All posts by CPNN Coordinator

About CPNN Coordinator

Dr David Adams is the coordinator of the Culture of Peace News Network. He retired in 2001 from UNESCO where he was the Director of the Unit for the International Year for the Culture of Peace, proclaimed for the Year 2000 by the United Nations General Assembly.

Top Medical Journals Publish Unprecedented Joint Call for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons


An article by Jake Johnson in Common Dreams (reprinted according to terms of Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) license)

Leading medical journals published a joint editorial late Tuesday (August 1) calling on world leaders to take urgent steps to reduce the risk of nuclear war—and eliminate atomic weapons altogether—as the threat of a potentially civilization-ending conflict continues to grow.

The call was first issued in The Lancet, The BMJ, JAMA, International Nursing Review, and other top journals. Dozens of other journals are expected to publish the editorial in the coming days ahead of the 78th anniversary of the U.S. nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

(Editor’s note: As of August 10, 100 medical journals have signed on to the editorial as listed here.

Protesters hold anti-nuclear war signs as they gather in the viewing area at an air base on May 21, 2022 in Lakenheath, England. (Photo: Martin Pope/Getty Images)

The editorial begins by noting that the hands of the Doomsday Clock are closer to midnight than ever before, reflecting mounting nuclear tensions amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“Current nuclear arms control and nonproliferation efforts are inadequate to protect the world’s population against the threat of nuclear war by design, error, or miscalculation,” the editorial reads. “Modernization of nuclear arsenals could increase risks—for example, hypersonic missiles decrease the time available to distinguish between an attack and a false alarm, increasing the likelihood of rapid escalation.”

The editorial cautions that even a “limited” nuclear conflict involving just hundreds of atomic weapons—a small fraction of the global arsenal—”could kill 120 million people outright and cause global climate disruption leading to a nuclear famine, putting two billion people at risk.”

“A large-scale nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia could kill 200 million people or more in the near term and potentially cause a global ‘nuclear winter’ that could kill 5-6 billion people, threatening the survival of humanity,” the editorial continues. “Once a nuclear weapon is detonated, escalation to all-out nuclear war could occur rapidly. The prevention of any use of nuclear weapons is therefore an urgent public health priority and fundamental steps must also be taken to address the root cause of the problem—by abolishing nuclear weapons.”

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Question related to this article:
Can we abolish all nuclear weapons?

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Chris Zielinski of the World Association of Medical Editors said in a statement that the joint publication is “an extraordinary development” given that medical journals typically “go to great lengths to ensure that the material they publish has not appeared in any other medical journals.”

“That all of these leading journals have agreed to publish the same editorial underlines the extreme urgency of the current nuclear crisis and the need for prompt action to address this existential threat,” said Zielinski.

The editorial was released as parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons convened in Vienna in preparation for the 2026 treaty review conference. Last year, the 10th review conference of the nonproliferation treaty ended without a consensus agreement as Russia opposed a draft summary document.

All the while, the global nuclear stockpile continued to grow.

According to recent research by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, the nine nations currently known to possess nuclear weapons had 9,576 working nukes at the start of 2023, up slightly from the 9,490 total in January of last year.

The U.S.—the only country that has ever used nuclear weapons in war—and Russia control roughly 90% of the world’s nuclear arsenal.

None of the nuclear-armed countries have backed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, a legally binding international agreement that bars signatories from using, threatening to use, developing, stockpiling, or transferring atomic weaponry.

The new editorial argues that must change if the world is to step back from the brink of catastrophe.

“The health community has had a crucial role in efforts to reduce the risk of nuclear war and must continue to do so in the future,” the editorial states. “In the 1980s the efforts of health professionals, led by the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), helped to end the cold war arms race by educating policymakers and the public on both sides of the Iron Curtain about the medical consequences of nuclear war. This was recognized when the 1985 Nobel peace prize was awarded to the IPPNW.”

Noting that IPPNW and other groups played critical roles in the development of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, the editorial calls on health professionals worldwide to “join with the IPPNW to support efforts to reduce the near-term risks of nuclear war, including three immediate steps on the part of nuclear-armed states and their allies: first, adopt a no first use policy; second, take their nuclear weapons off hair-trigger alert; and, third, urge all states involved in current conflicts to pledge publicly and unequivocally that they will not use nuclear weapons in these conflicts.”

“We further ask them to work for a definitive end to the nuclear threat by supporting the urgent commencement of negotiations among the nuclear-armed states for a verifiable, timebound agreement to eliminate their nuclear weapons,” the editorial adds. “The nuclear-armed states must eliminate their nuclear arsenals before they eliminate us.”

