Category Archives: EDUCATION FOR PEACE

Côte d’Ivoire: clubs of peace and non-violence installed in Universities


An article from (translated by CPNN)

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Ramata Bakayoko Ly, conducted on Thursday [19 May] in Yamoussoukro, the inauguration of clubs for peace and non-violence in the universities and grandes ecoles of Côte d’Ivoire with the aim of pacifying the academic space.


The investiture ceremony, held at the National Polytechnic Institute in Yamoussoukro, launched the capacity building activities of the peace and non-violence clubs of the Universities of Ivory Coast in the presence of the Minister of Solidarity, Social Cohesion and the Compensation for Victims, Prof Mariatou Koné and the Representative of the UN Secretary General in Côte d’Ivoire, Aichatou Mindaoudou.

Click here for the original French version of this article

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University campus peace centers, What is happening on your campus?

There are now seven university clubs: Félix Houphouët-Boigny of Cocody, Nangui Abrogoua of Abidjan, Alassane Ouattara of Bouake, Péléforo Gon Coulibaly of Korhogo, Lorougnon Guede of Daloa and the public grandes ecoles ENS Abidjan and INP-HB, Yamoussoukro.

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research praised the students for their massive support to the cause of peace before sending them on a mission as ambassadors of peace to address the barriers of violence, intolerance and fanaticism.

“I urge you to practice acts of non-violence on the campus. In this way you can ensure that the academic activity can take place in a peaceful climate and the Ivorian universities will reach the level of the best universities of the world and contribute to the emergence of the Ivory Coast”, advised Ms. Ramata Bakayoko Ly.

The awareness campaign on the culture of peace with students was launched jointly in 2015 by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the United Nations Office in Côte d’Ivoire. It provides a framework for exchange of experience and acquisition techniques that will enable members to better play their role in supporting the peace efforts of the academic space in the spirit of the Charter of nonviolence named after Alassane Salif N’Diaye professor emeritus.

Mediterranean meeting on mediation to be held in Tangier, Morocco


An article in Libération (translated by CPNN)

The city of Détroit de Gibralter [Morocco] is home on 2 and 3 June 2016 to the fifth meeting of Mediterranean mediation. A legal-social forum is expanding on the south side of the Mediterranean. Following the previous meetings, and considering the growing importance of mediation in the social reality around all of the Mediterranean as an alternative means of dispute resolution, this event is of great importance. It provides a good opportunity for debate and reflection for actors on both sides of the sea.


The city of Détroit de Gibralter [Morocco] is home on 2 and 3 June 2016 to the fifth meeting of Mediterranean mediation. A legal-social forum is expanding on the south side of the Mediterranean. Following the previous meetings, and considering the growing importance of mediation in the social reality around all of the Mediterranean as an alternative means of dispute resolution, this event is of great importance. It provides a good opportunity for debate and reflection for actors on both sides of the sea.

The event aims to promote the culture of mediation in the Mediterranean, creating a network of peace mediators and conflict resolution including the southern Mediterranean.

Indeed, mediation is playing an increasingly important role in resolving conflicts in the family, commercial, and intercultural business. It is a useful and necessary tool.

According to a statement from organizers, the event aims to promote the exchange of information on mediation, considered in its broadest sense and in the service of exchanging experiences between Mediterranean countries.

Bringing together many prominent scholars and experts belonging to several countries in the region, this forum is designed as a deductive approach, starting from the general to the specific, expanding from mediation in general to its different fields of application. The various interventions will address various topics of mediation relating to commercial, family, intercultural and business applications.

Organized by the University of Abdelmalek Essaadi of Tetouan, the National University for Distance Education (UNED), the University Pablo Olavide, the Research Group on Contemporary Arab Studies of the University of Granada, the Three Cultures Foundation of the Mediterranean and the national Association of Mediators (Paris), the meeting intends to spread the culture of conflict resolution through mediation and its consolidation in the Mediterranean to help promote the culture of peace.

(click here for the French version)

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Paris: A standing orchestra !!!


