Un blog de Ernesto Amézquita en Cronica del Quindio (translated by CPNN)
According to law 1732, adopted in 2014, the national government has issued the decree “by which the teaching of Peace is regulated in all educational institutions of the country”.

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It is foreseen in article number 2 that “to meet the constitutional mandate enshrined in the articles 22 and 41 of the Constitution, the teaching of Peace is compulsory.” It is so decreed that “the teaching will aim to create and consolidate a space for learning, reflection and dialogue on culture of peace and sustainable development which should contribute to the general welfare and improve the quality of life of the population.”
Historically it has been shown that it is much more productive, civilized and proactive to invest in peace instead of the criminal business of arms dealers, mercenaries and beneficiaries of war.
For Colombia, more than 60 years of violence, about 300,000 dead, millions displaced, thousands missing, wounded and false positives, massacres, millions of orphans; should be more than enough to say enough to the ignorance of death, the peace of the grave and yes to life, to peaceful coexistence, the rule of justice, concord and respect for difference.
As such, these new standards are a good contribution to teaching in the school, family, college; accompanied by administrative bodies, judicial, ecclesiastical, military, police, social, business, etc., to begin to fully implement the rejection of the warmongering, bullying, and all violent, aggressive or armed way of solving problems. Today we have alternative means, justice, both formal and informal, as specific mechanisms for he solution of conflicts.
The central of this law are the culture of peace and sustainable development to be implemented in the academic syllabus that must be incorporated before December 31, 2015, in the areas of social sciences, history, geography, politics and democracy constitution, life sciences, environmental education, ethics, human values and principles.
It is clear that the teachers responsible for this initiative must be qualified, skilled and experienced in those academic areas, because otherwise the effort would be counterproductive. We don’t ask Satan to teach the Bible.
So, we must ask: When will the schools of Quindio and the rest of the country, both public and private, begin to incorporate into their academic programs, this officially mandated teaching? When will we Colombians begin to disarm our own spirits, and when will the communication media become truly objective, truthful and impartial?
With this in mind, let us welcome the teaching of peace, principles and values that we have missed in these 60 years of war and fratricidal violence between brother and brother.
(click here for the original Spanish version of this article)
Peace Studies in School Curricula, What would it take to make it happen around the world?
What is happening in Colombia? Is peace possible?
This discussion question applies to the following articles:
Children as Peacemakers
Peace Education Center in Ghana
Asian Educators Symposium and Exchange Program: Creating a Culture of Peace through Education
Life-Link Program Promotes a Culture of Peace
Education for Peace: Le projet intégré prend tout son sens
‘Education for peace’ wins the Youth Excellence Award 2011 in Mauritius.
Convivencia y Protección Escolar: Bogotá, Colombia
Coexistence and School Protection: Student Project in Bogota Colombia
Convivencia y Protección Escolar: Red de Educadores en Bogotá
Coexistence and School Protection: Teachers Network in Bogota Colombia
Premios a la Promoción de la Cultura de Paz y la Convivencia Escolar.
Prizes for the Promotion of Culture of Peace and School Coexistence
Hawaii Teachers Impact NEA National Assembly – 3 Million Members to Support Peace Day
Gambia: Teachers Trained On Peace Building
Málaga destaca por fomentar la convivencia y la cultura de paz, según la Junta de Andalucía (Espagne)
The Junta of Andalucia (Spain): Malaga promotes coexistence and culture of peace
Cultura de Paz nas escolas do Norte de Minas, Brasil
Culture of Peace in the schools of Norte de Minas, Brasil
Formation des enseignants à la résolution non-violente des conflits (France)
Teacher training in nonviolent conflict resolution (France)
Álvarez Rodríguez firmará un acuerdo para aplicar “Cultura de Paz, Gestión de Paz” en las escuelas
Álvarez Rodríguez to sign agreement for “Culture of Peace, Managing Peace” in schools
Gambia: PS Bouy Launches WANEP Peace Education Implementation Guide
Culture de paix et de non-violence dans les écoles : Le réseau ouest-africain pour l’édification de la paix lance son guide
The West African Network for Peacebuilding publishes its guide for culture of peace and non-violence in the schools
Prefeitura de São Luís e Unesco firmam parceria pela cultura de paz nas escolas (Brasil)
City of São Luís and UNESCO sign partnership for the culture of peace in schools (Brazil)
México: Urgente incorporar la cultura de paz a la educación formal
Mexico: Urgent to incorporate culture of peace in formal education
France: 12e Forum « La non-violence à l’école »
France: 12th Forum “Non-Violence in Schools”
Ghana: WANEP trains 150 peace Ambassadors in Tamale Schools