A survey by CPNN
The following 36 events in 19 African countries include those listed in Google during the week of September 21-28 this year under the key words “International day of peace” and “Journée internationale de la paix.” The events also include some listed on the facebook page for the International Cities of Peace.
About 52 events are listed on the maps of One Day One Choir and Montessori schools singing for peace, but there is no indication which took place this year and which took place only in previous years.
For events in North Africa see the page of events in the Arab States .

Kinshasa Forum of Media Professionals
Here are excerpts from the articles.
Message from the Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security on the commemoration of the International Day of Peace. Fellow Africans, like the rest of the world on 21 September every year, the African Union (AU) observes the International Peace Day, dedicated to strengthening the ideals of peace. This 39th commemoration indeed, presents an occasion for us to reflect on the progress made in the unwavering commitment of African leaders to work towards the achievement of Aspiration 4 of the AU Agenda 2063, namely, a peaceful and secure Africa, a Continent where the idea of Silencing the Guns shall be engraved in the minds and the hearts of each and every African. It also calls for further reflection, notably on the challenges impeding the sustainability of peace in our Continent. . . We therefore encourage our Member States, AU Organs, RECs/RMs, civil society and all African citizens and the diaspora to scale-up their work towards peacebuilding, to promote a culture of peace in all forms through cultural and artistic expression that contribute to the respect of human rights, diversity, solidarity and the rejection of violence as well as hate speech towards building peaceful societies.
English International School. We celebrated World Peace Day at school on Friday, 20th September. Under beautiful skies, our march over to the school field was symbolic. Sitting down on the grass, in the formation of the peace symbol, we observed a minute of silence. Some of the poems that the children wrote on that day are now on display in the school hall. Our reflections and prayers go out to those who are suffering because of lack of peace for various reasons. (with photos)
For this year’s U.N. World Peace Day (September 21), thousands of Cameroonians have called for a cease-fire between the military and separatists. People who marched in several cities and towns said they were tired of burying civilians caught up in the fighting. But the conflict is not likely to end soon. The song, “We want peace,” by Cameroonian performer Salatiel blasted through speakers in Yaounde, capital of the central African country, on 2021 World Peace Day. In the music, Salatiel says Cameroon needs immediate peace without which the entire country will sink into ruins. Esther Njomo Omam, director of the non-governmental organization Reach Out Cameroon, organized the rally. She says Cameroonians should give peace a chance. . . Similar peace walks took place in Buea, Bamenda and Kumba, all cities in western regions, where armed separatist groups are active, and the northern towns of Maroua, Garoua and Ngaoundere, all close to Cameroon’s border with Nigeria, the site of many incursions by the militant group Boko Haram. . . The government said a majority of people who took part at the peace walks were women affected by the crises. Some of them said they lost family members in the crises.
l’Unesco will train 1800 young people to resolve cross-border conflicts. The announcement is from the Director of UNESCO Central Africa on the occasion of World Peace Day which is being celebrated on September 21, 2021. . . . Today’s ceremony was attended by the Minister of Youth and Civic Education Mounouna Foutsou, the Director of the Unesco Regional Office for Central Africa, Mr. salah Khaled and human rights representatives in Cameroon as part of the week of activities organized in Yaoundé jointly with MINJEC. . . The celebration of the International Day of Peace will also have been marked by a training of residents of the National Football Academy, followed by a match of football. So many activities that bring hope to young people.
The Livelihood Improvement Project in Western Chad (PAMELOT / GIZ), in partnership with the student ambassadors of peace from Kanem, initiated a day of peace in Mao on September 21. . . . The prefect of the Kanem department, Brahim Alifa Ali, representative of the governor, presided over the ceremony at the meeting room of radio Ndjimi. He explained that this day is in line with the policy of the transitional government and urged community leaders, religious, young people, associations and groups to play their role in the framework of peaceful cohabitation and peace. . . This day was marked by the presentation of poems and sketches, as well as talks and debates on peace.