2023 World Conference against A and H Bombs


Excerpts from the conference schedule from Gensuikyo, The Japan Council against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs

Theme and Schedule of the World Conference

Main Theme: With the Hibakusha, Let Us Achieve a Nuclear Weapon-free, Peaceful and Just World – for the Future of the Humankind and Our Planet

Conference Schedule:

August 4 (Fri) – 5 (Sat): International Meeting (Hiroshima JA Building)
August 6 (Sun): Hiroshima Day Rally (Green Arena, Hiroshima Sports Center)
August 7 – 9: 2023 World Conference against A and H Bombs – Nagasaki
August 7 (Mon) Opening Plenary (Nagasaki Shimin Kaikan Gymnasium)
August 8 (Tue) Forums/ workshops/ field trips (different venues in Nagasaki City)
August 9 (Wed) Nagasaki Day Rally/ Closing Plenary (Nagasaki Shimin Kaikan Gymnasium)

International Meeting (First day)
Venue: Hiroshima JA Building

Japanese-English simultaneous interpretation is provided.

Format: In-person meeting & Livestreamed by Zoom

14:00-14:40 Opening Session

Opening declaration; Introduction of overseas delegates
Organizer’s speech: Noguchi Kunikazu, Co-Chair, Steering Committee
Greetings on behalf of the Hibakusha: Hamasumi Jiro, Assistant Secretary General,
Japan Confederation of A-and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations (Nihon Hidankyo)
Presentation of messages

14:40-17:00 Session I: “Spreading voices of the Hibakusha to the world”


Kodama Michiko, Hibakusha of Hiroshima
Yokoyama Teruko, Hibakusha of Nagasaki
Special report on the Black Rain: Dr. Tamura Kazuyuki, Prof. Emeritus, Hiroshima Univ.
Lee_Ki-yeol Korean A-Bomb Casualty Association
Sim_Jin-tae Hapcheon Branch Chief, Korean A-Bomb Casualty Association
Abacca Anjain-Maddison, Representative of the Rongelap Islanders, the Marshall Islands.

Drafting Committee Meeting
Time: 19:00 – Venue: Hiroshima Road Building (2-9-24 Hikarimachi, Higashi-ku, Hiroshima. Conference room on the 3rd floor); One representative from each organization is invited to take part in the meeting.

August 5 (Saturday):
International Meeting (Second day)
Venue: Hiroshima JA Building

Format: In-person rally & Livestreamed by Zoom

09:30-12:00 Session II: Prohibition of nuclear weapons and achieving a world without nuclear weapons

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(Click here for a version in French.)

Question related to this article:
Can we abolish all nuclear weapons?

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Joseph Gerson, Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security, U.S.
Oleg Bodrov, North-West Russia Peace Movement/ Public Council of the Southern Coast of the Gulf of Finland, Russia
Roland Nivet, French Peace Movement
Lee Jun Kyu, Institute for Unification and Peace Policy, Hadfnshin University, ROK
Yasui Masakazu, Secretary General, Japan Council against A and H Bombs

12:00-13:30 Lunch break

13:30-16:00 Session III: A nuclear weapon-free, peaceful and just world – Solidarity and actions of civil society


Margaret Engel, Peace Action New York, US
Kate Hudson, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, U.K.
Reiner Braun, No NATO Campaign, Germany/ Former Executive Director, IPB
Ulla Klotzer, Global Women for Peace United against NATO, Finland
Sean Conner, Executive Director, International Peace Bureau (IPB)

16:00-16:30 Closing Session:

Proposal and adoption of the Declaration of the International Meeting

Closing remarks

August 6 (Sunday):
06:30 Meet at Sejour Fujita; Walk to the Peace Park

08:00-08:45 Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony (Hiroshima Peace Park)

Hiroshima Day Rally
Venue: Green Arena, Hiroshima Sports Center (4-1 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima.)

Time: 13:00-15:30 (JST) Format: In-person rally & Livestreamed by Zoom

Opening song; Opening remarks; Introduction of overseas delegates
Presentation of messages
Organizer’s keynote report: Tomida Koji, Drafting Committee Chair
Greetings by Hiroshima Mayor: Matsui Kazumi, Mayor of Hiroshima (TBC)
Greetings from the Hibakusha: Mimaki Toshiyuki, Co-Chair, Nihon Hidankyo
Guest speaker: Wada Shizuka, Writer/ Co-convenor, Signature campaign to urge the
Japanese government to join the TPNW
Greetings of solidarity from political parties/ parliamentarians
– Shii Kazuo, Chair, Japanese Communist Party
Special campaign: “Conveying Hibakusha’s voices to the world”: Hiroshima Shinfujin
– Setsuko Thurlow, Hibakusha of Hiroshima
– Yano Miyako, Hibakusha of Hiroshima
– Makino Kazumi, Chair, Black Rain Sufferers’ Association of Hiroshima
– Abacca Anjain-Maddison, Rongelap Islander, Marshall Islands
Prohibition of nuclear weapons/ achieving a world without nuclear weapons –Movements in nuclear powers and “nuclear umbrella” states
– Ersilia Soudais, Member of French National Assembly, France Unbowed
– Daniel Högsta, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)
– Phan Thi Khanh Chi, Vietnam Peace Committee- ICAN (TBC)
– Corazon Fabros, Nuclear-Free Philippines Coalition/ IPB Co-President

