Tag Archives: Africa

South Africa: International Training Program for Human Rights


an article by UNESCO Chair in Human Rights

Over the past 10 years, the UNESCO Chair & Institute of Comparative Human Rights has held summer leadership training fora for young leaders from all regions of the world. In conjunction with its annual fora at the University of Connecticut, it has conducted three regional leadership training programs in Rwanda, Italy, and Thailand. In partnership with the African Studies Centre at the University of Cape Town, the main goals of the upcoming Forum are to bring both outstanding participants from past Leadership Training Programmes and new leaders to launch a global intergenerational leadership organization, if not movement. Young leaders with demonstrated commitment to human rights are strongly urged to attend.


View of Table Mountain and the Cape Town Skyline — Courtesy of Marita McComiskey

The program seeks to

• Provide a platform to launch a Global Intergenerational Leadership Association

• Provide tools and resources to continue to build upon knowledge from the International Leadership Training Programme: A Global Intergenerational Forum and effect real change

The registration fee is $800 (USD) and includes: dormitory housing for 10 days, meals, ground transportation in Cape Town, cultural excursions, resource materials and a certificate of participation. Participants will be responsible for providing their own airfare to Cape Town, South Africa. The UNESCO Chair & Institute of Comparative Human Rights is unable to provide scholarships or grant fee waivers.  Upon acceptance to the Forum, participants will receive instructions for submitting program fees directly to the University of Cape Town Conference Management Centre to cover the following:

• Shared dormitory accommodation at UCT residence halls for 10 days (check-in June 18, 2015 and check-out June 28, 2015)

• Bath Towels and soap

• Meals (Dinner on Day 1; Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner for Days 2-9; and Breakfast on Day 10), a Cocktail function, and a Gala dinner

• Conference program space

• Ground transportation from airport to conference facilities

• Registration materials (programme book, conference bags, t-shirt)
• Museum passes and transportation to the District Six Museum and Robben Island

The International Leadership Training Programme: A Global Intergenerational Forum, originally organized as an Intergenerational Global Forum seeks to empower young leaders by involving them in finding solutions to emerging human rights problems, and by nurturing individuals to be effective leaders in the field of human rights. To this end, the Forum has sought to introduce participants to the United Nations Development Agenda and Universal Declaration of Human Rights, build a network of solidarity among human rights leaders, expand knowledge relevant to human rights practice, provide tools and a platform for open debate, develop human rights leadership, and promote sharing of experiences and understanding. The Forum has showcased speakers on such topics as: health, education, the environment, the plight of child soldiers, the use of media, fundraising, conflict resolution and transformation, litigation, advocacy, and other emerging human rights issues to name a few.

Latest Discussion

Is there a new international generation of human rights activism?

Latest reader comment:

CPNN has been enriched over the years by the young human rights activists who take part in the Annual UNESCO International Leadership Forum. This is truly the hope for our future!

A Year-long Project for “Living Together – REVE” in Niger


an article by Niandou Ibrahim

The REVE Project (Presentation of the Revaluation Project Living Together) is a joint initiative of CARE and the national NGO SOS Civic Niger financed for 20 months (January 2014 to August 2015). It is part of the fourth component called “Promotion of tolerance and dialogue” of the program “Instruments for Stability” funded by the European Union. This program is implemented under the project management of the High Authority for Peacebuilding and is part of a conflict prevention approach in Niger. The full REVE project includes other initiatives as well aimed at building resilience (youth employment, women’s empowerment, climate change adaptation, food security, emergencies). After the first 12 months of implementation, the project has achieved the following key accomplishments:

2036-REVE Niger

Click here to enlarge photo.

Institutional frameworks

• Assistance to the Ministries of Interior, Decentralization, Public Safety and Religious Affairs to diagnose and provide advice concerning religious affairs within a strategic and priority plan

• Assistance to the Higher Communication Council to develop a strategic plan and initiate a media support program

• Assistance to the Niger Islamic Council to conduct diagnosis and develop a strategic and priority plan

Inter-religious dialogue

• A review of existing regional frameworks for inter- religious dialogue and the development of strategic plans

• Assistance with coordinating mechanisms for Catholic churches and Evangelical churches/missions to reinforce dialogue for peace.

