Category Archives: EDUCATION FOR PEACE

Mexico: Quintana Roo celebrated a unique virtual hip hop festival in Maya language


An article from the Yucatan Times

In order to promote the culture of peace, the right to culture, and revitalization of the native language through the musical professionalization of hip hop in the state of Quintana Roo, last 17 and April 18, the First Barrio Maya Festival was held in its first virtual edition, featuring workshops, talks, conferences, and concerts.

“There were workshops, conversations and concerts with the Mayan rap community, there were personalities like Pat Boy and the ambassadors of Barrio Maya,” explains Guido Arcella, one of the organizers of this festival.

(Click here for the original article in Spanish.)

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Question for this article:

What place does music have in the peace movement?

Is there progress towards a culture of peace in Mexico?

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The Barrio Maya festival began on Saturday 17, at 10 am with the talk led by Pat Boy, one of the forerunners of hip hop in Maya language, precisely to talk about the history of rap in Maya, followed by the workshop “Body and Rap” imparted by Hunaac Cel and Nadia Zupo, and concluded with a concert of MC Fer-LA2C and the Maya-Kill Beat.

On the second day, Sunday 18th, the United States Consulate in Mérida participated, as well as the Jornada de Derechos Humanos A.C. and the Latin American Hip Hop Network in the discussion “The United States and Latin America, hip hop as a meeting point”.

That day there was also a workshop on BeatMaking and musical entrepreneurship given by the Campeche Hip Hop Movement and to conclude the concert by Verso Mays-Xi’ipal, Samik A.K.A Big Man and Dino Chan.

“What we want is to promote the culture of peace through this genre of urban music; we talked about how hip hop transforms Latin America through this culture of peace, and precisely the revitalization of the Maya language ”, added Guido Arcella.

Brazil: Compaz invites schools to the 19th edition of the book Londrina Pazeando


An article from Bonde

Compaz (City Council for the Culture of Peace) and the Non-Governmental Organization Londrina Pazeando are inviting students from public and private schools to enroll in the 19th edition of the book Londrina Pazeando. Interested parties can submit their work until May 30th. The announcement with the rules and the registration form for participating are available on the council’s website ( click here ).

The theme for 2021 is “In 2040, the Londrina that we want is: Londrina Cidade da Paz. How I am contributing for this? ”. Through a collection of texts and drawings, students of basic education, their teachers and guardians of the children can send materials for selection.
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(Click here for the article in Portuguese)

Questions for this article:

What is the best way to teach peace to children?

How can culture of peace be developed at the municipal level?

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The intention is to fulfill the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), stipulated by the UN (United Nations Organization), for the years 2015 to 2032. Among them are the eradication of poverty, zero hunger, sustainable agriculture, health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, drinking water and sanitation, accessible energy clean, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure, reducing inequalities, etc. Those who bring elements proposed in Municipal Law No. 12,467, which creates the Municipal Program for Restorative Practices in the Municipality of Londrina, will also be welcome.

According to the secretary of Compaz, Luiz Galhardi, the publication of the book Londrina Pazeando aims to provoke reflections on the importance of building a Culture of Peace, as well as promoting actions that contribute to the establishment of a non-violent society. “The Municipality of Londrina, through a public bidding process, hired Macroplan to carry out a Strategic Plan for the city. The suggestions of many people will be heard, in different areas, to improve the Municipality, to improve the good things we already enjoy, and to fix things that are not going so well, is necessary”, explain the organizers.

In this edition, the book will be published in digital and printed format. The content will also be available on the internet and can be shared on social networks, through the website of Each selected author will be presented with the book, during a ceremony on September 20, 2021, from 2pm to 4pm. Both the texts and the drawings produced, which are not published in the book, will serve as material for exhibition during the 21st Week of Peace, which should take place in September 2021, at the school itself or at other institutions.

Germany: Collateral Crucifixion – Pressuring for Julian Assange’s Release!


An article by Sabine Bock from Pressenza

The artist duo Captain Borderline has created on the theme of “Collateral Crucifixion” a huge, artistic mural on a complete house facade directly in front of the SPD headquarters, the Willy Brandt House, in Stresemannstr. 15 in Berlin Kreuzberg. In conversation with the two artists, they explained to us the reason for creating the revolutionary, crucifix-like work of art.

