An article from Andina: The Peruvian News Agency (translation by CPNN)
The government has promulgated Law No. 30810, which will incorporate the principle of the culture of peace and nonviolence into Law 28044, the General Law of Education for the Peruvian educational system. The law is published today in the official newspaper El Peruano.

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Where is peace education taking place?
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This principle of culture of peace as described in the mentioned law seeks to promote values and attitudes that reject all types of violence, as well as promote the incorporation into the Peruvian educational system of the teaching of the culture of peace.
For this, the following text is inserted into article 8 of Law 28044, the General Education Law: “I) The culture of peace and nonviolence, which promotes values and attitudes that reject all types of violence and discrimination, affirms life, individual freedom, freedom of thought, solidarity, equality between men and women and in general those rights referred to in Chapter I of the Political Constitution of Peru “.
The new law, previously approved by the Congress of the Republic, was promulgated by the President of the Republic, Martín Vizcarra, and by the Prime Minister, César Villanueva.