Tag Archives: Latin America

Latin American mayors meet in Costa Rica for development goals


An article from La Vanguardia (translated by CPNN and reprinted without commercial ends)

Mayors of Ibero-America will meet this Thursday and Friday [April 18-19] in Costa Rica to celebrate the XVIII General Assembly of the Union of Capital Cities (UCCI) seeking to advance in the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

The organization will define its strategy for the 2018-2020 biennium in order to determine how its members can continue to advance in the local implementation of the SDGs.

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Question related to this article:

Can cities take the lead for sustainable development?

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A total of 23 international delegations from capital cities will attend the event in San José, including the mayor of Madrid, Manuela Carmena.

According to the organizers, initiatives linked to institutional strengthening, social development, local economic development, sustainable urban development, culture and communication will be addressed, as well as cross-cutting issues such as gender, environmental sustainability, culture of peace, innovation and human rights.

One of the main priorities for the coming period is the incorporation of culture as a strategic area in the organization, since the cultural dimension is fundamental to achieve more just, supportive and sustainable societies.

The Assembly will also present a management report (2016-2018) and an economic balance and will propose the definition of a strategic framework to achieve the effective implementation of the SDGs in Ibero-American cities.

The General Assembly of the UCCI meets every two years and that of 2018 is the second to be held after the cycle change that the organization approved in 2016.

The mayor of San José, Johnny Araya, will participate in the meeting; as well as the mayor of San Salvador, Nayib Bukele; the mayor of Panama City, José Blandón; the mayor of La Paz, Luis Revilla; and the mayor of Montevideo, Daniel Martínez, among others.

The opening ceremony will be attended by the president of Costa Rica, Luis Guillermo Solís, and the head of the Ibero-American General Secretariat, Rebeca Grynspan.

Bolivia calls for the preservation of South America as a zone of peace free of nuclear weapons


An article from Sputnik News

On assuming the temporary presidency of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), the president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, has called for the preservation of South America as a zone of peace, free of the war dangers that affect other parts of the world.

“This is the second time we have assumed the responsibility to coordinate work with countries throughout South America, and Bolivia’s great desire is for South America to be a zone of peace,” said President Evo Morales at the Government Palace.

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(Click here for the original Spanish version of this article)

Question related to this article:

Can we abolish all nuclear weapons?

Where in the world are zones of peace?

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The Bolivian leader, in a statement through state media, said he also intended that Unasur coordinate with the European Union on issues such as development planning, legislation and common citizenship.

“We propose to build a South American identity in terms of defense, to consolidate the region as a zone of peace, free of nuclear weapons and of mass destruction, rejecting war, promoting disarmament and the peaceful resolution of conflicts and the culture of peace in the world,” he said, concerning the main objective of his temporary regional presidency.

Morales succeeds his Argentine counterpart Maurio Macri in the pro tempore presidency of UNASUR, an organization created in 2008 and whose first important resolution was to support the Bolivian president that same year in the face of a wave of political and regional protests that apparently sought to remove him from power.

More here: President of Bolivia says that the main threat to peace is the US Government

The president said that UNASUR has effectively acted in favor of the peaceful settlement of disputes, supporting negotiations between the Government of Colombia and rebel armed groups in that country, following the logic that “peace is built with social justice.”

Dominican Republic: Integrating art subjects in centers helps create a culture of peace


An article from Hoy digital (translation by CPNN)

The anthropologist Tahira Vargas considers expelling students from educational centers because of bad conduct does not solve the problem, but it aggravates it, For this reason she suggests to work with these students through theater, dance and music, in order to build a culture of peace.

“To break the cycle of violence you should not answer with more violence. Instead you need to change the relationships within the centers, creating other types of spaces, where you can dialogue with students and establish responsibilities and tasks that promote a change of behavior,” she said.

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(Click here for the original Spanish version of this article.)

Question for this article:

Do the arts create a basis for a culture of peace?, What is, or should be, their role in our movement?

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She explained that the teachers and directors of the centers do not understand the context of vulnerability that violent students experience, such as the case when their parents have to go out to work and cannot be at home to help educate their children.

