Tag Archives: Latin America

Peru: Law to promote the culture of peace and non-violence in basic education


An article from Andina: The Peruvian News Agency (translation by CPNN)

The government has promulgated Law No. 30810, which will incorporate the principle of the culture of peace and nonviolence into Law 28044, the General Law of Education for the Peruvian educational system. The law is published today in the official newspaper El Peruano.

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Where is peace education taking place?

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This principle of culture of peace as described in the mentioned law seeks to promote values ​​and attitudes that reject all types of violence, as well as promote the incorporation into the Peruvian educational system of the teaching of the culture of peace.

For this, the following text is inserted into article 8 of Law 28044, the General Education Law: “I) The culture of peace and nonviolence, which promotes values ​​and attitudes that reject all types of violence and discrimination, affirms life, individual freedom, freedom of thought, solidarity, equality between men and women and in general those rights referred to in Chapter I of the Political Constitution of Peru “.

The new law, previously approved by the Congress of the Republic, was promulgated by the President of the Republic, Martín Vizcarra, and by the Prime Minister, César Villanueva.

Peace Boat returns to Cuba with a message of peace and global solidarity


An article from Cuba Información (translation by CPNN)

The Peace Boat will arrive in Cuba on July 17 with its message promoting a world free of nuclear weapons, according to the information received from the coordinators of the initiative.

The cruise departed on May 8 from the port of Yokohama, south of Tokyo, on its 98th international trip, and will arrive in the Cuban capital, for the eighteenth time, with 1,200 passengers. Of these, 900 are Japanese and the rest of other Asian countries, the organizers said in a press conference at the headquarters of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP).

In Cuba, visitors will participate in the youth forum on nuclear disarmament and peace, at the headquarters of the Higher Institute of International Relations, where the terrible consequences of a nuclear attack will be described by three hibakushas, ​​as they are called, victims or their descendants of the atomic bombs dropped by the United States in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

They will also visit health centers, education centers and communities, in which they will see the development of the comprehensive health program, mainly with regard to the care of the elderly.

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Question related to this article:

Peace Boat: Building a Culture of Peace around the World

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A special activity is the visit to the School in Solidarity with Panama, the only one of its kind in Cuba, responsible for the care of children and adolescents with physical-motor impairments and other special needs.

The president of the Cuban Association of the United Nations (ACNU), Fermín Quiñones, added that there will be a meeting between senior citizens of Cuba and Peace Boat, which will be an opportunity to show the progress of the Caribbean nation in the defense of human rights.

Cuban ex-combatants who guarded Havana in 1962 will attend the meeting. They are veterans of the defense at the end of October 1962 when Cuba was threatened with a nuclear aggression by the United States, in what became known internationally as the October Crisis, he said.

Masumi Matsumara, representative of the Peace Boat, thanked the Cuban support for the initiative, through the ICAP, the Cuban Movement for Peace and the Sovereignty of the Peoples (Movpaz), the ACNU and other organizations.

He praised the seriousness and commitment that Cuba has always shown in the campaigns for the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, with the signing of international treaties and conventions adopted by the organizations attached to the UN.

Silvio Platero, president of Movpaz, said that the visit of the pacifists is an opportunity for the island to recommence the campaign with Cuban youth for a culture of peace.

He also welcomed the efforts of Peace Boat in promoting a world of harmony, harmony and respect among all peoples.

This voyage, which includes participants from 23 nations, celebrates the 35th anniversary of the founding of the Peace Boat, an international organization with headquarters in Japan that works to promote peace, human rights, fair and sustainable development and respect for the environment.

Tandil, Argentina: Municipal Mediation Center participates in the Provincial Meeting of Mediators


An article from La Voz de Tandil (translation by CPNN)

In recent days Tandil was present at the provincial meeting of mediators in Buenos Aires, sharing experiences of the Mediation Center, whose creation in 2004 was one of the pioneer municipalities.

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The delegation from Tandil was headed by the Director of Community Relations Lic. Zulma Ferreyra and the mediator Gladys Thomas, who is in charge of the Mediation Center of the Municipality.

