Category Archives: EDUCATION FOR PEACE

Mexico: Virtual seminar on peace building in schools


An article from Asi Sucede

In order to create a virtual space for the exchange of thought, research and successful experiences around peacebuilding, so that teachers can acquire harmonious intervention skills in the classroom and at school, the Secretary of Education, Gerardo Monroy Serrano, inaugurated the Virtual Seminar, Construction of Peace in the School Environment.

The Secretary of Education, Gerardo Monroy Serrano, supports the State Government in initiatives that promote the Culture of Coexistence and Social Peace in schools. (Photo: special).

The Secretary welcomed the participants convened by the Council for School Coexistence (Convive), to discuss topics such as Gender Equality, Human Rights, School Coexistence and Peaceful Conflict Management. He extended the greeting of Governor Alfredo Del Mazo Maza and his willingness to support initiatives that consolidate a Culture of Coexistence and Social Peace in schools from an early age and at all levels.

In this sense, he said that this year the Ministry of Education has trained teachers, students and parents in violence prevention and school mediation. In this way, knowledge was provided to eradicate discriminatory behavior and abuse in the schools and at the same time strengthen the culture of peace.

(Click here for the original Spanish version).

Question for this article:

Is there progress towards a culture of peace in Mexico?

Where is peace education taking place?

Likewise, he assured that the specialists will address topics with content that reinforce the activities in this health contingency, since the isolation of the school community can emotionally affect its environment. What is sought is to provide information that encourages tolerance, solidarity and respect within families and schools.

For this reason, he pointed out that continuous training on pedagogical, socio-affective, communication and culture of peace aspects is also offered to teachers, highlighting the preparation on School Mediation for the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts, where teachers provide students the possibility of having a third party sit down with them to discuss their problem.

The first participation in the Seminar was by María Isabel Sánchez Holguín, head of the Secretariat for Women, who gave the conference “Mechanisms for the incorporation of the gender perspective in study programs in basic education.”
She mentioned that, to generate educational programs with a gender perspective, it is necessary to respect the rights of girls, adolescents and women and to ensure public obligations for their security and full development at all educational levels.

Similarly, she expressed that for the fulfillment of the right to quality education, new attitudes and capacities are necessary on the part of all those who make decisions and are in charge of public policies, so that there is a comprehensive attention to gender issues.

For her part, Elizabeth Ozuna Rivero, General Director of Convive, pointed out that this Virtual Seminar, which will last for four days, will allow teachers to broaden their knowledge in order to bring learning that consolidates peaceful environments to their communities.

When making the inaugural statement of the seminar, Gerardo Monroy Serrano urged all participants to endorse the commitment that students should have a full, prosperous and safe life, in healthy environments, while receiving an inclusive, equitable and excellent education.

La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico: Training of basic education teachers on the culture of peace


An article by Karina Lizárraga in El Sudcaliforniano (translation by CPNN)

More than 1,500 preschool, primary and secondary school teachers from the five municipalities of Baja California Sur participated via zoom in the seminar called: “Socio-emotional education, child and adolescent participation and the culture of peace in Mexican schools”, according to the general director of basic education of the Ministry of Public Education, Martina Camacho Higuera.

(Click here for the original Spanish version).

Question for this article:

Is there progress towards a culture of peace in Mexico?

Where is peace education taking place?

The official said that this training had the objective of offering pedagogical resources for the development of socio-emotional skills and the participation of students in the culture of peace, an action aimed at promoting the construction of an inclusive and democratic coexistence, for protection from the pandemic, as well as for the return to classrooms once determined by the health authorities.

Camacho Higuera highlighted that this event was offered by the Undersecretary of Basic Education, Marcos Bucio ,and the Directorate of Educational Management of the Federal SEP directed by Marlene Mendoza, who were kind enough to take into account the South Californian teachers in this educational journey.

In this sense, he added that it is the responsibility of authorities, teachers, students, parents and mothers to take actions to build environments of cordiality and harmony that go beyond the classrooms, to develop a culture of peace that impacts on the development of society.

Burkina Faso: Blanche Bana wins the Sotigui Awards 2020


An article from My Africa Infos (translation by CPNN)

It is with tears of joy that the famous Cameroonian actress Bana Blanche, expressed her gratitude to all of Africa during her presentation of the trophy which recognizes her as the best actress in Central Africa.

