All posts by CPNN Coordinator

About CPNN Coordinator

Dr David Adams is the coordinator of the Culture of Peace News Network. He retired in 2001 from UNESCO where he was the Director of the Unit for the International Year for the Culture of Peace, proclaimed for the Year 2000 by the United Nations General Assembly.

Towards an African renaissance through culture and history


An article from La Depeche d’Abidjan

Through oral tradition and knowledge of history, African culture can convey peace and creativity on the continent, beyond, and throughout the world.

In West African folklore, Anansi was a charming prankster with the appearance of a spider. He realized that human beings were sad, because they had no reason to hope or envisage a bright future. He then remembered that Nyame, the sky god, had magical things called stories. These stories could make humans happy, Anansi thought.

He visited Nyame and asked to buy his stories. However, the sky god told him that they were not for sale. “I won’t sell them for anything in the world, except for Onini the murderous python, Osebo the elusive leopard, Mmoatia the mischievous fairy and Mmoboro, the swarm of deadly hornets,” says Nyame. This mission was a feat, but not for Anansi, who managed to capture these four out-of-reach targets using his genius. When he delivered them to Nyame, the latter was not satisfied. However, having made a deal with Anansi, he had to honor his promise.

“Bring these stories back to earth and give them to humans,” Nyame said. They will be eternally grateful to you. Besides, they will name all the great tales “spider stories” in your honor. »

Thus, Anansi the joker became the god who knew all stories. The myth of Anansi illustrates the need for every society to create and share stories.

Netflix and UNESCO have joined forces to launch an innovative short film competition on the theme “African folk tales revisited” throughout sub-Saharan Africa. The winners of the competition will be trained and monitored by professionals in the field and will receive a production budget of $75,000 to produce short films which will be broadcast for the first time on Netflix in 2022, in the form of an Anthology of African folk tales. One of the main objectives of this competition is to discover new voices and give international visibility to young directors from sub-Saharan Africa.

From spider tales to African history

Stories such as those shared by Anansi have been at the heart of human life for thousands of years, a kind of cognitive game that stimulates the human mind, allowing us to understand natural and social phenomena, and to imagine different strategies for living in a complex world. It could be assumed that the more we collect and share these stories, the more we will be able to understand ourselves, others, the world around us, respective and common values and traditions. UNESCO’s work over the past decades to document, collect and write down these stories from around the world is not only a much-needed effort to protect and preserve precious heritage, but also an effort to develop knowledge of the world as well as our collective capacity to understand ourselves.

Spider tales are widespread in West Africa,. The Ghanaian tales of Anansi are among the best known, in the Akan language the name Anansi comes from the word “spider”.

Today, Anansi symbolizes the wisdom, creativity and complexity of the entire African continent. Oral traditions — messages, songs, fables and proverbs — are passed from one generation to the next without writing, allowing people to make sense of the world around them and teaching them essential aspects of their culture.

Like the tales of Anansi, told since the dawn of time, the history of the African continent has been passed down orally from generation to generation. Although historical writings have existed in West Africa for many centuries, the majority of people on the continent were unable to read them. Oral tradition allowed Africans to share their common history, whether they came from the north or the south of the continent, however Europeans considered that the latter had no history, because they were incapable of reading and understanding it. to understand. Thus, the history of Africa that was shared with the rest of the world began with the story of colonialism and that of Europeans in Africa.

Decolonizing African history

In the early 1960s, as Africa entered a phase of rapid decolonization, intellectuals and leaders of newly independent countries worked to liberate their history as well as that of their nation. In order to put an end to the general ignorance of African history, UNESCO launched the “General History of Africa” in 1964. The Organization invited African intellectuals to write, for the very first time, the history of their continent using sources often ignored by Western historians, such as folklore, traditions and culture, to provide an African perspective, free of the racial biases emanating from the slave trade and European intervention.

This ambitious project, intended to renew scientific approaches to the history of Africa, had immense repercussions on world history, and offered a new global perspective on the history of all continents. It placed Africa at the heart of the history of humanity. For the first time, we attempted to go beyond the borders of national stories in order to construct a true “general history”, highlighting the common points between peoples and cultures, revealing trends and exchanges over the centuries beyond borders. national, and highlighting identities like never before.

The African continent has the longest history in the world: it is the cradle of humanity. In the 19th century, Charles Darwin was the first to suggest that the common ancestor of human beings was most likely African, an idea that alarmed many at the time. “The fact that we could have evolved in Africa was anathema to many, who were unable to believe that the pure white, blue-eyed, flaxen-haired northern populations could have originated on the ‘dark continent’. ”. However, all the major events linked to our history date back to Africa,” explains the Kenyan paleontologist, Richard Leakey, one of the first contributors to the General History of Africa project. “We are an African animal, an African species that has colonized and recolonized the world at different times and in different ways. Today, no human being can say that Africa is not their motherland.”

The General History of Africa

The General History of Africa (HGA) is a pioneering, unprecedented project, aiming to cover the history of the entire African continent, from the beginning of humanity to the contemporary challenges faced by Africans and their diasporas around the world. A story which brings to light the pre-colonial period and intertwines the destiny of Africa with that of humanity by highlighting its link with other continents and the contribution of African cultures to the general progress of humanity. In recent years, UNESCO has begun the preparation and editing of three new volumes of the HGA (volumes IX to XI).

Starting from the example of Africa, UNESCO has led other vast historical projects on a regional scale, such as the General History of Latin America and the Caribbean, the History of Civilizations of Central Asia, the different aspects of Islamic culture as well as the History of humanity. These volumes and their thousands of pages, written well before the birth of online platforms such as Wikipedia, represent one of the most ambitious scientific endeavors aimed at building a common understanding of the human history we share. The General History of Africa has since changed the global perspective on how history is written and constitutes a historiographical shift in scale that modern “world history” and contemporary “connected histories” continue to explore .

The General History of Africa in video

The General History of Africa (HGA) launched by UNESCO in 1964 has entered a new phase with a nine-part documentary series, produced by BBC journalist and producer Zeinab Badawi. The latter traveled to the four corners of Africa, interviewing historians, archaeologists and African citizens whose testimonies and stories paint a vivid picture of their continent’s past and its influence on their lives today.

Teaching the General History of Africa

In March 2009, UNESCO launched “Pedagogical Use of the General History of Africa” to respond to requests made by African countries concerning the adaptation of the content of the volumes of the General History of Africa. Africa to school education. To do this, UNESCO has developed educational content to teach to children in African primary and secondary schools in order to improve the knowledge of African pupils and students on the way in which African societies have evolved through time and space. and on the impact of these changes on the present and the future.

Celebrating a common culture: from north to south, from west to east

There is an expression common to many Southern African languages: “Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu”, which literally means “a person is a person through other people”.

In African culture, the “self” is not separate from the world, on the contrary, it is one with the natural and social environment. Although there are different ethnicities and nationalities — each with their own language, gastronomy and artistic expressions — all Africans share a common culture. This African wisdom echoes John Donne’s famous quote “no man is an island”, which reminds us that human beings do poorly when they are isolated from others and need to be part of a community to thrive.

The end of colonization at the beginning of the 1960s was no guarantee of lasting peace on the continent.

On the contrary, violent political events, rooted in ethnic conflicts, have hit sub-Saharan Africa since independence, causing millions of deaths and slowing economic development.

To ensure peace on the continent, regional communities understood that they needed to strengthen their ties and interact with each other, celebrating their common culture.

Let us draw together from our values, our traditions, our culture in order to find the path to prosperity and peace. Denis Mukwege, Congolese gynecologist and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018

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(Click here for the original French version of this article)

Question related to this article:
Can popular art help us in the quest for truth and justice?

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Building peace in Africa

Every two years, Luanda, the Angolan capital, transforms into a global center for peace in Africa, as the city hosts the “Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace”, also known as the Luanda Biennale. More than 60 countries are represented, attracting representatives of governments, international organizations, NGOs and artists. They share ideas, enter into new partnerships and take part in cultural events, with one common goal: to strengthen the culture of peace on the continent.

The Biennale is the result of the joint efforts of the Angolan government, the African Union and UNESCO. It is organized to overcome the various obstacles to growth and prosperity in Africa.

It also constitutes a platform of choice for taking stock of and encouraging some of UNESCO’s most important initiatives in favor of education, science, press freedom and equality. genres across the continent. According to data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), at least half of young people aged 15 to 17 in sub-Saharan Africa were out of school before the COVID-19 pandemic, and the situation is not only got worse. This is the highest proportion of any region in the world. More than half of those who should now be honing the skills they need for the job market or to access higher education are not even in school. As an example of concrete action, the UNESCO Global Education Coalition provided free internet access to Senegal and other African countries to facilitate immediate distance learning for a half-million learners, with the goal being to enroll an additional 3.5 million in the program.

The Luanda Biennale Partners Forum focuses on how to build innovative partnerships for inclusive democracy and peace across African countries. It brings together international organizations, the private financial sector, foundations and media as well as civil society, artists and cultural entrepreneurs.

This forum of ideas provides a platform for dialogue on the future of Africa, and focuses on solutions to prevent and resolve conflicts using culture, education and the free press. It addresses the protection of displaced people and migrants, the contribution of the African diaspora and the concerted management of the continent’s natural resources.

The women’s forum focuses on ways to end all forms of violence against women and the role of women’s networks in achieving peace in Africa. “I think it is important for us as a continent to come together and have a discussion about the paths we want to take and how we are going to get there,” said Xoliswa Phenya, Deputy Director of the development of crafts with the South African Department of Arts and Culture. Our leaders spoke of the African renaissance. Perhaps it is time for younger generations to step in to make this dream a reality. »

When African history helps us understand today’s societies

The Anansi spider has become the symbol of African finesse and wisdom in expression and its stories have survived through oral tradition. They have also traveled all over the world. This same oral tradition spread Anansi tales to the rest of the world, particularly to the Caribbean, through populations enslaved during the colonization of Africa.

For enslaved Africans and their descendants, Anansi became a symbol of resilience and survival. Tales recounting the spider’s ingenuity and trickery helped slaves survive the ordeal of captivity, perpetuate the link with their African past and assert their identity.

Today, nearly 200 million people across the American continent consider themselves of African origin. Several million more live in other parts of the world, outside the African continent. Understanding these historical and cultural connections is a prerequisite for meeting the contemporary challenges of social cohesion and the many forms of cultural belonging in modern multicultural societies. It is also an opportunity for all countries whose populations are made up of millions of citizens of African descent to encourage international dialogue and build links with other societies around the world. Citizens of African origin often represent some of the most disadvantaged and marginalized groups, with limited access to quality education, health services, housing and social security. Understanding the past is perhaps one of the conditions for breaking the vicious circle and the legacy of racism, discrimination and exclusion.

During the transatlantic slave trade, some four million slaves were brought to American shores in Salvador de Bahia, in what is now Brazil, to work on sugar plantations. Some slaves managed to escape and settle on free land. Among them, the ancestors of Sandra de Santos, who created the agricultural community, Quilombo do Dandá, 250 years ago. Yet Sandra had to fight to preserve the land her family had lived on for generations.

“Tractors came to destroy our crops. There were conflicts. Overnight all our plantations were destroyed,” she says. After months of legal battle, she was allowed to stay on her land.

To help descendants of African slaves and people of African descent, UNESCO supported the International Decade for People of African Descent. Launched in January 2015, it will continue until December 2024. This decade aims to celebrate the importance and contributions of populations of African origin around the world, to advance policies of inclusion and social justice , to eradicate racism and intolerance, promote human rights and create more prosperous communities in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

African culture and art around the world

Aged 19 and originally from the Dominican Republic, Eveline Murmann is one of the young Afro-descendant activists who fight every day for recognition of their roots and an end to discrimination, trivialized in daily exchanges: “straight hair is more formal” and “pale skin is prettier”. Others use artistic expressions such as songs, rap, poetry and dance to tell their stories, as their ancestors did with the tales of Anansi.

“This is the starting point for ending the structure of racism that permeates our society. Being Afro-descendant implies accepting our origins, loving our culture and taking part in our history,” she says. It means being proud of this beautiful skin and this hair so full of freedom. It is recognizing our value and highlighting our contribution to the development of societies.

See us ! Hear us ! Count us in! » [Regardez-nous ! Entendez-nous ! Incluez-nous !]:

Voices from the Decade for People of African Descent

Video celebration of the first part of the implementation of the International Decade for People of African Descent (2014-2025): musical performances, mini-documentary produced in Latin America, conversations with experts and inspiring voices of young people of African descent African people from all over the world sharing their testimonies, their hopes and their dreams through dance, poetry, singing, rap, slam and other creative expressions.

Indeed, the voices of the African diaspora and its young representatives have become loud enough to be heard around the world. Like that of Mohamed Mbougar Sarr, a 31-year-old Senegalese author, who has won numerous literary prizes in recent years for works on contemporary themes such as racism, discrimination and Africa’s relations with Europe. Thanks to his latest novel, The Most Secret Memory of Men, he became the first author from sub-Saharan Africa to receive the most prestigious French literary prize, the Prix Goncourt, and one of the most young winners of all time.

Just like African history, African literature has never stopped living. The growing recognition of its authors is an important first step towards redefining Africa’s relationship with the world. UNESCO forms of recognition such as International Jazz Day or the inscription of the Congolese rumba as an element of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity are part of the numerous initiatives recently taken to highlight and raise awareness of the importance of artists and creators of African origin. By combining the musical tradition of their ancestors with arrangements and improvisations, artists of African descent created new musical codes, which led to the birth of blues and jazz on the banks of the Mississippi Delta in New Orleans. Congolese rumba singers and dancers have also been at the forefront of all struggles and aspirations for Congolese independence.

Focusing on Africa means improving our world. Recognizing and sharing the many ramifications of African history helps us understand today’s societies and live together. This is the driving force behind UNESCO’s commitment to Priority Africa, and the reason to believe that African culture is an accelerator of mutual understanding, creativity and innovation, allowing us to harness the field of possibilities. This is how UNESCO delivers on Anansi’s promise and writes the next chapter in the spider’s story.

UNESCO and its development partners are closely monitoring 54 African countries, using a stronger and more focused strategy. The African renaissance is underway: the adoption of Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development prepare the ground for action by the African Economic Community.

The African heritage

UNESCO firmly believes that sustainable peace and development are intrinsically linked to the capacities and skills of individuals as well as their dignity and rights. It is about taking advantage of this momentum by strengthening the assets of Africa, whose heritage represents a prodigious source of creativity. The richness of the continent’s heritage encourages us to safeguard it for future generations. Although Africa is under-represented on the World Heritage List with only 12% of the sites registered throughout the world, almost half of these sites are on the list of world heritage in danger.

Agenda 2063: the Africa we want

Agenda 2063 is the blueprint and blueprint for Africa aimed at transforming Africa into the global power of the future. It is the strategic framework of the continent which aims to achieve its objective of inclusive and sustainable development. It is a concrete manifestation of the Pan-African desire for union, self-determination, freedom, progress and collective prosperity pursued within the framework of Pan-Africanism and African renaissance.

The African Cinematic Heritage Project (AFHP)

AFHP is a long-term project carried out in partnership with the Film Foundation, chaired by Martin Scorsese, and the Pan-African Federation of Cinematographers (FEPACI) to contribute to the localization, restoration and preservation of films made on the African continent. It will identify 50 films of historical, artistic and cultural significance and will subsequently undertake the restoration process. UNESCO plans to include these films in the “Memory of the World” register.

The sea rescue association SOS MEDITERRANEE wins the Right Livelihood Award 2023


An article from SOS Mediterranée

As the humanitarian crisis intensifies in the Mediterranean, the humanitarian and maritime organization SOS MEDITERRANEE is the winner of the Right Livelihood Award 2023, considered the “alternative Nobel Peace Prize”.

In 2023, the Mediterranean saw the highest number of deaths since 2017. A dramatic observation for a humanitarian crisis that continues. A crisis recognized and highlighted by the presentation of the Right Livelihood Award to the SOS MEDITERRANEE association, for having provided assistance to more than 38,500 people in the central Mediterranean.

“There are already more than 2,000 deaths recorded in 2023, just in the Central Mediterranean region. » declares Caroline Abu Sa’da, General Director of SOS MEDITERRANEE Switzerland. “For us, it is therefore extremely important that the Right Livelihood Award highlights the situation of these thousands of people who are trying to cross the Mediterranean, risking their lives. »

The humanitarian and maritime organization is honored to be among the winners of the Right Livelihood Award 2023. For more than 40 years, this award has recognized and supported individuals and organizations who work tirelessly to solve the world’s greatest challenges. SOS MEDITERRANEE thus joins the prestigious list which notably includes the Ukrainian human rights defender, Oleksandra Matviichuk and the Congolese doctor Dr. Denis Mukwege.

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(Click here for the French version.)

Question for this article

The refugee crisis, Who is responsible?

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The Right Livelihood Award provides valuable visibility on the dramatic situation at sea, as well as on the new constraints weighing on the association, such as the considerable increase in the price of fuel or the allocation of very distant disembarkation ports, after the rescues.

SOS MEDITERRANEE would like to warmly thank all its volunteers, donors, partners and supporters who make its mission possible. “This award is the result of collective work and the commitment of many people dedicated to sea rescue.” concludes Caroline Abu Sa’Da.


SOS MEDITERRANEE is a maritime and humanitarian organization rescuing people in distress at sea. It was founded by European citizens in 2015 and launched rescue operations in the central Mediterranean in February 2016. Since then, the organization has provided assistance to more than 38,000 people at sea. More than 9,000 people have been rescued by the Ocean Viking since it began operating in August 2019. The non-profit organization, based in Switzerland, France, Germany and in Italy, is mainly financed by donations.

About the Right Livelihood Award:

For more than 40 years, Right Livelihood has honored and supported courageous people working to solve global challenges. Each year, Right Livelihood highlights changemakers with an award. To date, 194 winners from 76 countries have received this distinction. By recognizing the actions of these visionaries and making meaningful connections around the world, Right Livelihood encourages urgent, long-term societal change.

The prize was created in 1980, after the Nobel committee rejected a proposal to create two new prizes to recognize those who work for social justice and environmental protection.

(Thank you to Kiki Adams, the CPNN reporter for this article.)

Week of Global Mobilization for Peace in Ukraine


Excerpts from the website of the International Peace Bureau

The International Peace Bureau (IPB) calls the civil society organizations in all countries to join a Week of Global Mobilization for Peace in Ukraine (WGMPU) from Saturday 30th September to Sunday –  8th October 2023. The common goal is to call an immediate ceasefire and peace negotiations to end the war in Ukraine.

As a participant in the international Ukraine coalition, IPB will compile and record all the events and incidents associated with the WGMPU on this webpage.

The interested groups will carry out their own initiatives to advance peace in Ukraine. IPB’s responsibilities are to promote all the planned activities and advertise them on the website and social media pages. You can join us with your activities using this link.

Here are the actions listed as of October 3. For links to the actions, click on the respective country on the IPB page.

➤ Austria
2 & 3 Oct. 2023: “The Ukraine War: Backgrounds and Perspectives”. Lecture by Clemens Ronnefeldt with discussion. Organiser: International Fellowship of Reconciliation. 2.10.2023, 19:00 in Linz (Wissensturm Kärntnerstraße 26); 3.10.2023, 19:00 in Vienna (C3, Alois-Wagner-Saal, Sensengasse 3)

➤ Belgium
– Vrede
24 Oct. 2023 (5pm): Koningsstraat (Congreskolom tegenover nr 77, 1000 Brussel – Stop the killing! An arms truce for Ukraine! In Belgium, the peace movement is calling for people to participate in a peace vigil at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

➤ Canada
–September 30-October 30 street vigil at 10AM – handouts and discussions on alternatives to violent responses to conflict on an international scale
Location: Arnprior District Museum 35 Madawaska Street,
Arnprior, ON K7S 2N7
– Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network
The Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network (CWPJN) urges people in Canada to join the global mobilization with actions across the country from October 1-8 demanding an end to the war in Ukraine.
– Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War:
September 20th: Webinar Cluster Bombs & Depleted Uranium Weapons in Ukraine: 2 More Reasons to end the War Now!
October 7th: Anti-war rally – Send a message to the Trudeau government! Where: Federal Building, 55 Bay Street North, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

➤ Czech Republic
Prague Spring II Network
7 October (10:30 – 17:00 CEST), Webinar: Social and Ecological Paths to Peace. Register here.

➤ Denmark
The Peacemovement of Esbjerg
Thursday, October 5 (5:30pm), Hovedbiblioteket Esbjerg, Nørregade 19, 6700 Esbjerg – Presentation and Debate “Ceasefire and Peace Negotiations in Ukraine“.

➤ France
– Le Mouvement de la Paix & Collectif 21 Septembre:
21 September, for the International Day of Peace
23 September, for rallies and demonstrations against nuclear weapons
26 September, the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons.
Saturday October 7, everywhere in France, gatherings and demonstrations within the framework of the “World Day of mobilizations and actions for peace.

➤ Germany
September 30th, at 13:00 CEST: Webinar – Immediate Ceasefire and Negotiations: The Development of the War in Ukraine since the International Summit for Peace (more details here)
October 1st: Conference in Frankfurt – CREATE PEACE! At 10:00 in Saalbau Gallus.
October 3rd:
Hamburg: Frieden statt Krieg! DIE WAFFEN NIEDER! A rally is planned in front of Altona station / Mercado at 13:00 followed by a demonstration to Fischmarkt.
Munich: Frieden statt Krieg! DIE WAFFEN NIEDER! From 14.00 Odeonsplatz. Munich Peace Alliance supports the International Demand: Peace through peaceful means.
Kalkar: demonstration for peace at the Bundeswehr and NATO command centre, 11:30 a.m.
Frieden und Diplomatie website with more information (in German).

➤ Hungary
– WILPF activists for peace in Europe:
29.09., 30.09., 01.10: Conference in Budapest (conference venue)

➤ India
6th of October – Peermade: discussion organized by an IPB inidividual member

➤ Ireland
– Irish Neutrality League 
28 September: In person event – Why Neutrality Neutral Ireland can play a positive role supporting ceasefire and negotiations.

➤ Israel
– Club for Social Initiatives – OneFuture
5 October (11am), In person event, Hod HaSharon Park – “An urgent summit of countries with nuclear weapons – as a way to an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine. “PLEDGE never to use nuclear weapons first – NFU – No First Use agreement”. Street, open area talks with people and Parlament Members.

➤ Italy
– Europe for Peace and Rete Pace e Disarmo:
Saturday September 30 (3pm), Turin – Centro Studi Sereno Regis, via Garibaldi 13 – Conference “Get out of the war system and build a peace policy“;
Monday October 2 (6pm), Modena – Galleria Europa, piazza Grande n. 17 – Conference “War? I have an objection“.
Saturday October 7 – National demonstration ‘Together for the Constitution‘, in Rome;
Mobilisation in several cities. More information will be provided over the next two weeks.
“Ceasefire and negotiation to save life and build peace”
– Comitato Pace e non più Guerra
Saturday September 30 (4pm), Teatro Ghione Roma Italy. “Peace, Land and Dignity Assembly“;

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Questions related to this article:
Can the peace movement help stop the war in the Ukraine?

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➤ Mexico
– Grupo Renovador México del Foro Social Mundial/Mexico Renewal Group of the World Social Forum
October 7 16.00 Mexican Time (3am UTC) mobilisation at the Hemiciclo Juárez, Ave Juarez, Mexico City and afterwards Assembly 17:30 Mexican time (4am UTC) at the Sindicato de Electricistas Avenida Insurgentes Norte Mexico

➤ Nepal
– Youth for Human Rights Campaign Nepal
Event in office

➤ Nigeria
– Living Values Children Education Foundation/International Youth Summit On Peace and African Unity
30th September: Roundtable Dialogue: Building Capable States In The World in Lagos

➤ Norway
– Fredsinitiativet 2022 (Norwegian Peace Initiative 2022), International Women’s Leauge for Peace and Freedom – Norway (IKFF) and Stop NATO:
7th October: Demonstration in Oslo – there will be speeches in front of the Norwegian Parliament Stortinget, then a march via the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Russian Embassy. Among other speakers: Aslak Storaker, Norwegian representative of the IPB. 

➤ Philippines
– Philippine Initiative on Critical and Global Issues:
October 7 (9am), Metro Manila Zone One Tondo Organization – Community, Art for Peace Workshop.
October 7 (10am), online, Webinar on Zoom and FB Live “WEAPONS AND NUCLEAR POWER IN SPACE – Keep Space for Peace Week”.
– Peace Women Partners and ZOTO: October 8 (9am), Urban Poor Community in Metro Manila – Art workshop, teach in.

➤ Spain
5 of October, 19:00 CEST – Plaça de la Mare de Déu Valencia-España: Street action called by the Assemblea Popular Vàlencia Contra les Guerres (Vàlencia Popular Assembly Against the Wars).
– Federación Unión Africana:
30 of September, 17:00 CEST – València, Calle del Marqués de Montortal, 65 – 46019. Workshop What we talk about when we talk about peace.

➤ UK
– Lancaster Friends Meeting House:
27 September (12pm) – Meeting House Lane, Lancaster, Quaker meeting for worship followed by meal and discussion.
“Our desire for peace unites every person from Ukraine to the UK”
– Côr Gobaith:
30 September (11am) – Street choir at Owain Glyndwr Square, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, Cymru
“Safwn gyda chi – We stand with you”
3 October 2023 (12pm) Peace vigil for Ukraine in Owain Glyndwr Square, Aberystwyth – A chance to do a simple action to show your support for peace in Ukraine. Bring banners and placards! “Stronger Together “
– The Peoples Assembly:
30 Sep. – 2 Oct. 2023: “National Demonstration and Festival of Resistance
1 Oct. 2023 (12 pm): “National Demonstration” at Oxford Rd.


– Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice and the Environment
October 3, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM First Parish on 35 Church Street in Watertown, in person event.
– Defuse Nuclear War
Sep. 17: March for Peace at the joyful 46th annual Willy Street Parade!
Bring the kids! Bring the adults! Find us easily by coming at 10:30 am to 1025 Williamson St, in the rear next to Nature’s Bakery parking lot. Or look for us and our banners at 10:45 in the crowded parade staging area at 926 Williamson St. Parade steps off at 11:00. We’ll have lots of peace banners, flags and signs, or you can bring your own. 
Sep. 21 – 5 pm – 7:45 pm International Day of Peace Movie & Letter Party to Defuse Nuclear War & for Peace in Ukraine – Hawthorne Library, 2707 E Washington Ave.
Defuse Nuclear War & for Peace in Ukraine have called for national and international weeks of action Sept 24 – Oct 8. Events will be held throughout this country and across the world. In Madison we will host four events.  In this first event, we will stream a movie or a webinar, then cooperate to craft letters to editors or commentaries related to the topics that are being highlighted nationally in the two weeks of action. Info on all the events:

Sep. 24 – 3:00 – 4:30 pm, Debate: Is War in Ukraine Justified?
Madison Watch Party for World BEYOND War’s conference — No War 2023: Nonviolent Resistance to Militarism – RSVP to for location.
In this 1.5 hour friendly debate, moderated by Marcy Winograd of CODEPINK, we’ll hear 3 perspectives debated: 1) Russia had no choice but to invade Ukraine, argued by former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, 2) Ukraine had no choice but to fight Russia, argued by journalist James Brooke who works as the Ukraine/Russia columnist for The New York Sun, and 3) Russia and Ukraine both had options better than war, argued by WBW Executive Director David Swanson.  In this third event, we will watch a live-streamed debate by experts on the war in Ukraine.

Sep. 30 – 9:30 am – 11:00 am Speak-out at Dane County Farmers Market
Rotary Park, N Hamilton & Pinckney, the outdoor performance space by the entrance of the Children’s Museum.  In this third event, will speak-out to Defuse Nuclear War and for Peace in Ukraine. We will broadcast our messages “a viva voce” to the market-goers!

Sep. 30 – 12 pm – RALLY – TAKE ACTION FOR PEACE IN UKRAINE! Stop the killing – Ceasefire Now! Negotiations for Peace, Not Endless War Saturday, Rally and March from Downtown Crossing to Boston Common.

Oct 1 – 7:00 – 8:00 pm Candlelight Vigil for Peace in Ukraine for People of Faith and Conscience. Capitol Square – State Street Steps. 

Oct 26, 6 pm – National Bird about illegal drone murder.
Central Library, 201 W Mifflin St, Room 302. Discussion following the film. Free popcorn. RSVP if you can to In this fourth event, people of faith and conscience will vigil with candles at the Capitol. Madison Veterans for Peace, Chapter 25 and Madison for a World BEYOND War are launching a New Antiwar Film Series. 

Nov 30, 6 pm – Theaters of War: How the Pentagon and CIA took Hollywood.
Central Library, 201 W Mifflin St, Room 302. Discussion following the film. Free popcorn. RSVP if you can to Madison Veterans for Peace, Chapter 25 and Madison for a World BEYOND War are launching a New Antiwar Film Series.