As every year, this meeting aims to strengthen the work of mediation in the province, assuring the training of work teams and the promotion and dissemination of participatory methods to address conflicts as a public policy of access to justice.

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Question for this article:

Mediation as a tool for nonviolence and culture of peace

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In addition, the focus was on the need to disseminate and promote the implementation of non-violent community conflict management programs in the municipalities that have not yet incorporated this tool.

The conference was attended by the National Director of Mediation and Participatory Methods of Conflict Resolution of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Nation, Raquel Munt; the Deputy Ombudsman in Human Rights and Health Services, Marcelo Honores; the mediator María Gabriela Rodríguez Querejazu; and the person responsible for Conflict Management of the Ombudsman’s Office, Dolores Ayerdi.

The activity of permanent training and review of the practice carried out since 2016, is provided for all municipal mediators working for the cooperative management of socio-community conflicts.

In addition to the Community Mediation Center of Tandil, representatives from the municipalities of Bahía Blanca, La Plata, San Pedro, Mercedes, Lanús, Florencio Varela, Pilar, Tigre, Mar del Plata and Madariaga attended.

Activity by XIV World Congress of Mediation and Culture of Peace

For the XIV World Congress of Mediation and Culture of Peace, to be held this year in Argentina, our city has been chosen to carry out one of the workshops of the Pre Congress on September 17 and 18.

Colombia: The International Youth Congress for Peace


An article by Juan Valderrama from the Global Campaign for Peace Education

As Election Day arrives, Colombian youth are still demanding answers to the many questions that arise with every event that still comes out to the public sphere. There are at least 3 common topics that articulate the agenda of all candidates in terms of presidential discourses, which brings encountered feelings among Colombian Youth.

That being said, the order of those agendas will most definitely determine the completion of the peace agreement, the cooperation set of rules with the international community, the migration crisis shared with Venezuela, and yet the successful adoption of a culture of peace among all citizens.

Organizers and participants from Fundacion Escuelas de Paz, IPB, and UNOY. (Photo: Fundacion Escuelas de Paz)

Colombia´s youth have already started paving the way, and there are tiny positive steps that continue to pave a way out of the old conflictive situations.

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Question related to this article:

What is happening in Colombia, Is peace possible?

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One of those tiny steps took place the past 25 of April in Medellin, Colombia.

With participants from Mexico, Argentina and Colombia, The International Youth Congress for Peace gathered around 110 Youth leaders from all political perspectives.

The lead of Fundacion Escuelas de Paz, UNOY and International Peace Bureau Youth, played a crucial role after dialoguing over 4 key areas of common concern: Human Rights, Education and Communication for Peace, Participation in Public Policy, and UNCSR 2250.

All the dialogues held constituted a document, a set of 13th proposals addressed to the Colombian Presidential Candidates, with the hopes to be adopted by the new National Development Agenda (2018-2022).
But more importantly, an opportunity to launch a Youth4Peace Latin Network to support, share, learn and earn knowledge form our own perspectives as responsible citizens for the positive change of today’s glocal world.

The network is continuously and systematically expanding, as most of the leaders consider sharing to be the key aspect to straighten capacity building and resilience in our home countries.

The next step in this process will be the Conference ¨Hablemos de Paz” to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina on July 3-6.

We encourage of all interested youth groups and leaders to participate in the following steps to build the network, straighten existing channels and continue engaged with us on the road to the Summit of Berlin 2019.

In Latin America, agroecology is a deeply political struggle


An article by Florence Poznanski for Articulação Nacional de Agroecologia (translation by CPNN)

Agroecology is a new model of development based on farming and land use practices in an ecological and common good perspective centered around traditional and popular knowledge and culture. In Brazil, the National Association of Agroecology (ANA) has brought together several hundred farmers’, women’s, artists’ and activists’ organizations over the course of the last fifteen years. Every four years they organize a national meeting of agroecology (RNA) in order to strengthen this network and share the know-how. The fourth edition was held this year between May 31 and June 3 in the city of Belo Horizonte (south-east Brazil) with the theme of the link between the city and the countryside for the production of a healthier diet. In addition to 2000 participants from different regions of Brazil, there were also about fifty people from 14 other countries.

