Tag Archives: South Asia

Sri Lanka adopts first National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security


An article from UN Women

Sri Lanka has adopted its first National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security (WPS), for the period 2023 – 2027 with the support of the Government of Japan and UN Women. The Plan adds to the country’s legal and policy frameworks to protect and empower women in line with international commitments set out in the UN Security Council’s Resolution 1325 (2000). It also aims to strengthen coordination between stakeholders of the women, peace and security agenda, which is vital to sustainable peace and development in Sri Lanka. 

The plan was approved by Sri Lanka’s Cabinet of Ministers on 27 February 2023 and ceremoniously launched on 8th March 2023, on the occasion of International Women’s Day. 

The newly adopted National Action Plan was developed through a consultative process with input from provincial and district level public sector officials, civil society, community-based organizations, women leaders and others with direct and diverse experiences of conflict and crises. It was developed with technical support from UN Women as part of a joint partnership between the Government of Japan and the Government of Sri Lanka.  In 2018, the Government of Japan signed a partnership agreement with Sri Lanka under the G7 WPS framework.

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Question related to this article:
Prospects for progress in women’s equality, what are the short and long term prospects?

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Speaking on this, Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe stated that while the “status of women in the Asian region is not satisfactory, Sri Lankan women are ahead compared to other countries in the region, and efforts will be made to further expand their rights”. He emphasized that the ‘National Policy on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment’ and the ‘National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security’ will aid in achieving this goal, and the progress made so far was revealed on International Women’s Day. “Sri Lanka will host a meeting of leading women activists from SAARC countries (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) this year to advocate for the inclusion of women’s rights within the organization’s framework. Sri Lanka is committed to working towards achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment in all areas and will take a leadership role in championing the rights of women in the Asian region”.

Highlighting the importance of the National Action Plan, Hon. Geetha Samanmalee Kumarasinghe, State Minister of Women and Child Affairs said: “With the adoption of this action plan, Sri Lanka is equipped for the first time with a policy framework to implement the women, peace and security agenda, which calls for greater participation and representation of women in governance and peacebuilding processes.”  

The National Action Plan further aims to provide targeted support for women who have been and continue to be, directly harmed by conflict, violence and climate insecurity.

In addition, it aims to strengthen the security of marginalized women and girls, and the economic empowerment of women through access to equal opportunities and resources.  

Commenting on Sri Lanka’s progress, H.E. MIZUKOSHI Hideaki, Ambassador of Japan to Sri Lanka, stated: “The Government of Japan welcomes the timely adoption of this National Action Plan, which will help Sri Lanka’s commitments to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Through our longstanding partnership with UN Women and the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs, Japan is committed to supporting the furtherance of the women, peace and security agenda in Sri Lanka.”  

Prashani Dias, Head of Office a.i. at UN Women Sri Lanka, said: “To help the implementation of this important policy framework, UN Women, with support from the Government of Japan, has provided training on women, peace and security to public-sector officials. Through these programmes, work plans have been jointly developed at the district level to address issues that affect the well-being of women and girls during times of crisis.” 

Apart from these efforts, UN Women has strengthened women’s economic empowerment through entrepreneurship trainings, recognizing that women’s access to employment plays a key role in ensuring their security, and provided women leaders including youth, with skills to promote social cohesion in their communities. 

The adoption of the National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security marks significant progress in furthering gender-responsive conflict and crisis response, while also strengthening the role of women in peacebuilding and conflict-preventative leadership. 

Mr. Rajagopal P. V. to receive the Niwano Peace Prize


A press release from Niwano Peace Foundation

The 40th Niwano Peace Prize will be awarded to Mr. Rajagopal P. V. of India in recognition of his extraordinary work in the service of Justice and Peace. Mr. Rajagopal’s actions in favor of the poorest and most marginalized of his country, carried out through peaceful and nonviolent methods, and his struggle for the recognition of the equal human dignity and equal rights of every man and woman, irrespective of cast or gender, inspires great admiration. His particular accomplishments that garner the highest esteem include negotiating the surrender and facilitating the rehabilitation of gangs, the education of young people in the service of the poor, and, well aware that the primary needs of the poor are water, land, and forests, his commitment to care for the environment.

The presentation ceremony will take place in Tokyo, Japan, on Thursday, May 11, 2023. In addition to an award certificate, Mr. Rajagopal P. V. will receive a medal and twenty million yen.

To avoid undue emphasis on any particular religion or region, every year the Peace Foundation solicits nominations from people of recognized intellectual and religious stature around the world. In the nomination process, some 600 people and organizations, representing 125 countries and many religions, are asked to propose candidates. Nominations are rigorously screened by the Niwano Peace Prize Committee, which was set up in May of 2003 on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Niwano Peace Prize. The Committee presently consists of nine religious leaders from various parts of the world, all of whom are involved in movements for peace and inter-religious cooperation.

Here are some comments by members of the Committee on the selection of Mr. Rajagopal P. V. for this year’s award:

– Rajagopal uses the Gandhian technique of foot-marches for promoting world peace… He has trained many young men and women in nonviolent social practices. His organization is also dedicated to improving the livelihoods of poor people and farmers in India. He is also addressing the problems of climate change and its impact on the lives of the people, especially the marginalized people. A Gandhian like Rajagopal is deserving of the Niwano Peace Prize. (Dr. Ranjana Mukhopadhyaya)

[His] lifelong commitment and work based on Gandhian principles of ‘satyagraha’ and nonviolent activism. [He] addresses structural violence through multiple types of people’s movements which find unique ways to address their most pressing needs and capacities. His approach has global vision, yet began in local Indian communities that spread throughout the country. [He]catalyzed and led many foot marches for land and livelihood rights, tribal rights, some of which have led to land being returned and responsive substantial changes in public policy. (Mr. Somboon Chungprampree)

(Click here for an article in French on this subject.)

Question related to this article:

How can just one or a few persons contribute to peace and justice?

– With this world characterized by different forms of violence, new approaches are needed to deal with teaching people about non-violence. Also, as the future lies with young people, it is important to actively involve them into promoting world peace and discourage all the wars that are destroying life and the environment. The ideologies such as those based on Gandhi on peace and non-violence could be the pillar or resuscitation of humanity and living together in harmony. People like Mr. Rajagopal, who is the Founder of Ekta Parishad organisation dedicated to Gandhian ideologies of promoting peace and non-violence are key figures that are needed in this world. He believes that peace and non-violence can be addressed successfully through dialogue.

His dedication for world peace made him to organize a year – long nonviolent march covering 12,000 kilometres across ten countries. His activism for peace and justice based on spiritual practice and his focus on young people who are the leaders of the future, can change the present violent nature of this world. His extra strength of not only concentration on his country but spreading his teachings to others globally in the promotion of justice and nonviolence can heal the world. His recognition of the problem of climate change which also affects the lives of people, is also very important as people live in this earth but destroying the environment which results in violent climate changes that kill lots of people, something that could be prevented. He believes that through dialogue the world could work towards the eradication of poverty, encourage social inclusion, act on different ways to deal with climate crisis and halt conflict and violence. (Dr. Nokuzola Mndende)

The Niwano Peace Prize

The Niwano Peace Foundation established the Niwano Peace Prize to honor and encourage individuals and organizations that have contributed significantly to inter-religious cooperation, thereby furthering the cause of world peace, and to make their achievements known as widely as possible. The Foundation hopes in this way both to enhance inter-religious understanding and cooperation and to encourage the emergence of still more persons devoted to working for world peace.