Special for CPNN by Kiki Chauvin

In the spirit of the movement “Nuit Debout” [“Night Standing in Place”] that continues to exist in Paris, thanks to coordination rather than hierarchical power, their creativity continues to develop through sharing rather than individualism.

Click on the photo to enlarge

A call on social networks brought out no less than 350 musicians from all backgrounds and all levels, from amateurs to conservatory professors.

On Wednesday, April 20, the orchestra performed in the Place de la Republique, before an audience of several thousand people (plus 16000 spectators on the live webcast). They played three movements of the New World Symphony by Anton Dvorak.

The musicians included 40 trumpets, as many flutes, oboes fifteen, 60 violins, as well as unusual instruments like the saxophone, mandolin and ukulele (who had to innovate by writing their own scores). Musicians who did not know before took only 2 hours to rehearse and agree. The biggest difficulty was the choice of the direction of a conductor: how to lead such a group within the spirit of the movement, ie no leader! After discussions, votes and eventual consensus, the coordination was be resolved with three different conductors, one for each movement of the symphony. One of them was a woman violinist who conducted for the first time!

After the success of the evening, the orchestra decided to offer another concert. The chosen date is Saturday, April 30. Between “The chorus of slaves of Nabucco” by Verdi and Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, their votes will decide …

In the spirit of this spontaneous militancy, other initiatives have appeared such as a stand for free legal advice “Lawyers standing” available to 18h every evening. An infirmary, a distributive canteen, a “standing TV”, a “Radio standing” and a “Biblio standing” are installed and removed each night.

On April 30 perhaps we will hear the birth of a “standing choir”?

Here is a heart that beats to a different world, a world of social justice, sharing, recognition of human values, independent of the “money god”, a world of solidarity in a universal culture of peace.

(Click here for a French version of this article)


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Mennonite Central Committee: Peace education in photos


An article compiled by Elizabeth Kessler for the Mennonite Central Committee

Our Global Family education program supports nine projects that focus on peace education. Students learn about diversity, forgiveness and the skills they need to mediate conflicts between their peers. These programs are all located in places that have a history of violent conflict, and our local partners believe that the children who learn nonviolence have the potential to grow to be leaders of change.

Click on photos to enlarge
Photo credits (left to right): Dave Klassen, Khamsa Homsombath, Ryan Rodrick Beiler, Majeda Al Saqqa, Edupaz, Sezam, Grassroots Development Initiative, Help the Afghan Children


Patrick Asuquo Effiwatt is the head boy at Township Primary school in Plateau State, Nigeria. He is also one of the student leaders in the school’s Peace Club, which was set up by our partner Emergency Preparedness Response Teams (EPRT). EPRT is working to start 50 new peace clubs in secondary schools across the state.

Each club brings students together to learn how to resolve conflict between their peers. “I have been part of the Peace Club for two years now, and it has impacted my life greatly,” testifies Patrick. “Conflict is a given. But there are ways to settle differences that lead to forgiveness and nonviolence. I want to be part of those solutions.”

Caroline Emmanuel told us, “I once mediated between my grandmother and my aunt when a serious disagreement erupted.” She’s a member of the Mangu Hale school Peace Club, one of the clubs set up by EPRT. The members of the club have been praised by the school’s parent committee for the positive impact they have had on the school.


These kids are learning about trust through a teambuilding activity at a peacebuilding summer camp organized by Mittapab (Friendship), a group of educators and young adults who teach peace skills to their peers in Vientiane, Laos. Global Family provides resources for workshops, internships and the peacebuilding summer camp.

Sunsany Khodphoutone, the leader in the red shirt, has been a volunteer since 2011.

“I take my role as a peacebuilder seriously,” he says. “Sometimes I am so excited about what I have learned that I can’t help but teach everyone I come into contact with…. I really love what Mittapab is doing—more than my study subject at college. I will continue to improve myself to be a good leader and peacebuilder for the future of Laos.”


Suheil Arandas (age 10, in the red shirt) participates in a dance class at Shoroq wa-Amal. Shoroq wa-Amal means “Sunshine and Hope”, and is a program for refugee children at the Khan Younis refugee camp in Gaza. The Culture and Free Thought Association (CFTA), a Global Family partner, is providing leadership training and healthy outlets for expression for the children, many of whom have lost loved ones to violence. The CFTA believes that trauma healing is an important building block for a future of peace in Palestine and Israel. Global Family provides stipends for counsellors to meet with the students.

