Tag Archives: Latin America

Colombia: Highlights of the 39th Cycle of Peace Talks in Havana


A blog from Virginia Bouvier, US Institute of Peace (abridged)

As the Colombian government and the FARC prepare to return to the peace table in Havana tomorrow, August 20th, for the 40th cycle of talks, I offer here a brief recap and analysis of the flurry of activities since my last post on the peace process in mid-July.


The Interlude between Sessions

When the 38th cycle closed on July 12, following the most violent period seen since the beginning of peace talks in 2012, the Colombian government and the FARC peace delegations issued a joint statement committing themselves to a new dual strategy that would hasten a final peace accord in Havana on the one hand,  and de-escalate the conflict in Colombia on the other.  (See joint statement here.)

The first part of the strategy includes “technical, continuous and simultaneous work on the key points of the Agenda while the accords are being crafted at the table.”  In particular, the parties agreed to move forward on establishing the terms for a bilateral ceasefire and the setting aside of arms.  To this effect, they invited the UN Secretary General and the UNASUR president (currently Uruguay) to delegate representatives to serve on the Technical Subcommission on Ending the Conflict in Havana in order to help them design relevant systems for monitoring and verification.

Complementing this intensification of technical work, In relation to the second part of the strategy, the FARC extended the unilateral ceasefire it had announced on July 8 from one month to four months, and the government said it would undertake de-escalation and confidence-building measures, as yet to be defined, in tandem with the FARC’s ability to maintain the unilateral suspension of “all offensive actions.”  (See Santos’s statement here.) . . .

Mood Shifts for 39th Cycle of Talks 

During the 39th round of talks that began on July 23 and ended on August 2, there seemed to be a renewal of confidence in the peace process, spawned by the parties’  expressed willingness to accelerate the pace in Havana and to de-escalate the violence in Colombia.  The unilateral ceasefire and the suspension of the bombings, FARC lead negotiator Iván Márquez noted, “unleashed this new ambience of confidence that has allowed the talks to speed up and to advance new consensuses.” (See Márquez’s statement here.)

(Article continued in right column)

Question(s) related to this article:

What is happening in Colombia, Is peace possible?

(Article continued from left column)

There were a number of additional advances during the 39th round:

▪ The parties produced a report on the joint de-mining project underway in Antioquia with the Colombian Army and the FARC (View the report here.);

▪ Peace delegation members in Havana were reinforced with new team members and advisors;

▪ Discussions moved forward on preliminary agreements for an integrated approach to truth, justice, reparations and non-repetition; and

▪ Work of the technical subcommission for ending the conflict continued to refine strategies for a final bilateral ceasefire and cessation of hostilities. . .

Victims and Transitional Justice

During the 39th cycle, the parties continued to work on the issue of victims, including the related issues of truth, justice, reparations, and guarantees of non-repetition.  According to lead negotiator Iván Márquez, the parties are designing an “unprecedented and innovative” integrated system to put these different aspects of victims’ rights at the center of the process.  (See more here.)

Civil Society Demands Inclusion 

While Havana negotiators have debated the details of the agenda in relative isolation, civil society has continued to make known its desire to be more regularly engaged in the process, including at the peace tables themselves.  On August 12, Todd Howland, Colombia representative of the UN High Commissioner of Human Rights, called on the parties to invite authorities of the indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities to the peace table in order to guarantee the vision and collective rights of these communities. (See more here.)

Inputs in the form of letters, conferences, publications, recommendations continue to be generated and express the particular interests and concerns of different sectors and regions of Colombia.  Victims’ groups, obviously, are particularly interested in ensuring that their rights are not slighted at the table.  On July 30, family members of victims of disappearance and kidnapping that form part of the NGO Fundación País Libre sent a letter to the government and FARC negotiators with some new inputs and a caution that if their needs are not met, they will not hesitate to seek remedies in international arenas.  (Read their letter here.) The victims called for a transitional justice process that guarantees victims’ rights and called on the parties to strengthen the institutional structures that provide human rights protections. . . .

 Church Goes to Havana, Explores Potential Role at the Peace Table

In early August, Msr. Luis Augusto Castro, the head of the Colombian Bishops’ Conference, announced that members of the church leadership would travel to Havana to assess the support that the Pope and the Vatican might provide to the peace process.  The upcoming visit of Pope Francisco to Cuba on September 19-22 on his way to the United States offers a potential opportunity for direct engagement with the parties at the peace table.  Pope Francis will be the third pope to visit Cuba and his trip is a primarily seen as a way to  recognize the improved U.S. – Cuba relationship–and the role that the Vatican and the pope played in the 18 months of secret negotiations that contributed to that improvement.  (See the phenomenal story by Peter Kornbluh and William LeoGrande here.)  Nonetheless, many Colombians are hoping that the Pope’s visit to Cuba will also offer an opportunity for the Pope to give support to the peace process.  In this regard, members of the Colombian church, lead by the head of the Colombian Bishops’ Conference  Msr. Augusto Castro, traveled to Havana in mid-August to meet with the parties and discuss whether it would be advantageous for the Pope to meet with the parties or to send a delegate to participate in the peace talks. (Read more here.) . . .