The Prize is named in honor of the founder and first president of the lay Buddhist organization Rissho Kosei-kai, Nikkyo Niwano. For Niwano, peace was not merely an absence of conflict among nations, but a dynamic harmony in the inner lives of people as well as in our communities, nations and the world. Seeing peace as the goal of Buddhism, Niwano devoted much of the latter half of his life to promoting world peace, especially through inter-religious discussion and cooperation.

Here are CPNN articles about some of the previous winners of the Niwano prize:

CJP co-founder and first director John Paul Lederach awarded Niwano Foundation Peace Prize

Adyan Foundation in Lebanon to Get 35th Niwano Peace Prize

2016 – Center for Peace Building and Reconciliation in Sri Lanka, to receive the Niwano Peace Prize

2015 – Esther Abimiku Ibanga, Founder of The Women Without Walls

2014 – Dena Merriam, Founder and leader of The Global Peace Initiative of Women

2012 – Rosalina Tuyuc Velasquez: Constructing an Inclusive Guatemala

Iran: Key Labor Sectors Launch Major Strikes Amid Anti-State Protests


An article from Iran Human Rights

More than three months into anti-state protests across Iran that state security forces have been unable to crush despite the use of lethal force, oil workers, truckers, public transportation workers, and factory workers are joining other labor groups now waging strikes across the country.

“These workers are the backbone of the Iranian economy,” said Hadi Ghaemi, executive director of the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI). “The fact that so many workers are striking even while labor leaders are among the thousands who’ve been arrested since September speaks to the level of discontent against the government.”

While strikers’ demands have primarily focused on the longstanding issue of unpaid wages, chants of “Death to the dictator” can be heard in video footage  of truck drivers on strike at the Akbarabad Terminal in Tehran on November 22, echoing the anti-state slogans that have characterized the ongoing protests in Iran.

While strikers’ demands have primarily focused on the longstanding issue of unpaid wages, chants of “Death to the dictator” can be heard in video footage  of truck drivers on strike at the Akbarabad Terminal in Tehran on November 22, echoing the anti-state slogans that have characterized the ongoing protests in Iran.

Solidarity with Iran’s Protest Movement Expressed by Strikers

On November 23, 2022, the Union of Truck Owners and Drivers of Iran issued a statement  calling for nationwide strikes as of November 26 to protest the government’s lack of response to the problems facing its members.

“How can we ignore the plight of our innocent colleagues and other people in Kurdistan, Baluchistan and Izeh and other blood-stained cities?” said the statement, referring to the ongoing lethal state crackdown  on protests in multiple provinces, in which security forces have killed at least 451 people, including women and children, according to the Human Rights Activists News Agency.

“The strikers, who along with the young women and men who have been protesting against the Islamic Republic’s tyranny, have shown incredible bravery in the face of the state’s ongoing violence, and they require meaningful international solidarity,” said Ghaemi.

“This includes ejecting the government of Iran  from the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) governing board, and expelling the Islamic Republic from the UN Commission on the Status of Women,” he added.

“As long as Islamic Republic security forces continue to gun down peaceful protesters and throw labor leaders behind bars, governments around the world should employ all diplomatic means of condemnation,” Ghaemi said, “including recalling ambassadors for consultations and summoning Iran’s diplomats for censure.”

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Question(s) related to this article:
What is the contribution of trade unions to the culture of peace?

The right to form and join trade unions, Is it being respected?

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Since mid-September, when the death of Mahsa (Jina) Amini in Iranian state custody sparked nationwide anti-state protests, strikes have occurred in the following industries according to social media postings by Iranian labor rights groups:

Oil and Gas
Public Transportation
Auto Manufacturing
Steel Manufacturing
Home Appliance Manufacturing
Food and Snack Manufacturing

November saw an uptick in labor strikes, with at least 20 reported in cities across at least 12 of Iran’s 31 provinces, including Tehran; Yazd; Kerhmanshah; Kurdistan; Isfahan; Hormozgan; Fars; Khuzestan; Bushehr; Qazvin; Alborz; and East Azerbaijan.

According to Article 27 of Iran’s Constitution, “Public gatherings and marches may be freely held, provided arms are not carried and that they are not detrimental to the fundamental principles of Islam.”

Yet peaceful labor activism is treated as a national security offense in the Islamic Republic of Iran, where independent labor unions are not recognized, strikers are often fired and risk arrest, and labor leaders are prosecuted under catchall national security charges and sentenced to long prison terms. These actions are all in profound violation of the ILO’s Fundamental Principles.

While it is unknown how many laborers have been arrested in total, at least 12 labor rights activists have been arrested since September, according to research by CHRI:

Davoud Razavi – Tehran
Erfan Kahzad- Karaj
Neda Naji – Tehran
Abed Tavancheh – Tehran
Mozaffar Salehnia – Sanandaj
Lotfollah Ahmadi -Sanandaj
Zanyar Dabbaghian – Sanandaj
Khabat Dehdar – Sanandaj
Amir Chamani – Tabriz
Hossein Koshi – Tabriz
Kamran Sakhtemangar – Sanandaj
Salah Zamani – Sanandaj

Meanwhile, imprisoned labor activist Reza Shahabi was transferred from Evin Prison in Tehran to Imam Khomeini Hospital for spinal issues on November 27, according to the Free Workers Union of Iran’s Telegram channel.

The channel had previously reported on November 24 that imprisoned labor activist Nasrin Javadi, also in Evin, was suffering from severe influenza. It is not known whether she was allowed to receive proper medical treatment.

“The Islamic Republic is making a mockery of the international institutions to which it belongs by violating every one of their most basic principles,” said Ghaemi. “To maintain their credibility these institutions should take immediate action against the government of Iran.”

Read this article in Persian

Sri Lanka: iDove Hybrid Intl Youth Conference promotes inter-religious coexistence and harmony


An article from The Island Online

The iDove Hybrid International Youth Conference concluded on a successful note at the Goldi Sands Hotel, Negombo, recently. iDove was launched by the African Union Commission’s Directorate of Citizens and other Organizations (AUC-CIDO) and the Deutsche Geselleschaft für Internationale Zussamenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, and was commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation with a view to foster innovative youth-based interventions, using dialogue and soft skills to create agents of change for inter-religious coexistence and harmony in society.

Photo from iDove twitter

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Question related to this article:
Youth initiatives for a culture of peace, How can we ensure they get the attention and funding they deserve?

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Sri Lanka, this programme was implemented, in partnership with National Fisheries Solidarity (NAFSO), National Peace Council (NPC) and Viluthu, three civil society organizations. Over 300 youth, across the country and overseas, participated in this process, which encouraged youth leadership. Young people from across 23 districts, in Sri Lanka, as well as from Uganda, the Philippines and Kenya, came together, over two days, to learn from each other and raise awareness on this important issue.

The Interfaith Dialogue on Violent Extremism (iDove) approach was developed in 2017, to empower youth to promote inter-religious, business and cultural values and understanding in their communities. What began with 25 “iDovers” in a Training-of-Trainers programme, on preventing violent extremism, has grown to 300 iDove ambassadors. Their community efforts engaged more than 3,000 people and the social media campaigns have reached an audience of 30,000 online.

