Tag Archives: Latin America

Alternative justice strengthens the culture of peace in Chiapas


An article from NVI Noticias

By means of ongoing legal studies, compliance and training for the Criminal Reform, the Judiciary of the State of Chiapas continues to take actions for the benefit of Chiapas, particularly highlighting the resolution of disputes, a tool that helps to guarantee justice in Chiapas.

In this regard, it is pertinent to mention that in Chiapas, as in the entire Mexican Republic, since the Criminal Reform of 2008 a series of relevant changes were initiated in the Justice System, which was a revolution in the way in which that disputes were resolved.

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(Click here for the original article in Spanish)

Discussion question

Restorative justice, What does it look like in practice?

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One of these great changes was the application of Alternative Justice as a tool for conflict resolution, which aims to reach an agreement between those involved through voluntary cooperation and dialogue.

The entire implementation process has implied adaptations and updates of various kinds, both in citizens and in institutions. Recently, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation published two theses issued by Collegiate Circuit Courts, related to this tool of justice, which have an impact on the performance of specialists in the field; as well as in the courts of the entire entity.

That is why the magistrate president of the Judicial Power of the State, Juan Óscar Trinidad Palacios, has instructed all the staff of the State Center for Alternative Justice in Chiapas (JSCA), headed by director Elisheba Goldhaber Pasillas to continue the training of traditional, control and trial courts, to provide greater legal services to citizens.

In this regard, the regional deputy director of JSCA San Cristóbal, Rodrigo Domínguez Moscoso, said that the first of the theses published by the Collegiate Circuit Courts, “establishes that alternative justice constitutes a human right of constitutional rank. With the amendment to article 17 of the Constitution, the State ceases to be the only one empowered to resolve disputes between people, but rather alternative justice is born, so that the people themselves are the ones who resolve their conflicts with the help of mediators and conciliators. ”

The Amazon Synod: “Plus Tard Sera Trop Tard”


An opinion piece by Michael Schuck from the Berkley Center, Georgetown University

It is a Society of Jesus tradition to test the validity of a teaching by the actions that it inspires. While composing Laudato Si, Jesuit Pope Francis was no doubt already contemplating an action to animate his breakthrough encyclical. The recently concluded Roman Catholic Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon Region was just that action. At the synod’s opening, Pope Francis called the gathering the “first child” of Laudato Si.

Photo from Reuters/Vatican Media as carried by Sputnik News

Two and a half years of preparation led to the three-week synod which met under the title “The Amazon: New Paths for the Church and for Integral Ecology.” From October 6 to 27, hundreds of bishops, priests, religious women, experts, and observers discussed how the Church might better serve the Indigenous Peoples of Amazonia and the Amazon rainforest itself. The result was a Final Document approved by the 184 voting members and issued on October 26, to which Pope Francis is expected to respond with an apostolic exhortation by December.

In his final synod remarks, Pope Francis asked that people not let their attentions get absorbed into the details of ecclesiastical subjects such as the ordination of married men, the ordination of women to the permanent diaconate, and the creation of an Amazon Catholic liturgical rite, but stay focused on the big, overall themes that emerged during the synod. This is where the “fire” of the Spirit would be manifest. At this early juncture, it appears that at least four themes arose and deeply stirred the synod participants in their proceedings and their Final Document: listening, conversion, action, and urgency. 


The history of Church evangelization in lands of Indigenous peoples reveals how listening has not always translated into truly hearing. Synod delegate Bishop Medardo Del Río from Colombia insisted that walking together and truly hearing Indigenous Peoples “means trying to understand what indigenous communities need and what they want.” Bishop Adriano Ciocca Vasino, prelate of São Félix do Araguaia, Brazil, added that “We need to enter more deeply into their mentality” to better understand “the soul of their spirituality.” This can make genuine human and environmental insight available to the Church. As the Final Document affirms, the Church needs to listen to the “fundamental wisdom” of Indigenous Peoples who have “for thousands of years…taken care of their land, their waters and their forests” (14). 

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Question for discussion

The understanding of indigenous peoples, Can it help us cultivate a culture of peace?

Religion: a barrier or a way to peace?, What makes it one or the other?

