All posts by CPNN Coordinator

About CPNN Coordinator

Dr David Adams is the coordinator of the Culture of Peace News Network. He retired in 2001 from UNESCO where he was the Director of the Unit for the International Year for the Culture of Peace, proclaimed for the Year 2000 by the United Nations General Assembly.

Bulletin français 1 mai 2016


La non violence est d’actualité ces jours-ci.  Commençons par rappeler les paroles du grand tacticien de la non-violence, Martin Luther King, en parlant du Mahatma Gandhi:. “La résistance non-violente n’est pas une méthode pour les lâches ; elle résiste vraiment.  Si un individu utilise cette méthode parce qu’il a peur ou simplement parce qu’il ne dispose pas de moyens de violence, il n’est pas réellement non-violent. Voilà pourquoi Gandhi dit souvent que si la lâcheté est la seule alternative à la violence, il est préférable de se battre … la résistance non violente … n’est pas une méthode de passivité statique … Pour beaucoup, la résistance non-violente est passive dans le sens qu’elle n’est pas physiquement agressive envers l’adversaire, mais son esprit et ses émotions sont toujours actifs, cherchant constamment à persuader l’autre qu’il a tort.  La méthode est passive physiquement mais fortement active spirituellement. Ce n’est pas la non-résistance passive au mal, c’est la résistance active et non-violente au mal”.

Peut-être l’acteur le plus actif dans cette approche est aujourd’hui la ‘’Nonviolent Peaceforce’’ qui a récemment été nominée pour le Prix Nobel de la paix en reconnaissance du travail de ses équipes “sur le terrain” dans les différents “points chauds” partout dans le monde.  En outre, cette ONG tente activement de convaincre l’Organisation des Nations Unies et divers gouvernements à adopter la non-violence comme modèle : “L’un des changements les plus spectaculaires aura eu lieu quand le monde se rendra compte qu’il est faux de penser qu’un Homme armé ne peut céder que face à une autre arme !”

Tout cela fait partie de la stratégie à long terme de la Nonviolent Peaceforce annoncée récemment par cette organisation : “Nous protégeons les civils dans les conflits violents à travers des stratégies non armés Nous construisons la paix côte à côte avec les communautés locales.  Nous préconisons l’adoption plus large de ces approches pour la sauvegarde des vies humaines et de la dignité.”

Un autre acteur majeur de la non-violence est le Comité Central Mennonite, qui a récemment diffusé des initiatives dans sept pays sur quatre continents.

Pendant ce temps, Pax Christi et d’autres militants ont récemment convoqué une réunion au Vatican afin d’enrôler l’Eglise catholique dans l’approche de la non-violence, en demandant que l’église inverse son soutien aux “guerres justes”.

Il faut aussi mentionner la Charte de la Non-violence qui a été signée maintenant par 104 organisations de 33 pays, ainsi que la nouvelle initiative que nous avons mentionnée le mois dernier pour les villes non-violentes.

En célébrant la Journée de la Terre ce mois-ci, la Campagne Nonviolence nous rappelle que pour protéger notre planète nous devons vivre «sans violence» avec des pratiques telles que l’économie durable, les énergies renouvelables, en réduisant la consommation de viande, et en soutenant la production de nourriture locale.

L’une des principales tactiques de la non-violence est la médiation.  Récemment, nous avons présenté des articles sur la formation de la police pour la médiation, ainsi que des initiatives spécifiques au Mexique et en Bolivie.

Ces initiatives ne sont pas présentées dans les gros titres des médias commerciaux, où la violence est considérée comme plus dignes d’intérêt, mais à long terme, les initiatives pour la non-violence feront l’histoire, alors que la violence lui met des entraves..



Nonviolent Peaceforce: A paradigm shift?


Bahrain Women Association conducted a workshop on peace



Disarm! World Congress 2016 of International Peace Bureau


USA: Prisoners in Multiple States Call for Strikes to Protest Forced Labor


Landmark Vatican conference rejects just war theory, asks for encyclical on nonviolence


Nuit Debout à Paris


Classement mondial de la liberté de la presse 2016 : la paranoïa des dirigeants contre les journalistes


Democracy Spring: Thousands Descend on US Capitol, Over 400 Arrested

English bulletin May 1, 2016


Nonviolence is in our news these days. Let us begin by recalling the words of the great tactician of nonviolence, Martin Luther King, speaking of Mahatma Gandhi: “nonviolent resistance is not a method for cowards; it does resist. If one uses this method because he is afraid or merely because he lacks the instruments of violence, he is not truly nonviolent. This is why Gandhi often said that if cowardice is the only alternative to violence, it is better to fight… nonviolent resistance … is not a method of stagnant passivity… For while the nonviolent resister is passive in the sense that he is not physically aggressive toward his opponent, his mind and his emotions are always active, constantly seeking to persuade his opponent that he is wrong. The method is passive physically but strongly active spiritually. It is not passive non-resistance to evil, it is active nonviolent resistance to evil.”