(Click on image to enlarge)

For almost 10 years, Julian Assange has been in captivity for exposing horrific, inhumane war crimes in an oil war that violated international law and for making his knowledge available to a broad public. The UN Special Investigator on Torture, Nils Melzer, has been the only neutral body to conduct serious research regarding these incidents.

He concludes that Julian Assange has become the victim of a huge show trial whose sole purpose is to show the media worldwide the limits of investigative journalism. The real issue in this legal case against Assange, then, is freedom of the press. Journalists and whistleblowers are being made to believe, through this witch hunt, that they will suffer the same fate should they report on the illegal machinations of the American or Western establishment and governments. How else can it be that powerful men like George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld can invade a country like Iraq for no reason, bomb it, and be responsible for the deaths of almost a million people with impunity, while a man like Assange, who merely publicizes these illegal machinations of the warmongers as a journalist and publisher, ends up in a maximum security prison for it. The responsible politicians, Bush and consorts, on the other hand, can enjoy their stolen wealth in their castles unmolested. That is why we demand the immediate release of Julian Assange from the British prison and to respect the freedom of the press.

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Questions for this article:

Do the arts create a basis for a culture of peace?, What is, or should be, their role in our movement?

Julian Assange, Is he a hero for the culture of peace?

Free flow of information, How is it important for a culture of peace?

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To help bring to light the truth behind the construct of lies of which Julian Assange has been a victim for many years, the artist duo Captain Borderline created and completed this revolutionary crucifix-like artwork with Julian Assange as the crucified of the media world on the complete house wall directly in front of the Willy Brandt House in Berlin Kreuzberg during the Holy Week before Easter.


With the purchase of an art screenprint you support the non-profit art and culture association “Colorrevolution” e.V. in financing a huge (20m*10m), media-created mural of “Captain Borderline” with this motif directly in front of the Willy-Brandt-Haus in Berlin.

[Editor’s note: The artists of Captain Borderline are A. Signl, B. Shanti and Dabtar, as shown here:

Drawing on Earth: The Global Creative Challenge 2021


An announcement from Drawing on Earth

Hi Everyone, we have a new exciting big project in the mix. It’s so big we need your help, we are inviting you and the rest of the world to be part of it.

Earth Day April 22, 2021 – founder and creative director of Drawing on Earth – Mark Lewis Wagner will be attempting to set a new Guinness World Record for the largest chalk street art drawing. We have a story being birthed about imagining a climate changed, about a world creating together, about the future being a place of dynamic balance for everything.

(Click on image to enlarge)

A Creative Challenge to the World

While this is happening we are putting out a Creative Challenge to the World to be part of this Global Story. Draw, paint, dance, music, poetry, use any medium. Set your own personal world record for your largest creative expression. We’ll use FaceBook to create a gallery for everyone to share our work.

The present time of covid isolation and talk of climate change are hard on everyone, it’s especially hard on our youth. They are afraid of something they can’t see, afraid of their future, afraid for the world that they are inheriting. Adults saying, “you young people figure it out, we sure did leave you a mess” is not helpful. That’s a heavy burden, suicides are up with kids around the world for not having a reason to live – that’s OUR PROBLEM to be creative with.

What do we need now on the planet? We asked the Earth what it needed. Imagination, not the frilly stuff but the visionary powerful real imagining that makes the future happen. That’s how we put humans on the moon, made cars, cell phones, how we handled other pandemics – we imagined these first.

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Question for this article:

Do the arts create a basis for a culture of peace?, What is, or should be, their role in our movement?

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The Earth said it needs humans to basically grow up, or grow in. The Earth needs humans to evolve out of their current teenager mind and into our mature beings where we use our intuitions and mystery. We take responsibility for ourselves, for each other, our communities, and the world (another word for this is Initiation).

Let’s imagine the world we want to live in, and in doing so making it happen. Let’s make up a story and an artistic challenge for everyone to participate and feel connected, and then see what happens. A new tribe of creating creators.