A Global Call for Peace in Ukraine Emerges at UN General Assembly


An article by Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies in Common Dreams ( reprinted according to Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)

As it did last year, the 2023 United Nations General Assembly has been debating what role the United Nations and its members should play in the crisis in Ukraine. The United States and its allies still insist that the UN Charter  requires countries to take Ukraine’s side in the conflict, “for as long as it takes” to restore Ukraine’s pre-2014 internationally recognized borders.

They claim to be enforcing Article 2:4 of the UN Charter that states “All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.”

By their reasoning, Russia violated Article 2:4 by invading Ukraine, and that makes any compromise or negotiated settlement unconscionable, regardless of the consequences of prolonging the war.

Other countries have called for a peaceful diplomatic resolution of the conflict in Ukraine, based on the preceding article of the UN Charter, Article 2:3: “All Members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered.”

They also refer to the purposes of the UN, defined in Article 1:1, which include the “settlement of international disputes” by “peaceful means,” and they point to the dangers of escalation and nuclear war as an imperative for diplomacy to quickly end this war.

As the Amir of Qatar  told the Assembly, “A long-term truce has become the most looked-for aspiration by people in Europe and all over the world. We call on all parties to comply with the UN Charter and international law and resort to a radical peaceful solution based on these principles.”

This year, the General Assembly has also been focused on other facets of a world in crisis: the failure to tackle the climate catastrophe; the lack of progress on the Sustainable Development Goals  that countries agreed to in 2000; a neocolonial economic system that still divides the world into rich and poor; and the desperate need for structural reform of a UN Security Council that has failed in its basic responsibility to keep the peace and prevent war.

One speaker after another highlighted the persistent problems related to U.S. and Western abuses of power: the occupation of Palestine; cruel, illegal U.S. sanctions against Cuba and many other countries; Western exploitation of Africa that has evolved from slavery to debt servitude and neocolonialism; and a global financial system that exacerbates extreme inequalities of wealth and power across the world.

Brazil, by tradition, gives the first speech at the General Assembly, and President Lula da Silva  spoke eloquently about the crises facing the UN and the world. On Ukraine, he said,

The war in Ukraine exposes our collective inability to enforce the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. We do not underestimate the difficulties in achieving peace. But no solution will be lasting if it is not based on dialogue. I have reiterated that work needs to be done to create space for negotiations… The UN was born to be the home of understanding and dialogue. The international community must choose. On one hand, there is the expansion of conflicts, the furthering of inequalities and the erosion of the rule of law. On the other, the renewing of multilateral institutions dedicated to promoting peace.

After a bumbling, incoherent speech by President Biden, Latin America again took the stage in the person of  President Gustavo Petro of Colombia:

While the minutes that define life or death on our planet are ticking on, rather than halting this march of time and talking about how to defend life for the future, thanks to deepening knowledge, expand it to the universe, we decided to waste time killing each other. We are not thinking about how to expand life to the stars, but rather how to end life on our own planet. We have devoted ourselves to war. We have been called to war. Latin America has been called upon to produce war machines, men, to go to the killing fields.

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Question related to this article:

Can the culture of peace be established at the level of the state?

(Continued from left column)

They’re forgetting that our countries have been invaded several times by the very same people who are now talking about combatting invasions. They’re forgetting that they invaded Iraq, Syria and Libya for oil. They’re forgetting that the same reasons they use to defend Zelenskyy are the very reasons that should be used to defend Palestine. They forget that to meet the Sustainable Development Goals, we must end all wars.

But they’re helping to wage one war in particular, because world powers see this suiting themselves in their game of thrones, in their hunger games and they’re forgetting to bring an end to the other war because, for these powers, this did not suit them. What is the difference between Ukraine and Palestine, I ask? Is it not time to bring an end to both wars, and other wars too, and make the most of the short time we have to build paths to save life on the planet?

…I propose that the United Nations, as soon as possible, should hold two peace conferences, one on Ukraine, the other on Palestine, not because there are no other wars in the world—there are in my country—but because this would guide the way to making peace in all regions of the planet, because both of these, by themselves, could bring an end to hypocrisy as a political practice, because we could be sincere, a virtue without which we cannot be warriors for life itself.

Petro was not the only leader who upheld the value of sincerity and assailed the hypocrisy of Western diplomacy. Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves  of St. Vincent and the Grenadines cut to the chase:

Let us clear certain ideational cobwebs from our brains. It is, for example, wholly unhelpful to frame the central contradictions of our troubled times as revolving around a struggle between democracies and autocracies. St. Vincent and the Grenadines, a strong liberal democracy, rejects this wrong-headed thesis. It is evident to all right-thinking persons, devoid of self-serving hypocrisy, that the struggle today between the dominant powers is centered upon the control, ownership, and distribution of the world’s resources.

On the war in Ukraine, Gonsalves was equally blunt. “…War and conflict rage senselessly across the globe; in at least one case, Ukraine, the principal adversaries — the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and Russia — may unwittingly open the gates to a nuclear Armageddon… Russia, NATO, and Ukraine should embrace peace, not war and conflict, even if peace has to rest upon a mutually agreed, settled condition of dissatisfaction.”

The Western position on Ukraine was also on full display. However, at least three NATO members (Bulgaria, Hungary and Spain) coupled their denunciations of Russian aggression with pleas for peace. Katalin Novak, the President of Hungary, said,

…We want peace, in our country, in Ukraine, in Europe, in the world. Peace and the security that comes with it. There is no alternative to peace. The killing, the terrible destruction, must stop as soon as possible. War is never the solution. We know that peace is only realistically attainable when at least one side sees the time for negotiations as having come. We cannot decide for Ukrainians about how much they are prepared to sacrifice, but we have a duty to represent our own nation’s desire for peace. And we must do all we can to avoid an escalation of the war.

Even with wars, drought, debt and poverty afflicting their own continent, at least 17 African leaders took time during their General Assembly speeches to call for peace in Ukraine. Some voiced their support for the African Peace Initiative, while others contrasted the West’s commitments and expenditures for the war in Ukraine with its endemic neglect of Africa’s problems. President Joao Lourenço  of Angola clearly explained why, as Africa rises up to reject neocolonialism and build its own future, peace in Ukraine remains a vital interest for Africa and people everywhere:

In Europe, the war between Russia and Ukraine deserves our full attention to the urgent need to put an immediate end to it, given the levels of human and material destruction there, the risk of an escalation into a major conflict on a global scale and the impact of its harmful effects on energy and food security. All the evidence tells us that it is unlikely that there will be winners and losers on the battlefield, which is why the parties involved should be encouraged to prioritize dialogue and diplomacy as soon as possible, to establish a ceasefire and to negotiate a lasting peace not only for the warring countries, but which will guarantee Europe’s security and contribute to world peace and security.

Altogether, leaders from at least 50 countries spoke up for peace in Ukraine at the 2023 UN General Assembly. In his closing statement, Dennis Francis, the Trinidadian president of this year’s UN General Assembly, noted,

Of the topics raised during the High-Level Week, few were as frequent, consistent, or as charged as that of the Ukraine War. The international community is clear that political independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity must be respected, and violence must end.

You can find all 50 statements at this link on the: CODEPINK website

In final declaration, G77 rejects “digital monopolies” and calls for “reform” of the financial system


An article by Gabriel Vera Lopez from the Peoples Dispatch

In the final declaration, the G77+China Summit highlighted the importance of technology for development, the impacts of climate change, and called for a reform of the international economic system. The event ended on Saturday September 16 in Havana, the capital of Cuba, and was attended by heads of state from Latin America, Africa, and Asia including Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, Colombian President Gustavo Petro, as well as United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, and diplomats and delegations from more than 100 countries.

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, the host and president of the G77+ group, addresses the summit. Photo: Presidencia Cuba

“We stress the urgent need for a comprehensive reform of the international financial architecture and a more inclusive and coordinated approach to global financial governance, with greater emphasis on cooperation between countries, notably by increasing the representation of developing countries in global decision-making and policy-making bodies that will contribute to increasing the capacities of developing countries to access and develop science, technology and innovation,” says the Havana Declaration.

The summit’s final declaration also criticizes “digital monopolies” and “other unfair practices that hinder the technological development of developing countries”.

The text also attacks “sanctions” and “coercive economic actions” against developing countries. “We emphasize that such actions not only undermine the principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter and international law, but also seriously impede the advancement of science, technology and innovation and the full realization of economic and social development, particularly in developing countries.”

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel stressed at the opening of the summit on Friday September 16 that one of the aims of the event was to seek common positions so that the countries of the Global South could take their demands to other international forums. On the same day, UN Secretary-General António Guterres pointed out that “global systems and structures have failed” the countries of the Global South.

President Lula on Saturday September 16 criticized the sanctions imposed by the United States against Cuba, defended the reformulation of the global governance system and also questioned technology companies. 

“It is particularly significant that, at this time of great geopolitical transformations, this summit is being held here in Havana. Cuba has been an advocate of fairer global governance and is even the victim of an illegal economic embargo. Brazil is against any unilateral coercive measure. We reject Cuba’s inclusion on the list of states that sponsor terrorism,” said the Brazilian head of state.

“The South can no longer bear the dead weight of all the misfortunes”

The Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Group of 77 (G77) and China began on Friday September 15. The opening ceremony was preceded by an excerpt from Fidel Castro’s speech at the “first Summit of the South”, held in 2000, also in Cuba. The opening speeches were then given by Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel and United Nations (UN) Secretary-General António Guterres.

At the start of his inaugural speech, the Cuban president emphasized the importance of the group, which currently has 134 members: “Today we are two-thirds of the UN’s members, home to 80% of the world’s population,” he said.

Díaz-Canel also paid tribute to former Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez, recalling that he used to say that “we presidents go from summit to summit, while the peoples go from abyss to abyss.” He called for joint efforts to coordinate joint actions between the countries of the global South in order to “change the rules of the game” and achieve the “pending democratization of the system of international relations”.

“It is the peoples of the South who suffer most from poverty, hunger, misery, deaths from curable diseases, illiteracy, human displacement and other consequences of underdevelopment,” said Díaz-Canel. He described the international economic order as “unjust and ecologically unsustainable”.

(Article continued in right column)

Question related to this article:

How can we develop the institutional framework for a culture of peace?

(Article continued from left column)

He also said that “this will be an austere summit”, since in Cuba “we lack many things, but we have an abundance of feelings of friendship, solidarity and fraternity.” He denounced the fact that “Cuba is literally surrounded by a blockade that has lasted six decades and all the difficulties that derive from this siege, which has now been reinforced.” He stressed that Cuba “is not the only one suffering from this unjust world order.”

Describing the global situation, the Cuban president said that “We are traveling on the same ship, even if some are the passengers and others the servants. The only way for this world ship not to end up like the ‘Titanic’ is through collaboration.”

Díaz-Canel questioned the international patent system and made a special complaint about international military spending and the irrationality of the fact that these resources cannot be used to improve the living conditions of the majority.

“Estimates indicate that 9% of world military spending could finance adaptation to climate change in 10 years, and 7% would be enough to cover the cost of universal vaccination against the pandemic,” he estimated.

In the opening speech of UN Secretary General Guterres, he started by saying that the countries of the Global South are “caught in a web of global crises”.

“Poverty is increasing and hunger is growing. Prices are rising, debt is exorbitant and climate disasters are becoming more frequent,” said Guterres. “Global systems and structures have failed them,” adding that “the conclusion is clear: the world is failing developing countries.”

The UN Secretary-General noted that in recent decades, the G77 countries and China “have lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and have come together in the United Nations in search of global solutions and solidarity.”

“To change this, we need action at the national level to ensure good governance, mobilize resources, and prioritize sustainable development. And we need action at the global level that respects national ownership, with the aim of building an international system that defends human rights and looks after the common interest,” he said.

In this sense, Guterres recognized that “many current global institutions reflect a bygone era.” He highlighted the need to update the UN Security Council, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.

Importance of the Summit

The summit takes place a few days before the opening of the 78th UN General Assembly in New York on Tuesday September 19. It is hoped that the countries meeting in Havana will be able to agree on common positions to be defended at the assembly.

Although the UN General Assembly does not have a binding character that obliges member countries to adopt its declarations, several experts emphasize the importance of the 134 countries that currently make up the G77 + China coordinating joint positions as a way of putting pressure on the most powerful countries.

Claudia Marin, from Cuba’s International Policy Research Center, noted that “many of the countries that make up the G77 + China have gained enormous international weight in the last two decades, as in the case of those that make up the BRICS, and this means that the countries of the Global South as a whole have greater weight in their demands.”

However, Marin stressed in an interview with Brasil de Fato that “it will only be possible to build a fairer international system if the weight of these emerging countries can be articulated with the number of countries from the Global South through a greater degree of South-South collaboration”.

Diplomatic victory against the blockade

The G77 Summit of Heads of State and Government is being held in Cuba just days after US President Joe Biden extended the law regulating the blockade against Cuba for another year. A ritual that both Democrats and Republicans have been repeating year after year for more than six decades. Cuba is currently the only state subject to US trade restrictions under the Trading with the Enemy Act, although it is not the only one to suffer unilateral sanctions from Washington.

Every year since 1992, Cuba has presented a draft resolution to the UN General Assembly on the need to suspend the US blockade. Since then, the majority of member states have always voted in favor of the document. This year, the vote is expected to be repeated.

According to several experts, the fact that delegations from all over the world have arrived in Havana to take part in the summit demonstrates the enormous diplomatic capacity that Cuba has managed to build.

(Editor’s note: From various Internet sources, it seems that heads of state at the Havana Conference included those of Angola, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Comores, Cuba, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Sri Lanka and Venezuela, as well as the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Bolivia, Malaysia, Mexico, Saint Kitts and South Africa and the special representative of Chinese President Xi Jinping.)

English bulletin October 1, 2023


According to our survey of the Internet there was an increase in participation in the International Day of Peace this year. This was true in all regions of the world except for Africa and the Arab and Middle Eastern States.

There were more actions in Russia and the Ukraine, especially in schools and universities, but they many were greatly complicated by the war. Most simply wished for peace, often expressed by cutting paper doves or origami and hanging them for all to view or giving them to people. But many other actions explicitly supported the soldiers on their side of the war. In the events in schools of the Ukraine, many called for victory. And some events in schools of Russia were carried out by army representatives recruiting for the war. Since criticism of their war effort is forbidden, it could not be directly expressed on Russian websites. However, in a few cases, it was indirectly expressed in the form of anti-war cartoons that we have reproduced.

As usual, the greatest number of actions took place in Europe. In France, thanks to the mobilization by Mouvement de la Paix and militant trade unions, there were actions in half of the one hundred departments of the country bearing the multi-colored flag of peace. In Belgium, most towns and cities took part in the action of raising the peace flag above the town hall. There were actions in 42 towns and cities of Italy this year. Especially touching was the Italian school that planted a cherry tree in memory of their favorite bear who recently died. The bear was named “Black Cherry” because she was especially fond of this fruit. And especially unusual was the football tournament in the Rebibbia women’s prison near Rome. The director of the prison said “We wanted to celebrate the International Day of Peace through sport, which has always been fertile ground for exalting the values of solidarity, fairness and respect for others.”

Also as usual, the next largest mobilization was in North America, involving 43 of the 50 United States and 4 Canadian provinces. Often, an entire city was mobilized, as was the case in Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia and Montreal. The United Nations devoted the day to a program involving youth from around the world and their contemporary culture. In his annual message, the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres referred to the deadly fires, raging floods and soaring temperatures around the world and called for action to “end the war on our planet and its natural gifts.”

There was a great increase in actions this year in Asia and the Pacific. This was especially evident in Japan, where there were 28 actions, including 13 where high schools participated in a project to draw large-scale calligraphy for peace. In India and Nepal, we found 17 actions carried out by a variety of civil society organizations including Scouts and Guides, Lions Club and Rotary, as well as schools and universities.

The greatest increase in actions this year was in Latin America. This included 28 actions in Brazil, 15 in Mexico and 14 in Argentina, as well as action in 14 other countries. In 10 of these countries, actions were carried out at a government level. At the level of municipal authorities: Esquel, Mendoza and Puerto Genera San Martín in Argentina; Campo Grande, Guarulhos, Juazeiro and Ourinhos in Brazil; Medellin and Popayan in Colombia; Holguin in Cuba; Quito in Ecuador; and provincial authorities in La Altagracia, Dominican Republic and Merida and Queretero in Mexico. National government authorities were involved in Mexico, Panama, Paraguay and Venezuela.

There were fewer actions in Africa, 59 this year compared to 74 last year. In the states of central Africa torn by conflict and trying to separate from European neo-colonialism, the occasion was used to call for dialogue and non-violence. Actions in this regard took place in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, South Sudan and Togo. Angola took the occasion of the International Day of Peace to announce the third edition of the Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace that will take place later this year. Of special importance, given the vulnerability of Africa to the effects of global warming, was the initiative for planting of trees in Kenya.

There were fewer actions in Arab States and the Middle East this year, but the good news is the increased dominance of the voice of women. In Kuwait, The Women’s Institute for Development and Peace used the occasion of Peace Day to announce the formation of an Arab Women’s Network for Peace. And in Syria, the office of the Kurdistan Women’s Union hosted a dialogue session for the International Day of Peace calling for an end to violence and armament and for a comprehensive and just political solution that saisfies all parties in Syria.

In addition to the actions listed above, there were some virtual events on an international scale, including the following:
° Women as Powerful Agents of Transformation for Peace
° Peace One Day
° Peace Education Day
° Service Civil International: The many ways of peace and antimilitarism
° NoWar2023 Conference: Nonviolent Resistance to Militarism

Fortunately, the last two events specifically attacked the culture of war, unlike most events that took place this year for the International Day of Peace. This is important, as pointed out in our most recent blog.


What has happened this year: International Day of Peace


United States and Canada: International Day of Peace


Europe: International Day of Peace


Asia and Pacific: International Day of Peace



Ex-Soviet Countries: International Day of Peace


Arab States And Middle East: International Day of Peace


Latin America and Caribbean: International Day of Peace


Africa: International Day of Peace

What has happened this year (2023) for the International Day of Peace

This year we give links to 297 actions carried out in 17 countries of Western Europe and 147 in 7 countries in Eastern Europe that were once part of the Soviet Union. We link to 257 actions in 6 Canadian provinces and 43 of the 50 states of the United States. There are 82 actions cited in 16 countries of Asia and the Pacific, 85 from 17 Latin American and Caribbean countries, 59 from 26 African countries, and 15 from 8 Arab and Middle Eastern countries. See the CPNN bulletin for October for a synopsis.

Detailed data may be found on the following CPNN articles:

Europe: International Day of Peace

Ex-Soviet Countries: International Day of Peace

United States and Canada: International Day of Peace

Asia and Pacific: International Day of Peace

Arab and Middle Eastern States: International Day of Peace

Latin America and Caribbean: International Day of Peace

Africa: International Day of Peace

Ex-Soviet Countries: International Day of Peace


A survey by CPNN

The following 147 actions in 7 countries formerly part of the Soviet Union were listed in Google during the weeks of September 17-28 this year under the key words “Международный день мира”and “Міжнародний день миру”, as well as “International day of peace”. These include 53 events from Ukraine, 48 from the Russian Federation and 8 from regions disputed between Ukraine and Russia.

In addition to these, 16 events are listed on the maps of One Day One Choir and Montessori schools singing for peace, but with one exception below that is new this year, there is no indication which took place this year and which took place only in previous years.

photo from Smenovtsky, Russia

Here are excerpts from the articles, translated into English.

* * * AZERBAIJAN * * *

BAKU: Employees of the Azerbaijan National Library named after M.F. Akhundzade have prepared a virtual exhibition “International Day of Peace”. According to AZERTAC , the virtual exhibition presents photographs, articles and books on the topic. Those wishing to view the virtual exhibition can use the link .

* * * BELARUS * * *

BARANAVICHY: On September 21, the world celebrates International Day of Peace . On this day, college students learned all about the history of this holiday and held the “Dove of Peace” event, where each participant could write wishes for friendship and peace on paper doves. The participants of the action collected a symbolic globe on which only peace and goodness live. (with many photos)

BOBRUISK: As part of the Peace Day, children born on September 21: Mikholap Alina, Tsyplakova Maria and Shishko Bogdan were presented with gifts from the Leninsky district organization of the city of Bobruisk of the public association “Belarusian Peace Foundation” and the Bobruisk city committee of the NGO “Belarusian Republican Youth Union”. The following performed at the festive lineup: the dance studio “Dance Laboratory”, Daria Bugaeva, Valeria Zayats and Yana Khamdamova – young specialists of our Center. The event ended with a friendly vote of all participants: “We are for peace and goodness on our Earth!” (with many photos)

BREST: On September 21, 2023, Polesie State University took part in the International Round Table “Gagarin, Space, Earth” , dedicated to the International Day of Peace. The organizer of the round table was the Volga Region Institute of Management named after P.A. Stolypin – branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Saratov, Russian Federation). The main speaker on the topic “Gagarin – Ambassador of Peace” was the head of the Saratov regional branch of the All-Russian public organization of solidarity and friendship with the Republic of Cuba “Russian Society for Friendship with Cuba”, head of the scientific and organizational department of the Institute, Ph.D. Oleg Yurievich Abakumov. (with many photos)

BYKHOV: On the occasion of Peace Day, the library of the Bykhov-1 microdistrict held an information hour “Peace in this world depends on us!” During the event, the children were told the history of this holiday, how it is celebrated in different countries of the world, about the symbol of peace – the image of a dove holding an olive branch in its beak, conflicts in the world today and much more. The children also became acquainted with the legend of the Japanese crane, which is associated with a little girl from Japan – Sadako Sasaki. At the end of the event, paper cranes and leaflets with the symbol of peace – a dove – were distributed to all those present as souvenirs. (with photos)

GOMEL CINEMA: As part of the events dedicated to the International Day of Peace, the “Doves of Peace” event was held at the “Mir” cinema for students of educational institutions in the Novobelitsky district. (with photos)

GOMEL FOUNDRY: On the International Day of Peace on September 21, activists of the factory “primary organization” of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union of the Gomel Foundry “CENTROLIT” prepared memorial cards for the organization’s employees with wishes of peace and goodness. (with photos)

GOMEL SCHOOL 27: Today is International Day of Peace. In Belarus, a Week of Peace and Creation was organized on this occasion. In the Gomel region, all schools in the world and peacekeeping units joined the marathon. In particular, school No. 27 of the regional center has been holding events, assemblies and flash mobs on the theme of mutual understanding, kindness and friendship between peoples since Monday. And the windows of the educational institution are decorated with children’s drawings. The Peace School organized an open week at the local museum: it talks about the activities of peacekeeping units and diplomatic relations with schools in other countries. Teachers and students from all over the region can visit the exhibition by agreement; excursions are held regularly. This week there is also a competition of poems and essays, a master class on making a dove, radio broadcasts, propaganda teams for first-graders, and lotteries. (with photos)

GOMEL KINDERGARTEN 18: An event dedicated to the International Day of Peace was held in our preschool institution State Educational Institution “Kindergarten No. 18 of Gomel”. . . The students learned where this holiday came from and became acquainted with the symbols of the holiday. The teachers had conversations about what peace on Earth means and how important it is maintain peace, what can each of us do for the sake of Peace and from childhood we must learn to live together, understand each other and take care of the fragile peace. The practical activity turned out to be no less interesting – the children made an appliqué of a dove (a symbol of peace), and it turned out great for them. (with photos)

GORKI: “The circle of the sun, the sky all around.” How students of Gorki Gymnasium No. 1 celebrated the International Day of Peace The event dedicated to the International Day of Peace was held with the participation of Kimmel Olga Andreevna, Chairman of the Goretsk district organization of the NGO “Belarusian Peace Foundation” (with many photos)

ILYICH VILLAGE: On September 21, at the parade ground of the Lyceum of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a lyceum-wide ceremony was held, dedicated to the International Day of Peace and timed to coincide with the Year of Peace and Creation. The main theme of the event is “Action for Peace. . . . the floor was given to the guest of honor – the First Secretary of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Belarus, the head of the Russian House in Gomel, Natalya Aleksandrovna AVRALEVA, who congratulated everyone on the International Day of Peace and expressed her best wishes to the participants . . . The solemn ceremony ended with the final words of the head of the Lyceum of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Alexei Dashkevich. Alexey Georgievich congratulated everyone on the International Day of Peace and announced that teachers would conduct Peace Lessons. According to tradition, the ceremony was completed by the passage of personnel in a solemn march. (with many photos)

IVATSEVICHY: The ceremonial assembly dedicated to the International Day of Peace was held at the lyceum of the Ivatsevichi District. Guests of honor Svetlana Pototskaya, head of the education department of the Ivatsevichi district executive committee, Denis Pokalyuk, chairman of the Ivatsevichi branch of the Belarusian Party “White Russia”, Yana Shelest, assistant prosecutor of the Ivatsevichi district, Alexander Velikoselets, chairman of the Ivatsevichi district organization of the Belarusian Peace Fund, together with Lyceum students took part in the opening of the exhibition hall “Genocide. No statute of limitations.” (with photo)

KLIMOVICHI: Peace in the eyes of children: an action and open dialogue on the International Day of Peace was held in Klimovichi. On this day, employees of the children’s reader services department of the central district library, together with the children’s art school, held the “The World Begins with You” campaign for young readers. In the city park, the event participants were told the history of the holiday and how it is celebrated in different countries of the world. The children learned that the symbol of peace is a dove carrying an olive branch in its beak, and its author is the famous Spanish artist Pablo Picasso. Together with the children, librarians attached paper doves to the balloons. (with many photos)

LIDA: The International Day of Peace is celebrated annually on September 21. Today, thematic platforms were organized for Lida schoolchildren, where everyone could express themselves. A dance flash mob “For Peace and Kindness” took place at the Palace of Culture. With this event, students from educational institutions in the region wanted to show that they stand for maintaining peace in our country. Click here for the video

BELARUS STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY : Information hour “International Day of Peace”. September 25, Dormitory No. 5. SSO room, 20:00. Responsible= Educators, SSO

MINSK GYMNASIUM 29: Today, on the International Day of Peace, students of the gymnasium in a solemn atmosphere joined the ranks of young Peacemakers. The gala event dedicated to the International Day of Peace was attended by the guest of honor – Leonovich Vitaly Vyacheslavovich, member of the public council of the Republican public association “Patriots of Belarus”. (with many photos)

MINSK SCHOOL 21: On September 21, at secondary school No. 21, an action dedicated to the International Day of Peace was held. Teachers, students and their parents congratulated each other on the holiday, took photographs and extended paper palms of peace and friendship.

