Category Archives: EDUCATION FOR PEACE

Spain: 259 educational centers in Almería take part in network “School as a Space for Peace”


An article from Diario de Almería (reprinted for non-commercial purposes)

52% of Andalusian schools supported with public funds are taking part in the Andalusian School Network: Espacio de Paz, an initiative launched by the Ministry of Education and Sports that aims to promote the improvement of the Plan for school coexistence. The network promotes self-training and the sharing of resources, experiences and initiatives for school coexistence and the promotion of a culture of peace.

In the province of Almería, 259 schools and institutes are developing measures and actions this year 2020-21 in one of the six proposed areas of action:

– improvement from the management and organization of the center;

– promotion of values, attitudes, skills and habits of positive coexistence;

– prevention of risk situations;

– educational intervention in the face of difficulties and conflicts;

– how to repair the damage and restore coexistence;

– or promote measures of involvement and participation of the entire educational community.

Question for this article:

Where is peace education taking place?

More than 53,000 teachers and around 650,000 male and female students from all over Andalusia participate in this initiative that involves all sectors of the educational community.

Initiatives of conflict mediation, assistant students, cyber-assistants, shared tutorials and conflict resolution and social skills workshops are some of the initiatives that are developed in the centers for the care and improvement of school coexistence.

There are two forms of participation in the network, the single-center modality that involves the participation of an educational center individually, and the inter-center modality that implies the coordinated participation of several centers, preferably from the same educational area, facilitating joint planning of actions and shared proposals. In Almería 22 centers are enrolled in inter-center projects.

In addition, 725 centers of the “Andalusian School Network: Space for Peace” have obtained recognition as centers promoting positive coexistence (Coexistence +), through a voluntary external assessment process that values ​​the effort made by the centers in the improvement of coexistence and the promotion of democratic values. 82 educational centers in Almería have been recognized as promoters of Coexistence +.

(Click here for the original Spanish version).

Ambassadors praise Angola’s efforts for peace in Africa


An article from O País

The African Union (AU) Permanent Representatives Committee (PRC) encouraged Angola on Tuesday [January 26] to continue efforts to promote a pan-African movement to prevent violence and conflicts, through its commitment to disseminate a culture of peace in Africa

According to a note from the Permanent Representation of Angola to the AU, the incentive was expressed during the PRC meeting, which has been taking place since 20 January, in virtual format

The document underlines that in the same session a communication was presented on the 1st Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace in Africa – Luanda Biennial, held in Angola, from 18 to 22 September 2019

In his communication, the Permanent Representative of Angola to the AU, Francisco José da Cruz, said that after the “successful 1st Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace in Africa – Bienal de Luanda ”, the Angolan Government is already creating the conditions for the next edition, this year, with the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, creating a Multisectoral Commission for this purpose.

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(Click here for the Portuguese version of this article.)

Question related to this article:

The Luanda Biennale: What is its contribution to a culture of peace in Africa

Can the African Union help bring a culture of peace to Africa?

Will UNESCO once again play a role in the culture of peace?

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In addition to the expected promotion of peace and security, the objective is to frame the event in the spirit of celebrating the African Union’s Year of 2021 Theme: “Art, Culture and Heritage: Levers to build the Africa we want”.

The PRC was unanimous in considering that the holding of the Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace in Africa – Bienal de Luanda is part of the African Union’s efforts to seek peace, with the Department of Social Affairs congratulating Angola’s proposal and calling for the support of AU Member States.

The document presented recalls that the Government of Angola and UNESCO agreed on 18 December 2018 to hold the 1st Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace in Africa – Luanda Biennial, in September 2019, in order to strengthen the Pan-African movement towards a culture of peace and non-violence, through the establishment of a multilateral partnership between governments, civil society, the artistic and scientific community, the private sector and international organizations.

The strategic objective of the event is to promote a peaceful and prosperous Africa through the defense and encouragement of actions that prevent conflicts in the management of national and cross-border natural resources on the African continent, as well as to educate a generation of young Africans as agents of peace, stability and development.

The first edition was based on three main axes: Partner Forum – An Alliance for Africa; Thematic Forums: Forum of Ideas, Forum of Youth and Forum of Women; Festival of Cultures.

The 41st Ordinary Session of the Permanent Representatives Committee (CRP) has been running since 20 January, in virtual format, preceding the 38th Executive Council (Heads of diplomacy) and the 34th Session of the AU Assembly (Heads State and Government), scheduled for 3 and 4, and 6 and 7 February, respectively.