Intra-religious dialogue

• A directory of religious organizations has been established in four regions to facilitate intra-religious relations

Meetings between organizations and local leaders on topics such as “the impact of sermons on political stability”

• Grants to communication projects for strengthening peace initiatives by religious organizations

Youth engagement for peace

• A directory of youth organizations with projects for dialogue

• The training of 120 young leaders as trainers for the culture of peace,

• Grants to youth association projects for peace building

Unanimously, these institutions and organizations (religious and youth) feel that important results have been obtained in such a short time thanks to open communication and an atmosphere of trust established among the actors.

The project will conduct a process of measurement and capitalization that will, in August 2015, draw upon and communicate the results contributing to a better future for CARE and its partners alongside the state, for conflict prevention and identification of the root causes of vulnerabilities in the Sahel.

(Click here for a French version of this article)

Latest Discussion

In the face of armed conflicts in the Sahara-Sahel, Can a culture of peace be established?

Latest reader comment:

As often occurs, in the Sahara-Sahel, in the face of the terrible violence of religious extremists in Mali, there is a dialectic so that the more the violence, the more the demand for a culture of peace.

Esther Abimiku Ibanga, Founder of The Women Without Walls to receive the Niwano Peace Prize


an article by Niwano Peace Foundation

The 32nd Niwano Peace Prize is awarded to Mrs. Esther Abimiku Ibanga of Nigeria, a pastor and an activist. She founded “Women Without Walls Initiative” in March 2010, born out of the desperation to put an end to the violent and senseless killings of women and children in Plateau state Nigeria. Since inception, the organization has become a strong coalition of women groups across religious and ethnic divides. From this platform, women have been placed at an advantageous position of raising their voices in the calls for peace in the troubled regions of Nigeria.


Wowwi has brought to the fore the power of women’s voices and created an opportunity for an organised platform for women to play an active role in peace building. It is on record that Women Without Walls Initiative is the first organization to have on its membership all the tribal women leaders, including Christian and Muslim women leaders. These women act as entry points into the various communities in her city particularly in reaching the youths and all community stakeholders. A courageous and dedicated religious leader, Esther has worked extensively to foster and facilitate reconciliation between conflicting religious and tribal groups.

The presentation ceremony will take place in Tokyo, Japan, on Thursday, May 14th, at 10:30 a.m. In addition to an award certificate, Mrs. Ibanga will receive a medal and twenty million yen.

To avoid undue emphasis on any particular religion or region, every year the Peace Foundation solicits nominations from people of recognized intellectual and religious stature around the world. In the nomination process, some 600 people and organizations, representing 125 countries and many religions, are asked to propose candidates. Nominations are rigorously screened by the Niwano Peace Prize International Selection Committee, which was set up in May of 2003 on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Niwano Peace Prize. The Committee presently consists of eleven religious leaders from various parts of the world, all of whom are involved in movements for peace and inter-religious cooperation.

Here are some comments by members of the committee on the selection of Esther Ibanga for this year’s award:

– A courageous and dedicated religious leader who has worked extensively on fostering co-operation and understanding amongst religious groups. Takes a firm and decisive stand regarding the empowerment of women and has been vocal on the Boko Haram kidnappings.(by N. Walaza)

A female pastor and activist, Esther Ibanga works tirelessly calling government and decision makers to address women issues. Like in most conflicts in Africa women and children are the ones who suffer most the consequences of conflict. Pastor Esther Iyaku Ibanga’s work focuses mainly on promoting and harnessing women’s potential as peace makers. As mothers, women are the first educators of human kind because education starts at home. Her recent strong stand against the kidnapping of school girls by Boko Haram is to be commended.(by S.Mbacke)

Question(s) related to this article:

Can the women of Africa lead the continent to peace?

