Tag Archives: Latin America

Dominican Republic, San Francisco de Macorís: Men’s march to combat violence against women


An article by David Díaz Valerio in El Jaya

The Inter-institutional team for a Culture of Peace in San Francisco de Macoris, has announced the men’s walk against gender violence called “All United for Respect for Women.”

The activity will start on Friday, November 24, at 9:00 in the morning, starting from the Policarpo Mora park in the Pueblo Nuevo sector and go to the Duarte park where they will be met by the women.

The mottos that will accompany this walk include: I respect women, I respect mothers, I respect my grandmother, I respect my daughter, I respect my sister, I respect my wife.

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(click here for the original Spanish version of this article.)

Question related to this article:

Protecting women and girls against violence, Is progress being made?

What role should men play to stop violence against women?

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The team, made up of different institutions, explained that the main objective of the activity is to promote the active participation of men with a view to building a different vision of the problem, of which they are part together with women.

In addition to promoting a culture of peace through respect, union and effective dialogue, they intend to strengthen family and cultural life. Participation is intended to contribute to the reduction of gender violence, the empowerment of men and the active participation of women.

The inter-institutional team brings together Casa Abierta, the Department of Women of the City Council, CONANI, the Ministry of Women, Pro-Family, the Public Ministry, the Community House of Justice, and the Ministry of Education, among others.

Ecuador: International Conference on Gender Violence


An article from La Hora

The 2nd International Conference on ‘Gender Violence in Ecuador and Latin America’ will be held at the House of Culture of Esmeraldas, organized by the Mayor’s Office of Esmeraldas, the Inter-Institutional Gender Board of this canton, the Peruvian Bar Association and the Consultative Commission on Gender, Equality and Non-Discrimination.

(Click on photo to enlarge)

The conference of women’s defenders takes place, starting from 9 AM, on the occasion of the International Day of Non-Violence against Women, which is celebrated on November 25, the date established by the General Assembly of the United Nations.

In this meeting, the situation of women’s rights in the region will be exposed and disseminated; the elimination of violence against women will be promoted. The conference will seek to empower women in legal, social and political spaces.

The Congress will make proposals that promote equality of rights and opportunities between men and women and promote the construction of a culture of peace and equality in a society free of violence and without discrimination.
Activists in favor of women’s rights take this day as a day of protest and commemoration against violence, date that was taken as a commemoration of the brutal murder in 1960, of the three Mirabal sisters, political activists of the Dominican Republic, by order of the Dominican President Rafael Trujillo.
To commemorate women’s rights, the Municipalities of the Regional Technical Unit 1 (UTR1) of the Association of Municipalities of Ecuador (AME), will carry out programs in each of the cantons.

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(click here for the original Spanish version of this article.)

Question related to this article:

Protecting women and girls against violence, Is progress being made?

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The representative of the Bar Association of Lima, Peru, and president of the Consultative Commission on Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination, Mirka Silva Mendoza, will be one of the exponents in the international congress along with other national and international personalities.

The theme of the conference is the ‘Analysis and proposals of solution on sexual violence’. Among the proposals to be considered is that mental health policies should be implemented in schools, with the support of psychologists, considering that problems first arise in the home.
Another of the alternatives proposed will be the creation of a draft law that allows extending the term of detention from 24 hours to 48 hours, in case of flagrancy in crimes of sexual violence to prevent impunity.

The mayor of Esmeraldas, Lenin Lara, said that these actions seek to generate awareness as well as statistics, “but the fundamental vision is that of a culture of peace, a culture without violence of gender in general that discards the violence of our interpersonal relationships of our lives daily ”
The local representative of the Population Fund of the United Nations and member of the cantonal and provincial gender board, Ruth Quiñónez, said that the congress is timely, because it will allow analyzing a problem that is causing harm to society, whereby violence against women is seen as normal, but it is not.

Shee added that on November 25 there will also be an open house in coordination with the Judicial network involving more than 30 institutions in the province and the canton.
In addition, tomorrow there will be a meeting of lullabies and songs, organized by the cantonal, provincial and prefecture, as inter-institutional response activities.
Quiñónez explained that of 10 women asked if they have been violated, six say yes. These data indicate that the canton Esmeraldas needs to mobilize forces and take actions to combat violence.