UN: there is less violence in Colombia since the peace process began


An article from Deutsche Welle

The number of casualties and the humanitarian impact of the armed conflict has decreased since peace talks between the government and the FARC began, according to a report of the United Nations Office of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

graph from OCHA report

The armed conflict from which Colombia has suffered for more than half a century has declined since 2012, when the government and the FARC guerrillas in Cuba began the peace process, according to the study which was presented in Bogotá.

Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator of the United Nations in Colombia, Fabrizio Hochschild said that since the negotiations began there has been a decline of up to 48 percent of the number of victims of the conflict.

Hochschild said that from November 2012 to June 2015 the percent of people forced by the conflict decreased by 27% compared to the 32 months prior to the peace process.

Fewer acts of war

The OCHA study, entitled “Humanitarian and Peace Trends from November 2012-June 2015” also indicates that, overall, there was a decrease during this period in the number of military actions of the guerrilla group, attacks on civilians, victims of landmines and kidnappings.

According to Hochschild, the figures decreased largely as a result of the six ceasefire declarations that have made by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) during the peace process, which have helped to reduce by 60% and 52% respectively the figures for guerrilla attacks and displaced persons.

The FARC has upheld since last July 20 a ceasefire, which was answered by President Juan Manuel Santos by an order to the Air Force to suspend the bombing of guerrilla camps as part of an agreement to start a phase of de-escalation of the conflict.

Hope and concern

The delegate of the UN cataloged the current scenario as “encouraging” and highlighted the progress of the peace process, but said the OCHA study continues to show worrying data for violence in Colombia.

Hochschild said the state must take measures to prevent other armed groups from beginning to act in places where the FARC guerrilla group makes peace with the government and demobilizes.

He also said that so far this year 69 human rights defenders and political leaders have been killed, which he described as “alarming”, because in the same period in 2014 the figure was 35.

“That’s a major setback which is very unfortunate in terms of social protection and community leaders,” he said.

(Click here for the original Spanish version.)

Question(s) related to this article:

What is happening in Colombia, Is peace possible?

This discussion question applies to the following articles:

Colombian villagers practice non-violent resistance
Legacy of a Nonviolent Political Leader: Governor Guillermo Gaviria of Colombia
Working for a Culture of Peace in the Valley of the Cauca, Colombia
Remise des Prix de la Fondation Chirac pour la prévention des conflits
Chirac Foundation Prize for Conflict Prevention
The University and the Peace Process in Colombia
La paz supera coyunturas y fronteras (Colombia y Venezuela)
Peace is not stopped by borders (Colombia and Venezuela)
Campesinos colombianos celebran primer acuerdo agrario de paz
Colombian Govt and FARC Reach Agreement on First Stage of Peace Talks
Colombia Campaña de la ONU “La Paz es mía”
UN Campaign in Colombia:
Presidente colombiano reactivará la Comisión Nacional de Paz
Colombian President to Reactivate National Peace Commission
FARC-EP y Gobierno colombiano avanzan en acuerdos para la paz
FARC-EP and Colombia Government advance in their peace accords
Colombia debe ser también la Nación más educada en derechos humanos: Presidente Santos
Colombia should also be the most educated nation in human rights : President Santos
Gabriel García Márquez and the peace process in Colombia
Colombia amanece con un presidente reelecto, esperanzada en la paz
Colombia awakens to hopes for peace with the re-election of their president
Mujer, ruralidad y memoria, entre los temas del congreso de paz (Bogotá, Colombia)
Women, rurality and historical memory among the themes of the Peace Congress (Bogotá, Colombia)
Sonia Ines Goéz Orrego on a speaking tour in the U.S. to share her experience building peace in Colombia
Pax Christi International Peace Award 2015: Women Collective for Reflection and Action (Colombia)
FARC-EP y Gobierno colombiano crearán Comisión de la Verdad
Planning for a Peace Assembly in the Colombian Caribbean
Inician construcción de Asamblea por la Paz en el caribe colombiano
Colombia: Ministerio del Trabajo acompañará, garantizará y facilitará Segunda Asamblea Nacional por la Paz
Colombia: The Labor Minister will provide full guarantees, facilitate and promote the Second National Assembly for Peace
Colombia: The Labor Minister will provide full guarantees, facilitate and promote the Second National Assembly for Peace
San Agustín, Colombia: escenario de la Bienal internacional de educación y cultura de paz
San Agustin, Colombia to host International Biennial of Education and Culture of Peace
Carta de Colombia
Letter from Colombia
Colombia: Autoridades municipales se preparan para el posconflicto en Cundinamarca
Colombia: Municipal Authorities prepare for post-conflict peace-building in Cundinamarca

Colombia: City officials are preparing for post-conflict peace-building in Cundinamarca


An article of HSB Noticias (reprinted by permission)

Cuidad Salud is among the municipalities hardest hit by violence because of its proximity to Viotá, the epicenter of the violence of the Alto Magdalena.

Jerome Gordillo, secretary of Government of Cundinamarca, accompanied by Deputy Carlos Ferro, and other officials in the forum.