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The Final Document candidly admits that the Church needs to “unlearn, learn, and relearn, in order to overcome any tendency toward colonizing models that have caused harm in the past” (81). This requires real conversion, a major topic in the synod proceedings and the organizing principle for the Final Document’s four chapters. At the press briefing on October 26, Cardinal Michael Czerny, S.J., undersecretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and Special Secretary for the Amazon Synod, directed attention back to the “New Paths” in the synod title. With that in mind, he stated that “conversion means change and without change there will be no new paths”…we will just be “repeating what we’ve done before.” The Final Document reiterates: “Listening to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor and of the peoples of the Amazon with whom we walk, calls us to a true integral conversion” (17).


In press briefings and interviews, synod delegates recounted how deeply they were stirred by the testimonies of Indigenous Amazonian men and women. Some delegates were brought to a frank, public acknowledgement of their complicity in rainforest destruction and a personal commitment to greater environmental awareness and simpler lifestyles. Among the Church actions called for in the Final Document include:

– stopping excessive consumption;
– decreasing production of solid waste;
– stimulating reuse and recycling;
– reducing dependence on fossil fuels, use of plastics, and consumption of meat and fish;
– seeking sustainable alternatives in agriculture, energy, and transportation;
– divesting in extractive companies;
– reducing the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases related to climate change;
– developing new (circular) economic models;
– promoting education in integral ecology at all levels (especially a new Amazon University);
– defending the territorial rights of Indigenous Peoples;
– restoring the ancestral wisdom of the Indigenous Peoples;
– distancing the Church from the new colonizing powers;
– ordinating “suitable and esteemed” married men to the priesthood; 
– and creating “a liturgical rite for the indigenous peoples of the Amazon.”


A sense of urgency pervaded the testimonies of Indigenous men and women throughout the synod. One delegate remarked that the mood was “plus tard sera trop tard”—later will be too late. At the final press briefing, Cardinal Czerny remarked that the ecological and human crisis is so deep that without this sense of urgency “we’re not going to make it.” This bold assertion was matched by the Final Document’s declaration that “integral ecology is not one more path that the Church can choose for the future in this territory, it is the only possible path.” For the synod delegates this urgency was not only a matter social and ecological justice, but also a matter of the soul. As Archbishop Pedro Guimarães from Palmas, Brazil reflected, “While we profess the Creed that we believe in God the creator of heaven and earth, we continue to sin against nature—without even questioning ourselves.” For Pope Francis, this questioning is long overdue. For our Indigenous brothers and sisters, our planet, and our souls, later will surely be too late. 

 Dominican Republic: Education ministry continues training on ethics, culture of peace and protection of rights


An article from CDN (translation by CPNN)

More than 250 regional, district and educational center directors of the province of Valverde participated in the third day of training on the guidelines of ethics and public integrity, strategies of culture of peace in schools and the protection of rights of children and adolescents. It was organized by the Ministry of Education to empower the actors of the education system on these issues.

The idea of ​​these meetings arose at the initiative of the Minister of Education, Antonio Peña Mirabal, after carrying out an activity to prepare for the beginning of the school year that involved the General Directorate of Ethics and Government Integrity (DIGEIG) and the National Directorate of Children , Girls and Adolescents, and the idea is to develop them in all the regional education of the country.

The conferences, organized through the Vice Ministry of Technical and Pedagogical Affairs of MINERD, are held jointly with the aforementioned public institutions, as well as the General Directorate of Special Programs of the Presidency (DIGEPEP) and the National Council for Children and Adolescence (CONANI).

Minerva Pérez, general director of Orientation and Psychology of the MINERD, presented the culture of peace in the educational centers. She explained that for a long time the Ministry of Education has been working on different actions to guarantee standards of coexistence in the campuses, and that they should be known by all the actors involved in pre-university education.

“This is the third day of a schedule that we have designed to reach all the provinces of the country. The response we have received from the teachers who have participated in these meetings has been very satisfactory, because they have heard, but also, they have expressed the day-to-day concerns of their educational centers, ”said Pérez.

When presenting the National Strategy for the Culture of Peace in the Educational Centers, Pérez explained that it was designed by the MINERD, with the aim of fostering a harmonious coexistence in schools throughout the educational community and she urged the directors to implement it.

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(Click here for the original article in Spanish.)

Questions for this article:

What is the relation between peace and education?