Mexico: Expanding the Women’s Network against Gender Violence


An article from the Heraldo de Coatzacoalcos

As part of the program “Strengthening for Security” (Fortaseg) carried out by the City Council of Coatzacoalcos and the program Desarrollo Integral de la Familia (DIF), under the direction of its Gender Unit, 25 women from the Benito Juárez Norte colony received their certificates as members of the Women’s Network against Gender Violence.

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Question related to this article:

Protecting women and girls against violence, Is progress being made?

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The Director of Gender Unit of the DIF, Liliana Alonso Martínez, stressed that more women will be added to the network. Its purpose is outreach to women who have been victims of violence so that they know where to go to request assistance, whether legal, medical or psychological.

Within the framework of this accreditation, dozens of people gathered inside Plaza Forum, to add their signatures against gender violence and in favor of a culture of peace in Coatzacoalcos.

(click here for the original Spanish version of this article.)

Peru: Launch of the national extrajudicial conciliation campaign


An article from La Republica

The national mega-campaign of the “Week of Extrajudicial Conciliation” began yesterday [November 13]. The purpose of the campaign is to promote and disseminate out-of-court conciliation as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism of the General Directorate of Public Defense and access to Justice in Tacna.

“This is a tool that encourages and forms the culture of peace in our country,” said Christian Fernández, general secretary of the Free Conciliation Center of the Justice Ministry of Tacna.

He also said that the main mission of this process is for the parties involved in a conflict to reach consensual solutions, which are recorded in an act that has a value similar to a judicial decision.

During the week various activities will be carried out to promote this campaign.

(click here for the Spanish version)

Question for this article:

Mexico: Marcos Aguilar Inaugurates Forum “Towards a Culture of Peace”


An article from the Diario de Querétaro

The municipal president of Querétaro, Marcos Aguilar Vega, inaugurated the first forum of community mediation “Towards a culture of peace” Fortaseg 2017, where state and municipal public servants will learn to promote a social transformation through mediation.

Marcos Aguilar inaugurated the first Community Mediation Forum “Towards a Culture of Peace”, FORTASEG 2017. Photos: Yolanda Longino

After seeing a protest at the first Community Mediation Committee of the Felipe Carrillo Puerto delegation, the mayor said that lack of communication is one of the most recurrent causes of conflicts and crimes that put people’s lives and assets at risk.

The mayor said that if we achieve an assertive communication, that puts the accent on the collective benefit, we will achieve a definitive step for social cohesion and the strengthening of the Rule of Law.

The mayor said that if we achieve an assertive communication, that puts the accent on the collective benefit, we will achieve a definitive step for social cohesion and the strengthening of the Rule of Law.

He said that the objective of the Community Mediation Committee is that citizens on an equal basis have the means to peacefully resolve their conflicts, without jeopardizing the fundamental principles of coexistence and mutual respect.

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(click here for the Spanish version)

Question for this article:

Mediation as a tool for nonviolence and culture of peace

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He said that this government’s commitment is to trust citizens; “To understand each other as fellow citizens is the only way to build a friendly, just and prosperous city.”

“Today more than ever we need a united society that forms a common front against the evils that threaten our well-being such as crime, corruption and the deterioration of the social fabric,” he said.

He pointed out that governments come and go, but citizen initiatives remain; He asserted that a culture of peace will be achieved if each citizen, neighborhood, colony and community live by the fundamental principles that govern the culture of peace.

The Municipal Public Security Secretary, Juan Luis Ferrusca Ortiz said that community mediation is a new way of approaching psychosocial problems; it privileges neighborhood leadership through the creation of committees that promote alternative spaces for peaceful conflict resolution.

He reported that the community mediation model, whose investment is 980 thousand pesos from the resources of Fortaseg 2017, began in several areas of the Felipe Carrillo Puerto delegation.

He said that this model will also be taken to other of the six remaining municipal delegations, encouraging participation in community mediation committees.