Ahmed Zokmatt, another student at Shoroq wa-Amal, draws a crowd of children protesting for their right to feel safe.

Ahmed was devastated by the death of his cousin, who was killed in an Israeli air strike during the 2014 Israel-Hamas conflict. “He was a dear friend of mine,” he says. “When I knew Ibrahim was coming to visit I could not sleep from happiness. We would laugh, eat, play and he would sleep next to me. I am in disbelief that I will never see him again.”

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Question for this article:

Can peace be guaranteed through nonviolent means?

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While at Shoroq wa-Amal, Ahmed expresses his feelings through drawing and painting.

“I want to tell the world that children in Gaza have the right to play, smile, be happy and feel safe and secure,” Ahmed said.


Luis Esteban Estupiñan Mosquera teaches English and physical education in Cali, Colombia. He has been a teacher for 14 years, but came to a new school in 2014 where MCC partner Edupaz has been working to teach students, teachers and parents how to mediate conflicts.

At the schools where he taught before, Luis says the teachers didn’t know how to handle conflict, and used “punitive methods” with the students. Many of the students come from families that fled violence in rural Colombia during the decades-long civil war, and still experience the effects of street violence and domestic violence.

Coming to this new school changed things for Luis. “The fact that this school is teaching alternatives to managing conflict has changed a lot in my performance as a teacher and in my personal life,” he says. “I have now learned how to teach my students to avoid conflict. This is wonderful!”

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dženaida Dizdarevic Subašic is a teacher and participant of Education for the Future, a Global Family-supported program in Bosnia and Herzegovina that trains primary school teachers in modelling tolerance and acceptance of differences.

Neighbouring communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina are ethnically divided, and children go to separate religious schools. By promoting trauma healing, peacebuilding and reconciliation, teachers can have a positive impact on how Christians and Muslims coexist.

Dženaida was skeptical about the training at first, but she now teaches nonviolent communication to her students. “Skills learned in nonviolence workshops also help students have better relationships and more respect in dealing with each other,” she says.


This photo was taken at Rae Kanyika Primary School in Kisumu, Kenya. Christopher Omondi, on the right, is conducting a session on leadership with the Student Leaders Council of the school. Christopher is a volunteer with Grassroots Development Initiative (GDI), a local organization in Kisumu that works to promote peaceful environments in schools.

In April 2016, GDI will become one of Global Family’s newest partners. Global Family will provide funding to train teachers in restorative discipline as an alternative to corporal punishment. GDI will also train teachers in conflict resolution and confronting gender discrimination.


Atifa is a grade seven student in Paghman District, Kabul Province, Afghanistan. She is proud to have been able to settle disputes between her classmates ever since taking a peace education course offered by Help the Afghan Children, a Global Family partner.

Help the Afghan Children (HTAC) works in 15 schools in Paghman District, offering peace education as well as computer classes with support from Global Family. While it is usually difficult to directly measure the impact of peace education, we know that aggressive conflicts between students in Paghman District dropped by 63% between 2011 and 2013, and two-thirds of students were seen to be modelling the behaviour taught in HTAC classes.

Central Africa: ICGLR Summit On Formal Peace Education in the Great Lakes Region Concludes in Nairobi


An article from conference website

The International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) has concluded a two-day Regional Peace Education Summit, which it co-organised with Interpeace and UNESCO in Nairobi, Kenya. Delegates at the summit, held from 3-4 March 2016, included officials of Government Ministries responsible for Education, Gender and Youth members of the national parliaments and provincial governments, and practitioners from Burundi, the DRC, Rwanda and Uganda, as well as technical experts in peacebuilding and peace education from Interpeace and UNESCO.


Ambassador Josephine Gaita, ICGLR National Coordinator of the Republic of Kenya, officially opened the summit on March 3rd. The summit focused on the implementation of formal peace education in three ICGLR member states, namely Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and Rwanda. The Republic of Uganda was also present as an active observer, while the Republic of South Sudan was represented by the country’s ICGLR National Coordinator.