Vargas spoke about the issue when asked about the statements of directors and teachers of high schools in Salcedo, who have alerted the Ministry of Education about the constant misconduct of many students.

Vargas points out that the streets and schools are the main space for the socialization of young people, so schools should be a space for building a culture of peace, not a space for the reproduction of violence, and for exclusion which is a form of violence.

“What I suggest is that teachers, principals and counselors work with students to change the internal relations of the center, and they are responsible for their behavior.” They should understand that it is important to integrate art, which is a strategy used in many countries to transform violent behavior into a culture of peace.

Children from Cauca, Córdoba and Bogotá will participate in Cinema Solidario of the UNICEF School of Peace


An article from Radio Santa Fe (translation by CPNN)

Next Monday, April 16 from 9 a.m. UNICEF will work in partnership with the Union of Bilingual Schools (UCB) on the Cinema Solidario initiative.

9,000 students from 16 schools in Bogotá, 300 children from 4 schools in the department of Córdoba and the New Vision Educational Institution of Honduras located in Buenos Aires (Cauca) will participate, involving 35 children and adolescents; They will receive the visit of Goodwill Ambassador Belky Arizala, who will be the facilitator and leader of the day.

Photo: Radio Santa Fe CM

The “Schools in Peace” strategy throughout the country benefits 11,884 students, 614 teachers, 4,380 families, 106 educational agents and 6 community councils. It is a pedagogical proposal led by UNICEF that creates, develops and consolidates learning communities around the construction of a culture of peace in educational and community contexts that have been affected by the armed conflict in Colombia. Currently, this promotes knowledge, skills and attitudes that generate changes in the behavior of children, adolescents, youth and adults to resolve conflicts peacefully, create participatory learning environments for coexistence and democracy and link pedagogies to prevent new conflicts and forms of violence at the interpersonal, social and structural levels.

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(Click here for the original Spanish version of this article)

Question related to this article:

What is happening in Colombia, Is peace possible?

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“For UNICEF, it is important that schools have spaces where children from different regions of the country can participate, express their points of view; argue and debate their opinions. It is essential for them to train in democracy and citizenship. Respect for difference, constructive dialogue and peaceful coexistence build a culture of PEACE, “says Frederick Spielberg, UNICEF OIC Deputy Representative.

Solidarity Cinema will be made under the cinema-forum methodology, because through it, UNICEF seeks to promote reflection and exchange of school initiatives around the construction of peace, human rights and coexistence in the school and community environment, through the participation of girls and boys.

The day will feature five (5) key moments for girls and boys, which are:

1. Reflection, exchange and dialogues will be generated among students around the construction of peace, coexistence and human rights with cultural and territorial diversity.

2. A brief review of the film will be shared and the context in which it is developed will be explained.

3. The movie “Whale Rider” will be screened.

4. Belky Arizala, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador will share with the students and motivate their participation through questions, which will motivate the discussion and reflection on children’s rights.

5. At the end, the students will be organized by groups and will share their experience during the Cinema Solidario and they will make an artistic show for the educational community.

According to Mauricio Castaño, Executive Director of UCB: “The partnership with UNICEF has been very relevant for the UCB. These activities, such as the film forum, have allowed our students to know other realities, be aware of the rights of children and develop leadership skills and social entrepreneurship.”

Belize and Guatemala host Garifuna Cultural Event


An article from the Belize Guardian

A two-day event, from April 8th to 9th, was held in Guatemala City. There, Belize and Guatemala, together, held “The Belizean and Guatemalan Garifuna Culture as an Expression of Social Cohesion, Intercultural Dialogue and Promotion of Peace.” The aim of the event was to promote intercultural dialogue and a culture of peace.

The event consisted of both cultural and academic presentations which were meant to showcase the historical coexistence of the communities living on the borders of Livingston and Puerto Barrios, Izabal, Guatemala, and the Toledo and Stann Creek Districts of Belize. The program had the full support of UNESCO, the OAS, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Foundation, the Garifuna Council of Belize, and CODIRSA – the Presidential Commission against Discrimination and Racism of Guatemala.