Cultural Program: Chorus “Hiroshima – Rivers of Love” and speech by Nakazawa Misayo (wife of Nakazawa Keiji, author of the “Barefoot Gen”) -TBC

Report from the Scientists Forum of the 2023 World Conference “Sending out messages of peace from students, in the midst of stormy nuclear-arms buildup”

People’s campaign to urge the Japanese government to join the TPNW:
– Youth organizing Committee of Kochi Prefecture
– Toyoki Keiko, Kofu Citizens Association to urge the signing/ratification of TPNW
– Murakami Atsuko, Through marcher of Tokyo-Hiroshima course, 2023 Nationwide Peace March

Message from Hiroshima (Hiroshima Organizing Committee)
Adoption of a conference declaration

(Editor’s note: The program for Nagasaki is similar to that for Hiroshima. For details, go to the source website listed above.)

The International Peace Bureau (IPB) Has Announced its Intention to Nominate Three Remarkable Organizations with a Focus on the Right to Conscientious Objection for the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize


A press release from the International Peace Bureau

The International Peace Bureau (IPB) has announced our intention to nominate three exceptional organizations for the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize: the Russian Movement of Conscientious Objectors, the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, and the Belarusian organization “Our House”. The decision to nominate these three organizations is a testament to their unwavering dedication in advocating for the right to conscientious objection to military service and promoting human rights and peace in their respective countries.

The Nobel Peace Prize is one of the world’s most esteemed awards, recognizing individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to the pursuit of peace and harmony. The nomination period for the 2024 prize will open on 1 September 2023 and the nominations will be promptly submitted for consideration.

The Russian Movement of Conscientious Objectors (, the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement (, and the Belarusian Our House ( have demonstrated unparalleled excellence and dedication in their efforts as defenders of peace, conscientious objection, and human rights, especially after the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine began on 24 February 2022 and despite the considerable stigmatization each organization has faced since.

The fundamental right to conscientious objection to military service is an inherent human right, protected under the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion as safeguarded by Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). This right remains inalienable, even during periods of public emergency, as explicitly stated in Article 4(2) of the ICCPR. Embracing conscientious objection is a concrete means of contributing to peace. Hence, it becomes imperative to emphasize and safeguard this fundamental human right, especially during times of war.

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Questions related to this article:
Can the peace movement help stop the war in the Ukraine?

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Even in the face of escalating threats, the three movements persist in their dedication to aiding individuals who resist war and military mobilization. Their focus is particularly on supporting those who endure persecution, torture, and imprisonment. This commitment encompasses all instances of forced and violent recruitment into participating armies, as well as the persecution of conscientious objectors, deserters, and non-violent anti-war demonstrators.

“We are humbled and honored to nominate these three remarkable movements for the Nobel Peace Prize. Their courage in championing the right to conscientious objection and their tireless efforts to promote peace and human rights serve as an inspiration to us all,” said Philip Jennings, Co-President of IPB.

By nominating these three movements, we seek to raise awareness about the importance of the right to conscientious objection, fostering peace and human rights. Furthermore, we hope that the announcement of this intended nomination will remind and pressure governments and nations across the globe to respect the right to conscientious objection in their own countries and provide alternatives to military service for those that object. This includes the right to asylum for conscientious objectors forced to flee their own countries in order to avoid military service.

We call other organizations and particularly Nobel Peace Laureates from across the globe to support this nomination. Together our voices in support for conscientious objection can protect those who are selflessly putting their lives on the line to defend their beliefs and their compatriots who reject war and violence.

The selection process for Nobel Peace Prize laureates is highly competitive and is conducted by esteemed committees dedicated to recognizing peace efforts worldwide. We firmly believe that these three movements stand among the most deserving candidates for this prestigious recognition.

About IPB

The International Peace Bureau is dedicated to the vision of a World Without War. Our current main programme centres on Disarmament for Sustainable Development and within this, our focus is mainly on the reallocation of military expenditure.  We are a Nobel Peace Laureate (1910); over the years, 13 of our officers have been recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact:
International Peace Bureau
+49 (0) 30 1208 4549
Marienstraße 19-20 10117, Berlin – Germany

(Editor’s note:To publish a comment on this article, send to with title, “comment on IPB”.)

Hiroshima Peace Declaration 2023


An article from the City of Hiroshima

Every year on August 6, the City of Hiroshima holds a Peace Memorial Ceremony to pray for the peaceful repose of the victims, for the abolition of nuclear weapons, and for lasting world peace. During that ceremony, the Mayor issues a Peace Declaration directed toward the world at large. As long as the need persists, Hiroshima’s mayor will continue to issue these declarations calling for the elimination of nuclear weapons from the face of the earth. This is part of Hiroshima’s effort to build a world of genuine and lasting world peace where no population will ever again experience the cruel devastation suffered by Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Video de la Declaration par mayor Matsui

Peace Declaration (2023)

“I want the leaders of all countries with nuclear weapons to visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki and, using their own eyes and ears, learn the realities of the atomic bombings―the lives lost in an instant, the bodies charred by heat rays; lives lost in agony from burns and radiation, tended to by no one. I want them standing here to feel the full weight of the countless lives lost.” The hibakusha making this plea was eight years old when the bomb exploded 78 years ago. He always remembered that day as a living hell.

