Un artículo del Centro de Noticias ONU
El Día Internacional de Nelson Mandela es una exhortación para que todas las personas del mundo hagan la diferencia en sus comunidades mediante actividades de servicio.

Foto Naciones Unidas/Pernaca Sudhakaran
Este año, el lema de la jornada que cada 18 de julio recuerda al líder sudafricano es “Emprende una acción, inspira un cambio”, y se refiere a la importancia de que la sociedad trabaje unida para construir un mundo pacífico, sostenible y equitativo.
El Secretario General de la ONU recordó que Nelson Mandela dedicó 67 años de su vida a luchar por los derechos humanos y la justicia social.
Por ello, Ban Ki-moon invitó a la gente a realizar una actividad de servicio a la comunidad durante 67 minutos para celebrar la fecha del nacimiento de Mandela, llamado cariñosamente Madiba.
Ban aseveró que Mandela encarnó los más altos valores de las Naciones Unidas y llamó a rendirle tributo en este 70º aniversario de la ONU.
Nelson Mandela fue un líder que actuó con una fe inequívoca en la justicia y la igualdad humana. Nosotros podemos tomar su ejemplo como inspiración para trabajar continuamente en la construcción de un mundo mejor para todos, apuntó Ban.
Este año la ONU entrega por primera vez el Premio Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, que reconocerá cada lustro a un hombre y una mujer por su dedicación, trabajo y compasión comunitarios.
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What is the legacy of Nelson Mandela for us today?
Comment by Rama Singh posted: Dec. 31 2013
In death, as in his life, Nelson Mandela has captured the imagination of the world. Mourning mixed with celebration has electrified crowds all over South Africa and elsewhere. His life’s achievements and his lasting legacy are the topics of discussions. He has been described as a great warrior, a great liberator, the last giant in the fight against colonialism, forgiver, peace maker, and in many other ways.
All this week, Mandela’s lasting legacy has been on my mind. We tend to capture the legacies of great men and women in a word or two. A scientist becomes famous for an important discovery, a writer for a famous book, a musician for a great composition, and so on.
People like Mandela fall in a different category. He is in the category of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King. They are known for their fights on behalf of oppressed people; they are known for their personal sacrifice, and for their moral authority. If we are to look for words to associate with these men, it will be “nonviolence” for Gandhi and “love’ (beloved community) for Dr. King. But what about Mandela- how will we describe his legacy?
What were the important transformational changes in Mandela’s life?
Mandela the great warrior: Mandela has been described as a great warrior, but he was no ordinary warrior. All legendary warriors, mythical or real, are known for the destruction of their enemies. Mandela was different; he did not seek annihilation of his enemy; he transformed his enemy into his collaborator.
Mandela the resilient sufferer: I know of no other person living or dead who was forcefully made to disappear from the scene for this long (incarceration for 27 years) and who survived and made his triumphatic return. Gandhi said there is no other way to show your love for the suffering of your loved ones than to suffer yourself with them, for them. Mandela suffered the longest because his work was the hardest.
Mandela the great liberator: Colonial rulers are known for their ruthless treatment and putting down of citizens but South Africa was not a typical colonial rule. The rulers were Afrikaners, citizen of South Africa. I know of no other country, outside of the United States, where the blacks were so harshly treated by another segment of their own country. It was a true liberation. Thanks to Mandela, sad songs of seeking freedom through death were transformed into freedom in life.
Mandela the magnanimous forgiver: Gandhi’s nonviolence is a complete philosophy of life and it includes love of your enemy and forgiveness. Nonviolence had to be tested to show that it works and that it’s not just a philosophy. Dr. King tested nonviolence with his own suffering and love for his people. His passion for his “beloved community” became the brand of his civil rights struggle for which he paid with his own life. As Gandhi said, the only two places of non-action for such fighters are prison or death. Mandela went to prison, suffered longer, and tested his resolve to forgive his “enemy”. We can only imagine the blood bath had he not done that.
Mandela the peace maker: Gandhi, Dr. King and Mandela, together, constitute a shining trinity of peace and their contributions, respectively, nonviolence, love, and forgiveness provide a prescription for peace if the humankind needs to survive. Truth and Reconciliation will remain one of Mandela’s brilliant and innovative contributions for healing wounds between warring people, warring nations. Gandhi, King and Mandela, all tested nonviolence in their own way and they all came out with the same result: The path of peace and liberation goes through love, suffering, and forgiveness.
Mandela the spiritual father: We go through life with two sets of parents. Our own parents, of course, who brought us in this world, whom we owe our life, body and brain, whom we remain eternally grateful for their sacrifice and care to help us grow and to teach us how to live.
There are another set of parents, for a lack of a better word we can call them our “spiritual parents”. These are men and women whom the whole humanity owes gratitude because it is their discoveries, contributions and, teachings that we like fill our brain with, they make us human- kinder, gentler, and humane.
We call ourselves human because we made a pledge with destiny that we will become humane. It has been a long and arduous journey. With his love, suffering and forgiveness, Mandela has brought us further on the path and has warned we still have a long way to go.
Gandhi-King-Mandela, or Mohan, Martin and Matiba, are angels of peace. We are their descendents, the keepers of their dreams.
Rama Singh, is a professor in the department of biology, and member, Coordinating Council, Centre for Peace Studies, McMaster University.
This appreciation was originally published in the Hamilton Spectator in Canada.