A survey by CPNN
The following 15 actions in 8 Arab and Middle Eastern countries were listed in Google during the week of September 17-28 this year under the key words “International day of peace” “peace day”, “journee internationale de la paix” and اليوم الدولي للسلام .
About 20 events are listed on the maps of One Day One Choir and Montessori schools singing for peace, but, except for one new entry shown below in United Arab Emirates, there is no indication which took place this year and which took place only in previous years.

Kurdistan Women’s Union in the city of Qamishlo, Syria
Here are excerpts from the articles.
ARAB LEAGUE: In a statement on Wednesday to mark the International Day of Peace that coincides with Sept. 21 each year, Arab League said this year celebration comes under the theme of: ‘Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the GlobalGoals’ within the framework of the United Nations’ call for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals 2023. The,statement added that this day offers a joint occasion for world peoples to organize events and carry out works that glorify the importance of peace and democracy through beneficial and realistic methods.
ISESCO: On the occasion of the world’s celebration of the International Day of Peace on September 21 every year, The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) called for concerted called on everyone to assume their individual and collective responsibilities to consolidate the values of coexistence and civilizational dialogue, and to invest in cultural diversity in promoting peace. It also called for optimism and work to spread a culture of peace among all segments of society, and to raise the level of psychological support as an important tool for achieving social cohesion and enhancing the ability to withstand challenges. The organization praised the hard work and innovative initiatives implemented by ISESCO’s Young Ambassadors for Peace, who graduated from the ISESCO Leadership Training Program for Peace and Security, and belong to 50 countries from the Islamic world and beyond, where they are playing their roles to contribute to building more peaceful societies.
ALEXANDRIA: The Alexandria National Museum announced today that, on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Peace, the Scientific Research Department of the Alexandria National Museum, in cooperation with the “Long Live Egypt” Student Union, will organize an event entitled “Mental Health” presented by Dahab Ahmed, a specialist in psychological disorders and addiction. The event will be held in the lecture hall of the Alexandria National Museum. Next Wednesday at two o’clock in the afternoon.
CAIRO: On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, The Institute of Arab Manuscripts will hold a live lecture on its YouTube channel under the title: Linguistic and Literary Manifestations of Peace in Our Arab Heritage, delivered by Professor Dr. Nadia Al-Azzawi, on Thursday (September 21, 2023 AD). You can follow the live broadcast on this link
The Museums Sector of the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities celebrated the International Day of Peace, which falls on September 21 every year, under the title: “Peace does not flourish without planting its fruits. The museum sector said: “Today, the world celebrates the International Day of Peace, with the aim of promoting the ideals of peace, as peaceful coexistence is the strong rope that connects human societies and countries. Egypt’s history is full of establishing the values of truth, justice, and tolerance. Since the dawn of history, all messages of goodness and peace have spread from its land, as many treaties were concluded between Egypt and the Assyrians, Babylonians, and Hittites, who followed a policy of peace to gain satisfaction from the Egyptian side. The Egyptian Museums Sector pointed out the most prominent and important peace treaties that Egypt concluded throughout its history, the first of which was in 1258 BC, with the signing of the Treaty of Kadesh between Egypt and the Hittites. It is considered the oldest and most important peace agreement known to humanity, as King Ramesses II signed it with his Hittite counterpart, Khatushili III. .
ISMAILIA : Today, Wednesday, Major General Yassin Taher, Governor of Ismailia, and a number of local leaders in the region witnessed the celebration held by the branch of the National Council for Women in the city of Ismailia, under the title: Women, Peacemakers, Together Against Terrorism, within the framework of celebrating the International Day of Peace.
SHARM EL SHEIKH: THE LEBANESE STAR, NANCY AJRAM , recently arrived in Sharm El-Sheikh, in preparation for her concert scheduled to be held there on the occasion of the International Day of Peace. Nancy had participated in the International Day of Peace campaign and published a video clip that had been published by the United Nations page on YouTube, during which she appeared directing her speech to spread peace alongside international artist Michael Douglas. NANCY AJRAM re -published the video on her page on the social networking site Twitter, commenting on it: “Before Peace Day, I was honored to add my voice to inspiring artists, community members, and peacekeepers in calling for peace.”