Perhaps the most active practitioner of this approach today is the Nonviolent Peaceforce. They have recently been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of their teams “on the ground” in the various “hotspots” around the globe. In addition, they are actively trying to convince the United Nations and various governments to adopt nonviolence as a paradigm shift: “One of the most dramatic shifts will have taken place when everyone realizes that, the assumption that an armed actor will not yield to anything except a weapon has been proven to be untrue.”

All of this is part of the long-term strategy announced recently by Nonviolent Peaceforce: “We protect civilians in violent conflicts through unarmed strategies. We build peace side by side with local communities. We advocate for the wider adoption of these approaches to safeguard human lives and dignity.”

Another major practitioner of nonviolence is the Mennonite Central Committee, which recently publicized initiatives in seven countries on four continents.

Meanwhile, Pax Christi and other activists recently convened a meeting at the Vatican to enlist the Catholic Church in the approach of nonviolence, requesting that the church reverse its support for “just wars.”

We should also mention the Nonviolence Charter which has now been signed by 104 organisations from 33 countries, as well as the new initiative that we mentioned last month for nonviolent cities.

In celebrating Earth Day this month, the Campaign Nonviolence reminds us that to protect our planet we need to live “nonviolently” with such practices as sustainability, renewable energy, lowering meat consumption, and supporting local food.

One of the major tactics of nonviolence is mediation. Recently, we have featured articles on the training of police for mediation, as well as specific initiatives in Mexico and Bolivia.

These initiatives may not be featured in the headlines of the commercial media, where violence is considered more newsworthy, but in the long run the initiatives for nonviolence are making history, while violence is only impeding it.




Nonviolent Peaceforce: A paradigm shift?


Bahrain Women Association conducted a workshop on peace



Disarm! World Congress 2016 of International Peace Bureau


USA: Prisoners in Multiple States Call for Strikes to Protest Forced Labor


Landmark Vatican conference rejects just war theory, asks for encyclical on nonviolence


On Earth Day, Commit To The Great Turning


2016 World Press Freedom Index ­– leaders paranoid about journalists


Democracy Spring: Thousands Descend on US Capitol, Over 400 Arrested

Paris: A standing orchestra !!!


Special for CPNN by Kiki Chauvin

In the spirit of the movement “Nuit Debout” [“Night Standing in Place”] that continues to exist in Paris, thanks to coordination rather than hierarchical power, their creativity continues to develop through sharing rather than individualism.

Click on the photo to enlarge

A call on social networks brought out no less than 350 musicians from all backgrounds and all levels, from amateurs to conservatory professors.

On Wednesday, April 20, the orchestra performed in the Place de la Republique, before an audience of several thousand people (plus 16000 spectators on the live webcast). They played three movements of the New World Symphony by Anton Dvorak.

The musicians included 40 trumpets, as many flutes, oboes fifteen, 60 violins, as well as unusual instruments like the saxophone, mandolin and ukulele (who had to innovate by writing their own scores). Musicians who did not know before took only 2 hours to rehearse and agree. The biggest difficulty was the choice of the direction of a conductor: how to lead such a group within the spirit of the movement, ie no leader! After discussions, votes and eventual consensus, the coordination was be resolved with three different conductors, one for each movement of the symphony. One of them was a woman violinist who conducted for the first time!

After the success of the evening, the orchestra decided to offer another concert. The chosen date is Saturday, April 30. Between “The chorus of slaves of Nabucco” by Verdi and Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, their votes will decide …

In the spirit of this spontaneous militancy, other initiatives have appeared such as a stand for free legal advice “Lawyers standing” available to 18h every evening. An infirmary, a distributive canteen, a “standing TV”, a “Radio standing” and a “Biblio standing” are installed and removed each night.

On April 30 perhaps we will hear the birth of a “standing choir”?

Here is a heart that beats to a different world, a world of social justice, sharing, recognition of human values, independent of the “money god”, a world of solidarity in a universal culture of peace.