Adriana Báez Sosa, who is responsible for the program, stressed that the capital will be a pioneer in the practice of community mediation, which is committed to strengthening the exercise of citizenship.

“This is a great step forward in the municipality of Queretaro, since it recognizes the importance of the community, as well as generating citizen participation, as they are key elements for the solution of conflicts in the community,” she acknowledged.

She indicated that this project started with a diagnosis, followed by the creation of a committee of citizens interested in contributing their time to the community, followed by a process of training, dissemination and operation of these areas.

El Salvador: Project to promote a culture of peace


An article from La Prensa Grafica (reprinted for non-commercial purposes)

Roberto Rubio, the executive director of the National Foundation for Development (FUNDE), launched the challenge: “We invite you to start changing the country. No more no less”. And that implies, he assured, to imagine “a country in peace.” That is the concept behind the citizen campaign “Préstale tu voz a SAL”, which FUNDE is carrying out with the support of the Seattle Foundation and in alliance with the Espacio Ciudadano network. They are joined by the embassies of the United States of America (USA) and Colombia.

“Small steps matter. The change on a large scale begins with individual commitment, “said the US diplomatic representative, Jean Manes, during the launch of the initiative, on Wednesday night.

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(Click here for the Spanish original of this article)

Questions for this article:

How can culture of peace be developed at the municipal level?

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On behalf of Colombia, Ambassador Julio Anibal Riaño said that the great example is the city of Medellín, which went from being the face suffered by narcoterrorism to a model of coexistence. “The greatest strength of Medellín is its people,” said the diplomat, referring to the “social re-engineering” that Mayor Federico Gutiérrez executed in the city. “Security,” said the mayor through a video that was transmitted during the launch of the citizen campaign, “is neither left nor right,” but a responsibility of all.

According to Rubio, “Préstale tu voz a SAL” is part of the “Somos Paz” movement, which seeks to promote the culture of peace in El Salvador through all daily activities. He explained that its purpose is to change impunity at all levels of society.

Manes noted that the city of Chattanooga in the United States went from being, in a span of 20 years, “the dirtiest city in America” ​​to receiving recognition from the United Nations for having executed a total transformation. In addition, 10 years later, this model allowed the population of the American city to profit economically. It was only achieved, said Manes, when citizens, NGOs and businessmen got involved in a shared project.

Colombia: Unesco recognizes schools in Norte de Santander for their work towards peace


An article from Compartir Palabra Maestra. (Reprinted according to the rules of Creative Commons Recognition-NoComercial-ShareIgual 4.0 International License)

During the National Educational Forum 2017 held in the capital of the country and encouraged by Unesco and the Ministry of Education, Norte de Santander was present this year with two proposals which were among the 12 best being recognized by the two organizing entities.

One of the proposals presented was that of the Cristo Obrero Educational Institution, located in the neighborhood of La Ermita de Cúcuta, who undertook a project called ‘School reconciliation, commitment of all for a culture of peace’ by which they promote healthy coexistence in the institution.

In total, 600 strategies were presented throughout Colombia, with initiatives focused on the search for a Colombia without conflicts. The presentations included topics such as reconciliation, democracy, reconstruction of historical memory, society, violence and human rights.

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(Click here for the original version of this article in Spanish)

Questions for this article:

Peace Studies in School Curricula, What would it take to make it happen around the world?

What is happening in Colombia, Is peace possible?

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Ángel Ramiro Peñaranda, a teacher at the Cristo Obrero School who leads the Cucuteño project, indicated that this curriculum for peace “did not exist before.” It contains subject plans, parcelers and class preparers.

“I never thought that this could be an experience for the Ministry, but with the support of the rector of the school, it was presented in the forum,” the teacher told a media outlet in the city of Cúcuta.

The other educational center that represented the northern department of Santander was the La Salle School in Ocaña, with the demonstration of a pedagogical strategy to promote peace within the campus. The institution participated with the ‘Project of democracy, culture, peaceful experience and youth’.

“The project includes three lines of work. The student representative is responsible for raising awareness of the fulfillment of duties and promotion of rights by all students, leading to the adoption of a school peace manifesto,” he added.

