Colombia: The Labor Minister will provide full guarantees, facilitate and promote the Second National Assembly for Peace


An article from the Ministerio de Trabajo de Colombia (translation by CPNN)

The Minister, of Labor, Luis Eduardo Garzon, says that the Government will provide full guarantees, facilitate and promote the Second National Assembly for Peace, which seeks to contribute from the energy and mining sector a plural and participatory peace that is comprehensive, stable and durable.

“I see here three organizations that differ in many ways, but are united in the quest for peace,” Lucho Garzón

Garzon referred to the participation of Ecopetrol and the Workers’ Trade Union of the Petroleum Industry (USO). He also highlighted the contributions made from the Academy of the National University of Colombia to the Second Assembly, which is conceived as a space for deliberative and purposeful construction at local, regional and national levels.

“I think it is extremely important for the country and the Ministry and the government itself are committed to help stimulate initiatives like this,” said the head of the Labor Ministry.

“I see here three organizations that differ in many ways, but are united in the quest for peace,” he said.

For the National President of USO, Edwin Castaño Monsalve, the issue of oil has an important role in keeping peace. “This union is betting on scenarios to build peace and we are fully committed to the peace process.”

In turn, the rector of the National University of Colombia, Ignacio Prada Mantilla added that “The university is fully committed to the peace proces, that is, we want contribute to it from all areas of knowledge.”

The National Assembly for Peace will include four conversations and 10 regional assemblies. they will take place in Antioquia, Barrancabermeja, Cartagena, Choco, Villavicencio, Neiva, Puerto Asis, Tibu, Arauca and Popayan. They will focus on three themes: 1) mining and energy policy; 2) regional development and peacebuilding and 3), culture of peace and followup to the peace accords.

(Click here for the orignal Spanish of this aricle.)

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