TheiDove Hybrid International Youth Conference platform is the start of more joint learning and exchange opportunities among young iDove Ambassadors from Asia, Africa and Europe. Many of the youth had already initiated many community initiatives and awareness programmes in their respective districts and hope to continue these efforts with the support of the civil society partners.

Rachna Sharma: thought leader for world peace


Special to CPNN by Jalsut Luthra

Rachna Sharma, the founder of Phuro Innovations (India) is a popular political peace expert, social entrepreneur and speaker. 

It was her journey at Harvard Business School that gave her the clarity to articulate her purpose, a place where people empower and peel the onion of self-awareness. That is the most profound thing that ever happened to Rachna. Since then she has been contributing as a thought leader for world peace. 

Rachna has compiled her views and supported them with published research about the nations which received freedom around the same time as India, and how those countries rank on the global indices of Peace. She shows how these nations lifted themselves out of poverty and conflict, and how they participated in global institutions and campaigns to benefit their people. 

World Peace is a very wide subject and one has to take up pressing issues as goals and contribute to it. That is why this year she is focused on South Asia. 

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Question related to this article:

Do women have a special role to play in the peace movement?

Where in the world can we find good leadership today?

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Honours, Awards & Volunteer Work

Rachna was recognized as “LinkedIn Power Profile – Social Impact in 2018” making her amongst the top 73 profiles in India. Rachna has co-authored a book “Globalization and Voices from Indian Practitioners” in 2013 . Rachna also volunteered as ambassador for Pashmina Goat Project of Kashmir Ink foundation. She has volunteered and served on the Board of Gift Foundation an initiative of Mr. Sam Beard who in the capacity of public affairs advisor served several US Presidents from former Presidents Nixon, Ford, Clinton, Regan & Bush 

Rachna was born in Kishtwar Jammu & Kashmir, one of the most conflicted geographies in the world. It was her early life exposure to conflict which launched her interest in world peace.

Amidst the turmoil and migration in Jammu and Kschmir, Rachna finished her Bachelors in Hotel Management from Srinivas University in Mangalore Karnataka India. She began working In India’s tourism and hospitality industry in 2002 and served the industry till 2014. At that point she was a development director in India. 

In 2019, Rachna established Phuro Innovations to promote and further her cause of World Peace by adopting a project called “Political Peace Dialogue SAARC” (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation).

The project celebrates United Nations World Peace Day, UN Peacekeeping Day and Peace Education by hosting awareness events, publishing articles, research papers, policy notes, and delivering small projects. Rachna created and delivered several prototypes in India as mentioned in Timeline  and proposed a Venn diagram of Peace   in the capacity of a Thought Leader. She co-chairs the India Chapter for Harvard Alumni Entrepreneurs India since 2019, promoting innovation and leadership in India. 

Please read this article in Outlook Magazine  about her work in South Asia.

Key takeaways from high-level week and high-profile visits in Astana, Kazakhstan


An article from Inform Kazakhstan

Last week,(October 13 and 14), Kazakh capital Astana was drawing attention with several top-level forums and high-profile visits, reaffirming Kazakhstan’s role as a responsible player in international affairs.

The sixth summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), a meeting of heads of the Commonwealth of Independent States, and the Central Asia – Russia summit are just among a few major events happening in Astana last week. More about the key takeaways from the summits is in the latest article of Kazinform.

Security and stability were key messages across many statements delivered at the summit. The need for increased cooperation, at a time when distrust and confrontations are prevailing, was also raised by delegations.


CICA, a multilateral forum for peace and security in Asia, is Kazakhstan’s initiative back in 1992. Addressing the plenary session of the sixth summit on October 13, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev highlighted the growing importance of Asia in the world and its enormous resources, saying the 21st century is becoming a century of Asia, as predicted by international experts.

11 heads of state, including Azerbaijan, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Palestine, Tajikistan, Russia, Türkiye, and Uzbekistan, and at least 50 delegations attending the summit had a chance to voice their individual concerns and engage in productive discussions behind the doors.

«Today CICA has 28 member states in Asia. Considering Kuwait, which joined at the Astana Summit, the organization covers 90 percent of the countries of the Asian continent. The positive and progressive dynamics in the development and expansion of CICA prove the relevance of the ideas laid down in the founding of the organization,» said Yersultan Zhanseitov, an expert at the Institute of World Economics and Politics, in an interview for this story.

According to him, basic principles on which CICA has been founded make it attractive to new members.

«Consensus decision-making, that is, the interests of absolutely every member of the organization must be considered. Voluntariness of implementation of trust measures. In recent years, CICA has significantly increased its recognition in the international arena due to the demand for and active use by its member states of CICA as a platform for multilateral political dialogue, practical international cooperation on security issues, in combating new challenges and threats, economic cooperation, environmental protection, humanitarian sphere, including the development of intercultural youth relations,» said the expert.

In fact, some of these areas will be the focus of Kazakhstan’s renewed chairpersonship at CICA for 2022-2024. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev outlined the important directions for the development of the organization – economic dimension, cooperation in finance, environmental dimension, food security, and human-centered approach.

«Overall, it should be noted that the relevance of CICA in the modern world will continue to grow With the rapid degradation of the former architecture of international relations and the growth of confrontation and blocs, the international community is in dire need of a new system of relations, which would offer common and equal rules of conduct for all. The CICA format is unique in that it manages to bring representatives of countries with fundamental and irreconcilable differences to the negotiating table,» said Zhanseitov.

Commenting on the outcomes of the CICA summit in Astana during a press briefing on October 17, CICA Secretary-General Kairat Sarybay said the number of countries interested in CICA is growing.

«Last year, Turkmenistan was granted observer status. On the eve of the summit, CICA and the Eurasian Economic Union signed a memorandum of mutual partnership. The network of family and international relations of CICA grows, which is also one of the priorities of the presidency,» Sarybay said at a press briefing on October 17.

CICA summit adopted the Astana Statement that kicked off the transformation of CICA from a conference into a full-fledged organization.

«This means that a structured, inclusive, and open negotiation process of gradual and consensual transformation of CICA into a full-fledged regional international organization has begun. By the way, President Tokayev has always spoken about this. The current features of CICA resemble an international organization. After all, there are governing bodies, executive authorities, and structures,« said Sarybay.

CIS summit

The next day after CICA, on October 14, Astana also hosted a summit of heads of state from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). With all leaders being physically present at the summit, one of the rare moments since the pandemic began, they focused on partnership in security and humanitarian spheres.

Addressing the meeting held behind the doors in a narrow format, Tokayev briefed the leaders on the main results of the multifaceted work that Kazakhstan carried out in 2022 as a chair of CIS.

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Question related to this article:

Solidarity across national borders, What are some good examples?

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According to him, the priorities of Kazakhstan’s presidency in CIS in 2022 sought to consolidate the efforts of member states considering the current processes of global development. «Through joint work, several important initiatives aimed at expanding trade and economic cooperation, maintaining our close cultural and humanitarian ties, as well as increasing the potential and international prestige of the commonwealth were implemented. In the difficult geo-economic conditions, special attention was paid to strengthening the economic potential of the commonwealth and, above all, to implement the provisions of the CIS Economic Development Strategy until 2030,» said Tokayev.