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Question related to this article:

Solidarity across national borders, What are some good examples?>

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During the cultural presentations, the Garifuna groups Lirahunu Satuye of Dangriga Town and Luwaruguma Guifu of Livingston, Guatemala, performed in venues located in some of Guatemala City’s busiest outdoor centers, attracting large audiences.  In addition to individual country performances, both groups collaborated in joint performances showcasing a celebration of unity through culture.

The program also included an academic conference which consisted of presentations by experts of both countries.  Presenters from Belize included the President of the Belize National Garifuna Council, Sandra Miranda, Roy Cayetano, and Sebastian Cayetano.  Experts from Guatemala included Alfonso Arrivillaga, Dr. Gutberto Leiva, and Olivia Núñez.  The presentations reflected on the history, culture, and traditions of the Garinagu people.

Guatemala and Belize share great cultural, ecological, and patrimonial richness. Both nations are making the necessary efforts to resolve their historical territorial differences within the framework of the United Nations and International Law, seeking a lasting and peaceful solution to their dispute.

The event was organized through the joint efforts of the Embassy of Belize in Guatemala, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala, UNESCO office in Kingston accredited to Belize, and the UNESCO office in Guatemala.

Mexico: Monterrey Installs Municipal Council of Social Prevention of Violence


An article from Posta (translation by CPNN)

As of this Thursday [March 22], the municipality of Monterrey has a Municipal Council for the Social Prevention of Violence and Crime comprised of representatives of academia, society and the business sector, as well as municipal officials. It will be responsible for coordinating public policies and coordinating with other government bodies on the issue of prevention of violence.

Mayor Adrián de la Garza addressed the Council, saying that, among its faculties, the members should formulate plans, programs and actions for the prevention of violence and crime and should start a diagnosis of the causes that generate this problem and evaluate the social impact of the plans they carry out, in addition to promoting training in this area.

“Reacting after violence has occurred may help to lower some incidence, and provide some feeling of justice, but in reality it does not alleviate the problem. What society is looking for that there is less violence, that there is less insecurity, that there is less criminal incidence. The key to this is preventive actions”, he emphasized.

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(Click here for the Spanish original of this article)

Questions for this article:

How can culture of peace be developed at the municipal level?

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After the Council took up the initiative, a collaboration agreement was signed with the Civil Association RENACE, to implement the project of “Psychosocial support to adolescents in conflict with the Law” with which they will give advice to young people detained for administrative offenses.
In addition, the group will support the Council to identify antisocial behavior and its causes, to generate preventive actions, to develop operating rules to achieve the objectives and to measure results.

* Pearl Leticia Guadalupe Montemayor García, Director of Citizen Services of the Center for Citizen Integration (CIC)
* Rosa Nelly Pérez Mares, Regional Coordinator of Youth Services A.C. (SERAJ)
* María del Consuelo Bañuelos Lozano, Director of Peace Promotion. Martín Carlos Sánchez Bocanegra, General Director of RENACE, A. B. P.
* Silvia Camarillo Vázquez, Director of the Monterrey Operational Unit of Youth Integration Centers A.C. (CIJ)

The Counselors of the academic community are:

* Juan García Rodríguez, Criminology Coordinator of the Faculty of Law and Criminology of the UANL [Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León].
* Julia Leticia Neira Tijerina, Director of Management of the Urban Environment, Purísima-Alameda District of U-Erre
* Karla Guadalupe Samaniego Pérez, Coordinator of the Faculty of Law and Legal Sciences of the Metropolitan University of Monterrey.
* Rogelio Manuel Cortés Leal, Director of Citizen Planning of ITESM [Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education]
* Julio César Treviño Leal, Professor at the José Martí University of Latin America.

Directors of the business sector:

* Dimas Padrón, In charge of Vial and Patrimonial affairs of Arca Continental S.A.B de C.V.
* Deassy Daniela Juangorena Hernández, Special Projects Advisor of the Senda Group.
* Reynaldo Osorio Fernández, National Head of Labor and Patrimonial Protection of OXXO.
* Estefany Elizabeth Mercado Cortés, Regional Manager of Human Resources of SEARS.
* César Alejandro Villarreal Treviño, president of the National Chamber of the Restaurant Industry and Seasoned Foods (CANIRAC)

(Thanks to Rogelio Cortés, the CPNN reporter for this article).