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She added that the purpose of this activity is to empower principals with these strategies in order to guarantee the rights of students. They need to know Law 136 on the Protection of Children and Adolescents, and the measures that must be taken to guarantee those rights.

Shee argued that every manager, principal or teacher has to know what the risks are that a student runs when the appropriate measures are not taken to guarantee his rights.

Shee stressed that knowledge of the peace culture protocol is important for principals and teachers, since this document also emanates the rules of coexistence and the three rules of action: one for cases of school violence, another for cases of bullyng and the latter for cases of sexual abuse. These actions may occur in any school, so they must be prepared to know how to address each situation when it occurs.

“From the MINERD and the Direction of Orientation and Psychology I want you to know that you are not alone, that you have our support so that you in the educational centers can have a harmonious coexistence. The fact that the Procuraduría, CONANI, DIGEIG and the Ethics Department have accompanied us continues to give us a message that we are not alone in the different educational centers, ”said Pérez.

The general director of Ethics and Government Integrity, Lidio Cadet, said that ethics implies consideration for society, respecting and loving the person, and that the teacher must have love for the country itself and for the family.

Cadet explained that rectitude is a key value for the educator and the student, and that it was a challenge made by Minister Peña Mirabal, to carry out these workshops throughout the country with a view to the formation of public ethics commissions in the educational centers.

“He is determined (the minister) that management must be characterized by ethics, by the values ​​of transparency, and that this implies working to have a quality education. Students should be taught to be able to integrate into society as a transporter of new avenues of justice and peace,” said Cadet.

On the day of the Regional 09 of Valverde, MAO, Estefany Pérez, representative of the DIGEPEP, spoke on the issue of the restoration of fundamental rights, social inclusion and educational system; while the person in charge of the regional technical office of CONANI, Johanna Estévez, spoke about the implementation of the National Campaign for the Promotion of Positive Parenting.

The regional director, Henry Rodríguez, spoke the words of welcome and motivation of the workshop, while Ana Paredes, prosecutor for MAO also participated in the activity.

The third meeting was held at the Sacred Heart of Jesus School, belonging to the 09-01 Educational District, MAO, where 266 directors of the districts of Esperanza, Laguna Salada, Sabaneta, Monción and Villa los Almácigos took part. This Wednesday 30 the day takes place in Monte Plata and in the next few days there will be training in Barahona and Santo Domingo.

Eighth Fair of Nonviolent Initiatives was held in Quito, Ecuador


An article from Pressenza (translation by CPNN)

The 8th annual Fair of Nonviolent Initiatives In the framework of Nonviolent October, was held this morning and afternoon in Cumandá Parque Urbano, in the city of Quito,.

Hundreds of people visited stands and participated in recreational and visual activities, with pets and brain teasers, among others. This fair has become a reference of activities and initiatives for nonviolence, non-discrimination and inclusion.

Questions for this article:

Can festivals help create peace at the community level?

Nonviolent Octubre and the Fair of Nonviolent Initiatives seek to make visible the existing initiatives that promote nonviolence in the city and in the country, around. At the same time, they sensitize increasing numbers of the population about the importance of working in a nonviolent perspective.

It should be noted that in 2019, October for Peace and Nonviolence has the strong support of the Metropolitan District of Quito. The City Council approved Resolution No. C 067 – 2019 which declares October as the “Month of Nonviolence in the Metropolitan District of Quito” and resolves that the Metropolitan District of Quito “fosters a culture of peace in diversity, free from violence and discrimination”.

As an international antecedent the General Assembly of the United Nations, in Resolution 61/271, has declared October 2 as the International Day of Nonviolence.  With these two brief antecedents, the humanist organizations that converge in the Nonviolent Space have carried out every year, for a decade now, the October for Peace and Nonviolence..

(Click here for the Spanish original.)

Mexico: Culture of Peace with alternative justice strengthened in Guadeloupe


An article from Posta (translation by CPNN)

With the goal of spreading alternative justice mechanisms for the solution of problems in schools, families and communities, the Government of Guadalupe headed by Mayor Cristina Díaz has signed an agreement with the International Republican Institute.

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(Click here for the original article in Spanish)

Discussion question

Restorative justice, What does it look like in practice?