Recipe for Success

Here is what we want and need to make it happen.

* For you to make some art on or near Earth Day April 22, 2021

* Get friends and family involved. A friend has already talked to her neighbors and everyone is going to do a chalk drawing in each of their driveways.

* Be part of our virtual team. Email us: for more info.

* Network to an organization in your community: art centers, schools, school district, PTA council, church, etc. and get them involved.

* Nationally Networking: children’s art museums, museums, art organizations, community organizations, Burning Man, etc..

* International Networking: every continent, countries, UN, UNICEF, etc…

Drawing on Earth

Drawing on Earth is a 501c3 nonprofit that Connects Art and Creativity to Youth and Communities Around the World. In 2008 our first project set a Guinness World Record for the largest pavement art (chalk drawing). We covered 90,000 sq. ft. of pavement (almost 2 football fields) with chalk with the help of 6,000 people, most of them elementary school kids from Alameda CA. We even had a satellite photograph the art. We mainly focus on chalk drawing on streets and school playgrounds. We have drawn on 3 continents and so far worked with 30,000 kids and adults.

Brazil: Ecocine International Film Festival of Environmental and Human Rights


An article from the Folha de Pernambuco (abridged)

The Ecocine International Environmental Film and Human Rights Festival begins today and continues until the 5th (, an online meeting that gathers documentary series and films that focus on the environment. The virtual event brings together a list of 134 films in streaming from 35 countries, including Brazil, India, Holland, Malawi, France, USA and Iran.

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(Click here for the original version of this article in Portuguese.)

Question for this article:

Film festivals that promote a culture of peace, Do you know of others?

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The films address issues of an urgent nature with global impact. There are special sessions for children, adolescents and educators. All sessions are free.


According to the event’s founder and anthropologist, Ariane Porto, the themes of environmental and human rights are so many and so urgent, that the voices coming from all directions meet and sometimes clash. ”We chose this year to honor “Liberdade.” Freedom to be, to be, to come. Freedom to stay, to rebuild, to resist, to change. Freedom of body, spirit, mind. And, fundamentally, freedom to live in a socially and environmentally sustainable world, where all species, human or not, have the right to exist”, she writes on the event’s website.


Among the highlights is “From trash to treasure” (photo), a documentary directed by the Brazilian Iara Lee, which portrays a community in Lesotho, Africa, which transforms tons of garbage into everyday clothes and accessories. Another one in the spotlight is “Professor Polvo”, a film that is included in the race for an Oscar statuette this year – in the Documentary category, available on Netflix. The catalog can be accessed on the event website through quick registration.

Mali: Partnership between UCAO-UUBa and EMP: promoting research and training for the culture of peace in Africa


An article by Abdrahamane Sissoko in Maliweb (translation by CPNN)

The signing ceremony for a partnership between the Catholic University of West Africa – University Unit in Bamako (UCAO-UUBA) and the Alioune Blondin Beye School of Peace-Keeping (EMP). was held Tuesday March 2. The objective is to promote scientific research and training for a culture of peace by the two organizations in terms of ideas and actions.

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Amadou Keïta, accompanied by the Archbishop of Bamako, Cardinal Jean Zerbo, chaired the ceremony in the conference room of the EMP.

According to Abbé Clément Lonah, president of the UCAO, this partnership will be of considerable advantage in placing particular emphasis on the increased training of learners on both sides. UCAO is a network of university units located in several West African countries such as Burkina Faso, Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Togo and Senegal. Its Rectorate is located in Ouagadougou. The objective of this institution, he says, is to promote excellence, sub-regional integration and the pooling of skills.

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(Click here for the original version of this article in French)

Question for this article:

Where is peace education taking place?

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By signing this agreement with the School of Peacekeeping, Abbé Clément Lonah, president of the UCAO, believes that his establishment has made an ideal partner to achieve its ambitios in West Africa.

“Ambition of excellence in scientific and human training, ambition of sub-regional integration by allowing the mobility of students and teachers in the area of ​​West Africa, ambition of pooling skills by bringing together scientists in a university space to provide quality education, ”he said.