Martin Willaume, Paulo Petersen and Patrícia Candela Orozco. Photos by Lucas Bois

International networks of agroecology

The Catholic Committee against Hunger and Development (CCFD) was one of the participants who made the trip. The French organization has defended the right to land on all continents for more than 50 years. Its presence is due to the institutional support partnership that was signed with ANA in 2016 as part of a global program on ecological transition based on the knowledge of traditional communities. In Latin America, in addition to Brazil, CCFD supports organizations in 10 other countries including Mexico, Peru, Ecuador and Haiti.

“The Latin American experience is of great interest to us because it develops a political approach to agroecology that goes far beyond the sole issue of agriculture. In addition to the debate on organic food production and soil protection, the movement manages to link other central axes such as decent work, gender equality or the struggle for democracy “, explains Martin Willaume of CCFD. “This approach does not exist in other parts of the world, for example in Africa where the movement works in a mainly technical line. We are interested in understanding how this articulation is built to then bring the experience there, “he adds.

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(Click here for the original French version.)

Question for this article:

What is the relation between movements for food sovereignty and the global movement for a culture of peace?

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Willaume reports that there are several agroecological experiences on the continent that intertwine with other political agendas. In Bolivia, for example, agroecology has become a central focus in the process of building indigenous self-government in accordance with the Plurinational State’s legislation. In Peru, the movements build agroecology as a means of fighting against mining, and in Colombia, the agroecological movement combines the issues of the peace process in the struggle.

To face the empires of agribusiness, an international union is needed

Paulo Petersen, member of the ANA Executive Committee, explains how important these international alliances are, especially in the context of Brazil today. “The very nature of agroecology is transversal. If we take the 17 Sustainable Development Goals [adopted by the United Nations], we realize that agroecology covers the majority: climate, water, the fight for gender equality, against poverty, hunger, decent work, etc., “commented Peterson.

Completing Willaume’s reflection on the political dimension of agroecology, he points out that “it is not possible to think agroecology without thinking about the defense of democracy. We are talking about processes that do not correspond to a market logic. Agroecology is linked to the common good. It is a global challenge because the companies we fight are global empires and the answer is more autonomy, more sovereignty to get closer to nature and create new social relationships.”

Peterson explains that several Latin American organizations have contacted the ANA to participate in the RNA and also underlines that these exchanges of knowledge are important to allow the movement to continue to innovate and enrich new ideas. Brazil has a pioneering articulation force on the continent
Among the Latin American representatives was Colombian Patrícia Candela Orozco who went to Brazil to learn about the RNA experience. She represents the Instituto Mayor Campesino (IMCA), located in the Valle del Cauca region, near Cali, an organization that has been working for 57 years with peasant communities.

According to Patrícia, Brazil is a pioneer in the development of agroecology in Latin America. She says she was very impressed with the methodology called “mystic”, which is developed with music, theater and poetry. This is used to welcome meeting participants, to celebrate victories, to strengthen struggles or to introduce or contextualize debates in diverse spaces, in addition to fostering greater interaction with and among participants. “The fact of adding the spiritual part of the people gives more strength to the messages of that struggle. If each one lives this message inside of himself, he will be able to transmit it more easily to the rest of the people”, she says.

The broad participation in the fourth ENA was another point that impressed Candela. In Colombia, the IMCA was involved in the construction of the first national farmers’ meeting, which took place in 2017 and involved various civil society organizations. Patrícia highlights how difficult it is to hold an event of this size. The Brazilian experience in the ENA left her inspired.

(Thank you to Kiki Chauvin, the CPNN reporter for this article.)

Mexico: Invitation to study the Master of Science for Peace


An article from El Pulso del Estado de México

With the aim of contributing to the construction of a culture of peace in the educational communities of the State of Mexico, the Ministry of Education, through the Universidad Mexiquense del Bicentenario and the Council for School Coexistence, invites those interested in participating in the admission process for the Master of Science in Peace, school year 2018-2019.

This educational program is based on the formative lines of Conflict Transformation and Peaceful Coexistence in Educational Contexts, Gender Perspective for Security, Development and Sustainable Peace, as well as Public Policies and Citizen Participation for Human Rights and Peace.