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The Mayor of Guadalupe and Máximo Zaldivar, Resident Director of the International Republican Institute, signed the collaboration agreement with representatives of the Judicial Branch of Nuevo León and municipal officials.

During her speech, Díaz Salazar highlighted the commitment of the municipal administration to resolve conflicts through dialogue in a peaceful manner, always according to the principles of justice and a culture of peace.

“It is important not only to establish this mechanism but to spread it in all places as a solution for families that sometimes live with conflict, as a solution in schools and in our commnities,” said the Municipal President.

She added that with the implementation of this project, communication workshops, justice training and the dissemination strategies will be provided, which will allow a continuous improvement of criminal justice.

“For us it is very important to achieve the signing of this agreement with the International Republican Institute where many areas of the public service of the administration are involved. What we seek is a culture of peace in our municipality,” added Díaz Salazar.

Chile: declaration of “World without Wars and Violence”


An article from Pressenza

No sociologist or politician could predict what was coming after long years of a neoliberal system that has imposed economic violence on the people, but that as steam inside a pressure cooker, an unstoppable alienation was accumulating, and it exploded with the student protest against the increase in price for the Metro..

(Image by Laura Feldguer)

It is undoubtedly due to the failed economic, political and social model that doesn’t work any more. It is violent and intrinsically perverse. It generates tremendous income inequalities, it cannot provide decent wages for the majority of the population. It generates ambition and greed that pervert and corrupt everyone, even the most honest. Its educational system tends to create highly competitive ambitious technocrats that lack the most fundamental civic values ​​of respect, solidarity and fraternity that are needed in every society.

Like any social explostion, the violence occurred inexorably with the sequel of looting and arson that we have all witnessed, mainly against the detonating agent, the Metro, but also against numerous supermarkets and retail stores.

Probably this same social phenomenon would have occurred with the New Majority or any other government that did not commit to ending the unacceptable inequality. It is the entire political system, the way of doing politics that is violent and discriminative, that is totally discredited before the citizens. It is a cumulative phenomenon that was waiting to explode.

However, this social assault is being co-opted by anarcho-violentists who threaten to burn everything until they leave no stone on stone. Behind them comes the lumpen proletariant that takes advantage of the chaos to loot and to steal while posing as legitimate protesters. And surprisingly, after them come the exploited, who, shamelessly and without being declared criminals, join the looting mob to steal like seasoned thieves. It shows that there are more thieves than we believe and it confirms the saying that it is the opportunity that makes the thief. We need to find ways to defend against these elements that discredit and generate legitimate rejection in public opinion.

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(Click here for the original article in Spanish.)

Question for this article:

Can peace be guaranteed through nonviolent means?

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The people do not want violence. They are fed up with it. They are beginning to feel fear and insecurity. They rage against the vandals and looters that invade their neighborhoods and shops that supply the essential goods for their livelihood. This fear and insecurity is shared by large and small merchants who no longer dare to open their businesses for fear of looting in broad daylight with the open premises.

The declaration of a State of Emergency and with it the military control of public security, with the curfew as a corollary, was the response of a government that was despaerate. Perhaps it was necessary to contain the violence, but it is repudiated by the population, especially those who lived the darkest periods of the civil-military dictatorship.

Our organization, “World without Wars and without Violence,” understands the dynamics of this social expression as a result of so many years of abuse and corruption of practically all social sectors. But even if the situation of violence is coming to stay, it is necessary to decrease it in frequency and intensity.

Faced with this violent scenario, “World without Wars and without Violence” declares absolutely necessary a comprehensive National Agreement that includes all political and social sectors in an environment of respect, humility and generosity, setting aside all personal and institutional egos, and commiting to carry out the necessary reforms. These include a New Constitution to ensure satisfactory levels of equality, a new pension system that provides decent pensions, an educational reform to be truly free and to form true citizens and a health system that prevents diseases and treats them as soon as they occur. All these social policies should be aimed at the welfare of the people and should not be allowed to become a business that only pursues profit.

“World without Wars and without Violence” advocates Active Nonviolence as a legitimate form of struggle for which it is necessary to avoid all acts of vandalism that pollute and discredit legitimate social mobilization. The non-violent mobilizations that have been seen in our capital are an example of that struggle that is approved and shared by the entire population. These activities should be strongly encouraged to achieve an environment of social cohesion, recognition and tolerance for the other, no matter what differences they may have.