The meeting has several reports under discussion, including on the activities of the PRC sub-committees, the Specialized Technical Committees of the African Union Commission, other AU bodies and the Specialized Agencies. The African Union consecrates 2021 as the “Year of Arts, Culture and Heritage: Levers to Build the Africa We Want”. The year 2020 had as its theme “Silence Arms: Creating Favorable Conditions for Africa’s Development”.

World Social Forum 2021


A press release from the World Social Forum

From January 23 to 31, the World Social Forum will celebrate its 20th anniversary online: already nearly 5,000 people and 700 organizations have registered and thousands more are expected.

The world civil society will meet at the World Social Forum (WSF) from January 23 to 31 2021, hoping to provide answers to the urgent challenges imposed by the current global situation. It will thus celebrate its 20th anniversary with a virtual edition against the backdrop of the pandemic.

Since its creation in January 2001 in Porto Alegre, Brazil, by passing through India, Pakistan, Senegal, Kenya, Tunisia, Canada and many others, the World Social Forum has been the largest convergence process of global civil society organizations, mobilizing hundreds of thousands of people throughout its history. For this edition, nearly 5,000 people and 700 organizations from all horizons have already registered and will take part in the hundreds of activities proposed by the participants themselves. It is expected that thousands more people will join the activities that will take place during the 9 days of the WSF, to reaffirm that another world is possible, necessary and urgent.

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Question for this article:

World Social Forums, Advancing the Global Movement for a Culture of Peace?

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A rich program planned for the virtual stage of the WSF:

On January 23rd, there will be a great virtual march for democracy, human dignity and for our future on the planet! Broadcasting of videos from organizations, testimonies of activists from all over the world and a Global Opening Panel with important social and political activists from the five continents, including : Aminata Dramane Traoré, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Leila Khaled, Ashish Kothari, Miriam Miranda and Yanis Varoufakis.

From January 24 to 29, major conferences will be held in each of the nine thematic areas of the virtual WSF: Peace and War, Economic Justice, Education, Communication and Culture, Society and Diversity, Indigenous and Ancestral Peoples, Social Justice and Democracy, Climate, Ecology and Environment. Look at the different activities here.

On January 30th, the Convergence Assemblies will prepare the Agora of the Futures held on January 31st, a pivotal moment where social movements and organizations from around the world will be able to share their initiatives and build a calendar of actions to be implemented until the next edition of the WSF (click here to see the general program of the WSF

Through the email below, the WSF Facilitating Group remains at the disposal of the media around the world for any questions or clarifications.


Information (Whatsapp messages): Carminda Mac Lorin (+1 514 381 7090) and Carlos Tiburcio (+55 11 97 666 0176)

(Thank you to Azril Bacal for sending this to CPNN)

Argentina: Conflicts: Positive Balance of Community Mediations


An article from Jujuy al dia (translation by CPNN)

The Provincial Director of Mediation and RAC, Gilda Romero of the Ministry of Justice, took stock of the tasks carried out during 2020, stating that in the face of the health situation, due to COVID-19, community activities were developed, through digital tools, in order to achieve the peaceful resolution of conflicts and controversies that arose during the past year.

Romero highlighted that the pandemic complicated the coexistence between neighbors and relatives and sometimes led to conflicts or disputes; “Faced with this situation, the Directorate intervened by opening spaces for dialogue between those affected, in order to reach peaceful resolutions,” she said.

She mentioned that the most recurrent conflicts were caused by actions such as annoying noises, parties or celebrations, excessive volume of music, misunderstandings, incorrect waste management, abuse of the use of common spaces, such as the occupation of another’s parking spaces, being among the most common.

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(click here for a version in Spanish).

Question for this article:

Mediation as a tool for nonviolence and culture of peace

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In addition, she recalled that they also carried out the “Virtual Conversation on Community Mediation” for the mediation centers of Libertador Gral. San Martín, La Mendieta, Perico, Monterrico, Humahuaca, El Carmen and Dr. Manuel Belgrano, providing virtual monitoring and advice in various cases that arose during the pandemic.

“Mediation as a body promotes good relations and cooperation between public and private institutions. They worked together with the Directorate for Children and Adolescents of the Municipality of San Salvador de Jujuy, through training “Protocol of Access to Justice for children, girls and adolescent victims of crime.” Also with the Provincial Council for Women and Gender Equality through the training “Law on Gender Violence and Gender Diversity.” Both trainings were aimed at community mediators.

Another task was the “Workshop Community Operators” which included four virtual meetings for students who are about to complete their studies at the Instituto Superior Populorum Progressio “In.Te.La.” of Libertador Gral. San Martin.