For several years now Colombia has been speaking of post-conflict which is expected soon when finally a number of outstanding agreements for the Peace Accord are signed in Havana. It is a peace that many see far away, but are beginning to be felt in municipalities that were seriously affected by the violence and now living with other kinds of social problems. This is the case in Tocaima which suffered from the problem of insecurity and armed groups and currently faces the problem of drug trafficking but is hoping that initiatives such as that of the government can enable them to live in harmony and peace.

An advance

Municipalities are advancing in strength for their capacities to work on reconciliation with communities in the peace process. In order to implement strategies to resolve conflicts between communities through alternative justice of conciliation, the secretaries of government and municipal representatives participated in a departmental meeting that laid the essential foundations to address the peace process and lighten the load of the courts.


During this first regional meeting, progress was made in strengthening the national policy of coexistence and security in the issue of reconciliation. Jerome Gordillo, secretary of Government of Cundinamarca, said that Cundinamarca is the first post-conflict department in the country, and it is the responsibility of mayors and ombudsmen to efficiently handle the peace process. “We work directly with communities, especially for the qualification of municipal authorities to advance the promotion and establishment of a culture of peace with foundation in reconciliation that allows the peaceful resolution of conflicts. The message is peace,” he said.

For his part, the Deputy Minister of Political Affairs of the Ministry of the Interior, Carlos Ferro, explained the importance of strengthening the capacities and knowledge of ombudsmen for the issue of conflict resolution in the municipalities. “From the Ministry we are already in the process of enlisting municipalities for this. We help empower them with regard to reconciliation and post-conflict peacebuilding in all municipalities. Peace begins in the territory when we recognize the reasons that caused the conflict and design tools and strategies to solve them,” said Ferro.

(Click here for the original Spanish version.)

Question(s) related to this article:

What is happening in Colombia, Is peace possible?

This discussion question applies to the following articles:

Colombian villagers practice non-violent resistance
Legacy of a Nonviolent Political Leader: Governor Guillermo Gaviria of Colombia
Working for a Culture of Peace in the Valley of the Cauca, Colombia
Remise des Prix de la Fondation Chirac pour la prévention des conflits
Chirac Foundation Prize for Conflict Prevention
The University and the Peace Process in Colombia
La paz supera coyunturas y fronteras (Colombia y Venezuela)
Peace is not stopped by borders (Colombia and Venezuela)
Campesinos colombianos celebran primer acuerdo agrario de paz
Colombian Govt and FARC Reach Agreement on First Stage of Peace Talks
Colombia Campaña de la ONU “La Paz es mía”
UN Campaign in Colombia:
Presidente colombiano reactivará la Comisión Nacional de Paz
Colombian President to Reactivate National Peace Commission
FARC-EP y Gobierno colombiano avanzan en acuerdos para la paz
FARC-EP and Colombia Government advance in their peace accords
Colombia debe ser también la Nación más educada en derechos humanos: Presidente Santos
Colombia should also be the most educated nation in human rights : President Santos
Gabriel García Márquez and the peace process in Colombia
Colombia amanece con un presidente reelecto, esperanzada en la paz
Colombia awakens to hopes for peace with the re-election of their president
Mujer, ruralidad y memoria, entre los temas del congreso de paz (Bogotá, Colombia)
Women, rurality and historical memory among the themes of the Peace Congress (Bogotá, Colombia)
Sonia Ines Goéz Orrego on a speaking tour in the U.S. to share her experience building peace in Colombia
Pax Christi International Peace Award 2015: Women Collective for Reflection and Action (Colombia)
FARC-EP y Gobierno colombiano crearán Comisión de la Verdad
Planning for a Peace Assembly in the Colombian Caribbean
Inician construcción de Asamblea por la Paz en el caribe colombiano
Colombia: Ministerio del Trabajo acompañará, garantizará y facilitará Segunda Asamblea Nacional por la Paz
Colombia: The Labor Minister will provide full guarantees, facilitate and promote the Second National Assembly for Peace
Colombia: The Labor Minister will provide full guarantees, facilitate and promote the Second National Assembly for Peace
San Agustín, Colombia: escenario de la Bienal internacional de educación y cultura de paz
San Agustin, Colombia to host International Biennial of Education and Culture of Peace
Carta de Colombia
Letter from Colombia
Colombia: Autoridades municipales se preparan para el posconflicto en Cundinamarca
Colombia: Municipal Authorities prepare for post-conflict peace-building in Cundinamarca

Book review: Nonviolent Resistance Against Armed Groups in Colombia


A new book from the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict

The International Center on Nonviolent Conflict is pleased to share with you our first publication in the 2015 Monograph Series. The ICNC Monograph Series brings to fruition the scholarly work of the recipients of the 2014 ICNC Research Monograph Award, which aims to support academic research and writing that enhances the strategic practice and global understanding of civil resistance.


Confronted with civil war, local civilians typically either collaborate with the strongest actor in town or flee the area. Yet civilians are not stuck inexorably within this dichotomous choice. Collectively defying armed groups by engaging in organized nonviolent forms of noncooperation, self-organization and disruption is another option. 