SOTIGUI Awards, the event which rewards artists of the 7th art over the past four years has placed particular emphasis on women at its 5th edition. Selected under the theme: culture of peace: what are the contributions from women in the cinema and audiovisual industry. Sotigui Awards once again honored African cinema and rewarded several artists in Burkina Faso on November 14th.

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(Click here for the original French version of this article.)

Question for this article:

Film festivals that promote a culture of peace, Do you know of others?

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The thousands of difficulties linked to the COVID 19 pandemic did not prevent the organizers from bringing together the big actors of cinema in Africa and honoring the best. This 5th Edition of the Sotigui Awards rolled out the red carpet to Blanche Bana, a Cameroonian actress who has been the pride of the cinema of her native land for some time now.

In fact, Blanche Bana made a majestic entry into the world of cinematography in 2012. Since that date, the young girl has not ceased to shine in the spotlight and to attract the attention of the Cameroonian public with admiration. Following the crazy success of its beginnings: THE PACKAGE 1 and 2 (a film directed by Parfait Zambo), Blanche Bana was especially popularized by the communication giants, like MyAfricaInfos which did not hesitate to grant her an interview.

Very quickly Bana blanche rose through the ranks by directing short and feature films, series, and was solicited for advertising spots. Shortly after, the courage and determination of this young actress led her to international stages. Recognized as a gold bar of Cameroonian cinema, Blanche Bana won the prize for best actress of Cameroon in 2015 at the prestigious Ecrans Noirs Festival. In 2017, the beautiful actress took her first flight to Morocco and was counted among the guests of honor at several festivals, including the Agadir migration festival.

Colima, Mexico: Virtual Forum “University Fostering a Culture of Peace”


An article from AF medios

The University Family Development Center (Cedefu) of the University of Colima, through the University Program for Culture for Peace, held the virtual forum “University Students Fostering a Culture of Peace”, with the aim of generating a space for dialogue and exchange of ideas regarding the construction of a culture of peace.

With the emphasis on the concept of “peacebuilding agents and strategies that promote a culture of peace”, the participating university students interacted by sharing their experience in this university program.

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(Click here for the original Spanish version).

Question for this article:

Is there progress towards a culture of peace in Mexico?

Where is peace education taking place?

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In her speech, Alicia López de Hernández, general director of Cedefu, spoke about the importance of the participation of university teachers in this matter. “Students provide an example for the construction of peace. It is the students themselves who have a great challenge in this pandemic, which requires us to be at home without seeing our colleagues and teachers. Therefore, from Cedefu we unite our wills to carry out this challenge based on non-violence, self-esteem and attitude, which is what identifies university students ”.

The participating students agreed that when they speak of peace, the themes that stand out are tranquility, respect, tolerance and equality.

Present at the activity were the director of Human and Social Development of Cedefu, David Silva Martínez; the professor of the Baccalaureate 4 of the University of Colima, Octavio Juanarena Ventura, who produced the monologues Visions for peace, as well as the head of the University Program for the Culture of Peace, Fabiola Soto Estrada.

Call For Registration: Action For Peace Forum In Ethiopia


An article by Bakary Ceesay in The Voice – Gambia

The African Artist Peace Initiative (AAPI) is calling on creatives to register for its first edition of the Action for Peace Forum and Initiatives campaign, which will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 1 to 5 December.

The registration deadline is 1 November. AAPI is a pan-African movement of artists and activists, who use creative arts, communication and cultural diplomacy as a tool to champion the African Union’s Africa Agenda 2063, culture of peace initiatives and social justice across Africa.

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Question for this article:

Do the arts create a basis for a culture of peace?, What is, or should be, their role in our movement?

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The programme will include co-creation workshops with various peace-building initiatives using media, culture, sports and education, and will culminate in the Music4Peace concert.“The present-day situation calls for radical changes in democratic processes and sustainable development,” AAPI said.

“The decade-long Action for Peace Forum and Initiatives campaign intends to address the two kinds of realities: the ‘world of depression’ where everything is moving according to the wishes of those in authority or power, and the ‘world of civilisation and equality’ where laws, rules, money, power, authority, influence and so-called development controls the total activity of human activities.

“This campaign will inspire the thoughts and actions needed to achieve sustainable peace in Africa, through the nexus between critical and creative thinking and the urgent need for a peaceful and secured Africa for all.”

Participants will be expected to cover their travel and accommodation. However, AAPI can facilitate the booking of affordable accommodation and assist participants from countries without Ethiopian embassies to obtain visas.