He added, “this new achievement of the institution is a pride for Norte de Santander, because we can make it known not only to Colombia, but to the whole world, because teachers strengthen the construction of peace in our country through what we do pedagogically “.

 The two institutions are part of the 40 that make up the Nortesantandereana Network for a School without Violence that works day by day for better coexistence and relationships among citizens.

UNIFA, the University of the Aristide Foundation in Haiti


An article by Haiti Action Committee member Marilyn Langlois for Transcend Media Service

“Right now, in the moment that Haiti is living, the university is essential. Haiti vitally needs a safe space where young people can come together, think country, and contract a future under very difficult circumstances. A place where they can learn from and interact with national and international professionals. An institution that will address national issues and seek viable solutions to national problems. Dreams of working, prospering, and changing Haiti….”
— Mildred Aristide, Former First Lady of Haiti.

Based in Tabarre, Haiti, the University of the Aristide Foundation (UNIFA) is a high quality, multidiscipline, accredited university taught by Haitian and international professors prominent in their fields. UNIFA is a member of the Institute of International Education.

As of academic year 2016-2017, UNIFA has seven disciplines: Schools of Medicine, Law, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Dentistry, Engineering, and Continuing Education.

UNIFA’s Physical Therapy degree program is the first of its kind in Haiti. This school answers the acute need for physical therapists in Haiti, a need that became particularly clear after the 2010 earthquake when many people suffered devastating injuries that require intensive rehabilitative treatment.

UNIFA is building its own teaching hospital/medical center to enable its numerous health-related students to gain necessary practical experience as well as to provide meaningful health care to the surrounding communities who are unable to access medical care. Planning and fundraising for construction are now underway. The teaching hospital will provide dozens of much needed slots for clinical training for UNIFA’s students.

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Question related to this article:

Are the people of Haiti making progress toward a culture of peace?

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What makes UNIFA unique and important to the future of Haiti, setting it apart from other universities in Haiti, is its determination to teach with an emphasis on the value of human rights and dignity, in order to build a new and just Haiti.

UNIFA’s core issues and focuses include quality education, global health, human rights and citizen engagement, gender and income equality, women and girls empowerment, youth development, and disaster response and recovery.

UNIFA’s Mission and Guiding Principles

– Emphasize human rights and dignity through use of human rights-based education and practices to build a new and just Haiti.

– Break down long tradition in Haiti of exclusion of the poor majority from access to higher education.

– Increase number of doctors practicing in rural areas. Recruit students from all ten departments of Haiti.

– Commit to equal gender representation.

– Open medical and legal professions to all. Prepare doctors and lawyers to serve the poorest of the poor.

– Provide a university for critical thinking about Haiti.

– Provide space for students to return as teachers, giving back to same system that nurtured and trained them.

– Please consider donating to UNIFA

* * * * * * *

The Haiti Action Committee is a Bay-Area based network of activists who have supported the Haitian struggle for democracy since 1991.Our members travel frequently to Haiti and are in close touch with Haitian grassroots activists, legal and human rights workers, and victims of repression. Through demonstrations and civil disobedience, Congressional lobbying and educational events, publications and community organizing, we are working to build a strong Haiti solidarity movement.

The Spiritual Sources of Legal Creativity: The Legacy of Father Miguel d’Escoto


A blog by Richard Falk (abbreviated)

[Preliminary Remarks: What follows is the modified transcript of a talk given at Fordham University School of Law honoring the memory of the recently deceased Maryknoll priest, Father Miguel d’Escoto, who had been both the Foreign Minister of Sandinista Nicaragua and President of the UN General Assembly, as well as pastor to the poor in the spirit of Pope Francis, an extraordinary person who fused a practical engagement in the world with a deeply spiritual nature that affected all who were privileged to know and work with him.] . . .

Father Miguel d’Escoto

He was motivated by a belief, undoubtedly reflecting his religious faith, in the potency of right reason, and on this basis conceived of international law as a crucial vehicle for realizing such a vision, embracing with moral enthusiasm a kind of ‘politics of impossibility’ in which considerations of justice outweighed calculations of feasibility or the obstacles associated with geopolitics. It is with an awareness of the trials and tribulation of Nicaragua and its long suffering population that Father Miguel turned to law as an imaginative means of empowerment.