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Where is peace education taking place?

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Graduates can enroll, preferably in areas related to education, social sciences, human rights and humanities, and the educational program will last four semesters, plus an additional one to complete the terminal work and obtain the degree.

The admission process consists of: information session on June 23; pre-registrations from June 25 to July 6; interviews from July 9 to 13; English exam on July 14; issue of results on August 8; registration for the first semester from August 13 to 17; propaedeutic course on August 18; beginning of the postgraduate course on August 24.

The delivery of documentation, entry procedure and definition of venue for the classes will be carried out in the facilities of the Higher Studies Unit Lerma of the Universidad Mexiquense del Bicentenario, located at Av. Industria Poniente s / n, Industrial and Technological Park Doña Rosa, Lerma, State of Mexico, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

For more information, interested parties can consult the sites: www.umb.edomex.gob.mx, www.convive.edomex.gob.mx, as well as write to the email: investigación@umb.mx or call 01-728- 284-7310 ext. 134

Mexico: Tlalnepantla Continues Work to Eradicate Gender Violence


An article from Ordenador

To raise awareness among citizens about the importance of eradicating gender violence and promoting a culture of peace throughout the municipal territory, the Tlalnepantla government continues to carry out activities of comprehensive attention to women, including a variety of services.

Each month the Municipal Institute for Women’s Equality and Development (IMIDM) carries out an average of 12 days of activities in various communities to prevent more women from being victims of some type of violence.

At their stands, attendees are given information on this topic, and it is expected that they in turn replicate this knowledge among their families and neighbors, to detect situations of violence in their communities.

During conferences, psychologists specialized in this subject offer a talk in which they teach the definition of violence and how to detect it; what is the gender violence alert, and what is the cycle of violence. Attendees are provided with emergency numbers to be called in case of violence.

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Question for this article

Protecting women and girls against violence, Is progress being made?

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After the presentation, attendees have the opportunity to participate in a “Workshop to promote self-employment”, which is carried out free of charge, with the purpose of empowering women to generate their own economic resources to access a better quality of life.

Among the activities carried out in this workshop, crafts are taught for the preparation of candy, bags, baskets, portraits and key rings, as well as the manufacture of products for cleaning the home, which can then be marketed to obtain additional income

Those interested in participating in this workshop should contact the IMIDM, gather a group of at least 25 people and have an adequate space for the preparation of food.

It is worth mentioning that these days are carried out in coordination with the Municipal Health Institute and with the Municipal DIF System, which is why services such as eye examinations, pressure collection and vital signs, dental check, among others, are also available.

For his part, Edgar Mauricio Zepeda Montes, a resident of Santa Monica, acknowledged that this type of conference serves to raise awareness among people about gender violence and the way in which it harms the development of society.

Monica Bribiesca Barrera, from Valle Ceylán, said that these activities contribute to improve the environment in their communities “because there should be no violence of any kind, at any age, not even towards animals. Violence denigrates all of us as living beings.”

Brazil: Experts Support Teacher Training for Culture of Peace


An article from Agência Câmara Notícias (translation by CPNN)

In a public hearing on Wednesday, the 14th. experts called for public policies to train teachers to promote a culture of peace in schools, The debate was promoted by the special commission to draft legislative proposals to develop a culture of peace.

Committee chairwoman Keiko Ota (center) has called for tougher laws to curb violence, but acknowledges that it is necessary to think about prevention policies to teach children and young people how to cultivate peace in schools

The United Nations defines a culture of peace as a set of values, attitudes, traditions, behaviors and lifestyles based on respect for life, the end of violence and the promotion and practice of non-violence through education, dialogue and cooperation.

According to Nei Salles Filho, the coordinator of the Center for Studies and Training of Teachers in Education for Peace and Coexistence of the State University of Ponta Grossa (Paraná), the main step for the promotion of a culture of peace is teacher training. “This training involves knowledge of the areas of human values, human rights and mediation of conflicts,” he said. According to him, designing public policies in this sense is the best way to maintain continued projects of culture of peace in schools.

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Questions for this article:

Where is peace education taking place?