Quintana Roo, Mexico: Judicial Power for Culture of Peace


An article by Christian Trejo in Diario de Quintana Roo

SOLIDARIDAD, October 19.- The Judicial Power of Quintana Roo, through the Center for Alternative Justice and the Private Certification and Mediation Unit, is conducting, in coordination with the Judicial School, the training program “Training of Trainers in culture of Peace in the classroom and community ”.

The Directorate of the Family Strengthening Center, of the State DIF, promotes these courses —which are based on activities through games— to build a culture of peace, through conflict negotiation and resolution.

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Question for this article:

Is there progress towards a culture of peace in Mexico?

Where is peace education taking place?

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This training provided by the Judicial Power of Quintana Roo, is aimed at public servants of the different dependencies and institutions such as the State Center for Social Crime Prevention and Citizen Participation, the Secretariat of Social Development, Institute for the Development of the Maya People and the Technical Secretariat of the Social Development Hub.

This program, which began on October 5th, will conclude on October 30 with a theme and modules related to “Presentation and Generalities”, “Basic strategies for improving Coexistence and Conflict Resolution”, “Conflicts and their educational potentialities ”,“ Conflict resolution and education in values ​​”,“ Activities in the Classroom for Trainers ”.

Other topics include “Mediation between peers at School and Community”, the “Basic Concepts”, “On the Tools Used in the Peaceful Resolution of Conflicts” and “On the Phases and Stages of the Hearings.”

(Click here for the original Spanish version of this article.)

Mexico: Courses and training to build a culture of peace


An article from Tiempo (translation by CPNN)

In order to provide support to teachers in conflict resolution and education for peace, in addition to strengthening educational communities, the State DIF, in collaboration with the Subsecretariat of Education and Sports of the North Zone , offers courses and training to improve practices and school coexistence.

The Directorate of the Family Strengthening Center, of the State DIF, promotes these courses —which are based on activities through games— to build a culture of peace, through conflict negotiation and resolution.

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(Click here for the original Spanish version of this article.)

Question for this article:

Is there progress towards a culture of peace in Mexico?

Where is peace education taking place?

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Marta Rodríguez, who is the coordinator of the Family Strengthening Center, mentioned that the methodology on which they are based to impart these trainings is a form of socio-affective learning that teaches adults to resolve conflicts.

In addition, this coordination offers other activities focused on eradicating violence including suicide prevention, reflections on parenting, violence prevention, positive parenting, personal care, family life, etc.

Those interested in these courses and materials can contact the telephone 629 3300, extension 55605, or email

Currently, due to the health emergency facing the country, the courses are being carried out virtually, however, once the authorities of the health sector agree, it is intended to continue with the work in person.

Iranian film “Castle of Dreams” wins at Religion Today filmfest in Italy


An article from the Tehran Times

The Iranian award-winning drama “Castle of Dreams” has won the award for best feature film at the 23rd Religion Today Film Festival in Italy.

Photo: “Castle of Dreams” by Reza Mirkarimi

Last Wednesday [September 30], Trento as the greenest Italian city hosted the closing ceremony of the festival, which selected the motto “Earth I Care”.

Directed by Reza Mirkarimi, the film is about two young children whose mother has just died, and their father, Jalal, after long years of absence, returns to sort things out, but he does not want to take the children with him.

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Question for this article:

Film festivals that promote a culture of peace, Do you know of others?

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In addition, “Ojagh” by Iranian filmmaker Ali Bolandnazar also won the award for best short documentary. It is a study of the rituals of the Qashqai Turkic tribe regarding fire.

In the documentary competition, Iranian filmmaker Hamid Jafari’s “The Wind” received a special mention, while “Mother Fortress” by Italian director Maria Luisa Forenza was named best.

“The Wind” is about the Zar traditional ceremony in southern Iran. Spirits ride the wind of the seas and spread illness into the bodies of human beings. Zar is synonymous with the wind which carries illness. The Zar ceremony can free the body from evil spirits with the assistance of music and song.

The Grand Prize in the Spirit of Faith went to “Order and Soul” by Hungarian director Suzsanna Bak.

Founded in 1997, the Religion Today Film Festival is organized every year by Associazione BiancoNero. The event has been the foremost international and itinerant film festival dedicated to cinema and religions for a culture of peace and dialogue between faiths, cultures, peoples and individuals.

Les Héritiers du Zouglou release a maxi single to raise awareness among Ivorians


An article from Linfodrome (translation by CPNN)

“Les Héritiers du Zouglou” released this Thursday, October 01, 2020 a maxi single of two titles, “Never again” and “My Zouglou”. Faced with the tense socio-political situation in Côte d’Ivoire, Bloco, one of the members of the group, confided that the objective is to sensitize the political class and the Ivorians, in particular the youth, to peace and social cohesion.