Let me illustrate by reference to the historic case that Nicaragua brought against the United States in the early 1980s at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. It was a daring legal flight of moral fancy to suppose that tiny and beleaguered Nicaragua could shift its struggle from the bloody battlefields of U.S. armed intervention and a mercenary insurgency against the Sandinista Government of which he was then Foreign Minister to the lofty legal terrain that itself had been originally crafted to reflect the values and interests of dominant states, the geopolitical players on the global stage. But more than this it was a brilliant leap of political imagination to envision the soft power of law neutralizing the hard power of high tech weaponry in a high stakes ideological struggle being waged in the midst of the Cold War.

Such an attempt to shift the balance of forces in an ongoing conflict by recourse to international law and the World Court had never before been made in any serious way. It was a David and Goliath challenge that the World Court as the highest judicial institution in the UN System had yet to face in a war/peace context, and it turned out to be a test of the integrity of the institution.

Let me recall the situation in Nicaragua briefly. The United States was supporting a right-wing insurgency, the counterrevolutionary remnant of the Somoza dictatorship, a single family that had cruelly and corruptly ruled Nicaragua between 1936 and 1974 on behalf of corporate America (the era of ‘banana republics’), leaving the country in impoverished ruins when the Somoza dynasty finally collapsed. The Somoza-oriented insurgents were known as the Contras, and were called ‘freedom fighters’ by their American sponsors and paymaster because they were opposing the Sandinista Government that had won a war of national liberation in 1979, but was accused by its detractors of leftist tendencies and Soviet sympathies, which was the right-wing ideological way of obscuring the true affinity of the Sandinista leadership with the teachings of Liberation Theology rather than with the secular dogmatics of Marxism. It was a way of depriving the people of Nicaragua of their inalienable right of self-determination. The United States Government via the CIA was training and equipping the Contras, and quite overtly committing acts of war by mining and blockading Managua, Nicaragua’s main harbor and its lifeline to the world. . . .

It was these interventionary undertakings that flouted the authority of international law and the UN Charter. Father Miguel’s addressed the UN General Assembly in his capacity as Nicaragua’s acting Foreign Minister, vividly describing the conflict with some well-chosen provocative words: “It is obvious that the war to which Nicaragua is being subjected is a U.S. war, and the so-called Contras are merely hired hands serving the diabolical objectives of the Reagan Administration.” Later in the same speech he condemned the U.S. Government for recently appropriating an additional $100 million “to finance genocide against our people.” [Address to UNGA, Nov. 3, 1986] . . .

It may not seem so unusual for a small country to take advantage of a potential judicial remedy, but in fact it had never happened—no small state had ever gone to the World Court to protect itself against such military intervention, and to do so on behalf of a progressive government in the Third World in the midst of the Cold War seemed to many at the time like a waste of time and money that Nicaragua could ill afford.

It is here where one begins to grasp this potentially revolutionary idea of relying upon the spiritual sources of legal creativity. Father Miguel was convinced that what the United States Government was doing was legally and morally wrong, and that it was an opportune time for the mice to fight back against the predator tiger. It was an apt occasion to act by reference to horizons of spirituality. . . .

The outcome of the Nicaragua narrative is too complicated to describe properly, but in short—counsel for Nicaragua persuaded the Court that it had jurisdictional authority, at which point the United States petulantly, yet not unexpectedly, withdrew from the proceedings correctly realizing that if it could not prevail at this jurisdictional phase it had virtually no chance to have its legal arguments accepted at the merits phase of the case. . . .

What was rather intriguing from a jurisprudential point of view was that despite its much hyped boycott of the proceedings and accompanying denunciation of the jurisdictional finding, the U.S. in the end quietly complied with the principal finding in The Hague, namely, that the naval blockade of Nicaragua’s harbors was unlawful. As would be expected, the USG never acknowledged that it was complying, nor did Nicaragua dance in the streets of Managua, but the cause/effect relationship between the judicial decision and compliant behavior was clear to any close observer. . . .