MINSK SCHOOL 155: The capital’s schoolchildren also did not stay away from Peace Day. A gathering of creative children took place on the territory of secondary school No. 155. All of them are participants and winners of the essay competition “Prygazhosts – geta klasna!”, which was initiated by the Minsk branch of the Belarusian Peace Foundation. The guests of honor of the gathering – writers, doctors, representatives of the city administration – awarded the authors of the best works. There was also a master class on making peace symbols and a drawing competition on asphalt. There was an open-air museum “What happened – let’s not forget!” (with many photos)

MOLODECHNO: A rally dedicated to the International Day of Peace was held in Molodechno. The “From Generation to Generation” rally at the memorial complex in Victory Park brought together peacemakers of different generations who are not indifferent to the fate of their country. Representatives of local authorities, public associations and Peace Schools, and city residents took part in it. Deputy Chairman of the Molodechno District Executive Committee Alesya Lukovskaya addressed those present with a welcoming speech . . . Chairman of the Board of the Minsk regional branch of the Belarusian Peace Foundation NGO Oleg Matusevich noted that the Molodechno organization is the best in the Minsk region both in the number of events held and in their scale. . . . Peacekeepers from this gymnasium went on a bike ride to the places of military glory of the Molodechno region. (with many photos)

MOŬČADŹ: On the International Day of Peace, the action “We are for peace!” was held at the sanatorium boarding school, the kids drew pictures on the theme “How good it is to live under a peaceful sky,” each student tried to make their own bird of peace and take part in the action. The high school students discussed the relevance of the value of peace and the peaceful policy of our state. (with photo)

OSHMYANY: At secondary school No. 3, they decided to celebrate Peace Day in a special way. In the assembly hall, students gathered a lesson on legal knowledge, which was conducted by the head of the legal consultation of the Oshmyany district Svetlana Olenskaya, the head of the civil registry office of the Oshmyany district executive committee Inna Podielskaya, and the notary of the Oshmyany notary office Tatyana Lavtsel. . . . Both the adult and the child were given a paper white dove – a symbol of peace, which was then attached to planet Earth. Throughout the day, the “planet” was gradually filled with snow-white doves, which could not but rejoice. (with photos)

ROADTRAIN: In the Year of Peace and Creation, the Ministry of Education and the Republican Youth Center will hold the second season of the republican project “Road train”. Registration will last until September 8. Passengers of the train can be young people from 18 to 31 years old who are active participants in district, regional, and republican events in the field of education, culture, sports, science, and professional activities. Do good deeds, take care of others and share goodness with the whole country! The start of the project will take place on September 15 in the city of Gomel. The completion is planned to take place on September 21, the International Day of Peace, in the capital of Belarus. The main feature of the project will be visits to nursing homes, orphanages, maternity hospitals, animal shelters, where train participants will organize cultural, leisure, sports programs and master classes, as well as provide assistance in the improvement of socially significant facilities. In order to become a participant in the “Road Train #BelarusYouthCreation” project, you need to register , in the “about yourself” column, tell about yourself, your achievements and your abilities. (with logo of Road Train)

SLAVGOROD LIBRARIES: Events dedicated to the International Day of Peace were held in the district’s libraries:
Central Library at Secondary School No. 1 – thematic exhibition
Rzhavsk Branch Library – peace lesson
City Library – Branch 1 – drawing competition
Novoslobodsk Branch Library – information hour
(with photos)

SLAVGOROD SCHOOL: This morning at the first city school began with an event dedicated to the International Day of Peace. Schoolchildren read poems about peace . . . They expressed their solidarity with all peaceful people of the globe by releasing balloons with figures of white doves into the sky. (with many photos)

SLAVGOROD YOUTH: The youth of the Slavgorod region took part in a motor rally in support of peace and “digitized” the “Blue Spring.” (with many photos)

SMORGON: September 21 is International Day of Peace. The ARZAMAS Gymnasium together with the Smorgon Gymnasium took part in the action “We draw the world on the asphalt!” Students painted a picture about peace and friendship in the schoolyard. We received a photo from Arzamas, in defense of the project, the guys from the Smorgon gymnasium made a video with an original song. The author of the text is teacher of Russian language and literature E.A. Panferova, the music was composed by students of grade 9 “B”. Click here for video

TROTINSK: Every year on September 21, the international community celebrates the International Day of Peace. This Day was declared by the UN General Assembly as a day to strengthen the ideals of peace among all countries and peoples. On the eve of this date, a conversation “The White Crane – Messenger of Peace” was held at the Trostinsk Rural Library for primary school students. . During the event, the children heard the history of this holiday, how it is celebrated in different countries of the world, about the symbol of peace – the image of a dove holding an olive branch in its beak, conflicts in the world today and much more. At the end, the librarian and the children held a master class on making a white crane using the origami technique. (with photos)

VITEBSK: September 21 is International Day of Peace! Today the college held an event dedicated to Peace Day, as well as the year of peace and creation. Students and teachers today came to college with doves – a symbol of peace. They also expressed their opinion about what the word “peace” means for each of them. (with many photos)

VOLOZHIN MUSEUM: On September 21, 2023, an information hour dedicated to the International Day of Peace was held in the museum for 4th grade students of secondary school No. 1 in Valozhin. This holiday was established by the UN to preserve world peace. The children learned about the history of the holiday, its goals, and symbols. In the final part of the event, students drew a dove with an olive branch – the most recognizable symbol of peace on planet Earth. (with many photos)

VOLOZHIN SCHOOL 1: On this day, the Peace lesson “Peace on Earth is a guarantee of the future!” with the participation of a serviceman of military unit 30695 Oleg Nikolaevich Belov. The guest of the event introduced high school students to the history of the holiday, how important this day is, which has been proclaimed as a day of non-violence and ceasefire throughout the world, taking into account the current military-political situation. . . . The school held thematic information hours, and an exhibition of drawings by primary school students “We Need Peace!” was created. The guys also attended an event at the Regional Museum of Local Lore. (with many photos)

ZHABINKA: Today, September 19, secondary school No. 2 of the city of Zhabinka was solemnly awarded the honorary status of “School of Peace”. It became the 27th school in the world and the second in the Brest region (last year Staroselskaya Secondary School received this status). The date September 19 was not chosen by chance. As noted by the chairman of the board of the Brest regional branch of the public association “Belarusian Peace Foundation” Lydia Romanyuk, in Belarus Peace Day is celebrated every third Tuesday of September, and International Peace Day is celebrated on September 21. (with many photos)

* * * KAZAKHSTAN * * *

OPEN SCHOOL: In September we celebrate Family Day, Mother’s Day, Day of Languages ​​of the People of Kazakhstan, International Day of Peace. Together with the UNESCO Associated Schools, we celebrated these dates in a special way – with an online festival of lullabies. The Open School magazine thanks Yulia Ilyinichna Kim, Executive Assistant to the National Coordinator of UNESCO Associated Schools in the Republic of Kazakhstan for supporting the idea and organizational assistance in implementing the project. Click here for video.

* * * KYRGYZSTAN * * *

BISHKEK: The concentration of “Peace and Conflict Study” of the Faculty of “Liberal Arts and Sciences” announces that you have the opportunity to partake in the first-ever Yntymak Week, a global event taking place right here in Bishkek on the occasion of the Global Peace Day. . . . AS A STUDENT, you may contribute to Yntymak Week by participating in Essay and Photo Contests. All students currently enrolled in universities, colleges, or other higher educational and special secondary educational institutions in Kyrgyzstan, regardless of their citizenship, are eligible to take part in the Essay Contest
In your essay, you have to address and reflect on the following questions:
● What does “peace” mean for you as an individual and a citizen of your country?
● How can you and your community contribute to peace building at local and national
● What do you think are the key drivers of sustainable peace in the world?
Three best essays will be selected and published online on the Yntymak Week website.
The winners will be notified by September 19, 2023, and invited to the Award Ceremony on the Closing Day of the Yntymak Week. A finalist of the essay contest will have an opportunity to start paid internship at one of the member organizations of the Peacebuilding Hub.

* * * MOLDOVA * * *

KISHINEV: MilleniuM Training and Development Institute. Dear friends and families, We are extremely happy to share with you moments from a wonderful International Peace Day, where families from Ukraine and Moldova spent a wonderful time together, making our world a little brighter. Children played together and created a soulful atmosphere and beautiful memories, and the volunteer chefs prepared delicious dishes for everyone with great love. Through good actions like this, we promote peace, friendship, understanding and unity among our communities. We thank everyone who participated and contributed to this special day. With lots of love MilleniuM team, EduJoc and Centrul de Tineret Buiucani. (with photos and video)

NIZHNYAYA ALBOTA: International Day of Peace is celebrated on September 21. The holiday covers millions of people, many countries and regions, where various actions and events are held by public and youth organizations. On this occasion, the library of the village of Nizhnyaya Albota organized the competition “The World through the Eyes of a Child.” The competition is held among all library users aged 7 to 16 years. Participants must create original drawings in A4 format using colored pencils, gouache, felt-tip pens and other drawing tools. It is important that the works are signed by the author (name, surname and age) and are not plagiarized. Participants must submit their drawings by September 20th. The library believes that this competition will allow children and teenagers to express their vision of the world through art and emphasize the importance of preserving life without war and cooperation in modern society.

STATE PRISON: Sports events dedicated to the International Day of Peace were held among persons undergoing compulsory treatment for alcoholism in labor treatment centers of the State Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR),. . . . Women undergoing treatment for chronic alcoholism at the women’s section of the treatment center of the UMPiSR State Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice of the PMR took part in a darts competition. . . . A friendly volleyball match was held at the men’s section . . .

Every year on September 21, the entire planet celebrates the International Day of Peace. The cartoon by Soviet artist Yuli Ganf was published in the Krokodil magazine in 1954. And now it’s time to get it out of storage again, because, alas, it is still relevant. (Web link withheld to protect Russian authors.)


ALTAI: On the eve of the celebration of Peace Day, workers of the Kuyagan rural House of Culture and the Tourak rural club held the “Dove of Peace” and “Messenger of Peace” campaigns. The action is aimed at nurturing patriotism, a sense of solidarity, involvement in the events taking place in the world and helps to unlock the creative potential of schoolchildren. At the events, children got acquainted with the history of the birth of the Dove of Peace symbol and with the life story of their peers (Samantha Smith, Sadako Sasaki and Vitya Cherevichkina) from different parts of the planet, who, unfortunately, are no longer alive today, and about their passionate desire to live in a world without wars on Earth. These are children who have remained in their childhood. They will never grow up. The evil committed in the world did not allow them to live on Earth. . . . At the Tourak school, club employees together with children held the “White Dove of Peace” event. Schoolchildren made pigeons using the origami technique and listened to heartfelt stories about their peers, whose names are immortalized forever. (with photos)

ARKHANGELSK: The “Dove of Peace” event was held at school No. 11 in Arkhangelsk on the eve of the International Day of Peace, which is celebrated annually on September 21. Schoolchildren read poems, observed a minute of silence in memory of civilians: adults and children who died at the hands of terrorists in Donbass, and launched white doves symbolizing goodness, peace and good news. The event was organized by employees of the Patriot center. (with photo)

BAKAKOVO: Yesterday, September 21, was the International Day of Peace. A social event “Children for peace on earth!” was held at the kindergarten No. 24. The children had conversations about the history of the holiday and its meaning, listened to songs about peace and friendship: “Let there always be sunshine”, “Stork on the roof”, “Children of the Earth”, and the children also made the holiday emblem “Dove of Peace” in the form bracelets that pupils gave to passers-by and elderly people. (with photos)

BASHKORTOSTAN LIBRARIES: September 21 is the International Day of Peace. This holiday calls on all people to join forces to resist violence and aggression.
On September 20, in the rural library of the village of Petrovskoye, together with the children of the Fidgets club, they held a master class “Dove of Peace”. Guests of the event made white birds – doves – out of paper.
A thematic round table “We are together – this is our strength” took place in the Skvorchikhinsky rural library. The children drew pictures, wrote their warm wishes and put their “Letters of Happiness” in parcels that were collected by the whole village.
A Peace lesson was held at the Sairan village library. During the event, the librarian told those present about the history of this day. Afterwards, the guys cut out a figurine of the peace symbol “dove”.
“May there always be peace! “- under this name an information hour was held in the Yanurusovsky rural library, timed to coincide with World Peace Day. (with photos)

CHEBOKSARY SCHOOL NO. 61: In order to promote the formation of patriotism and citizenship in students on the eve of the International Day of Peace on September 12, 8E grade students spent their primary school years on a virtual trip to international organizations designed to strengthen peace (UN, OSCE, UNICEF, International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent). (with photos)

CHEBOKSARY COLLEGE: The chief librarian of CHETK, E. A. Makarova, prepared a library video lesson “International Day of Peace” dedicated to this event. From which you can learn about the history of the holiday, traditions and procedures for celebrating the International Day of Peace. Click here for video)

CHEBOKSARY MILITARY: In Russia, some security forces and officials used the International Day of Peace to promote war among schoolchildren, reports On the eve of September 21, at school 31 in Cheboksary (the capital of the Republic of Chuvashia), employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service (Punishment Service) came to the ninth-graders and conducted a lesson in courage. To do this, people in uniform brought with them weapons, a gas mask and body armor.

ENGELS, SARATOV OBLAST: On the eve of the International Day of Peace, a number of events were held at the Engels boarding house. Residents took an active part in creating drawings that reflected a world without war and showed the friendship of all children on the planet, took part in thematic conversations, and also made small white doves out of paper with their own hands, on which they wrote the names of the heroes, and tied them to balloons, filled with helium. . . . Then, in a single impulse, those gathered released balloons into the sky to the legendary song of Isaac Dunaevsky “Fly, doves, fly.” (with many photos)

ILYACHEVSK, BASHKORTOSTAN: For the International Day of Peace, which was celebrated on September 21, the Ilyachevsk Rural Library held a campaign and creative hour “Dove of Peace”. (with many photos)

IZHEVSK: September 21 is International Day of Peace. The UN General Assembly declared this day as a day dedicated to strengthening the ideals of peace by observing 24 hours of non-violence and ceasefire. The Harmony School of the city of Izhevsk took part in the “Ring of Peace, Memory and Joy” event dedicated to this day.

MONTESSORI SCHOOL EUREKA joined with other Montessori schools around the world to mark the International Day of Peace with song.

KIROV: Kirov Regional State Professional Educational Autonomous Institution “Yaran Technological College”. Students wrote what peace means to them. (with photos)

KIZLYAR, DAGESTAN: In School 11, activists of the First Movement organized a master class “The world is in our hands” in the school foyer. The children also distributed information booklets to school teachers and congratulated them on International Peace Day. In some classes of the school, a traditional class hour dedicated to Peace Day was held. Events dedicated to this date were also held in other schools in the city. (with a photo)

KRASNODAR: An open lecture dedicated to the celebration of the International Day of Peace was held at the Krasnodar Cooperative Institute of the Russian University of Cooperation. The lecture was prepared by Associate Professor of the Department of Law, Anna Petrakova for students of the Faculty of Law and Management. (with photos)

MARKS, SARATOV OBLAST: On the International Day of Peace, members of the YDP “Monolith” detachment with the leader, member of the Public Council at the Department of Internal Affairs, teacher of additional education of the Center “Growth Point” O. A. Galenko, together with the educational psychologist Youth Plus, A. Simakhina, held an event among students 5- 6 classes “Look how good the world you live in is!” Our main goal, noted O. A. Galenko, is to promote the formation in the younger generation of a respectful attitude towards each other and towards the entire world around us. (with photos)

MENZELINSKY DISTRICT: On September 21, a series of events dedicated to the International Day of Peace will take place in the rural houses of culture and rural clubs of the Menzelinsky district, which will allow you to reflect on what peace, kindness, mercy are – these are important concepts for absolutely everyone. The program includes: educational hour, action, drawing competition.

MOSCOW CENTER FOR CREATIVITY: We invite you to celebrate Peace Day with us. On September 19 at 17:00 we are waiting for everyone at the Structural Unit “Young Russia” at the address: Prospekt Mira, 43. At the festival you will be able to: take part in master classes, games of different nations and get acquainted with the culture of the peoples of the world and the “wider circle” event. (with poster)

MOSCOW – DIPLOMATIC ACADEMY: On September 21 at 16:30, as part of the activities of the Middle East Club of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BVK DA), a meeting dedicated to women of the Middle East will be held. On the International Day of Peace, the Club invites you to the event “Women Leaders of the Middle East: Their Contribution to Politics and Business,” dedicated to the achievements of the fair sex in the countries of the Middle East. The event program includes speeches by high-ranking guests from Arab states and the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as a cultural part. The meeting will take place in the Assembly Hall of the Academy. (with poster)

MOSCOW – KOSINO-UKHTOMSKY DISTRICT: An educational meeting will be held in library No. 101, where children will be told about the International Day of Peace. The event will begin on September 23 at 15:00. Free admission. Children will be read poems and told about the Nobel Peace Prize and the history of the holiday.

NIZHNY NOVGOROD: Social Rehabilitation Center. On September 21, the International Day of Peace is celebrated annually, the symbol of which is the dove! This holiday calls on all people to join forces to resist violence and aggression! On this day, our students, together with their teachers, made crafts as part of the “Dove of Peace” event! (with photos)

NORKA: Norka rural library branch No. 14
Every year on September 21, the international community celebrates the International Day of Peace. The Norka Rural Library together with the Norka SDK will hold an event in which youth and children of the village of Norkino will take part. Those present will make white doves out of paper – birds of peace and goodness. During the work, they will talk about the history of the holiday and its significance for the population of the entire planet. After the event, guests of the event will distribute the “dove of peace” symbol to the village residents and keep the “dove of peace” symbol as a souvenir.

ORLYONOK, KRASNODAR: In the All-Russian Children’s Center “Orlyonok” there is a change of children’s public organizations and associations “Children’s Diplomacy of Friendship”. Its participants included 150 schoolchildren from ten regions of the country. The program is aimed at developing knowledge and skills in the field of communication, leadership, self-organization and teamwork. The key events of the project will be the Day of the RSDM “Movement of the First” and the International Day of Peace. (with many photos)

ORENBURG: The International Day of Peace is celebrated annually on September 21. In order to develop in young people a sense of personal responsibility and involvement in preserving the peace and traditions of the peoples of the multinational Orenburg region, the youth policy department of the Orenburg city administration is conducting the “Threads of Friendship” quest for students of educational organizations of higher and secondary vocational education on September 21, 2023 at 14:00. We invite a team of 10 people from your educational organization to take part in the event. Gathering and registration of participants from 13:30 at the address: Orenburg, Parkovy Ave., 6a (Perovsky Park).

ORLOV: Our college (Orlov-Vyatka Agricultural College”) held a peace lesson in which freshmen learned that the main goal of Peace Day is to achieve non-violence and a ceasefire, even if only for 24 hours. Advisor to the director for education of Darovskikh L.A. and history teacher Z.N. Sharapova emphasized the importance of this day and called on all people to join forces in the fight against violence and aggression. College volunteers conducted a master class on making a dove of peace and presented it symbolically to the residents of the city. (with photos)

PETROVSK: oday, September 21, is the International Day of Peace, which calls on all people to unite their efforts and resist violence and aggression. To this date, 6th grade students – pupils of the “Ecological Culture and Healthy Lifestyle” club of the “Growth Point” Center of School No. 1 dedicated a socially significant event.
At a meeting with primary school students, the children told them about the history and traditions of Peace Day, handed them postcards in the form of white doves, and asked the third graders to write on palm-shaped pieces of paper the words they would like to say to the people around them. Then the sixth graders organized a symbolic flash mob and launched blue balloons into the sky. (with photos)

PUSHCHINO: Pupils of the Pushchino gymnasium took part in the traditional Dove of Peace event, which takes place as a sign of support for peace on earth, as well as gratitude to veterans of the Great Patriotic War for giving us a peaceful sky. . . . Gymnasium students prepared paper doves and red balloons to participate in the event. (with photo)

REBRIKHA: On September 21, employees of the Rebrikha Central House of Culture held various events dedicated to the International Day of Peace on Revolution Square, in which more than 350 people took part. A drawing competition and a game program “May there always be peace!” were held for pupils of kindergartens “Smile”, “Swallow” and primary school students of the Rebrikha Secondary School. Also, for 2.5 hours, everyone was able to take part in the “Peace to the World!” campaign by signing their wishes on a paper dove and placing them on the “Dove of PEACE” themed banner. At the end of the festive program, a dance flash mob “A world without war!” took place, in which high school students from the Rebrikha Secondary School and students from the Rebrikha Lyceum of Vocational Education took part. (with many photos)

RYBNITSA: The International Day of Peace was celebrated in Rybnitsa. The ceremonial meeting took place at secondary school No. 6 with lyceum classes. . . . The schoolchildren wrote their wishes on paper doves. The figures were pasted onto the stand. And some of the white-winged messengers were released into the sky with balloons as a symbol of good intentions. And everyone has one wish, that the messengers of peace be able to fly to a place where there is no peace now. . . .
Also, in school number 11, a concert program dedicated to Peace Day was organized and conducted by workers of the Olympus cultural and leisure center. The program was intense. Dances, songs, miniatures, poems, instrumental solo performances. And all performed by young Rybnitsa residents. Creative performances were prepared by pupils of Rybnitsa kindergarten No. 10, a children’s art school, the Center for Children and Youth Creativity, and the Olympus leisure center. Click here for the video

ST PETERSBURG, VASILYEVSKY ISLAND: International Day of Peace will be held on Vasilyevsky Island. Every year, at the end of September, residents of the Vasileostrovsky district gather to celebrate Peace Day . Last year, the event was attended by more than 2,000 residents and guests of the island. This year the holiday has grown into the “Mir” Management Company Festival, which will delight city residents with its activities from September 23 to 24.
° Performances by creative groups: teenage and youth club “Leningradets”; contemporary creativity studio ALL Bright; beatboxing and music making schools CONNECT School; pantomime studio “WORD”; charitable public organization “Street of Peace”;
° master classes: on making fox masks from the school of speed reading IQ007; in piano playing from the current pianist of the Italian company MSC Natalia Anufrieva; for painting on a large canvas; and even playing the spoons;
° lectures: from the BioMax volunteer team, where 11th grade students will talk about first aid in various situations and show basic actions in practice; from the children’s programming school CYBERKIDS, where the topic “Child and gadgets: harm and benefit” will be discussed;
° excursions: “From the Church of the Annunciation to St. Andrew’s Cathedral. Two lines – three centuries”; “The Life and Work of Alexander Green”;
° chess tournament and simultaneous play session with international grandmaster Daniil Lvovich Linchevsky;
° graffiti festival

SARATOV: On September 21, the entire planet celebrates International Day of Peace. On this day, 2nd and 4th year students of the branch of the Engels Medical College of St. Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) in Marx remembered the history of the holiday, significant events on planet Earth, shared their thoughts about what peace is, and first-year students with hope for peace wrote letters to the soldiers (the video can be viewed here.)

SAYANSK: September 21, 2023, within the framework of the Community Center, teachers from school No. 7 together with teachers from MDOU No. 36 “Smile” and the “Young Guard of United Russia” held the “Dove of Peace” campaign, in which schoolchildren and children from kindergarten took an active part in participation. To create a symbol of peace and goodness, volunteers of the Pulse detachment needed only paper, scissors and colored pencils. The birds made will go to the fighters in the special military operation zone. We hope that such warm news from home will give them strength and energy. ( with many photos)

SEMEYKINO VILLAGE: Today marks the International Day of Peace. This is a day of global ceasefire and non-violence. War brings grief and destruction. And this day is celebrated so that people think and stop all wars. Today, children from the 4th grade of the Semeykino educational complex No. 31 came to the library of the Semeykino village to take part in the “White Dove – a Symbol of Peace” event. After watching a thematic multimedia presentation, the children learned about the symbol of peace – the white dove. We also learned how to make a dove out of paper using the origami technique. At the end of the event, the children decorated the tree with their crafts, thereby confirming that they are for world peace. (with photos)

SMENOVTSY: On September 21, a holiday was held at the All-Russian Children’s Center “Smena” – the children solemnly celebrated the International Day of Peace. More than 1,000 children from 85 regions of Russia took part in thematic events. On the eve of the International Day of Peace, thematic events were held in Smena from September 18 to 20. At the “Peacemaking Workshop,” the children were given a master class on making paper doves of peace, which Smenovo members used to decorate the doors and windows of the Center. Participants in the cross-cutting educational module “Good in Smena” developed infographics with which they introduced their peers to the history of the holiday. And on September 21, Smena members immersed themselves in the theme of the day at the morning round dance of friendship. At the “Charge with Peace” event, the counselors told the children a legend about peace and tied a thread as a sign of unity. (with photo shown above)

SOLOVYOVKA: In Russia, some security forces and officials used the International Day of Peace to promote war among schoolchildren, reports . The Russian military visited schoolchildren in the village of Solovyovka in the Sakhalin region. The topic of the meeting was a story about the “Russian Peacekeeping Mission”.

Question for this article

What has happened this year (2023) for the International Day of Peace?

(Survey continued from left column)

SOROKINSKY DISTRICT, TYUMEN REGION: SOROKINSKAYA SECONDARY SCHOOL NO. 2. On September 21, the world celebrates International Day of Peace. An event dedicated to this holiday was held for 3rd grade students. The children read poems about peace and friendship, learned about the history of the International Day of Peace, and important world problems that need to be solved to maintain peace on Earth. (with photos)

STOLBOVSKY: The International Day of Peace. On this day, the “Dove of Peace” event was held at the Stolbovsky rural library. The children carefully held in their palms the symbol of peace on Earth – a white dove, thereby showing how fragile peace on the planet is. The world is in the hands of people and everyone must protect and preserve it. (with photos)

TETYUSHY, TATARSTAN: MBU “Center “Forpost” informs that today, as part of the implementation of the project “Creativity without Borders”, a creative event “Dove of Peace” dedicated to the International Day of Peace was held for young people with disabilities. . . . A specialist from the youth law enforcement movement “Forpost” began the event with a warm-up using a math tablet, then a master class was organized for the participants on making a souvenir with their own hands, symbolizing world peace.

UFA: On September 21, the world celebrates International Day of Peace. As part of developing children’s knowledge about this holiday, developing schoolchildren’s interest in the history and culture of Russia, as well as cultivating friendliness and desire in children to show creative initiative, the ability to live without conflicts, 7 “B” grade with their class teacher Tairova I.V. . visited the “Museum of Polar Explorers named after V.I. Albanov.” (with photos)

URUSSINSKY: On September 21, on the day of International Peace Day, a thematic lesson was held in the speech therapy group of Urussa kindergarten No. 4. The children were told the history of the holiday, explained the meaning of the word peace, and were introduced to the symbol of the holiday – the dove. To protect peace on Earth, children glued cut out palms. (with a photo)

USOLIE, SIBERIA: At the Central Children’s library young readers will learn the history of the holiday, the International Day of Peace, learn which bird is a symbol of peace, listen to poems, riddles, stories and a quiz about the International Day of Peace. At the end of the event, the children will draw a dove, a symbol of peaceful life.

VETLUZHSKY: Cultural and concert center. Thematic hour “International Day of Peace”. Master class “White Crane – Messenger of Peace”. Ignashova O.V., production designer of an exemplary theater.

VLADIKAVKAZ: For more than 10 years, from September 19 to 22, the Movement of Young Peacemakers of the Republic of North Ossetia-Asia has been holding an annual peacekeeping campaign “Peace Week” dedicated to the International Day of Peace. . . According to the established good tradition, young peacekeepers – students of the “Peace Schools” of Vladikavkaz, at the beginning of the “Peace Week”, laid flowers at the stele “Vladikavkaz – the city of military glory” and the memorial slab, under which lie cartridges with soil from all the hero cities and cities of military glory of Russia, and also paid tribute to the victims of the collapse of the Kolka glacier, and visited the Barbashovo Pole memorial. The 12th gathering of young peacekeepers took place in the assembly hall of the Veterans House on the International Day of Peace. After the anthems of Russia and the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania were performed, the flag of the Young Peacemakers Movement was brought into the hall. (with a photo)

VLADIVOSTOK: MBOU Secondary School No. 47. During the lesson for the International Day of Peace, students learned what needs to be done so as not to destroy peace on planet Earth. They became more familiar with such concepts as war, conflict, peace and friendship, kindness and mercy. Students also learned the history of the International Day of Peace and its symbolism. We listened to the song “Children Against War” and got acquainted with examples of children’s posters for the holiday. The symbol of this holiday was made from paper using the origami technique – the Paper Dove of Peace. We drew our own poster: “We are for peace.”

VOLGOGRAD: September 21 is International Day of Peace. The UN General Assembly declared this day as a day dedicated to strengthening the ideals of peace by observing 24 hours of non-violence and ceasefire. Every year the event is held by Lyceum No. 5 named after. Yu.A. Gagarin, Central district of Volgograd . The idea is very simple – ring the bell all together at the same time (12.00 Moscow time), notifying all residents that our planet needs peace. Schools that joined the action posted posts in the news feed of the school account along with text, photographs and videos.

YAKUTSK: Central Library System. September 21. International Day of Peace
14:00 Conversation – May there always be peace.
15:00 Conversation – Everyone needs peace

YEMVA: In Russia, some security forces and officials used the International Day of Peace to promote war among schoolchildren, reports .In the small town of Yemva (Komi Republic), third-graders guessed military songs and professions. The event was held under the title “The World We Need!”

YUGOVKA: The bright holiday on the International Day of Peace was held by the library named after A.K. Yugov together with the Kurgan regional branch of the international public foundation “Russian Peace Foundation”. This year, a patriotic concert was held for Kurgan schoolchildren in honor of Peace Day. It started with the Virtual Philharmonic. The performance of the Moscow State Academic Symphony Orchestra with Karl Jenkins’ work “ Cantata Memoria ” was broadcast on the big screen of Yugovka. . . . Then the young artists of the theater group “Firebird” Elena Prosekova and Semyon Pechenkin, Arseny Prosekov, as well as Sofia Uzun and Ekaterina Romanchuk performed for the audience with piercing and touching numbers. . . Political scientist Vladimir Sablin told the festival guests about the importance of peace on our planet and how important it is to unite in difficult times . Representatives of the Kurgan branch of the Russian Writers’ Union Nikolai Anoshchenko, Nikolai Pokidyshev, Vitaly Nokhrin, Valery Melnikov read poems of their own composition with reflections on peace and the horrors of war. (with many photos)

ZHUKOV: The International Day of Peace. On this holiday, in the city library of the State Educational Institution “Vozrozhdenie”, librarian N. V. Zhdakaeva conducted a peace lesson “A world that everyone needs!” There were 25 children present. At the beginning of the lesson, the children got acquainted with the book exhibition “How beautiful this world is!” and gave a definition to the word “peace”. . . . The result of the event was the creation of the planet “Friendship”, on which white doves were placed with wishes for peace, happiness, love for every person, the absence of wars, suffering, worries, because every person on the planet has the right to peace. The guys showed themselves as true artists and made their dreams of peace on Earth come true. Our children already know well that war brings many troubles and misfortunes. They understand that everything can be fixed if every person is on the side of peace and goodness. (with many photos)

Photo from Zhmerynka, Ukraine

* * * UKRAINE * * *

On the International Day of Peace, Bilhorod-Dnistrian police officers held a thematic event with schoolchildren. In one of the educational institutions, senior juvenile prevention inspector Oksana Kvachuk and community police officer Maryna Bob together with the students made a symbol of peace – a dove, on which they wrote wishes for victory and happiness for all Ukrainians. The children symbolically pasted the birds on the map of Ukraine. During the event, police officers told about the history of the origin of the holiday and watched a thematic video with the children. The guests tied patriotic yellow and blue ribbons to each student and presented balls. “During the war, children grew up prematurely and began to think differently. Now, instead of new toys, they dream of victory, so that their relatives, who protect our country from the enemy, will return home as soon as possible,” – shared the impressions of juvenile police officer Oksana Kvachuk. Finally, the law enforcement officers reminded the children of the rules of safe behavior at home and at school, emphasized safety measures during the war, in particular during the “Airborne alarm” signal. Click here for video

BILHOROD LIBRARIES: International Day of Peace in the libraries of Belgorod-Dnistrovskyi. In particular, in the library on Peremogy Street, children drew on the asphalt on the theme: “We are for Freedom, we are for Peace!”. ,In the branch library named after M. Kropyvnytskyi’s book exhibition “Let there be peace from now on and forever!” is on display. During the day, the children and youth service department of the Public Library held: quiz “Peace through the eyes of children”, master class “Dove of peace”, campaign “White dove, you fly into the world, let there be peace in our Ukraine!” Also, patriotic videos devoted to the Day of Peace were broadcast in the Internet centers of the libraries of CU “PBBD”. (with many photos)

BILA TSERKVA: On September 21, the world celebrates the International Day of Peace. Pupils of Bilotserkiv secondary school-primary school No. 6 “Perspektiva” actively participated in these events. The smallest pupils, who recently became schoolchildren, took part in an incredible flash mob. The children sincerely thank the fearless and brave soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the opportunity to develop, study in spacious, comfortable classrooms, and walk the streets of our city. First-graders, whose parents protect our independence, performed a touching dance, putting their love, tenderness, and goodness into it. Small hearts united for a great cause! After all, the video of this touching flash mob will be sent to dads with the hope of VICTORY and return home. Click here for the video.

