All posts by CPNN Coordinator

About CPNN Coordinator

Dr David Adams is the coordinator of the Culture of Peace News Network. He retired in 2001 from UNESCO where he was the Director of the Unit for the International Year for the Culture of Peace, proclaimed for the Year 2000 by the United Nations General Assembly.

Sinaloa, Mexico: III International Congress on women and the culture of peace


An article from Debate (translation by CPNN)

After two days of work, the III International Congress “Culture of peace by women: various worldviews; women and men for positive masculinities” was concluded in Culiacán with the participation of prominent specialists in these issues.

Image of the congress participants via Zoom.

(Click here for the original article in Spanish.)

Questions related to this article:

Do women have a special role to play in the peace movement?

Prospects for progress in women’s equality, what are the short and long term prospects?

The event was organized by the Sinaloa State Congress, the Autonomous University of the West and the civil association Building Spaces for Peace as part of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the 16 days of activism.

Some of the topics that were developed on November 27 and 28, were health and social work with pregnant women, victims of family violence, the evaluation of Gender Alerts, Culture of Peace, Human rights of women, bullying and sexual violence.

On the second and last day of activities, the speakers were Leticia Burgos, coordinator of the National Alert Network; Argentina Casanova, representative of the Social and Gender Observatory, and María Luisa Sosa de la Torre, of the National Network for Effective Parity and the National Network of Political Rights Trainers.

Support communities in Caquetá, Colombia to strengthen peace building processes in the territories


An article from Vaki

Since May 2018, Schools of Peace Foundation (Fundación Escuelas de Paz in Spanish), supports rural communities of Curillo and La Montañita, in Caquetá, in the development of actions that strengthen the leading role and active and inclusive citizenship in peace building processes that come from the territories through the Project Knitting Paths of Peace (Proyecto Tejiendo Caminos de Paz in Spanish).

Caquetá is one of the most affected departments of Colombia by violence. The emergence, prolongation and deterioration of the armed conflict has caused numerous human’s rights violations, perpetuated by different groups involved in this armed conflict.

(Continued in right column)

(Click here for a Spanish version of this article.)

Question related to this article:

What is happening in Colombia, Is peace possible?

(Continued from left column)

This situation has created a complex humanitarian crisis that affects rural, indigenous, mestizo and African-Colombian communities, these are the consequences of transculturation related to drug dealing, social consciousness of war, patriarchal culture, gender based violence, displacement, the growth of informal settlements, poverty and precarious conditions of the health system.

Nonetheless, the inhabitants of these territories, with great resilience, come together hoping to create peace building alternatives by collective initiatives, looking to generate education, opportunities, solidarity-based economy and a peaceful transformation of conflicts. In this task, it is important to highlight women leadership in their organizational, communicative and active processes.

The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has delayed organizational, formative and communicative processes of the project, which can lead to its decline for its lack of continuity.

Right now, in order to move forward with the last phase of the project, we need resources from the national and international civic society.

We need your support so that the communities can implement the advances of the formative process and the political incidence that they already began, so with this, they can develop collective initiatives and communicative strategies which will rebuild the social fabric and the nonviolent mobilization.

Be a part of the change and join us with your donation!

English bulletin December 1, 2020


There are now so many virtual events promoting the culture of peace that we have started a new service at CPNN, listing them in advance along with their registration infomation. We list those that are free and open to the general public. In this way, CPNN readers are able to participate in the live event.

This month we have listed an average of almost one event per day coming from all regions of the world. Here is a brief summary, organized by theme.


A lab for nonviolent action was sponsored the the US organization Pace e Bene on November 5, 12 and 19.

Nonviolence: From the Civil Rights Movement to Black Lives Matter. This year’s Mahatma Gandhi lecture was held online on November 7. The lecture now held annually for 20 years is sponsored by the Peace Studies Program and the Centre for Peace Studies at McMaster University in Canada.

Mediation and Restorative Justice was the theme in Mexico on November 27 at the Fifth Congress of the Federación Nacional De Colegios De Mediadores.


with the Palestinian people. A dozen or so French organizations hosted activists for the human rights of the Palestinian people on November 30.