For Father Clément Lonah, the University Unit in Bamako (UUBa) of the UCAO is specialized in the Sciences of Education, while developing other fields, such as Law, Journalism and Communication, Sciences Humanities (Philosophy) and Economics and Management.

For his part, the Director-General of the School of Peacekeeping Alioune Blondin Beye, Colonel Souleymane Sangaré, indicated that the common points between the two entities are considerable assets which would undoubtedly favor the establishment of a more realistic and operational partnership. “These two schools are all committed to sharing, training and educating men and women who will serve as examples and always advocate peace instead of violence,” he said.

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Amadou Keïta, affirmed that this partnership signature is in line with the vision of the highest authorities of the transition for scientific research and the culture of peace . According to him, it comes at a decisive moment which marks the first step and will allow pupils and students to benefit from an international standard of education in the culture of peace.

In conclusion, Minister Kéita recalled that the culture of peace is a set of values, attitudes, behaviors and lifestyles that reject violence and prevent conflict by addressing their root causes through dialogue and negotiation.

Mexico: Second Edition of the International Festival of Cinema for the Culture of Peace


An article from Asi Sucede

The second edition of the International Festival of Cinema for the Culture of Peace will take place from 17-21 March as a virtual event free of charge.

The Festival will have three sections. First is the Rally in which nine production teams are given 72 hours to produce short films. The teams will have access to a collection of films in order to create their unique stories. Their films will be screened at the end of the Festival.

The second section is the International Exposition with projection of films from over 19 countries.

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(Click here for the original Spanish version of this article.)

Question for this article:

Film festivals that promote a culture of peace, Do you know of others?

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The third is the “Territory without Repose” in which the film producers share their experiences.

A press conference took place this Wednesday [March 3] with the organizers of the Festival. They explained how it will be available virtually on social media.

Ricardo Braojos, the festival director explained that “We are going to hold a series of round tables. Two roundtables will be with the producers and directors of the short films who will present the films in four programs. Four round tables will be concerned with women in cinema, how they have been portrayed and also how the image of women on the screen has changed throughout history, as well as the role of women as filmmakers ”

One short film and one feature film will be screened each day and will be available on line for 24 hours. At the end of each screening, the filmmakers will share their experience filming their project.

All the activities and screenings of the International Film Festival for a Culture of Peace will be broadcast through their social networks; on Facebook FICCPAz; as well as on its website, where the complete program will also be available.

These six global struggles show the power of nonviolence in action


An article by Rivera Sun from Waging Nonviolence (reprinted according to a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license)

In today’s media world — especially if you live inside the U.S. media bubble — if you hear news about foreign countries, it tends to be about business, political leaders, wars or disasters. Overall, it presents a dismal view of our fellow citizens — not to mention a disempowering one. But here are six of the many stories of ongoing nonviolent campaigns for change in countries across the world. They show the agency and power of ordinary people working for justice, rights, peace and dignity. They show that people don’t have to hold wealth, weapons or traditional power to be powerful. Instead, they need community, connection and some tools of nonviolent action.

Women farmers prepare roti bread (chapattis) as they block a railway track during a protest against the recent passing of agriculture reform bills in the parliament on the outskirts of Amritsar on October 17, 2020. (Photo by NARINDER NANU/AFP via Getty Images – Creative Commons)

1. India’s women farmers reassert their place and presence in farmer protests: India’s farmer protests have captured headlines around the world — as well they should. They are the largest protests in human history. On Jan. 18, Mahila Kisan Diwas (Women Farmers’ Day), women farmers across India demonstrated to reassert their place in the ongoing farmers’ struggle against Modi’s neoliberal agricultural laws. This action was organized in part to redress gender imbalances, particularly around media coverage that cut women out of the struggle’s story.

Due to the impacts of global patriarchy, women in movements have often needed to correct the record, rebalance who’s in the room and invited to the table, and (re)assert their pivotal roles in creating change. Studies show that women play powerful roles in nonviolent movements. They were at the heart of Sudan’s 2019 nonviolent revolution against a 30-year dictatorship. They propelled Chile’s recent constitutional revision campaign so decisively that the slogan for the re-write is “never again without women.” And, in India, women and women farmers have been organizing mass demonstrations, general strikes and protest encampments in such large numbers that they’ve consistently broken world records over and over in the past two years. It’s important to get the story straight!