(Click here for a French version of this article)


Question related to this article:

Paris: Un orchestre debout !!!


Pour CPNN par Kiki Chauvin

Dans l’esprit du mouvement “Nuit debout” qui continue d’exister par les coordinations et non par un pouvoir directif, la créativité se conjugue dans le partage et non dans l’individualisme.

Clique sur l’image pour l’élargir

Ainsi, l’appel lancé sur les réseaux sociaux a permis de rassembler pas moins de 350 musiciens de tous horizons et de tous niveaux, de l’amateur au professeur de conservatoire.
Mercredi 20 avril, cet orchestre a interprété , sur la place de la République, devant une audience de plusieurs milliers de personnes (y ajouter les 16000 spectateurs de la transmission en direct sur Internet) trois mouvements de la Symphonie du Nouveau Monde d’Anton Dvorak pour un concert symbolique.

Composé entre autres de 40 trompettes, d’autant de flûtes traversières, d’une quinzaine d’hautbois, de 60 violons, cette hétéroclite harmonie auto-organisée a joué d’instruments inhabituels comme le saxophone, la mandoline et plus inattendu encore le ukulélé, qui ont dû innover en écrivant leurs propres partitions  !!! Les musiciens qui ne se connaissaient pas ont eu 2 h pour s’accorder. La difficulté est venue du choix de la direction de l’orchestre : comment mener un tel groupe en restant dans l’esprit du mouvement, c’est à dire pas de chef.. même d’orchestre ! Après discussions, consentements et votes, la coordination résolue se fera à trois têtes, trois baguettes différentes, une pour chaque mouvement de la symphonie interprétée. L’un des trois meneurs est d’ailleurs une femme violoniste qui a dirigé pour la première fois !

Après le succès de cette soirée, l’orchestre a proposé un autre concert. La date retenue est le samedi 30 avril. Entre “Le chœur des esclaves de Nabucco” de Verdi et La 9ème Symphonie de Beethoven, les votes décideront…

A l’image de cet esprit militant, sont apparus différents lieux d’informations citoyennes, comme ce stand de consultations juridiques gratuites “Avocats debout” dressé sur le place à 18h chaque soir. Une infirmerie, une cantine distributive, une “TV debout”, une “Radio debout” et une “Biblio debout” sont installés puis démontés chaque nuit.

Le 30 avril y aura t-il la naissance d’un “chœur debout” ?

Un cœur qui bat pour un monde différent, un monde de justice sociale, de partage, de reconnaissance des valeurs humaines excluant le “dieu argent”, un monde de solidarité dans une Culture universelle de Paix.

( Cliquez ici pour une version anglaise)


Question related to this article:

Paris: Nuit Debout (Night Standing in Place)


For CPNN by Kiki Chauvin

“They turn off the lights, but we light up our brains! ”

The citizen movement “Nuit Debout” (Night Standing in Place) was born on March 31 following a demonstration against the projeted law of El Khomri a contested reform of the labor code and the release of the film by François Ruffin ” “Thank you, boss”.

(Click on photo to enlarge)
Photograph: Ian Langsdon/EPA

The gathering, which is more or less spontaneous, is run by men and women who have rapidly organized themselves in geneal assemblies ”made with the means at hand ” and by their own skills.

La Place de la Republique has become an area of ​​freedom, where everyone, each person can speak and participate in debates and in the work of organizational or thematic commissions such as logistics (responsible for the smooth running of the gathering), communication, coordination, reception and mediation (reception and security). The Democracy Commission, is a center for debate and responsible for the voting system. Topics such as labor law, unemployment, insecurity, ender equality, the “Panama papers’’ scandal and whistleblowers are debated.
The movement, which continues to grow, is surprisingly young, even though it includes some people of all ages.

The modus operandi is based on humanist, peaceful values. It is the exchange of ideas and sharing of anger in a framework of respect for others, listening and self-disciplined speech. People listen to each other in the debates and they are translated into sign language.

(Article continued in right column)

(Click here for the original article in French.)

Question for this article:

Movements against governmental fiscal austerity, are they part of the global movement for a culture of peace?

(Article continued from left column)

Although this movement is not like the traditional manifestations of Paris, its members are determined to show their insubordination by civil disobedience without adhering to political parties or official bodies.