“As a member of the Federal Network of Mediation Centers of the country, I participated in the videoconference “20 years working for the culture of peace.” This was sponsored by the Undersecretary of Access to Justice, National Directorate of Mediation and Participatory Methods of Conflict Resolution Also later, the “Meeting of Mediators 2020″ held in the province of Córdoba,” she said.

In addition, the official mentioned that she participated in the virtual campaign with the slogan “Mediation as a lifestyle” and “Mediation in times of Pandemic”. This promoted through social networks, the importance of the essential values ​​of relationships social: dialogue, tolerance, respect, empathy and solidarity, as primary tools for peaceful and harmonious coexistence between neighbors and families.

“Community Mediation is the fundamental tool that works in the construction of a culture of peace, generating spaces for dialogue, peaceful agreements, consensus, reflections and experiences. It is the conflict management process that, through dialogue and consensus, manages to settle controversies from the simplest to the most complex, avoiding that the conflict goes into the judicial system”, concluded the Provincial Director of Mediation, Gilda Romero.

Spain: Movimiento por la Paz produces educational material for secondary schools on the culture of peace


An article from El Faradio (reprinted according to attributes of Creative Commons) (translation by CPNN)

The association Movimiento por la Paz, a member of the Cantabrian Coordinator of NGOs, has produced teaching material aimed especially at secondary education teaching staff with the aim of promoting a culture of peace.

The materials are part of a broader project that they have been developing through various channels (courses, training, exhibitions, social networks…) of the “five paths to peace”.

The culture of peace is made up of all the values, behaviors, attitudes, practices, feelings and beliefs that make up peace. But peace must be understood in a positive sense, as the overcoming of any type of violence, and not only as the absence of war. This is stated in Law 27/2005, of November 30, on “Promotion of Education and the Culture of Peace”.

To promote the culture of peace, tutors and teachers have two invaluable resources: a space and a group of young people with whom they can develop the commitment to build a more peaceful world. To promote this commitment, we focus on five areas: cultural diversity, gender equality, fight against poverty, care for the environment and Human Rights. The five paths to peace.

The socio-affective approach requires a coherence among the ideas, attitudes and behaviors that we want to transmit and the methodology that is used. It can be said that it is a vehicle for achieving honesty, for reviewing one’s own personal values, both for the people who facilitate the process and for the rest of the participants.

On the other hand, it invites positioning and commitment to reality, the assumption of responsibilities, to participate in the transformation of what we do not like in the world where we live.

(Click here for the original Spanish version).

Question for this article:

Where is peace education taking place?

This is easier to do in company, because it generates interaction, participation, effective communication, trust, mutual knowledge, and empathy. It is a way of working that produces collective thought, knowledge and action.

Another argument that justifies the use of this methodology is the need for an education that connects us with the emotional level. Feelings are part of cognitive processes and condition our attitudes and behaviors. Conflicts must be resolved or transformed positively on an emotional level. Feelings allow us to know more about ourselves and about other people.

The socio-affective approach is nourished by the techniques of group dynamics, but it is a free space for experimentation that allows reflection.

The objective is that through feeling, thinking and acting, we favor the creation of a citizenry that feels part of the same community, that cares about collective issues and that develops a commitment to the local and the global.

The techniques include the creation of conscious groups that develop their own decision-making processes and, therefore, reflection.

Click here for the guide with the materials


Movimiento por la Paz -MPDL- is a Development, Humanitarian Action and Social Action organization created in 1983. It is a member of the Cantabrian Coordinator of NGOs. Currently, it has a presence inside and outside our borders with more than 200 projects.

The delegation of the NGO in Cantabria, founded in 2007, works for Human Rights and the Culture of Peace with programs of International Protection, legal advice, labor advice, volunteering and education and awareness.

Training is one of its main lines of work. They also respond to queries on topics such as the management of unemployment benefits, information on labor rights during the State of Emergency, on training resources in Cantabria, knowledge about job search routes and the preparation of the curriculum vitae.

The organization also offers advice on immigration processes, deadlines, requirements to obtain documentation, work permit, nationality or any other legal doubt that may arise, at the contact: They also continue to report on the rights of Domestic Workers, requirements that must be met for hiring, salaries, conditions, calculation of settlement.

And the organization is an information point for women, receiving consultations, providing care or informing about resources for women who have suffered or suffer gender violence.

Mexico: The Academic of Education participates in the Conference for Peace of the Maguen David Hebrew School


An article from Anáhuac (translation by CPNN)

A workshop “Peace transcends and summons us” was held for high school students from the Maguen David Hebrew School as part of their Conference for Peace. The workshop was taught by Prof. Susana Memun Zaga, coordinator of the Area of ​​the Degree in Organizational and Educational Pedagogy of our Faculty of Education .