The heads of state who attended the G7 Hiroshima Summit in May this year visited the Peace Memorial Museum, spoke with hibakusha, and wrote messages in the guestbook. Their messages provide proof that hibakusha pleas have reached them. As they stood before the Cenotaph for the A-bomb Victims, I conveyed the Spirit of Hiroshima underlying its inscription. Enduring past grief, overcoming hatred, we yearn for genuine world peace with all humanity living in harmony and prosperity. I believe our spirit is now engraved in their hearts. And in this spirit, the first G7 Leaders’ Hiroshima Vision on Nuclear Disarmament reaffirms their “commitment to the ultimate goal of a world without nuclear weapons with undiminished security for all,” and declares that their “security policies are based on the understanding that nuclear weapons, for as long as they exist, should serve defensive purposes….”

However, leaders around the world must confront the reality that nuclear threats now being voiced by certain policymakers reveal the folly of nuclear deterrence theory. They must immediately take concrete steps to lead us from the dangerous present toward our ideal world. In civil society, each of us must embrace the generosity and love for humanity embodied in the hibakusha message, “No one else should ever suffer as we have.” It will be increasingly important for us to urge policymakers to abandon nuclear deterrence in favor of a peaceful world that refuses to compromise individual dignity and security.

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(Click here for a version in French.)

Question related to this article:
Can we abolish all nuclear weapons?

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Mahatma Gandhi, who pursued independence for his native India through absolute nonviolence, asserted, “Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.” The Un General Assembly has adopted, as a formal document, a Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace. To end the current war as quickly as possible, the leaders of nations should act in accordance with Gandhi’s assertion and the Programme of Action, with civil society rising up in response.

To that end, it will be vital to build a social environment in which our dreams and hopes come alive in our daily lives through contact with or participation in music, art, sports, and other activities that transcend language, nationality, creed, and gender. And to create that social environment, let us promote initiatives to instill the culture of peace everywhere. If we do, elected officials, who need the support of the people, will surely work with us toward a peaceful world.

The City of Hiroshima, together with more than 8,200 member cities of Mayors for Peace in 166 countries and regions, intends to promote the culture of peace globally through citizen-level exchange. Our goal is an environment in which our united desire for peace can reach the hearts of policymakers, helping to build an international community that maintains peace without relying on military force. We will continue to expand our programs to convey the realities of the atomic bombings to young people around the world so they can acquire the hibakusha’s passion for peace, spread it beyond national borders, and pass it on to future generations.

I ask all policymakers to follow in the footsteps of the leaders who attended the G7 Hiroshima Summit by visiting Hiroshima and sharing widely their desire for peace. I urge them to immediately cease all nuclear threats and turn toward a security regime based on trust through dialogue in pursuit of civil society ideals.

I further urge the national government to heed the wishes of the hibakusha and the peace-loving Japanese people by reconciling the differences between nuclear-weapon and non-nuclear-weapon states. Japan must immediately join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (Tpnw) and establish common ground for discussions on nuclear weapons abolition by attending, at least as an observer, the Second Meeting of States Parties to the Tpnw to be held in November this year. The average age of the hibakusha now exceeds 85. The lives of many are still impaired by radiation’s harmful effects on mind and body. Thus, I demand that the Japanese government alleviate their suffering through stronger support measures.

Today, at this Peace Memorial Ceremony commemorating 78 years since the bombing, we offer heartfelt condolences to the souls of the atomic bomb victims. Together with Nagasaki and likeminded people around the world, we pledge to do everything in our power to abolish nuclear weapons and light the way toward lasting world peace.

August 6, 2023
Matsui Kazumi


The City of Hiroshima

Russia-Africa Summit Held Amid Worsening Global Security Situation


An article by Abayomi Azikiwe of the Pan-African News Wire as published by Transcend Media Service

Despite the tremendous pressure by the western imperialist governments placed upon the African Union (AU) member-states and the Russian Federation, the second Russia-Africa Summit was held on July 27-28 in St. Petersburg. Many of the African heads-of-state present came from the leading countries across the continent of 1.4 billion people.

(Editor’s note: According to Transcend, “African Union member-states put forward their peace plan for ending the conflict in Ukraine and received a positive response from Moscow.” And according to Al Jazeera, Russian President Putin said that the African proposal could be the basis for peace in the Ukraine.

Frame from the officlal video of the Summit

Heads-of-state such as Presidents Cyril Ramaphosa of the Republic of South Africa, Emmerson Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe, Adel-Fattah al-Sisi of Egypt, Felipe Nyusi of Mozambique, Macky Sall of Senegal, Denis Sassou Nguesso of Congo-Brazzaville, among others, were present and intensely engaged in the proceedings. The Summit consisted of open plenary sessions along with one-on-one meetings between African leaders and President Vladimir Putin.