BROVARY LYCEUM NO. 11: With the aim of instilling in schoolchildren a sense of national dignity and revealing knowledge about the traditions and customs of the Ukrainian people, on September 21, 2023, on the International Day of Peace, pupils of the “Cossack Glory” and “Cossack Gart” groups held the “Dove of Peace” campaign . Eighth and ninth graders conducted the quiz “I know everything about Ukraine!” at recess. and for the correct answers to the questions they were awarded symbols of doves with wishes for peace, goodness and victory in Ukraine. (with photos)

BUCHA: Today, peace in Ukraine is not an abstract wish, it is a conscious goal, because the struggle for peaceful existence, for the right to live in one’s own state continues. And today every Ukrainian family felt the highest value of peace, which is the key to a happy life. On the occasion of Peace Day, Lyceum No. 5 held thematic events. The day began with a flash mob “The dove of peace flies to Ukraine”, which was prepared by students of grades 1-4. The book exhibition “Under a peaceful sky” is organized in the school library. During the day, the student self-government held the “Dove of Peace” campaign, during which the students of the lyceum expressed their wishes for peace and harmony. Class teachers spent hours of communication “Peace on earth – joy in the family!” (with many photos)

BUCHANSKA: Today’s Day of Peace was celebrated by pupils of the 2nd-A and 2nd-B primary school. We all long for peace, a peaceful sky, peace and tranquility on our land. Children should grow and develop in peace for happiness and goodness. We believe that our sincere wishes will bring peace to all of us. (with a photo)

CHERKASY COLLEGE: Korsun-Shevchenkivo Pedagogical Vocational College. For the International Day of Peace, a book exhibition “September 21 – International Day of Peace” was opened in the reading room of our college, where scientific, popular science, reference publications and articles from periodicals are presented, which consider the importance of maintaining peace for ensuring the sustainable progress of mankind. About the history of the Ukrainian people, their traditions and the military present. (with many photos)

CHERKASY SCHOOL 3:The students of our school also actively participated in the events dedicated to the International Day of Peace, activities took place in every class, not a single student or teacher remained indifferent. Postcards, three-dimensional – appliqués and hand-made doves of peace flowed from all classes of the elementary level of our school. For the parallel of the 1st grades, the class teachers conducted an interactive exercise with elements of a conversation about peace “Whatever our today, PEACE is our tomorrow…”, and also 1-B – colored the mega coloring page “We are for peace in the whole world”, 1 -A- drew pictures “We believe in our victory. We wish everyone peace.” 2nd graders made “Dove of Peace” appliqués, designed postcards “Children want victory! Children want peace!” and watched the video “International Day of Peace”. Children of the 3rd grade made their own paper doves, which united in a single circle to protect our Motherland from war. (with many photos)

CHERNIHIV YOUNG NATURALISTS: On the occasion of Peace Day, the thematic events “I choose Peace”, “I am for peace in Ukraine”, an hour of communication “Peace on earth – joy in the family”, master classes were held for students of education groups of the communal institution “Chernihiv Regional Station of Young Naturalists” from the production of the “Peace Dove”. (with a photo)

CHERIHIV SCHOOL 13: On the occasion of the International Day of Peace and the Liberation Day of Chernihiv, the students of school No. 13 produced a large number of doves, which symbolize world peace. Each pigeon carried a wish for a peaceful sky over our Motherland and an end to hostilities on the territory of Ukraine. They also made a collective drawing on the asphalt “Let there be peace!” The smiles on the children’s faces inspired hope that there will be no place for wars in Ukraine and throughout the world! (with many photos)

CHUMAKY, DONETSK: International Day of Peace at the Chumaky Lyceum. At a time when enemy missiles that bring death are flying over Ukrainian cities and villages, students of the 1st grade took part in the creation of the project “Children of Ukraine for world peace” to show how important peace, freedom, kindness and respect are. An educational hour and a master class “Making a dove of peace”. (with many photos)

Donetsk Youth Palace – Click here for video

DONETSK MEDICAL FACULTY: On September 21, the world celebrates the International Day of Peace. But September 21 in Ukraine is not peace, but 3,500 days of war and terrorist acts without any hint of peace. It is because of this that on September 21, 2023, the cultural and mass sector of the Medical Faculty No. 2 together with the social and humanitarian circle held a round table on the occasion of the International Day of Peace!
Very important issues were discussed at this meeting, namely:
Why does the world go to war from time to time?
Why can’t humanity live in peace?
Is the UN capable of maintaining peace?
(with photos)

DONETSK REFUGEES: Peace Day in Ukraine is celebrated on September 21. For almost ten years now, for Ukrainians, it is not peaceful, but in a struggle with Russia. All these years, Donetsk region has been the place where the hottest battles have been fought at the front. Now here, peaceful cities regularly come under Russian shelling. Residents of Donetsk region told us how they see peace for Ukraine and themselves now. (with a video of the interviews)

FASTIV: The weekend in honor of the International Day of Peace is coming soon and we invite you to celebrate this event at the Dubravushka Club . This is a special holiday that reminds us of the importance of peace in the modern world and the value in human life that is worth fighting for.

GLUKHIV: Girls of the 7-B class of the KZ SOR of the Glukhiv Lyceum boarding school with enhanced military physical training together with the teacher Myskova N.I. joined the celebration of Peace Day. Took part in an online quiz for children for the International Day of Peace. Young ladies made symbolic doves as part of the all-school flashmob “Let there be peace and silence the wars on Earth!” (with many photos)

GLUKHIV HUMANITARIAN CENTER: On the eve of the International Day of Peace, the psychologists of the humanitarian center Prolisk – Sumy , which operates with the support of UNHCR Ukraine – the UN Refugee Agency in Ukraine , held a group event “Dove of Peace” for IDPs living in the IDPs on the basis of the dormitory of the VSP “Agrotechnical College of SNAU” in the city of Glukhiv. The participants of the event received information about the history of the International Day of Peace, took part in a master class on art therapy, made a “Pigeon” craft, actively interacted in interactive games and exercises. (with photos)

KAMIANETS-PODILSKYI: Graduates and graduates of Lyceum No. 13 joined the celebration of the International Day of Peace. Schoolchildren took part in a flash mob. Dressed in embroidered dresses, holding national symbols in their hands, the children formed the word “PEACE”. Pupils chanted the words “Victory!”, “PEACE”, sang the national anthem of Ukraine. Pigeons made of white paper – a symbol of peace – looked especially good. They fluttered in the wind, inspired hope for a peaceful future, for the long-awaited Victory. (with many photos)

KAMIANSKE: Tik-tok video: September 21 is the International Day of Peace. Peace and Victory to you, Ukraine. from student self-government, Kamianske Vocational Lyceum

KHARKIV: On the International Day of Peace, the department of social and humanitarian work held informative talks for students of higher education. The cadets watched the recording of the speech of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi at the UN General Assembly . . . During the conversation with the cadets, the specialist of the leisure department, Andriy Prokhorov, informed us of another rocket attack, which affected five regions of Ukraine on the very day when the entire civilized world celebrates the Day of Peace and calls for an end to hostilities. (with photos)

KRYVYI RIH: School 68. For the International day of Peace, the school library presented the thematic exhibition “We are the ones. We are for peace.” (with poster)

KYIV – SVYATOSHYHSKA DISTRICT : nternational Day of Peace. Pupils and teachers of school #13 organized and conducted a number of events aimed at popularizing the values ​​of peace, tolerance and kindness. The day of peace at the school was rich and vivid: master classes on making the symbol of this day – doves, flash mob “Peace over Ukraine”, reflected on the question: “What is peace for you?”. The children gave different answers: for some it is safety, for others it is harmony, for others it is love. But everyone agreed that peace is the greatest wealth for humanity. This day has a special significance for Ukraine. That is why Ukrainian children especially value peace and wish it to the whole world. Thanks to our defenders! We believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine! (with photos)

KYIV HOSPITAL: Children’s specialized hospital “Okhmatdit” presents a collection of children’s fairy tales “Bramara and the Kingdom of Assamita” on the International Day of Peace. The book was written by a psychologist, art critic, researcher of Indian culture David Sureshwar, who during the siege of Kyiv was a volunteer in the shelters, helping children overcome the horrors of war with the magic of fairy tales. As the deputy of the Kyiv City Council, the first deputy head of the permanent commission on health care, family and social policy, the co-organizer of the event Nataliya Berikashvili noted, at the presentation, all those interested will not only learn the history of writing books, but will also be able to learn how to portray the main characters in using sign language. . . . Organizers of the event: the public union “Union of Women of Ukraine” in partnership with the public organization “Ukrainian Smile” and the Finland-Ukraine Friendship Association “Kalyn”.

KITSMAN-PODILSKY UNIVERSITY: International Day of Peace is traditionally celebrated on September 21 in Ukraine and around the world.Today, peace in Ukraine is not an abstract wish, it is a realized goal, because for peaceful existence, for the right to live in one’s own state, a war continues in our country. And today every Ukrainian family felt the highest value of peace, which is the key to a happy life. The Student Council of the VSP “Kitzman Vocational College of the ZVO “PSU” joined the flash mob “We are for peace!” Click here for their video

KOZIATYN SCHOOLS: International Day of Peace. In the yard of Lyceum No. 5, a week before this date, students drew a giant dove and painted it in the colors of the national flag. They left their wishes on it: “No war”, “Peace on earth”, “Joy in the family”, “Under a peaceful sky”. . . . In Lyceum No. 3, the third-graders set their desks for the International Day of Peace lesson in a circle, the class teacher flipped through the slides, and the students listened carefully to the teacher and asked her questions. . . . Lyceum No. 1 named after Shevchenko, the event began with drawings on the asphalt by students of grades 1-4 under the slogan “Children of Ukraine for Peace on Earth.” . . . In gymnasium No. 9, even preschoolers and students of grades 1-3 joined the Day of Peace, (with many photos)

LUTSK: In Lutsk, the best readers of the charity online marathon under the hashtag Mir_Ukraine were recognized. The action took place on the International Day of Peace in the regional library for youth.The event was organized in the library courtyard with the participation of creative children’s teams, said the head of the library, Alla Yefremova. Click here for video

LVIV: On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, students of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs organized a patriotic event. Details are provided for the many names of the performers and the songs or poems performed along with photos.

MORSHYN: International Day of Peace is traditionally celebrated on September 21 in Ukraine and throughout the world . On this day, thematic events were held in educational institutions of the Morshyn community .Children painted murals with wishes for peace, happiness and a clear sky. In all educational institutions of the community, the all-school action “Dove of Peace” was held. Pupils made paper doves with wishes for peace and victory for Ukraine. (with many photos)

MYROPIL: On September 21, the world community celebrates Peace Day. On this day, the students of the 4-A class of the Myropil Lyceum under the guidance of the class teacher Tetyana Oleksandrivna Manzhesova held the action “The Dove of Peace flies to Ukraine”. Thanks to everyone who participated. The collected funds will be sent to support the Armed Forces. We wish everyone peace in everything – in families, in hearts, in our native Ukraine! May the Dove of Peace fly into each of our homes with good news on this September day! Together to victory! Click here for their video

NIZHYN: On the occasion of Peace Day and with the aim of expanding students’ knowledge about the importance of peace on Earth, the education of patriotism and love for one’s people and the Motherland, in the Nizhyn Professional College of the NUBiP of Ukraine, class leaders of academic groups held educational events, with students of various courses and specialties a flash mob was held “We for peace!” and the “Wishes for Ukraine and Ukrainians” campaign was organized, during which everyone could leave their wishes on paper figurines in the form of miniature birds. (with many photos)

ODESSA HEALTH CARE CENTER On September 21, 2023, to the International Day of Peace, employees of the Center for Primary Health Care No. 4 held a charity fair in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Doctors baked goodies and sold them, and also held a bright patriotic holiday, where the musical group “4.5.0” performed. Defenders of Ukraine, who are currently undergoing treatment in our city, were also invited to the holiday. All in all, thanks to the fair, the doctors of the CPMSD No. 4 managed to collect about 50,000 hryvnias. All money will be directed to the needs of the military formations that defend Odessa. (with many photos)

ODESSA SCHOOLS For the students of Odesa schools, thematic classes, exhibitions of drawings, newspapers, and various promotions were held for the International Day of Peace. Schoolchildren joined the all-Ukrainian action “Dove of Peace”. . . Representatives of the student self-government of Odesa primary school No. 85 visited defenders-military personnel who are being treated in the Odesa military hospital and presented hygiene products, basic necessities, sweets, children’s drawings, charms made by elementary school students and, of course, letters of support. An open event “May there be peace!” was held in Odesa Lyceum No. 9. During the event, the military chaplain of the 38th anti-aircraft missile regiment met with the students, who congratulated everyone present on the International Day of Peace. At the end of the event, the students handed over the means of individual use and goodies they had baked with their own hands to defenders in the east of Ukraine. (with many photos)

ODESSA UNIVERSITY : Odessa State Environmental University. Peace Day is celebrated on September 21 all over the world. The purpose of today’s meeting, organized by the senior lecturer of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, M.I. Myroshnychenko. with students of the 3rd year of the Faculty of Environmental Protection of groups E-20, E-22i, EK-20, TZ-20, TZ-21i, was to turn to the discussion of topical issues of peace through the thematic mini-discussion “Dimension of Peace”. . . . We began to appreciate peace more and understand its true meaning. We believe that peace will surely come in our country and we will live under a peaceful sky! (with photos)

OKHTYR: September 21 – International Day of Peace. In the Okhtyr Central Public Library of the Okhtyr City Council, librarians had an hour of communication with representatives of the Okhtyr City Red Cross Organization and employees of the Okhtyr City Local History Museum “Let there be peace over Ukraine!”. (with a photo)

PEREYASLAV: Pereyaslav educational institutions held events on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, which is celebrated worldwide on September 21. In the morning, the fourth-graders of Gymnasium No. 1 organized a patriotic flash mob. . . Then the schoolchildren, together with their teachers – Natalia Lytvynenko , Nadia Filonenko , and the deputy director for educational work, Larisa Pylypenko , organized the Peace Walk. They passed by the Alley of Heroes, honoring the memory of the fallen soldiers-compatriots. And then they visited the city council: with loud slogans and patriotic songs, they greeted the leadership and employees of local self-government bodies. (with many photos)

PLESETSK: Today, in the 1st classes of the Plesetsk gymnasium, an hour of communication took place under the slogan “We are for Peace”. Where students learned about the origin of the holiday, watched a video and made postcards. We wish peace in everything – peace in families, peace in hearts and peace to our native Ukraine! (with many photos)

POGREBYSHCHE: HVS № 42 in Pogrebyshche International Day of Peace. Click here for their video

POKROV: On Peace Day, Pokrov’s children demonstrated their conscious position by participating in various activities. Pupils of the art department of the school of arts creatively approached the celebration of this date, expressing their thoughts and feelings through a drawing on the asphalt. With the help of multi-colored chalk, they tried to embody their thoughts and messages. They colorfully depicted Ukraine without war and violence, painted the houses of their dreams under a peaceful sky, the symbol of peace – doves, etc. National symbols and blue-yellow colors prevailed in the drawings. . . . Many online events were also held in cultural and educational institutions. Schoolchildren joined the challenges “Umbrella of peace”, “Ukraine wants peace”, poetic flash mob “Let there be peace in our Ukraine”.(with many photos)

POLTAVA STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY: On the occasion of the World Day of Peace, Oksana Krasnova, a teacher of the department of public health with medical and labor expertise, held a conversation on the topic “World Day of Peace” with students of the international faculty of the 6th year of the 23rd group. Students learned in an interesting way why and when people celebrate Peace Day; learned that the symbol of international solidarity of all the people of the world is the Bell of Peace. They remembered that the emblem of peace is the dove, which symbolizes goodness and well-being. (with photos)

POLTAVA UNIVERSITY: On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, branch library No. 13 for children of the Central Library of Poltava State University invited young users to join the flash mob “Children of Ukraine for Peace”. The visitors were waiting for the bright exhibition-appeal “We want peace in our native Ukraine”, the video clip “We are for peace”. A pleasant highlight was the viewing of children’s drawings “Peace through the eyes of children”, which young talents presented to the library. On this day, the children made their own patriotic hearts and the emblem of peace – a dove with an olive branch. (with many photos)

RIVNE LIBRARY: September 21 is celebrated in Ukraine and around the world as the International Day of Peace, which is not an abstract wish in our country today. This is a conscious goal, because the struggle for peaceful existence, for the right to live in one’s own state continues. Today, every Ukrainian family felt the highest value of peace, which is the key to a happy life. On the occasion of this event, lyceum students of the 7-A class joined the event at the Rivne Regional Library. The students made a symbol – a dove of peace – using the origami technique and expressed their wishes: “Learn to do good to people and do good on Earth. Live in peace and harmony!” (with a photo)

RIVNE REHAB CENTER: On the occasion of the Day of Peace, teachers organized a number of thematic events with the students at the “Special Child” RNRC. During the day, artistic moments, exhibitions of works and drawings were held. “International Day of Peace” information hour was organized by the teachers of the GPA. Educational activities are organized with students of grades 1-4. (with many photos)

SELYDIV, DONETSK: Selydiv Lyceum No. 1. International Day of Peace is traditionally celebrated on September 21 in Ukraine and around the world. An educational hour on the topic “We are for peace in the world” was held with the students of the 1st-V class. The children were interested in learning the history of this day and the meaning of its symbol, the white dove. The children happily made such pigeons with their own hands and “inhabited” our Ukraine with them. During the “Association bush” exercise, children wrote down associations with the word PEACE, and an online exhibition of drawings was also held. Click here for their video

SKVARYAVA: Skvaryavsky ZZSO I-III degrees. Students of the 1st grade under the guidance of Gurska G.V. prepared the event “We are for peace in Ukraine”. Hours of communication in the 2nd grade (head G.V. Fedash) “Peace on earth – joy in the family” in the 3rd grade (head N.M. Savchyn) “Under a peaceful sky” in the 4th grade (head I. Savchuk S.) “Peace on the planet – happiness for all children” encouraged students to think about the most important value of every nation – peace! (with many photos and videos on different facebook pages for each class)

SLOVIANSK, DONETSK: Pupils of Sloviansk Secondary School No. 12 joined the regional flash mob action ” Vote for PEACE!” “. We want to live in a moderate country, under a peaceful Ukrainian sky. We believe that soon we will hear the long-awaited words: “Victory! Peace in Ukraine!” Click here for their video)

TARUTYNE: Community news: a legal educational event for the international day of peace was held in the Tarutyn community with subjects of probation
On September 20, 2023, the head of Bolgrad district sector No. 2 of the branch of the State institution “Probation Center” held a legal educational event for the International Day of Peace with probation subjects for the purpose of national and patriotic education. (with a photo)

TSERKVA: Confirming Ukraine’s commitment to the ideals of peace, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine since 2002, the Day of Peace has been established in Ukraine, which is celebrated annually on September 21 – the International Day of Peace. The students of the Bilotserki Professional College of Service and Design, like every conscious Ukrainian, dream of VICTORY, the earliest possible cessation of hostilities, the return of relatives, loved ones, friends, a peaceful sky above their heads, the healing of unbearable wounds in human hearts, and wish everyone peace in to everything – in families, in hearts and in our native Ukraine! Honoring the traditions of this important day, teachers and students of education filled the associative tree of Life with inscriptions, which in their opinion are associated with the word PEACE. And on the college playground, energetic girls arranged a dancing FLASHMOB and charged everyone with positivity. Happy Peace Day! Victory to Ukraine! (with photos)

TYSHKIV: A number of events dedicated to the Day of Peace took place in educational institutions of the Tyshkiv community. A large friendly family of the elementary school took part in the action “We want peace in Ukraine!”. Throughout the day, children attached doves and palms of peace to the blackboard in the school lobby, writing their most cherished dreams and wishes on them. At the circle of decorative and applied arts “Fantasia”, students made doves of PEACE. At the end of the school day, everyone had a good time and took pictures on the soft grass of the football field.
(with many photos)

VINNYTSIA: On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, traditional events were held in lyceums and gymnasiums of our city. In the yard of Lyceum No. 5, a week before this date, students drew a giant dove, which was painted in the colors of the national flag. They left their wishes on it: “No war”, “Peace on earth”, “Joy in the family”, “Under a peaceful sky”. . . In Lyceum No. 3, the International Day of Peace event was held in each class separately. The third-graders set their desks for the International Day of Peace lesson in a circle, and the class teacher flipped through the slides, and the students listened carefully to the teacher and asked her questions about peace. . . . Lyceum No. 1 named after Shevchenko, the event began with drawings on the asphalt by students of grades 1-4 under the slogan “Children of Ukraine for Peace on Earth.” . . In the support lyceum. 2 events took place at once. In addition to the traditional thematic hours for the International Day of Peace, they held elections for the president of the lyceum. . . . In gymnasium No. 9, pupils and preschoolers took part in the peace event.(with photos)

YURYIVKA: The head of the Pavlograd district sector, Larisa Bazarna, held an event for the Day of Peace in Ukraine for probation subjects of the sector in the local library. (with photo)

ZAPORIZHIA REGIONAL CENTER: In honor of the Day of Peace, employees of the Zaporizhia Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine came in embroidered jackets and tied symbolic yellow-blue ribbons on the branches of a tree, on which they wrote down the desire for peace, harmony and well-being for our country. Together to peace! Let’s walk to Victory together! Everything will be Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes! (with photos)

ZHMERYNKA: On September 21, at the “Zhmeryn Higher Vocational School” an open event was held – a meeting with a participant in hostilities and a teacher of the school A.H. Humenyuk, dedicated to the International Day of Peace. (with many photos, one of which is shown above on this page)

ZHYTOMIR: Flash mobs for Peace Day were held in Zhytomyr educational institutions. In particular, students of Lyceum No. 32 created a circle in the form of the planet Earth, in the center of which was depicted a dove, a bird that symbolizes peace. In Lyceum No. 21, children made paper doves of peace and thus demonstrated their desire to live in a peaceful country. (with many photos)

September 21 – International Day of Peace. PS what a bitter irony, what a mockery this date looks like today. That’s all I can say without using obscene language. (Web link withheld to protect Russian author.)


BRYANKA, LUGANSK: International Day of Peace is celebrated on September 21. On this day, promotions, concerts, and holidays are held in different countries. On this most beautiful bright holiday, the event “The World I Need” was held for students of UVK No. 17, dedicated to the International Day of PEACE. The event was organized with the aim of introducing children to the concept of peace, its significance and ways to maintain and strengthen peaceful relations, as this is a call to all people in the world for peace, to show care, to safe living conditions and non-violence. The children learned about the origin of the holiday, its symbol, defined the word “Peace,” read poems about peace, and sang the song “Let there always be sunshine.” (with many photos)

DONETSK PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC: Today, September 21, on the International Day of Peace, on the initiative of the Ministry of Information of the DPR, together with the Ministry of Education and Science of the DPR, a thematic exhibition of children’s drawings, as well as open letters of appeal in support of the defenders of our Motherland and wishes for a speedy Victory, was organized. . . . Students from schools in all cities and regions of the DPR took part in the exhibition with great desire. Their works have a deep artistic meaning, because every day they experience the horrors of war and, like no one else, dream of a speedy peace. In their works, the children depicted the feat of the defenders of the Republic, a planet without wars, and an image of a dove as a symbol of peace. Click here for their video

DONETSK CHILDRENS CENTER: Students of the Center for Children’s and Youth Creativity of the Kyiv district of Donetsk took an active part in the action “The Dove of Peace Soars Above Us” and created their own symbols of peace. Click here for their video

FEODOSIA, CRIMEA: International Day of Peace.
° Koktebel Children’s Art School: Exhibition of drawings “The World through the Eyes of Children
° Primorsky Children’s Art School: Info lesso dedicated to the International Day of Peace
° Nasypnovsky Culture and Leisure Center: Master Class “Drawing the Planet” and Exhibition “Peace on the Palms”

KHERSON: September 21 is celebrated as International Day of Peace. For this Day, an information hour was held at the Blagoveshchensk Sports Complex. Participants of the event became familiar with the word PEACE and its symbols. . . .At the end of the information hour, the children drew thematic drawings and a poster “WE ARE FOR PEACE!!!” (with photos)

MELITOPOL: The Konstantinovsky House of Culture hosted a reading competition “Peace-YES!”, dedicated to the International Day of Peace. The children read poetry so sincerely and emotionally that it was breathtaking. All winners, as well as participants, will be awarded sweet prizes. Click here for video

NOVOAZOVSK: International Day of Peace is a holiday dedicated to world peace. This day calls on all people to join forces to counteract violence and aggression. After all, war will not help solve problems; it only complicates life even more, bringing with it death, misfortune and grief. On September 20, 2023, an educational event “The World We Need” was held at the Novoazov Cultural and Leisure Center for the preparatory group of the folk vocal group. Participants of the event got acquainted with the day, which is a symbol of the complete renunciation of violent manifestations and the complete cessation of any military operations, learned the history of the holiday, the main tradition and motto of this day. (with a photo)

SIMFEROPOL: On September 21, all countries celebrate the International Day of Peace, established by the UN General Assembly in 1981. On the eve of this day, employees of the Simferopol branch library No. 4, together with teacher Irina Tomilova, organized an hour of good communication “Peace on the planet – happy children” for the students of the capital’s gymnasium No. 9. During the event, which began with a video clip of the song “The World I Need”, young Crimeans were introduced to the history of the holiday, its traditions and symbols: the Peace Bell, the white dove and the olive tree. branches. After listening to the song “Stork on the Roof”, the schoolchildren learned that since ancient times our people have considered the white stork to be a symbol of peace, goodness and family, which is associated with spring and the beginning new life. (with many photos)

Europe: International Day of Peace


A survey by CPNN

We list here 297 events in 17 European countries that were listed this year in Google during the week of September 21-28 under the key words “International Day of Peace”, “Journée Internationale de la Paix”, “Dia Internacional de Paz”, “Dia Internacional da Paz”, “Internationaler Tag des Friedens”and “Giornata internazionale della pace” or were listed on the websites of International Cities of Peace Facebook and the website of the Collectif de 21 septembre.

In France, there were events in 53 departments, over half of all those in the country, and in Belgium there were events in 123 municipalities.

In addition to these, over 300 events are listed on the maps of One Day One Choir and Montessori schools singing for peace, but, with the exception of 12 schools listed here that were new this year, there is no indication which took place this year and which took place only in previous years.

No doubt there were also many events listed on the Internet in the various national languages in Europe other than those for which we searched.

For events in European countries formerly part of the Soviet Union, click here.

Zaragoza, Spain

Here are excerpts from the articles.


ST. PÖLTEN: International Day of Peace. Visualizing the meaning of peace – that’s what the Erasmus+ project “Odyssey of Peace” was all about. Upper school students from the secondary school for applied arts in Sofia, the Elisabeth Selbert comprehensive school in Bonn, Bad Godersberg and the Eybnerstrasse student center in St. Pölten researched the concepts of peace, pacifism and civil commitment to social justice in a three-year project. . . . The diversity team of the city of St. Pölten encourages people to think about and think about social justice through their work and regular actions in public spaces.

VIENNA: On the occasion of the United Nations’ International Day of Peace tomorrow, September 21st, Rural Youth Austria invites you to a press conference and presents its Austria-wide focus topic for the next 3 years, projects that have already been implemented and planned: “Rural Youth – Next Generation: focused , motivated, future-oriented.” Young people are growing up in a time of multiple crises (pandemic, war, climatic changes). For rural youth it is clear that pointing out problems does not create solutions. With over 90,000 members throughout Austria, as the largest youth organization in rural areas, the Rural Youth has the power to revitalize rural regions and actively shape the future.