During the month of November, and for the seventh consecutive year, the Maguen David Hebrew School organizes the Days for Peace to honor the memory of the Prime Minister of Israel and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994, Yitzhak Rabin. The objective is to promote the concept of Peace in the young people through various speakers, including community leaders, rabbis, leaders of non-governmental organizations, universities, foundations and teachers,

(Click here for the original Spanish version).

Question for this article:

Is there progress towards a culture of peace in Mexico?

What is the relation between peace and education?

The young people reflected during the workshop on the natural relationship between the concept of Peace and Education, on the importance of Education for a culture of Peace and the importance of their own commitment to take actions in order to build peace.

In addition to the above, they collaborated in small groups to analyze thoughts and phrases of Martin Buber, Hanna Arendt, Paulo Freire and María Montessori, where they discussed their relationship with education from their own context as young students. Finally they presented their conclusions and interacted about their ideas and their own experiences, sharing their commitments and becaming aware of the decisions they have in their hands to build a better world.

As a Faculty of Education, it is of great importance to us to collaborate with other educational institutions in strengthening and building a culture of peace.

Nairobi, Kenya : International Peace Research Association Conference 2021


An announcement from the Global Campaign for Peace Education

Established in 1964, the International Peace Research Association (IPRA) undertakes research on issues pertaining to international peace and security. Every two years, it holds a conference to discuss findings and solutions to problems affecting peace, security and development across the world. It does so in partnership and/or collaboration with academia, policy-makers, research institutions, and various other multi-disciplinary thinktanks globally.

IPRA shall be holding its 28th Biennial General Conference themed, PEACE TECHNOLOGY; Positioning Fourth Industrial Revolution and Emerging Technologies in Fostering Global Peace’ in Nairobi -Kenya from the 11th to 15th January 2021 hosted by Multimedia University of Kenya (MMU). Since 1964, this shall be the first gathering of the Global Network of Peace Researchers in the East Africa region and the third (3rd) of this kind in Africa as a continent (1998 – Durban, South Africa ; 2016 – Freetown, Sierra Leone).

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Question for this article:

Where is peace education taking place?

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Part of the objectives of the 28th IPRA General Conference are inclined towards discussions and proposals surrounding plenary themes on Peace Technology in the Anthropocene, International Humanitarian & Human Rights Law, Arms Control and Technology Revolution, Information Technology and Peace, Sports Science and Peace, Climate Change and Early Warning Systems, Forensics and Counter-Terrorism, Media, Virtual Network and Education, Mental Health, Spiritual Security and Spiritual Intelligence. Other specific objectives shall be addressed under the various sub-themes represented in IPRA’s ten (10) Commissions which can be accessed at:

Global Trade, Corporate Surveillance and Peace

The Republic of Kenya continues to contribute to peace and security efforts across the continent and globally. The country having hosted many refugees who fled from civil conflicts in their respective countries of Somalia, South Sudan, the Great Lakes Region (Rwanda, Burundi, DR Congo), continues to discharge its mandate to promote peace and security under the various regional and international conflict resolution mechanisms. Kenya also enjoys a vast expanding digital revolution with approximately 38 percent of its predominantly young population being within the age group of 15 – 35 years.

Thus, the 28th IPRA General Conference in Nairobi, Kenya is expected to highlight progress and challenges of 21st century revolutionized Information, Communication and Technology, their effects on global (dis)order and present ultimatums on viable next steps.

Spain: Sierra Blanca achieves second place in the Annual Awards for the Promotion of the Culture of Peace and School Coexistence


An article from Marbella Directo

The Ministry of Education and Sports has distinguished the Sierra Blanca de Marbella Secondary Education Institute with second place in the Annual Awards for the Promotion of the Culture of Peace and School Coexistence for the 2020/21 academic year, which have recognized a total of eight centers throughout the autonomous community.

Children from La Escuela Infantil Sol de Portocarrero

(Click here for the original Spanish version).

Question for this article:

Where is peace education taking place?

The center has shared this second prize with the Carlos V school in La Línea de la Concepción. The first prize has also been shared and has gone to the Sol de Portocarrero Infant School in Las Norias de Daza (Almería) and the Malala de Mairena del Aljarafe school (Seville). The two third prizes have been awarded to the Andrés de Cervantes de Cabra school (Córdoba) and the Francisco de los Cobos Institute in Úbeda (Jaén).

In addition, the Purísima Concepción de Granada Private Teaching Center for Special Education and the Adersa I Rural Public Center in Fuenteheridos (Huelva) have been recognized with honorable mentions.

