us together to talk about what it means to actually achieve peace that is huge, that’s huge for such a small community,” said Patterson adding that she hopes continued discussions like this bring about a better world for children.
FARGO, ND : Organization: Nativity Church. Becoming a peace maker at school and at home lessons taught at Nativity School. Grades K – 5.
BRUNSWICK : St. Ambrose School in Brunswick is among the schools that participated in the 2020 Pinwheels for Peace initiative on Sept. 21 a part of the International Day of Peace. Students created pinwheels during their art classes and each class had a short prayer service for peace as they placed their pinwheels on the school grounds at 923 Pearl Road, Brunswick. Art teacher Julia Kinley also had her students reflect on the day through chalk drawings on the school sidewalks. Students who are learning virtually had the opportunity to participate in this project, as well, and were invited to come and “plant” their pinwheels outside the school.
MOORE : Organization: Norman Peace and Justice Center. “Resilience as a Community” A Miller Lecture event with Leymah Gbowee.
HILLSBORO : Organization: Ultraviolet Women’s Resistance. Westside Ultraviolet, the city of Beaverton and Rotary International will install a new Peace Pole this September, proclaiming “May Peace Prevail on Earth”. The Peace Pole will be installed at Denney Gardens, a Habitat for Humanity community, on September 20, as part of Beaverton Welcoming Week. Please join us at a virtual, Facebook live-stream event on September 21 at 7 pm, featuring the Peace Pole dedication and peace activities honoring the International Day of Peace. The theme for the International Day of Peace is “Shaping Peace Together.” Celebrate the day by spreading compassion, kindness and hope in the face of the pandemic and joining us on Facebook live!
PHILADELPHIA : Peace Day Philly 2020 September 2020 marks 10 years for Peace Day Philly, the local initiative for the United Nations International Day of Peace, September 21. Peace Day Philly 2020 will include eleven programs over seven days – all on-line and all free – related to personal, local and global peace and justice. What do all of PDP’s 2020 programs have in common? Breaking down barriers (inward and outward) and making positive change toward a more peaceful, healthy and just world! Check out PDP’s calendar of free, on-line programs happening Sept. 15-21: http:// #peaceday
PITTSBURGH – Duquesne University
WESTERLY : The 3rd Annual International Peace Day and Candlelight Vigil celebration, sponsored by the Westerly Area Peace and Justice Group, was celebrated on Monday evening, September 21, 2020, on the steps and lawn of Christ Episcopal Church. At the “Peace Table” in prayer are, from left, local folk musician Geoff Kaufman, Westerly Area and Justice Group member Madeline Labriola, author and educator David Madden, and local musician Frank Pendola.
CHARLESTON, SC: Organization: Men Against Domestic Violence USA. This conference and peace actions will bring together domestic violence and law enforcement personel, prosecutors, victim advocates, judges, parole and probation officers, rape crisis workers, researchers, educators and more.
SIOUX FALLS, SD : Organization: Sioux Falls Seminary. Nonviolence, Peace, and Social Justice Study Group.
MEMPHIS : Organization: Campaign Nonviolence Memphis
Sept. 19th: I AM US (USA) Interfaith & International Gathering Uniting for World Peace and Unity.
Sept. 19th: Battu, an Odissi Indian Dance.
Sept. 19th: Bahá’í Fireside
Sept. 20th: 108 Sun Salutations
Sept. 21st, 22nd & 23rd: Peace and Harmony Days Zoom Event
Sept. 21st: Between WWII & the Death of JFK, National Civil Rights Museum
Sept. 22nd: From white supremacist to human rights advocate: An evening with TM Garret.
Sept. 23nd: Second Concert for a Nonviolent Memphis
Sept. 24th: We all Want a Peace of the Pie, Meet the MICAH Youth Council
Sept. 25th: Meditation for Non-Harming
Sept. 26th: Preparing for Good Trouble
DALLAS : Dallas College: Students, employees and the community are invited to celebrate the United Nations’ 2020 peace day, with the theme: Shaping Peace Together. Activities will include:
Introduction to UN holiday
Poetry readings by Dallas College employees
Prerecorded video of acts of kindness
Moment of Peace at noon
30-day challenge kickoff for students
SALT LAKE CITY : Organization: Achorus Amorphous. Achorus Amorphous sends volunteers to picket for peace and against nuclear weaponeering of Northrop Grumman. At their Utah headquarters (in Salt Lake City) they manage operations at the nearby Hill Air Force Base where they broke ground 13 months ago in order to build a place to refurbish intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). The Achorus Amorphous activities include singing and picketing and attempting to communicate with employees of Northrop.
SALT LAKE CITY – Gandhi Alliance for Peace
BURLINGTON : Organization: Peace and Justice Center
September 16 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Unpacking Whiteness. Online.
This space is held for white people to specifically process how white supremacy culture is harmful to them.
September 18 @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm. Seeing & Disrupting Racism: A Focus on White Fragility. Online
September 19 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Fair Trade 101: Global Trade & Racism. Online.
September 23 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. Seeing & Disrupting Racism: A Focus on White Fragility. Online
RICHMOND : The Steward School is proud to partner with SCAN this year for “Whirled” Peace Day on September 18th. . . we will livestream a virtual Whirled Peace Day celebration featuring special choral and musical performances, a guest speaker, and the traditional pinwheel planting.
RICHMOND-JusRe Creative Services
OLYMPIA : Organization: Parallax Perspectives. Two series of 6 online workshops on “Nonviolent Grassroots Organizing” every week starting Sun. Sept. 20 and Mon. Sept. 21. Participants may choose either Sunday afternoons or Monday evenings (Pacific Daylight Time).
CHIPPEWAW VALLEY : September 21 is the International Day of Peace, a day observed around the world devoted to strengthening peace and non-violence between nations. To commemorate the day, a new event was held at the Highground Veterans Memorial Park and Museum on Monday afternoon. Organizers with the Highground Veteran’s Museum said as they were preparing 1,000 paper cranes for an upcoming World War II exhibit, they learned of the International Day of Peace, and with 300 paper cranes already made, they decided to put the physical symbols of peace to good use. Those cranes were hanging Monday afternoon as a reminder of peaceful intentions as attendees joined together with poems, songs, prayers and reflection during these difficult times. “I think it is such a perfect time for us to gather in a non-political matter to extend our hearts toward that promotion of peace; it’s very important,” said Theresa Hebert, the veteran’s museum and education program coordinator.
they hope to continue the event in the future.
MILWAUKEE – Marquette University
MILWAUKEE – Peace Action Wisconsin
SPENCER : Organization: Catholic Committee of Appalachia. You Want to See in the World: Celebrating CCA’s Jubilee, 50TH ANNUAL GATHERING (Online)
JACKSON : Organization: Lotus Vibes. Weekly peaceful, meditation class.