This question pertains to the following articles:

South Sudanese women take the lead in local peace building
Women take ownership of Great Lakes peace efforts
Les Femmes de Mali S'engagent pour la Paix
The Women of Mali Engage for Peace
Meet the Tanzanian Woman Who Said No to a Forced Marriage
International Women´s Day: Interview With Leymah Gbowee (Liberia)
Announcing: Women of Congo Speak Out!
Samba-Panza’s election represents a bright future for African women in politics
Nobel Women wrap up delegation to eastern Congo
Towards the creation of a network of women for a culture of peace in Africa
Meet Carine Novi Safari, Democratic Republic of Congo
Esther Abimiku Ibanga, Founder and president of The Women Without Walls Initiative to receive the Niwano Peace Prize
African Women's Journal: African Women in Power/Politics

The Contribution of Transfrontier Peace Parks to Peace in Southern Africa


an article by Peace Parks Foundation 2013 Annual Report

[Editor’s Note. A lucid description of the contribution of transfrontier peace parks to peace among the countries of Southern Africa was presented by Paul Bewsher, to the recent IIPT meeting on Peace through Tourism. Although we don’t have a copy of his talk, here is similar information from the Peace Parks Foundation Annual Report]

Location of the 18 transfrontier peace parks in Southern Africa.
click on photo to enlarge

By 1988 the idea had taken root within the World Conservation Union. Initially they identified 70 potential transfrontier conservation areas (TFCAs) in 65 countries around the world, but today the figure stands at 227 transboundary protected area complexes incorporating 3 043 individual protected areas or internationally designated sites.

It was in Africa, however, that the peace parks concept truly sparked into life. The brave dream of contiguous TFCAs in southern Africa began its realisation in the mid-1990s in the discussions of visionary leaders as they contemplated a new era of regional peace, democracy and development.

In the years since, it has been the political will of leaders in southern Africa, and the efforts of an organisation set up to champion the peace parks concept, that has seen the vision of peace parks taking shape on the subcontinent. Spearheaded by Dr Anton Rupert, and with President Nelson Mandela and HRH Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands as co-founding patrons, Peace Parks Foundation was founded on 1 February 1997 to facilitate the creation of TFCAs throughout southern Africa.

The concept of the region’s peace parks is as glorious as it is audacious: vast conservation areas that straddle national borders, of sufficient extent to incorporate entire biomes; of sufficient integrity to restore the ancient patterns of diverse ecological communities, and of sufficient vision to reconnect the shared cultures of tribal peoples, dislocated when colonial rulers arbitrarily imposed Africa’s borders.

Southern Africa’s peace parks today incorporate over half of the declared conservation estate in the region. At over a million square kilometres, they rival the combined landmass of France and Spain. These parks are as astounding in their extent as in their natural magnificence, the immense richness of their biodiversity and the importance of their cultural heritage.

[Although the emphasis is largely on natural preservation, there are also examples of transborder cultural initiatives include the following}

The !Ae!Hai Kalahari Heritage Park is managed by a joint management board, which comprises representatives from the ‡Khomani San and Mier communities and SANParks. The heritage park aims to preserve the cultural and traditional knowledge of these indigenous communities, while improving their opportunities to earn a livelihood. One of the key objectives is to expose the Bushman children to the traditional lifestyles of their ancestors. This is realised through the implementation of the traditional veld school at Bobbejaanskop, while adults participate in a similar programme at Imbewu Camp.

Question related to this article:

How can tourism promote a culture of peace?

Comment by Liliana Mota, October 23, 2013

Why tourism?

Can tourism be seen as an instrument to achieve complicity between people’s minds?

“There is nothing better that connects two people’s mind than a good conversation” The above quote could be used to describe the effect which tourism has on people. Like a great conversation, tourism could be said to play a vital role amongst people all over the world. It fosters communication in all its senses, intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding.

In today’s world it is evident that there is a shortage of moral or ethical values amongst people across the different nations in this world, resulting in a globalised world lacking these morals and ethical values. Ignorance, the failure to consider the needs of others, and selfishness are a few of the ways which hinder us from embracing diversity and a common human perspective, which would result informal empathy, internal moral compassion, tolerance of differences, historical consciousness and interpretation. The above mentioned features are intrinsic, inherent and can be found in the practice of tourism.

Tourism has been emphasized as one of the most effective instruments which continue to tackle to tackle social and economical poverty, as well as encourage the culture of peace practice amongst people. In looking at the UN architecture, one is able to see the growing implications which the tourism sector has on the world and world policies. The touristic phenomenon has achieved a world record of 5% of world’s GDP contribution and is responsible for 235 millions jobs, according to the UNWTO’s data. Often the tourism sector counts more than 20% of the countries’ GDP.

On the negative side of this, it is evident that tourism focuses on economical matters, depriving any focus on the global implications of the constant interaction tourism encourages.