PEACE DAY WEBSITE: The United Nations proclaimed September 21 as the “International Day of Peace” to encourage all initiatives aimed at “promoting the ideals of peace”. On this occasion, we invite the cities and municipalities of Belgium to participate in this UN appeal by hoisting the flag of peace on the municipal building(s). This initiative is a campaign of the Belgian Coalition against nuclear weapons. Here is the list from the map of the 123 participating cities and municipalities in 2023: Aarschot – Amay – Anhée – Anthisnes – Anzegem – Awans – Assenede – Bassenge – Beersel – Begijnendijk – Berlare – Bever – Bocholt – Boechout – Borsbeek – Bouillon – Brakel – Bredene – Chievres – Chimay – Couvin – Damme – De Panne – Deerlijk – Deinze – Dessel – Diksmuide – Ecaussinnes – Engis – Erpe-Mere – Estaimpuis – Fleurus – Gavere – Geetbets – Genk – Gent – Gerpinnes – Haacht – Halle – Ham-sur-Heure-Nalinnes – Hamont-Achel – Hensies – Herk-de-Stad – Herne – Herstal – Herzele – Heusden-Zolder – Heuvelland – Holsbeek – Houffalize – Houthulst – Ieper – Ittre – Jodoigne – Juprelle – Kapelle-op-den-Bos – Kapellen – Kasterlee – Koekelare – Kontich – Kortessem – Kruisem – Kuurne – Laarne – Lanaken – Lede – Lennik – Leuven – Lierde – Lommel – Lummen – Maaseik – Manage – Marche-en-Famenne – Mechelen – Meerhout – Merelbeke – Meise – Messancy – Mettet – Moerbeke – Momignies – Mouscron – Nazareth – Nieuwerkerken – Nieuwpoort – Nivelles – Oostende – Oud-Turnhout – Peer – Peruwelz – Pittem – Plombières – Poperinge – Putte – Quaregnon – Raeren – Riemst – Rijkevorsel – Roeselare – Rouvroy – Ruiselede – Saint-Léger – Sambreville – Schelle – Sint-Lievens-Houtem – Sint-Niklaas – Soignies – Spa – Steenokkerzeel – Tessenderlo – Thuin – Tielt – Vilvoorde – Viroinval – Wachtebeke – Wanze – Wavre – Westerlo – Wichelen – Willebroek – Wingene – Wortegem-Petegem – Ypres – Zele – Zelzate – Zemst – Zulte


NICOSIA: The International Day of Peace Run 2023 is funded by the European Union, organized by UNDP in coordination with OSASG-Cyprus under the auspices of The Technical Committee on Culture with RUNITE and will take place in the old city of Nicosia. The run will consist of an 8km course, with the route passing through renowned landmark streets of Nicosia. The run will promote a culture of running and a healthier lifestyle while also underscoring the importance of common heritage sites in fostering peace and unity.


ACHERES 78): International Day of Peace. Exposition Climate and Peace. Expositions, Exchanges, Quiz. September 20 Maison des Jeunes, September 21 Multimedia Library

AJACCIO (2a): We in Corsica will gather on September 21 at 6 p.m. at Place Abbatucci in Ajaccio with PER A PACE and other island associations to form the human chain to demand peace again and again.

ALBI (81): In Albi this Saturday, September 23, 2023, a graphic and musical route will take shape from the kiosk and the statue of the bust of Jean Jaurès in the national garden to the Place du Vigan. Exhibitions of posters, posters, poetry, drawings, texts, leaflets, documents on the UN – and development objectives – on NATO, call for petitions for the TIAN (Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons) and against LPM (Military programming law) Repertoire of songs to share, social, struggle, pacifist, festive with Sylviane BLANQUART and a “Ephemeral Choir”, carried on the barrel organ, from 1:30 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. With the support of the unions UD-CGT, FSU Tarn, SOLIDAIRES Tarn.

ALENCON (61): On the occasion of the International Day of Peace which is celebrated on Thursday September 21, 2023, the local committee of the “Peace Movement” will hold an information stand installed on the Alençon market, Place de La Magdeleine. , between 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.

ANGERS (49): Let’s get together Thursday September 21, 2023 PLACE de la PAIX in Angers From 6 p.m. We hope to be numerous. To silence the weapons. The voices of peace must be the loudest! 4 ACG, Seeds of Citizens, Peace Movement

ANNECY (74): Rally for peace, 09/22/2023, 6:00 p.m., at the Annecy prefecture.

AUBERVILLIERS (93): The Whitaker Peace & Development Initiative & Cities of World Music invite you to celebrate Peace Day.
2:30 p.m. • Round table. Attend a debate between experts on the theme “Peace and development: the keys to a better future? »
4:30 p.m. • Participatory dialogue. Take part in a time of constructive discussion on living together and maintaining social cohesion
6 p.m. • Forum theater. Become an actor in an interactive show orchestrated by the OMJA and Yes Akademia associations
8 p.m. • Concert ~ Gheilan. As part of the Palestine Connect project led by the French Institute of Jerusalem , in partnership with Arabesques , the Institut du Monde Arabe and the Rocher de Palmer. The Gheilan group is made up of three brothers whose mother is from the West Bank and his father from Jerusalem. They see music as a way to connect with themselves and others.

AUCH (32):
Mobilization for Peace Day. In this sense, in the department of Gers and more particularly in its capital, the peace movement, the association of mayors for peace and around ten Gers associations signatories of this action in favor of peace, call at a pacifist rally on Thursday September 21 at 6 p.m. at Place de la Libération in Auch.

AUDINCOURT (25): Fun and family-friendly, this annual event is linked to the International Day of Peace celebrated around the world. Thursday September 21 at Espace Japi
4:40 p.m. Musical time by the Francas, followed by a speech in front of the Tree of Peace on the media library esplanade
5 p.m. Fun workshops on the media library esplanade
7 p.m. “La lue” concert refreshment bar and on-site catering with the support of Audincourt’s charitable and cultural associations.

BANDOL (83): On the occasion of World Peace Day, inauguration of the “friendship bench” offered to the City by Kiwanis Bandol Sanary Sud Sainte Baume. This colorful bench, installed in the school yard, makes it possible to identify children who are in difficulty at school, to avoid all possible pressure in the yard, and to detect as quickly as possible children in distress, who tend to isolate themselves. Children who feel isolated can sit on this famous bench, as a cry for help. These comrades can thus join him to help him, to listen to him.
Location: Octave Maurel elementary school.

BEZIERS (34): Inter-union call from Béziers , rally for peace on Thursday, September 21, 6 p.m., Place David d’Angers, Beziers.

BLOIS (41): The FSU 41 joins the Peace movement of 41 and calls for participation in departmental initiatives for the International Day of Peace. In the department, these initiatives take place in two stages:
Thursday September 21 at 5:30 p.m. Carrefour de la Résistance in Blois for a rally and a campaign.
Sunday September 24, from 7:30 a.m., 41st Peace Walks. Several routes are possible. Departures from the Allées stadium in Blois.

BOLLENE (84): Henri-Boudon College joined forces with the International Day of Peace. Photo of 700 students and their teachers in formation of the peace sign.

BOURGES (18): Program for the International Day of Peace, September 21
5 p.m. Peace Circle
5:30 p.m. Convivial Drink
6 p.m. Concert by Laura Mauger, Place Gordaine

BRIVE (19) March for the climate organized on Friday September 15 at 2:00 p.m. at the Arsonval high school in Brive by the Brive/Tulle branch of the national collective “Fridays For Future”.
Gathering on September 21: Brive at 10:30 a.m., in front of the Tree of Peace, Parc de la Guierle
on September 22 at 7:00 p.m. at the volunteer house, a press conference of the Corrèze collective against the SNU will be held in which you are invited to participate
on September 23 , we will have a stand at the party of the PCF section of Brive (in Perrières)

CAHORS (46): The FSU, the CGT, the peace movement and France Insoumise announce peace day on the town hall square at 5:30 p.m.Thursday in Cahors.

CANNES (06): The Alpes Maritimes Peace Movement is organizing a Rally “For Peace throughout the world” Thursday September 21 at 7 p.m. in Cannes , at the Music Kiosk (Allées de la Liberté). We must implement the United Nations Charter, the UN resolutions on the Culture of Peace and the Sustainable Development Goals. With the support of local organizations: MRAP 06, LDH 06, Libre Pensée 06, AFPS 06, CGT 06, FSU 06, PCF 06, FI Cannes…

° September 21: Workshops for peace. Poems, messages, songs, frescos, origami for children. Town Hall.
° September 23: Exposition on Nobel Peace Prize and selection of books for peace. Octoave-Mirbeau Library

MORNING : 11AM – GATHERING IN FRONT OF THE JEAN JAURES MUSEUM. Speeches by the Peace Movement / Paloma-81 Committee.
AFTERNOON : 5 P.M. – 9 P.M. MEETING AT CAFE JEAN JAURES, boulevard Georges Clémenceau. 5 p.m.-6 p.m. / Presentation of the Peace Movement then screening of a film: “Puppetry in Culture of Peace”.
Discussions on the eight areas of action of the Peace Movement, a popular education association.

CHAMBERY (73): International Day of Peace. In Chambéry , a march will take place on Friday September 22 . It will start at the Espace Pierre Cot, at the Quai des Allobroges. The appointment is given for 6 p.m. cOrganized in Savoie by AFPS, ASEP, Alternatives et Autogestion, Cap à Gauche, CGT, EELV, FSU 73, La France Insoumise, La Libre Pensée, Le Mouvement de la Paix, the French Communist Party, and the Socialist Party 73, this demonstration will be an opportunity to march “for peace, the climate, nuclear disarmament, social justice, living together”.

CLERMONT-FERRAND (63): Calling for peace, around a hundred people gathered in front of the Clermont-Ferrand prefecture this Thursday, September 21 around noon, at the call of the CGT departmental union of Puy-de-Dôme, on the occasion of the Day international peace.

DIJON (21): As part of the International Day of Peace, the Unesco club in Dijon under the patronage of the French National Commission for Unesco is organizing a conference: “La Paz: what to do now? ” Three speakers: a UNESCO personality, the mayor of Audincourt for the association of mayors for peace, lieutenant-colonel Etienne Royal for the Ministry of the Armed Forces.

GENNEVILLIERS (92): A delegation of four Ukrainians, including Mayor Yuriy Bova, will be in Gennevilliers from September 20 to 23 on the occasion of the International Day of Peace. A public meeting is organized on September 21 at 7 p.m. at the Nelson-Mandela space.

GIEN (45): Peace Day. “We shouldn’t be far from a record,” jokes a demonstrator. Not in the same sense as during the major mobilizations where we were even able to exceed the 1,000 people mark in Gien, notably in March. On this rainy morning of Thursday, September 21, a very small group of fourteen people were motivated to come to Place Jean-Jaurès, against the backdrop of Renaud’s “Hexagon” by the enclosure of the local CGT union. “14, A figure sufficient to “form a football team”, smiles Alain Denis, the deputy secretary, who however puts things into perspective: “Basically, it is a demonstration for peace and against war.”

GRENOBLE (38): Peace march and conference-debate 09/22/2023 6:00 p.m. Rue Félix Poulat, opposite St Louis Church. Everyone can come with the banner/panel of their choice. And play the music that seems most appropriate to him. Peace must be a celebration…

GRIGNY (91): The City of Grigny is proud to announce Peace Week – 2023 Edition! An event dedicated to the promotion of the universal values of peace, harmony and solidarity. This edition, organized by the municipal services, in partnership with Mots dits Mots lus, Unicef France, Union Local des Anciens Combattants de Grigny, Amin-Théâtre Le Tag, the Constellation, the Judo Club de Grigny, Révolution Artistique and Coup de pouce; aims to recall the importance of peace in a world often and still today troubled by conflicts and tensions.From September 18 to 26, Grigny will be transformed into a real sanctuary of the Culture of Peace, hosting various activities for all ages. From conferences on peaceful conflict resolution to artistic workshops promoting intercultural understanding, concerts and exhibitions, as well as the testimony of Ginette KOLINKA, Holocaust survivor; this week offers a range of opportunities to celebrate our common humanity. In view of the weather, the Lantern Evening and the Live Peace concert will take place at 8 p.m. at the Sidney Bechet Cultural Center this Thursday, September 21.

GUERET (23): As part of the International Day of Peace on September 21, 2023, the Creuse Committee of the Peace Movement is organizing a rally at 6 p.m. in front of the Guéret Town Hall, in partnership with Amnesty International, the CGT, La Courtine 17 , the FSU , and Freethought. The gathering will be followed by a play, “La Folie Macroton”, a comedy written and performed by Cécile Duval, from the Théâtre d’Or (Espace Artistique des Martinats), at 7:30 p.m. at the Quincaillerie digital in Guéret.

HARFLEUR (76): The municipal youth council proposes for the International Day of Peace 2023, in conjunction with 4 other CMJs of the agglomeration (Montivilliers, Octeville, Rouelles and Fontenay) to organize “A peace march” on Thursday September 21 after school. The 15 young people from the CMJ are having t-shirts personalized for the occasion but will wear their elected officials’ scarves. A little original touch that you can note even from home if you can’t come: upon departure, the church bells will ring, symbolizing the bell of Peace. Musical entertainment will accompany the march which will be secured by the Harfleur municipal police.

HENNEBONT (56): As part of the international days of peace and for the total elimination of nuclear weapons, the peace movement is organizing a rally this Saturday, September 23 in Hennebont. Meet at 4 pm, Peace Square in Kerbihan Park (near the Maison pour tous), at the call of the national collective “On the Move for Peace”. In Morbihan, the Peace Movement, AFPS, LSR, Free Thought, Cimade, Attac, CGT, FSU, Solidaires, PCF, UDB, and Nouvelle donne are mobilized. Musical interventions and entertainment provided by the Kig Ha Fanfarz brass band will punctuate the event. Then a “peace march” will set off between Square de la Paix and Place Foch at 5:30 pm, before a drink offered by Ville Salle Chevassu.

LARAGNE (05): Celebration of the International Day of Peace in partnership with the municipality of Laragne and in the presence of the Les Restoublons choir on Thursday September 21 at 6 p.m. in the Giono garden in Laragne Creative workshops in partnership with the MJC of Laragne on October 4 afternoon

LE CREUSOT (71): The collective for peace and the children of the Le Creusot leisure center joined forces to carry out symbolic actions on the eve of the International Day of Peace (September 21). This morning, they scattered painted pebbles in the heart of the city and in the Verrerie park. People who find them can send a photo to the Facebook account @villeducreusot. This afternoon, at the leisure area, around fifty balloons were released. The children positioned themselves in the shape of the word PEACE before launching their balloon. They had previously attached a message of peace intended for whoever found him.

LE HAVRE (76): Rally for peace, 09/21/2023, 5:00 p.m. Gathering at the call of around fifteen associations, trade union and political organizations.
Thursday, September 21 from 5:00 p.m. Avenue René Coty, in front of the “Le Printemps” store. Gathering with short interventions, testimonies (an Afghan, a Syrian, a Ukrainian, a friend from Goma) interspersed with music, songs, reading of poems…

LIBOURNE (33): September 21: planting of a Tree of Peace in the courtyard of a school, poems said by the children, singing, in the presence of parents, exhibition of “Peace, children’s words and drawings” which will be a support teaching during the school year.

LILLE (59): As part of the Peace Marches, we are demonstrating in Lille (59) at 2:30 p.m. Place de la République with the collective against police violence on September 23. This collective joins themes of the Peace Movement.

LYON (69): As part of the “Memory and March of the World” conference cycle (3rd Edition ) and the International Day of Peace (2023 Edition), the UNESCO Chair “Memory, Cultures and Interculturality” is organizing a public conference on the theme: “THE UNITED NATIONS: A FOUNDING ACT OF A COMMUNITY OF DESTINY AND A STRATEGY FOR THE SURVIVAL OF HUMANITY ” September 21, 2023 (6 p.m.-8 p.m.) Amphi Mérieux A025, Catholic University of Lyon. Speaker: Roger K. Koudé
Holder of the Unesco Chair “Memory, Cultures and Interculturality” and Professor of international law at the Lyon Institute of Human Rights – Catholic University of Lyon.

MARTIGUES (13): Culture of Peace. International day of peace on Wednesday September 20, Ferrières garden.
15:00. Workshops of painting, design, origami and games for children. Writing messages of peace to attach to the peace tree. Sportive workshops.
17:00. Exposition of student productions on the theme, “Portrait of women”. Peace cafe animated by the Service Vie Associative
19:00. Dancing, singing, music, reading of poems and other surprises.

MARSEILLE (13): On September 21, Michel Dolot, president of the Peace Movement, calls for a large gathering of progressive organizations on the occasion of the International Day of Peace. The gathering will take place at 5:30 p.m. at the Espace Bargemon. From Interview with Michel Dolet: “We are working hard to ensure that Benoît Payan, the mayor of Marseille, signs the call for cities to join the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), as did the mayors of Lyon, Paris, Bordeaux, Grenoble, Berlin, New York, Los Angeles. They call to protect their citizens from military nuclear fire and the only solution for this is to get rid of the weapons. The mayor of Marseille is very reluctant, he is inoculated with nuclear deterrence. We sent him several letters. Every time we meet him, we talk to him about it. We asked to meet him. He never answered us.

MONTARGIS (45): In front of the sub-prefecture of Montargis, nearly thirty demonstrators faced the rain accompanied by their slogan: “There is money to finance the war and the shareholders, not to finance salaries and pensions”.

MONTELIMAR (26): SEPTEMBER 23 “LET’S MARCH FOR A WORLD WITHOUT NUCLEAR WEAPONS” On Saturday September 23, ICAN France, the Movement for a Nonviolent Alternative, the Peace Movement and the Armaments Observatory will meet you in Dijon, Lyon, Paris, Montélimar and many other cities, for a large citizen and joyful mobilization.
° Devant la mairie de Montélimar.: Rally à 10h, le 23 septembre, organisé par plusieurs mouvements et associations de la Drôme et de l’Ardèche.

MONTMELIAN (73): International Day of Peace. On this occasion, marches will be organized over two days in the Savoie department. In Montmélian , the demonstration is scheduled for Thursday, September 21 , at 7 p.m. The meeting is at Place Albert Serraz. Organized in Savoie by AFPS, ASEP, Alternatives et Autogestion, Cap à Gauche, CGT, EELV, FSU 73, La France Insoumise, La Libre Pensée, Le Mouvement de la Paix, the French Communist Party, and the Socialist Party 73, this demonstration will be an opportunity to march “for peace, the climate, nuclear disarmament, social justice, living together”.

MONTPELLIER (34): Peace Week
Monday 18/09 8 p.m. Film La Bombe et nous Cinema Diagonal, presentation and debate Michel Tali (ARAC)
Tuesday 19/09 3 p.m. Film My country manufactures SS weapons House of unions presentation Isabelle Cabeca (Mvmt Paix, Cgt)
Wednesday 09/20 6:30 p.m. Conf. Debate Global geopolitical upheavals: new challenges for Peace and disarmament
Thursday 09/21 6:30 p.m. Rally for peace and disarmament Prefecture
Friday 09/22 6:30 p.m. Film Women facing missiles Cinema Nestor Burma presentation & debate Martine Ragonnet

MOULINS (03): Marche contre la guerre, pour la paix. Depart 17:30 from railroad station, marching to the Monument at Deportation Place. Speeches and pacifist songs.

NANCY (54): FOR A WORLD WITHOUT NUCLEAR WEAPONS: Saturday, September 23 – 13:00: march “for a world without nuclear weapons” from Charmois Park to Simone Veil Square where we will find the march for Social Justice, for public liberties, against racism and against police violence at 14:00. Organized by the Collective for Nuclear Disarmament 54, with the @TAG, the Movement for Peace 54, the MIR and Moc Nancy

NANTES (44): Mouvement de la Paix calls for mobilization on Tuesday September 26, 2023 to celebrate the International Day of Peace with “a world without nuclear weapons”. Meet at 5:30 p.m. at the corner of rue de la Barillerie and cours des 50 otages, in Nantes. Also a conference “Can we resist war propaganda?” September 29 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., at Manu with the participation of Anne Morelli, historian, professor emeritus at the University of Brussels (ULB) and author of “Elementary principles of war propaganda”
and Yves Jean Gallas Member of the National Bureau of the Peace Movement, Coordinator of the collective No to NATO, No to War.

NARBONNE (11): This Thursday, September 21, European Peace Day returns. For the occasion, we will meet in Narbonne in front of the Labor Exchange for a conference/debate moment with Gilbert Garrel, National President of the CGT Institute of Social History, and Roland Nivet, National Spokesperson for Mouvement de la Paix.

NEVERS (58): Rally for Peace. GATHERING THURSDAY September 21 AT 6 P.M. IN FRONT OF THE PREFECTURE OF LA NIEVRE , with successive speeches, distribution of leaflets, signing of petition for the elimination of nuclear weapons, and peace drink under a banner with the colors of the Peace Movement .

NICE (06): On this Thursday, September 21, the International Day of Peace was honored in Nice. In the large living room of Villa Masséna, three personalities were rewarded for their peaceful acts. Catherine Camus, Mustapha Chérif and Jean-Pierre Raffarin are the three winners. The Emir Abd-El Kader Prize for “the promotion of living together and peaceful coexistence in the Mediterranean and in the world” was awarded. Catherine Camus, the daughter of Albert Camus devoted her life to managing her father’s work. The second winner for the southern shore of the Mediterranean is Professor Mustapha Chérif. The 73-year-old Algerian man of letters devotes his existence to interreligious dialogue, writer, philosopher and researcher in the human sciences. To close the ceremony, a former Prime Minister of the Fifth Republic was chosen to represent the north shore . Jean-Pierre Raffarin was first a European deputy then a senator. In 2002 he was appointed Prime Minister by President Jacques Chirac. The former president of Leaders for Peace proclaims that “no, peace does not fall from the sky, peace is work, it is an effort, it is a will, peace deserves that we do some efforts.”

NIMES (30): “Two things weigh on the future of humanity: the climate and nuclear weapons.” Yves-Jean Gallas, member of the national office of Mouvement de la Paix, warns of the need to establish ceasefires. For the International Day of Peace, activists from this association and members of the Communist Party gathered on the Square de la Couronne on Thursday, September 21. After the speeches, it was time for a meeting-debate at the circle of the future. Among the speakers was Humanité journalist Vadim Kamenka, by videoconference.

NIORT (79): David Bodin, departmental secretary of the CGT, spoke to around thirty peace demonstrators this Thursday, September 21, in front of the Niort court. ““We are gathering all over France and the world to denounce the war in Ukraine, the various putsches in Africa, the colonization of Palestine but also for peace, for water,” declared David Bodin, departmental secretary of the CGT. “ We do not tolerate weapons being used against demonstrators ,” he added, in reference to the anti-basin demonstrations. Despite the relatively low attendance, David Bodin added: “It has been some time since there was a peace rally in Niort. Every year, there must be more and more of us to win, together, this international peace.”

ORLEANS (45): A hundred people marched for peace in the streets of Orléans. For Pascal Sudre, general secretary of the CGT, the meaning of the gathering is “not unrelated to the alarming situation that the country is experiencing today: a explosion in prices as winter approaches, even though the government is putting 413 billion euros into armaments. Weapons to kill! Besides this, millions of people are on the verge of falling into poverty. poverty. We are heading straight for disaster, assures the activist. Charity associations are all calling for help. Families are cutting out meals. All the signals are red! And even if we often say that we are exaggerating, we at the CGT, this is a feeling that is shared by everyone!”

ORSAY, LES ULIS (91): Together let’s sow the seeds of peace education. LCR Tournemire, Avenue de Normandie opposite 17, Résidence de Tournemire, Les Ulis. From 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.: Come and participate in a brainstorming session on what Peace means to you.
At 5 p.m. we invite you to the participatory debate moderated by Mrs. Dea Drndarska Rety, co-president of our Committee around our four main speakers. It will end with a friendly drink.

PARIS (75): gathering Saturday September 23 on the Human Rights square at the Trocadéro, from 12 p.m. This Parisian gathering commemorates both the International Day of Peace (21st) and the International Day Against Nuclear Weapons (26th).

PARIS (75): At the workshop of artists in exile, 6 rue d’Aboukir, 75002 Paris, the international day of peace presented with the creative association NDPNDNT (Independent) will take place on September 21, 2023. Speeches and songs by aa-e artists.
• Stanislav Glazov (Russia) dystopian audiovisual show
• Mad Dim (Ukraine) live modular synth
• dOP (France) hip-hop, house, techno
The event takes place within the framework of “The week of Russian voices against the war”

PAU (64): Rally, 09/21/2023, 6:30 p.m., with other associations, in front of the Pau prefecture. Pyrenees Atlantic Committee of the Peace Movement

PERIGUEUX (24): The rally for Peace Day in Dordogne will take place on Tuesday September 26 at 6 p.m. in front of the Périgueux Courthouse.

PERPIGNAN (66): From September 18 to 24, 2023, the Cultures of Peace association is organizing a whole series of events against war and for nuclear disarmament in the Catalan country. First highlight: on Wednesday September 20, a commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the creation in Céret, by Picasso, of the Sardana of Peace will take place at the city’s modern art museum. Another significant initiative, on Thursday September 21, on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, a large human chain for nuclear disarmament will be formed at the stroke of 6 p.m. between Place de Catalogne and Perpignan station. During this week for cultures of peace, distinguished guests will be legion. Jean-Marie Collin, director of the French branch of ICAN (International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, Nobel Peace Prize in 2017) will participate in a conference on Friday 22 at the Arago high school in Perpignan.

PEYRIAC (11): Celebrated on September 21 around the world, the International Day of Peace will be celebrated on Sunday, September 24 at the village. Meet at 10 a.m. at the Foyer des Campagnes for a pacifist breakfast followed by a debate on the theme “Peace and climate” led by an environmental specialist. On site, two exhibitions, one from Macif, the other from the Peace Movement. At 11:30 a.m., the organizers and Mayor Denise Gils invite the population to plant a tree for the climate in the Garden of Wells. The participants will then return to the foyer to listen to the president’s remarks and share an aperitif. At noon, those registered will sit down to a convivial meal which will be followed, at 2 p.m., by a concert of French songs given by the pianist Laetitia Jollet and the singer Alain.

QUIMPER (29): On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, the collective for the prohibition of nuclear weapons 29 (*) invites you to participate in a “March for Peace”, Thursday September 21, at 6 p.m., in Quimper, from the Place Terre au Duc in the Peace Garden. This march is part of a major national day of action with marches and rallies throughout France for the abolition of nuclear weapons, a day supported by the ICAN France collective.

RENNES (35): On the occasion of the International Day of Peace 2023 and the UN International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons and as part of Tout Rennes Cultive la Paix and the call of the national collective “En marche pour la Paix”, you are invited to participate in the meeting/debate “How to build peace today” on Tuesday September 26, 2023, in Rennes at 6:30 p.m. at the Maison des Associations, Cours des Alliés.
Five brief introductions :
° Economy and Peace
° Nuclear disarmament, where are we?
° Climate and peace
° For a diplomatic solution to the war in Ukraine
° Struggles of young people in sub-Saharan Africa for peace

SAINT MALO, SAINT SERVAN (35): The Peace movement with the “get out of nuclear power” collective supported by the CGT, the FSU, the PCF, the FI, Femmes solidaires, the LDH… call on citizens, on September 24, to make Peace the news of the day in St-Malo.
° Demand peace in Ukraine and throughout the world because for its future, humanity has no other path than Peace.
° Demand the total elimination of nuclear weapons: Illegal under ° international law, nuclear weapons are dangerous, inhumane, morally unacceptable, financially costly (60 billion over 6 years for France), militarily useless, ecologically disastrous, ethically irresponsible.
° Demand the signing and ratification by France of the treaty banning nuclear weapons in force since January 21, 2021.

SAINT SAVOURNIN (13): Peace Festival, Sunday, September 17, Courtyard of the Town Hall. Pyramid of shoes with Handicap International. Exposition of paintings about peace. Signing petitions for peace. Concert at 17:00 in the Parish Hall followed by refreshments.

SAINT-ETIENNE (42): THE CGT Loire and other local actors are calling to participate in a peace rally organized this Thursday, September 21 at 6 p.m. at the corner of rue Aristide Briand and rue de la Paix with Place de l’Hôtel-de-ville . It is on the occasion of the International Day of Peace that similar gatherings are planned in many French cities at the initiative of the collective “ Marching for peace » bringing together 200 organizations. In Saint-Etienne, a human ribbon/chain for peace will be made up to the statue of Jean Jaurès, located at Place Jean Jaurès.

SARAN (45): International Day of Peace. September 20 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. On the program for this afternoon dedicated to the promotion of peace, numerous stands and activities offered by City services and local associations : The Peace Movement, Outstretched Hands, Le Rendez-Vous Solid’R, or the Typographic Workshop, which invites the public to visit. In total, around ten stands will offer activities in different forms; creative workshops, games, advice, exchanges, readings, culture. . . . Also, bags decorated with cards and messages of peace, made by the children of the Marcel-Pagnol leisure center, and which will be distributed to the beneficiaries of the weekly maraudes of the association “Les Mainstendes”. The entertainment will also be in full swing with a carousel (paid, €1 per ride, the proceeds of which will be donated to the Peace movement). This meeting will be notably punctuated bythe peace speech and a snack announced around 4 p.m. followed by a traveling show entitled “Criqu’à Cyclette”. Second highlight of this event , Tuesday September 26 at 10 a.m. (initially scheduled for Thursday September 21)
An olive tree “Tree of Peace” will be planted this year with the young students near the Bourg elementary school.