At the enlarged meeting, Tokayev said the meeting was productive where leaders had a chance to exchange opinions on the most urgent issues.

«There was a collective desire to address these problems. Proposals from all heads of state were aimed at fully fostering bilateral and multilateral dialogue, including addressing existing conflicts on CIS space,» said Sergei Lebedev, CIS Executive Secretary. «Because we are neighbors, we must live in peace and friendship and make every effort for this to remain like this.»

Chairpersonship at CIS will go to Kyrgyzstan next year. Addressing the meeting, Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov outlined his country’s priorities in the development of CIS. The priority tasks will include climate change, saying environmental and ecological issues are directly connected with security and sustainable development, direct efforts to support and develop partnership cooperation between CIS countries in transport, communications, migration policy, culture, and humanitarian sector, Kyrgyzstan will also seek to strengthen inter-parliamentary cooperation of the CIS member states.

Commenting on the outcomes of the meeting, political expert Aidar Amrebayev said security issues are most acute and sensitive in CIS space.

IWEP expert Zhumabek Sarabekov said economic issues were of equal priority for the summit participants.

«These issues are very urgent. Obviously, statements made at the session that was open follow some protocols, and sensitive topics are unlikely to be voiced. But at the same time, there are such issues. For example, the Russian economy is expected to contract by 5 percent by the end of the year, and next year, a recession is expected. The same in Belarus and Kyrgyzstan,» said the expert in an interview with a local TV channel. The economic slowdown will inevitably affect other members and rising inflation is the most obvious consequence.

«Disruption of logistical chains exacerbates the problem of inflation ad it will hit the lives of ordinary people,» he added.

Central Asia – Russia summit

At Central Asia – Russia summit the same day in Astana, President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov, President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, and President of Russia Vladimir Putin offered their vision of how cooperation between Central Asia and Russia should unfold.

Tokayev focused on security and stability, including unresolved border issues, and stressed the need to boost trade.

»At the current difficult stage of world history, it is more important than ever for us to have a clear and positive image of the future. I would like to present my vision of our future cooperation in the context of the following key areas. The first is security. Our countries are destined to be together. We must protect our shared history and create a unified future for the well-being of our people. The stability and security of each of our countries have a direct influence on the development of the region,» he said at the summit.

He also said the trade between Central Asian countries grew by 34 percent, exceeding $6 billion.

«It is important to remove trade barriers and avoid protectionist measures. We need to intensify efforts to develop intraregional trade. It is advisable to focus on improving the structure of trade turnover and expanding its nomenclature. At present, with the development of our industries, we can substitute many types of foreign products for each other on a mutually beneficial basis. Analysis of export-import operations shows ample opportunities in this direction,« said Tokayev.

Instability in Afghanistan was also raised by leaders, as a destabilizing factor for the region. They stressed the importance of peace-led talks in Afghanistan and the country’s involvement in infrastructure projects to rebuild its economy.

Putin commended the trade dynamics. «Overall, Russia’s interaction with the Central Asian Five is very satisfactory. In the past five years, Russia’s trade with these countries has doubled to reach US$37.1 billion. In the first six months, our trade increased by another 16 percent. It reached US$37 billion in five years and grew by 16 percent in the first half of the year alone. Russia is the leading investor in the Central Asian economies. Overall, our direct investment is about US$5 billion,» he told the meeting.

He noted new opportunities in such areas as expanding oil transportation routes, joint development of energy reserves in the Caspian Sea, providing affordable and clean natural gas vehicle fuel, building, or expanding pipelines, and increasing the sale and shipping of coal to Asian markets.

This very intense top-level week shows the diplomatic activism of Kazakhstan. It is not a new phenomenon for the country, which has for years built a solid multi-vector policy. Located at the crossroads between Europe and Asia, Kazakhstan’s policy of openness has been firm since it gained independence in 1991 but becomes ever more important in a challenging geopolitical environment as it is now.

Asia and Pacific: International Day of Peace


A survey by CPNN

We have found 64 events in 16 Asian and Pacific countries. They were listed in Google during the weeks of September 17-28 this year under the key words “International day of peace”, “Peace Day”, 国际和平日 (Chinese) and 国際平和デー (Japanese, new this year). The events also include some listed on the facebook page for the International Cities of Peace. No doubt there were also events listed on the Internet in languages other than those for which we searched.

In addition to these, there are about 125 events listed on the maps of One Day One Choir and Montessori schools singing for peace, but, with the exception of six Montessori schools listed here that sang for the first time this year, there is no indication which took place this year and which took place only in previous years.

India, Tamil Ndu, SARVAM villages


British actor Jude Law said Thursday in Kabul that he took part in the filming of a documentary in Afghanistan to promote the United Nations International Day of Peace, September 21. “Afghanistan is the central subject of the second documentary” that Peace One Day is currently filming. Jude Law spoke with reporters alongside Peace One Day founder, British director Jeremy Gilley, at the UN mission in Kabul. The film crew notably visited schools in Jalalabad, in eastern Afghanistan, “to see how this day for peace could save lives”, said the actor, whose stay in Afghanistan took place in the greatest secrecy for security reasons.Mr. Gilley pointed out that the first screening of this film would probably take place in Kabul “in the spring of next year”. “We want to bring this film back to where it was made,” he said, pointing out that this documentary would also be shown in some fifty countries and at festivals.


Centre of Melbourne Multifaith and Others Network (COMMON) invites you to International Peace Day 2022 Family Event. Feature performance by Kate Ceberano. Special guests: MUMUS Medchoir A delicious lunch will be served followed by a program with entertainment, round table discussions and presentations. The event is supported by the State Government Victoria, WIN (Women’s Interfaith Network) Foundation, Somali Community Inc and Youth for Human Rights Australia, Victoria Chapter.


Montessori Children’s House joined Montessori schools all over the world to sing for peace on the International Day of Peace to light a candle for peace, for love, for life!


Brahma Kumaris online vigil for peace. This half hour peace-filled event, including messages of hope and a gentle guided meditation, will celebrate and reinforce compassion, resilience, courage and hope within each one of us, within the community – and for our world.


International Day of Peace Brisbane Peace Lecture by Megan Davis. This free event will take place at St. John’s Cathedral on September 21. Professor Megan Davis is an Aboriginal Austgralian activist and international human rights lawyer. Her talk will focus on the Uluru Statement from the Heart.


Rotary Club Canberra Burley Griffen sponsors the International Day of Peace Ceremony 21 September 2022, at the Canberra Peace Bell.


On 21st of September is celebrated as the United Nations International Day of Peace. This year Consul Gulfan Afero attended the event organized by the United Nations Association of Australia – the Northern Territory Division (UNAA-NT) at the Darwin Memorial Uniting Church. The representatives from the Islamic, Christian, and Buddhist communities in Darwin as well as the representative from the Indigenous community shared their views about peace and harmony.


Maryborough Rotary Peace Pole Dedication: On the International Day of Peace, celebrate the dedication of a unique Peace Pole, conceived to celebrate our past, our present, and our future as we move forward together. A Peace Pole is a hand-crafted monument that displays the message ‘May Peace Prevail on Earth’ on each of its sides, usually in different languages.


UN Peace Day Rally to protect peacemakers like Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange. State Library NAARM, 18 September, sponsored by PEN Melbourne, Writers for Peace.