Question for this article
What has happened this year (2023) for the International Day of Peace?

Women’s Institute for Development and Peace, Kuwait
(Survey continued from left column)
BERGHOF FOUNDATION: To mark this year’s Peace Day, the Berghof Foundation asked colleagues working on Iraq and Somalia to share why it is important to promote climate awareness for peace. Here is the video from Peshtiwan AlDawoudi, their local consultant in Iraq.
MISHREF: The Women’s Institute for Development and Peace announced that Kuwait will host the eighth edition of the International Peace Day celebration on the 25th of this month under the slogan (Working for Peace… Our ambition to achieve global goals) and the first meeting of the Arab Women’s Network for Peace. The head of the Institute, Kawthar Al-Jawaan, said in a press conference today. On Tuesday, the Institute annually celebrates the International Day of Peace, which falls on the 21st of this month, as a confirmation of the Institute’s path and a choice of the nation’s approach towards peace and “the national role carried out by our good, peaceful people” and an affirmation of the message Kuwait carries towards the entire world, which is the message of peace and humanity.
UNAFIL: Uniformed peacekeepers from 49 different countries expressed their commitment to peace and stability as they celebrated the International Day of Peace today in Naqoura, southern Lebanon. The ceremony, which was hosted by the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) at its headquarters, was attended by Lebanese political figures, including Deputy Speaker of Parliament Elias Bou Saab, representatives of local authorities, clerics, the Lebanese Armed Forces and security forces, as well as United Nations officials, from Among them are the United Nations Special Coordinator in Lebanon, Joanna Wronecka, and members of the international community.
BERGHOF FOUDATION: To mark this year’s Peace Day, the Berghof Foundation asked colleagues working on Iraq and Somalia to share why it is important to promote climate awareness for peace. Here is the video from Janel B. Galvanek, the Head of their Regional Peace Support Department.
QAMISHLO : On Friday, September 22, 2023, the office of the Kurdistan Women’s Union – Syria in the city of Qamishlo held a dialogue session on the occasion of the International Day of Peace. Civil society organizations and independent figures participated in the symposium. Arya Jumaa spoke about this international day, which is dedicated to “promoting peace and understanding between nations and peoples.” The attendees stressed the need to support efforts to end the war, which has caused great suffering to the people from “all conflicting parties,” and to end manifestations of violence and armament in Syria. Calling for work to “find a comprehensive and just political solution that satisfies all parties in Syria.”
ABU DHABI: Global Montessori Nursery joined Montessori schools all over the world to sing for peace on the International Day of Peace to light a candle for peace, for love, for life!
DUBAI: Kindergarteners of JSSPS celebrated International Peace day with great zeal and zest to spread words and thoughts about peace. The learners had a special assembly on Peace, wherein they were enlightened about the importance of Peace day and sang a beautiful song.They enjoyed doing various craft activities on this special day. The learners of KG2 wrote personalized handwritten messages about peace on paper doves ,which they later hanged on a tree in the school garden.They all pledged to preach and spread peace, love and harmony with one and all.
In conjunction with the International Day of Peace, which the world celebrates as a dedicated day to promote the ideals of peace, the Aden Again Cultural Foundation, within its Cultural Forum project and with funding from the Cultural Attaché of the American Embassy to Yemen, held a poetry event entitled (Dialogue and Poem). The event was hosted by both poets: the poet and the writer Amr. Aqeel Al-Eryani, the writer Duaa Al-Ahdal, and the poet-engineer Naji Attiya. During the event, several topics were discussed, including poetry and its essence. During the event, the poets recited their poems that express the aspirations and desires of achieving peace. The event included interventions from the distinguished audience, which included poets, writers, and those interested in literature.