25 public universities in Colombia work for peace in the regions


Excerpt from CoPaLa: Construyendo Paz Latinoamericana, Boletín cuatrimestral, número 8, México-Latinoamérica. marzo-junio, 2018 (translated by CPNN)

Representing the public institutions of Higher Education (Universities and Institutes), gathered in Girardot from October 22 to 27, 2017, developing of the Second Diploma on University, Region and Peace, following the premises, principles and conclusions of the first diploma of 2016, which culminated with the signing of the University Pact for Peace, sustained with a sense of territoriality and collective construction of stable and lasting peace, we subscribe to the present manifesto:

(click on image to enlarge)

1. We ratify the commitments to the construction of a stable and lasting peace with ethical responsibility, social commitment and a perspective of respect and recognition of the various communities in their diversity, plurality and culture.

2. We demand the institutions to address the voices, experiences and desires of the communities and to construct the policy and actions of Rural Higher Education from below and in context.

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(Click here for the original Spanish version of this article)

Question related to this article:

What is happening in Colombia, Is peace possible?

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3. We call on the State, the Government and the Ministries of Education and Finance to understand in all their complexity that the main problem facing Public Universities is their de-financing and that it is necessary that they assume with urgency the reparative task of updating budgets and guaranteeing full autonomy and democracy so that the quality of educational processes and results respond to the demands of the territories and of the country that expects real peace with social justice.

4. As delegates and representatives of the public universities assembled here, whose common denominator is the strong ties to the territories where the armed conflict had its greatest impact, we commit ourselves to add and share efforts so that the policy of Rural Higher Education respects the interests of the communities, implementing the peace agreements and promoting a dialogue of knowledge between universities and communities.

5. We express our will for public universities to be recognized as privileged scenarios to promote dialogue and tolerance so that war will not be the alternative chosen to resolve differences or resolve conflicts.

6. We call for strengthening the capacities of the University Pact for Peace so that each university from its ranks and directives can support and commit to the Pact and promote a strategy of dialogue to deal with the issues of Peace and Higher Education and especially to help formulate the relevant policies and programs.

7. Within the framework of this pact, we hereby delegate to the Centro de Pensamiento para la Paz of the National University, to accept and carry out the tasks of the Technical Secretariat with a view to maintaining the coordination and exchange of our ideas, proposals and efforts.

Signed by representatives of the rectors of 25 public universities working from regions including the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia (UPTC); Universidad del Cauca; University of Nariño; Technological University of Choco; Popular University of Cesar; University of Guajira; Surcolombiana University; University of the Amazon; National University in its headquarters, among others.

Cuba a ‘Champion’ of Children’s Rights: UNICEF


An article from Telesur TV

The United Nations Children Fund, or Unicef , has declared Cuba a ‘champion’ in children’s rights. According to Unicef 99.5 percent of Cuban children under six years of age attend an early childhood education program or institution.

María Cristina Perceval, the regional director for Latin America and the Caribbean region, said, Cuba’s exemplary model of early education, “Educa a Tu Hijo (Educate Your Child),” is being adopted by many other nations. 

Perceval, who made the comments during a recent event in Cuba’s capital, Havana, also highlighted the significant advances made by the country in health. The Caribbean nation was the first to work towards the elimination of maternal and child transmission of HIV / AIDS in 2015. 

Health and education policies form the core of Cuba’s socialist programs. Cuba first initiated the social program focused on children’s well-being, 26 years ago. The Unicef in the region works in collaboration with the government in these social programs.

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Questions related to this article:

Rights of the child, How can they be promoted and protected?

Does Cuba promote a culture of peace?

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The ‘Educate Your Child’ initiative promotes the role of family and community in children’s formative years. Through the program, the government also prioritizes the participatory methodologies and social commitment in the area of child development. 

“The government has installed a mechanism for communities to not only deal with emergency situations, but also with other phenomena, with efficacy, professionalism, and speed,” Perceval added. 

“We are grateful to share this information that the education mechanism which incorporates childhood education, elimination of vertical transmission of HIV, and prevention of teen pregnancies. Champions, champions, champions!”