The Power of Staying Put: Nonviolent Resistance Against Armed Groups in Colombia by Juan Masullo J. explores this option through a case study of sustained and organized civil resistance led by ordinary peasants against state and non-state repressive actors in Colombia’s longstanding civil war. It tells the story of the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó (PCSJA), formally established in 1996, which has used a vast array of nonviolent tactics ranging from public declarations to establishing alternative educational institutions and markets. This impressive tactical diversity has gained considerable international support and, to this day, helps sustain the Community’s resilience. 

The PCSJA case leaves us with an important message regarding the scale at which ongoing peace efforts in Colombia can be advanced. National peace negotiations usually take place between high-level representatives of warring parties, without involving authentic grassroots peacemakers such as the PCSJA. 

The author, Juan Masullo, is a Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the European University Institute (EUI). A Colombia-native and frequent visitor of the village of San José, his research interests include nonviolent strategies, social movements and collective actions.

(Thank you to Janet Hudgins, the CPNN reporter for this article.)

Question(s) related to this article:

What is happening in Colombia, Is peace possible?

This discussion question applies to the following articles:

Colombian villagers practice non-violent resistance
Legacy of a Nonviolent Political Leader: Governor Guillermo Gaviria of Colombia
Working for a Culture of Peace in the Valley of the Cauca, Colombia
Remise des Prix de la Fondation Chirac pour la prévention des conflits
Chirac Foundation Prize for Conflict Prevention
The University and the Peace Process in Colombia
La paz supera coyunturas y fronteras (Colombia y Venezuela)
Peace is not stopped by borders (Colombia and Venezuela)
Campesinos colombianos celebran primer acuerdo agrario de paz
Colombian Govt and FARC Reach Agreement on First Stage of Peace Talks
Colombia Campaña de la ONU “La Paz es mía”
UN Campaign in Colombia:
Presidente colombiano reactivará la Comisión Nacional de Paz
Colombian President to Reactivate National Peace Commission
FARC-EP y Gobierno colombiano avanzan en acuerdos para la paz
FARC-EP and Colombia Government advance in their peace accords
Colombia debe ser también la Nación más educada en derechos humanos: Presidente Santos
Colombia should also be the most educated nation in human rights : President Santos
Gabriel García Márquez and the peace process in Colombia
Colombia amanece con un presidente reelecto, esperanzada en la paz
Colombia awakens to hopes for peace with the re-election of their president
Mujer, ruralidad y memoria, entre los temas del congreso de paz (Bogotá, Colombia)
Women, rurality and historical memory among the themes of the Peace Congress (Bogotá, Colombia)
Sonia Ines Goéz Orrego on a speaking tour in the U.S. to share her experience building peace in Colombia
Pax Christi International Peace Award 2015: Women Collective for Reflection and Action (Colombia)
FARC-EP y Gobierno colombiano crearán Comisión de la Verdad
Planning for a Peace Assembly in the Colombian Caribbean
Inician construcción de Asamblea por la Paz en el caribe colombiano
Colombia: Ministerio del Trabajo acompañará, garantizará y facilitará Segunda Asamblea Nacional por la Paz
Colombia: The Labor Minister will provide full guarantees, facilitate and promote the Second National Assembly for Peace
Colombia: The Labor Minister will provide full guarantees, facilitate and promote the Second National Assembly for Peace
San Agustín, Colombia: escenario de la Bienal internacional de educación y cultura de paz
San Agustin, Colombia to host International Biennial of Education and Culture of Peace
Carta de Colombia
Letter from Colombia

Colombia: Rock in the Park 2015 – Music for the 21st Century


An article from Rock al Parque (translation by CPNN)

More than 350,000 people attended this year’s version of the Rock in the Park Festival which has become an institution in Bogotá. It has evolved and changed with the city, moving from generation to generation because it is alive and in this 21st edition it looks straight into the twenty-first century. This new edition of Rock in the Park, which closes after three great successful days of music, holiday, coexistence and diversity, was dedicated to the culture of peace.


This version of the most iconic rock festival of the continent left with sound, and music in the air from 74 national, local and international bands that came to the stage of the Metropolitan Simon Bolivar Park and the Media Torta, providing all the power of their talent to the thousands of spectators who showed once again that the Colombia is a rocker capital.

The Rock in the Park that we know today is the result of a conscious policy of the transformative power of art and culture in contemporary societies, as Mayor Gustavo Petro said in 2014, during the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of festival

Rock in the Park has made and continues to make it possible for thousands of young people to love music and reflect on a city that has tried collectively to build a public good as now recognized nationally and internationally. As explained by Santiago Trujillo Escobar,director general of the District Institute of Arts, Idartes, “Rock in the Park is the space to exercise creative freedom to be and to let be and to celebrate life. It makes us realize that if we commit the will and energy of our bodies and conscience, we can transform this country into a more humane and just society. ”

According to Santiago, “Rock in the Park has become the place where conflicting and sometimes extreme expressions of diversity can coexist and be respected and enhanced. From the point of view of Idartes, we value and foster debate. For us criticism is always welcome. Thanks to this we have a more pluralistic and representative festival, a festival that looks straight into the XXI century”

The closing of the third day of Rock al Parque was in the hands of three international bands, Café Tacvba, Ill Nino y Adrenaline Mob. They gave memorable moments to thousands of spectators full of emotions and euphoria and voice to the demand for social change and actions for peace.