SEINE SAINT DENIS (93): The Department of Seine-Saint-Denis and the Network of Actors in the Culture of Peace and Non-Violence are pleased to offer you the program “Together, let’s cultivate Peace” listing Initiatives for Peace and non-violence organized on the occasion of the International Days of Peace and Non-Violence, September 21 and October 2.

SERGY (01): Concert of songs for Peace on September 22, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. at the Grange Verte de Sergy (01), with Myrtille Gillet, accompanied by her musicians Laurence Franco and Gyom. This event will be in partnership with the NGO Heartfulness which offers us a meditation at 8 p.m.

SOUVIGNY: Organ concert for the International Day of Peace Church of Souvigny organized and hosted by ACAT for the International Day of Peace.
2023-09-21 20:30:00 end: 2023-09-21 22:00:00. Church of Souvigny, 

TRESCLEOUX (05): Celebration of the International Day of Peace by the municipality of Trescléoux (05) in the presence of village associations and school students on September 21 at 11 a.m.

TOULOUSE (31): In Haute – Garonne, the undersigned organizations are calling for a GATHERING THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 21 at 6:00 p.m. – Metro Jean Jaurès Mouvement de la Paix 31, Libre Pensée 31, UD CGT 31, FSU 31, Solidaires 31, PCOF 31, PCF 31 , POI 31, EELV 31, MMF-Occitanie, CDK Toulouse, UPT, MRAP 31, France CUBA, Place Publique 31

TOURS (37): Thursday September 21 at 11 a.m.: press conference with the organizations working alongside us as part of the Peace initiatives
° Thursday September 21 at 7 p.m.: meeting with the Lochoise population at the “Mère Lison” associative bookstore (in Loches)
° Saturday September 23 at 3 p.m.: call to participate in the demonstration against all violence with our messages for Peace
° Tuesday September 26 at 6 p.m.: Place Anatole France in Tours, rally for peace and the elimination of nuclear weapons.

UNIEUX (42): Unieux Town Hall. Sep 21, 2023 8:00 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. Concert with Didier Maurin present for 30 years on the most diverse stages. Find him with an eclectic repertoire mixing personal compositions and original covers on the occasion of the International Day of Peace on the Quarto stage.

VALENCIENNES (59): The Valenciennes marching for peace are also worried about the climate. The collective “En marche pour la paix” invites you to discover an exhibition which addresses the threat of global warming soon, at the Maison des associations. They are also organizing a march for peace, on Place d’Armes, on Saturday September 23 from 10:30 a.m.!

VANDOEUVRE-LES-NANCY (54): On Saturday, September 23, the March for a world without nuclear weapons took place in Vandõevre. A gathering that brought the participants together is in the Charmois Park under the Peace Tree that was planted by the Mayor. Indeed, the city is a signatory of the cities’ call for France to ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TIAN). This is one of the 3 towns of Meurthe and Moselle that signed the call of cities; which is quite remarkable since few departments have multiple cities signatures. After the rally and a picnic in this beautiful park, the march joined the Protest against Repression and Police Violence. Two hours of walking, through the popular neighborhoods of Vandœuvre where we were very well received.

VENISSIEUX (69): Michèle Picard, Mayor of Vénissieux and Vice-President of the Metropolis of Lyon, the municipal team and Arlette Cavillon, President of the local committee of the Mouvement de la Paix will meet you like every year, on September 21 for the International Day Peace. Thursday September 21 At 6 p.m., Salle Duclos – Vénissieux Town Hall. Presentation of the Portrait for Memory exhibition by Claude Furmignieux. Conference on Palestine by Jérome Faynel (President of collective 69 in support of the Palestinian people), followed by discussions with the public. Exhibition by Mohammed Sabaaneh, Caricatures . Palestinian political cartoonist with often awarded talent.

VICHY (03): On the square in front of Vichy town hall:
2 p.m. information and discussion table on peace issues.
5:30 p.m. – rally against war and for peace.

VIGNACOURT (80): Thursday September 21 at 6 p.m. – concert and exhibition at the Vignacourt Center 14-18. Expo: Canvases of Remembrance. At the heart of immense cotton sheets, admire the floating and undulating bodies of the soldiers. In the garden of the interpretation center, the soldiers from the Thuillier collection come back to life thanks to Corine’s passion and talent. This will be an opportunity to discover the work of the engraving workshops carried out by our budding artists during the year. Meet at 7 p.m. for the concert by Louis Aguilar, folk musician. He writes and sings songs mixing North American folk tradition and indie modernity. For the International Day of Peace, come and listen to his music.

VILLEJUIF (94): The City of Villejuif is joining forces with this International Day to promote peace together. Speech by Guillaume du Souich, delegated municipal councilor Associative Movement, Culture of Peace, International Solidarity, Duty of Memory. Speech by Anne Avidi, president of the Twinning and Culture of Peace committee. Discovery of the Peace on Palestine fresco created by Philippe Baudelocque in conjunction with young people from Villejuif. Friendship cocktail at the Elsa Triolet media library

VITRY-SUR-SEINE (94): Every year, Vitry celebrates the International Day of Peace. This year, it will be the opportunity for it to unveil its new official flag, the result of a competition launched in 2022 and won by the young Aoua Kamara (see video below). It will be presented to Vitriots and Vitriots during the Festicapaix festive event on Sunday September 24 from 1:30 p.m. on the Place du Marché. On September 21 at 6:30 p.m., the Mouvement de la Paix will meet residents at the Veterans’ House (18, rue de Chanzy) for a time of exchanges and debates in the presence of the mayor, Pierre Bell. Lloch, and Mrs. Barghouti who has been fighting for years for the release of her husband, Marwan Barghouti, deputy and Palestinian prisoner, a fight supported by the municipality. The Palestinian ambassador, the president of the local committee of the Mouvement de la Paix, and the president of the Vitry-Mali Cooperation association will also be present. Building and strengthening international solidarity, founding member of the French branch of the Mayors for Peace association, a network of “Mayors for Peace” created for the abolition of nuclear weapons, the city works daily for understanding between peoples, cooperation, solidarity and living together.


BAD SALZUFLEN: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 at 7:30 pm Concert hall in the Kurpark, Parkstraße 20, 32105 Bad Salzuflen. There will be an evening of “Music for Peace” in the concert hall, which is known for its excellent acoustics. Note: The concert is once again an event as part of the project month “Ge(h)denken! War Graves Month” in September with various commemorative occasions (September 1st – Anti-War Day, September 10th – Open Monument Day, September 16th-17th – Cemetery Day and September 21st – International Day of Peace (UNO)

BONN: Bonn Peace Days 2023. 21st September -International Day of Peace. The Bonn Peace Days 2023 will address the war in Ukraine, its causes and the chances of a peaceful end in several events. . . . The significance of Nobel Peace Prize winner Bertha-von-Suttner’s call to lay down her arms will be discussed at a symposium today. Other events will focus on topics such as just peace, a just energy transition in Colombia and a differentiated look at the debate on Israel policy and anti-Semitism. This year there will also be a variety of creative events: readings with an open microphone on our ideas about peace policy, a creative workshop and exhibition “Make Peace with Nature”, the Bonn schools peace run and the Peace Trail in Bonn will be inaugurated. On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the publication of the magazine W&F, a symposium is taking place in Bonn.

BREMEN: Those who want peace, make peace – Nonviolence as a contribution of civil society to peace. The event will take place as a hybrid in the Bremen Town Hall September 21 and as a video conference. Violence, wars and armament dominate foreign policy. What are the perspectives of non-violent strategies before, during and after violent conflicts? How do peace researchers and activists assess the potential of conflict transformation to avoid violence?
Dr Andreas Bovenschulte as President of the Bremen Senate, the schwelle Foundation and the ecumenical network Church and Peace invite you to a panel discussion on these questions with:
Prof. Dr. Hanne-Margret Birckenbach Political scientist and peace researcher,
Otto Raffai Peace activist from the peace organisation RAND (Regional Address for Nonviolent Action) from Croatia RAND
Rana Salman from Bethlehem from the Combatants for Peace
Mirka Hurter from ‘Peace for Future’ (Youth Forum of the Network Rethinking Security)

Question for this article

What has happened this year (2023) for the International Day of Peace?

Le Creusot, France

(Survey continued from left column)

HAMBURG: September 21st is International Day of Peace. A day that always – and especially in times like these – sets an important example. Greenpeace wants to make this message audible: In collaboration with The Poetry Project Berlin, Ondoreto and the Hebebühne Hamburg, the environmental and peace organization brings young, talented poets to the stage. Lyrically they share with us their personal experiences about war and peace. The evening will be accompanied musically by the musician Katja von Bauske and her soulful and intimate songs. Date: 20.09.2023, 20:00 Location: Hebebühne.

ROSTOCK: The Hanseatic and university city of Rostock is organizing a concert for the International Day of Peace in cooperation with the conservatory and the University of Music and Theater, from 6 p.m. in the Haus der Musik on Wallstrasse 1. Rostock residents are cordially invited to experience the colorful diversity of musicians and a cross-genre to experience the program.

SCHIFFERSTADT: For many people, peace is a matter of the heart that is often thought about and sometimes dominates all thoughts. With a participatory campaign by the city administration, everyone is invited to exchange ideas about peace and to share their own fears and anxieties with the community. From September 18th to 22nd, one wooden peace dove with a garden stake per person can be picked up free of charge during normal opening hours at the town hall – while stocks last. Anyone interested is invited to paint them with acrylic or emulsion paint and set them up outside of their own property in November. They are intended to express concern for peace and give hope through the variety of colors and designs. Please send a picture of the painted and displayed pigeon to by the end of November so that a large picture gallery can be shown on the city website.


TYRRELSTOWN Powerstown Educate Together National School. Join us as we celebrate World Peace Day. Each class has prepared a piece to perform for our school community and are looking forward to seeing you there.


ABRUZZO: The International Day of Peace is celebrated on 21 September . On this occasion, the students of the Liceo Classico “G. D’Annunzio” of Pescara , in collaboration with the Jane Goodall Italia Institute, have decided to take action to remember the Amarena bear who, as we know, died in the late evening of August 31st in San Benedetto dei Marsi. Starting from 10.15am, a black cherry plant will be planted in the school’s botanical garden, in memory of the bear who was given the name Black Cherry because she was fond of this fruit. Students, some teachers and the Headmaster Prof. Antonella Sanvitale will take part in the event as well as some representatives of the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park .

BARI: A ceremony will be held on Thursday 21 September 2023 , organized by the Apulian Academy of Sciences and the Community of Mediterranean Universities, for the unveiling of the plaque commemorating the planting, in the Villa La Rocca Park, of a Tree of Peace obtained from a seed of a Ginkgo Biloba tree, known as Hibakujumoku, that survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. The ceremony will take place on 21 September 2023 at 4.30 pm, the day on which the International Day of Peace proclaimed by the United Nations occurs. The plaque unveiling ceremony will be followed by a speech on the theme of the centrality of peace in the Divine Comedy and will conclude at 8.00 pm with a concert in the “N. Rota” of the Niccolò Piccinni Musical Conservatory of Bari.

BOLOGNA: Program of the Pieve di Cento Peace Week
from 18 to 24 September 2023
° 20 September. NO TO WAR ; Poems, Stories, Music edited by Nedda Alberghini Po
5.00 pm. A PACT FOR PEACE. The Associations Tell Their Story
6.30pm. APERICENA organized by the Bologna Football club Sauro Parmeggiani
at the Barachen of Mork
8.00 pm. General meeting Orchid room – Emilia Romagna – Buddhist MEETING in the ORCHID ROOM in collaboration with the Invictus Study Center
SATURDAY 23rd and SUNDAY 24th By PRO LOCO, 10th AUTUMN FLAVORS FESTIVAL in search of ancient flavours, in Don Celso Venturi park via Asia

BOTTICINO: Through some drawings, drawn up during religious hours in the first two weeks of school, the children of the Tito Speri school joined the international day of peace by coloring and decorating the school building with drawings and messages of peace, expressing a profound feeling of closeness to the populations involved in war conflicts.

BOVILLE ERNICA: We inform you that on 21 september 2023 the civic education program “Let’s transform the future – for peace with-la-cura” will begin for the current school year, with the 2023 peace festival, entitled “young peacebuilders” on the occasion of the International Day of Peace promoted by the United Nations. Participants: All the students of the State Comprehensive Institute of Boville Ernica

BRESCIA: International Day of Peace. For the occasion, the large rainbow flag, the universal symbol of peace, will be displayed under the portico of the Loggia. . . . For years, among other things, the municipal administration has been organizing the Peace Festival, a series of meetings, exhibitions and performances that help us reflect on the importance of the value of peace .

CASALPUSTERLENGO: Saturday 23 September (10am – 12.30pm)  Auser Casalpusterlengo will promote the fifth edition of the meeting of all local associations on the occasion of the International Day of Peace . Local schools will be involved in a flash mob. 

CANTANZARO: The international day of peace was celebrated at the San Vitaliano clinical center in Catanzaro with a show organized in collaboration with the Maison de la dance of Squillace Lido and the youth ministry of the Archdiocese of Catanzaro-Squillace.The event saw the involvement of all the clinic’s medical and nursing staff in a performance specially prepared for patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases.

CECINA: On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, the Municipal Library of Cecina is organizing a play and reading meeting for its young users with the theme ” Let’s read peace”. The event will be held on Tuesday 26 September at 5pm, at the Municipal Library in via Corsini,7 and is aimed at boys and girls aged 4 to 6.

CERVIA: Since 1993, the city of Cervia has approved its own “declaration of City for Peace” and has joined the National Coordination of Local Bodies for Peace. Cervia is also the Lead City for Italy of Mayors for Peace, a global organisation, founded in 1982 by the will of the then mayor of Hiroshima Takeshi Araki and Cervia has joined the “The European Chapter of Mayor for Peace”. . . . This year too, the Municipality of Cervia is organizing some events to unite the community in the name of the culture of non-violence and to celebrate the International Day of Peace and Disarmament together. These are the scheduled events.
° From 21 September 2023 to 14 October 2023 – Showcase of books on the theme of peace and disarmament at the Maria Goia Municipal Library.
° Thursday 21 September 2023 at 4.30 pm – “How beautiful, peace!”, Readings and origami workshop for children aged 4 to 10, curated by Caterina Comandini.

CROSIA-MIRTO: Comprehensive school “Crosia Myrtle”. Established on 30 November 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly, the International Day of Peace was born from the desire to create a day dedicated to world peace and non-violence . This year’s theme is “ Let’s Cultivate Peace” and our children have joined those around the world to send a message of hope and solidarity to children in countries at war, with their drawings and their messages of peace. (with photos of children’s drawings)

CIAMPINO: Today we celebrate the International Day of Peace , established on 30 November 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly with the desire to create a day dedicated to non-violence . The Municipality of Ciampino also joins this initiative, with the aim of raising awareness in the local community on the topic of global peace . With a view to inclusiveness and integration, we are also planning the organization of a Day dedicated to Peace and Hospitality .

CATONA: Istituto Comprensivo Radice-Alighieri.We inform you that, on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, Thursday 21 September 2023 at 9.15 am, the teachers of all the classes of the Comprehensive Institute will organize, each in the courtyard areas to which they belong, the flash mob to the tune of the song “We are all Muhammed Ali”. Each class will create a pinwheel with the colors of peace to display outside the courtyard areas. For the initiative, students will wear a white t-shirt and blue trousers/leggings. We hope for maximum participation.

COMISO: Istituto Comprensivo “L. Pirandello”. September 21st is the “International Day of Peace”. In a period like the one we are experiencing, it was natural as well as necessary to give an even more special space to this event. Through targeted educational proposals, the students were guided in the implementation of activities aimed at understanding the theme of peace to be understood not only as the absence of war. but as protection and respect for the dignity and rights of the person. The students of all the classes of the Primary School were involved by their teachers in educational courses suitable for various ages: drawings, “PEACE” slogans, posters, poems, song lyrics and much more…

FANO: The Fano Lions Club is pleased to propose the “A poster for peace” competition to students aged between 11 and 13. As every year, there will be awards and a ceremony to announce the winners among the participating students. On 21 September 2023 at 10.00 am, the representatives of the Lions Club Fano District 108/A will meet the school managers, teachers and students of secondary schools in the Ipogea room of the Montanari Media Library, on the occasion of the UN International Day of Peace. During the meeting, this year’s theme will be illustrated: “Dare to Dream”, and detailed instructions will be given regarding the execution of the works for participation in the competition.

FIRENZE: The International Day of Peace will be at the center of the final event, Thursday 21 September at 11 am, of the 3rd edition of the “Festival of Cultural Associations”, organized by the Center for Florentine Organized Cultural Associations. . . . Interventions directed and managed by the president of the UNESCO Florence Club Vittorio Gasparrini will alternate. Among the special moments were the official awards ceremony of the “Dante la Luce Immortale” competition at the Liceo Machiavelli and the intervention of the students of the school “Others collaborate with the UNESCO Club of Florence on peace and the protection of fundamental rights in season 2022 – school year 2023″. . . . The festival activities do not stop on September 21st, many meetings are scheduled for the after-festival from September 23rd to October 20th.

FIUMICINO: The students and teachers of the “Porto Romano” comprehensive school in Fiumicino celebrated the 42nd International Day of Peace in the “Cetorelli” sports facility . . . . The first classes of lower secondary school were involved in various activities which are fully included both in the reception and orientation proposals and in the actions linked to civic education that the Institute promotes. After a “lap of honor”of each class on the ring of the athletics track and the performance of the National Anthem of the assembled classes, yesterday morning, introduced by the speech of the Principal and the municipal authorities, was characterized by some moments of reflection but also by participation active participation of the students, who were all wearing white t-shirts, through sport, games, music and proactive sharing.

GALLIERA VENETA: The municipal administration, the Comprehensive Institute, the Italian Catholic Action and the Ekoclub of Galliera Veneta on the occasion of the international day of peace wish to invite all the citizens to the ceremony of planting of an olive tree seedling, symbol of life and rebirth and always considered an emblem of peace. The ceremony will take place at 6.00 pm, in the garden of the Domenico Pellegrini Secondary School located in Via Giacomo Leopardi in Galliera Veneta

ISOLA DELLE FEMMINE: Institute IC “Francesco Riso”. 21 September International Day of Peace. An important day to reflect on this value and what we can do to build a better world. The primary school students reflected and expressed themselves through drawings, poems, posters, …

MELITO DI NAPOLI: Circular addressed to III Circolo Didattico of Melito de Napoli. Flash mob 21 September 2023 – International Day of Peace – We inform you that, on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, Thursday 21 September 2023 at 10.00 am, nursery and primary school teachers are invited to organize in the courtyard of the respective schools, a flash mob to the tune of the song “We are the world”. Each section/class will be engaged in themed cooperative work and graphic and pictorial activities, at the end to encourage children to reflect on the importance of peace.

MILANO AC: The Rossoneri Athletic Club of Milan, for today, has decided to celebrate the International Day of Peace, which occurs every 21 September: Milan will welcome a group of Ukrainian mothers and children from the Extraordinary Reception Centermanaged by Fondazione Progetto Arca Onlus. On this occasion, a child from the Center will have the special opportunity to accompany one of the twenty-two footballers on the pitch, an opportunity which for some time – as part of the “Milan for all” accessibility program – the Club has also extended to girls and children with disabilities or from delicate family and social contexts. The activity is part of the “AC Milan for Peace” program, within which the Club and the Milan Foundation have been supporting the Ukrainian population for a year and a half through a series of concrete initiatives.

MODICA: Istituto Comprensivo Raffaele Poidomani. Educating for peace is one of the objectives of the 2030 agenda, so the international day of peace which is celebrated on 21 September becomes a good opportunity to raise children’s awareness on this issue. Through reflections, creative activities, drawings, they expressed their feelings about peace and reflected on how important it is to live in harmony and try to resolve conflicts without using violence. With a lot of effort and with their simplicity, the children also created a peace postcard, illustrated with their own drawings and with a message of affection and peace to send to the Pope.

NAPOLI: “The environment and peace are an indissoluble union. The protection of human rights, the protection of every citizen’s right to live a peaceful existence and the protection of the environment and marine and terrestrial ecosystems are not distant issues”. This is what the president of Ambiente Mare Italia Alessandro Botti explained to Dire in celebrating the International Day of Peace with an event, with the theme “Sea inside. A sea of ​​peace ”, which was held in Naples, promoted by Ambiente Mare Italia – AMI ETS in collaboration with the Circolo Nautico Posillipo, the RAM, Rinascita Artistica del Mezzogiorno and the Accademia Federico II. . . . On stage there were performances by Giovanna La Pietra, Modestino Preziosi, European and world champion of Maratona, Bruno Nappi, director of un Posto al Sole, Carmen Famiglietti, dancer and dance teacher and the rap duo “Delate” in a song dedicated to the sea and the environment.

NOTO: IV Istituto Comprensivo Giovnni Aurispa. We inform that on September 21st p. v. at h. 10:00, the students of the classes indicated, accompanied by the teachers on time, will go to the Cathedral of San Nicolò to participate in the International Day of Peace.

ORVIETO: The Omnicomprehensive R. Laporta di Fabro institute renews its commitment to education for peace and civil coexistence this year too. On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, 21 September 2023, all the Institute’s schools, from the nursery school to the Agricultural Institute, experienced peace through reflections, sharing and creating many colorful and original works. Peace described through rosettes, colored hands, smiles, poems with kind words, collective paintings, digital works.

PALERMO: Palermo will host the fourth edition of the International Forum for Peace, Security and Prosperity which will take place from 17 to 20 March 2024. The theme – launched today in conjunction with the “International Day of Peace” of the United Nations – is ” The impact of contemporary tensions, conflicts and war on major international institutions”. Students in the third, fourth and fifth classes of high schools around the world will be able to participate in the competition. The Forum is an annual conference that brings together high school and university students, cadets from military academies and colleges, supported by academics, military and public security professionals, peacekeepers, as well as political leaders and administrators, to explore the dynamics of peace , through an innovative hybrid model (online and in person) of discussion, research, in-depth analysis and experiential comparison, based on the analysis of “Positive Peace”. Students will be able to compete with videos and essays on one of the three topics for 2024:
° The changing world: what is happening internationally?
° Is the UN still relevant?
° Effect of conflicts, tensions and war on EU/NATO/African Union/other Grand Alliance.

PERUGIA: n Thursday 21 September, the International Day of Peace was celebrated at the ‘Alessandro Volta’ Technical Institute in Perugia. Three different civic education activities will take place during the day. First of all, the message from the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, for 21 September will be read and commented on in each class. The students will then be involved in reading the Peace Exercise Book, designed to teach and learn how to “make peace”. Finally, the students will be presented with the civic education program ‘Let’s transform the future – For peace. With care’, and then decide together the activities to carry out during the year.

PESCARA: The Liceo Classico “G. D’Annunzio” of Pescara has chosen to celebrate the 42nd International Day of Peace and Non-violence in the following way. A moment, coordinated by the Headmaster Prof. Antonella Sanvitale, which involved teachers and 57 students (one for each high school class), with the singing and recitation of some poems dedicated to peace. Furthermore, a minute of silence for Peace will be observed in the botanical garden and in all the high school classrooms .

PISTOIA: On Sunday 24 September, the Puccini Gatteschi Cultural Center celebrates Peace Day. At the Teatro di Verzura, at 5.30 pm, presentation of the photographic exhibition Cromie di Pace by Vanessa Ciotoli Giuntini and the book Politics is woman: memory of a rebellious girl by Tommasina Materozzi. Upon reservation, at 6.40 pm, presentation and screening of the docufilm Bandiere della Pace by Silvia Folchi and Antonio Bartoli with the UDI Archive Association of Siena. Following, at 8.30 pm, aperitif at the Puccini Gatteschi Cultural Centre. Click here for the poster.

POTENZA: International Day of Peace, the Municipality of Potenza presents the ‘Together in Peace’ initiative. The 2023 edition of the ‘Community Week’, entitled ‘Together in Peace’. Presentation of the 2023 community week. 21 September 2023, 4 pm. Palace of Culture, via Cesare Battisti. Click here for the poster.

PUNTALAZZO: On the International Day of Peace the book of poems “Versi de pace” was presented in Puntalazzo. The presentation was introduced and moderated by Giuseppe Vecchio, director and publisher of “La Voce dell’ Jonio”. It saw the interventions of Carmela Tuccari, preface of the volume, and the journalist Rita Messina. Gesuele Sciacca and his wife Daniela Greco, musicians from the hinterland, performed poems by famous contemporary poets set to music by Maestro Sciacca himself. The event also included the inauguration of a collective painting called “Expression of Peace”, in which several artists participated. At the end of the event, Nellina Ardizzone read the message released by the director general of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, on the occasion of Peace Day.

REGGIO CALABRIA: Fiction and poetry but also the beauty of food and music in Reggio Calabria on 21 September on the occasion of the International Day of Peace. Two hands meeting, the initiative of extraordinary people, Miriam and Filippo, for a magical evening in the name of Peace, the International Day of Peace, both Ambassadors of Peace, lovers of Art, beauty, Solidarity, everything what is beautiful and good, generous, precious. On the notes of the violinist Yael Amato of the Naples Conservatory, rewriting into music the song of a past that has seen the evil of men but still believes in them. . . The initiative was made possible thanks to the Municipality of Reggio Calabria, the Municipality of Palmi, the Voice Italy Academy, the Accademia Art Gallery, the Italian National Jewish Institute and Universal.

ROMA: This morning, on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, the event “In Rebibbia, let’s take to the field for peace” was held in the courtyard of the Rebibbia women’s prison, a five-a-side football tournament which, in the name of sport and solidarity, involved Lazio Women, some of the 324 inmates who wore the Atletico Diritti shirt, a group of prison officers and workers and the Severino-Luiss Foundation team. . . . The director of the prison, Alessia Rampazzi, was also very enthusiastic: “We wanted to celebrate the International Day of Peace through sport, which has always been fertile ground for exalting the values of solidarity, fairness and respect for others which must accompany the life of every person. . . . In the afternoon, after a convivial lunch, the event continued with a brief moment of entertainment by artists and singers.

ROVALETO: On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, the children of the fifth classes A, B, C of the Roveleto primary school carried out a laboratory activity in open classes which involved all disciplines. Starting from objective 16 of the 2030 Agenda “Peace, justice and solid institutions”, the students, guided by their teachers, reflected on the theme of Peace and the values ​​linked to it. Through the shared reading of texts, the representation of images, brainstorming activities in English, the children concluded the work by creating a poster that collects collective works and thoughts of Peace.

ROVERETO: On 21 September 2023, on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, the event entitled “International law and human rights. Towards a Post Human Rights Era ?” will be addressed by Prof. Giuseppe Nesi, holder of the Chair of International Law and Dr. Guido Raimondi, former President of the European Court of Human Rights. The meeting will begin at 5.30pm at Colle di Miravalle in Rovereto, followed by a theater show at 8.30pm.

SAN REMO: The Sanremo Rotary and the Sanremo Hanbury Rotary , on the occasion of the International Day of Peace on 21 September, will project a message on the perimeter of the Fort of Santa Tecla that calls for the end of all wars. President Lacagnina of RC Sanremo states: “Our commitment to building peace today responds to new challenges. We are approaching the concept of peace with greater cohesion and inclusiveness, broadening the scope of what we mean by peacebuilding, including finding different ways to engage people. This simple logo is a small gesture to broaden the audience of people involved.”

SAN SEVERO: Circular addressed to Liceo “Checchia Rispoli-Tondi”: In our Institute, which joins the Network of Schools for Peace, we invite you to celebrate the International Day of Peace, with theme and activities chosen by the teachers. . . Furthermore, at the express invitation of the Network of Schools for Peace, the teachers will guide their respective classes in reading and commenting on the message of the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres for the 21st September.

SOLOPACA: Tomorrow, Thursday 21 September 2023, the Peace Corner will be inaugurated in Solopaca. The event will take place in conjunction with the International Day of Peace at Largo Onofri where the SAI beneficiaries have recovered a small corner of the city by setting it up with benches and planters and embellishing it with a mural. The inauguration will take place starting from 11 am in the presence of the mayor Pompilio Forgione, the president of the International Peace Movement Agnese Ginocchio, the SAI Solopaca Project Manager Sabrina Casillo, the students of the Solopaca primary and secondary schools, and of the SAI Beneficiaries

SAVIZZO: On the occasion of the UN International Day for Peace, the Municipal Administration and the Civic Library propose “Let’s read… Peace”, Peace-themed readings for adults by the Library staff.