The Congolese government, its partners and the youth must each play their part in order for peace to return to the Beni region. This is what the Youth Parliament supports in a declaration made public this Tuesday, September 21 on the occasion of the International Day of Peace. For the president of the Youth Parliament, Katembo Sekanabo Samule, the young people of North Kivu must dissociate themselves from the armed groups so that peace reigns: “We launch a vibrant appeal to all young people in the province of North Kivu to dissociate themselves from the armed groups in order to make possible the return of peace and security in our region. Finally, remaining consistent with the values that drive us, we remain convinced that young people remain a major and important and important partner for the return of peace. And let us ask that everyone play their role in accordance with their regular attributions, finally to hope one day for a lasting peace ”.
September 21, 2021: In the Democratic Republic of Congo, a country faced with different forms of insecurity that undermine peace and stability especially in its eastern part, several messages are sent to this effect by various personalities and organizations working for peace, as is the case by Patient Bashombe Matabishi, national coordinator of Community Dynamics for Social Cohesion and Development (DYCOD-RDC).
The Press and Youth were called upon to take over from MONUSCO’s actions in Tanganyika province. This appeal was launched jointly by MONUSCO and UNFPA during a press conference held Monday, September 20 at the MONUSCO / Kalemie base. An activity organized as a prelude to the International Day of Peace which brought together MONUSCO and UNFPA in partnership with the NGO AFRYAN. It is the Collective of Journalists Committed to Peace and Development (CJPD) and the Youth of AFRYAN that MONUSCO and UNFPA have targeted in this press conference in order to sensitize the Press and Youth to the peace and the fight against the Coronavirus in a province that the United Nations Mission intends to disengage next year.
MONUSCO’s Strategic Communication and Public Information Division (SCPID) held a forum for discussion with the media on September 21 in Kinshasa. photo: Training of media professionals in the framework of the Peacebuilding Forum.
The International Day of Peace, celebrated on September 21 of each year was the perfect opportunity for the executives of the Convention for the Republic and Democracy (CRD) to bring together the women of the party, according to different federations of Kinshasa, to talk to them the importance of peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo. . . In this dynamic of popularizing the message of peace to all, the two party executives announced soon the holding of a large meeting which will take place in one of the municipal stadiums of the city-province of Kinshasa.
Under the theme “Getting up for a more equitable and sustainable world”, the International Day of Peace was celebrated across the world on September 21. In Gabon, the Christian Peace Observatory (OCP) has joined this international movement to promote a culture of plural peace. . . ” This day in 2021 comes in a particular context which leads us to understand peace in a more global sense in connection with the Sustainable Development Goals “, declared Pastor Rostand Essono Ella, one of the panelists. While anti-Covid measures are still relevant in the country, he recommended that the government not use Covid-19 to violate human rights and individual freedoms.
Brief video – The above is from Dandora Nairobi Kenya East Africa. Very happy celebrating international peace. Joyful children with smiling faces
A local nongovernmental organization, Center for Peace and Education joined the rest of the World in recognition of the International Day of Peace through a grand parade and indoor program spreading messages of peace. . . The one-day event took place in Brewerville at the Alfred Billy Curtis Hall with the theme “Spread Peace not COVID”.
(Survey continued in right column)
Question related to this article:
What has happened this year (2021) for the International Day of Peace?
(Survey continued from left column)
Mali is organizing on September 21, 2021, an official ceremony of the International Day of Peace in Bamako, under the high patronage of the Special Representative of the Secretary General of United Nations El-Ghassim Wane. . . . At least 378,000 internally displaced persons were registered in Mali during the current year. . . The special representative of the UN Secretary General recalled that all these displaced people are not at home and therefore cannot contribute to the development of their communities, much less to the recovery of the crisis situation that Mali is going through. “It is therefore up to us to work together to achieve the commitment that our Heads of State and Government have made to transform our world through the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the African Union Agenda 2063, “the Africa we want” ”, declared Alain Noudehou, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations within the Integrated Mission. of the United Nations for the stabilization of Mali (MINUSMA). . . For his part, Alhamdou Ag Iliyène, Minister for Malians living abroad and African Integration said: “By celebrating this day, we know that we will have to rebuild the peace, which we have lost in recent years”. As a reminder, Mali has been facing a security crisis since 2012 fueled by separatist claims and terrorist attacks, particularly in the north, center and south of the country.
