Tag Archives: Latin America

Peru: Art in the streets to promote the culture of peace


An article for El Peruano (translated by CPNN)

The Punto de Cultura program of the Ministry of Culture has linked up with the strategy of Barrio Seguro of the Ministry of Interior to promote and develop actions from the arts and other cultural expressions that help to encourage the participation of youth and vulnerable populations in promoting a culture of peace.

(Click on image to enlarge)

The deputy minister of cultural heritage of the Ministry of Culture, Jorge Arrunátegui, stressed the importance of the multisectoral strategy Barrio Seguro. “We consider that culture aids development and within that concept what we are looking for is a greater articulation. This articulation between the two ministries is designed to reach into neighborhoods, especially those that needan impulse to promote a culture of peace and expression of art and culture, “he said.

The purpose of the multi-sectoral strategy Barrio Seguro is to improve conditions for security and peaceful coexistence in vulnerable neighborhoods of Peru and to increase people’s confidence in the National Police of Peru.

It was explained that one of its strategic partners is the Ministry of Culture, through its Punto de Cultura program, which will contribute to the reduction of victimization and the strengthening of peaceful coexistence, through the positive use of free time.

Estefanía Lay, one of the leaders of the program, said that the idea is to foster opportunities for “positive use of public space”, where people feel safe and meet their neighbor in a park or square.

“It is precisely the Punto de Cultura program, through its proposals of art and culture that can generate those possibilities,” he said.

Since Puntos de Cultura was begun in 2011 to expand the exercise of cultural rights in the community, with special emphasis on children, youth and vulnerable population, it has reached 271 communities.

(Click here for the original Spanish article.)

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Nuevo León, Mexico: The State Commission on Human Rights seeks to foster peace in schools through workshops


An article from Hora Cero Web

The State Commission on Human Rights (ECHR) seeks through a series of workshops to promote a culture of peace in schools at all levels of education. It consists of the Seminar on Education for Peace and Human Rights, which began last February 20 and concludes this Tuesday [February 28], which seeks to promote a culture of peace through activities that combat school violence.

Click on photo to enlarge

About 56 teachers from all levels of education, mainly primary, participated in this activity and were taught by activist Frans Limpens.

According to Limpens, this workshop is based on coexistence and conflict resolution without the need for violence, so that teachers can transmit these behaviors to students through the dynamics that involve them. “With these games we build a series of skills and potentialities to work.”

For her part, Sofía Velasco, president of the Commission, expressed her desire that this activity be implemented in all schools of the State. “It depends on the decision of the Ministry of Education, if we are able to continue to give this workshop course,” she said.

(Click here for the original version of this article in Spanish)

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Latin America and the Caribbean could be first developing region to eradicate hunger


An article from FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Latin America and the Caribbean could be the first developing region to completely eradicate hunger if its governments further strengthen their implementation of a food security plan developed by the CELAC bloc, FAO’s Director-General José Graziano da Silva said today [25 January 2017].

Speaking at the Summit of Presidents and Heads of State and Government of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, Graziano da Silva stated that, “CELAC’s Food Security, Nutrition and Hunger Eradication Plan (FNS) represents the crystallization of governments’ political will to eradicate hunger before 2025.”

Approved by CELAC in 2015, the plan promotes comprehensive public policies to reduce poverty, improve rural conditions, adapt agriculture to climate change, end food waste and face disaster risks.

In his address, FAO’s Director-General noted that the CELAC FNS plan is fully in line with high-level global commitments such as the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

And the region has made an even more ambitious commitment, he noted: to eradicate hunger by the year 2025, five years before the target established by SDG 2: Zero Hunger.

“This region has all the necessary conditions to achieve this, starting with the great political commitment that sustains the CELAC FNS Plan,” explained Graziano da Silva.

The plan is already bearing fruit throughout the region: Bolivia, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Venezuela relied on it to diagnose their food and nutrition security policies, while Peru used it as a base for the creation of laws regarding food donation and to minimize food losses and waste.

Tackling the double burden of malnutrition

The integral nature of CELAC’s FNS Plan allows countries to not only address hunger but also obesity, which affects 140 million people in the region according to the FAO / PAHO report Panorama of Food and Nutrition Security.

Malnutrition generates enormous economic and social costs, as public health systems must now cope with increasing levels of diabetes, hypertension and heart disease, as well as the consequences of child stunting, wasting and undernourishment.