TRANI: International Day of Peace, the exhibition of Ukrainian children’s drawings in Trani. The exhibition will be inaugurated on Saturday 23 September at 5.30pm in via Mausoleo 25 and will be open to the public until 8 October

VICENZA: On the occasion of the International Day of Peace which is celebrated today 21 September, the Thiene Library in collaboration with Sentieri di Pace proposes the ” Words of Peace” event on Saturday 23 September 2023 , an afternoon of activities for children and adults. It starts at 3.30 pm when an animated reading and workshop for children aged 4 to 6 entitled Seeds of… Peace will be offered in the Children’s Room. We continue, then, at 5.00 pm with Tracce di Pace a Thiene , a proposal aimed at adults for a walk, with itinerant readings, through the streets of the city, along a route that includes places that are or have been places of peace. The Vicenza Libraries Network, the first in Italy and of which Thiene is also part, has joined the National Coordination of Local Bodies for Peace and Human Rights with the Decree of the President of the Province, thus underwriting a common commitment in the promotion of a culture of Peace and Human Rights and for the valorisation of public reading libraries as effective “Guards of Peace” .

VINCI: On 21 September the students of the fourth and fifth classes of the Galileo Galilei Primary School in Vinci will celebrate the UN International Day of Peace with a symbolic cleaning of the bed of the River of Peace; work located in the Pinetina della Doccia, in whose creation several generations of Vinci students participated. On Saturday 23 September at 9.45 am in the Leonardiana Library there will be a meeting open to citizens with SENZATOMICA and RIVER OF PEACE. The initiative is part of the RIVER OF PEACE -VINCI Three-Year Project, promoted by the Club for UNESCO of Vinci and shared with the State Comprehensive Institute and the Municipal Administration of Vinci.


BARQUINHA: The D. Maria II school library “dressed up” to celebrate the International Day of Peace (September 21). Here is a photographic record of the curtain of paper cranes (Asian bird, symbol of peace) that flutter around the library, of the posters and the small cranes that were distributed throughout the school.

CALDAS: The MVC Association – Movimento Viver o Concelho organizes a “Concentration for peace” at Praça da Fruta, in Caldas da Rainha, on September 21st, at 9pm. It is suggested to wear white clothes and bring a candle. On International Day of Peace, the aim is to “set an example that peace is possible and that we care about keeping this message alive”, says Teresa Serrenho, from the association.

FARO: Colegio de Nossa Senhora do Alto. The Pre2 room during the week talked about PEACE and, being the 21st international day of Peace, the children aged 5 and 6 made productions with painting and collage and a poster with phrases about what peace is. They stamped their hands of peace on the poster.

GOIS: The International Day of Peace is celebrated annually around the world on September 21st. The municipality invites everyone to reflect on this topic, as well as the possibility of transmitting this reflection through the writing of a message (personal or group) to be applied to a panel created for this purpose, allowing the words to gain dimension and body, reflecting the ideas and concerns of the entire Goiense community in favor of Peace. Participate! For more information, contact the Municipal Tourism Office via email or telephone 235 770 113.

LISBOA: To celebrate the International Day of Peace and help university students to “get inspired for the academic year” that is now beginning, the Meditation Center and the Inner Peace Club of the Academic Association of the University of Lisbon (AAUL) organize an afternoon This Thursday, September 21st, in the Caleidoscope building (where AAUL is headquartered), the Novos Beginnings event. There will be “yoga, live music, meditation, sharing and lots of good energy” – the poster assures – and entry is free. . . . A meditative concert is scheduled for 5pm with Alban Hall, creator of Metta Music, a project that explores the meditative and transformative qualities of sound and listening, and with António Manuel Ribeiro, leader of the Portuguese rock band UHF.

MADEIRA: The School Community of Escola 2nd and 3rd Cycles Dr. Horácio Bento de Gouveia marks the date of the International Day of Peace and the World Day of Gratitude. The challenge was accepted and we share with you the record made by the photography club.

RIO MAIOR: The UN established September 21st as the International Day of Peace (November 30th, 1981). For many years, Rio Maior has been celebrating this day. . . On September 21st, Thursday, from 6pm, at Praça da República, Praça do Comércio and Rua Serpa Pinto (which joins the two Squares), there will be a Dance and Music performance to celebrate Peace in the World.


MASTERPEACE ROMANIA: INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE with: School 2 Boldesti – Scaeni Prof. Andreass Castle (with photos of the event)


ALCOBENDAS: This morning the “International Day of Peace” was celebrated at the Jardín de la Vega Pagoda in Alcobendas, which this year has as its motto “actions for peace: our ambition for global objectives.” The event began with the chords of the musical piece “Amor marco por alma” by José Ramón Jiménez performed by Jesús María Herrero and Mijaela Doma, teachers at the Alcobendas music and dance school. Next, the mayor Rocío García Alcántara, the ambassador of Japan in Spain, Takahiro Nakamae and the president of the World Peace Bell Association in Spain, José Manuel Rodríguez, spoke. . . . Finally, the authorities rang the peace bell while the students of APAMA, the parents and students association of Alcobendas, did the traditional release of doves.

BENALMADENA: Celebration of the International Day of Peace 8:30 p.m. Collaboration concert with the Association Friends for Peace and Friendship. Concert by the Coral Ciudad de Benalmadena. Buddhist Illumination Stupa

BENALMADENA: On the afternoon of September 21, Benalmádena joined the celebration of the International Day of Peace with a rally in the Plaza de la Mezquita that brought together more than fifty people and was attended by different groups from the municipality. The City Council also joined the initiative, through the Departments of Citizen Participation, with the assistance of the councilor María Luisa Robles, accompanied by her counterpart in Social Welfare, Áurea Peralta.

CIMA: The Association of Women Filmmakers and Audiovisual Media (CIMA) participates in the Global Peace Education Network (GPEN) event on September 20 and the following September 21, the International Day of Peace.’Human Rights: Empowering Children’ is the theme of this third annual conference on World Peace Education Day. Throughout these sessions, in which several conferences will take place, there will also be an interview with the filmmaker Susana Guardiola, in which she will talk about ‘Mechanics of Peace’, a film she is preparing about a culture of peace and in which she has interviewed to twenty Nobel Peace Prize winners. In this conversation, Guardiola also talks about CIMA and its role in education.

EUSKAL HERRIA: On this International Day of Peace, the Gerrarik Ez platforms of Euskal Herria have held a press conference in Bilbo expressing their commitment to the values ​​of antimilitarism, peaceful coexistence and dialogue as a form of conflict resolution. They wanted to take advantage of today to denounce that “Europe remains immersed in a terrible armed confrontation”, which, as they have reported, “has led to the death of more than 500,000 people.” They have expressed their concern about the attitude of the different governments, according to which they are committed to escalating and prolonging the conflict and, as they have defended, this attitude can lead to a direct military confrontation between Russia and NATO. As the platforms have defended, “the only favorable solution for the people is to stop the war and reach a broad coexistence agreement. . . . They have continued to denounce that this war, “like all wars, is a business where people suffer death and big capital amasses fortunes with the military or energy industries.” . . . Finally, from the Gerrarik Ez platform, they have announced that in the coming months they will carry out a citizen campaign to collect signatures against the war. . . . In addition to this campaign to collect signatures, Gerrarik ez will organize other initiatives to promote peace and demilitarization. The first of them will take place today, Thursday, September 21, at 7 p.m., at the LA BOLSA Civic Center in Bilbao. This is an open event, where a round table will be held about the war with the participation of Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak, Gerrarik Ez – Araba, Ernai, and the unions ELA, LAB, STEILAS and CGT.

GRAN CANARIO: Commemoration of the International Day of Peace 21 September, Tony Gallardo Park, 19:00. Speeches by the mayor of San Bartolome de Tirajana and the President of the Rotary Club of Maspalomas. Music by the Maspalomas Band Sol y Arena.

LANZAROTE: On Thursday, September 21, in commemoration of the International Day of Peace, a special screening of the film “TWO WOMEN” will be held, starring the iconic Sofía Loren, who received the prestigious Oscar award for Best Actress for her outstanding performance in this film. The event will take place at the Sociedad Democracia de Lanzarote at 7:00 p.m. and will have free entry for all attendees. This exciting initiative is organized by the Rotary Club Lanzarote in collaboration with the Democracy Society, as part of its efforts to promote peace and culture in the community. The film “TWO WOMEN” is a moving testimony of the fight for survival in times of war, and its screening seeks to remember the importance of peace and solidarity between nations. Following the screening of the film, an enriching discussion moderated by José Luis Otaduy will take place, where viewers will be able to reflect and discuss the relevant topics addressed in the film, as well as share their own perspectives on peace in the world.

LEON: Diakonia Spain organizes the I Solidarity Race for Peace in León. The race that will take place on September 16, and has the collaboration of the León City Council, has as its main objective to make visible the reality faced by refugees and asylum seekers who arrive in our country. León is the city that we have chosen for this solidarity race, which under the slogan ‘Run with the refugees’ will start at 10:30 a.m. with two different routes : one for amateur or professional runners, with a route of 8.6 km and another for walkers, with a route of 2.7 km .

NAVARRA: The Government of Navarra will commemorate the International Day of Peace on September 21 with an institutional event where the +34 Foundation will be recognized for its work with people deprived of liberty abroad. The +34 Foundation is a non-profit entity that works to improve the situation, both physical and psychological, of people, some of them from Navarre, imprisoned in countries where the situation of rights in penitentiary centers is poorer. In addition, it provides information on their legal situations, in order to accelerate transfers to prisons in the Spanish State, which is the ultimate goal of the foundation. The event will be chaired by the President of Navarra , María Chivite , who will be accompanied by the president of the Parliament of Navarra, Unai Hualde ; the mayor of Tudela, Alejandro Toquero ; and the second vice president and counselor for Memory and Coexistence, Foreign Action and Euskera, Ana Ollo . The tribute will take place in the Castel Ruiz building in Tudela, on September 21 at 7:00 p.m. with the participation of the director of this Foundation, Javier Casado.

SENATE: The Bailén façade of the Senate will be illuminated in white on the night of September 21 on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, which is commemorated worldwide on September 21.

SANT FELIU DE LLOBREGAT: On Thursday, September 21, the Network of Mayors for Peace organizes a communication campaign to commemorate the International Day of Peace , to which the Sant Feliu City Council has joined as a member of the entity. Several local entities will participate in the initiative under the motto “Let’s make every day the day of peace” sharing messages about the culture of peace, human rights, memory and coexistence, disarmament, solidarity or cooperation. September 21st. . . . The Sant Feliu entity Casal de la Dona, with the support of the City Council, also commemorates the International Day of Peace this September 21 through a dance activity at Parc Nadal, at 6 p.m.

ZARAGOZA: At the Ntra. Sra. del Carmen y San José de Zaragoza school we love to get together to celebrate important days for the entire educational community together. In the last celebration, the entire Carmen and San José family, from the nursery to the Basic Vocational Training students, through the entire primary and secondary school, went down to the patio to form a giant symbol of peace built by students, teachers, PAS and sisters. Our goal was for this symbol to be seen from the sky and in this way encourage everyone to live in peace and put peace within ourselves in order to spread peace around us. (See photo above)


GENEVA: This 11th edition of PeaceTalks will take place on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, September 21, 2023, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. A hybrid event, it will welcome an audience in person and will be broadcast live online. Through short conferences, speakers from different backgrounds will bring their points of view and explain their actions for peace through a series of inspiring discussions. . . Special video screening of “Peace Begins with Me,” a creative collaboration between Congolese peacekeeper and musician Pacifique Akilimali and Nigerian poet and peace advocate Maryam Bukar Hassan, is planned as well as Special video screening of “1.5 Degrees of Peace” by Kasha Sequoia Slavner, director and Gen Z activist.


BELFAST: On International Day of Peace today (21 September) a special event was held in City Hall to celebrate the achievements of the Belfast PEACE IV Programme over the five years. Over 12,000 residents across the city, of all ages and backgrounds, have been involved in peace building projects through the PEACE IV Local Action Plan. With a budget of £14.5m, the programme has supported the delivery of 18 project elements across three core themes – Children and Young People, Building Positive Relations and Shared Spaces and Services. . . . The programme also resulted in the creation of a new urban greenway, Forth Meadow Community Greenway, connecting existing open spaces in north and west Belfast along a 12km route from Clarendon Playing Fields to the new Transport Hub in the city centre.

DERBY: We will be supporting International Peace day at Artcore Gallery: Between 10:00-11:30 artist Caroline Ainsworth will deliver a creative arts workshop with Peace at its heart, open to all to get involved. At 11:45 we will be visiting the Derby City Council House where we will unveil the ‘375 Squares For Peace’ blankets from Derby’s twinned city of Osnabruck. . . . At 12:30 we will return to Artcore Gallery to share food together and to discuss and reflect upon the ideas of peace.

ENHAM ALAMEIN: Once again, Andover Trees United is proud to celebrate JGI Roots & Shoots International Day of Peace with a procession in Harmony Woods. Thursday 21 September 2023, 9;45-11:30. Augusta Park. Write personal messages, hang doves, plant a tree, photographs, light refreshments.

HARPENDEN: Harpenden Churches Together invite you to join us in praying for peace in the world at the Harpenden War Memorial at 6 pm on Thursday 21 September 2023, UN International Day of Peace. All are welcome.

HENLEY: September 21 is a day designated by the United Nations to recognise the importance of peace, so Henley Quakers will mark the day by doing two things. We will be placing a wreath at the Peace Tree in Mill Meadows, which is the rowan in front of the River & Rowing Museum. We will also be handing out free white poppies in Market Place in the morning to anyone who would like one. White poppies are worn in memory of all those across the world who suffered and are suffering now as a result of war, wherever they may be. . . . A white poppy is a way to say: “Let’s work for peace”.

LONDON LIBRARY: International day of peace craft at Wood Street Library, 21 September 2023, 4pm to 5pm, Cost: Free, just turn up

LONDON GLOBE THEATRE: In celebration of the International Day of Peace, Words of Peace is a one-night summit of non-violence, hosted by Mark Rylance in the candlelit Sam Wanamaker Playhouse. A gathering of actors, artists, and musicians, for an evening of song, poetry and prose. . . . The performers will also be joined by members from Intermission Youth, the London youth theatre company which has been transforming young lives through theatre and performance since 2008.

LONDON UPF: Celebrating the International Day of Peace with Universal Peace Federation UK and Duchess Nivin El_Gamal of Lamberton. 21st of September, 5 PM, 43 Lancaster Gate, W2 3NA, London.

NORTHERN IRELAND: Tobermore Primary School. Today we celebrated, ‘International Day of Peace’. We took time to think of all the children in war torn countries throughout our world and how we can help them in any way. We watched the story of ‘This is our house’ by Michael Rosen and afterwards discussed how we could make sure that our class is a safe and peaceful place for everyone. Then we looked at the Bible to see what God said about peace and how Abram solved the arguing between the servants. God wants us to be generous and not fight with people, ‘Let’s not have any quarrelling between you and me’ Genesis 13:8. Enjoy our video.

SHAFTESBURY: We’re celebrating the International Day of Peace, which is on the 21st September. These 24 hours are devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, with the UN calling for non-violence and cease-fire around the world. Day of Peace Giveaway. We want to raise awareness for this important day, so we’re giving away some hand carved mother-of-pearl doves. These will be finished off as sterling silver earrings or pendants a on chain. Sign in below.

WARRINGTON: Penketh South CP School. The whole school celebrated ‘International Day of Peace’ We looked at what is meant by peace and how can we achieve it. Every child decorated a pebble to represent peace and we now how a Peace sculpture in our school garden. (With photos)


SAINT EGIDIO: On the eve of the International Day of Peace, proclaimed by the United Nations, and the international week of mobilization for peace in Ukraine, the Community of Sant’Egidio, together with important leaders, makes an emphatic call to repudiate the ongoing war on Ukrainian territory . The public event entitled “Italy repudiates war” will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, September 20, 2023, in Rome. The main concern is that the war in Ukraine will continue indefinitely, losing prominence in the news, while the conflict takes a high toll in human lives and generates suffering among civilians. This includes forced conscription, persecution of deserters, conscientious objectors and war opponents, as well as the disruption of food supplies, which leads to famine on a global scale. The founder of the Community of Sant’Egidio, Andrea Riccardi, and the General Secretary of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini, will be present at the event, moderated by renowned journalist and writer Marco Damilano. They will emphasize that just and lasting peace is the central objective, with the first step being the establishment of an immediate ceasefire and the resumption of negotiations as the only viable solution to end the conflict. . . . The event in Rome is part of an initiative in continuity with the Europe for Peace coalition platform, which aims to mobilize international efforts to bring peace back to Ukraine. The meeting will be broadcast live from 10am on and, allowing people from around the world to follow discussions on the urgent need to end the conflict in Ukraine and work towards peace sustainable.

***** MONTESSORI *****

In addition to the events listed above, there were 12 new events in Europe to celebrate the International Day of Peace on the website of the Montessori Schools, i.e. events that were not listed last year:

Czech Republic: Brno (2)
Hungary: Budapest
Ireland: Dublin, Meath, Monaghan
Italy: Rome
Poland: Kedzierzyn-Kozle, Nadarzyn
Sweden: Lund, Malmo, Stockholm

Latin America and the Caribbean: International Day of Peace


A survey by CPNN

The following 85 actions in 17 Latin American countries include those listed in Google during the weeks of September 17-28 this year under the key words “International day of peace”, “Dia Internacional da Paz” and “Día Internacional de la Paz”

About 50 actions are listed in One Day One Choir and Montessori schools singing for peace, but except for 4 actions listed here because they were new this year, there is no indication which events took place this year and which took place only in previous years.

The children of Santa Rita, Brazil

Here are excerpts from the articles.


BUENOS AIRES: The Montessori School, Sunrise Jardín Oficial Trilingüe joined Montessori schools all over the world to sing for peace on the International Day of Peace to light a candle for peace, for love, for life!

BELLVILLE: This Thursday is the International Day of Peace and the Casa del Niño began with the celebrations. . . Young people from Mexico, Colombia and Brazil, who were joined by the host entity to 4th, 6th and 7th year students, together with their vice principal Elisa Gassman and different teachers, shared a breakfast and then games. In addition, foreign visitors gave souvenirs and tasted with the children some typical foods from their countries, as well as typical dances from the countries they represented.

CORDOBA: REDIPAZ and the Open Chair Right to Peace and Coexistence in Diversity of the Provincial University of Córdoba, invite you to join the events and activities that we will organize within the framework of the UPC Peace Month. Every September 21, the International Day of Peace is celebrated , which is why, from the Provincial University of Córdoba, we will develop a series of events aimed at promoting the culture of peace. On Monday , September 25, from 4 p.m. we will hold the meeting of “Young Builders of Coexistence” in the Sala Mayor of the Ciudad de las Artes Theater. The meeting seeks to generate a space for the exchange of experiences by young people, related to the construction of peaceful, inclusive, democratic, safe and resilient coexistence. The event will be broadcast live on the YouTube channel of the Provincial University of Córdoba .

ESQUEL: September 21 is the International Day of Peace, a date established in 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly. This morning an event was held in front of the Esquel peace post. Present were the mayor of Esquel, Sergio Ongarato, the president of the Deliberative Council of Esquel, Gerardo Filippini, councilor Rubén Álvarez, representatives of Rotaratc, National Gendarmerie, Regiment 3, Communities of Esquel, the president of Rotary, Cecilia López Castaño, and the president of the HZE Cooperator, María Cecilia Guitart.

MENDOZA: The City raised the Flag of Peace on the municipal esplanade. The event was held within the framework of the International Day of Peace. The president of the Honorable Deliberative Council, Horacio Migliozzi, was present at this event, along with the Secretaries of Government, Rodrigo Olmedo, of Tourism and Culture, Felipe Rinaldo and other municipal authorities. Also, members of the Mil Milenios de Paz Foundation and guests from the foundation and the municipality participated in this event.

PUERTO GENERAL SAN MARTÍN: The Niño Jesús School together with the Municipality of Puerto General San Martín, organized this morning the event for the International Day of Peace with an emotional meeting in Plaza San Martín, to reaffirm once again the commitment to work together in fraternity and solidarity building a peace that guarantees justice, leaving aside differences, to work on them and make them tools that lead to growth and strengthening of people. The event was attended by the president of the Municipal Council, Juan Manuel De Grandis, the director of the Niño Jesús School, Susana Petrocelli, the secretary of Education, Culture and Sports, Sebastián Lezcano, the illustrious citizen, Elsa Patterer, representatives of educational establishments, teachers and students, and neighbors in general. Father Gerardo Iachini expressed some allusive words in front of everyone present.

PUERTO MADRYN: Within the framework of the International Day of Peace that is commemorated every September 21, this Friday morning, authorities from the Foundation Mil Milenios de Paz met with the head of the Puerto Madryn Addiction Prevention Directorate , Claudia Ricciotti , and members of the School of Social Psychology “Building Alternatives”, in order to begin projecting the different actions that will be carried out during the current month. The agenda will include soccer teams framed in the municipal “Football Night” program, and recreational and exchange activities with those present, “in order to re-educate about the importance of good treatment, non-violence, peaceful coexistence and solidarity.” , which will allow us to project a better Madryn every day,” the Foundation highlighted.

PUERTO MADRYN – SCHOOL 84: The creation of a mural began to make visible the different actions we carry out each year in commemoration of the International Day of Peace. This year it takes place at school No. 84 “Manuel Belgrano” in the city of Puerto Madryn. It will be the closing of a joint program that we will integrate during this week with directors, teachers, assistants and 6th grade students from school No. 84, and Social Psychologists from the Construyendo Alternativas School, with the aim of educating the importance of good treatment, solidarity, empathy, equality, and love as fundamental points to be able to “build a better world together.”

SAN JUAN: On September 21, International Peace Day, a release of origami doves and messages of peace will be held as a way to raise awareness about the need for human beings to live in harmony. We will work together with schools and the general public to make doves out of recycled paper using the origami technique. These doves will be exhibited in different sectors of the museum along with messages referring to the importance of peace for each person. The community is invited to participate in this activity and exchange a message for a dove or vice versa.

SAN NICOLAS: The Ambassador of Peace designated by the Mil Milenios de Paz Foundation, Graciela Esquilino, and the president of the San Nicolás War Veterans Center, MGV Luis Feldmann, invite the community to participate in the second event for the International Day of Peace, to be held on Thursday, September 21.

SANTA FE: Colegio de Abogados. The International Day of Peace and the day of the Santafesino Prejudicial Mediator. We invite you to participate in the activity by registering in the following form: Organized by: Mediation Center – Institute of Conflict Resolution Means – Training Institution No. 25

SUNCHALES: Within the framework of the celebration of the International Day of Peace, which is commemorated every September 21 throughout the world, an activity alluding to the theme will be carried out from the Space for Interreligious Dialogue next to the House of Pax Culture. You are especially invited to participate in this initiative that aims to be a moment to share a time of reflection together, understanding that all people have a role to play in the promotion and construction of Peace. The event will last an estimated 45 minutes and will feature at the closing with the boys’ and girls’ choir from the Crearte Cultural Space in Sunchales.

USHUAIA: The Secretary of Culture and Education, Belén Molina, and the Secretary of Parliamentary Relations Omar Becerra, participated in the event for the International Day of Peace that took place in the Plaza Campana de la Paz, together with representatives of the Mil Milenios de Paz Foundation, Armed Forces and Security and neighbors.

VILLA MARIA: The Internationalization Secretariat of the National University of Villa María, the English Language Faculty of the Academic Pedagogical Institute of Human Sciences of the National University of Villa María (UNVM) and the Speakeasy Bookstore invite you to participate in the “Pequeñas great actions for peace between peoples”, leaving a message in English or Spanish of affection and optimism for adults and older adults, young people and children from all over the world.


EL ALTO: El Alto, September 1, 2023.- The institutions part of the EIRENE program reaffirmed this Friday their commitment to work for peaceful coexistence, and launched the “Build peace. Give love” with Sumankaña, a vizcacha that promotes good treatment. The campaign was presented within the framework of the celebration activities for the “International Day of Peace”, which is commemorated on September 21. The institutions that are part of the EIRENE program, in the city of El Alto, are the Civil Service for Peace, CCC Chaqui, Focapaci, OMAK, Sepamos and Pueblo Diferente, which work through spaces for dialogue and violence prevention actions, promoting the culture of peace in the population of El Alto and other municipalities of the department of La Paz. Among the activities will be an art festival for peace, the symposiums “Communication for Peace”, “Mediation and conciliation”, “Peaceful and harmonious coexistence” and the XIV Festival Fair for the International Day of Peace.


SENADO: This Thursday (21/9), the International Day of Peace is celebrated. In celebration of the date, the Embassy of Peace brought together authorities from different sectors of society in the Petrônio Portela auditorium, in the Senate, with the aim of promoting dialogues on peace. The event was led by actress, presenter and peace ambassador, Maria Paula Fidalgo. The moment was attended by humanitarian leaders, authorities, artists, medal-winning Paralympic athletes, activists and monks, who gave moving speeches. A Hiroshima survivor was also present. . . . The moment also included a performance organized by instrumentalist Isabel Nabuco, together with the band PestaLovers, from the Associação Pestalozzi de Brasília.

BLUMENAU: The International Day of Peace is celebrated every year by students from the Family Secretariat (Pró-Família), with some action. This year, it was circular dancing. The collective dance is performed with the aim of integrating groups and strengthening values ​​of empathy, understanding and belonging. And that’s what the students felt. “It was really good, I loved it, I felt a lot of unity,” said Luiza Roth, 70 years old, a student at Pró-Família. Her colleague, Vanil Terres, 82, agreed: “I felt a lot of peace, love in my heart.”

CAMPINAS: Tree Day and International Peace Day, both celebrated on September 21, are the object of the special program that will be developed this Thursday morning, at the Joaquim Egídio Environmental Station, with the participation of community residents, students from the Francisco Barreto Leme State School, the Mata Ciliar Association, and members of the Municipal Council of the Culture of Peace of Campinas (Compaz). The program goes from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. with live music, sowing, planting, walking and various environmental education activities. The opening of the event will be made by the secretary of SVDS, Rogério Menezes. “The act of tree planting, on Tree Day, is a reflection on the importance of forests, the importance of urban afforestation and the dependence on individual and society actions to achieve a result. So, it’s acting locally and thinking globally,” says Menezes.

CAMPO GRANDE: Councilor Ronilço Guerreiro is the new Ambassador of Peace in Brazil. He received the title in today’s ordinary session at the Campo Grande City Council and the certificate was delivered by the universal ambassador for peace, Delasnieve Miranda Daspet de Souza, who used the Tribune of the Casa de Leis to speak about the International Day of Peace, which is celebrated today.

CAMPO LIMPO: This Thursday (21), the Unified Education Centers (CEUs) promote a series of actions to celebrate the International Day of Peace established by the United Nations. The actions take place in seven CEUs in the DRE Campo Limpo region, south of São Paulo, and include activities with student groups, peace walks, cultural presentations, lectures and conversation circles.

CARAVANA DA PAZ: The Brazil Peace Caravan was created by a group of people who aim to build a better world guided by a Culture of Peace Participate by sending a video answering what is Peace for you and what is fundamental for our Planet to achieve Peace? Our invitation is for you, and people in your network or institution who are interested, to record a short video answering the question: What is Peace for you and what is fundamental for Planet Earth to achieve Peace?We will use these videos in the caravan media and at the end of our meeting. Our intention is to generate a great collective vibration so that Peace is a path of regeneration for the entire Planet Earth

CASCAVEL: On International Day of Peace, a special message. All municipal departments, Transitar and the Public Ministry form a social protection network to carry out awareness-raising and combating violence actions. Today, with balloons, banners and leaflets, they spoke to drivers in front of the main church. Traffic violence is one of the areas of concern. And drivers recognize that more calm is needed on the streets and roads.

FRANCISCO BELTRÃO: Chanting “A Paz”, by the band Roupa Nova”, the students of Colégio Glória unveiled, yesterday afternoon, the 21st, a mantle of peace. With 72 m², the material was made by all the institution’s students – from kindergarten to high school – and is displayed on the facade, facing Rua Tenente Camargo, in Francisco Beltrão. The initiative is part of an action in honor of the International Day of Peace, celebrated this Thursday. “We are a school associated with the Pea Unesco Network, so every year we promote a culture of peace inside and outside the school. Each one made their own scrap, representing what they want to convey in this cream and we put it together, transforming it into a cloak”, explained the coordinator of primary education at Colégio Glória, Edileide Kielba.

GUARULHOS: This Thursday (21), International Day of Peace, the City Hall is promoting the third edition of Guarulhos de Mãos Dadas pela Paz in the main tent of Bosque Maia, from 8am to 11am. At 8:30 am, those present will be able to explore the harmony of peace through the circular dance workshop, promoted by the Guarulhos focalizers. At 10am, an emblematic action will be carried out by the artist and also participant in the circular dances, Renate Sewing Hammer, who proposes a collective work, a unique human mandala, made with knitted threads, symbolizing the union of the community in the search for peace.

IGARASSU : Maos Promovendo A Paz. · Today, 21/09, for Peace Day, I have been to the Sacred Heart of Jesus convent in Igarassu, which runs a school with 106 girls and boys. So I have taken 120 Hearts that will be given away at lunch.