If, after this legitimate protest and a broad national agreement, the social policies are not radically modified, the next step would be a general strike, not with marches or other expressions that can be contaminated by violence, but with civil disobedience against laws and regulations that are clearly unfair. We need expressions that do not require noise or fanfare or insults or disqualifications for anyone, in a framework of full respect for everyone and everything.

All for the good of Chile and its people, “World without Wars and without Violence.”

Mexico: Inauguration of the II Global Forum of Culture of Peace, in CUCEA


An article from UDGTV

“Public policies to counter violence have not met the needs of society, so we need to promote peace in each neighborhood and neighborhood through workshops, so that the population is aware of strategies that can lead to peace,” according to the President of the National Commission for the Culture of Peace Mexico (Comnapaz), teacher Hiram Valdez Chávez.

He said it is necessary to support communities of development and peace, as well as strengthen the network of civil organizations to transform violence. He added that society has to commit to work for peace by means of non-formal education.

The foregoing was emphasized by him during his participation in the inaugural ceremony of the II Global Forum of Culture of Peace, which takes place on Monday, October 21 and until Wednesday, October 23, at the University Center for Administrative Economic Sciences (CUCEA), of the UdeG.

The forum, which involves 120 national and foreign participants from countries including Canada, Spain, Italy, Argentina and Colombia,will develop topics such as: Education for peace; Environment and peace; Human rights; Security, and how citizens can organize themselves to favor the culture of peace.

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(Click here for the original Spanish version of this article.)

Question related to this article:

How can we develop the institutional framework for a culture of peace?

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The forum was opened by the rector of CUCEA, Luis Gustavo Padilla Montes, who highlighted the importance of promoting a culture of peace, security and prevention, through research and linking with society by the UdeG.

“In the name of peace, atrocities have been committed; therefore, we must understand, integrate, heal and activate peace as a verb, to be a beacon of light on this issue,” said the International President of the Global Citizen Agency for the Culture of Peace, Norman Bardavid Nissin.

He explained that peace is the state of being in unity and, therefore, the north of the compass is to be unity in the individual, social and environmental perspective.

“That is, consider that we are all part of three dimensions: man, humanity and planet, and these must be included in the education system, so that the student knows how to be a contribute as a couple, family, neighborhood, municipality, nation, planet and humanity,” he stressed.

This forum is expected to attend 300 people among students, social leaders, activists, civil organizations and universities in Jalisco and states including Michoacán, Querétaro and Mexico City.

From Jalisco there are participants from Puerto Vallarta, Ocotlán and municipalities of the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (AMG), among other cities.

The forum is organized by Comnapaz, Mesa de Paz Jalisco; and is promoted by the UdeG, through CUCEA.

The 2019 Peace Prize was presented at the ceremony. Among the winners are: Verónica Hurtado López, an academic from the University Center for Social Sciences and Humanities (CUCSH); Juan Antonio González Mora, Municipal President of Tonalá and graduate from this House of Study, and Blas Sergio Jasso Hinojosa, academic of the University Center of Health Sciences (CUCS).

Launch of the Second World March for Peace and Nonviolence


Excerpts from an article in Pressenza

At the launch of the 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence in Madrid, on October 2nd, International Nonviolence Day that commemorates Gandhi’s birth, Rafael de la Rubia said:

“It should be said that this is not just a peripheral journey through the surface of the planet, through the surface of the earth. To this walking along roads, places, countries… you can add an internal journey, going through the depths of our existence, trying to match what we think with what we feel and with what we do, in order to be more coherent, gain more meaning in our lives and eliminate internal violence.” . . .

In Chile, with Parliamentarian Tomas Hirsch: “Active Nonviolence is the Force that will transform the world”

The beginning of the March was celebrated in different points of the world

From Antonio Gancedo’s blog:

Chile: the beginning of the 2 World March was announced in the National Parliament By the humanist parliamentarian Tomás Hirsch. And Santiago de Chile stretched with a “Hug for Nonviolence” as a dissemination of the 2 World March for Peace and Nonviolence.

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Question for this article:

How can we be sure to get news about peace demonstrations?