The Héritiers du Zouglou call on Ivorians to raise collective awareness.

A few weeks away from the presidential election scheduled for October 31, 2020, Les Héritiers du Zouglou are making their return to the Ivorian music scene with two titles, “Never again” and “My Zouglou”. In their songs, they particularly invite young people, political leaders and all the sons and daughters of the Ivory Coast to the culture of peace.

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(Click here for a French version of this article)


Question related to this article:

What place does music have in the peace movement?

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The strong lyrics of their maxi single call out. “We want peace. We don’t want any more war. Never again in my country. It is hand in hand that we will have development,.”

Bloco Héritier spoke of their source of inspiration. “It was the current events that inspired us. The events that took place in the different cities also inspired us,” he said.

In their maxi single, Les Héritiers du Zouglou make it clear that Ivorian politics and the future of Côte d’Ivoire are not necessarily linked to the three great political leaders who are Henri Konan Bédié, Gbagbo Laurent and the current president, Alassane Ouattara. “Their time will pass, but the Ivory Coast will always remain,” Bloco Héritier remarked.

October 2nd a Nonviolence Day in the White West


An article from Pressenza (reprinted under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license)

This year it’s really complicated in this part of the world to hold a joyful celebration about nonviolence. The International Day of Nonviolence is a celebration of Gandhi’s birthday and an opportunity to commemorate the work of many others who have opened a path a to nonviolent conflict resolution, built a culture of peace, opposed systemic discrimination, and fought against the destruction of humanity’s habitat.

NYC Walk for Nonviolence (Image by David Andersson)

It is very suspicious that mainstream media will be not be covering this day, since corporate media makes large profits from reporting all forms of violence and bias. There will be no trending on Twitter, no special debate in Congress. Joe Biden will not be announcing his plans for developing nonviolence curricula for Kindergarten to college students. CEOs won’t unroll their strategy for reinvesting the money, concentred today in very few hands, to serve the community at large. And we probably won’t see the police addressing their entrenched discrimination against communities of color, and talking about how to stop being hypermilitarized agents beating and killing people on the street. This list can go on and on.

Now, of course, we have seen some opportunist politicians asking protestors — after seeing the killing of their brothers by police — to organize nonviolently, but without themselves condemning the immoral and disproportionate use of violence by the police and city officals. For them, it seems nonviolence is to be used by minorities fighting against a violent system that created the problem at the first place.

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Question for this article:

Can peace be guaranteed through nonviolent means?

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Today, we recognize nonviolence’s power of transformation. Nonviolence has transformed countries, changed the face of continents, and given cultural identity to discriminated communities. We are perhaps in front of the total collapse of this violent system we live in and we need to actively build a culture of nonviolence. It is the only real option for the future of the human race and our environment.

In closing, here are few words from Silo, an Argentinian leader in nonviolence, extracted from one of his most important speeches, “The Healing of Suffering,” given in Punta de Vacas, Argentina on May 4, 1969:

“There are other forms of violence that are imposed by the Philistine morality. You wish to impose your way of life upon another; you wish to impose your vocation upon another. But who has told you that you are an example that must be followed? Who has told you that you can impose a way of life because it pleases you? What makes your way of life a model, a pattern that you have the right to impose on others? This, then, is another form of violence.

Only inner faith and inner meditation can end the violence in you, in others, and in the world around you. All the other doors are false and do not lead away from this violence. This world is on the verge of exploding with no way to end the violence! Do not choose false doors. There are no politics that can solve this mad urge for violence. There is no political party or movement on the planet that can end the violence. Do not choose false doors that promise to lead away from the violence in the world… I have heard that all over the world young people are turning to false doors to try to escape the violence and inner suffering. They turn to drugs as a solution. Do not choose false doors to try to end the violence.

My brother, my sister, keep these simple commandments, as simple as these rocks, this snow, and this sun that bless us. Carry peace within you, and carry it to others. My brother, my sister—if you look back in history, you will see the human being bearing the face of suffering. Remember, even as you gaze at that suffering face, that it is necessary to move forward, and it is necessary to learn to laugh, and it is necessary to learn to love.

To you, my brother and sister, I cast this hope—this hope of joy, this hope of love—so that you elevate your heart and elevate your spirit, and so that you do not forget to elevate your body.”