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( Click here for the French version of this article or here for the Spanish version.)

Question for this article:

Can UN agencies help eradicate poverty in the world?

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According to the FAO, one of the worrying trends in the region is the increase in female obesity: the rates of obesity for women are ten percentage points higher than that of men in more than twenty countries in the region.

As a way to o confront this situation, Graziano da Silva highlighted the CELAC FNS Plan’s Gender Strategy, which will ensure that the plan benefits women and men equally and which is already being implemented as a pilot program in four countries: El Salvador, Paraguay, the Dominican Republic and Haiti.

Strengthening family farming to tackle climate change

According to FAO’s Director-General, the impacts of climate change have the potential to reverse the gains made in the fight against hunger and extreme poverty in the region.

“Agriculture is the sector most affected by climate change and one of its main victims are small family farmers, men and women, many of whom struggle daily for their survival,” said Graziano da Silva.

Together with CELAC, FAO is developing a plan of action for family agriculture and rural territorial development that promotes sustainable intensification of production, public procurement and food supply systems, rural services and greater opportunities for rural youth.

FAO is supporting CELAC in putting together a Regional Strategy for Disaster Risk Management for Agriculture and Food Security, which supports resilience and adaptation of farmers through sustainable farming techniques and resource management.

Graziano da Silva stressed that eleven countries in the region have already adhered to the Port State Agreement, which seeks to eradicate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, and called on all countries to join in taking care of the sustainability and conservation of their fishery resources.

Peace, food security and sustainable development

In Colombia, the CELAC FNS Plan has supported the creation of a strategy aimed at rehabilitating the livelihoods of vulnerable communities in the central area of the country.

According to FAO’s Director-General, the peace process in Colombia illustrates the indissoluble link between peace, food security and sustainable development, an issue that is at the heart of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

“There will be no social stability or peace as long as there is hunger, poverty and inequality. Nor can we move forward if we continue to exploit our natural resources. Sustainability is a pre-condition for development,” said Graziano da Silva.

(Thank you to Sergio Tripi and the Good News Agency for calling our attention to this article.)

The European Union, the Colombian Government and the civil society work together in the project: “Community Radios for Peace and Coexistence”


An article by Radios Comunitarias para la Paz (translated by CPNN)

With the presence of the Ambassador in Colombia of the European Union, the High Commissioner for Peace, the Minister of Culture and the Vice-Minister of ICT, an ambitious project of support for community radio is being launched on Thursday 9 February. It seeks to strengthen community radio as a relevant actor in the construction of peace and coexistence.

The project “Community Radios for Peace and Coexistence”, is funded by the Delegation of the European Union (EU) and implemented by the Cooperative Network Of Community Media of Santander, Resander. The project has the support of the Presidency of the Republic through the Conversación más Grande del Mundo, the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace (OACP), the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies .

This project is in addition to other initiatives that recognize the community radios as protagonists of peace building in the territories, and who have confidence in the potential that this sector has. This has been expressed by the European Union Delegation in Colombia, whose Ambassador Ana Paula Zacarías is convinced of the fundamental role that community radio plays in building a stable and lasting peace: “Peace is in the regions and it is there The community broadcasters have their goals, their broadcasts and their audiences. They contribute to strengthening the social fabric and reconciliation, “said the diplomat.

In order to strengthen community radio broadcasters as relevant actors in the construction of a territorial peace and, taking advantage of the celebration of Journalist’s Day, it will open with the program: “This is how peace sounds in the territories”, which will support 50 community stations, granting them more than 600 million pesos for the production and broadcast of radio programs with contents on a culture of peace and coexistence. This figure is in addition to the more than one billion pesos that the project will deliver to the community radio sector during 2017.

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(Click here for the original Spanish version of this article

Question related to this article:

What is happening in Colombia, Is peace possible?

Journalism in Latin America: Is it turning towards a culture of peace?

How can peace be promoted by radio?

(Article continued from left column)

The launch will coincide with the National Meeting of Regional Networks of Community Radios that will gather in Bogota, about 70 percent of the representatives of more than 600 community stations in the country.