The World March for Peace and Nonviolence: What is its history and its effects?

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From Seville and the Port of Santa Maria, in Spain to embark on the ferry journey to Tangier, Morocco the entry point of the WM in Africa where A Humanist Forum took place. In the Spanish cities of Seville and A Coruña, where the March was launched during a session in the Town Hall, different activities expressed the commitment to Peace and Nonviolence.

The World March in the Italian Parliament: The World March has among its objectives the dissemination of the culture of Peace and Non-Violence, disarmament – especially nuclear disarmament -, the defence of the environment and the enhancement of diversity. During the event “The beginning of the end of nuclear weapons” was projected, a work produced by the international press agency Pressenza on the occasion of the second anniversary of the approval of the UN Nuclear Disarmament Treaty (ICAN campaign, Nobel Prize of the Peace 2017). The documentary aims to contribute to the goal of reaching the end of the World March with the ratification of the TPAN  by 50 countries to make it binding.

Brazil: From Pernambuco, Brazil, accompanying the launch of the 2ª World March the first “Live EAD”Live from Nonviolence in schools  with 474 enrolled, 10 tutors in 20 states of Brazil, which connect on the website of the UFRPE (Federal Rural University of Pernambuco). A talk by Gunther Aleksander, of the Pressenza Agency, and Vinicius Pereira, of the Nonviolence in Schools Project, about the launch of the 2 World March for Peace and Nonviolence, giving the appropriate explanations on the free course of distance education for the formation of non-violence Centres in schools. Londrina also in Brazil connected with Peace and Nonviolence symbols.

Argentina: the documentary “The Beginning of the End of Nuclear Weapons” by director Alvaro Orus and producer Tony Robinson from Pressenza was shown in Cordoba. The film produced in the participants a very particular sensitivity that was expressed in the subsequent exchange. A campaign to collect signatures began to demand that the government of Argentina sign the treaty banning nuclear weapons and then ratify it.

Venezuela: President Maduro Meets with the Activists of Peace Boat


An article from Ultimas Noticias

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, held a meeting with activists from the Peace Boat, which arrived this Thursday (October 3) at the Port of La Guaira.

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(Click here for the original Spanish version of this article)

Question related to this article:

Peace Boat: Building a Culture of Peace around the World

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The activity that took place in the Office No. 1 of the Miraflores Palace, located in Caracas, and was attended by the director of the Cruise, Yoshida Marin, and the international director of the Peace Boat, Nohira Shinsaku.

The boat, which is celebrating its seventeenth visit to Venezuela, arrived with a crew of 1,200 people, who will participate in exchange programs in health, culture, sport and economy.

Peace Boat is a non-governmental organization, headquartered in Japan, aimed at promoting peace through international exchange.

The fundamental purpose in the construction of a network of citizen action that fosters the installation of a culture of peace.

Brazil: Rio Branco City Hall starts Culture of Peace Festival this Friday


An article from AC Jornal

The Rio Branco City Hall, through the Garibaldi Brazil Culture, Sport and Leisure Foundation (FGB), starts the Culture of Peace Festival this Friday, 4, at 19h, at the Lydia Hammes Cultural Center. The project, which is sponsored by the Ministry of Citizenship and supported by parliamentary amendment of former Federal Representative Angelim, will bring 10 artistic occupations to two spaces of the city: Centro Cultural Lydia Hammes (Bairro Velho Velho) and Cacimbão da Capoeira (Centro).

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(Click here for a Portuguese version of this article)

Questions for this article:

Can festivals help create peace at the community level?

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The activities will be held in October and November 2019. The first event will have the theme “Black Empowerment”, and will feature presentations by Samba Girls, Capoeira Senzala, and slam with May Dourado and Matheus MB. Admission is free.

Four other themes will be brought to Lydia Hammes on October 11, 18 and 25 and November 1. They are: Youth, Forest Peoples, Women’s Empowerment and LGBTQI + Rights. The same themes will be addressed at Cacimbão da Capoeira, on November 3, 10, 17 and 24 and December 1.

“This project aims to fill our city with art and culture that address important themes of affirmative politics. We are very pleased to see projects like this, as it is proof that Mayor Socorro Neri cares about what is essential: our humanity,” says FGB President Sérgio de Carvalho.