In the literal sense, tourism is nothing more or less than people meeting with the willingness to understand each other’s differences and point of view and simultaneously creating the opportunity for dialogue, mutual understanding and peace to take place.

Apart from tourism, various factors could be seen to play a role in encouraging integration and diversity amongst societies across the world. For example, the cultural segment has played an essential source of people’s integration and inclusiveness in developing countries.

Education has also played a significant role in encouraging integration, and incorporation amongst people all over the world. Education has been reconsidered and proposed to being the catalyst for exchange between countries, cultures and sectors, and most importantly for enhancing the lives of people by granting them the opportunity to leave their poverty stricken lives and societies in exchange a for better future which includes job and exchange opportunities.

In the tourism world, differences play the most essential role, differences among people represents the added-value. Being different is always a positive factor that usually motivates and encourages people to get to move and engage with each other and embrace the differences with the use of spiritual, religious and cultural meanings.

This notion of tourism needs to be addressed in multilateral governance discussions, where all the main actors, the international community, the ministerial and experts, private sector, local institutions and civil society engages are all present, and are all willing to work together in combined efforts and initiatives (from poverty alleviation to the promotion of awareness of sustainable development addressing special needs like regional development, urban planning and protection of natural and cultural landscapes). This combined approach of working at the local level within communities and at the national and international level, in order to reach and engage the poor, has been considered as potentially being the “one possible and effective answer” and effective approach towards the world’s poorest areas where it can make a difference.

Community-based tours and stories in Alexandra, Soweto and more, South Africa


an article by Daniel Adidwa, Tour2-0

Tour2.0 is a platform that takes you on a journey of discovery through authentic community tours and tour packages that are based on real African stories told by community members within the context of their community. Tour2.0 enables you to read about and experience any of our tours in Johannesburg and Pretoria in real life, allowing you to discover the uniqueness of every community on our platform.

Location of the 18 transfrontier peace parks in Southern Africa.

Each community has a unique story to tell. We enable the visitor to experience this uniqueness. This gets people to understand other cultures by immersing them in the community. And they come to appreciate the history of the different cultures.

We don’t do “pity tourism” geared toward driving donations. We share and expose tourists to the good stories within the community. We don’t turn a blind eye to the problems that communities face, but our emphasis is on the good.

For our purposes locals have to participate. The first point is the guide. The guide has to be a local person who tells the communities story. When the guide is local, the information is more insightful. Once the community realizes that the guides are local, they are more welcoming to visitors because they know they are being represented by a fellow community member. This makes them more willing to participate, for example to welcome the tourist into their home.

Another point is that the tourist eats local food prepared by local cooks. And they have the opportunity to buy arts and crafts from local artists so that their money remains in the local community.

Our aim is that after experiencing the tour the visitor leaves with an appreciation of that community, its history, culture, present state and where it is going.

For example within the township of Alexandra, a local guide is a young lady named Asanda Daza. She is a 22 year old from Alexandra who is passionate about her community. Her tour is named “Lights, gangs and all that jazz.” She takes tourists through Alexandra’s cultural district, with visits to King’s Cinema, a cinema where jazz greats like Hugh Masakela frequently played before being exiled during apartheid, and where the legendary Nelson Mandela came to watch movies when he lived in Alexandra.

She also has you visit Msomi gang headquarters to learn about the gang rivalry between the Msomi and Spoiler gangs from the 1950’s to the 1970’s.

Her tour ends at a local jazz club where tourist are entertained by local jazz artists and traditional singers.

Another example is Lebo’s Backpackers Tours in Soweto which also involves the community in all aspects of the tourist’s experience and which tells the rich story of Soweto.

Question related to this article:

How can tourism promote a culture of peace?

Comment by Liliana Mota, October 23, 2013

Why tourism?

Can tourism be seen as an instrument to achieve complicity between people’s minds?

“There is nothing better that connects two people’s mind than a good conversation” The above quote could be used to describe the effect which tourism has on people. Like a great conversation, tourism could be said to play a vital role amongst people all over the world. It fosters communication in all its senses, intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding.

In today’s world it is evident that there is a shortage of moral or ethical values amongst people across the different nations in this world, resulting in a globalised world lacking these morals and ethical values. Ignorance, the failure to consider the needs of others, and selfishness are a few of the ways which hinder us from embracing diversity and a common human perspective, which would result informal empathy, internal moral compassion, tolerance of differences, historical consciousness and interpretation. The above mentioned features are intrinsic, inherent and can be found in the practice of tourism.