(article continued on the right side of the page)

(click here for the Spanish version of this article.)

Question for this article:

What place does music have in the peace movement?

(article continued from the left side of the page)

An example of this was when members of the Che Sudaka band decided to share the stage with David Jaramillo of Doctor Krápula to chant a rock “bambuco” dedicated to the peasants and indigenous people who resist the occupation of their land, reject transgenic seeds and claim peace ” once and for all!”. Another example was when the vocalist Jota decided to run into the arms of the public, in an unforgettable moment that adds to the many who remain in the collective memory of a rock concert that Bogota renews year after year.

Because, as noted by Bertha Quintero, Deputy Director of Arts at Idartes and protagonist of this story from the beginning: “Today the festival is at the height of the great festivals of the world.” According to her, one of its main features has been the behavior of respect and coexistence of the public who has appropriated this space.

This is supported by the Subcomandante Metropolitan Police of Bogota, Col. Aurelio Ordonez who highlighted the exemplary behavior of the citizens who ensured complete tranquility during the three day event.

But besides being exemplary, Rock in the Park has served as a platform for groups that today have a national and international scope; since 2011 the festival has presented on its stage 134 district, 75 national and 169 international bands.

It should be noted that this year, the musical palette was based on gender diversity that resulted from the programming led by Chucky Garcia, according to Santiago Trujillo.

This year, in addition to presenting bands from around the country, the festival brought talent from countries including Chile, Jamaica, South Africa, Portugal, United States, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Germany, Venezuela, Spain, Ecuador, Italy, Japan, Argentina, France, Costa Rica, England, Poland, Brazil and Bosnia, among others.

In addition Rock in the Park serves as a showcase for companies and entrepreneurs in the sector. They find here a stage for their products and a space in which participants can access a variety of cuisines and collectible articles.

The festival includes more than what is on the stage. There is an academic component that includes lectures, workshops and panels that enhance dialogue and strengthen musical practice that grows every year. This year, for example during the three days of the festival more than 140 thousand people visited the corporate site of Rock in the Park. Not to ignore those who who follow the festival through the live broadcasts by Channel Capital which also reached over 450,000 Internet users, according to the data offered by the operating director of Channel Capital, Favio Fandiño.

In sum, the 21st festival has been worthy of its century, able to project into the future with the certainty of its institutional maturity and allow thousands of young people and adults to enjoy a complete selection of the best of the rocker scene, a memorable journey through the sounds and colors the rock music from around the world

Honduras: OAS to receive report about judicial facilitators


An article from La Tribuna de Honduras (translation by CPNN)

The Judiciary of Honduras, along with the team implementing the National Service of Judicial Facilitators (SNFJ) will present a report on the progress of this service during the National Judicial Facilitators meeting today [August 8] with Secretary of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro Lemes.

Luis Almagro Lemes, Secretary of the Organization of American States (OAS)

The authorities of this branch of government will inform the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro Lemes, about the progress, achievements and implementation of the work of this important service that already concerns 12 departments.

The SNFJ national meeting will be attended by President of the Judiciary, Jorge Alberto Rivera Avilés; President of the Republic, Juan Orlando Hernández, Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro Lemes, and Pedro Buscovitz, regional coordinator of the Inter-American Judicial Facilitators Program of the OAS.

The judiciary through its National Facilitators Service meets objective number 4 of its law, by involving the population in this program.

Since 2012 this program has sworn in a total of 1,644 judicial facilitators in the 12 departments where their work contributes to the country’s system of administration of justice.

The judicial facilitators are community leaders appointed and elected by the community. They serve as a support to the magistrates in each municipality, which saves time and money for the society and contributes to building a culture of peace.

The tasks performed by Judicial Facilitators are: reconciliation, accompaniments, lectures and advice, under supervision by the judiciary and national laws.

Already this year there has been a total of 492 reconciliations. This yields a saving for the State by avoiding that these cases come to trial. It lowers the judicial backlog while providing access to justice

(click here for the Spanish version of this article.)

Question for this article:

Argentina: Program announced for the Film Festival “Nueva Mirada”


An article from Escribiendo Cine

Organised by the Nueva Mirada Association, under the slogan “Buentrato: For a culture of peace”, the Festival, unique in its subject in the country, has been declared to be of interest fr Cultural and National Education by the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate of the Nation, the Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of National Education.


The festival will officially open on Thursday August 27 in Room INCAA Km.0 at 14 pm with the screening of the animated feature Shaun, the lamb. The film is based on the television series of the same name and was written and directed by Richard Starzak and Mark Burton.