2. Striking Palestinian workers triumph: Much of the news about Palestine is heart wrenching and tragic. We hear of bombings, orchards being razed, houses bulldozed and more abuses of Israeli occupation. Yet, here is a nonviolent campaign that is significant because the Palestinian workers not only won human and labor rights, they also won an apology for the racist comments their Israeli employer made. During the 19 days of an open-ended strike, the workers lost all wages and were threatened with being fired and replaced with other workers. But they persevered, and they won. (A word of caution: the strike’s agreement must still be upheld by an Israeli court.)

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Question for this article:

Can peace be guaranteed through nonviolent means?

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Palestinian organizers are heartened by the news. The secretary of the trade unions in Palestine said, “We hope that this small victory is the beginning of other victories for our workers and our people that have been subjugated by Israel’s inhumane apartheid and settler colonial oppression.” They also credited international solidarity and words of encouragement from global workers with helping them persevere and succeed.

3. In Sri Lanka, hundreds of tea plantation workers strike to defend jobs and social rights: In Sri Lanka, workers on tea plantations are unionized, but due to lack of action by union leadership, Gartemore Estate workers have been on a wildcat strike (a strike without union approval) since the end of December. After the Gartemore Estate sold off a portion of its lands, the workers feared the erosion of their rights and the loss of their jobs under the new management. They are worried that the current owner plans to develop tourist facilities on the estate instead of tea, which would drastically reduce the workforce. Some workers also fear that important personal documents, including birth and death certificates, health and other family papers, currently in the estate office would not be protected under the new management. The strike organizers are demanding a written agreement — not a verbal promise — that outlines a set of demands to protect workers around these issues. 

4. Doctors in Peru launch hunger strike over lack of protections and equipment: Since the start of the pandemic, Peru’s healthcare workers have been using nonviolent action to push for improved protections and equipment. Now, at least four doctors began a hunger strike as a protest against the substandard working conditions. Medical personnel have been protesting for a week just as a second wave of coronavirus cases is hitting the country. They’re not alone. Medical worker strikes have been erupting around the world. Just two weeks ago, medical students in Ecuador won similar demands after walking off the job and withstanding police repression. Will the Peruvian doctors succeed? Time will tell.

5. Oil workers strike in Kazakhstan: More than 60 oil workers have gone on strike in Kazakhstan’s northwestern region, seeking a salary increase. The workers walked out on Jan. 29 saying that their monthly salaries of about $160 should be doubled, as they currently fail to allow them to provide for their families. They could find solidarity with the office employees of a British gas company, who have held numerous strike actions over substandard wages. These workers — and those in many other industries — are up against the “fire and rehire” policies that the pandemic’s economic impacts have aggravated.

6. Canadians block weapons trucks going to the Yemen War: Serious about halting the Yemen War, Canadians blocked a caravan of trucks hauling armored vehicles and other weapons to shipping locations headed for Saudi Arabia. Sitting down in front of the wheels, stretching banners across the roads, and risking arrest were a few of the tactics used. The direct action in Hamilton, Ontario coincides with hundreds of events to pressure the Biden administration, and other governments, to stop arming Saudi Arabia. Their action is reminiscent of the ways Italian dock workers have repeatedly refused to load weapons onto ships headed to Saudi Arabia in opposition of the Yemen War. 

These six nonviolent campaigns are just a fraction of the stories Nonviolence News collects and circulates week after week, both in the United States and abroad. (You can read more in this week’s round-up here and sign-up to the newsletter to receive it in your inbox.) These stories reveal that nonviolent action is a global phenomenon — and that it’s being used for everything from peace to increased wages to human rights and health protections and more. Each struggle has unique lessons to offer all of us in our organizing work. At the same time, these stories also remind us of our common humanity — and that ordinary people everywhere are striving for justice, peace and fairness. 