According to the 2016 Unicef report which cited the official statistics from the Ministry of Education, “There are more than 855,000 children under six years of age in Cuba, of whom 99.5 percent attend an early childhood education program or institution.”  

“Cuba has adopted a holistic approach to early childhood development (ECD), providing children under six and their families with a system of integrated services that aims to promote the best start in life for all children and the maximum development of each child’s potential,” the report added.

Perceval also pointed out that communities have played an essential role in “allowing with much humility to work on what is lacking,” adding that there is work to be done against gender violence in the region. 

“The Federation of Cuban women is immensely fierce, but we have known that violent practices could occur in public spaces and have insisted on eradication of all types of child abuse in communities and institutions,” The U.N. senior official added.

Brazil: World Social Forum concludes in Salvador


An article written by Comunicação CUT no Fórum (translated by CPNN)

The thirteenth edition of the World Social Forum came to an end on Saturday (March 17), attracting more than 60,000 people to the various activities and debates held during the five-day event.

(Photo: Alan Alves/ G1 – Click on image to enlarge)

The main venue was on the campus of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), in Ondina, but other spaces of the Bahia capital held activities as well, including the Exhibition Park, the Isba Theater and the Pituaçu stadium..

The tone to the Forum was set by discussions of democratization of communication, financial system, work, education and youth, future of work, science and technology, employment and income, rights for migrants and refugees, national sovereignty and science and technology. “This is my first forum and the debates have been very rich and complementary and show the importance of our struggles and confrontations against the advance of neoliberalism,” says Chilean student Maribel Diaz.

Cedro Silva, the president of the Central Única dos Trabalhadores da Bahia highlighted the importance of the event held in the capital of Bahia. “CUT Bahia is proud to have organized the World Social Forum here in Salvador. The positive result is that we are sure that people from other states, from other countries, will return to their places of origin full of energy and possible solutions for a possible society that respects the rights of all.”

Here is a review of what was promoted during the 5 days of activities at WSF 2018

Income Generation

A democratic and collective space between social organizations; the World Social Forum was also the opportunity for many families to earn extra money and support themselves. This is the case of Maria Andrezina, an artisan from Tocantins. She traveled a distance of more than 1500 km in three days of travel to expose and sell the crafts she makes from golden straw. This craft has been developed by her family for generations and is their only source of income. “With the money from the sales I can pay the bills and kept the expenses of the house. The Forum is an excellent opportunity,” she says.

Ensuring income is also one of the goals of Thais Maciel, member of a collective of mothers. Born in Brasilia, Thais traveled to Brazil with her son Davi, who is one year and six months old along with other mothers to sell their crafts. “I have traveled this country and David has been with me for two months. With the sale of these crafts I keep my expenses and his expenses. That’s what matters to me. I do not want to get rich, I want to support my family and participate in moments like this,” she says.

Products of family agriculture, clothing, and ecological bed, table and bath items were also found throughout the Federal University Campus, supporting an economy of solidarity.

The Future of Work

The Future of Labor was a priority theme in the CUT Tent during the five days of the World Social Forum.

In this year’s edition, the themes and priorities of the CUT were: 1) democracy and work, 2) the future of work, 3) food production / food sovereignty; and, 4) migrations.

The activities brought together hundreds of participants from different categories in the two Tents (Margarina and Chico).

For these activities held at the tent, CUT brought special guests such as; Márcio Porchman, of the Perseu Abramo Foundation; João Felício, from CSI; Vitor Baez, from CSA; the ambassador Celso Amorim, former minister of Foreign Affairs; and Valter Sanches, of Industrial, among others.

Participation of trade unions

The participation of the trade unions was decisive for the success of the 2018 World Social Forum in Bahia.

With their flags of struggle and thematic in defense of the workers of Bahia and Brazil, the unions contributed to the construction of a better world.

Throughout the 5 days of debates more than 100 activities were registered and debated in the Tent for the Future of Work. Recognition, unity and commitment to workers sum up the participation of trade unions.


For the first time in the history of the World Social Forum, a special space was reserved for children, the Forinho. While David’s mother sold handicrafts, he joined the Forinho, along with other children.

The Children’s Forum amused the children with games and recreational activities. “While I’m in the debates, in the fight, she’s having fun,” says David’s mother.

