Vania Masias Will Judge the Choreography Competition of Hip Hop in Peru
an article by Peru.com
In order to promote a culture of peace and citizen security, on Friday, June 29, the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima with international choreographer, Vania Masias presented the first contest of Hip Hop Choreography, named the "Crew Battle: FICU 2012" in Lima and Lima East respectively, where youth groups participating districts demonstrated their artistic skills cities. FICU is the Festival of Urban Culture.
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The metropolitan event was organized by the Coordinators of the Municipal Youth Program, the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima and the Cultural Association D1fue and presented at the Exhibition Park of the Magic Water Circuit by the assistant manager of youth organizations, Marco Fernandez Lozano and dancer Vania Masias .
Vania Masias said about the Choreography Contest that "It's a team effort, I think it is a wonderful initiative of the Municipality of Lima in the framework of the FICU to help us promote the young people's art of urban dances. In this way, we all gain, which is the type of initiative we need in our country. "
The artistic and cultural activities were held on Friday 29 June at the Civic Center Comas and 30 June in the main square of Santa Anita, from three in the afternoon.
The winners of both contests will go automatically to the final of the 'Crew Battles' International Cultural Festival of Urban Cultures FICU to be held on 6,7 and 8 July in the Park of Lima.
(Click here for a Spanish version of this article)
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CPNN has received the following message from Marcel in Africa:
My name is Marcel Niyungi Bin Yungi, I am an artist peacemaker based in Nairobi, in Kenya. I use comics to promote a culture of peace. Some of my works can be found online at www.peace.ca/marcelscomicstrips.htm. Currently, I am publishing a bimonthly comic series for young people entitled "The Adventures of Kialu for Peace" (please find below a brief summary and attached an advert).
I am writing to inquire about CPNN and would like to be part of it.
I thank you in advance for your cooperation and look forward to hearing from you.
When we listen to the news, read the newspapers... a day doesn't pass without violence or a threat of violence. Our daily life is full of fear of harm; violencwe has escalated, it is everywhere: at home, at work places, at schools, on the streets,etc in every continent.
The solution to bring about and maintain a peaceful world lies in our hands, in our willingness and commitment to do what is good and peaceful to ourselves, to others and to the environment.
The Adventures of Kialu for Peace are a non-commercial, apolitical bi-monthly comic series, published by Jipa Moyo COMICS (jipa moyo is Kiswahili for take courage),whose objective is to promote a culture of peace. 2.TARGET GROUP: Young people. 3.THE COMIC SERIES
The Adventures of Kialu for peace are an ongoing serial publication. Each series focuses on a particular form of violence, abuse, depravity, anti-social behavior, environmental deterioration,etc. They are not only educational but also entertaining. 4.KIALU, THE HEROINE
4.1.WHO IS SHE? Kialu is a brave girl from a small village in Africa who is serving humanity through her good deeds by the help of three powers contained in a magic stick that she acquired from an old woman. 4.2.WHY THE NAME OF KIALU? The name "Kialu" has its origin from Bambole Kingdom, one of the vast Kingdoms in history of Africa. . ...more.