Audio program about event, picnic for peace


The Peace Day event is to celebrate United Nations International Day of Peace. This event is supported by organisations that contribute to our regions stability, peace and harmony. It is supported by United Nations Association of Australia – Queensland Branch and Toowoomba Regional Council. It has a purpose to unite our diverse community and inspire individuals to contribute to peace and harmony through making connections and raising awareness of community initiatives. On the day there will be food, entertainment, inspirational speakers and organisations that participants can meet.


To establish united peace, JMI Group has celebrated International Day of Peace-2022, declared by the United Nations with due dignity like every year keeping in mind the motto of this year, “End Racism, Build Peace”. On Wednesday morning, in a discussion meeting organized at the ‘Abdus Salam’ auditorium of the National Press Club, speakers highlighted the importance of observing World Peace Day with the aim of creating public opinion to achieve happiness and peace for humanity regardless of caste, religion and color, said a press release.


ORGANIZATION: Participatory Research & Action Network- PRAAN – FOCUS: Intl Peace Day – ACTION DETAILS: Organizing in solidarity with CNV Sept 21st (Wed) Int’l Day of Peace


The Center for Peace Studies of South Asian Institute of Policy and Governance of North South University has celebrated International Day of Peace by holding a peace peocession, releasing pigeons and planting tree at the NSU recently, said a press release.


Prime Minister Hun Sen says Cambodia has been actively engaging with all countries within both regional and international diplomacy frameworks to promote peace, stability and prosperity. In a public address marking the International Day of Peace on September 21, he said that as the chair of ASEAN this year, Cambodia has been steering the bloc through numerous unprecedented challenges, in line with the theme “ASEAN ACT: Addressing Challenges Together”.


On September 21, on the occasion of the 41st anniversary of the International Day of Peace, the Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament (and the Disarmament Council) held a conference entitled “Practicing the Global Security Initiative and Maintaining World Peace and Stability” commemoration of the International Day of Peace. Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and President of the Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament Ma Biao, and representatives of 244 political organizations, peace organizations and security advisory organizations from around the world attended the commemorative event. 


On Wednesday, September 21st, the CISH community observed the International Day of Peace. This is an international day of observance recognized by the United Nations and intended to be a moment for calm reflection on the importance of peace in local and global communities. Students and staff at CISH wrote positive messages about peace focused around this year’s theme of “End Racism – Build Peace”.


On September 21, the commemoration of the 2022 International Day of Peace was held in Beijing. General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the commemorative event. Xi Jinping pointed out that at present, the international security situation is undergoing profound and complex changes, and the world has entered a new period of turbulence and change. At this important historical juncture, I put forward a global security initiative, advocating that all countries adhere to a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security concept, respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of each country, abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, pay attention to the reasonable security concerns of all countries, and conduct dialogue and consultation. Settle differences and disputes between countries, share responsibility for maintaining peace, follow the path of peaceful development, and work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind.


Photo: Kids from a pre-school hold paper pigeons to mark the International Day of Peace in Agartala, capital city of India’s northeastern state of Tripura.


The NSS PG Unit of Dibrugarh University celebrated the International Day of Peace on 21st September 2022 at Bishnurabha hall. A talk on the role of volunteers in making a peaceful society was delivered by Dr. Kaustubh Kumar Deka, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Dibrugarh University. Around 150 volunteers and students participated in the celebration.


Rotary Club of Bangalore will observe World Peace Day on September 21, at Rotary House of Friendship, Lavelle Road. . . . The evening programme will have sessions by Nobel Peace laureate Mahithi Bharatesh, who works with the United Nations World Food Programme, and N Parthsarathi, who has served with the Indian Foreign Service for more than three decades. Artists G Subra and Shirley Mathew will paint their idea of peace, and fusion band Akhandha will perform.


Fifteen students of Bachelor of Physical Education and Sports (BPES) course visited hospitals, schools-colleges, social institutions, government offices, religious places and public places on cycle and informed people about the importance of World Peace Day.


International Day of Peace was celebrated at Blossoms school here yesterday. To mark the day, several activities were planned in the school. The new look to the ‘Peace Wall’, the open discussion on respecting and accepting others’ opinions, the peace-based crafts and the paintings of the peace symbols were just few such activities taken up by the students. Some cultural programs were also performed by the junior wing.


Jammu and Kashmir Bharat Scouts and Guides celebrated ‘International Peace Day’ by holding a programme at SHQ, Gandhi Nagar, here today. ID Soni, former State Commissioner (S) J&K Bharat Scouts and Guides was the chief guest, while Atual Kumar, Joint Director Youth Services and Sports Jammu was the special guest on the occasion. All the dignitaries took active part and gave their views on the Day under the theme “End Racism and Build Peace” in a very impressive and touching manner


The theme for International day of peace was “End Racism Build Peace”. Vidya Vikas Academy celebrated this occasion by conducting a special assembly. A skit on peace was performed by the students which enlightened us on the importance of peace. Students also performed two songs highlighting the theme and stressed on peace being the need of the hour. There was a short quiz conducted for the audience on this theme. The objective of this assembly was to enlighten the students about the importance of peace, to heal the world and make it a better place.


NSS GGM Science College celebrated International Day of Peace on September 21. . . . . NSS volunteers made a Peace wall pasting posters and slogans. They carried out signature campaign. The theme focuses on promoting harmony among the various communities living. The theme encourages embracing diversity with peace and acceptance. International Day of Peace promotes inclusiveness, trust, and cooperation to bring peace and harmony among societies. The co-existence of the individuals is the main aim behind the celebration of International Day of Peace. The day also recognizes all the efforts to have been working and have worked towards building a culture of peace.


The Department of Political Science, St Joseph University (SJU), Chümoukedima observed the United Nations’ International Day of Peace, 2022 themed ‘End Racism, Build Peace’ on September 21. The occasion was marked with a talk by Dr Kethoser Aniu Kevuchusa, Freelance Speaker and Academic on the topic, ‘Peace in the context of Naga Political Conflict’, the university stated in a press release.  . . . . Results of class-based competitions on flag designing and sketch/painting held the day prior, were also declared and winners felicitated.


On 21st September, 2022, the UN International Day of Peace, India Peace Centre hosted its signature annual event, the IPC Bicycle Rally For Peace. The Bicycle Rally for Peace is a brainchild of Dr. Rawal, and has been held every year since 2013. After a break of two years, due to Covid, this year the Rally was conceived on a much bigger scale. Online Registrations were opened 10 days in advance to facilitate easy registrations. The people of Nagpur gave a tremendous response to the rally, and registrations were closed after crossing 1050 registrations!


FOCUS: Intl Peace Day – ACTION DETAILS: Creating awareness by organising a march.


A National Seminar organized by Social Reforms & Research Organization on the occasion of Vishwa Shanti Diwas (World Peace Day) in series of Vishwa Dharm Samvad. Subject: INDIA’S GROWING ROLE IN WORLD PEACE OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES

Under the leadership of Rachna Sharma, Founder – Phuro Innovations, and Co-Chair – Harvard Alumni Entrepreneurs India – an evening with an event titled “Political Peace Dialogue – SAARC” will be organized on 21 September 2022, 0500 PM onwards for supporting World Peace Day at Kiran Nadar Museum of Art, Saket, New Delhi.