This launch is also the opening of the 5th Workshop: Building Peace and Culture of Coexistence from the Community Radio in which radio broadcasters from the center of the country and six journalists from stations located in Transitional Zonal Transitional Areas (ZVTN) will participate. Representatives of community stations in Anorí, Ituango, Remedios (Antioquia), San José del Guaviare, El Retorno (Guaviare) and Policarpa (Nariño) will be present, whose communication work is vital not only for the implementation of the Final Peace Agreement, but also to achieve the reconstruction of the social fabric of territories and to emerge from the conflict.

Community Radio is an actor and agent of local change. Its journalists know the region in which they live and understand it in all its dynamics. It is also a first-hand amplifier of the concerns, needs, visions and dreams of the communities on this path that Colombia has begun towards reconciliation and peace building. This is evidenced by the 90 second micro-pedagogical messages that have produced about 140 community radio broadcasters throughout the country in the IV workshops that this project has done so far.

 “The philosophy and the missionary aspects of community radio, as an actor of development close to the communities from the communication in the territories, constitutes great potential in this post-conflict era in Colombia,” says Fernando Tibaduiza, Manager of the project.

it is very important to have the assistance of the European Union, Resander and the Colombian Government as allies, in launching and making visible this joint work, which strengthens communication from the local level for the construction of a peaceful Colombia.

For more information contact Luisa Fernanda López, luisalopez@radioscomunitariasparalapaz.co, 3003077819

You can download all the press material (photos, videos, announcements, profiles etc.) at this link>

16th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates


Press release form the 16th World Nobel Peace Prize Summit (translated by CPNN)

With their final declaration, gathering their thoughts and messages to the world, the 30 or so laureates participating in the 16th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates formally closed their meeting, which for the first time took place in Latin America.

Click on photo to enlarge
At the closing ceremony of the Summit, held on Saturday, February 4, at 5:30 p.m. in Corferias, their Peace Prize was presented as a recognition to an important world leader for his Actions oriented to peace; as well as the Social Activist Medal for a Colombian leader, and the Social Transformation Award for a youth project that promotes positive change on a local or global scale.

Culture, as an integral and transversal part of this Summit, was also present at the closing ceremony, with presentations by the Bogota Philharmonic Orchestra, artists César López, Marta Gómez and other special guests that surprised the audience.


We, the Nobel Peace Prize laureates, gathered in Bogota to promote world peace and support the efforts of the Colombian people’s to achieve a just and lasting peace, welcome President Juan Manuel Santos to the Nobel family. We congratulate him on the agreement reached to end the internal armed conflict of 52 years. We thank the people, the Colombian civil society, and in particular the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá, for their extraordinary support for this Summit.

We are also here in Colombia to share with the Colombian people our own experiences in building peace and to seek a consensus on the fundamental principles that should guide the paths that lead to it.

We welcome the recent signing in November 2016 of the agreement between the Colombian Government and the FARC guerrillas, which ended the last and longest armed conflict in the Western Hemisphere, a conflict that left more than 8 million victims and displaced persons, as well as more than 220 thousand dead.

We highlight some characteristics of the peace process in Colombia, which can be taken as lessons for other conflicts to be resolved in the world:

– The positive and negative experiences of other processes were considered and taken into account.
– The negotiation started from a fundamental postulate: central to the solution of the conflict is the claim and guarantee of the rights of the victims to the truth, justice, reparation and non-repetition.
– An innovative model of transitional justice was achieved that, while respecting international standards, seeks to achieve maximum justice without sacrificing peace.
– The process was carried out in an environment of discretion, patience and seriousness, with periodic communications to the media, avoiding the pressure to produce news or results every day.

We call on the international community to accompany and support the implementation of the peace process in Colombia. This includes ensuring the presence of the State and its services in areas most affected by the conflict; demining of the territory; implementation of the transitional justice system; rural development programs, replacement of illicit crops and reparation for victims; the fight against violence generated by criminal gangs, such as those formed by former paramilitaries, and the reincorporation of ex-guerrillas into civilian life, including the participation of FARC in the political process, once disarmament has been completed.

The agreement to terminate the conflict in Colombia has been the best news of peace on the planet in a long time. That is why, as laureates of the Nobel Peace Prize, we pledge to support the consolidation of that peace, for the benefit of Colombians, the Latin American region and the world.

We also receive with special consideration “The Charter of Colombia: 10 Principles for Peace”, which President Santos has proposed to this Summit for support by his fellow laureates and for international dissemination.

We are confident that the example of Colombia will inspire peoples who face other conflicts to persist in their efforts to find a just and lasting peace.