“School of democracy” was the theme of a series of conferences sponsored by the UNESCO Chair in Pamploma, Spain. On November 5, the conference featured Agusin Ruis Robledo, Professor of Consitutional Law at the University of Granada, speaking on the theme “the dceadence of parliamentarianism.” On November 12, Miguel Angel Simon spoke on “the rise of the extreme right.”


Transformative economies. The World Social Forum on Transformative Ecoomies held a series of five programs between November 4 and 18 with specific examples from throughout Latin America.

“Creating a better world for future generations” was the theme of a web event on November 21, sponsored by the Goi Peace Foundation of Japan and featuring Dr. Jaques Attali.


The UN Security Council Resolution 1325 promoting the role of women in UN peacemaking was celebrated on its 20th birthday November 20 in the annual Texas (USA) symposium on Women, Peace and Security.

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women was celebrated by the African Union Office of Youth Envoy on November 25 with a number of very high-level officials from Africa and the United Nations.


Defense of the Venezuelan elections against US imperialist interference was discussed in a forum on November 18 sponsored by proggressive organizations in the US.


Youth leading the movement against racism was the subject of a webinar sponsored by the Global Campaign for Peace Education on November 20.

Speakers addressed various culture of peace themes in the annual Global Peace Forum of Coventry Rising on November 11-13.


Analysis of the prospects for peace with the new US government.This was the theme of several internet conferences. Two were sponsored by the Stop the War Coaltion in the UK. On November 30, the speaker was Jeremy Corbyn. On November 28, there were five speaker, including a member of parliament. A similar theme,”Anti-imperialist election; Youth fight back”, was discussed on November 21 by member organizations of the United National Antiwar Coalition in the United States. Another webinar on this subject, on November 11 was sponsored by the International Peace Bureau

of nuclear war and global warming were discussed in a confeerence on November 29 by the Canadian organizations Peace Magazine and Project Save the World.

Pathways to reset international cooperation” was the theme of Geneva Peace Week that was held on line from November 2-6 sponsored by the Geneva Center for Peacebuilding. A similar theme, “inspiring cooperation on behalf of the common good”, was sponsored by the National Peace Academy of the United States on November 10.

Elimination of Nuclear Weapons was the theme of the webinar on November 2 sponsored by Unfold Zero.

CPNN readers are encouraged to regularly consult the listings contained on our webpage, and to share this information with yout friends and colleagues. Above all, participate. Participate! PARTICIPATE!


France: Thousands protest against bill to curb filming of police


Five new digital media platforms for uncensored news from Colombia


FAO : Strong support for innovation and digital technologies in Latin America and the Caribbean


Toluca, Mexico, establishes more than 150 Peace Centers



Burkina Faso: Blanche Bana wins the Sotigui Awards 2020


I am Generation Equality: Ixchel Lucas, youth advocate for girls’ leadership


France: Youth in Normandy Mobilize for Human Rights and the Freedom Prize


Following peace deal, talks on Libya’s political future begin

The people of France : No to a police state!


Photos by Dea Drndraska (Reproduced by permission)

This week again, like one week ago, the people of France have clearly indicated that they don’t want the new law proposed by the Macron government for “sécurité globale” a measue that would penalize the diffusion of photos of the police. Here are some of their signs from the demonstration in Paris on 28 November.

Click here for the French version)

Past Virtual Events, November 27-30


Here are events from November 27 that were previously listed on the CPNN page for upcoming virtual events. Unless otherwise noted the events are in English.

November 27 [in Spanish]

“V National and International Congress of the Federación Nacional De Colegios De Mediadores A.C”.
“Tópicos de Mediación, Conciliación y Justicia Restaurativa: Navegando hacia una Cultura de Paz”.
— El taller de 12: 00-13: 00 hrs (hora en la Ciudad de México) hablará sobre “Las Prácticas Restaurativas en América Latina”
— Para participar, complete el formulario en
— También puede ver el evento en vivo en la página de Facebook:

Nov 28, 2020

Stop the War Coalition : Prospects for War & Peace After the US Elections
— What does the election of Joe Biden mean for UK foreign policy? On one hand the president-elect has called for an end to US support for the Saudi-led war on Yemen, yet on the other he appears committed to escalating tensions with China. All of which will have major ramifications for British foreign policy. Boris Johnson’s unveiling of a huge military spending increase seems designed to please the new US president and demonstrate that the UK remains a devoted ally.
— As Donald Trump’s tenure comes to an end are we expecting huge shifts in foreign policy or more of the same?
— Join us for this fringe session of the North West Connected conference to discuss all of this and how the anti-war movement can organise against it with:
– Richard Burgon MP
– Lindsey German
– Sarah Cundy (Manchester Momentum Vice Chair)
– Jenny Clegg (Greater Manchester Stop the War)
– Rashida Islam (Greater Manchester Stop the War)
Time : 01:00 PM in London
— Register here

Sunday, Nov. 29, 2:00 – 4:00 PM EST (Toronto Time)

Peace Magazine and Project Save the World Invite You to Our Next Monthly Global Town Hall
— On the last Sunday of every month, we hold an open meeting for activists worldwide who are addressing issues of militarism (especially nuclear weapons), global warming, famine, pandemics, radioactive contamination, and cyber risks. We talk for two hours with our video cameras on (not just audio, please), edit the recording, and put it on YouTube, Facebook, and our website: Then we publicize it widely. Everyone is welcome. There is no agenda, but this time I hope we will have a good discussion about the many risks to democracy today, especially as we see in elections.
Register here

Mon 30 Nov – 18:30 London time

Foreign Policy After the US Election w/ Jeremy Corbyn –
Join Jeremy Corbyn on Monday to discuss the significance of the US election results on UK foreign policy.
— The election of Joe Biden has been met with a sense of relief but with a team of right-wing Democrats behind him, along with a largely republican senate, the prospects for a progressive US foreign policy look bleak. Meanwhile, Boris Johnson’s unveiling of a huge military spending increase is designed to please the new US president and demonstrate that the UK remains a devoted ally.
— As Donald Trump’s tenure comes to an end, are we expecting huge shifts in foreign policy or more of the same? Join us to discuss the future of the so-called ‘special relationship’ with the former Labour Leader and Stop the War Chair.
Click Here to Register

Lundi 30 novembre à 18h30 (French time – in French)

A l’occasion de la Journée internationale de solidarité avec le peuple palestinien, l’AFPS, la CGT, EELV, GDS, l’intergroupe parlementaire de la FI, le MJCF, la LDH, Le Mouvement de la Paix, le MRAP, le PCF, la plateforme des ONG françaises pour la Palestine, R&S, UAVJ, l’UNEF et l’UEC organisent un webmeeting en direct sur Zoom le lundi 30 novembre 2020 de 18h30 à 20h30.
— Avec :
Majed BAMYA, représentant de la Palestine à l’ONU,
Aïda TOUMA-SLIMAN, députée de la Joint List à la Knesset,
Sahar FRANCIS, directrice d’Addameer Prisoner Support & Human Rights Association,
Zakaria ODEH, coordonnateur de la Coalition civique pour les droits des à Jérusalem,
Wajeh ABU ZAREFAH, professeur de Science Politique et analyste politique pour Alshabaka, The palestinian policy network (Gaza),
ainsi que des représentant-e-s de la campagne de Résistance non-violente, des réfugiés palestiniens, et de Btselem (centre israélien d’information pour les droits de l’homme dans les territoires occupés).
Rejoindre la conférence avec Zoom ici.

Dec 1, 2020 18:30 PM in London

Students say No to War on Yemen
The war in Yemen has entered its sixth, devastating year. Over 100,000 people have died and millions are the brink of famine. The British Government is complicit in this war; over £5 billion worth of arms have been sold to the Saudi coalition since the start of the war and RAF personnel have maintained Saudi planes and directed the bombings. Stop the War Coalition, alongside organisations around the world, has called a global day of action against the war on Yemen on 25th January 2021. Students have played a major role in fighting against British involvement in the war, organising protests across the country over the summer, and will have a vital role in building the day of action. Join us to discuss how we can take action on the 25th January and end the war on Yemen.
— Speakers (tbc):
Lucy Nichols, Stop the War
Malak Mayet, Campaign Against the Arms Trade
Adhiyan Jeevathol, London Students for Yemen
Lamar Campbell, Young Labour International Representative
Hasan Patel, Young Labour Under 18’s Representative
Register here

Following peace deal, talks on Libya’s political future begin


An article from UN News

Talks to draw up a blueprint for a new political era in Libya began in Tunisia on Monday [November 9], following a peace deal struck by Libya’s warring sides last month [See CPNN October 17]

(Click on image to enlarge)

“You have gathered today to continue forging a new era of peace and stability for Libya. You have the opportunity to end a tragic conflict and create a future of dignity and hope”, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in a video message to participants of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum.

“Now it is your turn to shape the future of your country. Your commitment to this process will help restore Libyan sovereignty and the democratic legitimacy of Libyan institutions. As you engage in dialogue to resolve your differences, your determination will be tested.

Future ‘is now in your hands’

“However, compromise is the only approach that will pave the road to national unity”, he said. “The future of Libya is now in your hands.”

Tunisian President Qais Said, opening the meeting, said the talks would lead to a new legitimacy for Libya.

The country has been beset by chaos and conflict since the downfall of long-time Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, culminating in a civil war and the siege of the Libyan capital Tripoli which began in April last year.

(article continued in right column)

Question for this article:

What is being done for peace in Libya?

(article continued from left column)

The head of the UN mission in Libya, Stephanie Williams, told the meeting that it was a time of rare optimism, a glimmer of hope after many years of crisis.

New national vote

“The overriding aim of the National Political Programme is to renew political legitimacy by holding national elections, within an agreed timeframe”, she said.

Acting UN Special Representative Williams presided over a breakthrough peace agreement between five senior commanders from either side, at a meeting in Geneva last month. She arrived at the political talks in Tunis fresh from another successful round of military negotiations in the Libyan city of Ghadames, she said.

“Every day cooperation is increasing, and the transformation of the 5+5 into the ‘group of 10’ is more than just a slogan; it is a reality”, Ms. Williams said.

“The new government will launch national reconciliation, combat corruption, and restore public services. Its progress will be monitored; its work will be reviewed on a regular basis by mechanisms that can hold it to account.”

Executive body

In a statement released late on Sunday, Ms. Williams said that over the past two days she had been taking note of the participants’ suggestions about what the political talks should aim to achieve, including the creation of an executive authority capable of organizing elections and implementing the political, economic and military reforms necessary to bring some normalcy back to Libyans’ lives.

The participants had stressed the importance of designing a thorough roadmap for the political process and to develop a national charter based on the principles of accountability, justice and human rights and a firm commitment to a civilian state.

1st Assembly on Women, Faith, and Diplomacy


An article from the Parliament of Religions

From 10-13 November 2020,  thousands of representatives from the world’s religions gathered virtually with government, civil society, and multilateral institution leaders for the 1st Assembly on Women, Faith, and Diplomacy hosted by Religions for Peace  and Ring for Peace.

(continued in right column)

Question related to this article:
How can different faiths work together for understanding and harmony?

(continued from left column).

On Tuesday, November 10th the Assembly opened with special remarks from Dr. Angela Merkel, Federal Chancellor, Federal Republic of Germany; H.E. António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations; Prof. Azza Karam, Secretary-General of Religions for Peace; and His Eminence Metropolitan Emmanuel of France. What followed were a series of inspiring plenaries, prayers and meditations, virtual coffee breaks, and interactive breakout sessions. Explore the full program here!

This historic Assembly featured global leaders as part of plenaries on Redefining Leadership, Advancing Gender Equality – Women in Diplomacy, Combatting Hate Speech as Cornerstone of Conflict Prevention, Values-Inspired Education,  and Keeping Faith by Nurturing a Sustainable Environment: The role of Religious Leaders to protect the Earth. The last plenary featured the participation of Parliament Chair, Audrey Kitagawa, and Climate Action Task Force Member, Maru-Evelyn Tucker. Watch the full program here.

Iceland moved from oil to geothermal in only 12 years


An article from Electric Energy Online

When the oil crisis struck in the early 1970s, the world market price for crude oil rose by 70%. At the same time, heat from oil served over 50% of the population in Iceland.  The oil crises caused Iceland to change its energy policy, reducing oil use and increasing domestic energy resources, such as hydropower and geothermal.