Media reports in the United States made much of the fact that 17 heads-of-state attended the Russia-Africa Summit compared to 43 at the previous meeting in 2019. However, there were 49 delegations which attended representing a majority of African governments on official ministerial levels as well as regional organizations such as the African Union (AU), Arab Maghreb Union (AMU), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Inter-governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the New Development Bank (NDB), headed by former Brazil President Dilma Rousseff.

The Summit took place during an intensification of the military conflict in eastern and southern Ukraine as the United States and the European Union (EU) has pledged in excess of $100 billion to continue its efforts to maintain the dominant status of the imperialism throughout the globe. U.S. President Joe Biden has focused heavily on the foreign policy imperatives of weakening the Russian Federation through sanctions and the recruitment of Eastern European states into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

In Africa, the impact of the Ukraine war is resulting in high rates of inflation triggered by the shortages in agricultural products. Rising prices and a deteriorating security crisis in several West African states has prompted military interventions in political life and the attempted realignment of domestic and foreign policy away from France and the U.S. towards Russia and China.

This is the first full meeting of the Russia-Africa Summit since the inaugural gathering in 2019. Over the last four years the world underwent a global pandemic whose magnitude has not been experienced for a century. The commencement of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine in February 2022 grew out of the reemergent Cold War initiated by Washington and Wall Street against Russia and the People’s Republic of China.

Over the last year-and-a-half since the beginning of the special military operation, the administration of President Joe Biden has sought to pressure AU member-states to support its position in Ukraine. U.S. Congressional figures drafted a bill designed to punish African states who maintain cordial political and economic relations with Moscow. The government in the Republic of South Africa led by the African National Congress (ANC) was accused by the U.S. ambassador of supplying arms to the Russian Federation to utilize in the Ukraine theater.

Russia has been subjected to widespread sanctions aimed at bringing about the collapse of its economy. During the Summit in St. Petersburg, Putin announced the cancellation of $23 billion in debt owed by African countries.

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Questions related to this article:
Can the peace movement help stop the war in the Ukraine?

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Outcomes of the Russia-Africa Summit   

Consequently, the proceeding of the recent gathering provided an opportunity for both Russia and the AU to present their views on a myriad of issues impacting the international situation. Both the host, President Vladimir Putin and the AU delegates emphasized their interests in building closer relations in the cultural, economic and political spheres.

In a report on the Summit published by Tass news agency it says:

“The global importance of the second Russia-Africa Summit, held in St. Petersburg on July 27-28, continued to reverberate over the weekend. On Saturday, Russian President Vladimir Putin held meetings with several counterparts from the continent. As well, St. Petersburg native Putin hosted four African leaders at his hometown’s annual Navy Day parade on July 30 along the Neva River, Vedomosti writes. Putin said at his final press conference on July 29 that, ‘in general, the African continent is friendly and positive towards Russia.’ A 74-point declaration was the principal document to come out of the summit, where the signatories spoke out in particular against ethnic and racial discrimination and announced plans to coordinate a range of joint political activities, including within the United Nations Security Council.”

Russia and its relationship with the African continent have been mutually cooperative since the era of the imperialist conquest when the country under the monarchy provided military assistance to Ethiopia during its war against Italy in the late 19th century. During the period of the Soviet Union, the official foreign policy position of Moscow was to aid the national liberation movements struggling for freedom and independence. The post-colonial years in Africa were marked by solidarity with the newly independent states through the granting of educational opportunities, trading projects along with military training.

A continuing pledge of security assistance was made clear during the Summit. In addition, scholarships for education will be enhanced for African students in Russia.

The Russian government acknowledged the legacy of colonialism, imperialism and neo-colonialism and pledged to stand in solidarity with the African people in their struggle for genuine independence and sovereignty.

Testimony by African leaders were recorded in a Tass news report saying that:

“Central African Republic President Faustin-Archange Touadera underscored that Russia’s support helped save democracy in his country. ‘Fearing no geopolitical problems, Russia provides aid to our country, our armed forces and security agencies in their fight against terrorist organizations,’ he said. Mali was able to reinforce its armed forces and ensure its security thanks to Russia’s aid, said Interim President Assimi Goita. ‘Mali has a military partnership with Russia, and we thank it for support and friendship. […] The Malian Armed Forces are currently on the offensive; we have significantly reduced the number of [terrorist] attacks on [our] military bases, we were able to ensure security in many places,’ he noted.”

AU Leaders Emphasize Peace Plan

An underlying theme throughout the concluding phase of the Summit was the quest for a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Ukraine. The withdrawal of Russia from the Black Sea Grain Deal was based on the failure of the imperialist states to lift their sanctions against Moscow.

The actual volume of grain produced and exported by Russia far exceeds that of Ukraine. Putin offered to supply grain to several African states free of charge in an effort to meet the current challenge of burgeoning food insecurity.

Tass summarized the discussions on the African Peace Initiative for Ukraine as follows:

“South African President Cyril Ramaphosa stated that ‘negotiations and dialogue, as well as commitment to the UN Charter are necessary for a peaceful and fair resolution of conflicts.’