Challenges to world order and peace have been increasing in recent years and represent a huge challenge for the international community and multilateral institutions. We are deeply concerned about the threat to global cooperation of the new wave of populism, exclusionary nationalism and protectionism. The threats facing humanity can only be addressed if we continue to cooperate globally.

The greatest existential threats to humanity today are climate change and environmental degradation, and the continued existence of more than 14,000 nuclear weapons. The arms race, the continuing wars, the dictatorships, the terrorism – including the terrorism of State -, in their diverse facets and denominations, have sowed and continue to sow death and pain in many countries. We recognize that terrorism can be better combated if social justice, democratic institutions and good governance are guaranteed. The war in Syria and the drama of its population is a wound in the consciousness of humanity that does not stop bleeding. The crisis of refugees and migration continues to escalate. The various migratory waves that we have experienced in recent decades require an unprecedented effort of human solidarity and long-term strategic planning. We must be on our guard to avoid politicizing humanitarian aid. We express our extreme concern about the bombing of hospitals and schools. Other global crises, such as endemic poverty, social injustice, child labor, urban violence, sexual violence against women and children, trafficking in persons, drug trafficking and the devastating effects of the war on drugs continue to claim victims In various regions of the world, and impede sustainable development. In the face of these threats and challenges facing peace, we issue a CALL TO ACTION by the international community, by governments, civil society, youth and the private sector – to:

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(Click here for the original version of this article in Spanish)

Question related to this article:
Where in the world can we find good leadership today?

(Article continued from the column on the left)

* Implement the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, and advance a coherent global strategy that will ensure the long-term protection of our precious planet;

* Work for inclusive development and sustainable peace, addressing the root causes of poverty and war, giving priority to the United Nations Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and urge the international community to allocate the necessary financial resources for its implementation;

* Renew the vision of a world without nuclear weapons and support the urgent negotiation of a new treaty to prohibit them, leading to their complete elimination;

* Confirm the need to eradicate other weapons that particularly affect the civilian population, such as anti-personnel mines and cluster munitions, as well as to preemptively prohibit fully autonomous weapons, and to control the possession and use of small arms;

* Advance in the development and implementation of coherent and interrelated policies that promote a harmonious and sustainable development of our societies and that generates peace, prosperity and well-being for all – particularly for marginalized children, young people and women -, emphasizing the importance of reducing inequality;

* Work on the compelling evidence that our world will only achieve higher levels of peace, prosperity and development if the rights of women, children and minorities are reflected in peace processes, public policies and budget allocations with clear commitments that lead to more inclusive leadership;

* Promote integrated and inclusive policies that generate productive and quality education and employment that benefit young people, women, victims and those displaced by violence, who are reintegrated into society after a peace process, as well as those discriminated against for ethnic, racist, religious, gender, disability or any other reasons, so that they can be incorporated into the labor force; We call upon States to combat hate speech based on any of these motivations;

* Call on all sectors to make concerted action to end human trafficking, modern slavery, sexual exploitation, child labor and all forms of violence against women and children;

* Advance concerted actions at the global, regional, national and local levels to combat drug trafficking, narco-politics and corruption, and accelerate the process of civil disarmament, always within parameters of protection and guarantee of human rights; We must not allow the criminalization of human rights defenders and we must resolutely oppose new forms of racism, discrimination or xenophobia;

* Promote campaigns and program development in which youth, teachers, civil society, social and technological networks take a responsible and active part in order to strengthen a culture of peace;

* Urge States to include public policies that promote and strengthen education for peace;

* Develop a complete, modern and effective operational peace architecture, including improving the means for resolving international disputes and disputes, for sustainable peace and for advancing a broad, common and inclusive strategy to end conflicts, war and the threat of war;

* Defend and revitalize the United Nations, strengthening the supremacy of law at the international level and at the level of the member countries of the organization, and condemning impartially and forcefully all violations of human rights, violations of international humanitarian law, repression and persecution of peaceful opposition, and the massacres of civilians carried out with impunity; We call upon States and the international community to ensure the rule of law;

We invite the States, peoples and religions of the world to recognize and understand the interdependence between people, communities and nations, in a sense of unity, compassion and solidarity. Only in this way can we transform the Earth – the common home of the human family – into a world in peace.