Proceedings included presentations on the state of peace education in Burundi, the DRC, Rwanda and Uganda, expert presentations on the policy and practice of peace education, plenary discussions and sessions where each delegations could reflect on their country specific ideas on the way forward for effective implementation of formal peace education. Participants expressed the need for regional level peace education strategies to respond to conflicts in the Great Lakes which have often had a cross border dimension.

The summit was premised by two prior occasions. The first was an Extraordinary Summit of ICGLR Heads of States on Youth Unemployment, held on 24 July 2014 in Nairobi, which emphasized the important role of the youth in the pursuit of peace, security and stability within the region. The second was a 2014 participatory action research process carried out by Interpeace and its six partner organisations in Rwanda, Burundi and the eastern DRC. The research was based on consultations with diverse actors across the Great Lakes region and revealed that most people considered identity-based stereotypes and manipulations as a fundamental obstacle to sustainable peace in the region. The research participants suggested that peace education could serve as a priority intervention to address challenges related to identity-based stereotypes and manipulation, arguing that peace education could both strengthen existing peacebuilding efforts and help in the prevention of conflict among future generations.

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Question related to this article:

Solidarity across national borders, What are some good examples?>

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Interpeace’s Regional Director for Eastern and Central Africa (ECA), Johan Svensson, lauded the national delegations and the ICGLR for taking into account the sentiments of the local populations in their efforts to achieve sustainable peace and security both in their countries and in the region.

“Your commitment as stakeholders is inspiring because you are responding directly to your people’s call for peace education,” Mr Svensson remarked at the summit.

The summit revealed that peace education efforts already existed in all the three countries, albeit at varying levels of implementation. Among some of the challenges discussed was the need to develop comprehensive peace education frameworks and to foster a pedagogy that would create harmony in the understanding of integration of peace education in the three countries. These findings were emphasized by ICGLR Executive Secretary, Professor Ntumba Luaba, who called for the creation of a regional ICGLR peace education programme and acknowledged the delegates for making the first steps in the regional cause for peace education. Ministry representatives of the country delegations committed to sharing the findings of the summit with the concerned actors in their respective countries, in order to make sure that the summit results will inform future peace education efforts.

“Peace education has the potential to create a new generation of women, men and youth who will be the guardians of peace in the region,” Professor Ntumba told participants at the summit.

Professor Luaba also lauded ICGLR’s partnership with Interpeace, which made it possible for the summit to take place, and suggested the organisation of a similar Peace Education summit with participation from all the twelve ICGLR Member States. The ICGLR Member States include the Republic of Angola, the Republic of Burundi, the Central African Republic, the Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Kenya, the Republic of Rwanda, the Republic of Sudan, the Republic of South Sudan, the United Republic of Tanzania, the Republic of Uganda and the Republic of Zambia.

(Thank you to the newsletter of the Global Campaign for Peace Education for sending us this news.)

Spain: The Second Latin American Congress makes Vila-real the international capital of police mediation


An article from the Castellón Journal (translated by CPNN)

The town of Vila-real has again become these days the “world capital of police mediation” thanks to the second edition of the Ibero-American Congress of Police Mediation held until Friday [April 15] ]at the Municipal Auditorium Músic Rafael Beltrán Moner with more than 400 congressmen and 40 speakers. The mayor, José Benlloch, the president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, the rector of the Universitat Jaume I, Vicent Climent, and the chief of the local police, José Ramón Nieto, inaugurated this morning the congress, organized by the city of Vila-real collaboration with the UJI, which aims to “deepen the values ​​of dialogue and agreement” as effective and efficient tools for conflict resolution and “peace-building”.