They are determined to take back the language of revolt that has been stolen by a political class in France that has become “professional” and that has taken over the public space. They have given form to the slogan of the World Social Forum born in Brazil, “Otro mundo es posible” (Another world is possible).

This form of movement is a first in France, but it is similar to what happened in 2011 with the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street in the USA and the Indignados in Spain.

The mobilization is growing everywhere, in sixty French cities but also in other countries including Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Canada, ….

The appearance of groups of thugs in parallel around the Place de la Repulique appears to be an attempt to discredit and disturb the security of the movement which, conversely, acts without violence.

 Despite its innovative breath of fresh air and its optimistic tone of hope, one can question the result that will be achieved by this movement. Even if its aim is clearly progressive, is there not a risk of its horizontal confinement, a kind of “inbreeding” that may occur if it does not succeed in involving other social strata (workers, rural, suburban ..), moving to other “public places”, going out to the people?

In any case, the movement brings us an important message, and as described by the sociologist Albert Ogien: “It is a modern form of political action, comparable to the strikes and sit-ins of previous generations, but quite new in France ../.. ”

Nuit Debout à Paris


Pour CPNN par Kiki Chauvin

« Ils éteignent la lumière, allumons nos cerveaux ! »

Le mouvement citoyen “Nuit debout” est né le 31 mars dernier à la suite de la manifestation contre le projet de loi du travail El Khomri, réforme contestée du code du travail et de la diffusion du film de François Ruffin ‘’ merci patron’’.

(Cliquez sur l’image pour l’élargir)
Photograph: Ian Langsdon/EPA

Ce rassemblement quasi spontané est animé par des hommes et des femmes qui se sont rapidement organisés en assemblées générales ponctuelles ’’ faites avec les moyens du bord’’ et les compétences de chacun.

La Place de la République est devenue un espace de liberté, où chacun, chacune, peut prendre la parole et participer aux débats, ainsi qu’aux travaux de commissions organisationnelles ou thématiques comme la logistique (chargée du bon déroulement), la communication, la coordination, l’accueil et la médiation (accueil et sérénité) . La commission démocratie, centre de grands débats, est responsable du système de vote. Des sujets comme la loi travail, le chômage, la précarité, l’égalité homme femme, le scandale des ‘’Panama papers’’, les lanceurs d’alerte sont débattus.

Ce mouvement qui prend de l’ampleur, est étonnamment jeune, même s’il brasse un peu tous les âges.
Son mode opératoire s’appuie sur des valeurs humanistes, pacifiques. C’est l’échange d’idées et le partage des colères dans le respect de l’autre, l’écoute, la prise de parole auto disciplinée. La parole se prend dans le calme et tous les débats sont traduits dans la langue des signes.

(Cliquez ici pour une version en anglais.)

Question pour cet article:

Movements against governmental fiscal austerity, are they part of the global movement for a culture of peace?

Même si ce mouvement n’a rien à voir avec nos manifestations habituelles, ses membres sont bien décidés à montrer leur insoumission par la désobéissance civile hors des partis politiques et des organismes officiels.

Il s’agit de reprendre la parole confisquée par une classe politique devenue ‘’professionnelle’’ en occupant l’espace public, de repenser pour construire un autre monde, car comme l’a dit le Forum social Mondial de Porto Alegre ( mettre liens…..) ‘’un autre monde est possible’’ !

Cette forme de mouvement est une première en France, à l’instar de ce qui s’est passé en 2011 avec le printemps arabe puis aux USA avec Occupy, ou avec les Indignés en Espagne.

La mobilisation se développe un peu partout , dans une soixantaine de villes françaises, mais également dans d’autres pays comme la Belgique, l’Allemagne, les Pays Bas, l’Espagne, Le Canada,….

L’apparition de groupes de casseurs, en parallèle et à la périphérie de la Place de la République semble vouloir jeter le discrédit et trouble quelque peu la sérénité du mouvement qui, à l’inverse, se comporte sans violence.

Malgré le souffle novateur, frais et optimiste qui teinte ce mouvement d’espoir, on peut se questionner sur la suite qui y sera donnée. En effet, même si l’esprit est clairement progressiste, n’y a t-il pas un risque d’enfermement horizontal qui irait vers une ‘’consanguinité’’ s’il ne s’ouvre pas plus à d’autres couches sociales ( ouvriers, monde rural, banlieues..) en se déplaçant vers d’autres ‘’places publics’’, en allant vers les gens  ?