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Question for this article

What has happened this year (2022) for the International Day of Peace?

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On the occasion of International Day of Peace, Noney Battalion of Assam Rifles (East) organised an awareness programme on Wednesday at T Khonom village as a part of its continuous efforts to promote peace, harmony and stability in the area.

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The event was attended by village authorities, villagers, youth organisations of T Khonom village and neighbouring village of Pholjang and school children of Thanglongbung UJB School, T Khonom.

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Troops of Kotlen Company, also organised a painting competition for children of all age groups under the theme of International Peace Day to inculcate essence of peace and its importance in human life in young minds, through means of colours and creative imagination.


World Peace Day was celebrated at Victorious Kidss Educares (VKE) on September 21, to cultivate attributes of global citizenship in the students. Following the theme, the students participated in Peace Match’, a sports venture for a cause, ‘Peace Tree’, an activity curating an installation with artistic responses of students with ideas of peace, ‘Peace Yoga’, observed through students doing Surya Namaskara and ‘Peace Symbol’ curated by the grade 8 students where they created a human chain to form Peace Symbol. ‘Peace Card’ initiative was observed by all students of the Programme to craft an individual artistic response for Peace. Besides, ‘Peace Mob’ was choreographed and performed by the dance students to shout out the idea of Peace.


ORGANIZATION: Rajputana Society of Natural History – FOCUS: Intl Peace Day – ACTION DETAILS: Organizing in solidarity with CNV Action Days: Sept 21st, Int’l Day of Peace


SARVAM organised an awareness programme for the students and women of the villages under its purview. The main objective of this programme was to help the students and women understand that they have a significant role in creating peace in their families and society. The participants were delighted to attend this session, which gave them much motivation and new thoughts on peace.


On September 21, the International Day of Peace designated by the United Nations, citizens who supported the aims of a ceasefire and non-violence held a commemorative event at Peace Memorial Park in Naka Ward , Hiroshima . . . At the commemorative event, flowers were laid at the Cenotaph for the Atomic Bomb Victims, and there was silence to the sound of the peace bell in the park. About 15 people, including representatives of hibakusha groups and high school students, prayed for world peace.


STU48 held a performance in Hiroshima city on September 21, which was designated as “International Peace Day” by the United Nations, and performed the message song “Who is the flower?” . . .  ”Who is the flower?” is a message song that was released on April 13th and contains the thoughts of peace. The long hit on cable broadcasting and the performance of the same song on numerous music programs have further increased attention.


On September 21st, the Peace Memorial Day designated by the United Nations, a peace concert will be held at the Carillon, a symbol of peace in Itami City, 2:00pm-2:30pm Player: Kazuyo Nakamura (Representative of Japan Carillon Association) Organizer: Japan Carillon Association Co-organizer: Itami City


On September 21st (Wednesday), which is “International Peace Day”, Kobo-ji Temple will hold an “International Peace Day Special Goma Prayer Service”
from 16:00 in the main hall on the 3rd floor to pray for world peace. Anyone can participate. We invite you all to join us.


Miyazaki Gakuen Senior High School. September 21st is International Peace Day.
In the library, related books are introduced and an exhibition using paper cranes is held. The theme for 2022 is “Eliminating racism and building peace”. Cranes with prayers for peace were made by 3rd grade students.


On September 21, the United Nations’ International Peace Day, members of the Prefectural Atomic Bomb Survivor’s Handbook Tomo no Kai rang the Nagasaki Bell at the Peace Park in Matsuyama, Nagasaki, wishing for world peace. 


September 21st is the United Nations International Day of Peace. At a shrine in Niigata City, calligraphers and high school students put their wishes for world peace into their brushes. The calligraphers Shimoda brother and sister and the calligraphy club of Niigata Daiichi High School wrote the calligraphy at Niigata Agata Gokoku Shrine in Chuo Ward, Niigata City. What the Shimoda brothers and sisters wrote is the word “hope”. [Calligrapher Ayasu Shimoda] “I think that we can do it by swinging the brush instead of the sword. I wrote it with my thoughts.” The words “love” and “peace” were strongly written on colored paper. [Niigata Daiichi High School Calligraphy Club Manager Yuki Matsudaira] “While thinking about peace, I wrote to bring happiness to people.” This event was held all over the country.


On the 21st of the International Peace Day (commonly known as Peace Day), which the United Nations has set as “a day without conflicts and wars”, an outdoor festival with free admission “Peace Day 2022 @ Yoyogi Park” will be held at Yoyogi Park in Shibuya Ward. ” will be held. The organizer is “Peace Day, a general incorporated foundation.” Starting at 4:00 pm, entrepreneurs, athletes, and artists will take the stage to talk about their thoughts on peace. AI, who is known for hit songs such as “Story” and “Happiness,” MINMI, who is also known as the “reggae diva,” and singer-songwriter Yae, will perform live.


September 21st is International Day of Peace, designated by the United Nations as a day for global ceasefire and non-violence. . . . Since 2020, the city has been holding a commemorative event to ring the bell at target facilities in the city, hoping for permanent peace in the world.Citizens, too, should think about world peace on this day and discuss happiness and peace in everyday life with family and friends.


At the Yokohama store of haishop cafe in Minato Mirai, from September 8th (Thursday) to 21st (Wednesday), 2022, with the theme of international peace a special project “Peaceday event” will be held. This project is planned for International Peace Day (Peace Day) on September 21 (Wednesday). We will sell “San Marino Wine” produced in the country of San Marino. In addition, during the period, we will hold a screening of the documentary “the day after peace” as part of our social film festival.


NurUL Quran Montessori House joined Montessori schools all over the world to sing for peace on the International Day of Peace to light a candle for peace, for love, for life!


Nepal has marked the International Day of Peace since 2002 by organizing several activities. On the occasion today, various organizations, including Human Rights and Peace Society (HURPES) and The Story Kitchen (TSK) are hosting programs to assert global peace.


Video: Lajna New Zealand hold their 11th Peace Symposium


Kohimarama Montessori Pre School joined Montessori schools all over the world to sing for peace on the International Day of Peace to light a candle for peace, for love, for life!


ORGANIZATION: World Beyond War Aotearoa- New Zealand – FOCUS: Intl Peace Day, Ending Wars & Nukes, Teach Ins – ACTION DETAILS: Organizing in solidarity with CNV Action Days: Sept 21st (Wed) Int’l Day of Peace.


Montessori Educare joined Montessori schools all over the world to sing for peace on the International Day of Peace to light a candle for peace, for love, for life!


The 20th anniversary of the Handspan Peace Sculpture and the International Day of Peace celebration is gathering community momentum ahead of the event on September 21. In rededicating the original idea of having tiles with hand casts from local and broader communities on Handspan, it symbolises collective efforts in creating a culture of peace.


Political and rights activist Jalila Haider on Friday won the first-ever ‘Pakistan Peace Award’ for her work and contribution to bring tolerance and sustainable peace in the country., The Peace Award was given to Ms Jalila here at the “Pakistan Peace Festival” organized by Pak Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS) at Pakistan National Council of Arts (PNCA). . . . The lawmakers, academicians, former diplomats, retired army officers, journalists, rights activists, and representatives of civil society participated in the event besides others. The other key events at the festival included “art exhibition, live theatre, music concert, poster competition and cultural dance performance.” . . . Director PIPS Muhammad Amir Rana in his earlier remarks said that violence was the biggest challenge Pakistan was facing today and the purpose of the launch of document of “Charter of Peace” was to make efforts to counter violent behaviours prevalent in the society and promote peace and tolerance.  “We aim to keep this award an annual activity to be announced each year around International Peace Day (21 Sep),” he said while talking about the Peace Award.


