This question applies to the following articles in CPNN:
Algeria: National Graffiti Festival-Sétif; Fethi Mjahed wins 1st Prize
Towards an African renaissance through culture and history
Facing severe repression, Russians are turning to antiwar graffiti
Colombia: ‘HipHop Week’ begins in Cali
Senegal’s First Female Graffiti Artist Is Leaving a Fearless Mark
Popular Art at Oklahoma City Memorial
La bande dessinée face aux messages idéologiques
Comic Strips that Combat Ideology
Cuarto Concurso de Animaciones por la Paz
Fourth Contest of Animations for Peace
Vania Masías será jurado del Concurso de Coreografías de Hip Hop en Peru
Vania Masias Will Judge the Choreography Competition of Hip Hop in Peru
Yemen’s youth draw peace messages in Sanaa streets