The mayor, the president of the Generalitat and the rector of the Universitat Jaume I inaugurate an event that brings together more than 400 delegates and 40 speakers

Benlloch highlighted especially the role of local police in Vila-real, through the Unit of Police Mediation and the Department of Police Mediation of the University which are consolidating “a methodology still in its infancy but which has already shown its full potential “. “The police unit that was born as a pioneer in 2004, has given new answers to different realities. Today it marks the way forward for police forces around the world,” says the mayor. To further strengthen this discipline, from the theoretical and practical level, Benlloch advocates a reform of regional laws concerning local police that “gives greater means to our bodies of municipal security, who are closest to the problems of people, that incorporate a culture of mediation as an intrinsic part of their work”; this is a reform on which, he points out, the Generalitat of Valencia has been working in recent months.
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(click here for the Spanish version)

Questions for this article:

Mediation as a tool for nonviolence and culture of peace

Where are police being trained in culture of peace?

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The president of the Consell stressed in his speech the support of the Regional Administration for the practice of mediation as an example of “social innovation” that addresses conflict resolution as “diversity management ensuring equal between the parties”. “Police mediation extends the value of the police at the municipal level, with the added value of proximity,” says Puig, for whom the Second Latin American Congress of Police Mediation “is a demonstration of the role of local goverment to participate in global debates. The City of Vila-real has opened a fundamental debate about police mediation as prevention with the training of security forces for dialogue and consensus.”

In the same vein, the rector of the Universitat Jaume I stressed the importance of meetings such as the Ibero-American Congress to consolidate a discipline that is “still emerging” and to “advance values ​​such as respect, freedom and justice, which are the values of peaceful coexistence. ” Rector Climent considers the Congress and the work done by the Department of Police Mediation of the city Vila-real to be a “reference in the international arena, as an example of” inter-agency collaboration, through the transfer of innovative knowledge.”

After the inaugural presentations, the mayor of Vila-real delivered the first lecture of the conference, which in its first day featured speakers such as Peter Blasco, on behalf of the NGO Messengers for Peace, the inspector general commissioner of the National Police of Panama, General Willington Zambrano, and the human rights activist Mamadou Dia. The morning session, included the award of the Josep Redorta prize to deepen the implementation of mediation in police forces in Latin America, while on Friday the Alternative Nobel Laureate and founder of les Peace Studies, Johan Galtung, spoke at the closing session.

Nonviolence Charter: Progress Report #8 (April 2016)


An article by Robert J. Burrowes, Anita McKone and Anahata Giri in the TRANSCEND Media Service (abbreviated)

Here is the latest six-monthly report on progress in relation to ‘The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World’ and a sample of news about Charter signatories. Building a worldwide consensus against the use of violence in all contexts is quite a challenge but we are making solid progress!


Since our last report on 14 October 2015 –which Antonio C. S. Rosa kindly published in the TRANSCEND Media Service Weekly Digest—

–we have gained our first signatories in another four countries – Argentina, Costa Rica, Kazakhstan and West Papua – a total of 93 countries now. We also have 104 organisations from 33 countries, the latest of which is the Associação Internacional de Poetas based in Brazil. If you wish, you can see the list of organisational endorsements on the Charter website.

If you wish to see individual signatories, click on the ‘View signatures’ item in the sidebar. You can use the search facility if you want to look for a specific name.

The latest progress report article ‘Ending Human Violence is a Task for Each of Us’ was recently distributed to many progressive news websites and mainstream newspapers: it was published by a number of progressive outlets in fourteen countries, thanks to very supportive editors–several of whom are Charter signatories. . .

You may remember that in the last Charter progress report we repeated our promise to report on those of you about whom we knew less by asking you to send us some information about yourself and the reminder that you don’t have to be world famous to be valued here. Well, the good news is that a number of people responded and, in addition, we did some more research ourselves. However, as we continue to find, extraordinary people seem to invariably consider themselves ‘ordinary’. So, irrespective of how you consider yourself, we would love to hear about you for the next report!

(Editor’s note: The news of charter signatories is too long to be printed here, so reader’s are encouraged to see them here in the full report.

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Zanzibar Peace, Truth & Transparency Association


from Ali Mussa Mwadini

Dear Sir / Madame,
Please help our organization to unite & work together. to promote & sustain a true culture of peace & peace operations and local conflict resolution in Zanzibar community. The Zanzibar Peace, Truth & Transparency Association is a non-profit Organization, non-political, non-religious, and non-military registered in Zanzibar Tanzania, with its headquarters in Zanzibar Town.