Nobel Peace Laureates who confirmed their participation in the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Bogota:

Lech Wałęsa
Óscar Arias Sánchez
Rigoberta Menchú Tum
José Ramos-Horta
Jody Williams
David Trimble
Shirin Ebadi
Mohamed El-Baradei
Leymah Gbowee
Tawakkul Karman
Kailash Satyarthi
Juan Manuel Santos

here to see a history of the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates

2017 Declared the Year of the Promotion of the Culture of Peace in El Salvador


An article from Prensa Latina

The Legislative Assembly of El Salvador declared today [January 12] that 2017 will be recognized as the Year of the Promotion of the Culture of Peace. The initiative was presented to parliament by the Executive and backed by negotiators and signatories of the Peace Accords, in the context of the 25th Anniversary of the Peace Accords, signed in 1992, Mexico, which ended 12 years of armed conflict.

According to the endorsed motion, 25 years after the signing of the Peace Accords, it is necessary to return to the spirit of the Accords and to raise awareness in the present and future generations of preserving peace in a firm and lasting way.

The declaration aims to promote civic and ethical values ​​in Salvadoran society, to lead to the promotion of solidarity in a framework of harmonious and peaceful coexistence.

It also seeks to transmit the values ​​of peace and non-violence to the population, understanding peace not only as an absence of war, but as the result of a state of equality, justice and solidarity and the eradication of any kind of violence, either direct or structural.

Click here for the original Spanish version of this article.

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Haiti: Artist profiles: Boukman Eksperyans


An article from World Music Central

The revolutionary music of Boukman Eksperyans is a unique blend of roots, Vodou jazz, Zairian soukous and reggae, built on a foundation of traditional African rhythms and Caribbean melodies.

Video of Boukman Eksperyans

The band also promotes a spiritual message of freedom, unity, and faith, taking its name from a Haitian revolutionary named Boukman Dutty, a slave and Vodou priest who helped unify the Haitian slaves in a revolution against the French colonists in 1791.

Boukman’s first CD, Voudou Adjae, introduced traditional Vodou to a worldwide audiencetheir second, Kalfou Danjere (Dangerous Crossroads), was a direct response to the military overthrow of then Haitian president Jean-Bertrand Aristide. The group’s third release, Liberte (Pran pou Pran’l!) was recorded while the group was in exile in Kingston, Jamaica.

On July 29th, 2002, lead singers Theodore “Lolo” Beaubrun, Jr. and his wife, Mimerose “Manze” Pierre Beaubrun of Boukman Eksperyans were named official United Nations Ambassadors for Peace and Goodwill by the World Association of Former United Nations Interns and Fellows (WAFUNIF).

This distinguished title of United Nations Goodwill Ambassador was bestowed on Lolo and Manze in recognition of their tireless efforts to promote Love, Peace, Respect and Unity through their music, which has transcended all cultural barriers. They were also been asked to spearhead the creation of WAFUNIF’s Culture of Peace Learning Center in Haiti, which will be a school designed to introduce modern technology to poor countries around the world.

The school will provide poor, underprivileged children with computers, books, music and dance programs, and other digitally enhanced approaches to learning. The schools are created as part of a mandate for a Culture of Peace established in the UN General Assembly resolution 53/25 on the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World 2001-2010.

While the members of Boukman Eksperyans survived the devastating Earthquake to their homeland of Haiti, each has been personally affected as all Haitians have been.


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Cherán. 5 years of self-government in an indigenous community in Mexico


An article by Alejandra González Hernández and Víctor Alfonzo Zertuche Cobos for openDemocracy (Translation by Andrea Janet Serna Hernández and Itzel Cruz Ruiz)

The struggle of Cherán is one of the most important emerging social movements of recent years in Mexico, both for its visibility and for the political, economic, social and cultural alternative that the community is building. It is a lively movement, with its campfires still burning, still fighting and resisting. Its experience has inspired indigenous communities throughout Mexico, who seek respect for their rights, territory, institutions and culture.

The second Council took charge on September 1st, 2015.
Authors’ photograph
(click on photo to enlarge)

San Francisco Cherán, is an indigenous community of the Purépecha town located in the state of Michoacán, Mexico. It has a territorial extension of 221,000 square kilometers and a population of 14,245 inhabitants, making it the largest Purépecha community in terms of territory. It originally counted some 27,000 hectares of forest. The main economic activities are agriculture, livestock farming and the production of wood and cork products.