Brazil: Culture of Peace in schools will be the subject of a webinar on February 18th


An article from Imprensa 24h (translation by CPNN)

The Secretariat of State for Education, Sports and Culture (SEDUC), through the School Projects Service on Human Rights (SEPEDH), linked to the Department of Support to the Educational System, will hold the Webinar entitled “Culture of Peace in the School Environment: Paths and Possibilities”, on February 18th, at 3 pm, through the YouTube Education Sergipe channel.

According to the SEPEDH coordinator, Adriane Damascena, the actions are part of the goal achieved by SEDUC, implementation of the Peace Policy and promotion of non-violence, in partnership with the municipalities, in an intersectoral manner in schools. “All this effort to ensure that the Peace Policy was implemented within schools links directly with the Government’s commitment, impacting educational practices and building more harmonious interpersonal relationships in the school community, as well as raising awareness about the importance of human rights. It is a commitment between the teacher, the management and the student, in a collective action for the benefit of all ”, said Adriane.

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(Click here for the original article in Portuguese)

Questions for this article:

Where is peace education taking place?

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The webinar will include the contribution and participation of Josué Modesto dos Passos Subrinho, secretary of SEDUC; Eliane Aquino, deputy governor of the state of Sergipe; Haroldo Luiz Rigo da Silva, member of the Restorative Justice Management Committee of the National Council of Justice; professor Daniela Carvalho Almeida da Costa, doctor and master in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure at the University of São Paulo (USP); Maria Conceição de Figueiredo Rolemberg, attorney general; and Adriane Damascena, SEPEDH coordinator.

Government Decree

The Government of Sergipe recently published Law No. 8,796, which institutes the School Mediation Program throughout the Public School System. The program aims to promote the peaceful resolution of conflicts in teaching units; to encourage non-violent communication between the school community; to train teachers, students and management teams for a culture of peace; to form school mediation teams capable of mediating between the actors of the educational process, and to stimulate the development of peaceful coexistence in the family nucleus and in the communities in which the schools are inserted, among others.

SEPEDH’s technician, Nadja Tavares Bispo Reis, pointed out that among the various actions that are already taking place and that are continuing, the program plans to bring non-violent communication training to schools, which is an instrument for conflict mediation. The program also intends to take an approach on peace-building circles and restorative circles, which are other important instruments for improving coexistence with diversities and divergences. “All of these methodologies, if well applied, will be able to minimize school violence and avoid major conflicts,” she explained.

She also highlighted the use of SALVE, a legal warning instrument instituted by the State Prosecutor’s Office, through which schools notify the state of violations or practicak cases within the school environment. “SALVE is used both by teaching units and also by health units. These data are cross-checked and, in view of the results, they inform public policies to resolve the levels of violence ”, said Nadja. Through the School Mediation Program there will also be an awareness-raising initiative with managers and teachers about the importance of SALVE and how to provide a notification.

Spain: The Nonviolence Collective disseminates ‘Amanda’s comic’, an educational project for peace aimed at children and young people


An article from El Faradío (translation by CPNN)

The Nonviolence Collective, an open and plural space in Cantabria where various initiatives for a culture of peace and nonviolence are developed, has launched a new promotion campaign for the »Amanda Comic», an educational project for peace for children and youth.

The campaign is designed especially to be launched on January 30 in educational centers, which is the School Day of Peace and Nonviolence, especially from 4th grade of Primary Education to 2nd grade of Compulsory Secondary Education.

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(Click here for the original Spanish version of this article)

Question related to this article:
What is the best way to teach peace to children?

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The comic was born in 2017 during the Noviolencia2018 campaign which lasted 3 years. Since then it has been downloaded countless times for free and has sold more than 15,500 copies for 1 euro, in full color paper format.

“Amanda’s trip” touches on some of the most exciting adventures that human beings have lived over the last century.

The Nonviolence collective is the natural continuation of the campaign and continues to take charge of this legacy.

Orders are available at only in Spanish, but it is available for free download in English, French, Arabic, Polish, Valencian, Catalan, Basque and Galician, a work that has been developed by the same group. Similarly, there is the possibility of translating into a new language with orders of more than 1000 copies.

In the following link, both the comic for download and different pedagogical materials are freely available for work in the classroom, at home or in non-formal and informal education spaces: .