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Question related to this article:
Where in the world can we find good leadership today?

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For me this Nicaragua experience was a compelling example of Father Miguel’s achievements that followed directly from his deep commitment to the horizons of spirituality and decency. It was far from the only instance. Let me mention two others very quickly. One of my other connections with Father Miguel was to serve as one of his Special Advisors during his year as President of the UN General Assembly thoughout its 63rd session, 2008-09. As continues to be the case, life could become difficult for any leading UN official who openly opposed Israel. Father Miguel was deeply aware of the Palestinian ordeal and unabashedly supportive of my contested role as Special Rapporteur for Occupied Palestine on behalf of the Human Rights Council in Geneva. When I was detained in an Israeli prison and then expelled from Israel at the end of 2008, Father Miguel wanted to organize a press conference in NYC to give me an opportunity to explain what had happened and defend my position. I declined his initiative, perhaps unadvisedly, as I didn’t want to place Miguel in the line of fire sure to follow.

At the end of 2008 Israel launched a massive attack against Gaza, known as Cast Lead, and Father Miguel sought to have the General Assembly condemn the attack and call for an immediate ceasefire and Israeli withdrawal. It was a difficult moment for Father Miguel, feeling certain that this was the legally and morally the right thing to do. Yet as events proceeded and diplomatic positions were disclosed, Miguel was forced to recognize that the logic of geopolitics worked differently, in fact so starkly differently that even the diplomat representing the Palestinian Authority at the UN intervened to support a milder reaction than what Miguel deemed appropriate. Unlike his Nicaraguan experience, here the backers of feasibility prevailed, but in a manner that Father Miguel could never reconcile himself to accept.

I met many diplomats at UN Headquarters here in NY who said that no one had ever occupied a high position at the UN with Father Miguel’s manifest quality as someone so passionately dedicated to righteous principle. Pondering this, it occurred to me that one possible exception was Dag Hammarskjöld, an early outstanding UN Secretary General, who died in a plane crash, apparently assassinated in 1961 for his principled, yet geopolitically inconvenient, dedication to peace and justice. From his private writings we know that Hammarskjöld’s UN efforts also sprung from wellsprings of spirituality. . . .

Miguel took full advantage of his term as president of the General Assembly to provide venues within the Organization that offered humane alternatives to neoliberal economic globalization. He sponsored and organized meetings at the UN designed to overcome current patterns of economic and ecological injustice, making use of the presence in New York City of such non-mainstream economists as Jeffrey Sachs and Joseph Stiglitz, and the prominent Canadian activist author, Maude Barlow. Here again Father Miguel demonstrated his grounded spirituality by once more combining the visionary with the practical.

I had the opportunity to work with Father Miguel on several proposals to raise the profile and role of the General Assembly as the most representative and democratic organ of the UN. This initiative was rather strategic and partly meant to counter the US-led campaign to concentrate UN authority in Security Council so that Third World aspirations and demands could be effectively thwarted, and the primacy of geopolitics reestablished after the assault mounted in the 1970s by the then ascendant Nonaligned Movement.

What I have tried to describe is this deep bond in the life and work of Father Miguel between the spirituality of his character and motivations and the practicality of his involvement in what the German philosopher, Habermas, calls ‘the lifeworld.’ I find it indicative of Father Miguel’s deep spiritual identity that he suffered a punitive response to his life’s work from the institution he loved and dedicated his life to serving, being suspended in 1985 by Pope John Paul II from the priesthood because of his involvement in the Nicaraguan Revolution. Miguel was reinstated 29 years later by Pope Francis, who many view as a kindred spirit to Miguel.

There is an object lesson here for all of us: in a political crisis the moral imperative of service to people and ideals deserves precedence over blind obedience to even a cherished and hallowed institution. This would undoubtedly almost always pose a difficult and painful choice, but it was one that defined Father Miguel d’Escoto at the core of his being, which he expressed over and over by doing the right thing in a spirit of love and humility, but also in a manner that left no one doubting his firmness, his affinities and commitments, as well as his unwavering and abiding convictions.