An art competition on the theme ‘Women for Peace’ and accentuating the role of women in the peacebuilding process was launched, this morning, by the Minister of Arts and Cultural Heritage, Mr Avinash Teeluck, in Port-Louis. The competition is a joint endeavour of the Ministry with the Rotary Club of Beau Bassin-Rose Hill in the context of World Peace Day 2021 which is observed globally on 21 September.
In view of the International Peace Day celebrated annually on the 21 September, the Rotaract clubs of Mauritius met today at Sophie Nature Walk for Tree Planting, trail, Meditation session by Mrs. Prema, hug a tree to transfer the pure energy and forming a Human Peace sign that symbolizes Peace all around the world, one of the Rotary Axes. A strong connection to the natural environment enhances emotional well-being and alleviates negativity that is being experienced during tough times in COVID pamdemic. (with photos°
Sunfield City School
Video of student celebration of world peace day
The High Authority for the Consolidation of Peace (HACP), a Nigerien institution working in the search and consolidation of peace throughout the national territory, in collaboration with several partners including the UNDP, celebrated this day of September 21 through the organization of a popular cross in Niamey. At the launch of the competition, the starting signal was given by Minister of Youth and Sports Mr. Sékou Doro Adamdou in the presence in particular of the Secretary General of the HACP and his deputy as well as the representative of the UNDP, there were many athletes Nigeriens for having responded to the call of the HACP to run or roll in the name of peace in Niger and around the world. The popular cross concerned the able-bodied but also those with disabilities, particularly locomotor in several categories. The HACP specifically invited junior and senior runners (Men), runners (ladies) but also disabled cyclo crossers (men and women) who competed in courage for the cause of peace, in front of a large audience who made the trip to the General Seyni Kountché stadium (SGSK). . . . The event ended with a release of doves for peace and the presentation of various prizes to the winners of the various races. Mr. Yahaya Adié announced that in addition to the popular cross country, the HACP is also organizing a football match between the students and the Defense and Security Forces at the GSK stadium.
The West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP) – Nigeria, a Non-govermental Organisation (NGO), has called on Nigerian government to recognise and promote the role of women in peace building activities to forestall peace and security in the country. The National Network Coordinator, Chief Mrs. Bridget Osakwe, made the appeal while marking the 2021 World Peace Day, with the theme: ‘Recovery Better for an Equitable and Sustainable World’. Osakwe said women had been playing important role in stabilising the society, starting from the home.
The director-general, Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Dr. Bakut T. Bakut, has disclosed that the Institute had concluded arrangements with some stakeholders to achieve a ‘ceasefire’ or ‘silent the guns’ in some Nigerian communities. Addressing a press conference to herald the 2021 International Peace Day in Abuja, Bakut also called on all Nigerians to work assiduously to return peace to the country.
. . Bakut said the Institute was working with stakeholders to advocate and sensitize parties in violent conflict across the country on the need to observe a ceasefire on the day and adopt a non-violent approach to resolve conflict. To achieve this, he stated that five of the institute’s newly created peace-building zonal offices will be fully engaged in their various locations on the Day.
International Day of Peace Lecture and Award ceremony organised by African Foundation for Peace and Love Initiatives, AFPLI, in collaboration with Joint Communities in Bode Kumapayi, Agbala Itura, Ibadan will take place on September 21, at House of Chiefs Parliament Building, Agodi, Ibadan. Tagged “The Road to a Lasting Peace,” the event will bring together hundreds of security experts, traditional rulers, religious leaders and community heads. It will feature lecture, security fund raising, book and award presentations.