Tourism has been emphasized as one of the most effective instruments which continue to tackle to tackle social and economical poverty, as well as encourage the culture of peace practice amongst people. In looking at the UN architecture, one is able to see the growing implications which the tourism sector has on the world and world policies. The touristic phenomenon has achieved a world record of 5% of world’s GDP contribution and is responsible for 235 millions jobs, according to the UNWTO’s data. Often the tourism sector counts more than 20% of the countries’ GDP.

On the negative side of this, it is evident that tourism focuses on economical matters, depriving any focus on the global implications of the constant interaction tourism encourages.

In the literal sense, tourism is nothing more or less than people meeting with the willingness to understand each other’s differences and point of view and simultaneously creating the opportunity for dialogue, mutual understanding and peace to take place.

Apart from tourism, various factors could be seen to play a role in encouraging integration and diversity amongst societies across the world. For example, the cultural segment has played an essential source of people’s integration and inclusiveness in developing countries.

Education has also played a significant role in encouraging integration, and incorporation amongst people all over the world. Education has been reconsidered and proposed to being the catalyst for exchange between countries, cultures and sectors, and most importantly for enhancing the lives of people by granting them the opportunity to leave their poverty stricken lives and societies in exchange a for better future which includes job and exchange opportunities.

In the tourism world, differences play the most essential role, differences among people represents the added-value. Being different is always a positive factor that usually motivates and encourages people to get to move and engage with each other and embrace the differences with the use of spiritual, religious and cultural meanings.

This notion of tourism needs to be addressed in multilateral governance discussions, where all the main actors, the international community, the ministerial and experts, private sector, local institutions and civil society engages are all present, and are all willing to work together in combined efforts and initiatives (from poverty alleviation to the promotion of awareness of sustainable development addressing special needs like regional development, urban planning and protection of natural and cultural landscapes). This combined approach of working at the local level within communities and at the national and international level, in order to reach and engage the poor, has been considered as potentially being the “one possible and effective answer” and effective approach towards the world’s poorest areas where it can make a difference.

The second edition of the Amani Festival fixed for mid-February in Goma


An article by Radio Okapi

Video: Goma music festival

The second edition of the Amani Music Festival has been announced for the 13-15 February in Goma, the center of Nord- Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Under the theme “Dance for change and sing for peace”, the Festival will benefit from the support of a number of partners, including the UN peace force Monusco and the NGO Francopholies.


Scene from the video of the 2014 festival

The previous edition of the Amani Festival, organized in February 2014, drew thousands of residents from the Great Lakes Region.

In the following radio broadcast, the musician-artists Tiken Jah Fakoly and Habib Koite speak with the journalist Marcel Mayoyo.

(Click here for a French version of this article)


Question related to this article:

Sudan Open University Graduates Sign Peace Pledge


an article by AllAfrica News Service, press release from UNAMID

On 10 February 2015, thousands of people in El Fasher, North Darfur, attended a graduation ceremony organized by UNAMID for the students of the Sudan Open University.


click on the following link to enlarge the photo:
Sudan Open University Graduates Sign Peace Pledge

The occasion, held under the theme “Darfur: Talk Peace Now,” included a musical concert, traditional dances and drama performances.

The highlight of the event was the signing of a peace pledge by graduates from 2006-2012. “As we have gained a lot through our education at the University, we pledge before everyone present here to become messengers for peace and development,” said Khalil Gamareldin, on behalf of the graduates.

UNAMID Deputy Joint Special Representative (DJSR), Abdul Kamara, addressed the gathering saying that such events motivate the youth to support peace initiatives through their education. Speaking to the new graduates, Mr. Kamara said, “Today’s ceremony represents a giant step for you, as it will enable you to begin contributing to the promotion of all peace initiatives using your newly gained education and credentials, through avenues that are now open for you, to place the agenda for peace in Darfur firmly on national, regional and international platforms.”

DJSR Kamara reconfirmed that the African Union and United Nations, along with other international partners, remain cogniscent of developments in the region, and will continue to work with the Government and all parties in the implementation of initiatives that can guarantee peace and security for all Darfuris. “UNAMID stands ready to support anyone, any group, any community, that is willing to work for better lives and livelihoods for the people of Darfur,” remarked UNAMID’s Deputy JSR.