JUAZEIRO: In order to reflect on the culture of peace, schools in the municipal education network of Juazeiro, carried out on the morning of this Wednesday (06), the traditional walk commemorating the International Day of Peace, celebrated in the month of September. The action is also part of the municipality’s calendar of pedagogical activities related to September 7th, and receives full support from Juazeiro City Hall, through the Department of Education and Youth (Seduc). In total, six municipal schools participated in the walk, bringing together students, families, managers, the school community and the local community.

LAJEADO: Pacto Lajeado pela Paz organizes, on this date, Peace Day, a moment to celebrate the project’s actions and share new ideas and philosophies through lectures in the Ceat Auditorium.

MANAUS: This morning, students from the Municipal Education Network carried out the first walk for Peace, in Manaus. The action took place in commemoration of the International Day of Peace, celebrated this Thursday 21/09. The journey was taken by approximately 1,200 students from the Gilberto Rodrigues dos Santos Municipal School, located in Viver Melhor 2, in the north of the city.

MATO GROSSO DO SUL: The OAB/MS Culture Commission celebrated the International Day of Peace on the 21st, with the “Primavera da Paz” event, which included the participation of the Lyric Singing group Cant’Arte. The event was organized by the President of the Commission Deslanieve Daspet, who is also an Ambassador and Peace Activist. The night of celebration ended with the performance of the Coro Lírico Cantarte, currently made up of 25 members including choristers and soloists, made up of singing students and classical music lovers.

MINAS GERAIS: In such confusing times in the four corners of the world, reflecting on peace is a most urgent task. With this in mind, the Minas Gerais State Public Library hosts the exhibition “Peace in all languages”, presented by the Brahma Kumaris organization. The opening will take place at 10 am this Thursday, September 21st, the date on which International Day of Peace is celebrated. The exhibition will be on display at the Cultural Passarela, in the Professor Francisco Iglesias Annex building, until October 27th.

MUZAMBINHO: On September 21st, designated by the UN as International Day of Peace, school students and society as a whole will join together for a Silent Walk for Peace. The Event should last an hour and a half, with gatherings starting at 7:30 am, in front of City Hall. The walk goes to Cruzeiro da Matriz, returning to Muzambódromo for a moment of celebration, art and reflections for Peace.

OURINHOS: Senac Ourinhos will hold a free event, this Thursday, 21/9, in celebration of the International Day of Peace. , A Servant Leader will be presented by actor João Signorelli, starting at 4pm, at Concha Acústica Sérgio Nunes, located in Rua Treze de Maio, Vila Perino. With text based on original speeches and writings by spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi, the play will address reflections on leadership, non-violence and ethical and philosophical principles applied to human relationships. The activity is organized by the Senac Ourinhos Culture of Peace Committee and has the support of the Municipal Secretariat for Economic Development, Labor and Tourism of Ourinhos.

PICOS: On the eve of the International Day of Peace, the Monsenhor Hipólito Institute (IMH) held a lecture on the morning of this Wednesday, September 20th, with the theme “Peace, Everyone’s Commitment”, aimed at high school students. The event had as speaker Lieutenant Colonel Felipe, commander of the 4th BPM of Picos, who had the collaboration of the 2nd Sergeant, Sahila. The program began with a moment of reflection and prayer, followed by a lecture given by the lieutenant colonel. During the lecture, the commander addressed the importance of the relationship between the Military Police and peace, highlighting the need to promote the culture of peace in different contexts, from family life to interactions in society in general.

PORTO ALEGRE: Peace breaks down the walls of separation. It gives us the happiest moments of our lives. It is equal to equity, respect for people’s rights, justice, empathy. Help everyone who needs it. It’s a world where everyone respects each other. And the union brings peace. These are some of the ideals expressed in the Mantle of Peace produced by the students of Colégio Santa Inês, in Porto Alegre – now linked to the Project of the Network of Associated Schools of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco). Throughout the month, all the classes of the school participated. The final adjustments were made on Thursday (21), the date on which the International Day of Peace is celebrated, in an activity in which students were able to reflect on the result, in addition to singing and dancing with live music.

RIO DE JANEIRO, CURITIBA, SALVADOR AND SÃO PAULO-MAOS PARA PAZ: From September 21 to 27, the organization Maos para Paz holds the 1st International Congress of Education for Peace and Nonviolence. Registration is free for all online lectures. The event brings together a wide range of participants, including organizations, public and private institutions, academics, educators, therapists, activists and students from various countries. In addition, its objective is to discuss strategies to combat hatred, xenophobia and violence, especially generated by the discourse of the ideology of fear. The Congress is a hybrid event, combining virtual lectures and face-to-face workshops in four Brazilian cities: Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba and São Paulo. During the 22nd and 23rd, there will be six online sessions, with national and international speakers sharing their work and experiences, stimulating debates and reflections on various types of conflicts and how education can play a key role in reconciliation and problem solving.

SALVADOR: On the 21st, International Day of Peace the opening will take place at 7pm, in person, in Salvador, and online, with performances by the artistic groups Quabales and Sumermo Music – and the singer Tito Bahiense, all from Bahia. An interreligious act will also be held in honor of Mother Bernardete (Maria Bernardete Pacifico, ialorixá, activist and quilombola leader, born in 1951 and murdered on August 17th) and all the people killed due to their color, race, religion and gender . On Sunday, the 24th, the Walk of maos para Paz will be held, also in honor of Mother Bernardete and against Violence, starting at 9am, starting at Farol da Barra.

SAO JOSE DOS CAMPOS: A whole day to celebrate peace! This was the theme developed during the month of September in all units of Fundhas (Fundação Hélio Augusto de Souza) and which culminated in an event on Thursday (21), International Day of Peace.
The main celebration took place at the headquarters of the institution, with and execution of the National Anthem and the raising of flags.
One of the highlights was a large panel with drawings of the children of the Industrial Park unit.
Those served at the South Innovation Center developed activities with the Portuguese teacher, such as a Tangram (folds that assemble words within the theme), made the origami and an acrostic (poetic composition in which a letter of each verse forms, vertically, another word).
In the Alto da Ponte unit, the students created posters and wrote notes in order to transmit peace.
The action for Peace in the Putim Unit began with the reception of those served with music A Paz. Then there was an exhibition of the legend of Tsuru in the courtyard. The action ended with tree planting. In the Center unit, the children held an art exhibition to celebrate the International Day of Peace.

SAN LUIS: Next Thursday, September 21, the Upaon-Açu School, famous for its Montessori educational approach, will celebrate World Peace Day in a remarkable way, with the symbolic delivery of the Mantle of Peace to Unesco. The Mantle of Peace, a handmade piece full of symbolism and messages produced by the school community, will be delivered during a special ceremony that will bring together students, teachers and families.

SANTA RITA: “Love is the force of peace.” This phrase echoed at the Hospital Metropolitano Dom José Maria Pires, through the songs of more than 50 children and their caregivers, who walked from Associação Casa dos Sonhos, to the hospital complex, in order to pay homage to the workers and users, for through a moment of reflection and prayers. The initiative is part of a series of actions by the Association in reference to the International Day of Peace, celebrated on September 21st.

SAO PAULO: As a PEA/UNESCO associated school, Colégio Benjamin Constant joined the “O Manto da Paz” project, which symbolizes the union of all nations under the same ideal: the search for peace, tolerance and respect. The Mantle was made collaboratively. Students from Kindergarten to High School participated actively and interestedly. This project represents UNESCO’s belief that, through cooperation and mutual understanding, we can build a more peaceful and harmonious world and also serve as a beacon of hope, reminding us that despite our differences, we are all the parts of a single human family.

SAO VICENTE: Celebrated on Thursday (21), the International Day of Peace was celebrated in several schools of the municipal network of São Vicente. The initiative of the Center for Culture of Peace and Nonviolence, of the Secretariat of Education (Seduc), proposed a collective embrace involving students and professionals who work in schools and kindergartens. The idea was to dedicate 15 minutes to an activity related to the date, aiming to unite all employees and members of the school community in a welcoming moment, in addition to inspiring those involved in Education to combat intolerance, violence and disrespect. With a lot of creativity, the students participated in actions with music, games, dance, drawings, among others, ending the dynamics always with a hug.

TOCATINS: The state schools of Tocantins that are participants in the Associated Schools Program of the United Nations Educational, Science and Technology Organization (Unesco) will carry out, this Saturday, 23rd, from 8 am to 12 pm, actions aimed at International Day of Peace. Among the activities planned by the schools, we highlight the creation of the Mantle and the Flag of Peace, which will serve as symbols of the school community’s commitment to promoting peace and harmony; lectures and cultural presentations with the active participation of the school community and local community.

VIDEIRA: The International Day of Peace is celebrated on September 21st, with the aim of spreading peace, the Colégio Salvatoriano Imaculada Conceição held an action in favor of peace on Monday, the 18th, an international project that combines art and literacy called “Pinwheels for Peace”. At this event, weather vanes with messages of peace were planted in the area in front of our school, material produced by the students themselves mediated by their teachers.


PARRAL: The State Center for Alternative Mechanisms for the Resolution of Disputes in Criminal Matters (CEMASC) held a talk with students from the Miguel Hidalgo Experimental Normal School, in Parral, to commemorate the International Day of Peace. CEMASC reaffirms its commitment to fostering a culture of peace in society, promoting peaceful societies and facilitating access to the administration of justice through mediation and conciliation.

Question for this article

What has happened this year (2023) for the International Day of Peace?

Manaus, Brazil

(Survey continued from left column)


CHAPARRAL: This September 21, the Sustaining Peace project was launched. The meeting brought together representatives of international cooperation, national government, local authorities, and local farmers, youth, women, indigenous people, Afro people and leaders of Tolima, who, from this initiative, will continue working for the collective desire to consolidate peace in the territory. Within the framework of the celebration of the International Day of Peace, the launch event took place in the municipality of Chaparral, Tolima, which with music, dance, and spirituality opened its doors to the implementation of the project. Sustaining Peace seeks to strengthen the territorial leadership that survives in these municipalities, so today’s activities had the active participation of some of the representatives of the communities of Ataco, Planadas, Chaparral and Rioblanco.

MEDELLIN: On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, Medellín also celebrated the Month for Peace, which was celebrated between August and September, where social organizations, collectives and victims developed an entire territorial and citizen agenda with key programming on the importance of union and the gathering of knowledge in favor of local pacification, supported by the Secretariat of Non-Violence and the House of Memory Museum. . . . With forums, conversations, sit-ins, cultural, artistic and academic activities, the administration has supported scenarios of peaceful resistance created by citizens, which have favored the exchange of experiences and knowledge of the communities that defend life. . . . the Secretariat of Non-Violence led the conversation in the Month for Peace: Women in the construction of territorial peace with the Women’s Peaceful Route, a conversation on Peace as a fundamental right. In addition, the event Cometas por la paz territorial was supported to commemorate with the community the importance of the tutelary hill Cuchillón la Loma Hermosa, since nature, too, is a living actor impacted in the conflict, which requires restorative actions of memory and truth.

POPAYAN: On September 21, the Municipal Council of Peace, Reconciliation and Coexistence of Popayán was installed, recognizing 21 people from the different social sectors of the civil population, who assume and make up this consultative and advisory body. It is made up of members and representatives of the academy, social organizations, Afro-Colombian communities, protectors and defenders of the rights of children, girls and adolescents; artistic, cultural, LGBTI collectives and business sectors. In addition, the International Day of Peace was commemorated.


CARTAGO: The Cartago Concert Band invites you to its “Special Concert for the International Day of Peace”. Date: September 22, 2023, 6:30 pm, Municipal Amphitheater of Cartago. Cost: free

GARABITO: With the aim of celebrating the International Day of Peace , the Civic Center for Peace in Garabito (CCP) , dresses up and celebrates this Thursday, September 21 , a day full of artistic presentations that have been generated as a result of the learning of the participants of processes and workshops that are taught at their facilities. This cultural celebration will have its programming from 9 am to 2 pm , admission is free

UNIVERSIDAD ESTATAL A DISTANCIA: International Day of Peace. Activities: Collaborative games, Peace Infographic Exhibition, Infographic contest award, Conference with Nobel Peace Laureate Dr. Oscar Arias Sánchez: “Through education, a culture of peace is possible”

UNIVERSITY OF COSTA RICA: September 21: International Day of Peace. A Student Initiatives project helps create a culture of peace in the children of La Carpio. The fifth grade boys and girls of La Carpio develop various recreational activities to learn to form a true culture of peace in their community. . . . The work of this university group in La Carpio began with a diagnosis of what the group of children thought about violence, which gave material to know how to intervene in the realities that many of these people lived. Once this preliminary step was completed, they began to develop the methodology to work with the infants, so that they have fun while developing a critical mentality; all from a horizontal treatment with the students who are in the fifth grade of La Carpio. . . . But this whole project of Student Initiatives would not have been possible if before the Bien de Mujer Foundation had not dared to found Casa Ilori in La Carpio. This instance began to operate in this town for 15 years through mathematics and Spanish reinforcement centers for the students of the school.


HAVANA: The Day for the International Day of Peace begins this September 12 at the Manuel Fajardo Medical Faculty of the University of Cuba with a video tribute to Commander Juan Almeida Bosque who bequeathed us music and revolution, in the voice of his son Juan Guillermo Almeida with his song “Mi querido Viejo”. . .. . In the voice of Taimí Dianet López Cruz, the “World March for Peace and Nonviolence” was heard and at the closing with the outstanding participation of students, workers and directors of the entity, the FEU and the FEEM with the Ernesto Che Guevara Honorary Chair, they presented the call “For a culture of peace, non-violence and sustainable development.”

HOLGUIN: The Plaza Camilo Cienfuegos cultural complex, in the municipality of Holguín, hosted the celebrations for the International Day of Peace in the northeastern territory. Political-cultural activities and dialogues around the anniversary were developed by the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) with the participation of students from the Máximo Gómez Báez, Luis Peña Martínez, Augusto César Sandino and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes educational centers.

ICAP: The headquarters of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with Peoples (ICAP) hosted today, the celebration of the International Day of Peace, which this year calls for the recognition of the individual and collective responsibility to promote peace.
As part of the day, the brochures Open Letter to President Joe Biden and Open Letter to the leaders of the European Union, from the Venezuelan professor and researcher, Carlos Méndez Tovar, were presented. . . . He interactively explained to a group of students from the capital’s pre-university Saúl Delgado, the importance of knowing our history and checking the veracity of the news, especially the information circulating on social networks. The meeting was attended by members of the Russian diplomatic corps, the Palestinian ambassador in Havana, Akram Samhan, and members of the network of collaborators and peace activists.


LA ALTAGRACIA PROVINCE: In a commemorative event for the International Day of Peace , the authorities of the province of La Altagracia met to reflect on the importance of peace in the current context, after the situation that surrounds the country with the Haitian nation. At the event, Senator Virgilio Cedano explained that the Dominican Republic, historically, since 1844, the year in which independence was declared, is a country of peace. He highlighted that the Dominican Republic has never attacked any foreign country and that the internal conflicts that have occurred, as a State, as a nation, have been resolved here . . . The provincial governor Martina Pepén Santana stated that the occasion invites us to continue cultivating the values, which are so necessary in the nation. . . . For his part, the representative of the evangelical churches in the province, Pastor Ruddy Hidalgo, argued that there is a peace that comes to human beings as a result of a sustained policy thinking about values ​​and principles; thinking about the freedom of the human being in what it means to live together.


LOJA: The Judiciary Council, within the framework of the commemoration of the International Day of Peace that is celebrated every September 21, since 2020, has institutionalized September as the Month of Peace, and one of the main activities it carried out The institution is the “Caravan for Peace”, an activity that left a significant mark in the Vilcabamba parish, on Saturday, September 9, 2023, through an “Open House”. This event brought together producers and entrepreneurs from the surrounding parishes, including Malacatos, Vilcabamba, San Pedro de Vilcabamba, Quinara and Yangana, the event became an epicenter of activities that celebrated cultural diversity and promoted the importance of peace in society. , attendees had the opportunity to enjoy a varied display of the region’s cultural wealth through various traditional dances and artistic performances that delighted the public, transmitting a clear message of unity and a culture of peace.

QUITO: As part of the program that promotes a Culture of Peace, the Secretariat of Education, Recreation and Sports, together with the Pan American Round Table, hold reflection days with municipal high school students. The sessions were held in the municipal educational institutions: Quitumbe, Sebastián de Benalcázar, Eugenio Espejo, Rafael Alvarado, Antonio José de Sucre, Calderón and Fernández Madrid. The goal is to reach 20 municipal educational establishments.

QUITO: The students of the Nueve de Octubre Municipal Educational Unit participated in a day of reflection, in a symbolic event for the International Day of Peace, organized by the Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sports together with the Members of the Pan American Round Table, within the framework of the Program to Promote and Foster the Culture of Peace. . . . Students received buttons with the mission of promoting a culture of peace, not only among their classmates, but in other spaces of daily coexistence.


PORT-AU-PRINCE: Young people of both sexes from precarious neighborhoods described in theatrical performances the multifaceted violence in Haiti on the occasion of the commemoration of the International Day of Peace in Port-au-Prince. au-Prince on September 21, 2023. Despite everything, they raised awareness among young people to act to promote lasting peace in Haiti. Other young people promoted this peace in songs, slams and discussions. “The culture of peace is a necessity for a stable, just and committed Haiti on the road to economic and social progress,” said the Minister of Youth, Sports and Civic Action, Raymonde Rival. The Minister invited young people to continue to get involved in various citizen initiatives in favor of peace. . . . Plus de 150 jeunes ont participé à cette commémoration.

UN MISSION: This year, the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) emphasizes the creativity of the ideas inherent to the International Day of Peace by organizing with the Haiti Jazz Foundation a concert open to all, on Saturday, September 27 at Place Boyer, in the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au-Prince. According to a press release from the UN mission, Haitian musicians and artists BeethovaObas, James Germain, Misty Jean and Rutshelle Guillaume and the Congolese LokuaKanza who lives and works in France, star of world music, defender of peace and women’s rights , will together sing peace.


CANCUN: For the International Day of Peace, which is celebrated on September 21 around the world, the first edition of the 5 kilometer race “All for Peace” will be held in Cancun. This athletic event will take place on Saturday, September 23, with a scheduled start at 6:30 p.m. on the Malecón Tajamar and a quota of one thousand runners.

CHIAPAS: Olinka School; Within the framework of the International Day of Peace, it is a pleasure to invite you to an exciting children’s meeting focused on exploring and promoting the Culture of Peace and the Prevention of Violence in its 2023 edition. . . . Participating students must carry out the following activities during the first 4 weeks of the start of the 2023-2024 school cycle and these must be sent to the link that will be provided after registration.

CHETUMAL: More than 1,000 thousand high school students marched in the Parade for Peace this afternoon on Héroes Avenue, in the center of the state capital. With the presence of school authorities, educational center authorities and more than a thousand students, they commemorated the International Day of Peace with a parade to demand a culture of peace in the state, specifically in the city.

GUADALAJARA: The Casa Yinu Montessori joined Montessori schools all over the world to sing for peace on the International Day of Peace to light a candle for peace, for love, for life!

GUANAJUATO: San Francisco del Rincón, September 21, 2023. Before more than two thousand young people who witnessed, within the framework of the International Day of Peace, municipal instances of youth care from across the state of Guanajuato signed the Youth Peace Alliance that will promote actions in favor of peace, led by JuventudEsGTO. In addition, the projects “Newspaper for Peace” and “Comics for Peace” were presented, created by young members of the Multipliers of Peace program. . . . The “Newspaper for Peace” and “Comics for Peace” are two projects that promote the practice of values, the application of which generates a healthy coexistence in society and the formation of good citizens.

HUEJUTLA DE REYES: Within the framework of the celebration of the International Day of Peace, personnel from the State Center for Alternative Justice of the Judicial Branch of Hidalgo in the municipality, together with other invited institutions, carried out various activities in the facilities of the Municipal Kiosk of this city. In addition to personnel from the State Center for Alternative Justice of the Judiciary in Hidalgo in Huejutla, personnel from CAMI, INPI, Lawyers, Human Rights, among others, also gathered there.

MÉRIDA: In commemoration of the International Day of Peace, the Secretariat of Education of the Government of the State of Yucatán (Segey), through the Coordination for the Prevention of Violence in Basic Education ( CPREVI) held a day of activities to raise awareness about the importance of having healthy school spaces that promote good actions among children and youth. For the development of the day called “Peace to the Voice”, which took place at the Gonzalo Navarro Báez Secondary School, there was support from various areas of Segey, who together developed dynamics with the participation of more than 300 students. . . . As part of the activities, the students from the morning and afternoon shift participated, who through dance and body expression performed a dance demonstration titled “The face of peace through break dancing.”

MEXICO CITY: Within the framework of the International Day of Peace, which is celebrated on September 21 of each year, the head of the Secretariat of Government of Mexico City (SECGOB), Ricardo Ruiz Suárez, led the installation of a “Yes” module to Disarmament, Yes to Peace”, in the Chapel of the Conception, located in Plaza Tlaxcoaque, Cuauhtémoc Mayor’s Office. From this emblematic site of the Historic Center, the Secretary of Government explained that peace must be built every day through dialogue and teaching, with the aim of avoiding a “culture of war and violence.” . . . During the first hours of operation of this disarmament module, a 16-caliber shotgun and a 22-caliber revolver were delivered for destruction, for which 10,400 pesos were delivered. Since January 2019, “Yes to Disarmament, Yes to Peace” has removed more than 8 thousand firearms, nearly a thousand grenades, as well as more than a million cartridges from homes.

PUEBLA: The present government of Sergio Salomón, through the Ministry of Education, invites students of basic education (preschool, primary and secondary), as well as high school, to commemorate the “International Day of Peace” (September 21) . . . Through exercises that strengthen the ideals of the New Mexican School (NEM), which aims to create peaceful, safe and healthy school environments, students must carry out activities during the month of September such as: murals, music for peace, poetry contest , digital awareness campaign, letter for peace, yoga and meditation, ecological cleaning, collaborative art, photography contest, among others.

QUERETERO: The president of the Education and Culture Commission and member of the Legislative Group of the National Action Party in the LX State Legislature, Ana Paola López Birlain, inaugurated the Peace Festival ” Paz Fest”, which will be held on September 21, 22 and 23 of the current year, where there will be the participation of civil society organizations, schools and associations of professionals, universities and public institutions, among others.

QUINTANA ROO: International Day of Peace, a utopia: students of José Maria Morelos, Mayan Intercultural University of Quintana Roo (Uimqroo) concerned about world peace due to the current violence. The university students held an event (a peace wall) at the campus facilities to commemorate the International Day of Peace.

TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY OF JALISCO: The Technological University of Jalisco commemorated the International Day of Peace on September 21, wearing the white badge to emphasize that the university community carries out actions in favor of peace, through respect, equity, equality and inclusion. We are all parts of this community and together we take action in order to commit to promoting and maintaining peace.

VERACRUZ: The First Meeting “Thinking interdisciplinary about peace” of the National Network for Peace, of the National Association of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education : Jaqueline Jongitud Zamora, Secretary of Institutional Development of the University of Veracruz (UV), inaugurated the event in the Blue Hall of the Humanities Unit, and in her message highlighted that the UV seeks to advance the agenda of global interest through the Plan for Culture of Peace and Nonviolence 2023-2031, a document that will surely be enriched from the results of this first meeting that takes place from September 7 to 9 within the framework of the International Day of Peace.

UNITED WORLD SCHOOLS: On September 21, the International Day of Peace is celebrated. For this reason, the movement has adopted that day as “UWC Day”, a day to reflect and strengthen the ideals of peace in favor of a better world. This year “UWC Day” focuses on “Forging a sustainable future” . At a time when the effects of the climate crisis are being felt every day, particularly in the most vulnerable communities around the world, and when floods, fires, droughts, and loss of biodiversity are increasingly more frequent, we must all act to stop environmental deterioration. Thus, we hope that this topic gives us all the opportunity to take a step back to dream and, why not, re-imagine a better world in which human beings live sustainably.

YUCATAN: Women’s clothing items made by Yucatecan hands were presented on a catwalk in New York, United States within the framework of the International Day of Peace, organized by the United Nations Organization (UN). These “Mazehual” brand garments are manufactured in the “Hacienda Montecristo” (HMC) maquiladora in this Yucatecan municipality. About the exhibition, Roger Alcocer Cetina, manager of the maquiladora, shared on his social networks: “After analyzing the work carried out in our maquiladora, we were invited to present a clothing collection on the catwalk held in the city of New York, within the framework of the celebration of the International Day of Peace”. He indicated that 150 artisans work in the maquiladora who, in addition to dresses, handcraft leather bags for women, among other products that they export to several foreign countries.


DON BOSCO: This Thursday, September 21, which commemorates the international day of peace in many countries, Panama, under the coordination of Doctor Guerra, has planned countless activities that include a Mass at the Don Bosco Church in Calidonia, visits to educational centers for celebrate with the children, visit the peace monument in the town of Don Bosco and conferences and decorations at the University of Panama (6:pm). . . . Dr. Emelda Guerra is Supervisor of the Youth and Adult Program of the Ministry of Education and is also a member for Panama of the Organization of America for Educational Excellence and Peace since 2008.

MINISTRY: The Minister of Culture, (MiCultura) Giselle González Villarrué, representing the national government, participated together with the French ambassador in Panama, HE Aude De Amorim, in the cultural events and the planting of an olive tree that symbolizes fraternity, Peace , renewal and is also capable of withstanding adverse conditions. This activity, which was organized in the Plaza de Francia, is part of the celebration of different initiatives to be carried out on September 21 in order to strengthen the ideals of peace between nations and peoples, as a celebration that is celebrated in each country world level; . . . The special guests were the boys and girls from the United States of America, Simón Bolívar, Manuel José Hurtado and Republic of Mexico schools who were able to participate with songs and oratory dedicated to Peace. In his speech, González Villarrué highlighted that, “we must commit to teaching and putting into practice the value of tolerance and mutual respect to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.” He added that “more must be invested in a culture for peace, which will build a just and inclusive world that embraces diversity and inclusion.”


NATIONAL CONGRESS: The office of Congressman Freddy Franco (PLRA-Central) is engaged in the organization of an “International Leadership Conference in commemoration of the International Day of Peace”, an event to be held next Friday, September 20, at 7 a.m. :00 to 12:00 hours. The activity, to be carried out in the Bicameral Chamber of the National Congress, has the support of the Federation for Universal Peace-Paraguay Chapter, which is part of a global network of organizations that seek to build a world of peace.


CHIMBOTE: Engineer Luis Gamarra Alor, mayor of the province of Santa, led the emotional Sunday raising ceremony and the massive walk in Chimbote, in commemoration of the International Day of Peace. Accompanied by municipal authorities, councilors, officials and employees of the Provincial Municipality of Santa, the tour was carried out along Pardo Avenue to the front of the provincial commune, where they joined the residents of the towns in the flag-raising ceremony. This walk was established as a preamble to the International Day of Peace, designated by the United Nations in 1981, and celebrated every September 21. During the event, the inhabitants of Chimbote wore white t-shirts and released balloons of the same color, symbolizing the desire for peace.

LIMA: The International Day of Peace was celebrated at Markham College on September 22.


PONCE: The CEscuela Flor de Loto Montessori joined Montessori schools all over the world to sing for peace on the International Day of Peace to light a candle for peace, for love, for life!

VEGA ALTA: The Antonio Paoli school joined Montessori schools all over the world to sing for peace on the International Day of Peace to light a candle for peace, for love, for life!


PARLIAMENT: This afternoon in the Acuña de Figueroa Room, in the José Artigas building, the meeting “ The challenge of establishing Peace in a Globalized World” was held , within the framework of September 21 declared by the United Nations as the International Day of Peace. In this instance, the following spoke: the President of the Foundation for Peace, Raúl Rey; the President of Youth and Students for Peace, Valeria Pellejero; the Secretary General of ALADI, Dr. Sergio Abreu; the Anthropologist and President of the 21st Century Oriental Ladies Association, Mag. Virginia Rial; the President of the District Public Image Committee of Rotary Uruguay, Cono Rossi; the President of the Women’s Federation for World Peace, Marisa Machado. In the second instance they stated: the founder of the ATABAQUE Group, Mae Susana Andrade de Oxun; for the Baha”I Community of Uruguay, Sima Baher; Ahmadia Muslim Community Missionary, Yousaf Khan; the President of the Costa Stake, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Adolfo Ferrari and the President of the Federation of Families for World Peace, Kazuhiro Tsusaka.


CEPAZ: We are very happy to be able to share that on September 21, 2023 we will begin the seventh edition of the 12 Actions for Peace. We want to invite you from the Justice and Peace Center (Cepaz) to be part of this collective activism, which last year managed to add hundreds of people taking actions and 124 organizations promoting the campaign. On this occasion we want to make visible the pillars of the women’s peace and security agenda (Resolution 1325) and the work of women and organizations that support other women affected by the complex humanitarian emergency.

PRESIDENT: The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, remembered today the International Day of Peace and affirmed that it is built from respect, recognition and coexistence. That is the path of the Bolivarian Republic and “we will always insist on building a world without hatred or violence, where human solidarity and social justice prevail,” the head of state wrote on his X account, formerly Twitter.