The objective of these awards is to publicly recognize and disseminate the best practices that are being carried out in the school environment to promote a culture of peace and the comprehensive training of students to achieve a more just and tolerant society, as well as peaceful conflict resolution and dialogue.

The Awards for the Promotion of the Culture of Peace constitute one of the initiatives of the Ministry aimed at improving coexistence in educational centers, among which is also the network “School: Space for Peace” made up of more than 2,400 schools and institutes. This means that around 650,000 students and 61,200 teachers participate in this initiative that involves all sectors of the educational community.

UABJO launches Institutional Program for the Culture of Peace in Oaxaca, Mexico


An article from Quadratin Oaxaca (translation by CPNN)

The Benito Juárez Autonomous University of Oaxaca (UABJO) and the Honorable Congress of the State, have ratified a framework collaboration agreement to strengthen the Culture of Peace.

This document signed by Deputy Delfina Guzmán Díaz, President of the Political Coordination Board of the 64th Legislature and the Rector of the University, Eduardo Bautista Martínez, inaugurated the Institutional Program for the Culture of Peace in Oaxaca, it was reported in a statement.

In a meeting held in the rectory offices, the Deputy recognized the importance of strengthening the work with the University, as it is a plural and diverse space that trains a majority of professionals in the state and specialists who contribute to development of a better society.

(Click here for the original Spanish version).

Question for this article:

Is there progress towards a culture of peace in Mexico?

Where is peace education taking place?

“The program that we start today will be the way to reach all sectors, peoples and governments, to achieve the path to a culture of peace,” she said.

On his part, the Rector considered essential to add actions for the integral formation of the student community, with the support of specialists who promote the issues of equality, equity and listening.

He added that this strategy will involve the Institute of Sociological Research of the University, with the purpose of generating collective synergies, incorporating human rights defenders, related government entities and civil organizations.

“This action will also articulate with all the work that the University has carried out in matters of gender, human rights and public policies, through a methodology that generates tools for training in mediation, management and conflict resolution,” he explained.

In addition, in the medium term, it is intended to propose the creation of an observatory on conflict, development of community peace programs, congresses, seminars, training programs and the creation of a professional Masters degree in Culture of Peace

Also taking part In the meeting were the Coordinator of the program in question, Leticia Cruz López; the General Counsel, Héctor López Sánchez and the director of IISUABJO, Manuel Garza Zepeda.

Madrid : Fifth edition of the Film and Human Rights Festival


An article from Soy de Madrid

The V edition of the International Film and Human Rights Festival begins on December 4 and ends on December 13. For the first time, it will be held online.

The V edition focuses on issues that are included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, from a pluralist vision and based on reconciliation and the culture of peace, It takes into account the authoritarian drift spreading around the world and the events of the pandemic.

Human rights are threatened in Spain and in the rest of the world, due to the democratic, economic, social, political, environmental and health crisis, to which is added the one derived from the pandemic. The Film Festival will screen films about the situation caused by covid-19, seeking the hope of humanity.

This year’s programming has selected more than 50 films. The Official Section is divided into Full-length Feature Films, Medium-length Films, Fiction Short Films and Documentary Short Films.

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(Click here for the original Spanish version of this article.)

Question for this article:

Film festivals that promote a culture of peace, Do you know of others?

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As a result of the diversity of the works, the Festival will add topics on social conflicts, disability, the elderly, culture of peace, women’s rights in the world, intolerance and extremism, development and cooperation projects, children’s rights, immigration, poverty, etc.

The films will be open and free on the festival website online for 10 days.

The Jury for the Official Section includes personalities such as Sécun de la Rosa, known for his television and film work as a comedian actor, Aida Folch, known for her role as Françoise Alcántara in the television series Cuéntame como pasa, and Mario Marzo, actor and pianist known for playing Lucas in Los Protege, among others. Click here for the rest of the jury.


The state of Texas and Melissa: directed by Sabrina Van Tassel. Her name is Melissa Lucio and for more than 10 years she has been waiting for her fate on death row. Melissa was the first Hispanic woman sentenced to death in Texas.

Under fire: directed by Sjoerd van Grootheest and Irene Vélez Torres. A group of peasant coca growers in southwestern Colombia watch the peace process break down. Over the course of three years it is shown how they survive in the midst of the most difficult circumstances.

The Conscience of Clothing – Directed by Patrick Kohl. Fashion blogger Willy Iffland and journalist Helen Fares travel to Cambodia, where they meet workers, factory owners and union activists campaigning for fair wages.

Behind the blood: directed by Loretta van der Horst. Behind the blood shows the true story of a man fighting rampant gang violence in Honduras.

Click here to consult the rest of the program.