As in past festivals, Nueva Mirada present high quality films that have been made by recognized professionals, but that have not been distributed in the commercial film and television circuits. Films will be shown from several countries, including Germany, Italy, Brazil, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Cuba, UK, Netherlands, Switzerland, Iran and Mexico. In addition, the Festival will feature prominent guests, such as Jan-Willem Bult from the Netherlands, who will participate as an Official in the Jury and who will conduct the Television Production Workshop with children. The short films in this workshop will be exhibited at the close of the Festival and will be disseminated through the Internet and other circuits.

The “Panoramic” section (fiction) of the Official Competition for Feature Films will include: Life According to Nino, by Simone van Dusseldorp; Shana, the Swiss Nino by Jacusso; Lola, the German by Thomas Heinemann; The bike of my father and I, by Fayaz Mousavi; Teaching how to live, by Giuseppe Piccioni; and beautiful horizon by Stefan Jäger.

Among the films confirmed to compete in the animation section are: Pim and Pom, the great adventure, by Gioia Smid; The legend of the mummies of Guanajuato, by Alberto Rodriguez; Pinky finger, by Ernesto Pradón; Worms, by Paolo Conti;, and Beyond the beyond, by Esben Toft Jacobsen. Various other animated short films and fiction, selected for the viewer’s age ,will also be shown.

In addition, a Retrospective Tribute will take place for Juan Pablo Zaramella, one of Argentina’s most creative independent filmmakers of animation. His films have won the Silver Condor Best Short Film three times, while all his short films have won awards worldwide. In 2010, the International Animation Festival of Annecy presented a retrospective of his work. His latest short film, Luminaris, was shortlisted for an Oscar category of Best Animated Short Films, and he has already received over 300 international awards, including the Audience Award and the FIPRESCI International Critics Prize at Annecy in 2011.

The venues of the Festival New Look, confirmed so far are Space INCAA Km 0 -Gaumont- Rivadavia Av 1635, Leonardo Favio (Library of Congress), Alsina 1835..; Bicentennial National House, Riobamba 985; Bernasconi Institute, Catullus Castillo 2750; Julian Centeya Cultural Center, San Juan 3255; Casa de la Cultura Villa 21, 3500 Iriarte Av.; Cultural Space Carlos Gardel, Olleros 3640.

(The article is continued on the right side of the page)

(Click here for the original Spanish version.)

Question for this article:

Film festivals that Promote a culture of peace, Do you know of others?

(Article continued from the left side of the page)

Among the parallel activities, on 28 and 29 August: the International Seminar “critical eye. Audiovisual, Transmediality and Education in the XXI century “in the headquarters of the OEI (Organization of Ibero-American States), Jorge Cavodeassi Falgari Auditorium, located in Paraguay 1583, 2nd floor, with leading domestic and foreign experts. Also in this space, the transmedia game “Kitchen Project” on Monday September 1, with the participation of entertainers, musicians, filmmakers, video game producers, and renowned specialists and representatives of TV channels of Latin America. Admission is free, as in all activities of Nueva Mirada, with registration at: Info@nuevamirada.com

Letter from Colombia


An article by Amada Benavides de Pérez, Fundacion Escuelas de Paz (FEP), translated by CPNN

Dear CPNN:
 Please receive our warm greeting.
 It is a pleasure to contact you again in our journey together for this exciting issue of peace education.


 I want to keep you abreast of events that have happened this semester in Colombia. I imagine you are aware of most of these stories, but in any case, I’d like to put them into the overall context.
 The process of negotiating a peace agreement with the FARC has advanced many topics, including education for peace. For the first time in Colombia it is being mentioned explicitly, and not by other names, and in this sense we have several new initiatives.
 1. Chair of Peace. The launch of the Regulatory Decree of the Department of Peace is just one of many scenarios that are moving forward in the country on the subject. Since we have been working more than 15 years to put forward the necessity of peace education in Colombia, this is really a very exciting time.
 2. The development of a CONPES document that addresses public policy on human rights education and culture of peace. [Note: CONPES is the Consejo Nacional de Política Económica y Social).
 3. At the same time we are beginning to develop the creation of various collectives that may link up the various isolated efforts.  One of the things we have noticed from the document on education for peace in Colombia, was the lack linkages need for a comprehensive approach.
 4. The FEP is specifically leading preparations for the National Meeting on Education for Peace, to be held on 1 and 2 October. It has been a very interesting process, because it is in the framework of the Committee to Support the National Peace Council, and we developed the attached document with more than 29 organizations among which account the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education of Bogota, several universities and institutions of society civil. In the framework of this meeting, it is planned to invite the participation of some international experts.

(Click here for the original Spanish of this aricle.)

Question(s) related to this article:

What is happening in Colombia, Is peace possible?