Cherán is the only municipality inhabited mainly by indigenous Purépecha, a culture that seeks to preserve its identity and cultural traits, which are closely linked to concerns about the fertility of the land and care of resources. The community of Cherán has occupied this territory since before the colonization process. It has conserved its own institutions to organize itself in the political, cultural, economic and social sphere, and this has been reflected in its social dynamics. The inhabitants of the municipality have combined their own practices with the national law, in a dual law regime.

However, recently, particularly between 2008 and 2011, this community experienced one of its worst periods of crisis due to the insecurity and violence arising from the municipal authorities’ complicity with organized crime. They cut down a wide swathe of Cherán’s forests unannounced and extorted, threatened, kidnapped and murdered the villagers. They carried out these activities in broad daylight.

The state and federal authorities showed no will to address the resulting mayhem and violence suffered by the community and to protect the common patrimony of the people (territory, forests and water). The Purépecha community of Cherán decided to take the problem into their own hands.

Beginnings of the movement

The movement of the indigenous community of Cherán emerged at dawn on April 15, 2011. Ordinary people decided to confront the criminal organizations that came down from the hill with several vans loaded with wood. Thus began the resistance of the Purepecha community of Cherán. Women and men, children and adults concentrated on the site named “Calvary” to defend life, their security, territory, forests and the dignity of the community. Regardless of political affiliation, belief or religion, all the inhabitants of Cherán joined together on that April 15 without thinking where their insurrection would lead them.

From that day on, the “comuneros” decided to organize under their own scheme, driving away organized crime. After the expulsion of the municipal authorities, an “organizational structure” composed of a general coordination and 12 commissions took over the control of the entire community. They built barricades on all the accesses to the municipality and started to establish guard posts to enable comuneros to defend themselves in the four neighborhoods of the municipality. Some 200 campfires – of which several have remained active up to this day – were set up at these guard posts and became the symbols of the resistance, and the will of the comuneros to free themselves from organized crime and corrupted authorities. With the slogan “for the defense of our forests, for the safety of our comuneros” they aimed at defending their natural resources, valued as a heritage and as a sacred good of the community.

At the same time, the problem of Cherán became visible to several sectors of Mexican society and resonated with them. Similar problems were suffered by indigenous communities throughout the country, including the devastation of natural resources, human rights violations and social exclusion. All of this was aggravated by the involvement of organized crime and the lack of will or any action on the part of the authorities to solve the situation.
From the spaces known as “campfires” and the “organizational structure”, the comuneros began to discuss, to reflect on alternative projects and actions to solve the problems they were suffering. They quickly identified that political parties did not guarantee the security and cultural continuity of Cherán. On June 1, 2011, the community general assembly decided not to take part in the elections for the state governors and legislators and the municipal presidents that were to be held in 2011 and not to allow the installation of polling stations in the municipality. Instead, they decided to exercise their right to appoint their own authorities through their own normative systems.

The rights to autonomy and self-determination had been recognized by international treaties as well as by the national legal system. Cheran thus decided to move forward along this path and to eliminate the local political party system, with the slogan of “No more political parties in the community”. It thus asked the electoral institute of the state of Michoacán to organize the appointment of new municipal authorities of the community under the traditional system of “uses and customs”.

The state authorities tried to stop the movement of Cherán. In September 2011, the Electoral Institute of Michoacan issued a negative response, declaring it had no authority to authorize such a mode of elections. To the social and political mobilizations that were the bases of the movement until then, the comuneros now decided to add the adoption of a legal strategy to defend its autonomy and alternative project.

The legal strategy of the movement

Cherán decided to mobilize the law as a political and legal strategy. They used state (and hegemonic) law in a “counter-hegemonic sense” to materialize their struggle for self-determination and to form their self-government. In response to the EIM (Electoral Institute of Michoacan), the community decided to judicialize its right to “autonomy and self-determination”. They demanded in the courts the right to choose their own authorities based on the system of “uses and customs”, through a “Trial for the Protection of the Political-Electoral Rights of the Citizen” in the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation (ETJPF, or TEPJF by their initials in Spanish).

Two months later, on November 2, 2011, the Superior Chamber of the ETJPF ruled in favor of the indigenous community of Cherán. It recognized that Cherán had the right to request the election of its own authorities through its “uses and customs” and ordered the EIM to organize this election, after free and informed consultation with the entire community.

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(Click here for the Spanish version of this article)

Question for discussion

The understanding of indigenous peoples, Can it help us cultivate a culture of peace?

(Article continued from left column)

Following this triumph of a counter-hegemonic use of state law and the ETJPF decision, a “free, prior and informed consultation” was organized in the community to decide whether or not it wanted to appoint its new authorities through its “uses and customs”. The result of the consultation was positive. In January 2012, a democratic election was duly held, giving rise to the constitution of a new government figure: the first indigenous municipal government, called “Mayor Council of Communal Government” (Concejo Mayor de Gobierno Comunal), composed of 12 “K’eris” (seniors) chosen among the “comuneros” and “comuneras” (members of the community), three for each of four districts. There is no hierarchy among them, that is to say, all occupy the same position within the communal government. They were appointed for a 3-year period 2012-2015.

The first time, a “uses and customs” election was organized by the EIM and by the community itself, respecting its own procedures, through a kind of ritual, without ballot boxes and without political parties. It differs from the model of “uses and customs” in the Southern Mexican state of Oaxaca, as the later system only serves a procedural function in the election of its authorities. In the case of Cherán, there was a “transformation in the structure, logic and relations of the municipal government”, when the hierarchical figures of “president, elected representatives and councillor” disappears and the government becomes a genuinely collegial body.

The new communal government

Following these elections, the seat of the city council or municipal palace was transformed into the “Communal House of Government”. The police were replaced by a “community round”. The municipal president, representatives and councillors take part in a “Common Council of Communal Government”; Likewise, “operational councils” have been constituted as well as “commissions” for civil affairs, social development, procurement and conciliation of justice, education, culture, health, identity, campfires, water, cleanliness and youth. All them are aware that the maximum authority is the “General Assembly” composed of all the inhabitants of Cherán.

From April 2011 to February 2012, Cherán’s social movement moved considerably forward, both in its political and legal struggles. Winning the right to elect its own authorities and exercise their right to self-determination allowed them to establish a solid basis – the communal government – for the continuation of the emancipatory movement. The path towards autonomy was set up. But the journey went far beyond constituting a government under the system of “uses and customs”.

Other legal struggles of the movement and the second Council

In 2012, shortly after the appointment of the first mayoral council and already as Cherán’s authorities, the community returned to the courts to start another trial, this time in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), against the Governor and the Congress of the State of Michoacán. The latter had overhauled the Political Constitution of this region in matters of indigenous rights without having consulted the Cherán community, thereby overlooking another of the core rights of indigenous peoples and communities.

The ruling given by the SCJN in the trial of 2014 secured the dual character of Cherán, as both a municipality and as an indigenous community. This was officially recognized for the first time. As a result, the tribunal also established that in its capacity as an “indigenous municipality”, Cherán must be consulted on all legislative and administrative matters that interest or affect them as a community and as an indigenous municipality.

The issues brought to trial by Cherán and given legal backing by the highest courts in Mexico represent a major achievement. However, despite these judicial successes that have ratified the indigenous rights of the community, lawmakers in Michoacán have refused to amend the laws on matters integral to the municipality which involve recognition of Cherán’s indigenous municipality. Likewise, in electoral matters, the elections and authorities by “uses and customs” have also not been recognized.

Given the refusal of the state to cooperate, Cherán has continued to resist through communal organization in its campfires, neighborhood assemblies, and general assembly. Comuneros and comuneras get involved in the decisions of their community and support their local authorities. In 2014, Cherán had to go back to court once more, to remind the authorities of the rights it had won. Following that trial, the process of elections by “uses and customs” has finally been incorporated into the Electoral Law.

In 2015, Cherán’s struggle succeeded in integrating “previous, free and informed consultation” into state law. It prevented the state Congress from approving a “Law of Mechanisms of Citizen Participation” which did not recognise the consultation rights of indigenous peoples and communities. This mechanism is essential to ensuring communities’ participation in decision-making processes through their traditional procedures. Cherán made the consultation “binding”, which has opened a door for all indigenous communities in the state of Michoacan to get their voices heard in decision making processes

2015 was also the year of the appointment of the second Mayoral Council of Communal Government. The community decided to continue with its project of autonomy, self-determination and self-government. The political parties tried to interfere in the process of the renewal of the Council. Their failure to do so and the successes of Cherán in the tribunals gave considerable strength to the second election of the local authorities and to the second Council of Communal Government that took charge on September 1, 2015.

5 years of resistance and struggle

On April 15, 2016, the movement of Cherán celebrated its fifth anniversary. They organized an event with a strong cultural dimension and forums of dialogue fostering conversations on topics such as dispossession and war against the peoples, women and territory, autonomy, education for the defense of the territory. The celebration was closed with an event on the main square of the community, where the inhabitants remembered their dead companions and recalled the difficult road that they had travelled, the fear of living under insecurity, the impotence they felt when their forests were devastated. They also remembered the purpose of their struggle, a movement “for justice, security and the reconstitution of their territory”.

The movement has found many allies and support, notably among indigenous communities and progressive movements in Mexico. It has notably been accompanied in its struggle by the “Collectivo Emancipaciones”, that gathers young researchers who share a “political position committed to progressive social movements and from judicial support of social processes where the defense of human rights is relevant”. Since 2011, this Collective has been providing judicial support to the indigenous community of Cherán and has been working benevolently with the community as well as with other indigenous communities in the state of Michoacán.

To build and rebuild a lifestyle based on a communal government through its “uses and customs” has been the major task of these five years. The road has not been easy. The community continues to face a broad list of systemic enemies including the administrative bureaucracy, political parties, organized crime and state resistance to recognizing the rights of indigenous communities. The achievements of the community of Cherán remain under constant threat.

(Thank you to Janet Hudgins, the CPNN reporter for this article)

City Peace Commissions in Brazil and the US: A Comparison


By Helena Lourenço, Santos City Peace Commission (Brazil) and David Adams, City Peace Commission of New Haven, CT (USA)

As members of the City Peace Commisions in Santos, Brazil and New Haven, USA, speaking at the New Haven Public Library on December 15, we have found much in common.

Helena Lourenco (center), David Adams (right), and Aaron Goode (left, member of the City of New Haven Peace Commission)

For example, both commissionss are in favor of promoting restorative justice practices in schools and other institutions of their cities. In Santos, 80 teachers received training in restorative justice, while in New Haven the number is more than 200, of which 44 are already qualified to train other coaches. Although it is difficult to quantify the results, there is a general agreement in schools that have both cities as it has improved the atmosphere of trust and fairness as a result. In New Haven, a problem remains that teachers have no time in their heavy schedules to engage in restorative circles, while in Santos, these have been recognized practices as an integral part of the teacher’s work.

Both committees meet monthly and their membership includes both municipal officials and representatives of civil society organizations.

Other priorities of the Santos Peace Commission include: interreligious dialogue; gender equality, including respect for homosexuals and sexual orientation; environmental sustainability: and public safety. For the latter, the city police have a course proposed for their municipal police focused on mediation. In Brazil, city police (unlike state police and federal police) do not carry weapons.

Other priorities of the New Haven Peace Commission include: protecting undocumented immigrants; the development of a civilian review board for police practices; and converting the national budget priorities. For the latter, the Commission sponsored a referendum in which 85% of the city’s voters demanded that the national budget for social services be given priority rather than military expenditure.

The New Haven Peace Commission is older, having been established during the 1980s, while the Santos Commission is new, created in 2016 after six years of preparation, which is taking its first steps.

For the month of March, a forum is being discussed in Santos to discuss topics that are important for the development of the Commission.

One of the issues discussed was how to develop the exchange and ongoing relations between peace commissions of different cities around the world.

(Click here for a Portuguese version of this article)

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El Salvador: Discussions to include culture of peace in national educational curriculum


An article from La Prensa Grafica (translated by CPNN)

The Culture of Peace forum, held by the Ministry of Education (MINED), brought together teachers and representatives from various organizations.

Photo: Cortesía.
Click on photo to enlarge

For MINED, Carlos Canjura, considers that it is the task of teachers to evaluate “how we are building citizens”. Likewise, he affirmed that “citizenship and productive capacities are indispensable for the construction of a culture of peace”.

Carlos Rodríguez, of the National Center for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (CENICSH) of the Central American University José Simeón Cañas (UCA), said that the forum has proposed six working groups such as society and violence, curriculum, teacher training, and school environments, among others.

The working groups of this forum will work in 2017 and are related to moral, urban and civic matters.

“For us it is fundamental to put good practices on the agenda for building a culture of peace,” he said.

(Click here for the original version of this article in Spanish)

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