Photo of Association on International Day of Peace

Against a background of wars, conflicts, tension and insecurity within Zanzibar community, our Organization was founded to focus on True Culture of Peace, and Peace related issues, such as Human rights, Gender Inequality, Interfaith, Democracy, Good Governance and Rule of law within Zanzibar and the Tanzania at large.
Our Organization is triggered by the resurgence of political misunderstandings between ruling and opposition political parties in every multiparty election in Zanzibar since 1995, which ends up with conflicts and distorts social fabrics. Zanzibar Peace, Truth & Transparency Association, is committed to address those political misunderstandings accordingly in order to safeguard lives and properties of the Zanzibar community.  In this respect, we therefore need to bring together and live Peaceful and prosperous society, and to ensures equal rights and privileges to all Zanzibar citizen.

We aim to:

– build a peaceful Zanzibar Community, free from Violence, Conflict, Hatred and Fear

– To promote compassion and understanding, respecting the Differences, Gender Equality and tolerance and for others live together in Harmony

– To promote peace Community in the Villages, Districts, Regional and National, encourage and strengthened for a National Movement for a True Culture of Peace in Zanzibar

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Question for this article:

Can peace be guaranteed through nonviolent means?

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– To undertake Peace Training program within rural Community Leaders, Religious groups, Women Groups, Youth Groups & Youth Centers, Schools, Colleges & universities,  in order to reduce conflicts and create  sustainable future generations

– To empower community members with skills and knowledge to produce income generating activities in order to reduce poverty and increase peace

– To Change and Revive the norms and rules governing Zanzibar community, Religious Groups & Political Parties, at all levels in order to ensure that conflicts are dealt with constructively through institutional channels

– To seek cooperation with Peace Loving countries and institutions which indulge in promoting Peace Awareness, Conflicts Resolution, Peace Building, Negotiation and Reconciliation, Strong Dialogue and Forgiveness and promote the Culture of Peace as an urgent task that requires the committed engagement of all the people in Zanzibar & the World.

Our Organization is working in Unguja & Pemba Islands through community training,  group meetings, mobile cinema, Political meetings, Religious Groups and Women Groups. The large population in our two Islands have adopted a peaceful way of life to avoid Conflicts

It Is Never Too Late To Live Together As Humans Despite  our Political Parties & Religious Differences
To consolidate peace after war is a long-term process. To consolidate democracy is an even longer one.


Ali Mussa Mwadini
Executive Secretary & Peace Activist
ZPTTA NGO Zanzibar
( Tel: +255 777 451257 )

Nonviolent Peaceforce: A paradigm shift?


An article from the Nonviolent Peaceforce

As violent chaos overwhelms all existing approaches to civilian protection, unarmed civilian protection is gaining attention. Over the past three months, NP has given high-level presentations in Europe, the Middle East and the US.


On February 1, Rolf Carriere, NP board member and senior advisor, spoke at a Brussels forum on Civil Society Perspectives on European Union Implementation of the 2015 UN Reviews. In noting that unarmed civilian protection (UCP) was prominently cited in two UN reviews, Mr. Carriere asserted, “UCP is ready for scaling up. There is almost no conflict where it would not be suitable for these unarmed strategies to be used, especially if the engagement is early on in the conflict cycle, more preventative.”

NP board chair Mukesh Kapila and Tiffany Easthom, NP director for the Middle East, spoke on a panel at the World Bank’s Fragility Forum in Washington DC., March 1-3, where they noted that the sum of the various efforts by international actors is clearly not adequate to today’s needs of rising toll of humanitarian disasters and violence against civilians. They stressed the need to be guided by the local communities, to utilize unarmed approaches and to challenge institutional norms.

Two weeks later, Dr. Rachel Julian of Leeds Beckett University in the UK joined Easthom in Berlin to testify before a subcommittee of the Bundestag. Based on evaluations, case studies and interviews of those involved with nine organizations providing unarmed civilian protection, Dr. Julian has found that UCP changes the behavior of armed actors, helps communities stay at home and saves lives. Ms. Easthom was impressed by the parliamentarians’ high level of knowledge and keen interest to scale up UCP. Mel Duncan followed up with a delegation of German parliamentarians when the visited New York in early April.

