An article for El Peruano (translated by CPNN)
The Punto de Cultura program of the Ministry of Culture has linked up with the strategy of Barrio Seguro of the Ministry of Interior to promote and develop actions from the arts and other cultural expressions that help to encourage the participation of youth and vulnerable populations in promoting a culture of peace.

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The deputy minister of cultural heritage of the Ministry of Culture, Jorge Arrunátegui, stressed the importance of the multisectoral strategy Barrio Seguro. “We consider that culture aids development and within that concept what we are looking for is a greater articulation. This articulation between the two ministries is designed to reach into neighborhoods, especially those that needan impulse to promote a culture of peace and expression of art and culture, “he said.
The purpose of the multi-sectoral strategy Barrio Seguro is to improve conditions for security and peaceful coexistence in vulnerable neighborhoods of Peru and to increase people’s confidence in the National Police of Peru.
It was explained that one of its strategic partners is the Ministry of Culture, through its Punto de Cultura program, which will contribute to the reduction of victimization and the strengthening of peaceful coexistence, through the positive use of free time.
Estefanía Lay, one of the leaders of the program, said that the idea is to foster opportunities for “positive use of public space”, where people feel safe and meet their neighbor in a park or square.
“It is precisely the Punto de Cultura program, through its proposals of art and culture that can generate those possibilities,” he said.
Since Puntos de Cultura was begun in 2011 to expand the exercise of cultural rights in the community, with special emphasis on children, youth and vulnerable population, it has reached 271 communities.