On his part, Mr. Abu Abdelrahman, Chair, Sudan Open University, spoke about the work of the University in areas such as human resource development, social cohesion and the dissemination of the culture of peace. Additionally, he expressed his gratitude to UNAMID for its continued support.

“Focusing on learning and education can help address many of the significant issues Darfuris are dealing with,” said the Wali (Governor) of North Darfur State, Osman Kibir, reaffirming his support for speeding up the pace of education to bring about peace and development in the region.

Question related to this article:

Children’s Thoughts on Peace: Marking 1 Year of Civil War in South Sudan


an article by Tiffany Easthom, Nonviolent Peaceforce Country Director

Video: Nonviolent Peaceforce in South Sudan

[Editor’s Note: In South Sudan, where the danger of a full-scale war looms with the return of the dry season, Nonviolent Peaceforce provides training to nongovernmental organization workers, NP is able to spread protective coverage for civilians and at the same time mainstream protection methodologies. Over the next three months, NP will train 150 people in five areas in South Sudan. Here is a special message from South Sudan country director Tiffany Easthom.]

click on the photo to enlarge

What is peace to you? For children in South Sudan it’s the little things that we often take for granted. A year after the conflict, children were asked to share their perspective on what peace means to them. They communicated this through art. Illustrations included images of water, school, planes, sharing, playing sports, and growing food. See their drawings here.

Looking back at 2014, we have faced many challenges together. It has been a year of heart- break and hardwork. We have laughed together and cried together as we struggled to come to terms with the reality of the terrible violence that has continued to shake the country. We have learned a great deal, and have been able to contribute to keeping conflict affected people around the country safe. We have welcomed many new colleagues into the family and have sadly bade a few farewell.

Through all of this tragedy, we have been able to continue to develop and improve both the programming and the operational sides of the house. All of these achievements are a testament to you – to each and everyone of you who makes their contribution, who fulfills their responsibilities and who contributes to making sure that we are doing everything we possibly can for improving the safety and security of conflict affected communities.

So as the year draws to a close, I am filled with gratitude and love for all of you and am looking forward to continuing our struggle together in the new year.

[Thank you to Janet Hudgins, the CPNN reporter for this article.]

Question related to this article:

Rethinking Post-Election Peacebuilding in Africa


an article by Society for Peace Studies and Practice

The 9th International Conference and General Assembly of the Society for Peace Studies and Practice will take place from 9-13 August at the Igatius Ajuru University of Education in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. Its theme will be “Rethinking Post-Election Peacebuilding in Africa.”

click on the photo to enlarge

The call for papers provides the following analysis:

There are three phases: pre-election, election, and post-election . . . Where the first two phases are well handled, the post- election environment is peaceful but where they are poorly managed, the post-election environment is usually crisis-ridden. Given that not much work exists on post-election questions and their management in Africa, the Society for Peace Studies and Practice would like to commit it 2015 to addressing this critical issue, shedding more light on the nature, impact and management of post-election environment in Africa. Our particular interest is how to build peace after elections. . .

How do we restore healthy relationship between political actors after elections? What should be the role of winners and losers of elections? What should be the role of the judiciary, political parties, the media, electoral management bodies, private but prominent citizens in preventing post-election violence and other forms of political instability? What are the existing global best practices in post-election peace building? There will be special panels on post-election peacebuiling in Nigeria covering the 1999, 2001, 2003, 2007, 2011 and 2015 elections. . .

The conference program will consist of Commissioned Papers (Plenary Session) and Open Theme/Special Panels (Parallel Sessions). Potential participants are therefore invited to submit abstract proposals to the organizers.

In the event of the abstract being accepted, the deadline for submission of full draft paper will be 30th May 2015. Details are available at http://www.spsp.org.ng .

The Society for Peace Studies and Practice (SPSP) is a Not-for-Profit organisation that promotes non-violent approach to conflict resolution, through multi-level research, advocacy and actions that strengthen local capacities that will bring about a sustainable culture of peace.

The Society began as the brainstorm of a group of passionate advocates of the postgraduate programme of the Peace and Conflict Studies, Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, in 2003 seeking to prioritize conflict management as a professional practice and how to streamline the ethics that will guide scholars and practitioners in the field of peace building.