Iceland’s giant geothermal plants

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Question for this article:

Are we making progress in renewable energy?

(Continued from left column)

This policy meant exploring new geothermal resources and building new heating utilities across the country. Due to the urgency and constructive cooperation, it took only 12 years to decrease oil for heating from 50% 1973 to 5% 1985. This involved transforming household heating systems from oil to geothermal heat, based on constructive cooperation between the state, cities, municipalities and private partners.

This proves that big transformation can happen within countries in short period of time based on cooperation. That is a lesson that can be useful to everyone to fight the climate crises today.

FAO : Strong support for innovation and digital technologies in Latin America and the Caribbean


An article from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization

The 36th Session of FAO’s Regional Conference for  Latin America and the Caribbean  ended today with FAO Members in the region agreeing to join efforts to fight COVID-19 and promote sustainable agri-food systems through innovation, digital technologies, partnerships and enhanced data, particularly to strengthen food value chains and support smallholders farmers and the most vulnerable communities.

FAO Director-General QU Dongyu and Edward Centeno Gadea, Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Nicaragua and Conference Chair

During the three-day virtual meeting (19 – 21 October) hosted by the Government of Nicaragua, all 33 Members, as well as representatives from civil society and the private sector, highlighted the importance of developing and applying innovative approaches to overcome the challenges facing food and agriculture in the region, particularly in relation to scaling up the use of digital tools.

“We need innovation, science and digital technologies to reach the Sustainable Development Goals,” said FAO’s Director-General, QU Dongyu, during the event, stressing that innovation and digital technologies “are the only way out for us to go forward.”

Several Latin American and Caribbean countries stressed that policies and programmes to promote digital solutions should mainly target small and medium-sized family farmers and poor and vulnerable rural communities, bridging the gaps in the rural population and leveraging their potential for inclusive and sustainable development. The International Platform for Digital Food and Agriculture, whose development has been led by FAO, was mentioned as an important tool for the exchange of experience and coordination among countries.

The Director-General noted that digital technology also contributed to make the Regional Conference a tremendous success in terms of attendance. The level of participation was unprecedented. The event was attended by one Prime Minister, three Ministers of Foreign Affairs, 50 ministers and 40 vice-ministers, and 346 other government officials, as well as 103 Observers from a wide diversity of sectors and organizations. Furthermore, close to 30,000people are estimated to have followed the Conference through digital platforms.

“The Digital FAO is more transparent, more open to dialogue, more inclusive, and, above all, more responsive to the needs and priorities of its Members,” Qu said.

Enhanced partnerships and data

The Regional Conference affirmed that in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is fundamental to strengthen partnerships, multilateralism and international solidarity. In this sense, countries welcomed FAO’s comprehensive COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme and requested support from the UN agency for the design, implementation and assessment of public policies and programmes. These, they noted, should focus  on job creation, social and productive inclusion, healthy food for the whole population, school feeding, access to water for production and consumption and increasing productivity.

“The FAO COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme is now in motion. We must work together to minimize the impact that the pandemic will have on our food systems, livelihoods and health,” the Director-General said.

(The article is continued on the right side of this page)

(Click here for a Spanish version of this article.)

Question for this article:

What is the relation between movements for food sovereignty and the global movement for a culture of peace?

(This article is continued from the left side of the page)

The importance of data collection and analysis for the development of a new generation of public policies and programmes was also highlighted by countries, as well as agreements and alliances between the public, private, scientific, academic and civil society sectors, to promote governance of food systems that enable healthy diets and sustainable food systems.

In this context, countries supported the Hand-in-Hand Initiative to promote effective cooperation mechanisms between recipient and donor countries, as well as to mobilize resources from financial institutions and the private sector, particularly to reduce the development gaps that affect lagging rural territories in the region. The initiative is equipped with state-of-the-art tools – the Hand in Hand Geospatial Platform and the Data Lab for Statistical Innovation – to support countries and other stakeholders with data collection and analysis for decision-making and impact assessment.

Transforming food systems towards better nutrition in the region 

The Regional Conference held a special event organised by the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) to discuss ways to transform food systems and ensure healthy diets for all, entitled “Driving Transformation Toward Sustainable Food Systems and Healthy Diets.”