International Peace Day was celebrated at MiTE (Millennium Institute of Technology and Entrepreneurship) today where students shared their thoughts about Peace and how they can inculcate it across the nation. Free brownies were distributed among the students as a symbol of peace, sharing, love and joy


As many as 54 paintings and posters by the youth were put on display at the Punjab Arts Council Rawalpindi to commemorate the United Nations International Day for Peace on Wednesday. The exhibits are an outcome of the art competition organized by the Devcom-Pakistan (Development Communications Network) to mark another significant day of the UN. Islamabad Crescent Lion Club supported the event.


Various peace advocates and peace partners of the provincial government of Sarangani participated in the peace covenant signing on September 21 at the Capitol gym. Signing of the Peace Covenant with the stakeholders from all over the seven municipalities of Sarangani was in line with the celebration of the International Day of Peace every 21st of September, as declared by the United Nations.


September 21, 2022 – St. Paul University Philippines (SPUP), in cooperation with the World Council for Curriculum and Instruction (WCCI), celebrated the International Day of Peace. . . . Organized by the Paulinian Student Government (PSG) and the Center for External Relations, Alumni, and Advocacies, SPC Sisters, Administrators, Faculty members, staff and personnel, students, and parents gathered together to celebrate the event. The main program began with a “WALK for PEACE” led by student-leaders of the different organizations in the University. They held placards of Bible quotations on peace and care for creation aimed at instilling collective consciousness to work for building peace and stewardship as a personal and an institutional commitment. This was followed by an Ecumenical Liturgy consisted of the symbolic offering, intercessory prayers, and the prayer for peace. The prayer gathering emphasized the call to peace and care for creation as a communal act and a responsibility. The activity culminated by a pledge of commitment through the “THREAD of PEACE” and the community singing of “Let There Be Peace” by all the participants.


Memo from the Boy Scouts of the Philippines. We are pleased to inform you that there will be a celebration of the International Day of Peace on September 24,2022 at the Bonifacio Shrine, Heroes Park; Ermita, Manila.


On a beautiful Sunday morning, 18 Sept 2022, refugees who live in South Korea and local peace activists set foot on a peace trail celebrating the International Day of Peace 2022. The event was organized by Active Refugee Korea (ARK), supported by UNHCR local office. Interestingly, the trail started with a guided tour at the War Memorial Hall of Korea Museum, which is located in Yongsan District, Seoul, “visiting with a critical eye”. “For refugees who fled persecution, violence and war-torn homes hoping to find security, a longing for peace would be profound. Nevertheless, the notion of peace will vary depending on the concrete realities we face in our lives, communities, and nations”. This was an urgent calling for peace on the organizers’ side who actively challenged militarism, distorted narratives of wars, and perpetrators justifying increasing military capacity.


Montessori DAMI joined Montessori schools all over the world to sing for peace on the International Day of Peace to light a candle for peace, for love, for life!


An event to celebrate the International Day of Peace was held at 11a.m. at the K2 002 hall of the University of Kelaniya on the 21st of September 2022. The Department of Philosophy of the University of Kelaniya celebrated this day with the slogan “End Racism, Build Peace” with the aim of promoting peace among communities and individuals as it directs to embrace diversity and support one another to the fullest extent possible. 


Due to COVID restrictions still in place for our student assemblies, ISB’s International Day of Peace event, originally scheduled for September 21st, 2022, has been moved to March 21st, 2023. In unity with Peace Day events held around the world, ISB will observe a moment of silence at 9:15am on September 21st to remember those who have suffered because of racism, and given their lives fighting against racism.   


At the Bangkok Patana School, World Peace Day was celebrated today across campus in both Primary and Secondary schools, with non-uniform day donations going toward the various school community charity clubs. Dressed in purple and blue, students participated in activities that emphasised world peace. Primary students handcrafted paper cranes, which will be sent to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum to be integrated into the Children’s Peace Monument at Peace Memorial Park. In Secondary school, the well-being Hub hosted a movie day, karaoke was on in the Lounge and students were asked to share what peace means to them on chalkboards in the shared areas.


Learn n Play Kindergarten joined Montessori schools all over the world to sing for peace on the International Day of Peace to light a candle for peace, for love, for life!

Kazakhstan: Congress of World and Traditional Religious Leaders to Address Social Status of Women


An article from Astana Times

The seventh Congress of World and Traditional Religious Leaders, scheduled for Sept. 14 – 15, will hold a special session devoted to the social status of women for the first time in the congress’s 20-year history, reported the congress’s press service on Sept. 8.  (The Congress will take place in Kazakhstan’s capitol Nur-Sultan, which was renamed in 2019 from its traditional name of Astana).

The session will focus on women’s contributions to the sustainable development of modern society. It will also address the role of religious communities in advancing women’s social position.

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Questions for this article

Prospects for progress in women’s equality, what are the short and long term prospects?

How can different faiths work together for understanding and harmony?

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The speakers of this meeting include several prominent religious and public figures such as Assistant Secretary-General of the League of Arab States for Social Affairs Haifa Abu Ghazal, Bishop of Los Angeles and Metropolitan of Southern California and Hawaii of the Coptic Orthodox Church Serapion, Head of the Center for the Study of Islamic History Mahmud Erol Kilic, Art and Culture at the OIC (IRCICA), General Director of the Office of the UAE’s Ministry of Tolerance and Coexistence Afra Mohammed al-Sabri, Chairman of the Spiritual Board of Muslims of Uzbekistan Grand Mufti Nuriddin Kholiknazarov, President of the UniãoPlanetária Isis Maria Borges de Resende, and President of Christian Solidarity Worldwide Jonathan Aitken. 

The congress, which will focus on the role of leaders of the world and traditional religions in mankind’s spiritual and social development in the post-pandemic period, is expected to gather more than 100 delegations from 50 countries. Among them are representatives of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Shintoism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, and other religions, including the Head of the Catholic Church Pope Francis, Grand Imam of al-Azhar Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed El-Tayeb, and Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem. 

As part of his visit, Pope Francis will conduct an open-air holy mass  for Roman Catholics and representatives of other religions and confessions on Sept. 14 at the EXPO square. 

India: No More Hiroshima; No More Nagasaki; Nuclear Weapon Free World


An article received at CPNN from Dr Balkrishna Kurvey, President, Indian Institute for Peace Disarmament & Environmental Protection 

No More Hiroshima: No More Nagasaki: Peace Museum. , Indian Institute for Peace Disarmament & Environmental Protection , with Raman Science Centre, Ministry of Culture, National Council of Science Museums. Government of India arranged No More Hiroshima: No More Nagasaki: remembering event from 6 to 10 August 2022. Bombing posters were displayed for public. More than 5000 people visited

(Click on image to enlarge)

On 6th August Arnab Chtterjee Project Director , Raman Science Centre, inaugurated No More Hiroshima: No More Nagasaki: Peace Posters. On 10 August Dr Balkrishna Kurvey Honorary Executive Director of No More Hiroshima: No More Nagasaki: Peace Museum addressed the students/youths on Nuclear Weapons Free World with special reference to India and Pakistan. The event was arranged in Raman Science Centre, Nagpur.