‘The African initiative deserves the greatest attention, and it should not be underestimated,’ President of the Republic of Congo Denis Sassou Nguesso said, calling to ‘end the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. This conflict affected the entire world in a negative way, African Union Commission Chairman Moussa Faki Mahamat said. ‘Of course, we are concerned over the grain supply issue,’ he said, adding that it is ‘necessary to immediately and promptly resolve the problem of food shipments to countries in need.’”
Putin reiterated to the African delegations that Russia has been willing to hold constructive negotiations with Ukraine. However, Moscow has been met with refusals by Kiev which is operating at the behest of Washington and the NATO states.

Overall, the Summit further revealed the escalating conflict between the proponents of western imperialist domination and those advocating for a multipolar world system. This ideological and material conflict could very well be resolved in a protracted global conflagration which would portend much for the long-term stability and sustainable development of the majority of peoples and nations of the globe.

Ukraine: Saudi Arabia, UN, 40 Other Countries Hold Peace Talk In Jeddah


An article byAbdulyassar Abdulhamid from Daily Trust

National Security Advisors of over 40 countries converged Saturday (August 5) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, for consultations and exchange of opinions in order to build a common ground that will pave the way for peace in Ukraine.

Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, as tension between the two countries escalated.

The meeting was chaired by Saudi Arabia’s Minister of State and Member of the Council of Ministers, National Security Advisor Dr. Mosaad bin Mohammad Al-Aiban.

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Questions related to this article:
Can the peace movement help stop the war in the Ukraine?

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During the meeting Dr. Mosaad bin Mohammad Al-Aiban said the meeting was a continuation of the efforts by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Prime Minister Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, has been exerting in this regard since March 2022.

The participant countries agreed on the importance of continuing international consultations and exchanging opinions in order to build a common ground that will pave the way for peace.

They also emphasized the importance of benefiting from views and positive suggestions made during this meeting.

They also commended the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for calling and hosting the meeting.

The countries and organizations that participated in the meeting include Argentina, the Commonwealth of Australia, Bahrain, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Comoros, Czech, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, and the European Commission.

Others are the European Council, the Finland, France, Germany, India, the Republic of Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Qatar, Korea, Romania, Slovak Republic, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, the United Nations, and the United States of America.

(Editor’s note: A more detailed description of the Jeddah meeting, including Ukraine’s 10-point peace proposal, can be found in an article published by The Guardian, but we have no right to reproduce the article here. Also the Russian news agency TASS quoted the DPA News Agency as saying that Saudi Arabia presented a peace proposal differing from that of the Ukraine. We could not find the DPA source, but it was also quoted by media in Macedonia and Iran.)

From Rwanda To Beyond: New Collaborations And Collective Action At Women’s Conclave


An article by Ridhima Shukla in Forbes Africa

Attendees at the just-concluded Women Deliver 2023 Conference in Kigali exchanged ideas and experiences through thought-provoking discussions that set the stage for the unveiling of new and transformative policy frameworks supporting women’s rights and issues.

In the heart of Kigali, Rwanda, the BK Arena and Kigali Convention Centre buzzed with excitement as women from all corners of the world gathered for the Women Deliver 2023 Conference (WD2023), from July 17-20, held for the first time in Africa.

The Women Deliver conference witnessed participation from over 6,000 stakeholders and advocates dedicated to advancing gender equality. Photo: UN Women/Emmanuel Rurangwa

Held under the theme, Spaces, Solidarity, and Solutions, the sixth Women Deliver Conference aimed to ignite collective action, empower the feminist movement, and foster a world where gender equality and women’s rights thrive.

A wide range of topics, including abortion access, LGBTIQQ rights, gender-based violence and impact of the climate crisis on women and girls, were discussed, along with focus on fostering youth engagement and elevating the perspectives of young women in the global gender equality movement.

The event saw an impressive turnout with thousands in attendance. Notable speakers included renowned personalities such as activist Malala Yousafzai. Also in attendance were four heads of state including Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame – with his wife and first lady Jeannette Kagame – Ethiopia’s President Sahle-Work Zewde, Senegal’s President Macky Sall, and the President of Hungary, Katalin Novák.

One of the most significant announcements came from the collaboration between Women Deliver and Open Society Foundations, a grant-making network founded and chaired by Hungarian-American business behemoth and philanthropist George Soros.

Together, they unveiled a new funding facility to address, among other things, neglected areas of female sexual health and reproductive rights. The room erupted in applause as the audience recognized the potential of this facility in empowering marginalized women and girls who have long been denied access to basic healthcare.

As the conference progressed, it became evident that the commitment to drive change extended beyond the arena’s walls. More than 40 organizations came together to launch a powerful campaign addressing the gender nutrition gap. Their collective call urged governments to take transformative action, shining a spotlight on the stark inequalities that persist globally in women’s and girls’ nutrition.