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(Click here for the original article in Portuguese.)

Question for this article:

World Social Forums, Advancing the Global Movement for a Culture of Peace?

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Artistic and cultural interventions

National artists such as Tulipa Ruiz, Ilê Aiyê and Ana Cañas participated in the World Social Forum. Ana Cañas from São Paulo participated in the World Assembly of Democracies, held in the Pituaçu stadium with the participation of several development leaders such as former President Lula and former Honduran leader Manuel Zelaya, and paid tribute to councilor Marielle Franco of PSOL, who was assassinated in Rio de Janeiro on the night of last Wednesday (March 15). At the same event, the Afro bloc Ilê Aiyê made a presentation, highlighting black culture and rejecting racism and all forms of prejudice. The singer Tulipa Ruiz gave a presentation to the youths who were camped in the Parque de Exposições.

Defense of the Lula and Democracies

The high point of the Forum took place on Thursday and included the participation of former President Lula, former President Dilma Rousseff and former Honduran leader Manuel Zelaya. The president was acclaimed in the event of Launching of the Committee of International Solidarity in Defense of Lula and the Democracy in Brazil, realized in the tent for Future Work. The Committee aims to develop worldwide support to overturn the coup and system of repression that has been established in Brazil. Organized by the Central Única dos Trabalhadores and the Perseu Abramo Foundation, the launch of the Committee was also attended by the ambassador and former defense minister, Celso Amorim, and Professor of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, Boaventura de Sousa Santos.

That night was the most awaited moment of all the programming and was also the one of greater adhesion. Thousands of people gathered at the Pituaçu Stadium to attend the World Assembly in Defense of Democracies and to see closely the great exponents of left-wing movements and parties. The most eagerly awaited guest was former President Lula, but the audience was also thrilled to be moved and to imagine a better future for our country with speeches by the governor of Bahia Rui Costa, Senator Gleisi Hoffman, federal deputy and presidential candidate Manuela D ‘Ávila, former president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, as well as trade union leaders and representatives of social movements and students. All were united to struggle for the preservation of the democratic state of right that has been constantly threatened by the coup government of Michel Temer.

Assembly of Women

During the Assembly of Women held in Pelourinho, the women approved a document that expresses their indignation at the situation to which they are submitted. The document proposes ways to defend women around the world.

The document includes 11 proposals that will be part of the internationalist agenda. Among the demands of women are:

* public policies that guarantee productive and reproductive work;

* recognition of the identity of expression and gender and recognition of women’s rights;

* an end to feminicide, transfeminicide and all forms of violence against women practiced in all spheres, whether public or private;
access to political power;

* the end of the persecution and the murder of women human rights defenders;

* access to universal education that is emancipatory, transformative and non-sexist and racist;

* an end to the imprisonment of blacks, natives, immigrants and poor people;

* dismantling of the patriarchal structure of the media.

The women spoke out against racism, xenophobia, genocide and all forms of discrimination; against capitalism, colonialism and imperialism that exploits and expropriates women all over the planet.

The women approved a motion of repudiation for the death of councilwoman Marielle Franco and another one of solidarity with the struggle of the women of Venezuela.

At the end of the Assembly, the participants left in a march to the Town Square with the sound of the Didá Band of the Terreiro de Jesus.

Youth Camp

As of today (March 17), a new phase of social and political confrontations is on the scene for hundreds of young people in the country. The Intercontinental Youth Camp brought together young people from all over the country to talk about politics and youth rights in Brazil and in the world.

It was three days of debates, integration and lots of fun for the young people at the Parque de Exposições in Salvador.

Ágora dos Futuros

On the morning of the last day (March 17), the results of various activities were presented.
The last day of the World Social Forum reserved an important moment of convergence among the 19 axes of discussion that were part of the event. Members from various parts of the world have transformed the UFBA Central Library into the “Agora of the Futures”, a space destined to expose actions that will keep alive the flame of knowledge that was created during the 13th edition of the World Social Forum in Salvador.
More than 60 thousand people from 120 countries took part in the activities and 1500 collectives, organizations and entities were registered.
Some 1400 self-organized activities were carried out with the participation of representatives from countries around the world, such as Canada, Morocco, Finland, France, Germany, Tunisia, Guinea, Senegal and Central America.