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Question for this article:

Can peace be guaranteed through nonviolent means?

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Chris Holt and Shannon Radsky of NP’s team in South Sudan spent a week in mid-March speaking at parallel events for the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women as well as meeting with UN officials in New York. While affirming the findings of the March 10th UN High Commissioner on Human Rights Report of extreme violence in South Sudan, they went on to detail ways that women are not only victims but also effective agents of civilian protection.

On the religious front, Easthom participated in a retreat sponsored by the World Council of Churches in Beirut where they adopted a strong theme of nonviolent approaches. And Mel will take part in a conference on nonviolence at the Vatican in mid April.

So what does this all mean? Merely a dizzying array of junkets? Or will this advocacy translate into a meaningful increase in the protection of civilians? Dr. Julian observes that a paradigm shift is underway, “One of the most dramatic shifts will have taken place when everyone realizes that, the assumption that an armed actor will not yield to anything except a weapon has been proven to be untrue.”

Together we are proving that point from the bush of South Sudan and bringing the messages to places like Bundestag of Germany.

(Thank you to Janet Hudgins, the CPNN reporter for this article.)

USA: Kids4Peace Boston summer programs


Excerpts from website of Kids4Peace Boston

Each year, Kids4Peace Boston works with Muslim, Jewish & Christian youth from Boston, Israel, Palestine, and the United States. Among peace education efforts, Kids4Peace is unique in three ways:


1) We begin with 12 year olds, engaging their natural openness to live, learn, play, and make friends with others different from themselves. Because the children are young, their families also become involved in the program and get to know one another.

2) We focus on faith, getting close to what matters most in many people’s lives. We highlight our common heritage as children of Abraham and pay attention to each tradition’s impulse toward peace and justice.

3) We maintain and nourish the relationships made in this initial encounter of children and their families so that these young people become effective interfaith peace leaders by the time they graduate from high school.

We believe that it is our obligation to teach our children to be peacemakers, leading by our own example and learning from young people’s fresh perspectives on how to live together in friendship and peace.


Kids4Peace Boston is looking for Muslim, Jewish, and Christian 6th and 7th graders to join us for 8 days of summer camp activities (swimming, boating, sports, hiking, camp fires, arts and crafts and more) on the shores of a crystal-clear lake in the mountains of New Hampshire

Who? We are looking for participants who live in the greater Boston area and are in sixth or seventh grade during the 2015-2016 school year. Kids4Peace campers are open-minded, like to try new experiences and make new friends, and are eager to share about their lives, cultures, and religious traditions.

When? July 31 – August 7, 2016 at Camp Merrowvista in Center Tuftonboro, NH

For additional questions, email


Service Learning Program in New Haven, CT Monday, July 25 – Tuesday, August 2, 2016

8th graders, with peers from North America and the Middle East (including Israelis, Palestinians, and Syrian, Iraqi, and Afghan refugees), will explore interfaith citizenship, identity, communication, leadership, and peace by participating in a nine-day service-learning program led by Jerusalem Peacebuilders (a K4PB partner). Activities will include: dialogues, sports, workshops, presentations at local faith communities and field trips to the United Nations HQ, the 9/11 Museum at Ground Zero in New York City, and historic Mystic Seaport and Aquarium.

Click here for more information and an application:

2016 SUMMER PROGRAMS – 9th & 10th GRADES

Kids4Peace International Global Institute in Washington, DC Wednesday, July 27 – Monday, August 8, 2016

9th and 10th graders will join their peers from Kids4Peace Jerusalem and from other K4P chapters in America to learn about social change movements, gain skills in advocacy and organizing, and interact with public policy and diplomatic leaders. They will return to Boston with a few of their Israeli and Palestinian friends to implement their new skills through an interfaith community action project.

For more information and an application:

(Thank you to Norma Shakun for proposing this article to CPNN.)

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