Quoiqu’il en soit, le message est porteur et comme le definit le sociologue Albert Ogien : »C’est une forme moderne d’action politique désormais utilisée comme la grève, le sit-in…/… ce qui est tout à fait nouveau en France ../.. »

Disarm! World Congress 2016 of International Peace Bureau


Announcement by the International Peace Bureau

The World Congress of the International Peace Bureau will take place at the Technical University of Berlin, Germany, 30 September-03 October 2016:



Bringing together a wide variety of experts, advocates and speakers from around the globe;

Including talks, presentations, roundtables, panel discussions, workshops, information booths, exhibitions, cultural activities;

High point in the recently-launched Global Campaign on Military Spending;

Apart from the Global Day of Action on Military Spending (mid-April), preparatory events will be held in major cities around the world over the coming year.


Speakers will come from a wide range of disciplines and backgrounds, including both the highest levels of society and grassroots voices, creative thinkers and cultural figures:

Nobel and Alternative Nobel Prize winners;
– elder statesmen/women;
– the social sciences, economics and politics in particular;
– the peace movement and other civil society sectors;
– parliamentarians, religious leaders, journalists, community organizers and artists…

(continued in right column)

(Click here for a version of this article in Spanish.)

Question for this article:

Does military spending lead to economic decline and collapse?

(continued from left column)


In 2014 the world’s governments spent over $1,700 billion on the military sector. We believe this money must instead be spent on:

Climate change mitigation/adaptation, preserving biodiversity;

Humanitarian programs to support the most vulnerable;

Peace: disarmament, conflict prevention & resolution, human security;

Public services / Social justice, human rights, gender equality and green job-creation;

Sustainable development, production and consumption patterns, anti-poverty programs, UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We strongly believe the absolutely necessary ‘great transformation’ of global human society can only be achieved when also reallocating military expenditure and handling conflict differently. After all, we are facing a crisis of civilization, which is more far-reaching than an ecological and economic crisis alone.

We are living on one single Planet Earth but exploiting its resources as if we had three.

We witness how our predominant economic and developmental model has failed to provide justice, livelihood and human security for all. We now also face the resurgence of militarism and confrontational politics.

Hence, we view this priority shift in government spending as one element in a much broader global transformation towards a green, socially just and peaceful society!

The aim of this congress is to bring the issue of military spending, often seen as a technical question, into broad public debate and to strengthen the global community of activism.

Hence, we aim at wide support that goes far beyond peace organizations, such as from development, environment, faith, human rights, social welfare, women, workers’ and youth organizations.

(Thank you to Alicia Cabezudo for sending this announcement to CPNN)

Desarme! – Congreso Internacional sobre los Gastos Militares y Sociales – International Peace Bureau


El anuncio por parte de International Peace Bureau

El Congreso Internacional de International Peace Bureau tendrá lugar 30 Sept – 03 Oct 2016, 
Technische Universität Berlin, Alemania



El objetivo principal del Congreso es exponer a un abierto debate público el tema de los gastos militares generalmente considerado como una cuestión meramente económica, así como fortalecer y promover el activismo en la comunidad internacional. El enorme y complejo desafío global del hambre, el trabajo y el cambio climático exige pasos concretos y reales – los que requieren ser formulados claramente y explicitados de acuerdo a la realidad política de cada país . . .


El Congreso presentará:

Actividades culturales de todo el mundo – incluyendo actuaciones de artistas e instituciones provenientes de Berlin.

Posibilidades para las Organizaciones No gubernamentales y otros participantes de realizar encuentros y talleres durante el Congreso.

Posibilidades de participar en un “ Mercado de Muestras “

Asistencia a la Asamblea Trianual del INTERNATIONAL PEACE BUREAU – IPB que se desarrollará durante el Congreso , siendo el encuentro más importante de sus miembros y partners el día 3 de octubre . . .

El Congreso de Berlin opera como un importante promotor de la Campaña Internacional sobre Gastos Militares – Global Campaign on Military Spending, (GCOMS). En el mes de diciembre de 2014 el IPB anunció el inicio de una campaña anual, global y permanente para reducer el excesivo gasto militar en todo el mundo En el año 2014 los gobiernos del mundo gastaron más de 170 billones de dólares en el sector militar. . .

(El artículo continúa en el lado derecho de la página)

( Clickear aquí para la version inglês )

Question for this article:

Does military spending lead to economic decline and collapse?