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The United Nations defines a culture of peace as a set of values, attitudes, traditions, behaviors and lifestyles based on respect for life, the end of violence and the promotion and practice of non-violence through education, dialogue and cooperation.

According to Nei Salles Filho, the coordinator of the Center for Studies and Training of Teachers in Education for Peace and Coexistence of the State University of Ponta Grossa (Paraná), the main step for the promotion of a culture of peace is teacher training. “This training involves knowledge of the areas of human values, human rights and mediation of conflicts,” he said. According to him, designing public policies in this sense is the best way to maintain continued projects of culture of peace in schools.

According to the specialist, teachers have to understand that student violence may be the result of direct violence (physical, psychological, sexual, media) or structural violence (poverty, misery). “If the student learns to reproduce the culture of violence, he can also learn a culture of peace,” he said. He also stressed that peace does not mean the absence of conflict, but a way of dealing with conflicts. In addition, he stressed that promoting the culture of peace in schools was included as a goal of the National Education Plan (2014-2024).

According to the specialist, teachers have to understand that student violence may be the result of direct violence (physical, psychological, sexual, media) or structural violence (poverty, misery). “If the student learns to reproduce the culture of violence, he can also learn a culture of peace,” he said. He also stressed that peace does not mean the absence of conflict, but a way of dealing with conflicts. In addition, he stressed that promoting the culture of peace in schools was included as a goal of the National Education Plan (2014-2024).

(Thank you to Helena Lorenzo, the CPNN reporter for this article.)

(Click here for the original article in Portuguese)

Mexico: Congress Exhorts the City Councils to contribute to the culture of peace


An article from Guerrero Quadratin (translation by CPNN)

The Congress of Guerrero has exhorted the 81 city councils in the state to apply actions, programs and proposals to create a culture of peace and non-violence in their territories, in order to reduce the high rates of crime.

According to the Congress bulletin, when reading the proposal of the MC Parliamentary Group, the deputy Julio César Bernal Reséndiz highlighted that 2017 was one of the most violent in recent years, which makes it imperative that the three levels of government implement such actions.

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Questions for this article:

How can culture of peace be developed at the municipal level?

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He said that although municipal councils lack the infrastructure, budget and financing to contain violence in their municipalities, they do have channels for administrative, management and social participation that can hellp create a climate of peace in their territories.

Some of the actions and programs that are proposed include: create public policies of the municipalities that promote a culture of peace and nonviolence; disseminate through the municipal media the activities of local groups and the preparation of an annual program of awareness-raising activities to promote the values ​​of a culture of peace and non-violence; and make available publications on peace issues for libraries and municipal documentation centers.

Also, they should promote education for peace in schools, offering resources for students and facilitating specific training in peace and human rights for teachers, and budget an economic contribution for programs, projects and activities that promote the culture of peace organized by civil society.

Bernal Reséndiz emphasized that if each and every one of the aforementioned actions is carried out in the municipalities that make up the state of Guerrero, awareness will be created among the inhabitants to achieve peace and social harmony.

Mapping Youth Involvement in Colombia’s Peace Process


An article from Search for Common Ground

In collaboration with USAID’s Program of Alliances for Reconciliation, our most recent report, Peacebuilding in Colombia: A Youth Perspective, maps the current landscape of youth leaders and youth-led organizations in post-conflict Colombia. It also examines their potential in playing a key role to drive positive social change.

Too often, in post-conflict environments, youth perspectives are ignored or undervalued. To promote youth inclusion in Colombia, we employed our innovative Youth Mapping Methodology, which allowed us to better understand how they use their influence within their communities. Overall, we collected information from 391 youth in 21 municipalities.

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Question related to this article:

What is happening in Colombia, Is peace possible?

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The key findings shed light on various aspects of youth participation, including the demographic makeup of youth leadership and youth-led organizations, the range of activities conducted by these organizations, and the operational and societal challenges faced by these groups, among others. 91% of the youth indicated that they are ready to leave the past behind and are open to dialogue with those different from them. Based on the youth mapping findings, we make four recommendations promoting ways to better incorporate youth into the peacebuilding process.

Download the full policy brief to learn more:

Full Report – English

Highlights – English

Full Report – Spanish

Highlights – Spanish