Dr Kurvey informed that India and Pakistan possess nuclear weapons and there is an arms race between these countries. India posses 120 – 130 and Pakistan posses’140-150 nuclear weapons. There are many complex reasons for present nuclear arms race in South Asia. There is mistrust, misunderstanding and animosity between nuclear weapons countries in South Asia. Any fanatic military officer or political leader or due to misunderstanding, may start a nuclear war. The terrorist groups in Pakistan may possess and control the nuclear bombs which will be dangerous to whole world.

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Question related to this article:
Can we abolish all nuclear weapons?

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The use of just 150 kiloton nuclear bomb over a city like Mumbai could cause upto 86, 60,000 deaths.

Research carried out by International Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War and Physicians for Social Responsibility, came to conclusion that limited nuclear war between India and Pakistan , 2 billion people will be at risk. And 1 billion will die due to starvation in global south.. It will have horrible consequences of:

1) Nuclear famine: regional nuclear war will cause global mass starvation; 2 billion people will be affected and 1 billion will due to starvation in global south. .

2) Nuclear ozone hole: the global cancer burden of a regional nuclear war;

3) Nuclear winter: the Earth’s life sustaining ecosystems remain at risk;

4) The casualties of nuclear war: .

By displaying the photos of Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing, we do not intend to emphasize the horrible account of that war but to think how peace is fragile and to convey the horrors of war to the future generation

Most Indians do not know what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We could build the public consensus by displaying the photos of Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing..

We must remember what happened on the fateful days of 6th and 9th August 1945!

The purpose of No More Nagasaki: No More Nagasaki Peace Museum is to reach out maximum people in world to create solidarity and public peace education and awareness towards immediate and long range effects of atomic weapons and need of signing of CTBT by Governments.

We have to educate the people that the assumption is wrong that nuclear weapons increase security. Instead, they have environmental and health impacts.

Seeds for peace must be sown in the minds of youngsters through history books and peace posters.

UN Women : Five young women on the forefront of climate action across Europe and Central Asia


An article from UN Women

Women and girls are powerful leaders and change-makers for climate adaptation and mitigation and must be included in the design and implementation of climate action. Without their leadership, knowledge and participation in climate responses today, it is unlikely that solutions for a sustainable planet and gender-equal world tomorrow will be realized.

Across the Europe and Central Asia, women and girls are advancing feminist climate justice and leading the charge on climate change adaptation, mitigation and response. They are mobilizing local, national, regional and global climate movements and harnessing the transformative power of feminist leadership to face the unprecedented challenges of our times.

Ainura Sagyn, 33, is an ecofeminist, computer software engineer, and CEO of Tazar  [Become Greener], a startup mobile application that connects waste producers with recyclers and educates consumers about waste management in Kyrgyzstan. She actively promotes women’s rights, gender equality and environmental issues through her technological activism.

Some 65 per cent of Tazar app users are unemployed women with children who sell sorted recycled waste to earn points they can exchange for prizes such as deposit money from a bank or cosmetics, all from partners who are mostly women entrepreneurs. They have collected more than 10 tonnes of waste since the end of 2020. Sagyn and her partner Aimeerim Tursalieva also launched a Tazar Bazaar platform that sells eco-friendly products made by women entrepreneurs, which helps support local businesses, women entrepreneurs and promotes eco-consumption.

“Women, in particular, are disproportionately affected by climate change due to their lack of access to natural resources management, limited mobility in rural areas and by being excluded from decision-making processes,” says Sagyn, who aspires to extend her startup to promote environmentalism in other Central Asian countries.

Gabriela Isac, 29, is an environmental activist, co-founder of the Seed It Forward  volunteer agroforestry initiative and a project coordinator at the EcoVisio  grass-roots ecological non-profit in Moldova.

With the Seed It Forward team, she organizes tree-planting events, consults civil society organizations, local public authorities, schools and the general public on environmental issues, and educates them through informational materials on trees, composting and permaculture. They have planted over 50,000 trees and bushes, while their recent environmental campaign reached more than 1.5 million people online.

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Question related to this article:
What is the relation between the environment and peace

Do women have a special role to play in the peace movement?

How can just one or a few persons contribute to peace and justice?

(continued from left column).

“Moldova is quite vulnerable to climate change. Though the effects are not as disastrous yet as in other parts of the world, climate change increases an already existing burden on women. Women often work in rural areas and take the least-paid day jobs in agriculture. Women’s welfare is directly affected by the harvest, which in the low-tech agricultural system of Moldova highly depends on climate,” says Isac.

Ania Sauku, 19, is an active voice for gender equality, climate action and youth empowerment in Albania. She is one of the incumbent Albanian Youth Delegates to the United Nations, where she advocates for climate issues and sustainable development and shares the perspective of youth in her country.
She raises awareness on climate change and feminism and how they are inextricable from one another. Sauku believes that for many people in Albania, climate change is still not an issue, and that gender equality and climate are not related. Together with her team, she organizes movie nights on environment, protests and marches for climate justice, and other educational initiatives to raise awareness about climate change and intersectional feminism.
“Climate crisis does not affect us all in the same way and often women are the most vulnerable to this crisis, especially women from marginalized communities such as women of ethnic minorities, women of colour, women with disabilities, queer women, women living in poverty, and other women and girls at the intersection of multiple systems of oppression,” says Sauku.

Pakizat Sailaubekova, 29, is an environmentalist, project manager at Greenup.kz public fund and a co-founder of the Recycle BIRGE  [Recycle Together] ecological movement in Kazakhstan. She won the “>Tereshkevich Youth Environmental Award  for her eco-activism and a 3.2.1. Start!  eco-project grant.

She organizes public and corporate clean ups, climate-related events, conducts eco-consulting and gives various educational lectures on household waste and living an eco-friendly life. Together with colleagues, Sailaubekova has organized 43 clean ups with the participation of over 1,700 people. They have also collected and transferred more than 4,000 kg of recyclable materials for processing and implemented 14 large-scale environmental projects.

“The role of women in preserving nature is enormous,” she says, adding that 95 per cent of the eco-volunteers and the participants in their environmental campaigns are women and girls. “Women are at the forefront of solving many environmental problems, each at their own level. Our organization is also founded solely by women.”

Sanne Van de Voort, 27, is Advocacy Officer for Women Engage for a Common Future  (an international ecofeminist network), and an NGO representative on the Dutch Delegation to this year’s Commission on the Status of Women (CSW).

She believes that feminist climate justice recognizes the intersectionality of climate and environmental issues and how each individual is affected differently by climate change and can lend their unique experiences to finding solutions. As an Advocacy Officer, she works to ensure that Dutch and international decisions taken on climate and environmental issues reflect the needs, perspectives and solutions of women and feminists across the world, especially from the Global South. In her new role as a Dutch NGO representative to CSW, she contributes to preparations and priority-setting in the Dutch Government’s CSW delegation alongside other Dutch civil society organizations.

“We need changes that start putting people and planet over profit,” says Van de Voort. “A system that puts equality, sustainability and justice at the centre, instead of the exploitation of natural resources at the expense of biodiversity and a healthy environment.”