This discussion question applies to the following articles:

Colombian villagers practice non-violent resistance
Legacy of a Nonviolent Political Leader: Governor Guillermo Gaviria of Colombia
Working for a Culture of Peace in the Valley of the Cauca, Colombia
Remise des Prix de la Fondation Chirac pour la prévention des conflits
Chirac Foundation Prize for Conflict Prevention
The University and the Peace Process in Colombia
La paz supera coyunturas y fronteras (Colombia y Venezuela)
Peace is not stopped by borders (Colombia and Venezuela)
Campesinos colombianos celebran primer acuerdo agrario de paz
Colombian Govt and FARC Reach Agreement on First Stage of Peace Talks
Colombia Campaña de la ONU “La Paz es mía”
UN Campaign in Colombia:
Presidente colombiano reactivará la Comisión Nacional de Paz
Colombian President to Reactivate National Peace Commission
FARC-EP y Gobierno colombiano avanzan en acuerdos para la paz
FARC-EP and Colombia Government advance in their peace accords
Colombia debe ser también la Nación más educada en derechos humanos: Presidente Santos
Colombia should also be the most educated nation in human rights : President Santos
Gabriel García Márquez and the peace process in Colombia
Colombia amanece con un presidente reelecto, esperanzada en la paz
Colombia awakens to hopes for peace with the re-election of their president
Mujer, ruralidad y memoria, entre los temas del congreso de paz (Bogotá, Colombia)
Women, rurality and historical memory among the themes of the Peace Congress (Bogotá, Colombia)
Sonia Ines Goéz Orrego on a speaking tour in the U.S. to share her experience building peace in Colombia
Pax Christi International Peace Award 2015: Women Collective for Reflection and Action (Colombia)
FARC-EP y Gobierno colombiano crearán Comisión de la Verdad
Planning for a Peace Assembly in the Colombian Caribbean
Inician construcción de Asamblea por la Paz en el caribe colombiano
Colombia: Ministerio del Trabajo acompañará, garantizará y facilitará Segunda Asamblea Nacional por la Paz
Colombia: The Labor Minister will provide full guarantees, facilitate and promote the Second National Assembly for Peace
Colombia: The Labor Minister will provide full guarantees, facilitate and promote the Second National Assembly for Peace
San Agustín, Colombia: escenario de la Bienal internacional de educación y cultura de paz
San Agustin, Colombia to host International Biennial of Education and Culture of Peace
Carta de Colombia
Letter from Colombia

San Agustin, Colombia to host International Biennial of Education and Culture of Peace


An article by the Editor of Diario del Huila (translation by CPNN)

The Faculty of Education of Surcolombiana University (USCO) will hold the first International Biennial of education and culture of peace from 13 to August 15 in the city of San Agustin.


The organizers of this academic event are the USCO, the Faculty of Education, the Masters Program of Education and Culture of Peace and the Peace Education Collective. The academic committee is composed of Myriam Oviedo, coordinator of the Master’s Program and teacher at the USCO; Marieta Quintero Mejía, national coordinator of the Peace Education Collective and professor at the District University; Diego Escobar, professor at the National University of San Martin (Buenos Aires); Miriam E. Kriger, a researcher at CLACSO, Conicet and University of Buenos Aires; Alexander Ruiz, director of the doctorate in Education at the Pedagogical University; and Monica Mazariegos (Guatemala, Universidad Internacional Tierra Ciudadana (UITC).

Participants may be leaders or members of social and training programs and projects, or initiatives related to education and culture of peace. Also invited are program managers and participants of training centers and university institutes specializing in peace studies, research groups, promoters of magazines and publications in the field, teachers, students, professionals, activists and social leaders.

“The First International Biennial of education and culture of peace is conceived to be a stage to share, discuss, disseminate, encourage and promote peace initiatives undertaken by institutions, communities, groups, associations, unions and groups. In this sense, the biennial is intended not only as a space to recognize the voices of the conflict, but also as an opportunity to unite our voices to build multiple possibilities of peace,” the organizers explained.

They added that this first version of the Biennial will be held in the municipality of San Agustin (Huila), “a land of art and peace located between the cold Massif of Colombia and the arid valley of the Magdalena. It was chosen to host this event in view of its ancestral, heterogeneous and multicultural “character

(Click here for the original Spanish of this aricle.)

Question(s) related to this article:

What is happening in Colombia, Is peace possible?

This discussion question applies to the following articles:

Colombian villagers practice non-violent resistance
Legacy of a Nonviolent Political Leader: Governor Guillermo Gaviria of Colombia
Working for a Culture of Peace in the Valley of the Cauca, Colombia
Remise des Prix de la Fondation Chirac pour la prévention des conflits
Chirac Foundation Prize for Conflict Prevention
The University and the Peace Process in Colombia
La paz supera coyunturas y fronteras (Colombia y Venezuela)
Peace is not stopped by borders (Colombia and Venezuela)
Campesinos colombianos celebran primer acuerdo agrario de paz
Colombian Govt and FARC Reach Agreement on First Stage of Peace Talks
Colombia Campaña de la ONU “La Paz es mía”
UN Campaign in Colombia:
Presidente colombiano reactivará la Comisión Nacional de Paz
Colombian President to Reactivate National Peace Commission
FARC-EP y Gobierno colombiano avanzan en acuerdos para la paz
FARC-EP and Colombia Government advance in their peace accords
Colombia debe ser también la Nación más educada en derechos humanos: Presidente Santos
Colombia should also be the most educated nation in human rights : President Santos
Gabriel García Márquez and the peace process in Colombia
Colombia amanece con un presidente reelecto, esperanzada en la paz
Colombia awakens to hopes for peace with the re-election of their president
Mujer, ruralidad y memoria, entre los temas del congreso de paz (Bogotá, Colombia)
Women, rurality and historical memory among the themes of the Peace Congress (Bogotá, Colombia)
Sonia Ines Goéz Orrego on a speaking tour in the U.S. to share her experience building peace in Colombia
Pax Christi International Peace Award 2015: Women Collective for Reflection and Action (Colombia)
FARC-EP y Gobierno colombiano crearán Comisión de la Verdad
Planning for a Peace Assembly in the Colombian Caribbean
Inician construcción de Asamblea por la Paz en el caribe colombiano
Colombia: Ministerio del Trabajo acompañará, garantizará y facilitará Segunda Asamblea Nacional por la Paz
Colombia: The Labor Minister will provide full guarantees, facilitate and promote the Second National Assembly for Peace
Colombia: The Labor Minister will provide full guarantees, facilitate and promote the Second National Assembly for Peace
San Agustín, Colombia: escenario de la Bienal internacional de educación y cultura de paz
San Agustin, Colombia to host International Biennial of Education and Culture of Peace