Another momentous step forward was the unveiling of the RESPECT Women website. Developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), UN Women, and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), this policy framework and online platform has been designed to combat and respond to violence against women and girls. The website’s potential to create a safer environment and promote gender equality and women’s empowerment was met with resounding support and recognition.

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Question related to this article:
Prospects for progress in women’s equality, what are the short and long term prospects?

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Perhaps the most moving moment at the conference was when UNFPA introduced Kigali Call to Action: United for Women and Girls’ Bodily Autonomy. This powerful call placed bodily autonomy, reproductive rights, and gender equality at the core of the agenda. With a clear focus on women-led organizations and the feminist movement, the call aimed to drive coordinated and collective action towards gender equality by 2030.

The conference’s commitment to empowering future generations was expressed with the launch of the Women Deliver Emerging Leaders Program to provide young people with trust-based funding, knowledge, resources, and leadership opportunities in the pursuit of gender equality and reproductive health advocacy. As the torch was passed on to the next generation, the attendees celebrated the potential of these emerging leaders to create a lasting impact on the global stage.

Throughout the conference, attendees engaged in thought-provoking discussions, exchanging ideas and experiences, leaving no stone unturned in their quest for progress. Challenges were acknowledged, and the urgency to address them collectively was clear.

The importance of funding for gender equality advocacies resonated strongly among the attendees. Julia Fan, Senior Manager for Youth Engagement at Women Deliver, emphasized that funding remains a critical aspect in driving forward the agenda for gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Alongside the vibrant discussions and inspiring stories of progress, Soraya Hakuziyaremye, the Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Rwanda, too offered valuable insights. She acknowledged the strides Rwanda has made in promoting women to leadership positions, highlighting that this progress did not happen overnight but has been the result of extraordinary leadership that recognized gender equity as a vital indicator of the nation’s progress, almost three decades ago.

While there were successes to celebrate, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, the Board Chair of Women Deliver, also addressed a pressing concern shared by many attendees.

She remarked: “What concerns most women today here is that progress in gender equality has been slow and uneven, and a major space where all countries have failed is violence against women. It is sad to sit and talk about this here again; I was talking about this 10 years ago.”

While gender issues still persist, efforts to combat them also have a history, starting with the Beijing Declaration in 1995 that opened the door for women’s issues to find mainstream recognition globally, leading to the Platform for Action adopted unanimously by 189 countries. In the words of Mlambo-Ngcuka, “it was a defining moment when women’s rights received the status of human rights”.

The development and acceptance of the Maputo Protocol on Women’s Rights in 2005 has also come a long way. The protocol has one of the highest number of ratifications for an instrument in the African Union (AU) and has objectively established a uniform basis for protecting the rights of women and girls in Africa. Forty nine of the 55 AU member states have signed the Maputo Protocol thus far.

Reflecting on the week’s transformative experience. Rania Dagesh, the Deputy Regional Director for eastern and southern Africa at UNICEF, expressed her sentiments: “The past week at Women Deliver has been phenomenal; there have been moments of reflection, profound exchanges, and valuable learning. I am truly grateful for participating.”

As the final moments of the conference unfolded, the atmosphere was one of hope, determination, and camaraderie.

(Editor’s note: For another perspective on the conference, see UN Women Executive Director visits Rwanda, applauds remarkable progress on gender equality and women’s empowerment.)

New book: Nonviolent Journalism, a humanist approach to communication


An announcement from Pressenza

This book aims to reflect the first twelve years of collective effort of a non-profit organisation run by volunteers from the fields of journalism and communication: Pressenza, an international press agency with a nonviolent approach. It is on the basis of this approach and the process of developing the agency that we are able to present these pages to you.

Twelve years of successes and failures, of experiments, alliances, and learning through dialogue with and the know-how of communicators, activists, and friends from academia who have provided us with the impetus to put down on paper the foundations and principles, the tools and suggestions that could shape a nonviolent approach to communication and journalism at the service of those who may find it useful. The team that worked on this production has been with the agency since its inception. We have lived and breathed this project, and that undoubtedly brings with it advantages and disadvantages to this text, which is why it is good for the reader to be aware of this fact.

As you will see, this production is halfway between a book and a manual. The reason is simple: we wanted to set out the elements that underpin the approach and also provide some tips that have helped us to put it into practice and to identify it in other allied media. Therefore, you will find examples taken not only from Pressenza but also from other media. We are not and do not aspire to be the “owners” of the content: we have learned from many people and in many environments. Our task is to integrate these learnings in the best possible way.

Who were we thinking of when we wrote these pages? Most especially in educational establishments where the new generations of communicators and journalists are being qualified. We would like this book to be useful in university lecture theatres, both for teachers and students. But we are also thinking of professionals in the field and activists in social collectives, movements and organisations whose agendas – also characterised by nonviolence – may find tools for dissemination in this approach.

This is the first edition. We reserve the right to improve it and, hopefully, in a little while, publish a second and third edition, etc. It is, therefore, a living publication.

Click here to purchase the English edition

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(Click here for the book in Spanish or click here for the book in French)

Questions related to this article:

Free flow of information, How is it important for a culture of peace?