World Social Forum opens in Salvador de Bahia


Information from Radio Reloj Cuba, Prensa Latina and Prensa Latina

On March 14, with the cry of Fora Temer replicated in tens of thousands of voices, the Brazilian city of Salvador de Bahia opened its doors to the thirteenth World Social Forum.

The traditional march opened the meeting officially, with an intense program for which more than 1600 self-managed activities by groups, organizations and entities were registered.

(Click on photo to enlarge)

This Friday, the World Assembly of Women will take place, with more than twenty thousand participants and from which it is intended to constitute a single front to defend women´s rights and face machismo and violence.

Mariana Dias, President of the National Union of Students, pointed out that the meeting takes place in the midst of a difficult situation in Brazil and Latin America, marked by setbacks from the social and political points of view.

The conference began on Tuesday, March 13th and runs until Saturday, March 17th. . . .

Even before the opening march, the first denunciation launched here today at the World Social Forum was against the attempts of Michel Temer”s government to leave Brazilian civil society without a voice.

The denunciation was made at a press conference, after the public media network Brazil Communication Company (EBC) announced that it will not cover the event because its board did not authorize correspondents to travel here.

Shortly after taking the Presidency of the Republic, Temer eliminated the Curator Council of the EBC, appointed a new director by decree and changed the functional structure of the company.

On the importance of this 13th World Social Forum (WSF), President of the National Union of Students (UNE) Mariana Diasin told the media that the event is taking place in the middle of a difficult situation, not only in Brazil, but in Latin America and the world.

She said that in recent years there have been historical setbacks, from the social and political points of view, as a result ‘there is a perverse withdrawal of rights’, which were achieved after many years of struggle.

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Question for this article:

World Social Forums, Advancing the Global Movement for a Culture of Peace?

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She said that Brazil is living a very delicate time after the interruption of the democratic process (with the parliamentary-judicial coup d’etat carried out in 2016 against constitutional President Dilma Rousseff) and currently a neoliberal agenda is implemented without taking into account the opinion and willingness of the people. . . .

This is the seventh time since its creation in 2001 that Brazil welcomes thousands of participants at the World Social Forum. . .

With a birth certificate in Porto Alegre, where it was held again in 2002, 2003, 2005 and 2012, the great meeting of social, people’s and trade union movements was also organized in 2009 by another Brazilian city, Belem.

Besides Brazil, another five nations were already witness to these events: India, in 2004; Kenya, in 2007; Senegal in 2011: Tunis, in 2013 and Canada, in its more recent edition of 2016.

In its Salvador de Bahia event, starting today with a grand march from Cmpo Grande until the Castro Alves square, in the ancient center of the city, the World Social Forum ‘has everything to i9mpact politically in the present situation’, valued the member of the Facilitating Group, Carlos Tiburcio.

For the journalist and director of the web Radio Democracia en el Aire – Red de Resistencia Democrática, there are strong reasons for this global venue to become a great trench of resistance to the offensive of international capital, and will also have special importance for tje social and political Brazilian forces.

According to the also founder of the Forum, over 1300 self-paid activities were already registered for the event, whose fundamental nucleus will take place in Campus Ondina, of the Federal University of Bahia.

The Forum’s program includes, among others, a colloquium on March 14 on the state of exception in Brazil and inequalities, democratic fragility and power of elites.

Work sessions of the meeting will start with the panel ‘Tutoring democracies: media, power and manipulation’, in charge of journalists Ignacio Ramonet and Martin Granovsky.

Other issues to be debated there are judicialization of politics or the politicization of justice; Inequalities: which, why and until when?; Racism, violence and discrimination: human rights in the coup d’état Brazil.

The colloquium will conclude with a debate about the left’s challenges: the fight for unity in an uncertain future, for which he announced the presence of director of the Center of Social Studies of Portugal, Boaventura de Sousa Santos.

As part of the program there will also be the World Women and Peoples Assemblies, Movements and Territories in Resistance, as well as the so-called convergence activities, the self-managed ones and others of political-cultural nature.