As I suggested at the outset, the daring and creativity that Father Miguel brought to the law and to his work at the UN sprung from spiritual roots that were deeply grounded in both religious tradition and in an unshakable solidarity with those among us who are poor, vulnerable, oppressed, and victimized. For Miguel spirituality did not primarily equate with peace, but rather with justice and an accompanying uncompromising and lifelong struggle on behalf of what was right and righteous in every social context, whether personal or global.

There is no assurance that this way of believing and acting will control every development in the world or even control the ultimate destiny of the human species. Humanity retains the freedom to fail, which could mean extinction in the foreseeable future.The happy ending of the Nicaragua case needs to be balanced against the prolonged and tragic ordeal of the Palestinian people for which there is still no end in sight. Beyond wins and losses, what I think should be clear is that unless many more of us become attentive to the horizons of spirituality and necessity the outlook for the human future is presently bleak. Father Miguel d’Escoto’s disavowal of the domain of the feasible is assuredly not the only way to serve humanity, but it is a most inspiring way, and points us all in a direction that is underrepresented in the operations of governments and other public institutions, not to mention during the speculative frenzies on Wall Street and the backrooms of hedge fund offices.

In my language, Father Miguel d’Escoto was one of the great citizen pilgrims of our time. His life was a continuous journey toward what St. Paul called ‘a better city, a heavenly city’ to manage and shape the totality of life on Planet Earth.

World’s Largest Tropical Reforestation to Plant 73 Million Trees in Brazilian Amazon


An article from Ecowatch

The largest tropical reforestation effort in history aims to restore 73 million trees in the Brazilian Amazon by 2023. The multimillion dollar, six-year project, led by Conservation International, spans 30,000 hectares of land—the equivalent of the size of 30,000 soccer fields, or nearly 70,000 acres. The effort will help Brazil move towards its Paris agreement target of reforesting 12 million hectares of land by 2030.

“This is a breathtakingly audacious project,” Dr. M. Sanjayan, CEO of Conservation International, said in a statement. “Together with an alliance of partners, we are undertaking the largest tropical forest restoration project in the world, driving down the cost of restoration in the process. The fate of the Amazon depends on getting this right—as do the region’s 25 million residents, its countless species and the climate of our planet.”

The Amazon is the world’s largest rainforest, home to indigenous communities and an immense variety and richness of biodiversity. The latest survey detailed 381 new species discovered in 2014-2015 alone.

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Question for this article:

Despite the vested interests of companies and governments, Can we make progress toward sustainable development?

When you cultivate plants, do you cultivate peace?

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But this precious land has been threatened by decades of commercial exploitation of natural resources, minerals and agribusiness, as Conservation International editorial director Bruno Vander Velde writes, “leading to about 20 percent of original forest cover to be replaced by pastures and agricultural crops, without securing the well-being of the local population.”

“The reforestation project fills an urgent need to develop the region’s economy without destroying its forests and ensuring the well-being of its people,” he notes.

Fast Company reports that instead of planting saplings—which is labor- and resource-intensive—the reforestation effort will involve the “muvuca” strategy, a Portuguese word that means many people in a small place. The strategy involves the spreading of seeds from more than 200 native forest species over every square meter of deforested land and allowing natural selection to weed out the weaker plants. As Fast Company notes, a 2014 study by the Food and Agriculture Organization and Bioversity International found that the muvuca technique allowed more than 90 percent of native tree species planted to germinate. Not only that, they especially resilient and suited to survive drought conditions for up to six months.

According to Rodrigo Medeiros, vice president of Conservation International’s Brazil office, priority areas for the restoration effort include southern Amazonas, Rondônia, Acre, Pará and the Xingu watershed. Restoration activities will include the enrichment of existing secondary forest areas, sowing of selected native species, and, when necessary, direct planting of native species, Medeiros said.

The Brazilian Ministry of Environment, the Global Environment Facility, the World Bank, the Brazilian Biodiversity Fund, and Rock in Rio’s environmental arm “Amazonia Live” are also partners in this effort.