Journalism in Latin America: Is it turning towards a culture of peace?

(continued from left column)

About the authors

Pía Figueroa Edwards (Chile)

Chilean, has a degree in Art History and is an expert in ecology. From 2008 to date, she has been co-director of Pressenza, international press agency. She writes regularly, is an executive producer of television documentaries and has produced several research monographs. She has published three books, which form part of the current of thought known as Universalist Humanism.

Nelsy Lizarazo Castro (Ecuador/Colombia)

of Colombian and Ecuadorian nationality, has a postgraduate degree in Political Science and International Relations and an undergraduate degree in Philosophy and Literature. As a communicator and educator, she worked for twelve years, over two different periods, in ALER, the Latin American Association of Popular Education and Communication. She is a university lecturer and founder of Pressenza, as well as editor in the Ecuadorian bureau and, for the last five years, has been a co-producer of the radio programme Cuatro Elementos [Four Elements], which focuses on the analysis of international events.

Juana Pérez Montero (Spain)

has a degree in journalism from the Faculty of Information Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid. She has worked in the written press and radio. She has developed her journalistic work collaborating with different groups, social movements and spiritual expressions. Her commitment to collective creation has led her to participate in the production of documentaries, books and monographs, as well as in the construction of networks of activists who advocate for an unconditional universal basic income, nuclear disarmament, dialogue and reconciliation between individuals and peoples.

Tony Robinson (United Kingdom)

As an activist in World without Wars and Violence, he took part in the first World March for Peace and Nonviolence which campaigned for the elimination of nuclear arsenals and all forms of violence. Since then, Tony has been first a writer, then an editor and finally a co-director for Pressenza, International Press Agency. In 2019, he produced the award-winning documentary film, The Beginning of the End of Nuclear Weapons, with director Álvaro Orús.

Javier Tolcachier (Argentina)

is a researcher at the World Centre for Humanist Studies. He is a columnist and member of the founding team of Pressenza, International Press Agency. His works include the books Memories of the Future, The Fall of the Dragon and the Eagle, Humanising History and Trends, as well as papers, articles, studies and monographs that attempt to apply a humanist look to diverse fields of human activity. He has been involved in the Humanist Movement for four decades and lives in Córdoba, Argentina, his hometown.

About the book

At the time of writing, the book has been published in 3 different Spanish language editions in Chile, Ecuador and Colombia  and also in Italian.

Local resistance actions: can they save sustainable development?

There is a growing movement to resist development projects that destroy the natural environment. And we raise the question, can these resistance movements save sustainable development. A test case is developing in France where the resistance movement is continuing to grow despite efforts by the government to crush it.

Here are the relevant CPNN articles.

Greta Thunberg, 40+ Other Climate Activists Block Entrance to Swedish Parliament

France: Les Résistantes 2023 – meetings of local and global struggles

France: “You are, we are, Earth Uprisings”

France: Les Résistantes 2023 – meetings of local and global struggles


An article from Les Resistantes

From August 3 to 6, 2023, the Larzac plateau will host the first edition of the Resistance – Meetings of local and global struggles! More than 570 local struggles are identified today on the Reporterre map, and this Meeting by and for struggles will be an opportunity to honor them and bring together this vast movement that is growing across France.

La carte de resistantes dans le sud de France
(Click on image to enlarge)

From local to global, many associations, unions and collectives also work on related, social, environmental, societal subjects, and would benefit a lot from meeting and helping each other more.

Concretely, these 4 days will be an opportunity to invite new people to join our struggles, to prepare perspectives for mobilization together, to train, to celebrate our victories, to see how to help each other and to strengthen the coalitions of struggles. geographic or thematic that pop up everywhere. Concerts, workshops, assemblies, meetings, training, screenings-debates, shows, children’s area, nature walks, participatory radio and many other things will be on the agenda!

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(Click here for the original article in French

Question for this article:

Local resistance actions: can they save sustainable development?

(Article continued from the left column)

The main objectives of the event:

-> Bring together the militant sphere that revolves around struggles without necessarily getting very involved, and encouraging them to do so through clear and numerous means.

-> Make visible and publicize the movement of local struggles across France, its scale and its strength, with a view to recruitment and credibility.

-> Bring together networks of struggles that do not speak to each other or speak too little, isolated local struggles or global organizations that fight on related issues, which would thus see that their case is far from being the only one and that they can find outside support.

-> Accelerate the dynamics of inter-struggle cooperation: the Meetings will make it possible to provide logistical, communication, organizational and financial capacities and skills so that the coalitions of struggles can structure mutual aid, planning and recruitment.

-> Put the struggles, the next deadlines and the next major global battles on the agenda of the media and many allies for the start of the 2023 school year.

-> Structure a long-term network of volunteers capable of supporting struggles and their networks over the long term across France.

-> Make a joyful time that celebrates our past victories and that allows us to prefigure dozens to come!

(Thank you to Emmanuelle Dufossez for sending this to CPNN.)