The region of Latin America and the Caribbean is undergoing a rapid nutritional transition. Since 2014, hunger has grown again by 13 million people, and the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to lead to an increase in the incidence of hunger. Today, almost 48 million people suffer from hunger in the region. At the same time, obesity levels are also on the rise affecting around 25 percent of the population.

“We need to join all our efforts and work together, now more than ever before”, said FAO Director-General QU Dongyu opening the special event. “Because, we are not on track to eradicating hunger, food insecurity and all forms of malnutrition by 2030. And because the COVID-19 pandemic comes at a time when food insecurity was already increasing in the region”.

He noted that the pandemic and the related containment measures are especially damaging for Small Island Developing States, which heavily depend on food imports, and called on the countries in the region to step up efforts to make their food systems more efficient, healthy and sustainable, stressing that agri-food systems transformation should be country-owned and country-led.

For his part, the CFS Chairperson and Permanent Representative of Thailand to the Rome-based Agencies, Thanawat Tiensin, noted that the CFS Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition are currently under negotiation by all CFS members and are expected to be adopted at the next CFS Plenary session in February 2021. He urged all stakeholders including governments, parliamentarians, private sector and civil society to improve cross-sectoral policy coordination and join efforts to turn policies into action.

During the event, the FAO Director-General and the CFS Chairperson were joined by Senator Jorge Pizarro of Chile, President of the Parliament of Latin America and the Caribbean (PARLATINO); Marisa Macari, El Poder del Consumidor, Mexico, Representative of the CFS Civil Society Mechanism; and Maria Nelly Rivas, Cargill, Representative of the CFS Private Sector Mechanism, as well as regional policy-makers and experts. 

The CFS was established in 1974, hosted by FAO, as an intergovernmental body to serve as a forum in the United Nations System for review and follow-up of policies concerning world food security. It is considered the most inclusive platform in the UN System.

In his closing remarks to the Regional Conference, the Chairperson and Minister for Agriculture and Livestock of Nicaragua, Edward Centeno Gadea, highlighted the importance of FAO’s work to support rural families, particularly the most vulnerable ones, and affirmed that “fighting against poverty is an act of peace.”

More information about the Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean can be found here.

Amnesty International launches free human rights education app to educate next generation of activists


An article from Amnesty International

Amnesty International has launched Amnesty Academy, a free human rights education app to educate the next generation of human rights defenders on a range of topics including freedom of expression, security digital rights and the rights of indigenous peoples.

Users around the world will have access to lessons lasting 15 minutes to 3 hours, available in over 20 languages, including Urdu, Bengali, Hungarian, Korean, Russian, Thai, Czech and Turkish . All courses can be downloaded on the app, which is available for iOS and Android devices, allowing them to be taken offline.

“This app was designed to enable everyone, everywhere, to learn about human rights and to encourage this learning. Sharing knowledge is essential to help us defend our rights and those of others and to fight for justice and equality all over the world, ”said Julie Verhaar, Acting Secretary General of Amnesty International.

(Article continued in right column.)

(Click here for the French version of this article or click here for the Spanish version.)

Question related to this article:

How can more people be trained to know and claim their human rights?

(Article continued from left column.)

One of the hallmarks of Amnesty’s Academy is that it takes a flexible approach to teaching, allowing users to take lessons at their own pace, and thus start them when it suits them best. Users completing some of the longer courses will receive an official certificate signed by the Secretary General of Amnesty International.

The courses available on the Amnesty Academy have been developed and adapted over the past three years for the Amnesty International human rights education website. They have been optimized for mobile use, to make human rights more accessible than ever.

“Human rights education is the foundation of Amnesty’s work. Our overall goal is to ensure that people all over the world know and can claim their human rights. The Amnesty’s Academy app brings us closer to this goal by providing a simple and accessible platform for millions of people to benefit from quality human rights education, ”said Krittika Vishwanath, Director of the human rights education at Amnesty International.

Amnesty’s Academy will be regularly updated to incorporate versions in many more languages ​​and new courses in the months and years to come.

IOS link:

Android link: iOS :