(El artículo continúa desde la parte izquierda de la página)


Lograr la re-localización del gasto militar – especialmente en los países con alto presupuesto – y transferirlo a 5 áreas principales como parte de un gran programa de transformación global hacia la construcción de una Cultura de Paz.

Areas de transferencia propuestas:

Cambio climático : reducción y adaptación , preservación de la biodiversidad;
Paz: desarme, prevención y resolución de conflicto, seguridad humana;

Desarrollo sustentable: nuevos modelos de producción y consumo, programas para paliar la pobreza , Objetivos del Milenio para el Desarrollo de la UN;

Servicios Públicos / Justicia Social: derechos humanos, equidad de género, promoción de investigación y acciones con una perspectiva ecológica

Programas Humanitarios con el objetivo de ayudar y proteger a los sectores más vulnerables de la sociedad . . .


Los conferenciantes deberán representar las voces más significativas de las organizaciones sociales ; de pensadores creativos y personajes de relevancia cultural: Premios Nobel y Premios Nobel Alternativos ; hombres y mujeres de Estado ; importantes figuras de las ciencias sociales, de la economía y de la política en particular; sectores representativos de los movimientos de paz y de la sociedad civil ; parlamentarios; líderes religiosos; periodistas ; líderes comunitarios y artistas.

(Gracias a Alicia Cabezudo para enviar este anuncio a CPNN.)

No Means No Kenya


An article from Ujamaa

NO MEANS NO KENYA works to provide simple, high impact Self- Defense training to as many women and children as possible worldwide. We believe prevention is key in the global rape epidemic. For far too long the overwhelming focus has been on aftercare strategies – this needs to change. It is believed that Self Defense training can raise a woman or child’s chance of prevailing in a sexual assault by up to 85%.


It is our vision to mainstream self defense and end the fallacies and myths surrounding a woman or child’s ability to stop an assault. Our rape prevention efforts have appeared in over 40 media outlets including CNN, Huffington Post, MSNBC, Current TV, Daily Kos and Fox Sports.

No Means No Worldwide is a comprehensive rape prevention organization for girls and boys. We are a school based program that uses the IMpower system of violence prevention training. We teach classes in 6 week cycles, three times per school year, with the number of students ranging from 7000-9000 per cycle.

We believe the best response to the epidemic of sexual assault is to provide our male and female students with an awareness of the causes and effects of sexual gender based violence and the skills to intervene or prevent it.

Our research shows that in high schools where girls have taken our classes the incidence of rape drops from 20% annually to under 10%. Over half the girls in the intervention groups report having used the IMpower skills to avert sexual assault in the year after the training. Rates of disclosure increased in the intervention groups, but not in controls.

Preliminary research on our new IMpower boys curriculum shows that male students gender-negative attitudes towards women and girls were transformed to a more positive and supportive set of beliefs and behaviors. At 6-month follow-up, 334 of 676 respondents (49.4%) had witnessed a girl or woman being verbally harassed and 259 of 334 (77.5% had successfully intervened to stop the harassment. Similarly, 313 of 676 (46.3%) had witnessed a male physically threatening a girl or woman and 228 of 676 (33.7%) had witnessed a sexual assault. In these situations, 228 of 313 boys (72.8%) and 167 of 228 (73.2%) who witnessed these events, had successfully intervened to protect the victim.

(Thank you to Janet Hudgins, the CPNN reporter for this article)

Question related to this article:

UK Stop the War Coalition: Convoy to Calais


Announcement from the Stop the War Coalition

Now more than ever we need a huge response to the refugee crisis to counter the racist rhetoric across Europe trying to demonise and disenfranchise victims of war, oppression and poverty. Some of the largest mass movements in Britain have joined together with major trade unions to show solidarity.


The Convoy to Calais will leave Central London for Calais on Saturday June 1 at 10 am. Organised by: Stop the War Coalition, Stand up to Racism, People’s Assembly Against Austerity, War on Want, Unite the Union, Communications Workers Union, Momentum and the Muslim Association of Britain

If you can give aid of any sort, material or financial, for our Convoy to Calais please do. Better still come on the Convoy yourself. Any vehicle will do: lorry, bus, coach, van, minibus, car, taxi, motorbike or scooter!

This is practical aid but it is also a huge moving protest at the way governments across the continent are failing refugees. This is the time to come together and say: stop the scapegoating, solidarity with the refugees.


For more information email –

Download PDF Flyers here:

Download Model Resolution here:

(Thank you to Janet Hudgins, the CPNN reporter for this article)

Question for discussion