Organization: Faculty of Peace. Action: Conference with notable speakers that will dwell on the Topic “Nigeria’s Unity: Dialogue as a pathway “, At the event we will also be looking at the chronicles of Sectarian Agitations in Nigeria.
As part of events to mark this year’s World Peace Day, the Dephee Peace and Community Development Initiative (DPCDI) on Tuesday organised a sensitisation session for school children and other stakeholders at the at the Raddai Metropolitan school Jalingo. The Executive Director of DPCDI Mr Bulus Daniel Dauda said that the initiative was to ensure that the culture of peaceful coexistence was inculcated into the younger generation at the early stages of their lives. ‘As we heal from the COVID-19 pandemic this year, we are inspired to think creatively and collectively about how to help everyone recover better, how to build resilience and how to transform our world into one that is more equal, more just, more equitable and inclusive, sustainable and healthier.
La Réunion: On September 25, meeting at 10 am Saint-Paul Cimendef – climate march
Several activities are planned in the region of Ziguinchor (south), Tuesday and Wednesday, for the celebration of the International Day of Peace, in a context of calm, clashes between the Senegalese armed forces and the rebels becoming more and more rare. The Platform of Women for Peace in Casamance (PFPC), the most active organization in the celebration of peace, is carrying out a “mobilization and sharing” campaign in Brin on Tuesday. “Getting up for a more equitable and sustainable world” is the theme of this event planned in this village located on the outskirts of Ziguinchor. An “inaugural speech” on peace and security will be delivered by Deputy Cheikh Tidiane Gadio, director of the Pan-African Strategy Institute, in the presence of the administrative authorities of the region. Several community organizations, youth associations, technical and financial partners will take part in this event.
As part of activities to mark the International Day for Peace which falls tomorrow, Tuesday September 21, 2021, the International Day of Peace Committee (IDPC) of Seychelles organised a collection of non-perishable goods/items at the STC hypermarket. The commodities and monies collected will be used in good faith by the Seychelles Red Cross for the ones in need and the most vulnerable of our society. . . The other activities of the IDPC of Seychelles up to Peace Day 2021 will be a live SBC Radio AM programme today at 10 am and on Peace Day tomorrow . . . A Peace Talk with students from the Youth Hostel Peace Club at 3pm at the UniSey (Anse Royale) campus.
Learners of Curro school have released a peace song to mark International Day of Peace, which is normally celebrated today. Titled Peace Song, it is based on the original Peace in Our Land song, which was written in 1992 and produced by Sello “Chicco” Twala and featured many music stars, including Brenda Fassie, Thandeka “PJ” Powers, Nana Coyete, Mzwakhe Mbuli and Yvonne Chaka Chaka. Through the song, Curro High School learners use their voices to encourage South Africans to continue spreading the message of hope, encouraging them to stay positive during this difficult time.
International Peace Day was an opportunity for communities from the conflict-ridden Tonj North county in Warrap, South Sudan, to come together in a commemoration organized jointly by state authorities and the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). This significant Day was marked by the handover of a newly constructed prison and courthouse in Warrap town. Speaking at the event, Anastasie Nyirigira, Head of the UNMISS Field Office in the state accentuated the importance of the new facilities. ”This prison and courthouse will provide a much-needed boost to rule of law here and ensure that justice is delivered swiftly and promptly, while suspects are treated with due respect to their human rights. There can be no peace without justice,” she stated. . . Women, men and youth representatives spoke about their individual efforts to build peace from the ground up: Providing sanctuary for displaced individuals, refraining from retaliatory measures against other communities, and bolstering community policing efforts to protect civilians.
Tanzania Peace Legal Aid and Justice Center is joining other peace stakeholders to communicate the International Day of Peace as a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace. (with photos of the celebration).
The Togo branch of the West African Network for Peacebuilding and the Pan-African Research Circle on Security, Peace and Development formalize their framework of collaboration. The two organizations sealed their partnership through an agreement signed on September 21, 2021, on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Peace. The objective of this signature of agreement is to give an official character to the collaboration and to the academic, educational, scientific and expertise exchanges between the two contracting parties.