Colombia: The Labor Minister will provide full guarantees, facilitate and promote the Second National Assembly for Peace


An article from the Ministerio de Trabajo de Colombia (translation by CPNN)

The Minister, of Labor, Luis Eduardo Garzon, says that the Government will provide full guarantees, facilitate and promote the Second National Assembly for Peace, which seeks to contribute from the energy and mining sector a plural and participatory peace that is comprehensive, stable and durable.

“I see here three organizations that differ in many ways, but are united in the quest for peace,” Lucho Garzón

Garzon referred to the participation of Ecopetrol and the Workers’ Trade Union of the Petroleum Industry (USO). He also highlighted the contributions made from the Academy of the National University of Colombia to the Second Assembly, which is conceived as a space for deliberative and purposeful construction at local, regional and national levels.

“I think it is extremely important for the country and the Ministry and the government itself are committed to help stimulate initiatives like this,” said the head of the Labor Ministry.

“I see here three organizations that differ in many ways, but are united in the quest for peace,” he said.

For the National President of USO, Edwin Castaño Monsalve, the issue of oil has an important role in keeping peace. “This union is betting on scenarios to build peace and we are fully committed to the peace process.”

In turn, the rector of the National University of Colombia, Ignacio Prada Mantilla added that “The university is fully committed to the peace proces, that is, we want contribute to it from all areas of knowledge.”

The National Assembly for Peace will include four conversations and 10 regional assemblies. they will take place in Antioquia, Barrancabermeja, Cartagena, Choco, Villavicencio, Neiva, Puerto Asis, Tibu, Arauca and Popayan. They will focus on three themes: 1) mining and energy policy; 2) regional development and peacebuilding and 3), culture of peace and followup to the peace accords.

(Click here for the orignal Spanish of this aricle.)

Question(s) related to this article:

What is happening in Colombia, Is peace possible?

This discussion question applies to the following articles:

Colombian villagers practice non-violent resistance
Legacy of a Nonviolent Political Leader: Governor Guillermo Gaviria of Colombia
Working for a Culture of Peace in the Valley of the Cauca, Colombia
Remise des Prix de la Fondation Chirac pour la prévention des conflits
Chirac Foundation Prize for Conflict Prevention
The University and the Peace Process in Colombia
La paz supera coyunturas y fronteras (Colombia y Venezuela)
Peace is not stopped by borders (Colombia and Venezuela)
Campesinos colombianos celebran primer acuerdo agrario de paz
Colombian Govt and FARC Reach Agreement on First Stage of Peace Talks
Colombia Campaña de la ONU “La Paz es mía”
UN Campaign in Colombia:
Presidente colombiano reactivará la Comisión Nacional de Paz
Colombian President to Reactivate National Peace Commission
FARC-EP y Gobierno colombiano avanzan en acuerdos para la paz
FARC-EP and Colombia Government advance in their peace accords
Colombia debe ser también la Nación más educada en derechos humanos: Presidente Santos
Colombia should also be the most educated nation in human rights : President Santos
Gabriel García Márquez and the peace process in Colombia
Colombia amanece con un presidente reelecto, esperanzada en la paz
Colombia awakens to hopes for peace with the re-election of their president
Mujer, ruralidad y memoria, entre los temas del congreso de paz (Bogotá, Colombia)
Women, rurality and historical memory among the themes of the Peace Congress (Bogotá, Colombia)
Sonia Ines Goéz Orrego on a speaking tour in the U.S. to share her experience building peace in Colombia
Pax Christi International Peace Award 2015: Women Collective for Reflection and Action (Colombia)
FARC-EP y Gobierno colombiano crearán Comisión de la Verdad
Planning for a Peace Assembly in the Colombian Caribbean
Inician construcción de Asamblea por la Paz en el caribe colombiano
Colombia: Ministerio del Trabajo acompañará, garantizará y facilitará Segunda Asamblea Nacional por la Paz
Colombia: The Labor Minister will provide full guarantees, facilitate and promote the Second National Assembly for Peace