Initially spearheaded by staff and student members from the University of Ibadan led by Professor Isaac Olawale Albert; the Society was formally initiated and registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC/IT/NO.21194) as a Not-For-Profit Civil Society in 2004 and has gained national outlook and acceptance with its network of branches spread all-over Nigeria and beyond.

Question related to this article:

How should elections be organized in a true democracy?

CPNN receives more and more articles from Africa about initiatives that contest the European model of “winner-takes-all” elections, and demand that elections should only be part of a broader democratic process that seeks consensus and compromise.

This fits with the pre-colonial systems of justice in Africa, when there was no monotheism and no single supreme god, no single supreme law, no single “truth” provided by divine intervention, but rather a compromise among many different “gods,” perspectives and “truths” arrived at through a process of mediation, for example, the “palabra.”

Ghana Youth Coalition wants politicians to commit to peace in 2012

Women’s World in Nationwide Sensitization [Sierra Leone]

Varsities vouch for peace ahead of general elections (Kenya)

Zimbabwe: Christian denominations launch peace initiative

Rethinking Post-Election Peacebuilding in Africa

Launch of the Network Youth and Culture of Peace in Africa


an article by UNESCO Priority Africa (abridged)

Video: Youth and Culture of Peace in Africa

“It is often said that youth is the future – but for me, youth is the present,” said the Director-General on 13 December in Libreville surrounded by 90 young African men and women, coming from forty countries for the Libreville Pan African Forum — “African youth and the challenge of promoting a culture of peace”.

click on the photo to enlarge

Youth participants in the Forum

The Forum was held from 11 to 13 December in Gabon, with the participation of Pascaline Mferri Bongo Ondimba, Honorary President of the Omar Bongo Ondimba Foundation, Ida Reteno Assonouet Minister of National Education and Technical and Vocational Education, President of UNESCO’s National Commission for Gabon, Anatole Collinet Makosso, Congolese Minister of Civic Education and President of the Conference of Ministers of the African Union responsible for youth, Rose Christiane OSSOUKA RAPONDA, Mayor of Libreville as well as Forest Whitaker, UNESCO Special Envoy for peace and reconciliation.

The event was marked by the official launch of the “Youth and Culture of Peace” Network, made up of National Youth Councils and youth organizations from Africa and its Diaspora, engaged in actions aimed at promoting a culture of peace. Gabon will host its secretariat.

The Forum also celebrated the strengthening of the partnership with UNESCO Special Envoy Forest Whitaker’s Foundation for Peace and Reconciliation (WPDI), which aims to promote young people’s ability to work for peace and development in their communities within fragile states. Forest Whitaker said to the young participants: “your generation is the one that will grow the seeds” of peace and prosperity, “the only limit you will encounter is your imagination.”

The Omar Bongo Ondimba Foundation for Peace, Science, Culture and the Environment also announced the creation of an international youth prize for the culture of peace that will reward the action of three youth organizations, who will share a total of 45 million CFA (nearly 85 000 USD). . .

The work of young people began three months earlier on an online platform created by UNESCO with the support of the Foundation and Omar Bongo Ondimba of Gabon National Commission for UNESCO. Soon, the young people took ownership of the tool to discuss joint activities of their network and its organization. This preparatory work has mobilized more than 200 youth organizations from Africa and its Diaspora. The meeting of Libreville allowed online discussions to continue through a series of participatory and prospective work that enabled them to consider their long-term strategies. Through these innovations in the methods of work, young people were able to develop an action plan and a structure of the network that they will finalize in the coming months via the online platform. At the end of the Forum, a bureau of the network was elected with two delegates from each of the six regions of Africa region, including the Diaspora.

Young participants from the Network concluded the event by singing the song that guided their Forum: “War does not pay; peace wants our arms”.

( Click here for the French version.)


Question related to this article.

Will UNESCO once again play a role in the culture of peace?

Most recent comment:

It is very appropriate that this new impulse for the culture of peace at UNESCO should come from Côte d’Ivoire, since the global movement for a culture of peace was initiated at a UNESCO conference in that country in 1989. See Yamoussoukro and Seville in the early history of the culture of peace.

Note added on September 2:

The official reports from the UNESCO Conference in Abidjian are now available:

